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The Media Portrayal Of Homosexuality In The Turkish Press Between 1998 And 2006Hoscan, Ozlem 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the newspapers such as Hü / rriyet, Milliyet, Radikal, Posta, AkSam, Sabah, Cumhuriyet, Star, Gü / neS, Takvim, Dü / nya, Gö / zcü / and Yeni Asir are considered liberal or left leaning. The newspapers such as Akit, Milli Gazete, Yeni Asya, Anayurt, Tü / rkiye, Yeni Safak, Dü / nden Bugü / ne Tercü / man, Vakit and Zaman are considered conservative or Islamic newspapers. The period chosen for this analysis is between 28.12.1998 and 15.06.2006, and all the news items published in this period are scrutinised in the archive of the Parliament Library, where there is a special category for the news on homosexuality and homosexuals.
First, the news items of the newspapers mentioned above are categorised as presented in the tables prepared. Through these tables, a general perspective on the press coverage in Turkey is revealed by the analysis of the evaluations of the general features of this coverage on homosexuality and homosexuals.
Second, an extensive textual analysis is carried out by analysing the news texts regarding three common events covered in most of the newspapers mentioned above to reflect a more accurate and detailed account of the representation of homosexuality and homosexuals in the Turkish Daily Press.
Moreover, in-depth interviews are conducted with homosexuals to find out their point of view on the portrayal of themselves in the Turkish Daily Press.
Finally, the findings of the analysis of the press coverage of homosexuality and homosexuals, and the findings of the interviews are compared.
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A Comperative Study In Two Neighborhoods In Tokyo And Istanbul: An Architectural And Aesthetical AnalysisEsen, Yadigar 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This master thesis comprizes of a comparative study between two neighborhoods
in two different cities: Nezu-Tokyo and Ortakoy-Istanbul. Although two cities that have
been chosen seem incomparable in many respects, the study scale &ndash / neighborhoodsprovide
a deeper apprehension to understand the differences or similarities that the two
cultures and their architecture share. In the master thesis, the main factors that form,
constitute, and limit the neighborhoods, with the help of the photographical medium, will
be analyzed.
Japanese and Turkish Culture, despite the fact that they belong to different
geographies, share a certain closeness and intimacy. In the two cultures, it is possible to
observe that, there exists (at least within certain cultural areas) an attempt to protect
internal harmonies against the effects of globalizarion. After experiencing the similar
characteristics of urban space in these two neighborhoods, this study has focused on the
creation of space, within the help of atmoshere and boundary concepts, within a
theoretical frame drawn by an aesthetical approach.
Although the cities that were chosen are very large in scale, the neighborhoods
which were chosen still carry a local character, where citizens spend most of their time and
closely affect their surroundings. It could also be claimed that, positioned between
architectural and urban scale, neighborhoods constitute the different faces of a city. In a
neighborhood that posseses both traditional characters and effects of urbanization at the
same time, we can observe the social habits and individual diversities, rules of a city
planning and flux of different ingredients that form the metropolitan and daily life, and
neighbor relations.
In this regard, my intention, with the close-scope study of two neighborhoods, is
to make a research to indicate the very distinct ways to create space and the ways in which
everyday life is conveyed, within the context of two different cultures.
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Theater In Nineteenth Century Istanbul: Cases For The Translation Of An Architectural TypologyYazici, Ezgi 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
As far as the traditional Turkish theater does not refer to any architectural structure / the theater buildings that are built during the nineteenth century are identified with the ideals of modernity and treated as the literally translations of the Western typologies.This study aims to investigate the possbility of a geniune architectural language in the theaters of nineteeenth century Istanbul. While doing this, rather than offering a pure formal analysis,the study concentrates on the cultural panorama of the nineteenth century Istanbul, political and ideological changes, international relations, economic downturn and their impact on theater that starts to appear as a popular leisure time activity of the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
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The Tunali Hilmi Avenue, 1950s-1980s: The Formation Of A Public Place In AnkaraResuloglu, Cilga 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the socio-spatial formation of a public place in Ankara, the capital city of the Turkish Republic, is analyzed between the 1950s and the 1980s. Within this framework, the focus of analysis is the Tunali Hilmi Avenue (earlier Ö / zdemir Street) as one of the main streets in Ankara. To understand experiences of daily life in relation to spatial constitution of a public place is vital for this study, because this opens the way for discussing the formation of a &ldquo / street&rdquo / as a public place where social forms and practices come into being in the city.
Focusing on the socio-spatial experiences of people on a street as a public place, this study uses visual and written documents about the architectural and planning processes, as well as the information gathered from oral history survey about the experiences of individuals, in order to understand how public life and public place are shaped in a reciprocal manner, and how the spatial formation of a street is realized in relation to daily experiences of its inhabitants.
The decades from the foundation of the Turkish Republic until the late-1950s are initially presented as the period when this part of the city transformed from a suburb of vineyards into a residential area. The main period of analysis in this study is from the late 1950s to the late 1980s when the Tunali Hilmi Avenue was formed as a significant public place in Ankara, acquiring residential as well as cultural, recreational and commercial functions to act as an urban sub-center in the city.
Aiming to produce a comprehensive architectural history of the socio-spatial formation of the Tunali Hilmi Avenue as a public place, with reference to its public role in a specific period of time, this study examines this process as associated with the contemporary changes in the built environment and daily life of Ankara. From such a broad perspective, the study evaluates the unplanned formation of the Avenue as an urban sub-center not only as an urban or architectural entity but also as a social process.
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An Investigation On Perceptions And Self-reported Practices Of Early Childhood Teachers Towards Instructional Arrangement For Classroom ManagementAras, Selda 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the study is to investigate early childhood teachers&rsquo / perceptions and self-reported practices towards instructional arrangement for classroom management. In the light of literature review components of instructional arrangement were evaluated and the most common elements used by researchers were selected to be investigated within this study. Materials, daily schedules, and curriculum planning are the three components that are included in the study. More specifically, the present study aimed to examine perceptions and self-reported practices of early childhood teachers on how to select materials, design daily schedule, and plan curriculum / and to investigate their perceptions on those three components for classroom management.
Early childhood teachers participated in the study were involved in an interview which was developed and conducted by the researcher. There were twenty
questions in the interview including three sections. The aim of the first part was to get demographic information from participants. Questions in the second part were designed to see the perceptions and self-reported practices of participants on classroom management. The third part was designed to see perceptions and self-reported practices of teachers towards materials, scheduling, and planning for classroom management.
17 early childhood teachers from different schools participated in the study working with children between the ages of three to six. 16 female and one male early childhood teachers invited to be participated in the study. Five of the teachers were working in public schools and 12 of the teachers were working in private schools.
The findings of the study indicated that early childhood teachers believe on the importance of materials, daily schedules, and curriculum planning on classroom management. They consider classroom management while selecting materials, designing daily schedules, and preparing curriculum plans. Their criteria for materials, daily schedule, and curriculum planning indicate differences based on their educational backgrounds and experience levels. As opportunities of public and private schools have differences, applications indicate differences, too. Teachers stated the influence of families and school administrations on their classroom management applications.
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No description available.
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No description available.
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The Study of Survival strategics of Local Mediapoho, yen 21 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the environments and survival strategies of local media from the aspect of management. China Daily News and Taiwan News are chosen for case study because they are representative of local newspaper in urban areas in Taiwan.
The results show that these two Newspaper possess three core competitive forces: history, cross marketing and newsroom strategies, and the superior delivery of local news. With regard to history, these two presses were the only press issued locally from their time of establishment to their time of growth and still remain to be so. As to cross marketing and newsroom strategies, their owners highly emphasize the necessity of adopting these strategies which contribute to the success and vitality of the press. Finally, the quality and quantity of the local news they cover and deliver are also unbeatable by any other media.
To survive in the future, local newspaper are advised to adopt the following strategies: (1) to have sufficient capital, (2) to perform market and cost analyses for the purpose of fixing the prices of newspaper and advertisement, (3) to invest on the development of human resources, (4) to evaluate changes in the market, (5) to find a niche and have a clear share in the market, (6) to produce local news that are superior in quality and quantity, (7) to adopt cross marketing and newsroom strategies, (8) to have value chain deconstructed and executed externally. Vertical and horizontal integration, as well as diversification of business are essential as well.
For new local newspaper, there is a small chance of success because the success of a local newspaper depends on the acceptance and recognition of local people. It takes time for local people to grow into the habit of reading a particular newspaper. Even if the newcomers are run in the best form of business, success is still uneasy. The competition is keener in those urban areas where local newspaper are already present.
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How the ¡§Economic Daily¡¨, a Powerful Media, Analyzes Semi-conductor Enterprises and Influences InvestorsChen, Chao-hsiung 13 September 2007 (has links)
The research object of this paper is the Economic Daily Paper that is a newspaper specialized in economic topics. The purpose is to find out the relation between the IC semiconductor industry and the media's report by using the content analysis of dissemination as a research method. It studies and analyzes the industrial development and investor behaviors based on the front and second pages of Economic Daily in the past ten years, separated a year into four different industrial seasons starting January, April, July and October. The conclusions are as follows:
1.After the analysis, the circulation appears to be the information on the semiconductor industry and it disseminates mostly in the form of ¡§News¡¨. Because the semiconductor industry accounts for the large volume in the Economic Daily Paper, I chose this newspaper to be the reference of my paper.
2.¡§Security¡¨, as an important index to the readers, is the most valued topic because the profitability of a company affects the management efficiency of the company. Followed by ¡§security¡¨ is the ¡§management strategy¡¨. The companies of the semiconductor want to fully utilize the management skill, so they would have to focus on the business management strategies.
3.As we look at the industry development from the reports, we can easily find that the industry development obviously push forward the report of the development.
4.Semiconductor is a high technological industry, and its development can be divided into six stages: research and development, establishment, growth, maturity, expansion, and success. The sources of capital can be divided into foundation fund, development fund and expansion fund. After a high-tech company succeeds, it should make the stock listed and disperse the stocks as quickly as possible to raise the fund.
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Flowing Body and Identity-A Study of Taiwanese Entrepreneurs in ShanghaiWang, Jo-peng 24 August 2009 (has links)
The focus of the dissertation is to be a flâneur in Shanghai and explore the relationship between ¡§urban space¡¨ and ¡§flowing body¡¨. In this paper, I attempt to describe the connection between daily practices and identities by interviewing
Taiwanese entrepreneurs.
As result, some major findings emerged from the study¡GFirstly, Taiwanese enterprenuers enjoy the flexible status based on the accumulation of their (original)capitals. Second, Shanghai is presented in both nostalgia and modernization. Due to the Satisfication of their daily life in shanghai, Taiwanese entrepreneurs like to join this global city.Third, Taiwan is less competitive for Taiwanese entrepreneurs in
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