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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cristalização de um vidro de basalto. / Crystallization of a basalt glass.

Sánchez González, Adriana Maria 10 December 2013 (has links)
Os materiais vitrocerâmicos de basalto representam uma importante família de vitrocerâmicos. Sendo que um dos desempenhos técnicos exigidos atualmente é o efeito anti-desgaste dos materiais, as vitrocerâmicas de basalto cobrem essa necessidade e têm uma aplicação direta por suas boas propriedades mecânicas e anti-abrasivas, além da vantagem que têm as rochas basálticas quanto à baixa temperatura de fusão e maior fluidez do fundido, o que as torna mais adequadas para o processamento cerâmico. No presente trabalho, rejeitos da mineração de rocha basáltica da região de Campinas, São Paulo, foram fundidos em escala laboratorial em forno elétrico a 1350°C, usando cadinhos de alta alumina, para a obtenção de uma primeira série de amostras de vidro. Mais uma série foi obtida, realizando a fusão da matéria-prima com adição de 0,5% em massa de Cr2O3 como agente de nucleação. Os vidros foram tratados termicamente à máxima temperatura de cristalização como sendo 880°C e 820°C durante 5, 10, 20, 30 e 60 minutos e 5, 20 e 60 minutos respectivamente. A evolução das fases cristalinas foi acompanhada por análise de densidade (método de Arquimedes) e difração de raios X (DRX). Foi realizada a medição da microdureza Vickers e resistência à micro-abrasão, e o vidro cristalizado observou-se por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os vidros da primeira série foram também moídos, até tamanhos de partícula ASTM 80 e ASTM 325, para avaliar sua capacidade de cristalização como pó de vidro. Eles foram caracterizados mediante DRX e MEV. / Basalt glass-ceramics represent one of the most important family of glass-ceramics. The wear resistant, is now the technical performance requirement in material, basalt glass-ceramics cover that need and have a direct application for their good mechanical and anti-abrasive properties. In addition, the basaltic rocks have the advantage of a low melt temperature and higher fluidity melt. In this paper, a mining waste of basaltic rock from the city of Campinas, São Paulo, was melted in laboratory scale, in an electric furnace at 1350°C, in high-alumina crucibles, to obtain the first series of basalt glass samples. Other series was obtained by melting of the raw material with addition of 0,5% wt. of Cr2O3 as a nucleating agent. The glasses were heat treated at the maximum crystallization temperature: 880oC during 5, 10, 20, 30, and 60 minutes and 820°C during 5, 20 and 60 minutes, respectively. The evolution of the crystalline phases was accompanied by density and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. Vickers hardness and micro-abrasion resistance of the samples were also carried out, and the crystallized glasses were observed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The first series of glasses were also milled, until particle sizes ASTM 80 e ASTM 325, for the evaluation of their ability to crystallization as glass powder. They were characterized by XRD and SEM.

Geochemistry of the Fluorine- and Beryllium-Rich Spor Mountain Rhyolite, Western Utah

Dailey, Shane Robert 01 June 2016 (has links)
The Miocene rhyolites of the Spor Mountain Formation hosts the world's largest beryllium deposit which produced 85% of the world's beryllium in 2010. The fresh lava is extremely enriched in Be (up to 75 ppm in matrix glass). We have examined the rhyolite to understand the Be enrichment. The Spor Mountain rhyolite contains ~40% quartz, ~40% sanidine, ~10% biotite, and ~10% plagioclase, along with accessory fluorite, columbite, euxenite, fergusonite, monazite, thorite, and zircon. Two types of rhyolite erupted within the Spor Mountain Formation, a less evolved magma (1150 ppm Rb, 42 ppm Be, 0.68 wt% F in matrix glass) and an evolved magma (1710 ppm Rb, 75 ppm Be, 1.56 wt% F in matrix glass). Eruption temperatures estimated using zircon saturation, feldspar-liquid, two feldspar, and Ti-in-quartz geothermometers converge on 718 °C for the less evolved magma and 682 °C for the evolved magma. Using the Ti-in-Qz equation of Huang and Audetat (2012), the pressure of the Spor Mountain rhyolite system is estimated to be around 2 kbar at 700°C. Water content of the rhyolite melt was less than <5 wt%, based on the presence of all four major mineral phases at 700°C and the magma was water undersaturated (Webster et al., 1987). Viscosity of the rhyolite was about 6.2 log Pa·s for the less evolved rhyolite and 5.8 log Pa·s for the evolved rhyolite. Magma viscosities calculated using the Einstein-Roscoe question suggest the evolved magma has a slightly higher viscosity than the less evolved magma (7.0 log Pa·s in the evolved magma vs 6.7 log Pa·s in the less evolved magma) because of higher phenocryst content. Fluorine lowered the melt viscosity, though not by a significant amount (less than 0.5 log units at 1.7 wt% F). Partition coefficients for 32 elements have been calculated for biotite, for 21 elements for sanidine and plagioclase, and for 6 elements for quartz, using data acquired by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Partition coefficients for feldspars in the Spor Mountain rhyolite are generally higher than other silicic magmas, and lower for biotite. Beryllium is one of the most incompatible trace elements in the Spor Mountain rhyolite, with a bulk partition coefficient <0.1. Volatile content of the melt (specifically F), melt composition, and the low temperature of crystallization act as the major controls of trace element partitioning. Trace element models using these partition coefficients suggests that crystal fractionation is the dominant magmatic enrichment process within the rhyolite, requiring ~45% crystallization (f = 55%) of the observed phenocrysts to get compositions from the less evolved to evolved rhyolite. Accumulation of batches of melt formed by different degrees of partial melting cannot explain the great depletion of compatible elements.


Setiawan, Nico 01 January 2018 (has links)
Supersaturating drug delivery systems, such as amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs), have been used extensively to elevate the apparent solubility and oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. However, despite the numerous examples of success in increasing solubility and oral bioavailability using ASDs, physical stability challenges remain as formulators seek to employ high drug loading for cost reduction and improved patient compliance. Therefore, stability in both the solid and solution state must be considered for ASDs to be successful. In the solid state, the drug must remain amorphous in the solid matrix throughout the shelf life of the product. Although excipients, such as polymers, have been known to stabilize the amorphous drug in the solid state, stresses encountered during manufacturing and fluctuations in storage conditions may have a detrimental impact on the physical stability of ASDs. Numerous studies have been performed on the impact of each process on ASD stability, yet the relative quantitative impact of each process with respect to the overall energetics landscape is not well understood. Further, ASDs must dissolve after administration and maintain the intended supersaturation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract during the GI transit time to achieve maximum oral absorption. In solution, the energetics advantage of the amorphous over the crystalline material is a “double-edged sword,” in that it produces not only a high absorption driving force but also an undesirable high crystallization potential. An approach to quantitatively measure the thermodynamic activity of amorphous materials is, thus, desirable. However, it is difficult to measure thermodynamic activity quantitatively, especially due to the speciation process induced by formulation excipients and endogenous materials. Hence, it is often difficult to assess the true enhancement in the absorption for a given ASD and to measure its crystallization tendency in solution. Overall, this dissertation aims to address the following: 1. The relative thermodynamics magnitude of various processes with respect to the crystallization energy associated with amorphous drugs 2. The development of a practical tool to measure the thermodynamic activity of amorphous materials over its crystalline counterpart in solution to assess the enhancement in absorption in the presence of excipients 3. The impact of measured thermodynamic activity on drug crystallization energetics in the presence of excipients

Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation multi-échelles des transferts thermiques et d'eau lors de la congélation des produits alimentaires / Experimental characterization and multi-scale modeling of heat and water transfers during food freezing

Mulot, Violette 01 April 2019 (has links)
La congélation des produits alimentaires est un procédé qui permet d'augmenter leur durée de conservation. Ceci est possible grâce à l'abaissement de la température mais surtout à la solidification de l'eau réduisant la disponibilité de l'eau nécessaire au développement des micro-organismes. Cependant, si les produits ne sont pas emballés ou si l'emballage n'est pas adhérent à leur surface pendant la congélation, un transfert d'eau a également lieu simultanément à la libération de chaleur. Ce transfert d'eau se traduit par la déshydratation des produits qui implique une perte de masse. Celle-ci a un impact direct sur la masse de produit congelé qui pourra être vendue et donc un coût économique pour les industriels.La cristallisation de l'eau est également un paramètre clé de la congélation. En effet, les caractéristiques des cristaux de glace formés pendant la congélation (nombre, taille et forme) peuvent provoquer des modifications de structure des aliments et des dommages irréversibles. Ceux-ci se traduisent par la modification des propriétés organoleptiques et nutritionnelles des produits une fois décongelés et une baisse de leur qualité.Que ce soit pour la déshydratation ou la cristallisation, les conditions opératoires de congélation (température, vitesse d'écoulement d'air et hygrométrie) ainsi que certaines caractéristiques des produits (température initiale, surface, épaisseur) ont une influence importante. L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier et savoir estimer la perte en eau et les caractéristiques des cristaux formés dans un aliment non poreux en fonction des conditions opératoires afin de choisir une technologie de congélation adaptée.Le travail a été axé sur l'étude des transferts de chaleur et de matière (eau) à la surface et à l'intérieur du produit lors de la congélation à deux niveaux d'échelle : macroscopique pour la déshydratation et microscopique pour la cristallisation. Cette approche multi-échelles s’est appuyée à la fois sur l’expérimentation et sur la modélisation.Pour ce qui est de la déshydratation, un dispositif expérimental a été conçu à l’échelle du produit pour mesurer la variation de la masse et de la température de l’aliment au cours de sa congélation (conditions mécaniques ou cryogéniques).Parallèlement, un modèle (1D) de prédiction de la déshydratation et de la durée de congélation en fonction du produit (homogène et non poreux) et des conditions opératoires de congélation a été développé. Cette étude a été réalisée pour un produit modèle, le gel de méthyl-cellulose (Tylose®) et pour de la viande hachée de bœuf (5 % de matière grasse).Pour l’étude de la cristallisation, un modèle à l’échelle des cristaux (2D) a pour vocation de représenter les phénomènes liés au changement de phase de l’eau (apparition et croissance des cristaux) en fonction des conditions opératoires de congélation. Il simule la cristallisation de l’eau dans des solutions notamment en prenant en compte la diffusion des molécules de solutés dans la solution cryo-concentrée ainsi que la libération et la dissipation de la chaleur latente de solidification de l'eau.Des observations de la cristallisation au sein d'échantillons de viande hachée de bœuf ont été faites par micro-tomographie à rayon X et cryo-microscopie électronique à balayage sur des échantillons congelés mais aussi par microscopie électronique à balayage et microscopie optique sur des échantillons lyophilisés (après congélation en conditions mécaniques ou cryogéniques). / Freezing extends food shelf life by lowering the temperature and mainly thanks to water solidification which decreases water availability for micro-organism growth. Nevertheless, if the food is not packaged or if the packaging is not adherent to its surface, a water transfer occurs simultaneously with the heat transfer during freezing. This water transfer leads to product dehydration which means weight loss. Food dehydration during freezing has consequences on the product weight and so has an economic cost for industrials.Water crystallization is also an important parameter of the freezing process. Indeed, ice crystal characteristics (number, size and shape) may induce food structure changes and irreversible damages. These modifications can alter organoleptic properties and food quality after thawing.Freezing operating conditions (temperature, flow velocity, hygrometry) and some food characteristics (initial temperature, surface, thickness) have an influence on both dehydration and water crystallization.The objective of this thesis is to study and to be able to estimate the water loss and crystal characteristics for non-porous food according to the freezing operating conditions in order to select the best freezing technology.The work was focused on the multi-scale study of heat and mass (water) transfers during freezing, at the product surface and throughout the product : on a macroscopic point of view for dehydration and on a microscopic point of view for crystallization. Each study is built on an experimental and a modelling work.For dehydration, an experimental device was developed to measure weight loss and product temperature kinetics during freezing (mechanical and cryogenic freezing conditions).Moreover, a predictive model (1D) was established for estimation of dehydration and freezing time according to the product and the freezing conditions. Dehydration was studied with a model material (methylcellulose gel-Tylose®) and with minced beef (5 % fat).For crystallization, a model at crystal scale (2D) aims to simulate phenomena related to the water phase change (nucleation and crystal growth) according to the freezing operating conditions. It takes into account water crystallization in solution considering the diffusion of the solute in the cryo-concentrated solution, the release and dissipation of the latent heat of water solidification.Crystallization observations were done in frozen samples of minced beef by X-ray micro-tomography and by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Some visualizations were also carried out on freeze-dried samples by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy (after mechanical or cryogenic freezing).

Experimental study and modeling of methane hydrates cristallization under flow from emulsions with variable fraction of water and anti-agglomerant / Étude expérimentale et modélisation de la cristallisation d'hydrates de méthane en écoulement à partir d'une émulsion à pourcentages variables d'eau et d’anti-agglomérant

Mendes Melchuna, Aline 04 January 2016 (has links)
La cristallisation des hydrates pendant la production de pétrole est une source de risques, surtout liés au bouchage des lignes de production dû à l’agglomération des hydrates. Pendant l'extraction de pétrole, l'huile et l'eau circulent dans le pipeline et forment une émulsion instable. La phase eau se combine avec les composants d'hydrocarbures légers et peut former des hydrates. La cristallisation des hydrates a été intensivement étudiée, principalement à faible fraction d’eau. Cependant, lorsque le champ de pétrole devient mature, la fraction d’eau augmente et peut devenir la phase dominante, un système peu étudié concernant à la formation d'hydrates. Plusieurs techniques peuvent être combinées pour éviter ou remédier la formation d'hydrates. Récemment, une nouvelle classe d'additifs a commencé à être étudiée : Inhibiteurs d'Hydrates à Bas Dosage (LDHI), divisés en Inhibiteurs Cinétiques (KHI-LDHI) et anti-agglomérants (AA-LDHI).Ce travail est une étude paramétrique de la formation d'hydrates à partir de l'émulsion, en variant la fraction d’eau, le débit, en absence et en présence d’AA-LDHI. Les expériences ont été réalisées sur la boucle d'écoulement Archimède, qui est en mesure de reproduire les conditions de la mer profonde. L'objectif de cette étude est d'améliorer la compréhension de la formation d'hydrate et de comprendre comment l'additif dispersant évite l'agglomération. Pour ce faire, un modèle comportemental de la cristallisation pour les systèmes sans et avec additif a été développé. Il a également été proposé une technique pour déterminer la phase continue du système et un mécanisme d'action pour l'anti-agglomérant a été suggéré. / Crystallization of hydrates during oil production is a major source of hazards, mainly related to flow lines plugging after hydrate agglomeration. During the petroleum extraction, oil and water circulate in the flow line, forming an unstable emulsion. The water phase in combination with light hydrocarbon components can form hydrates. The crystallization of hydrates has been extensively studied, mainly at low water content systems. However, as the oil field matures, the water fraction increases and can become the dominant phase, a system less known in what concerns hydrate formation. Actually, several techniques can be combined to avoid or remediate hydrate formation. Recently, a new class of additives called Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor (LDHI) started to be studied, they are classified as Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors (KHI-LDHI) and Anti-Agglomerants (AA-LDHI).This work is a parametric study about hydrate formation from emulsion systems ranging from low to high water content, where different flow rates and the anti-agglomerant presence were investigated. The experiments were performed at the Archimède flow loop, which is able to reproduce deep sea conditions. The goal of this study is enhancing the knowledge in hydrate formation and comprehending how the dispersant additive acts to avoid agglomeration. For this matter, it was developed a crystallization topological model for the systems without and with additive. A technique to determine the system continuous phase and a mechanism of the anti-agglomerant action from the chord length measurements were also proposed.

Contribution au contrôle par la modélisation d'un procédé de cristallisation en continu / Control contribution by modeling of a continuous crystallization process

Gonzalez-Ramirez, José Enrique 09 March 2012 (has links)
L'étape de pré-cristallisation au sein d'un échangeur à surface raclée est une étape clé du procédé de production de crème glacée et a une forte influence sur la qualité finale du produit. Ce travail de thèse, effectué dans le cadre du projet européen CAFE, est dédié à la caractérisation et la modélisation de ce procédé de cristallisation afin de contribuer au développement d'un contrôleur. Une caractérisation expérimentale du procédé a été effectuée et a permis de déterminer l'influence des différentes variables de contrôle sur des critères tels que la fraction de glace, le diamètre moyen des particules et la performance énergétique du procédé. Un modèle dynamique adapté au contrôle, basé sur la résolution du bilan de population par la méthode des moments, a été développé et a été validé expérimentalement. Enfin, une analyse du coût énergétique et des pistes d'améliorations de la performance sont également proposées. / Freezing is an important step in the manufacturing process of ice-cream and sorbet, since the operating conditions have a strong influence on the micro-structure, and consequently on the sensorial attributes of the final product. This work presents an experimental characterization of a continuous sorbet crystallization process in a scraped surface heat exchanger. The influence of the operating conditions on the final product characteristics (ice fraction, ice crystal size) and energy consumption have been characterized. A modeling approach of the crystallization process based on the moments method coupled with a dynamic model of the refrigerating system is proposed. The global model has been validated with experimental data, and a strategy of energy optimization taking into account the final quality of the product is finally presented.

Multiscale modeling and simulation of material phase change problems: ice melting and copper crystallization

Wei, Xiupeng 01 December 2010 (has links)
The primary objective of this work is to propose a state-of-the-art physics based multiscale modeling framework for simulating material phase change problems. Both ice melting and copper crystallization problems are selected to demonstrate this multiscale modeling and simulation. The computational methods employed in this thesis include: classical molecular dynamics, finite element method, phase-field method, and multiscale (nano/micro coupling) methods. Classical molecular dynamics (MD) is a well-known method to study material behaviors at atomic level. Due to the limit of MD, it is not realistic to provide a complete molecular model for simulations at large length and time scales. Continuum methods, including finite element methods, should be employed in this case. In this thesis, MD is employed to study phase change problems at the nanoscale. In order to study material phase change problems at the microscale, a thermal wave method one-way coupling with the MD and a phase-field method one-way coupling with MD are proposed. The thermal wave method is more accurate than classical thermal diffusion for the study of heat transfer problems especially in crystal based structures. The second model is based on the well-known phase-field method. It is modified to respond to the thermal propagation in the crystal matrix by the thermal wave method, as well as modified to respond to temperature gradients and heat fluxes by employing the Dual-Phase-Lag method. Both methods are coupled with MD to obtain realistic results. It should be noted that MD simulations can be conducted to obtain material/thermal properties for microscopic and/or macroscopic simulations for the purpose of hierarchical/sequential multiscale modeling. These material parameters include thermal conductivity, specific heat, latent heat, and relaxation time. Other type of interfacial parameters that occur during the phase change process, such as nucleus shape, interfacial energy, interfacial thickness, etc., are also obtained by MD simulation since these have so far been too difficult to measure experimentally. I consider two common phase change phenomena, ice melting and copper crystallization, in this thesis. For the case of ice melting, MD is first employed to study its phase change process and obtain thermal properties of ice and water. Several potential models are used. I conduct simulations of both bulk ice and ice/water contacting cases. It is found that various potential models result in similar melting phenomena, especially melting speed. Size effects are also studied and it is found that the melting time is longer for larger bulk ice segments but that the average melting speed is size dependent. There is no size effect for the melting speed at ice/water interface at the nanoscale if the same temperature gradient is applied. The melting speed of ice should depend on the temperature gradient. To study ice melting at the microscale, the thermal wave model is employed with parameters obtained from MD simulations. It is found that ice melting speed is scale, for both length scale and time scale, dependent. For the case of copper crystallization, an EAM potential is first employed to conduct MD simulations for studying the copper crystallization process at the nanoscale. I obtain thermal properties and interfacial parameters, including thermal diffusion coefficient, latent heat, relaxation time, interfacial thickness, interfacial energy and the anisotropy coefficients, and nucleus shape etc. A central symmetry parameter is used to identify an atom in solid state or liquid state. And then an initial nucleus shape is obtained and used as the input for microscale simulation, in which the phase-field method is used to study copper crystallization at the microscale.

Cinética de cristalização não-estequiométrica de vidros no sistema Na2O.2CaO.3SiO2 &#8211; Na2O.3CaO.6SiO2 / Nonstoichiometric crystallization kinetics of glasses in the Na2O.2CaO.3SiO2 &#8211; Na2O.3CaO.6SiO2 system

Macena, Guilherme da Silva 11 February 2019 (has links)
O sistema soda-cal-sílica se destaca na ciência e tecnologia de vidros, pois encontra enorme gama de aplicações, desde os tradicionais vidros de janela até biomateriais. Mesmo assim, a cinética de transformação de fases e em particular a cinética de cristalização de vidros não é bem conhecida em diversas regiões de composições nesse sistema clássico, dentre elas a do binário combeíta-devitrita (Na2O.2CaO.3SiO2 &#8211; Na2O.3CaO.6SiO2). Neste trabalho, a cinética de cristalização de vidros de várias composições no sistema combeíta-devitrita foi investigada por técnicas de microscopia ótica. A partir da determinação experimental das taxas de nucleação e crescimento, e do time-lag para nucleação, as energias interfaciais sólido-líquido super-resfriado para núcleos de tamanho crítico foram estimadas, assim como as difusividades para cada vidro. As temperaturas de transição vítrea, do início (onset) do pico de cristalização, liquidus e de transformação polimórfica da combeíta foram determinadas por Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial em função da composição do vidro matriz. A taxa de nucleação da combeíta (fase cristalina primária) foi estimada em função da temperatura pelo \"método do desenvolvimento\" ou método de Tamman, em que primeiro realiza-se um tratamento térmico de nucleação de cristais e depois um tratamento para o crescimento dos mesmos até um tamanho mensurável ao microscópio óptico, para vidros de composições 100, 75 e 66,7 % em mol de combeíta. Observou-se um decréscimo da taxa de nucleação com a variação da composição, à medida que a mesma se distancia da combeíta estequiométrica e aproxima-se da composição eutética, devido a mudanças termodinâmicas e cinéticas, tais como o aumento da energia interfacial sólido-vidro e a diminuição da cinética de difusão, respectivamente. Também observou-se a mudança de composição da combeíta cristalizada e do vidro residual através da variação das temperaturas de transformação polimórfica e de transição vítrea, respectivamente, determinadas por DSC. Os resultados obtidos sobre a cinética de cristalização de vidros não-estequiométricos são originais e relevantes para o projeto da microestrutura de novos materiais vitrocerâmicos. / The soda-lime-silica system excels in glass science and technology due its wide range of applications, from traditional window glass to biomaterials. Nevertheless, the kinetics of phase transformation and in particular the glasses crystallization kinetics is not well known in several regions of compositions in this classical system, among them the combeite-devitrite joint (Na2O.2CaO.3SiO2-Na2O.3CaO.6SiO2). In this work, the kinetics of glass crystallization of several compositions in the combeite-devitrite joint was investigated by optical microscopy techniques. From the experimental determination of nucleation and growth rates, and time-lag for nucleation, the solid-supercooled liquid interfacial energies for critical-sized nuclei were estimated as well as the diffusivity for each glass. The glass transition, onset of crystallization peak, liquidus and combeite polymorphic transformation temperatures were determined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry as a function of matrix glass composition. The nucleation rate of the combeite (primary crystalline phase) was estimated as a function of temperature by the \"development method\" or by the method of Tammann, in which first a heat treatment for nucleation of the crystals is performed and then a treatment for growth up to one measurable size by optical microscope, for glasses of compositions 100, 75 and 66.7% mol of combeite. A decrease was observed in the nucleation rate with the variation of the composition as it distances from the stoichiometric combeite and approaches the eutectic composition due to thermodynamic and kinetic changes, such as the increase of the solid-glass interfacial energy and the decrease in diffusion kinetics, respectively. The change in composition of crystallized combeite and residual glass was also observed by the change of the polymorphic transformation and glass transition temperatures, respectively, determined by DSC. The results obtained on the crystallization kinetics of non-stoichiometric glasses are original and relevant for the design of the microstructure of new glass-ceramic materials.

Microstructure and mechanical properties of glass-ceramics from the MgO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ system for ballistic protection / Microstructure et propriétés mécaniques des vitrocéramiques du système mgo-Al₂o₃-SiO₂ pour la protection balistique

Gallo, Leonardo Sant'ana- 26 September 2016 (has links)
Afin d'examiner les effets de la cristallisation sur certaines propriétés mécaniques, l'évolution du module de Young (E), du module de cisaillement (G) et du coefficient de Poisson, ainsi que la séquence des phases cristallines formées au cours d'un traitement thermique en deux étapes ont été accompagnées sur un verre baptisé 75-25, du système MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS), en utilisant TiO2 comme le principal agent de nucléation. L'évolution de la dureté et de la résistance à la rupture a aussi été examinée. La diffractométrie de Rayons X à haute température a révélé, après cristallisation, la présence de spinelle (MgO.Al2O3) rutile (TiO2), karooite (MgO.2TiO2), sillimanite (Al2O3.SiO2) et la saphirine (4MgO.5Al2O3.2SiO2). Les modules élastiques et de cisaillement des vitrocéramiques (VC) se sont montré environ 20% plus élevés que ceux du verre précurseur. Les valeurs de dureté obtenues sont proches de 10 GPa et KIC proche de 1,2 MPa.m1/2. Dans le but de fabriquer des VCs transparentes et incolores, de nouvelles formulations, dénommées ZT1B4, 75-25/ZT et 75-25/25TI, avec des teneurs en TiO2 réduites et des teneurs en ZrO2 plus élevées, ont été proposées et cristallisées. La formulation ZT1B4 a produit une VC transparente avec une dureté maximale de 8GPa et une ténacité à la fracture (TF) à peu près 40% plus élevée que celle du verre de base. Les formulations 75-25 ZT et 75-25/25Ti ont produit des VC transparentes avec des valeurs de dureté allant jusqu'à 9GPa et une ténacité à la fracture jusqu'à 35% plus élevée que celle du verre de base. Une série de verres ont été fondus en utilisant Ag métallique, au lieu de ZrO2 et TiO2, en tant qu'agent de nucléation. Les traitements thermiques appliqués ont produit des VCs non-homogènes, qui perdent la forme en raison des températures de cristallisation élevées. Ces nouveaux verres précurseurs ont donc été écartés. La transmittance dans la région de l'ultraviolet et visible a été mesurée dans les échantillons de verre et VCs de formulation 75-25, 75-25 / ZT et 75-25 / 25TI. La formulation 75-25 / ZT a présenté la plus haute transmittance soit à l'état vitreux ou en forme de vitrocéramique. En conclusion, parmi les nouvelles compositions, la formulation 75-25 / ZT est la plus adéquate pour une utilisation en tant que protection balistique, lorsque la transparence à la lumière visible est nécessaire. / In situ experiments were conducted on a glass dubbed 75-25, of the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) system, using TiO2 as the main nucleating agent, in order to examine the evolution of Young’s modulus (E), shear modulus (G) and Poisson's ratio, and the sequence of the crystalline phases formed during a double-stage heat treatment. The effects of crystallization on hardness and fracture toughness were also examined. High temperature X-ray diffraction experiments revealed the presence of spinel (MgO.Al2O3), rutile (TiO2), karooite (MgO.2TiO2), sillimanite (Al2O3.SiO2) and sapphirine (4MgO.5Al2O3.2SiO2) after crystallization. The elastic and shear moduli of the glass-ceramics (GC) were approximately 20% larger than those of the parent glass. Hardness values were close to 10 GPa and KIC close to 1.2 MPa.m1/2. Aiming to obtain transparent and colorless GC, new formulations, dubbed ZT1B4, 75-25/ZT and 75-25/25Ti, with lower titania content and higher zirconia content, were proposed and crystallized. Formulation ZT1B4 yielded a transparent GC with hardness of up to 8 GPa and an indentation fracture toughness (IFT) about 40% higher than that of the parent glass. Formulations 75-25/ZT and 75-25/25Ti yielded transparent GC with hardness values of up to 9 GPa and an IFT up to 35% higher than that of the parent glass. A series of glasses were also melted using metallic Ag as nucleating agent instead of ZrO2 and TiO2. The applied heat treatments generated non-homogeneous GC, which became warped due to the high crystallization temperatures. These new precursor glasses were therefore discarded. Transmittance in the ultraviolet to visible range was measured in the glass and GC samples of formulations 75-25, 75-25/ZT and 75-25/25Ti. Formulation 75-25/ZT presented the highest transmittance in both glass and GC states. It was concluded that among the new compositions, formulation 75-25/ZT is the most suitable one for use as ballistic protection when transparency to visible light is required.

A study of plastic crystals as novel solid state electrolytes

Huang, Junhua, 1973- January 2003 (has links)
Abstract not available

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