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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patienters upplevelser av det dagliga livet efter en brännskada / Patient's experiences of the daily life after burn injury

Ljungberg, Jessica, Sangin, Nassima January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa patienters upplevelser av det dagliga livet efter en brännskada. Bakgrund: Brännskador är ett trauma för både kropp och själ och är både ett fysiskt och psykiskt lidande. Patienterna lider av bland annat sömnsvårigheter, depression, ångest och klåda. En stor del av omvårdnaden är rehabilitering som hjälper patienten att återgå till vardagen. Hendersons omvårdnadsteori syftar till att sjuksköterskan ska hjälpa patienter att återfå oberoendet gällande sina grundläggande behov och kommer att användas vid tolkning av resultatet. Metod: Litteraturstudie utförd på ett systematiskt sätt, baserad på fem kvalitativa och sju kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan åren 1995-2010. Resultat: Brännskador innebär både fysiska och psykiska förändringar i det dagliga livet. Resultatet är baserat på fyra kategorier; fysiska och psykiska begränsningar, vård och rehabilitering, det sociala livet och livskvalitet. Patienter upplevde bristande självförtroende, negativ påverkan på relationer, funktionshinder samt arbete och karriär, vilket kunde leda till depression och ångest. Diskussion: Rehabiliteringen var betydelsefull för patienternas tillfrisknande då det var viktigt att sjuksköterskan och anhöriga anpassade sig efter deras behov och få förståelse för den enskilda individen. Det kan vara en god idé att använda sig av Hendersons modell för att brännskadevården ska bli bättre och patienter ska klara av sin vardag på bästa sätt. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to highlight the daily life experience of patients after burn injury. Background: There is a physical and mental experience associated with burn injuries affecting both body and soul for patients which can be defined as trauma. The outcome of burn injuries can cause the patient to suffer from depression, anxiety and itching. Henderson’s care theory aims to support nurses to help patients to recover through rehabilitation so he/she can gain independency and return back to daily life. Henderson’s theory will be used to interpret the result. Method: Literature study used in a systematic way is based on five qualitative and seven quantitative articles published between 1995-2010. Result: Burn injuries have an effect on the physical and mental change in patients daily life. Result is based on four different categories: physical and mental limitations, care and rehabilitation, ability to socialize and quality of life. Patients experienced insufficient self-confidence, functional disability and negative affect on relationships and carrier which can be a driver for depression and anxiety. Discussion: Rehabilitation is crucial for the patient to recover and it is important that the nurse and relatives adapted according to the patients need. It is also important that understanding for the individual is set in mind to support the patient. It’s a good idea to use Henderson’s model to improve the care of patients after burn injury so they can manage their daily life in the best possible way.

Multipel Skleros : Mitt hinder i vardagen / Multiple Sclerosis : My obsracles in daily life

Hallsenius, Lina, Sjöberg, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Multiple skleros är en neurologisk sjukdom i det centrala nervsystemet vilket beror på en kronisk inflammation. Insjuknandet sker i åldern 20-40 år. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur det dagliga livet påverkades för personer med Multiple skleros. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie har utförts och analyserats med ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Sökningar gjordes i databaser vilket resulterade i 20 artiklar. Resultat: MS-drabbade upplevde att vardagen påverkades och arbete, relationer samt fritidsaktiviteter blev lidande. En känslomässig följd av MS var oro och rädsla, att inte veta när nästa förlust skulle drabba dem. Diskussion: Ofrivillig social isolering ledde till ett stort lidande hos den MS-drabbade, att dessutom förlora fysiska egenskaper bidrog i sin tur till ett annat lidande. MS begränsningarna skapade en sänkt självständighet, som sjuksköterska är det viktigt att vara medveten om svårigheten att ersätta den MS-drabbades förlorade färdigheter. Slutsats: Som blivande sjuksköterskor är det relevant att vara medveten om att sjukdomen påverkar hela den MS-drabbades livssituation. För att ge optimal omvårdnad bör sjuksköterskan utgå från den MS-drabbades individuella behov. Trots att den MS-drabbade möter motgångar, har de flesta en otrolig kraft för att kämpa vidare / Background: Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease of the central nervous system due to a chronic inflammatory. Onset occurs between the ages of 20-40 years. Aim: The objective was to describe how the daily lives of people were affected by Multiple Sclerosis Method: A systematic literature study has been conducted were articles analyzed with an inductive approach. Search was made in databases, which resulted in 20 articles. Results: MS-affected felt that affected everyday life and work, relationships and leisure activities began to suffer. An emotional consequence of MS was anxiety and fear of not knowing when the next loss affected them. Discussion: Involuntary social isolation contributed to a great suffering for the MS-affected and on top of that loose physicals skills also contributed another suffering. MS limits created a reduced independence, it is important to be aware of the difficulty to replace the lost skills of the MS-affected. Conclusion: As a future nurse, it is relevant to be aware that the disease affects the whole of the MS-affected life situation. To provide optimal care nurse should be deleted from the MS-affected individual needs. Although the MS-stricken face adversity, most have shown incredible strength to fight on.

När allting är trist : Män och kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med depression / When everything is boring : Men and women's experiences of living with depression

Sörensen, Josefine, Herbenö, Lina January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Risken för att drabbas av depression någon gång i livet är 50 % för kvinnor och 20 % för män. Orsaken till varför en depression utvecklas hos en del människor kan bero på olika faktorer, så som ärftlighet och av olika påfrestningar under uppväxten. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa upplevelser hos män och kvinnor som lever med depression. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes och baserades på nio vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Det visade sig att depression var något individuellt. Något som var återkommande i studierna var hur upplevelser och faktorer i barndomen kunde ha lett till depression och många personer upplevde ett lidande och en smärta i samband med sin depression. Det visade sig även att personer hanterade sin depression på olika sätt. Diskussion: I diskussionen lades det vikt på tre huvudfynd; att leva upp till höga krav i barndomen, att inte bli förstådd av omgivningen och skillnaden i hur män och kvinnor uttryckte sin depression. Slutsats: Efterhand som depression blir allt vanligare i vårt samhälle är det av vikt för vårdpersonal att få en ökad förståelse för området för att kunna ge en god individanpassad omvårdnad. / Background: The risk of suffering from depression at some point in life is 50% for women and 20% for men. The reason why depression develops in some people may depend on various factors, such as heredity and the various strains while growing up. Aim: The aim was to illuminate the experiences of men and women living with depression. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted and was based on nine scientific papers. Result: It was found that depression was something individually. Something that was recurring in the studies was how the experiences and factors in childhood might have led to depression and many people experienced a suffering and pain associated with their depression. It appeared also that people manage their depression differently. Discussion: The discussion was the emphasis on three key findings, to live up to high demanding in childhood, not to be understood by the environment, and the difference in how men and women expressed their depression. Conclusion: As depression becomes more and more common in our society, it is important that the personnel in healthcare gets a better understanding of the individual to provide good quality personalized care.

Faktorer som påverkar livskvaliten i det dagliga livet hos personer med Multipel skleros / Factors affecting quality of life in the daily living of persons with Multiple sclerosis

Ask, Madeleine, Baderkhan, Nazdar January 2009 (has links)
Multipel skleros är en sjukdom som påverkar kroppen på många olika sätt både fysiskt och psykiskt. Många unga drabbas och det påverkar hela livssituationen. Syftet med studien var att beskriva faktorer som påverkar livskvalité i det dagliga livet hos personer med Multipel skleros. Metoden utgjordes av en litteraturstudie där Polit och Becks (2008) åtta steg har använts. Studien är baserad på 10 kvalitativa och vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna identifierades genom elektronisk sökning i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Betydande delar i artiklarnas resultat, som svarade på studiens syfte, markerades för att finna likheter och skillnader, dessa organiserades sedan i huvudkategorier och underkategorier. Resultatet visar att stöd kan upplevas både positivt och negativt och detta påverkar på det sättet livskvaliten. Att ha ett arbete, sociala relationer och känna en känsla av oberoende genom självständighet och kontroll är viktiga faktorer som påverkar livskvaliten.

Det här är Mixed Martial Arts! : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om hur svensk dagspress framställer MMA / This is Mixed Martial Arts! : A quantitative study of the framing of Mixed Martial Arts in Swedish daily newspapers

Wångdahl, Max, Östling, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Purpose/aim: This study was performed in order to describe how Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is reported in Swedish daily newspapers during a five-year period. MMA is a relative new sport in Sweden and it is important that the description by the Swedish daily newspapers is accurate and balanced. Then this sport will have the same opportunities to grow as already well-established sports in Sweden.  Material/Method: The material consists of 159 articles from six different daily newspapers gathered from 2006-12-07 to 2011-12-07. Quantitative content analysis is used to investigate how the newspapers describe MMA. The result from this quantitative analysis are then compiled, analysed and discussed by applying theories of agenda setting, framing and moral panic.  Main results: The result shows that the Swedish daily newspapers give a relative neutral and balanced picture in their coverage of MMA but they are affected to a certain degree of moral panic. A neutral framing of MMA was common in the majority of the newspapers. Swedish newspapers have fulfilled the requirements that you should have on balanced journalism. A majority of the articles described MMA with more or less deviancy and therefore made MMA “Folk Devils”. Further there was a consensus among politicians and other right-thinking people that MMA is a threat to and is dangerous to society. The negative reporting of MMA in the daily newspapers is volatile with one-year cycles with start in late 2009. With one quarter of the articles describing MMA as a problem, there is preconception that MMA is likely to have a negative impact on society. There is a disproportion in the reporting of MMA as a threat as “Swedish Sports” have approved MMA as a sport, but still report it as a problem. Therefore there is some kind of moral panic about MMA in Swedish daily newspaper.

Upplevelser av att arbeta med djur på daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland personer med funktionsnedsättning / Experiences of working with animals at daily activities : A qualitative interview study among people with disabilities

Åkesson, Therese January 2012 (has links)
The central part in all public health work is health promotion and disease preventing actions among the population. Since all public health work includes the whole population, the work has to embrace disabled people as well. Within the disability policies, participation and equality are important goals, which illustrate the importance of a job. In previous studies the positive effects of animal have been detected among persons with disabilities, by better balance, better mobility, larger social network, new knowledge and most of all happiness. The aim of this study was to investigate how people with disabilities experience their health when they are working with animal husbandry at daily activities. The study was based on a project which started in Örkelljunga in January 2012. The purpose was to help the persons in the project to have a more active day at their daily activity. The survey was conducted with interviews as a qualitative method, in which six participants with disabilities where interviewed. The result showed that the participants felt that their daily activity was more meaningful since they had started working with animals and they showed joy while performing their tasks. Most importantly they felt better, where happier and more alert. The conclusion of the study showed that working with animals on daily activities could have a health promotion effect on the participant’s well-being and development. / Den centrala delen i allt folkhälsoarbete är hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggandesatsningar bland befolkningen. Då folkhälsoarbetet gäller hela befolkningen borde arbetetäven ha ett funktionsnedsättningsperspektiv. Inom handikappolitiken är delaktighet ochjämlikhet viktiga mål, vilket bland annat belyser vikten av att ha ett arbete. I tidigare studierhar de positiva effekterna av djur påvisats hos personer med funktionsnedsättning, blandannat genom bättre balans, bättre rörelseförmåga, större socialt nätverk, utveckling av nyakunskaper och framför allt glädje. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hurpersoner med funktionsnedsättning upplever sin hälsa vid arbete med djurskötsel på dagligverksamhet. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i ett projekt som startade i Örkelljunga kommun ijanuari 2012. Undersökningen genomfördes med intervjuer som kvalitativ metod, där sex avdeltagarna med funktionsnedsättning intervjuades. Resultatet visade att deltagarna upplevdesin dagliga verksamhet som betydligt mer meningsfull sedan de börjat arbeta med djur. De sersina arbetsuppgifter som betydelsefulla, de visar en glädje i att vilja utföra dem och lära signya saker. Framför allt upplever deltagarna stor skillnad i sitt psykiska välmående, de mårbättre, de känner sig gladare och piggare. Sammanfattningsvis visade studien att arbetet meddjur på daglig verksamhet kan ha en hälsofrämjande inverkan på deltagarnas välmående ochutveckling.

Att leva med Multipel Skleros : En litteraturstudie

Andersson, Mikaela, Hammar, Ann January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa aktuell forskning som beskriver hur det är att leva med Multipel Skleros (MS). Metod: Vetenskapliga artiklar söktes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Tolv artiklar med kvalitativ ansats valdes ut och kvalitetsgranskades enligt Högskolan Dalarnas granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att leva med MS innebar upplevelser av att identiteten och självbilden påverkades och känslor av att inte vilja uppfattas som annorlunda. Det fanns en rädsla över förlorad självständighet och att vara beroende av andra människor. Personer som levde med MS kände en trötthet som gjorde det nödvändigt att planera och prioritera i vardagen för att energin skulle räcka till. Sjukdomens oförutsägbara förlopp ledde till känslor av att leva i en ovisshet som gjorde framtidsplaner svåra. Att leva med sjukdomen kunde även innebära att få ett nytt sätt att se på livet, där små saker uppskattades mer och inte togs för givet. Många levde med ett hopp om förbättring och en andlighet som i många fall blivit starkare. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten kan ge sjuksköterskan en förståelse för hur det är att leva med MS. Därmed kan bättre förutsättningar skapas för att ge en god omvårdnad till personer med MS utifrån individuella behov.

Development of remedial strategies for the Lover River: a case study of urban river management

Tsai, Yu-Yi 01 September 2011 (has links)
Due to the impact of Taiwan geography and topography, flow rate in rivers goes up and down intensely with rainfall. Rivers are usually lack of dilution capacity, especially during dry season with little rainfall. Water quality has been damaged by untreated municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater and landfill leachate discharged into rivers through gutters, hidden pipes or tributaries discharger, especially obvious in metropolitan rivers. Love river is a typical metropolitan river. It has been under restoration by stages since 1977. Due to the lack of restoration in its upstream segments, this project is to analyze current water quality and to estimate pollutant loading through integration of related materials and documents in Love rivers, as well as to simulate water quality by WASP model through the analyses of measurement data for main and tributaries dischargers as the evaluation of pollution improvement action. Past water quality analyses shows that most upstream segments (upstream of sluicegate under water in Baozhu gutter) are between medium and serious polluted. In addition, results of water quality and flow rates in tributaries discharger shows that (River Pollution Index, RPI) in southern discharger left to Yucheng bridge, K trunk discharger and Baozhu gutter discharger are between 7.25 to 8.25, indicating that this tributaries discharger is the primary source for Lover river pollution. The objectives of this research are to lower the level of upstream pollution through the policies provided through related restoration experience before the sewage system for Kaohisung city is completely developed. As shown by the simulation of pollution reduction, through the combination of water interception and water injection, biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen in water segments downstream of Dingxin bridge was reduced above 65% and 50%, respectively. The fact that water is discharged into Love river after purification by the combination of water interception and source water treated by water purification engineering is beneficial for the reduction of downstream biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia, as well as the improvement of dissolved oxygen to eventually meet the goal of lowering levels of water pollution. The Forecast results of the water quality model used in this study can evaluate the cost-efficiency of pollution reduction action and to provide priority restoration policy in the future as references in the following studies.

Modeling Reallocation of Reservoir Storage Capacity Between Flood Control and Conservation Purposes

Kim, Tae Jin 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Interest in converting portions of the large volumes of flood control storage capacity in federal multiple-purpose reservoirs in Texas and elsewhere to water supply and other conservation purposes has been growing for some time. Evaluation of storage reallocations involving tradeoffs between flood control and conservation purposes in multiple-purpose, multiple-reservoir systems represents a new area for applying the Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) and Texas Water Availability Modeling (WAM) System. A system of 12 multiple-purpose reservoirs operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Brazos River Authority (BRA) was adopted as a case study in this research to develop and test expanded WRAP/WAM-based methods for analyzing modifications in reservoir storage allocations and related system operations. The research consisted of the following tasks: ? The Brazos River Basin WRAP input dataset from the Texas WAM System (Brazos WAM) has a 1940-1997 hydrologic period-of-analysis. The research included developing and applying methods to extend the period-of-analysis to 1900-2007 providing a better representation of river basin hydrology. The methodology developed could potentially be used to update the other river basin datasets in the statewide WAM System. ? The Brazos WAM has 3,830 control points, 670 reservoirs, and hundreds of water rights. The research included developing and applying methods to create a much easier-to-apply condensed dataset focused on the USACE/BRA reservoir system and associated water rights that have only 48 control points and 14 reservoirs. ? The WRAP/WAM System was developed based on a monthly computational time step. The research included applying developmental methodologies for converting a monthly model to a daily time step that includes disaggregation of monthly naturalized flows to daily flows, calibration of flow routing coefficients, and incorporation of forecasting in the simulation. ? The WRAP/WAM System is designed for assessing water supply reliabilities and stream flow and storage frequencies from the perspective of conservative purposes. The research added flood risk indices to the WRAP modeling system in order to address tradeoffs between flood control and conservation purposes. ? The WRAP/WAM-based simulation study performed with the modified WAM dataset developed in this research demonstrates the improvements in water supply capabilities and tradeoffs with flood control associated with various reservoir storage reallocation strategies and other modifications in reservoir system operations.

Daily Time Step Simulation with a Priority Order Based Surface Water Allocation Model

Hoffpauir, Richard James 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Surface water availability models often use monthly simulation time steps for reasons of data availability, model parameter parsimony, and reduced computational time. Representing realistic streamflow variability, however, requires modeling time steps with sub-monthly or daily temporal resolution. Adding daily time step simulation capability to the Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) and the Texas Water Availability Modeling (WAM) System is a growing area of need and interest in water rights permitting, water supply planning, and environmental protection. This research consisted of the following tasks: 1. Key modeling issues are identified that are relevant to daily time step modeling, but are otherwise not considered with monthly simulations. These key modeling issues include disaggregating monthly naturalized flows into daily flows, routing changes to flow through the stream network, reducing impacts to water availability in a priority order based water right system through the use of streamflow forecasting, distributing water right targets from monthly to daily amounts, and integrating flood control reservoir operations into the existing conservation reservoir modeling framework. 2. Two new programs for WRAP are developed to address the key daily time step modeling issues. The new programs include a pre-processor program, DAY, and a daily simulation program, SIMD. 3. A case study of the Brazos River Basin WAM is presented using daily time steps with SIMD. The purpose of the case study is to present an implementation of the daily modeling capabilities. 4. The case study simulation results are used as a basis to draw conclusions regarding monthly versus daily simulation outcomes. The research, as presented through the Brazos River Basin WAM case study, illustrated that incorporating realistic daily streamflow variability into the simulation of a priority order based water allocation system can substantially affect the results obtained for time series of critical period reservoir storage contents, the determination of long-term water right reliability, and the distribution of unappropriated and regulated flows. The modeling capabilities developed by this research advance the state of water availability modeling with sub-monthly time steps by addressing the key modeling issues related to streamflow variability and routing.

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