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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of Cultural Distances on the relationship between Motivational Practice and Job Satisfaction: A quantitative study comparing Multinational Corporations in Vietnam and Sweden

Pham, Linh, Rosén, Simon, Nguyen, Tran January 2023 (has links)
Background: Cultural differences provide challenges for multinational corporations, due to the differences in norms, values, and beliefs accompanying national cultures. Multinational corporations must adapt to the new environment to achieve optimal performance and attain competitive advantages. One of these challenges is motivation, which is crucial for employee performance and hence the pursuit of competitive advantage. Vietnam and Sweden, two cultural contexts having remarkable cultural distances, are the specific focus of this study.    Purpose: This study aims to explain the effect cultural differences have on job motivation and satisfaction. The authors investigated six motivation factors deemed to lead to job satisfaction based on Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory. The study’s framework is constructed also by four cultural distance factors according to Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory to test the moderation effect of cultural differences on the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction.    Method: A quantitative research was conducted on a sample of 79 employees from two MNCs: Samsung in Vietnam and Husqvarna in Sweden. An online survey was distributed to respondents to gather primary quantitative data. The survey questions were based on previous studies to ensure validity in measuring the scales. Finally, two main testing analyses namely multiple linear regression and moderation effect were undertaken in SPSS.   Conclusion: The satisfying motivation factors included in Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory correlated positively to employees’ job satisfaction in both countries, although it was evident that each of the six factors contribute to job satisfaction at varying degrees. Furthermore, the finding of the culture dimensions as moderator variables showed that different levels of culture factors could either weaken, strengthen, or had no effect on the relationship between employee satisfaction and the six motivation factors.

The impact of maturity, scale and distribution on software quality : An industrial case study

Vaka, Kranthi, Narla, Karthik January 2017 (has links)
Context. In this ever-changing world of software development, the process of organizations adopting distributed development is gaining prominence. Implementing various development processes in such distributed environment is giving rise to numerous issues which affects the quality of the product. These issues could be due to the involvement of architects across national borders during the process of development. In this research, the focus is to improve software quality by addressing the impact of maturity and scale between teams and its affect on code review process. Further to identify the issues behind the distribution between teams separated by geographical, temporal and cultural distances. Objectives. The main objective of this research is to identify how different factors such as maturity on quality of deliverables, scale and distribution that impacts the code review process affecting software quality. Based on code review comments in data set, the factors that were examined in this research are evolvability of defects and difference in the quality of software developed by mature and immature teams within code review process. Later on, the issues related to the impact of geographical, temporal and cultural distances on the type of defects revealed during distributed development are identified. Methods. To achieve these objectives, a case study was conducted at Ericsson. A mixed approach has been chosen that includes, archival data and semi-structured interviews to gather useful data for this research. Archival data is one of the data collection method used for reviewing comments in data set and gather quantitative results for the study. We employed approaches such as descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and graphical representation to analyze data. Moreover, to strengthen these results, semi-structured group interview is conducted to triangulate the data and collect additional insights about code review process in large scale organizations. Results. By conducting this research, it is inferred that teams with a lower level of maturity produce more number of defects. It was observed that 35.11% functional, 59.03% maintainability, 0.11% compatibility, 0.028% security, 0.73% reliability, 4.96% performance efficiency, 0.014% portability of defects were found from archival data. Majority of defects were of functional and maintainability type, which impacts software quality in distributed environment. In addition to the above-mentioned results, other findings are related to evolvability of defects within immature teams which shows that there is no particular trend in increase or decrease in number of defects. Issues that occur due to distribution between teams are found out in this research. The overall results of this study are to suggest the impact of maturity and scale on software quality by making numerical assumptions and validating these finding with interviews. Interviews are also used to inquire information about the issues from dataset related to the impact of global software engineering (GSE) distances on code review process. Conclusions. At the end of this research it is concluded that in these type of projects, immature teams produce more number of defects than mature teams. This is because when large-scale projects are distributed globally, it is always harder to share and acquire knowledge between teams, increase group learning and mentor teams located in immature sites. Immature developers have problems of understanding the structure of code, new architects need to acquire knowledge on the scope and real time issues for improving quality of software. Using results presented in this thesis, researchers can find new gaps easily to extend the research on various influences on code review process in distributed environment.

Ledarskap och kulturella distanser: med ett svenskt perspektiv / Leadership and cultural distances: With a Swedish perspective

Lundahl Hamdi, Alexandra, Ekeroos, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vad en ledare är stämmer överens människor och kulturer emellan, men däremot vad som förväntas av en ledare och hur en ledare anses ska bete sig skiljer sig åt. När ledare från en kultur ska integreras med ett interkulturellt team är det inte en självklarhet att det går ihop. I Sverige lever människor i ett demokratiskt samhälle, vilket inte är en självklarhet i andra länder. Svenska organisationer bedrivs mer decentraliserade och medarbetare får ett större utrymme att föra en kommunikation med ledare och chefer. När svenska ledare ska arbeta med interkulturella team dyker både utmaningar och möjligheter upp. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet i studien är att undersöka vilka utmaningar en svensk ledare som är verksam inom eller över ett internationellt team kan stöta på och hur dessa uppkommer. Det är utifrån det svenska perspektivet samt ledarskapsperspektivet vi undersöker vad för slags inverkan varierande kulturer kan ha på relationer och samarbete i interkulturella team. Metod: Det har använts en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med sex stycken respondenter där fem av dem kommer från Sverige och en från Sri Lanka där alla har en form av ledarposition. Empiri & slutsats: Studien visar att interkulturella team skiljer sig åt mellan Sverige och icke-nordiska länder, det är tydligt att det skiljer sig åt mellan ledarskap och chefskap. Där chefskapet är mer dominerande i andra länder, vilket även Kotter påtalar. Även kulturella distanser i form av maktdistans och maskulint förhållningssätt är de som skiljer de olika kulturerna åt allra mest. Vad som är avgörande för framgång som ledare över ett interkulturellt team är att vara medveten om alla de olika kulturerna inom ett arbetslag och veta hur distanserna hanteras och kommuniceras. / Background: What a leader is consistent across people and cultures, but what is expected of a leader and how a leader is perceived to behave differ. When leaders from one culture are to be integrated with an intercultural team, it is not obvious that it will go together. In Sweden, people live in a democratic society, which is not a matter of course in other countries. Swedish organizations are run in a more decentralized way and employees have more space to communicate with leaders and managers. When Swedish leaders have to work with intercultural teams, both challenges and opportunities appear. Purpose: The overall aim of the study is to investigate which challenges a Swedish leader who works within or across an international team may encounter and how these arise. It is from the Swedish perspective and the leadership perspective that we investigate what kind of impact varying cultures can have on relationships and cooperation in intercultural teams. Method: A qualitative research method has been used for the study. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with six respondents, five of whom come from Sweden and one from Sri Lanka, where all have some form of leadership position. Empirical & conclusion: The study shows that intercultural teams differ between Sweden and non-Nordic countries, it is clear that there is a difference between leadership and management. Where management is more dominant in other countries, which Kotter also points out. Cultural distances in the form of power distance and masculine attitudes are also what separate the different cultures the most. What is crucial to success as a leader of an intercultural team is to be aware of all the different cultures within a work team and know how the distances are managed and communicated.

Integration på arbetsmarknaden : En kvantitativ studie om arbetslöshet bland utrikesfödda på kommunal nivå

Bahati, Safi Cishweka, Madani, George January 2020 (has links)
Difficulties with the integration of foreign born and especially refugees in the Swedish labor market have further strengthened unemployment in the country. Unemployment is a macroeconomic problem with the fact that it leads to loss of tax revenues and lower productivity which negatively affects a country's growth. Unemployment varies within counties and among population groups of municipalities in Sweden. This is problematic as it creates economic inequality between population groups and municipalities. It also creates social contexts meaning that some areas become resource-strong while others are resource-weak. This has a negative effect on economic welfare in the country. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the persistently high unemployment rate among foreign-born in Sweden`s municipalities can be explained by differences in municipal characteristics regarding human capital, cultural distances, and wage levels. Methods used for the study is the fixed effects regression models using a panel data of 290 individuals (all municipalities in Sweden) during the period 2009-2018. Statistical analyzes using figures and tables have been used as well.  The study is based on human capital theory, social capital theory and theory of segregation. The results have shown that human capital related factors and characteristics linked to cultural distances have a significant impact on unemployment among foreign-born, in addition have foreign-born a lower value of human and social capital, which results in lower returns. The conclusion of this paper is that the human capital related factors can explain the higher unemployment rate among foreign-born people to a great extent. The cultural distance affects the value of foreign-born human and social capital and thus return. Therefore, there is a need for more effective integration policies to facilitate the establishment of foreign-born people in the Swedish labor market. Allocating them to the right areas where opportunities to acquire the necessary skills are great is one option. Even by shortening the waiting time for decisions on residence permits, work permits and waiting time for Swedish citizenship is important because this could give the opportunity to the foreign-born people to enter the country s labor market quickly as possible. Time is an important factor for them because it takes time to improve the value of their human capital, social capital, and necessary skills as well. / Svårigheter med integration av utrikesfödda och särskilt flyktingar i den svenska arbetsmarknaden har förstärkt arbetslösheten i landet ytterligare. Arbetslöshet utgör ett makroekonomiskt problem med faktum att den medför förlorade skatteintäkter och lägre produktivitet vilket påverkar negativt landets tillväxt. Arbetslösheten varierar i hög grad mellan län och kommunernas befolkningsgrupper i Sverige. Detta är problematiskt då det bidrar till ekonomisk ojämlikhet mellan befolkningsgrupper och även kommunerna emellan. Därmed skapas sociala kontexter som innebär att vissa områden blir resursstarka medan andra resurssvaga, vilket har en negativ effekt på den ekonomiska välfärden i landet. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka om den bestående höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i Sveriges samtliga kommuner kan förklaras av kommunala egenskaper avseende humankapital, kulturella avstånd och lönenivå. Metoden som har används för denna studie är så kallad fixed effects regressionsmodell (FEM) med hjälp av en paneldata av 290 individer (Sveriges samtliga kommuner) under tidsperiod 2009-2018. Olika statistiska analyser har också genomförts med hjälp av figurer och tabeller. Studien har utgått ifrån humankapitalteori, socialkapitalteori och teori om segregering. Studiens resultat påvisar att humankapital relaterade faktorer samt egenskaper kopplade till kulturella avstånd har en signifikant påverkan på arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda. Dessutom har utrikesfödda lägre värde på human- och socialt kapital vilket resulterar i lägre avkastning. Slutsatsen som dragits är att humankapital relaterade faktorer kan förklara arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i hög grad och att kulturella avståndet påverkar värdet av utrikesföddas human- och socialt kapital och därmed avkastning. Behov av effektivare integrationspolitik är stor för att kunna underlätta utrikesföddas etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Det kan exempelvis vara att allokera dem till rätta områden där möjligheter att förvärva nödvändiga färdigheter är stor. Att förkorta väntetid för beslut om uppehållstillstånd, arbetstillstånd och även väntetid för den svenska medborgarskapet är också avgörande eftersom de utrikesfödda behöver komma in i landets arbetsmarknad så snabbt som möjligt. Vistelsetid i landet är en avgörande faktor för etablering på arbetsmarknaden då det krävs tid för att förbättra sitt human- och socialkapital och även nödvändiga färdigheter och kompetenser.

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