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Projekty hudební politiky EU v kontextu koronavirové krize: případová studie - platforma LiveEurope / EU music policy and the coronavirus crisis: LiveEurope case studyPatočka, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the development of EU's music policy and investigates one of its projects, the Liveurope platform. Liveurope is an initiative supporting music venues across Europe in their effort to promote emerging, up-and-coming European artists and thus significantly contributes to the development of European diversity in the area of live music. Since its establishment in 2014, the platform has undergone significant development, but as a result of the Coronavirus crisis, which has led to closure of venues and restrictions of cross- border free movement, it has been subjected to an unprecedented test of viability. It is within this context that the case is being investigated, during the time period of March 2020 to May 2021, in order to answer the research question: "Was the transnational Liveurope project, supported by the EU music policy, able to react to the Coronavirus crisis and keep on fulfilling its objectives in the unprecedented context of this crisis? The theoretical part of the thesis analyzes the academic debate on cultural policy, the role of music within the social sciences and music policy. As the EU music policy is an under-researched field, the thesis analyzes its historical development and current state for the contextualization of the case study of Liveurope...
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Národní divadlo v Praze v době nacistické okupace: Přední divadelní scéna mezi útlakem a odporem. (Historicko-sociologická analýza) / The National Theatre in Prague during the Nazi Occupation: The Foremost Theatre Scene between Oppression and Resistance. (A Historical-sociological Analysis)Prázný, Rudolf January 2020 (has links)
The National Theatre in Prague during the Nazi Occupation: The Foremost Theatre Scene between Oppression and Resistance. (A Historical-sociological Analysis) ABSTRACT The submitted dissertation, based on historical-sociological analysis, describes and explains the status, reaction and functionality of the National Theatre in Prague during the hardest times of our modern history - the occupation of the Czech lands by Nazi Germany, the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (1939-1945), the era when the National Theatre, as the top cultural institution, consolidated its artistry, its permanent values and interpretation efforts of its ensemble to defend the right of our society to preserve its own culture, its own existence. The principal objective of this work is to analyze methods and techniques by means of which the National Theatre in Prague, in line with its audience, steadily faced critical situations caused by the Nazi occupation. Among key factors in this process were the acts of Czech theatre performers proving their bravery as they put their work careers and even their own lives at risk to help guide our nation towards awareness and determination not to relinquish the nation's sovereignty. The Nazis viewed the National Theatre in Prague as a potential instrument for fulfilling their plans...
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Kultur för en hållbar framtid? : En begreppshistorisk idéanalys av kulturens roll i diskursen om hållbar utveckling / Culture for a sustainable future? : A conceptual-historical analysis of the role assigned to culture in the discourse of sustainable developmentAxelsson, Sindi January 2021 (has links)
The study seeks to explore the assigned role of culture in the discourse of sustainable development. It combines a conceptual-historical analysis of the concept of cultural sustainability and sustainable development with an analysis of ideas with cultural policy models as a theoretical tool as ideal types. It addresses cultural sustainability as an essentially contested concept, maps a context of leading contributions to the meaning and conceptual history of cultural sustainability and sustainable development and applicates Fornäs four cultural concepts to address different meanings of cultural sustainability. The concept is then explored in its absence in A New European Agenda for Culture by the European Commission. The study also explores how the agenda is implemented in projects throughout the Swedish participation in the Creative Europe program and how it effects the meaning of cultural sustainability. The role of culture in A New European Agenda for Culture seems to be an instrumental view of the capacity culture possesses in bringing people together and to bring creativity into businesses, which also is represented in Creative Europe. The instrumental view of culture and the esthetic cultural concept that permeate cultural policy, may influence the ability for cultural sustainability to be accepted as the fourth pillar of sustainability.
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Evropská kulturní lobby. Případ kampaně We are more / European Cultural Lobby. The Case of We Are More CampaignFrajtová, Věra January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis "European cultural lobby. Case of We Are More campaign" is analyzing the European lobbying in the cultural domain. As an area of European policies, culture has been established continuously since the 80's of the 20th century. The role that culture gained at the European Union (EU) level is specific by its double dimension. At the same time, culture is perceived as a source of common values and an area with high economic potential. This thesis examines whether the exclusive role of culture within the EU signifies specific features of lobbying in the cultural domain. Theoretical part of this work is using the concept of europeanization in order to explain how culture became an area of European public policy. The same part develops the theory of European lobbying to demonstrate division of the EU interest groups into public and private. Second part of this thesis presents the case study of the nowadays biggest European cultural lobby, Culture Action Europe, and We Are More campaign organized by this lobby in order to influence future European framework programmes for culture and audiovisual in 2014-2020 period. Features that decide whether an interest group is public or private, as defined by the theoretical part of this thesis, are studied on the case of Culture Action Europe. In order to...
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Strategické víceúrovňové vládnutí v kulturní politice / Strategic multi-level governance in cultural policyDušková, Zdenka January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis "Strategic multilevel governance in cultural policy" deals with the often omitted topic of cultural policy. This field is observed from the strategic governance point of view and its position is analysed according to the levels of governance - supra-national, national, and sub-national. To explore the current state of the culture, it had to be placed into a framework forming context, where cultural policy takes place. Therefore, the analysis of this work dealt with the activities of political institutions according to the evaluation framework and with the evaluation of two specific cases of public policy documents of national and sub-national levels, including their application. From the perspective of major institutions at various levels of governance, especially organizations specialized on the field of culture, certain effort of conceptual solution of partial and overall issues of this field was found. The specific implementation and responsibility are often delegated to the lower levels of governance. Mainly, the continuity in the strategic documents topic and time at the multi-level governance is very problematic, as well as the funding necessary for their implementation. At the end of this work, specific recommendations, which should result in the improvement of strategic...
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Politicko-výchovná role veřejných knihoven na Ostravsku v 50. a 60. letech / Political and educational role of public libraries in the 50 and 60 years in Ostrava regionNováková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Political and educational role of public libraries in the 50 and 60 years in Ostrava region The thesis is focused on cultural politics of the communist regime in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century in relation to public libraries. Based on archival materials the main attention is paid to the situation in the Ostrava region Cultural policy was aimed in two directions. First through repression, when citizens were banned from access to ideas and works that the regime considered as harmful or objectionable. This activity was implemented by censorship of printed materials, sorting of collections and persecution of opponents. Second way to filling the gaps after undesirable denied authors by pro-regime publications, written in the style of socialist realism. Public libraries were using different sorts of methods how to bring readers to this new literature and how to bring them up to be loyal and conscious builders of socialism - e.g. discussions and reader's conferences, literature contests and polls, Fucik's badge, Month of books and so on. The focus is also on libraries promotion of actions and activities supporting the policy of the Party and the government, such as celebrations of party anniversary, recruitment in mining, atheistic education of readers etc.
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Český kulturní diskurs v období třetí Československé republiky / Czech cultural discourse in the Third Czechoslovak RepublicDudr, Karel January 2022 (has links)
Czech cultural discourse in the Third Czechoslovak Republic The new situation occurring after World War II brought a number of changes, the reconsideration of values and searching for a new orientation in the social and political area as well as in the area of art and culture, which became the subject of often highly escalated controversy, usually conducted on the pages of the contemporary press. This diploma thesis is an analysis of the Czech cultural discourse in the Third Czechoslovak Republic that focuses not only on the textual statements themselves but even on their historical context, on the media environment in which they entered and on the positions of the actors and their access to the discourse. In the analysis, a network of interrelations between the statements, the processes of establishing key topics, forming a consensus, as well as taboo and the attempts for the appropriation of central collective symbols are monitored and reconstructed. The aim of the thesis is to become both a comprehensive characterization of discourse and a deeper insight into the diverse intellectual tendencies of the time.
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Creating Resilient International Performing Arts Festivals: A Study of China Shanghai International Arts Festival from The Legitimacy PerspectiveXu, Yifan January 2021 (has links)
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Främja läsning, främja livet : En analys av nationella läsfrämjande insatser för barn och ingaLindholm, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen synliggörs tendenser i hur barns och ungas läsning framställs i rapporter från fyra nationella läsfrämjande insatser som utförs på regeringsuppdrag, och deras koppling till demokratiska ideal och underliggande politiska motivationer för läsfrämjande. Uppsatsen har kritisk diskursanalys som teoretisk och metodologisk utgångspunkt och Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell används för att synliggöra diskurser ur ett kritiskt perspektiv i fyra rapporter från Kulturrådet och Skolverket: Bokstart i Sverige (2020), Nuläge om barns och ungas läsning (2023), Med barn och unga i fokus (2024) samt Utvärdering av Läslyftet (2019). Motivet för uppsatsens ämne är baserat på en ökning av läsfrämjande insatser som ett resultat av bland annat rapporter om barns och ungas sjunkande läsförmåga och PISAresultat. I analysens resultat framkommer flera exempel på ideological struggle, då det uppstår ideologiska konflikter både inom och utanför skolan om målgruppen för läsfrämjande och behovet av långsiktig utvärdering av insatser. I analysen synliggörs även hur Kulturrådet och Skolverket tilldelas maktpositioner genom sina regeringsuppdrag som främjar deras centrala roll som samverkande och kunskapsdelande myndigheter, och i analysen används bland annat power in discourse och power behind discourse för att förklara hur dessa maktpositioner reproduceras genom rapporterna- och hur barn och unga som en konsekvens hamnar i en underordnad maktposition. Detta relateras till mer övergripande diskursordningar och sociala strukturer som är ett resultat av dominerande konventioner i utbildnings- och kulturpolitik. / The purpose of this thesis is to highlight trends in how children's and young people's reading is portrayed in reports from four national reading promotion initiatives carried out on behalf of the Swedish government, and their connection to democratic ideals and underlying political motivations for reading promotion. The thesis has critical discourse analysis as its theoretical and methodological starting point, and Fairclough's three-dimensional analysis model is used to analyze discourse practices from a critical perspective in four reports from the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish National Agency for Education: Bokstart i Sverige (2020), Nuläge om barns och ungas läsning (2023), Med barn och unga i fokus (2024) and Utvärdering av Läslyftet (2019). The motive for this essay is based on an increase in reading promotion efforts as a result of, among other things, reports on children's and young people's declining reading ability and PISA results. The results of the analysis show several examples of ideological struggle, as ideological conflicts arise both within and outside the school about the target group for reading promotion and the need for long-term evaluation of efforts. The analysis also reveals how the Swedish Arts Council and the National Agency for Education are assigned positions of power through their government assigned projects that promote their central role as collaborating and knowledge-sharing authorities, and the analysis uses, among other terms, power in discourse and power behind discourse to explain how these positions of power are reproduced through the reports - and how children and young people as a consequence end up in a subordinate position of power. This is related to broader structures of orders of discourse and social structures that result from dominant conventions in educational and cultural policy.
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