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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UAB "Parex investicijų valdymas" klientų lojalumo didinimas / Increasing Customer Loyalty at UAB "Parex investiciju valdymas"

Lazdauskaitė, Laura 16 June 2009 (has links)
Klientų lojalumo valdymo idėja sulaukia vis daugiau įmonių dėmesio, o šiandieninėje ekonomikos recesijoje, klientų išsaugojimas ir jų lojalumo didinimas tampa svarbiausia veiklos kryptimi. Daugiausiai dėmesio įmonės pradėjo skirti ne naujų klientų paieškai, o santykių su esamais klientais išsaugojimui. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama valdymo įmonė UAB „Parex investicijų valdymas“, kuri teikia investavimo paslaugas. Didžiausią įmonės gaunamų pajamų dalį sudaro klientų aptarnavimas, todėl efektyvus santykių su klientais valdymas yra vienas iš didžiausią įtaką įmonės sėkmei turinčių veiksnių. Valdymo įmonė neturi klientų lojalumo didinimo strategijos, nebuvo plėtojama santykiai su esamais klientais, todėl pastaruoju metu įmonę palieka vis daugiau klientų, o tai kelia grėsmę įmonės konkurencingumui. Darbe nagrinėjama problema – kaip padidinti esamų klientų lojalumą įmonei. Išsiaiškinus veiksnius, kurie įtakoja lojalumą, tikimasi pasiūlyti efektyvius problemos sprendimo būdus. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra parengti klientų lojalumo didinimo strategiją. Išsiaiškinti klientų lojalumą skatinančius veiksnius ir paruošti vadybinius pasiūlymus buvo atliktas kiekybinis aprašomasis tyrimas. Remiantis apklausos, kurioje dalyvavo 63 respondentai, duomenimis, naudojant SPSS programą atlikta ir aprašyta empirinio tyrimo analizė. Gauti duomenys parodė, kad svarbiausi veiksniai, įtakojantys klientų lojalumą, yra konfliktų valdymas, darbuotojų profesionalumas, bendrovės patikimumas. Prioritetinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The customer loyalty management concept is receiving more and more companies focus and in today’s economic recession, customer retention and increasing their loyalty is a key operational decision. The focus is turned from the need for a search for new customers to the relationship with existing customer retention. In this paper the UAB “Parex investiciju valdymas” company which provides investment services is described. The highest revenue of the company consists of customer service, and effective customer relationship management is one of the greatest impacts on the company’s success factors. The management company has no strategy how to strengthen customer loyalty and has never been developing relationships with existing customers. Many customers recently left the company and this poses a threat to the company’s competitiveness. This paper examines the problem how to increase existing customer loyalty to the company. The clarification on the factors that affect loyalty would be helpful for companies in defining solutions. The final goal of this research is to develop customer loyalty strategy. In order to ascertain customer loyalty and a preparation of management proposals a quantitative descriptive study was carried out. Based on the data which were gained from the 63 respondents’ answers, the analysis is done on. Conflict management, professional employees, the company’s creditability and the service of buying and selling are the most important factors influencing... [to full text]

High-street fashion brand communication amongst female adolescents

Methanuntakul, Kanwipa January 2010 (has links)
The nature of high-street fashion brands amongst female adolescents is a combined set of fast fashion movements and early adopter demands within a compressed timeframe. This research has investigated the need for a communication plan to appropriately deliver the brand message for this sector. There are a number of information barriers for high-street fashion brands to build customer value and differentiate the core values of their brands from competitors because of 1) imbalanced strategic communication implementation particularly in the encoding process, 2) ambiguous interpretation of target audience behaviour as a key disseminator of brand messages and 3) a lack of an integrated communication approach to complement the brand building communication plan. Accordingly, there is a need for a brand building communication framework to formulate and direct the female adolescent perceived values within a limited time based on mutual understanding and shared requirements between a high-street fashion brand and its target audience. Moreover, a strategic plan using an integrated brand-building communication in the encoding process which optimises the contribution of the audience must be developed. This research has revealed that high-street fashion brands should concentrate on consumer self-construal, consumer-brand congruence and consumer-brand relationships of female adolescents in order to clearly construct brand messages which match audiences’ values and lifestyles. Due to the needs for informative cooperation amongst the target audiences, the brand-building communication strategy as a persuasive medium, which encourages audiences and prospects to initiate interactivity with the high-street fashion brand, was thoroughly examined in the empirical study. A conceptual model of a high-street fashion brand-building communication was developed and evaluated by means of design research methodology and soft systems methodology. The proposed model explains the platform of brand-building communication strategy in the encoding process for the high-street fashion market. A number of advantages are offered: Firstly, brand managers may use the model to overcome the barriers to integrate a fashion brand communication strategy. Secondly, it can enhance the recognition of fashion brand-building communication. Thirdly, the model offers an approach to leverage customer-brand relationships by means of the communication process. Fourthly, it allows the description of a holistic view of brand message construction in the encoding process. Finally, it offers a strategy to integrate online and off-line communications.

Kundvärdesdriven affärsmodellsinnovation : En studie om att anpassa Geodesigns affärsmodell utifrån kunders värdepreferenser / Customer Value-driven Business Model Innovation : A study about adapting Geodesign's business model according to customers' value preferences

Fogelberg, Mathias, Gesar, Mathias January 2016 (has links)
This study has been carried out at Geodesign Latitud 57 AB and its purpose is to present possibilities of how the company’s business model can be adapted in order to deliver additional customer value. The study presents the importance of adapting businesses according to customer needs and not having presumptions of what customers’ value in a company’s value offering. In order to conduct the study properly, the two concepts of business models and customer value were investigated thoroughly, as well as methods of how customer value can be measured and how a company’s business model can be adapted according to customers’ value preferences. Geodesign Latitud 57 AB is a Swedish company which develops and sells temporary flood barrier systems. The market for the company’s products has only just started to develop and the company’s primary customers are currently Swedish and international administrative authorities, communes and larger electrical power companies. Geodesign have been active on the market for over 20 years but it is not until recently that flood fighting has received increased attention. The difficulties of getting their products sold has created a need for the company to further understand what customers value when they purchase temporary flood barrier systems and how the company’s business model can be adapted to better suit customer needs. This study has both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The authors of the study have taken into account previously conducted studies regarding the identification of customer value preferences and adaptation of business models. Geodesign’s business model was mapped by interviewing the company’s employees. The customers’ value preferences were identified by using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP), supported by qualitative questions in order to fully understand what customers value in a temporary barrier system offering. The study presents a model for business model adaptation according to customer value preferences, Step by step, the model specifies how to understand what customers value in a company’s offering, how to map the company’s current business model, how to analyse how the current business model is suitable for delivering the customers’ needs, and finally how to generate ideas of how the company can adapt its current business model in order to create additional customer value. The model for business model adaptation is generalizable and useful for other companies that wish to create additional customer value. The study resulted in a number of ways in which Geodesign can adapt their current business model in order to create additional customer value. The authors of the study suggest four ways in which Geodesign can adapt its current business model: Improve the usability of the temporary barrier systems Offer training and education on site in the customers’ geographical areas and make use of the company’s key resources. Emphasize valuable information in marketing channels. Introduce routines for continuous evaluation after the temporary barrier systems have been used during floods. By adapting the company’s business model in these ways, the company will improve relations to their customers and users, receive continuous input regarding what the customers and users value, and create additional value through their value offerings. / Föreliggande studie har genomförts på företaget Geodesign Latitud 57 AB och syftar till att presentera förslag på hur företagets affärsmodell kan anpassas för att leverera ytterligare kundvärde. Studien belyser vikten av att anpassa företagets verksamhet efter kundernas behov och att inte ha förutfattade meningar om vad kunderna anser vara värdefullt i företagets erbjudande. För att kunna genomföra studien undersöktes begreppen affärsmodell och kundvärde, hur kundvärde kan mätas samt hur en affärsmodell kan anpassas efter kunders värdepreferenser. Geodesign Latitud 57 AB är ett svenskt företag som arbetar med att utveckla och sälja temporära barriärsystem mot översvämningar. Marknaden för temporära barriärsystem är relativt ung och kunderna utgörs framförallt av stater, myndigheter och större elbolag såväl nationellt som internationellt. Företaget har varit verksamma i över 20 år men det är först på senare tid som översvämningar och höga vattenstånd har fått en mer betydande plats på deras kunders och potentiella kunders agenda. Svårigheterna i att få deras produkter sålda har gjort att företaget ser ett värde i att undersöka vad kunderna efterfrågar i ett erbjudande kring mobila barriärsystem och hur deras affärsmodell kan anpassas för att bättre möta kundernas behov. Studien är såväl kvantitativ som kvalitativ och genomförandet av studien har stöttats av tidigare vetenskapliga undersökningar som handlat om att kvantifiera kundvärde och anpassa företags affärsmodeller. Företagets affärsmodell kartlades genom intervjuer med företagets anställda. Kundernas värdepreferenser identifierades genom en Analytisk Hierarkiprocess (AHP) som stöttades av kvalitativa intervjufrågor för att på djupet undersöka vad kunderna ser som värdefullt i ett erbjudande med temporära barriärsystem. I studien presenteras en arbetsmodell som stegvis beskriver hur ett företags affärsmodell kan förändras utifrån marknadens kunders värdepreferenser. Arbetsmodellen är noga specificerad och beskriver tillvägagångssättet för att identifiera vad kunderna värderar i erbjudandet, kartlägga företagets nuvarande affärsmodell, analysera hur väl dagens affärsmodell uppfyller vad kunderna värderar och slutligen generera idéer för hur företaget kan anpassa sin nuvarande affärsmodell för att skapa ytterligare kundvärde. Arbetsmodellen är generaliserbar och användbar i andra branscher och för företag som vill skapa ytterligare kundvärde. Studiens resultat visar att det finns möjliga anpassningar som Geodesign kan genomföra i sin affärsmodell för att skapa ytterligare kundvärde. Studiens författare föreslår fyra sätt som Geodesign kan anpassa sin nuvarande affärsmodell på: Förbättra användarvänligheten hos barriärsystemen Erbjud träningstillfällen i kundens geografiska område och utnyttja nyckelresurser Framhäv rätt information i marknadsföringskanaler Inför rutiner för uppföljning av användningen av barriärsystemen Genom att anpassa företagets affärsmodell på dessa sätt kommer företaget att få förbättrade kundrelationer, kontinuerlig input om vad kunderna på marknaden värderar och ett ökat kundvärde i företagets värdeerbjudande.

Analys av vad byggentreprenörer värdesätter hos underentreprenörer : i processen från utlysning till utfört arbete / Analysis of what building contractors finds valuable with subcontractors : in the process from announcement to delivered service

Laster, Tove, Stenholt, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Studien som har genomförts utgör en analys av vad byggentreprenörer värdesätter hos underentreprenörer i processen från utlysning till utfört arbete. Syftet med studien är att genom intervjuer av byggentreprenörer få kunskap om vad de värdesätter hos underentreprenörer under hela processen. På så sätt kan underentreprenörer få vetskap om förbättringsmöjligheter i processen. En kvalitativ undersökning har genomförts i vilken sekundärdata har samlats in genom vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker och primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer med åtta byggentreprenörer. En semistrukturerad intervjumall har tagits fram där intervjuarna kan ställa följdfrågor och intervjupersonerna får möjlighet att reflektera. Intervjumallen är utformad utifrån studiens syfte och fakta avseende byggindustrins marknad som har samlats in genom vetenskapliga artiklar. Intervjuerna har påvisat olika faktorer och aktiviteter som är värdeskapande i processen. Då byggentreprenörer väljer vilka underentreprenörer de ska lämna anbudsförfrågan till är det främst relationen som är viktig. Relationen påverkas av personkemi och tidigare erfarenheter av samarbete och kvalitet. Vid hög konkurrens blir priset en viktigare faktor, då lämnar byggentreprenörer anbudsförfrågan till fler underentreprenörer för att få ett så lågt anbud som möjligt. Anbudet bör vara tydligt utformat där det framgår vad underentreprenören har räknat på. Många byggentreprenörer anser det värdeskapande att underentreprenörer utnyttjar den spetskompetens de besitter och kommer med förbättringsförslag i anbudet. Förslaget kan gynna alla parter i kedjan; beställare, byggentreprenör och underentreprenör. Då byggentreprenörer väljer vilken underentreprenör de ska anställa är priset alltid en betydande faktor. Dock är priset inte alltid avgörande. Hur samarbetet har fungerat i tidigare projekt kan vara minst lika viktigt, om inte viktigare. I produktionsfasen värdesätts kommunikation. Genom god kommunikation mellan inblandade parter kan missförstånd minskas och processer effektiviseras. På så sätt kan underentreprenörer leverera rätt kvalitet i rätt tid och till rätt pris. Engagemang, tillgänglighet, information och återkoppling är värdeskapande i hela processen. Genom att rapportera direkt vid förändringar kan hela projektet förbättras då onödiga kostnader kan undvikas. Vid avslut bör alla dokument lämnas in och utbildningar av hur installationen ska hanteras göras inom avsatt tid. / The purpose of the study is to find out what subcontractors can do to increase customer value in the process from announcement to delivered service. The customer in this study is the building contractor. By giving subcontractors the knowledge of how to improve their process, improvements for the construction industry in general can be made. The study is based on information from interviews with eight building contractors and information from scientific articles. Interviews have claimed that several factors and activities can create customer value. The relation between building- and subcontractors is a significant factor when building contractors choose who they will send an offer request to. In a competitive position the price is more important. In that case the building contractors will send out offer requests to a bigger number of subcontractors, to get the lowest bid possible. The bid should be clearly presented and show what is included. Most building contractors value when subcontractors exploit their expertise and propose improvements in the bid. The proposition could benefit all parties in the supply chain; the client, the building contractor and the subcontractor. The price is always a significant factor but interviews has claimed that it is not always crucial. Experiences of cooperation with the subcontractor in earlier project has proved to be as important. In production communication is important. Through good communication between all parties in a project misunderstandings can be reduced and processes improved. Commitment, accessibility, information and feedback are factors that is important through the entire process from announcement to delivered service. By reporting directly to any changes, the entire project is improved and unnecessary costs can be avoided. Upon completion of a project all documents must be submitted in time.

The effect of knowledge miscalibration on the dimensions of consumer value

Razmdoost, Kamran January 2015 (has links)
Consumer value is an important determinant of consumers’ post-use behaviour, for example satisfaction, repeat purchase and word of mouth. The existing research mainly looks at the factors associated with the product and service providers to improve consumer value. Few studies on the role of the consumer in shaping consumer value have found consumer knowledge to be an important element in shaping consumer value. Adopting critical realism, this PhD expands this area of knowledge by investigating knowledge miscalibration (i.e., the inaccuracy in subjective knowledge) as a significant antecedent of consumer value. Most of the time, consumers’ perceptions of what they think they know (i.e., subjective knowledge) has been shown to be different from what they actually know (i.e., objective knowledge). Thus, subjective knowledge is usually inaccurate. This inaccuracy in subjective knowledge relative to objective knowledge is called knowledge miscalibration. Although the effect of knowledge miscalibration on consumers’ purchasing decisions has been investigated in the consumer behaviour literature, its role in the use stage of consumption has received much less attention. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of knowledge miscalibration on product or service use, and more specifically on the value consumers derive from actually using products or services (i.e., value-in-use). In this research a critical realism paradigm is pursued, implying that reality exists in the three domains of the empirical, the actual and the real. The research starts with observing regularity in the empirical domain (i.e., consumer value) followed by imagining the causal power in the actual and the real domains (i.e., knowledge miscalibration), shaping the research question. A retroductive strategy is followed, firstly by proposing the effect of knowledge miscalibration on consumer value and secondly by conceptually and empirically testing this relationship. This research conceptualises that knowledge miscalibration influences consumer value dimensions, described as efficiency, excellence, play and aesthetics. It is suggested that underconfidence (i.e., knowledge miscalibration where subjective knowledge is deflated) and overconfidence (i.e., knowledge miscalibration where subjective knowledge is inflated) influence consumer value dimensions differently as they generate different consequences in use. Therefore, a conceptual model is developed that describes the effect of knowledge miscalibration (i.e., overconfidence and underconfidence) on the dimensions of consumer value. The empirical part of the research is designed by conducting a covariance-based study and an experimental investigation in order to gain both internal and external validity. The covariance-based investigation is conducted in the context of amazon.com online shopping. Knowledge miscalibration and consumer value dimensions are measured in this study. This study supports the negative effect of underconfidence on efficiency, excellence, play and aesthetics and the negative effect of overconfidence on play. The experimental investigation is designed in the context of prezi.com, an online dynamic presentation creation website that enables its users to move between slides, words and images during their presentations. In this study, overconfidence and underconfidence are manipulated and their effects on the dimensions of consumer value are examined. The findings of this study show that underconfidence negatively influences efficiency, excellence and aesthetics, while overconfidence negatively impacts excellence, play and aesthetics. Overall, this PhD concludes that knowledge miscalibration negatively influences the dimensions of consumer value, with the exception of overconfidence impacting efficiency. The contradictory results of the covariance-based study observed in the experimental study can be explained through its inability to account for reciprocal relationships (i.e., where consumer value dimensions also impact knowledge miscalibration) and the existence of a third variable affecting both independent and dependent variables. Furthermore, the context of the experimental study (employing a new consumption task) is proposed to be the main reason for the lack of support for the effect of underconfidence on play.

Mash it up! Make the Physical Store Great Again : an explorative study on store attractiveness

Dahlberg, Rasmus, Ouda, Sam January 2019 (has links)
Because of the digitalization that takes place today, the retailing field has changed dramatically. Customers buy online, mainly because of its convenience. Consequently, brick-and-mortar stores are facing competition from online companies leading to that some brick-and-mortar stores have to file for bankruptcy. The literature states that brick-and-mortar stores now have to focus on what happens inside the store in order to generate a pleasant experience. In this context, three different concepts are crucial namely, omni-channels, retail customer experience and customer value.  A concept that has emerged in order to provide a superior customer experience is Mash-up, which focuses on a mix of offerings in one store. The research question focuses on examining how Mash-up influences retail customer experience and customer value in order to see how Mash-up combined with omni-channels can influence store attractiveness. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews from customers who visited the retail stores O:Hedd and AB Småland. The results show that Mash-up tends to influence retail customer experience and customer value positively. A series of various integrated activities tend to not only have a positive impact on the retail customer experience, but it also tends to satisfy both hedonic and utilitarian value. It also emerged that omni-channels, in terms of click-and-collect, are highly valued by the customers and it indicates that the digitalization has to be taken into consideration. Thus, Mash-up combined with omni-channels will influence store attractiveness positively. Thereby, by adopting Mash-up and considering omni-channels, brick-and-mortar stores will still stand a chance against online companies.

Valor para o shopper na experiência de compra de brinquedos / Shopper value in a toy store shopping experience

Chamie, Beatriz Cavalcante 23 August 2012 (has links)
Muitas tendências têm caracterizado o varejo moderno, entre elas a competição entre a loja física e a loja online. Cada vez mais se observa a necessidade do varejo com loja física investir em ações que criam valor para o cliente durante a sua compra, tornando esse ato um momento prazeroso. Para se obter um maior êxito no desenvolvimento de estratégias que proporcionam experiências positivas torna-se importante entender os fatores tangíveis e intangíveis que oferecem valor para o cliente. O objetivo deste projeto é compreender o que os shoppers, papel exercido por uma pessoa durante o processo de compra, valorizam na experiência de compra. A pesquisa utilizou o modelo de cadeia meios-fim para identificar os elementos formadores de valor para o shopper em um varejo especializado em brinquedos. O valor para o cliente sob a perspectiva da experiência completa de compras tem sido um aspecto pouco estudado no âmbito do varejo, assim como a influência da loja na criação de valor. A revisão da literatura cobriu os seguintes tópicos: o setor de varejo e o varejo de brinquedos, marketing e varejo, o shopper e seu comportamento de compra, valor sob a perspectiva do cliente e experiência de compra. Foram realizadas 15 entrevistas em profundidade por meio da técnica laddering, com mães responsáveis pela compra de brinquedos onde buscou-se obter como resultado as representações chave do valor para o cliente no contexto da experiência de compra. As principais representações encontradas como fruto da pesquisa foram: (i) a loja de brinquedos é um meio de se obter estímulos que auxiliam na formação das crianças; (ii) os estímulos mágicos e lúdicos despertam lembranças e fantasias; (iii) o tempo e o dinheiro são recursos importantes no momento da compra; (iv) o brinquedo buscado é aquele que desperta o desejo da criança; (v) a variedade ofertada é importante para suportar a escolha; e (vi) o sentimento de se fazer uma boa compra é um fator desejado. Finalmente, foram propostas alternativas para que o varejo possa oferecer, com uma frequência cada vez maior, experiências de compra que gerem valor para seus shoppers. / Many trends have characterized the modern retailing, including the competition between the brick and mortar and online stores. Brick and mortar stores have to find new ways to create shopper value making the act of buying a moment of pleasure. In order to obtain success on shopper experiences strategies it is important to consider tangibles and intangibles aspects that provide customer value. This study aims to understand what shoppers value in their shopping experience in a toy store. The literature review covered the following topics: the retail industry and toy stores, marketing and retail, shopper and their buying behavior, customer value and customer experience in retailing. The present research was based on means-end chain model to identify the elements that generates value. In order to reach the research goal a laddering technique was conducted with 15 in-depth interviews. The research has found six main shopper value representations: (i) toy store it\'s a way to get stimulus to help on child development; (ii) the magical and ludic stimuli evokes memories and fantasies; (iii) time and money are important during the purchase process; (iv) a toy has to trigger child\'s desire, (v) different options is important to support the choice; and (vi) there is a desire to feel a good cost benefit when choosing. Finally there is proposal on how a retail can offer a superior value over the shopper experience.

Oscar Jacobson : Ett värdefullt företag för slutkund och återförsäljare? / Oscar Jacobson : A valuable company for both retailers and end customers

Johannesson, Frida, Kåhed, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Oscar Jacobson was founded in 1903 in Sweden, which at the timewas a leading country in the textile industry. During the 1960s morecompetitors arose as the fashion industry grew stronger and theglobalization became a fact. Today there is an abundance of brandsand products in the fashion- and textile industry. This has given thecustomers a greater range of products to choose from. We can seetendencies of customer not being as brand loyal as they used to. Toattract and keep the customers loyal the fashion companies need todevelop a unique proposition that differentiates them for theircompetition.It is easy to establish that satisfied customers are the foundation of aprofitable company. It is however harder to define how a companycreates satisfied customers. During our work with this paper wehave discovered that the customer value proposition is a subjectivefactor. A value proposition is the description of the customer’sproblem, the solution of the customer’s problem and the value ofthis solution from the customer’s perspective. Despite a company'sattempts to create value in an objective way with good quality andservice something is missing. So the question is; how will acompany create a relevant customer value proposition?The purpose with our study has been to investigate, describe andanalyses how a Swedish textile company preferably should work tocreate customer value. We have chosen to apply our newfoundknowledge on our investigation company Oscar Jacobson. This willincrease our understanding for factors affecting the customer value.We have used scholarly thesis and qualitative interviews with bothOscar Jacobson’s end customers and retailers. We have alsoconducted an interview with Henrik Schneider, Chief MarketingOfficer, at Oscar Jacobson.We have realized that the value creating process is complex. Allparts within a company need to be pervaded with a clear andconsistent message. After our empirical investigation of OscarIIJacobson’s end customer and retailers we can declare thatsafetyness is a very important factor for Oscar Jacobson’s endcustomers and retailers. safetyness is however nothing that OscarJacobson themselves pointed out as an important factor. We canalso see that the attitude towards Oscar Jacobson is differentdepending on the end customer’s age. The brand awareness ofOscar Jacobson is lower in the younger parts of the target group,which is something Oscar Jacobson needs to take intoconsideration. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Making co-creation work in mobile financial services innovation : what capabilities are needed and what practices work best in developing countries?

Ode, Egena January 2018 (has links)
This thesis addresses existing shortcomings in the co-creation literature by proposing organisational capabilities that support co-creation in financial service firms. A developing country perspective is taken and the context is Nigeria, a West African Country. In this thesis, the Resource-based view and Knowledge-based view are integrated with the Dynamic Capability perspective to identify capabilities required to manage the dyadic interactions during co-creation. First, a conceptual model is developed through an in-depth literature review, before testing, refining and validating the model through a mixed-method research approach, involving both qualitative and quantitative research steps. The conceptual model identified a set of capabilities - namely the firm's innovation, knowledge management and relational capability and their effect on co-creation practice. The aim of the qualitative research step was to improve the conceptual model through exploratory research. This step involved in-depth interviews (n=9) with key informants and a focus group discussion with users (n=7). In the quantitative step, empirical data was collected via a questionnaire (n=261) using a drop-off-pick-up (DOPU) technique. The data is analysed using structural path analysis, hypotheses testing and model re-specification. The results of the qualitative phase indicate that co-creation in financial services is dependent on regulation, user need and the structure of financial services in Nigeria. The results also confirm the influence of innovation, knowledge management and relational capabilities on co-creation practice. Nevertheless, qualitative findings also show that knowledge management capability emerged as a vital capability upon which other value creation activities in financial service firms depend. These findings were further tested and validated in the quantitative phase. In line with the resource-based view (RBV) and the knowledge-based view (KBV), empirical findings confirm that the firm`s resource endowments explain, in part, value co-creation in firms. Principally, the findings of this study show that the capacity of financial service organisations to provide sustainable value creation for its clients and itself depend on the degree to which they possess specific dynamic capabilities. The findings also show the relative importance of co-creation practices and how they are effective only in certain conditions and specific environments.

Intellectual Capital (IC) and Customer Value in a Retailing Context

Jeon, Sua 08 1900 (has links)
Intellectual Capital (IC) is the intellectual capability of an organization; it drives the usage of other productive resources and adds value to the business structure. Although the expanding literature on IC has enhanced our understanding, the effects of IC with relation to consumers have not been explored in the marketing literature. Thus, this study fills this void by approaching the notion of IC from a customer perspective. Customer value also has attracted extensive attention in recent years. However, the lack of agreement among scholars with respect to the conceptualization of customer value has resulted in inconsistent empirical measures. Furthermore, despite extensive research focus on IC and customer value separately, there is a void in the literature as far as investigating the relationship between the two is concerned. Thus, this study also empirically investigates the predictive relationships among the various dimensions of IC and perceived customer value. This dissertation delineates three dimensions of IC (i.e., Human Capital, Structural Capital, and Relational Capital) available to a retail store in creating value for customers. This study tests the psychometric properties of scale items for measuring these three resources in an apparel retailing context. It also tests the effects of IC on customer value using both a student sample and a consumer sample. This study makes several important contributions to the literature and has the potential to improve marketing practices. First, this study revisits the conceptualization of IC in relation to consumer’s perception and to value creation in an apparel retailing context. Second, this study investigates the multidimensional nature of IC and the relative influence of different dimensions on customer value. Lastly, marketing practitioners and retail managers can learn, based on these results, that the types of resources and their utilization affect the perception by consumers of the value of retail stores.

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