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Ontario's Daily Physical Activity Policy: Exploring the How and Why of Implementation by TeachersZeglen, Laura 20 November 2013 (has links)
Daily Physical Activity (DPA) is one component of Ontario’s Healthy Schools strategy. This case study of two schools in geographically and culturally diverse contexts explores DPA implementation according to the focus areas of the Ministry of Education. The conceptual framework of Clune (1990) was employed to explore implementation according to three perspectives, revealing disconnects between the policy mandate and educational contexts, as well as potential improvements to the current policy. It was found that time constraints are the most prominent barrier to DPA implementation, and that the primary focus of DPA for educators is often provision, but not quality, of daily physical activities. It was also found that teachers’ perceptions of policy importance are a stronger predictor of implementation than a supportive school administration, given there is no conflict with other school policies. Recommendations for policy revisions are provided based on the findings.
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Tremties kasdienybė (pagal Šiaulių „Aušros“ muziejuje saugomus laiškus) / Daily Life in Exile (with Reference to the Letters Stored at Šiauliai "Aušra" Museum)Dankus, Mantas 19 August 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas tremtinių kasdienis gyvenimas pasiremiant, o kartu ir analizuojant Šiaulių „Aušros“ muziejuje saugomus išlikusius tremtinių laiškus. Laiškai šiame darbe atstoja šaltinių bazę. Visų pirma, tai yra pirminis šaltinis ir galiausiai šių laiškų turinys nėra giliau analizuotas. Laiškai analizuojami pasiremiant įžvalga, kad tremtiniai buvo vieno kolektyvo nariais bei priklausė vienai socialinei grupei. Pagrindinė darbo problema yra tremtinių prisitaikymas prie tenykščių gyvenimo sąlygų, jų elgesio tendencijos bei tremties patirtis. / The Final Bachelor’s Thesis deals with the daily life in exile with reference to and at the same time by analysing extant letters of exiles stored at Šiauliai “Aušra” Museum. The letters serve as the base of sources in the present Paper. First of all they are a primary source and finally the content of these letters lack deeper analysis. The letters had been analysed based on the providence that all the exiles had been members of a single collective and had belonged to the same social group. The basic problem of the Paper is adaptation of the exiles to indigenous living conditions, trends in their behaviour, and experience in exile.
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Ontario's Daily Physical Activity Policy: Exploring the How and Why of Implementation by TeachersZeglen, Laura 20 November 2013 (has links)
Daily Physical Activity (DPA) is one component of Ontario’s Healthy Schools strategy. This case study of two schools in geographically and culturally diverse contexts explores DPA implementation according to the focus areas of the Ministry of Education. The conceptual framework of Clune (1990) was employed to explore implementation according to three perspectives, revealing disconnects between the policy mandate and educational contexts, as well as potential improvements to the current policy. It was found that time constraints are the most prominent barrier to DPA implementation, and that the primary focus of DPA for educators is often provision, but not quality, of daily physical activities. It was also found that teachers’ perceptions of policy importance are a stronger predictor of implementation than a supportive school administration, given there is no conflict with other school policies. Recommendations for policy revisions are provided based on the findings.
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Parents' experiences of daily life having a child with Down syndrome in Costa RicaPersson, Stina January 2014 (has links)
Background Out of all chromosomal disorders, Down syndrome is the most common. Being a parent to a child with this contition comes with unique challenges and can be a life-changing experience, as the child will require special attention and interdisciplinary care throughout the life span. Limited research has been done regarding parents experiences of daily life with a child having Down syndrome, and this study is an attempt to contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon in general, and in Costa Rica in particular. Aim The aim of the study was to describe parent's experiences of daily life with a child having Down syndrome in Costa Rica. Method A qualitative interview study with a semi-structure was used as approach together with qualitative content analysis. An inductive approach was used for the analysis. Six parents in San José were interviewed for the study. Result Parents' experiences of daily life with a child having Down syndrome in Costa Rica was associated with various aspects, some in general and some more specific. The general were positive and negative experiences, whereas the others were more focused on specific areas regarding the daily life and Costa Rica as a country. Conclusion Parents in Costa Rica tend to have similar positive and negative experiences when comparing to other studies of this phenomenon. The findings suggest that Costa Rica is a country with deficiencies when it comes to the social, legal and educational system.
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Patienters upplevelser av hur sjukdomen glaukom kan påverka det dagliga livet / Patients' experiences how the disease glaucoma may affect daily lifeDaram, Tsogzolmaa, Nilsson, Anna, Ravenborn, Monica January 2014 (has links)
Glaukom eller grön starr är en kronisk och åldersrelaterad sjukdom som drabbar flera miljoner människor och är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till blindhet i världen. Syftet med pilotstudien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser om hur sjukdomen glaukom påverkar det dagliga livet. Pilotstudien hade en kvalitativ deskriptiv design och genomfördes som en intervjustudie som analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras i tre kategorier: Maktlöshet, Trygghet och Självständighet. Patienterna upplever maktlöshet i det dagliga livet på grund av den oro det innebär att ha glaukom, samt begränsningen det innebär med en synnedsättning. Med stöd av närstående och att tänka positivt kan patienterna uppleva trygghet och känna en positiv framtidstro. Genom anpassning och erfarenhet kan de bli oberoende och självständiga. Resultatet i pilotstudien kan vara ett stöd för ögonsjuksköterskor att förstå de dagliga svårigheter patienter med glaukom ställs inför. Ögonsjuksköterskor kan stärka patienterna genom att stödja dem till att hitta strategier som kan underlätta deras dagliga liv. Ytterligare forskning om patienter med glaukom behövs för att fördjupa förståelsen om deras situation och hur ögonsjuksköterskor kan stödja patienterna för att underlätta deras dagliga liv. Det finns ett stort behov av att utbilda fler ögonsjuksköterskor eftersom befolkningen blir äldre och därmed beräknas patienter med glaukom att öka. / Glaucoma is a chronic age related disease that affects several million people and is one of the most common causes of blindness in the world. The aim of the pilot study was to describe patients' experiences of how glaucoma affects daily life. The pilot study had a qualitative descriptive design and was conducted as an interview study that were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results are presented in three categories: Powerlessness, Security and Independence. Patients experience powerlessness in daily life because of the anxiety of having glaucoma and the limitation that comes with a visual impairment. With support of family and thinking positively, they may experience security and a positive future. Through adaptation and experience they may become independent. The results may support ophthalmic nurses in understanding patients with glaucoma difficulties in daily life and strengthen them finding strategies that may by support ease daily life. Further research is needed to get a deeper understanding of how patients with glaucoma perceive their visual impairment. There is a great need to educate more ophthalmic nurses as the population ages and therefor the population with glaucoma is estimated to increase.
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Tearing Down the Secular : Religion and violence in the reporting of the Ayodhya dispute by the Swedish daily press 1986-2002Sundström, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Using a discourse analytical method with the discourse theoretical framework of Laclau and Mouffe, this thesis aims to study the changing discourse of religion and violence in the Swedish media, and how this is presented in the Swedish daily press’s reporting of the Ayodhya dispute in India during the period 1986-2002; the dispute is often cited as a typical example of the religious violence between Hindus and Muslims in India, which has plagued the country for centuries. This study would argue, in relation to the trends observed in the studied material, that the discourse of religious violence seems to become an established part of the Swedish daily press’s discourse sometime during the latter part of the 1990’s, and that the discourse itself is characterized by a tendency to portray religion and religiosity in a dichotomy with the secular, where the secular state is depicted as being in an antagonistic relationship with fanatical and violent religiosity, which is constantly threatening to tear it apart.
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Die Inszenierung sozialer Konflikte in der populären Massenkultur am Beispiel erfolgreicher Talkshows ein Beitrag zum Thema Sozialisation durch Massenmedien unter Berücksichtigung geschlechtsspezifischer SozialisationStach, Anna January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Marburg, Univ., Diss., 2005
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Living with physical disability : experiences of the rehabilitation process, occupations and participation in everyday life /Larsson Lund, Maria, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Living with muscular dystrophy : illness experience, activities of daily living, coping, quality of life and rehabilitation /Nätterlund, Birgitta, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2001. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Needing help and waiting : symbolic threats to independence in the nursing home /Driver, Evelyn Jane. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Virginia, 1997. / Spine title: Waiting threats to independence. Includes bibliographical references (186-196). Also available online through Digital Dissertations.
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