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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ανάλυση των διδακτικών βιβλίων μαθητή της Χημείας Γ' Γυμνασίου και Α' Λυκείου ως προς τη διεπιστημονική - διαθεματική προσέγγιση των παρεχόμενων γνώσεων και τη σύνδεση τους με την καθημερινή ζωή

Μαντζίλα, Αικατερίνη 25 May 2015 (has links)
Η μελέτη αυτή έχει ως στόχο την ανάλυση του περιεχομένου σχολικών βιβλίων Χημείας Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης που διδάσκονται στo Γυμνάσιο και στο Λύκειο στην Ελλάδα. Αρχικά, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τη βιβλιογραφία και τα αντίστοιχα αναλυτικά προγράμματα σπουδών ανιχνεύτηκαν κάποια κριτήρια, σύμφωνα με τα οποία η διδασκαλία και η μάθηση της Χημείας γίνεται πιο αποδοτική, αποτελεσματική και χρήσιμη για τους μαθητές. Μερικά από αυτά τα κριτήρια είναι: η σύνδεση των παρεχόμενων γνώσεων με την καθημερινή ζωή (κοινωνία - τεχνολογία), η διαθεματικότητα και διεπιστημονικότητα της γνώσης, η συσχέτιση μεταξύ των μελετώμενων εννοιών, η χρηστικότητα της γνώσης - "need to know", η ύπαρξη συγκεκριμένου "πλαισίου" διδασκαλίας, αλλά και το να κατανοούν ουσιαστικά οι μαθητές γιατί πρέπει να μελετήσουν τη διδακτέα ύλη. Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτελείται από τα βιβλία Χημείας μαθητή Γ΄ Γυμνασίου (ημερομηνία έκδοσης 2011) και Α΄ Λυκείου (ημερομηνία έκδοσης 2011). Στην παρούσα μελέτη επιλέχθηκε να γίνει ανάλυση και σύγκριση των δύο σχολικών εγχειριδίων βάσει των κριτηρίων της διεπιστημονικότητας και της σύνδεσης των παρεχόμενων γνώσεων με την καθημερινή ζωή. Καταρχάς, διερευνήθηκε αν τα ανωτέρω βιβλία πληρούν τα αναφερόμενα κριτήρια, και σε ποιο βαθμό, μέσω της καταγραφής και κατηγοριοποίησης σχετικών με τα αναφερόμενα κριτήρια στοιχείων που περιλαμβάνονται στα μελετώμενα εγχειρίδια όπως κεφαλαίων, ενοτήτων, φράσεων, λέξεων, εικόνων, ερωτήσεων, ασκήσεων κλπ. Επιχειρήθηκε ακόμη η σύγκριση μεταξύ των δύο διδακτικών βιβλίων Χημείας Γ' Γυμνασίου και Α' Λυκείου, με σκοπό να διερευνηθεί αν υπερτερεί κάποιο εγχειρίδιο μιας από τις δύο βαθμίδες, ως προς την πλήρωση των τιθέμενων κριτηρίων, με στόχο να αναδειχθεί η ύπαρξη ή όχι συνέχειας και συνοχής στην εκπαίδευση των μαθητών στο μάθημα της Χημείας. Η σημασία της παρούσας έρευνας είναι εμφανής αν ληφθεί υπόψη το γεγονός πως τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης αυτής θα μπορούσαν να παρέχουν κατευθύνσεις στον εκπαιδευτικό σχεδιασμό και τον καθορισμό της ύλης των σχολικών μαθημάτων Χημείας αλλά και να βοηθήσουν τους εκπαιδευτικούς στην επιλογή του κατάλληλου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού και την οργάνωση της διδασκαλίας. Επιπρόσθετα η μελέτη αυτή θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να αναδειχθούν μέθοδοι, διαδικασίες και τρόποι για την προσέλκυση του ενδιαφέροντος των μαθητών και τη βελτίωση της κατανόησης του μαθήματος της Χημείας. / This study aims to analyze the content of school Chemistry books taught in the High School in Greece. Initially, given the literature and corresponding curricula detected some criteria according to which the teaching and learning of chemistry becomes more efficient, effective and useful for students. Some of these criteria are: the supplied knowledge to everyday life (society - technology), the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge, the correlation between the studied concepts, usability of knowledge - "need to know", the existence of specific "frame" of teaching, but also students to understand why should study the curriculum. The sample consists of third High school class Chemistry student books (date 2011) and first of Lyceum (date 2011). This study analyzed and compared the two student books based on the criteria of interdisciplinarity and the connection of the provided knowledge to everyday life. First, we investigated whether the above books meet the listed criteria, and to what extent, through mapping and classifying with the listed criteria items included in planned books as chapters, sections, phrases, words, pictures, questions, exercises, etc. Even attempted a comparison between the two teaching Chemistry books third class of high school and firt class of Lyceum, in order to investigate whether outweighs one of the books in criteria in order to demonstrate the existence or not of continuity and consistency in the chemistry education of students. The importance of this research is evident considering the fact that the results of this analysis could provide guidance on educational planning and determining the matter of school chemistry courses and this study could assist teachers in choosing the appropriate educational material and organizing teaching. Additionally, the study could be used to highlight methods, procedures and ways to attract the interest of students and to improve understanding of chemistry.

Die grüne Seite

Dietrich, Anne 21 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Während die Zahl journalistischer Veröffentlichungen zu Umweltthemen immer weiter steigt, sind wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu ihren Verfassern in Deutschland immer noch Mangelware. Die Diplomarbeit geht mithilfe einer Online-Befragung der Frage nach, wie die Arbeitsbedingungen von Tageszeitungsjournalisten aussehen. Außerdem wird mit einigen narrativen Interviews exploriert, welchen Rollenselbstbildern sich Journalisten zugehörig fühlen, die sich mit Umweltthemen befassen und ob dieses Selbstverständnis sich auch in den Arbeiten der Journalisten zeigt.

Hur upplever personer med multipel skleros, att sjukdomen påverkar deras dagliga liv : en litteraturstudie

Larsson, Tobias, Olofsson, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur personer med Multipel skleros (MS) upplever att sjukdomen påverkar deras dagliga liv. Metoden var en beskrivande litteraturstudie. Arton vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär analyserades. Databaserna Medline via PubMed och Cinahl användes vid sökningen av artiklar. Huvudresultatet i denna studie visade att personer med MS upplevde att deras sjukdom och dess symtom hade en stor påverkan på det dagliga livet. Dessutom framgick det att de upplevde sin hälsa och livskvalitet som sämre än den övriga befolkningen. Förekomsten av symtom som påverkade det dagliga livet var väldigt varierande och unikt för varje enskild individ. De symtom som var vanligast förekommande och som påverkade livskvaliteten var fatigue, smärta, nedsatt rörlighet, kognitiva förändringar, sociala förändringar, samlevnads- och inkontinensproblem. Den slutsats som framkom var att ett flertal symtom var vanligt förekommande och alla sågs påverka personens välbefinnande negativt. / The aim of this study was to describe how people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) feel that the disease affects their daily lives. The method was a descriptive literature study. Eighteen scientific articles, both qualitative and quantitative, were analyzed. The articles were found by using Medline by PubMed and Cinahl. The main finding of this study is that MS persons feel that their illness and its symptoms have a major impact on their daily lives. Moreover, it appears that they perceive their general health and quality of life to be worse than that of the general population. The presence of symptoms that affect their daily lives is very varied and unique to each individual. The most common symptoms, which affected the quality of life, was fatigue, pain, reduced mobility, cognitive changes, social changes, sexual problems and incontinence. The conclusion of the study was that a number of symptoms were common, and that they all had a negative effect on the well-being.

Žmonių, turinčių sunkių, ilgalaikių psichinių sutrikimų, kasdieninės veiklos tyrimas / Research of daily activity with people, who have nasty, long-term psychical disorders

Kalvelis, Andrius 19 June 2008 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti žmonių, turinčių sunkių, ilgalaikių psichikos sutrikimų, kasdieninę veiklą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti, kaip skiriasi sveikųjų ir sergančiųjų ilgalaikėmis ir sunkiomis ligomis veikla per parą. 2. Nustatyti sveikiems ir sergantiems ilgalaikėmis ir sunkiomis ligomis svarbiausias veiklas. 3. Nustatyti sergantiesiems iškylančias problemas kasdieninėje veikloje. 4. Ištirti sergantiems ilgalaikėmis ir sunkiomis ligomis patinkančias ir nepatinkančias veiklas. Tyrimui buvo naudojamas kasdieninės veiklos vertinimo klausimynas, sukurtas pagal žmogaus užimtumo modelį (Kielhofner 1988). Klausimynas susideda iš kasdieninio tvarkaraščio blokų kas valandą, kuriuos reikia pildyti, norint parodyti kasdieninį užimtumą. Pacientas vertina tokias veiklas kaip: darbas, kasdieninė ruoša, laisvalaikis, poilsis. Pacientas taip pat prašomas įvertinti kiekvieną veiklą balais, atsakant į klausimus: kaip gerai jo manymu atlieka veiklą, kiek svarbi ir kaip patinka jam vertinama veikla. Tiriamieji apklausti anoniminiu anketavimo būdu, paaiškinus jiems apklausos tikslą ir gavus sutikimą naudoti gautą informaciją. Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė 121 žmogus: 61 turintys ilgalaikius, sunkius psichikos sutrikimus (šizofrenija ir depresija) ir 60 žmonių neturinčių psichikos sutrikimų, kurie sudarė kontrolinę grupę. Tyrimo metu išaiškėjo, kad sveikų ir sergančių psichinėmis ligomis veikla skiriasi. Psichiniai ligoniai gyvena nesubalansuotai. Labiausiai išryškėja skirtumai miego... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research is to investigate daily activity of people with long-lasting psychical disorders. The following are the objectives of the research: 1. To examine how different the activity of the healthy and those suffering from long-lasting and serious diseases is during the day. 2. To determine the most important activities for the healthy and those suffering from long-lasting and serious diseases. 3. To determine the problems which arise for the sick in their daily activity. 4. To analyze the activities admired and disliked by the sick. For the research the questionnaire of assessment of daily activity has been employed which has been created according to the man’s occupation model. (Kielhofner 1988). The questionnaire is comprised of blocks of daily hourly timetable, which should be filled in so that daily employment was shown. The patient assesses such activities as work, everyday preparation, leisure time, rest. The patient is also asked to assess each activity by scores answering the questions: how well the activity is performed in his opinion, how important it is and how he likes the activity assessed. The respondents have been interviewed by anonymous questionnaire survey method explaining them the aim of the survey and getting their agreement to use the information obtained. The contingent of the patients under examination has been comprised of 121 people: 61 persons who have long-lasting, serious psychical disorders (schizophrenia and depression) and 60... [to full text]

Health Maintenance in Very Old Age : Medical Conditions, Functional Outcome and Nutritional Status

Dong, Huan-Ji January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to provide better understanding of the underlying factors related to health maintenance in very old people, with a focus on medical conditions, functional outcome and nutritional status. Data were gathered from the ELSA 85 project (Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment). The ELSA 85 project was started in 2007 with a population-based survey of 85-year-old individuals (n = 650) residing in Linköping municipality, Sweden. During the study period from 2007 to 2010, we conducted surveys by postal questionnaire, home visits, geriatric clinic visits, and reviews of electronic medical records as well as the database of health service consumption. A series of cross-sectional analyses were performed on multimorbidity, health service consumption, activities of daily living (ADLs), physical functioning and nutritional status. Of 650 eligible individuals, 496 (78% of those alive) completed the questionnaire (Paper I). Despite the prevalence of multimorbidity (68%) and frequent use of assistive technology for mobility (40%), the majority managed self-care (85%), usual activities (74%) and had high self-rated health (>60/100, visual analogue scale). Factors associated with in-patient care were an increased number of general practitioner visits, more use of assistive technology, community assistance, multimorbidity (≥2 chronic diseases) and/or heart failure and arrhythmia. Cluster analyses (n = 496, Paper II) revealed five clusters: vascular, cardiopulmonary, cardiac (only for men), somatic–mental (only for men), mental disease (only for women), and three other clusters related to ageing (one for men and two for women). Heart failure in men (odds ratio [OR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1–5.7) and women (OR, 3; 95% CI, 1.3–6.9) as a single morbidity explained more variance than morbidity clusters in models of emergency room visits. Men’s cardiac cluster (OR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1–2.7) and women’s cardiopulmonary cluster (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.2–2.4) were significantly associated with hospitalization. The combination of the cardiopulmonary cluster with the men’s cardiac cluster (OR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1–2.4) and one of the women’s ageing clusters (OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3–0.8) showed interaction effects on hospitalization. In Paper III, overweight (body mass index [BMI], 25–29.9 kg/m2) and obese (BMI, ≥30 kg/m2) individuals (n = 333) perceived more difficulty performing instrumental ADL (IADL) and had more comorbidities than their normal weight counterparts (BMI, 18.5–24.9 kg/m2). After controlling for socio-demographic factors, obese but not overweight individuals were more likely to perceive increased difficulty in performing outdoor activities (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1–4) and cleaning (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.2–4.2) than their normal weight counterparts. Although obesity was also associated with multimorbidity (OR, 3; 95% CI, 1.2–8), the health service cost of each case of multimorbidity (n = 251) was highest in individuals of normal weight and nearly three times as much as in obese individuals (ratio, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.1–8.1). In Paper IV, 88-year-old obese women (n = 83) had greater absolute waist circumference, fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM), and lower handgrip strength (HS) corrected for FFM and HS-based ratios (HS/weight (Wt), HS/BMI, HS/FFM and HS/FM) than their normal weight and overweight counterparts. After adjusting for physical activity levels and the number of chronic diseases, the HS-based ratios explained more variance in physical functioning in Short Form-36 (R2, 0.52–0.54) than other single anthropometric or body composition parameters (R2, 0.45–0.51). Waist circumference, HS, and two HS-based ratios (HS/Wt and HS/FFM) were also associated with the number of IADL with no difficulty. In conclusion, the ELSA 85 population showed a fairly positive image of healthy perception, good functional ability as well as low use of health care among the majority of participants. Patterns of cardiac and pulmonary conditions were better associated than any single morbidity with hospitalization. Heart failure as a single morbidity was better associated than multimorbidity patterns with emergency room visits. For 85-year-olds, being obese, as opposed to overweight, was associated with self-reported activity limitations and comorbidities. Overweight elderly living in their own homes in this population had similar well-being to those of normal weight. In the cohort of 88-year-olds, obese women had high waist circumference, but their HS was relatively low in relation to their Wt and FFM. These parameters were better than BMI for predicting physical function and independent daily living. / Att åldras innebär inte bara en utveckling över tid utan också en förändring av människans fysiologi och funktion. Vi har många olika bilder av åldrandet. Ofta överväger de negativa bilderna som betonar sjuklighet och höga samhällskostnader för vård och omsorg. ELSA 85, en förkortning av the Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment, påbörjades 2007 med avsikt att kartlägga 85-åringars hälsotillstånd och funktion. Syftet med denna avhandling var att fördjupa kunskapen om faktorer med betydelse för bevarande av hälsa hos dessa 85-åringar. Populationsstudien genomfördes via enkätutskick (bl.a. livssituation, livskvalitet), hembesök (bl.a. aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL), kognitiva funktioner) och mottagningsbesök (bl.a. nutritionsstatus, rörelseförmåga, kroppslig undersökning, blodprover, läkemedel) under perioden mars 2007 till mars 2008. Vi kartlade även deltagarnas sjukvårdsbesök samt sjukvårdskostnader. Tre år senare, när individerna var 88 år, analyserades även kroppssammansättningen hos delar av populationen. Totalt 496 Linköpingsbor födda 1922, deltog i studien. Andelen som svarade på enkäten var 78 % av alla då levande 85-åringar. Resultaten visar att majoriteten av 85-åringarna klarade att sköta sin hygien (85%) samt huvudsakliga aktiviteter (74%). Sextio procent skattade sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet som hög trots förekomst av flera kroniska sjukdomar och frekvent användning av hjälpmedel för att förbättra rörligheten. Oberoende riskfaktorer för slutenvård var multipla besök hos distriktsläkare, användande av flera hjälpmedel, förekomst av minst två sjukdomar eller förekomst av hjärtsvikt och arytmi. Multimorbiditet (förekomst av minst två kroniska sjukdomar) var vanligt hos 85-åringarna (68%). Olika kombinationer av sjukdomar hade varierande betydelse för behovet av sjukvård. I clusteranalys, där man försöker gruppera diagnoser med hög sannolikhet att förekomma hos en enskild individ, fann vi några cluster som var starkare relaterade till inläggning i slutenvård än andra. Clustren såg dessutom olika ut mellan män och kvinnor. För män var t.ex. kardiella och för kvinnor t.ex. hjärt-lung-cluster starkare relaterade till slutenvård än enskilda diagnoser. Personer med fetma (body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2) hade mer problem med rörlighet och instrumentell ADL (IADL) jämfört med de med normal- eller övervikt. Trots ett klart samband mellan fetma och multimorbiditet hade de normalviktiga individerna nästan tre gånger så höga hälso-sjukvårds kostnader som personer med fetma. Bland 88-åriga kvinnor, hade personer med fetma högre bukomfång, mer fettmassa (FM) och mer fettfri massa (FFM) men lägre handstyrka (HS) än de normal- eller överviktiga. Relativ HS, handstyrka i form av kvoter (HS/Vikt, HS/BMI, HS/FFM and HS/FM) hade starkare samband med fysisk funktion (Short Form-36, SF-36PF) än andra enskilda parametrar. Två enskilda parametrar (bukomfång och HS) samt HS/Vikt och HS/FFM var associerade med antal aktiviteter utan svårighet i IADL. Sammanfattningsvis är 85-åringarna inte så skröpliga som de ofta beskrivs. Studien ELSA 85 visar en övervägande positiv bild med bevarad hälsa och funktion för en övervägande del av populationen. De flesta 85-åringarna klarar sig ganska bra trots förekomst av flera sjukdomar. Vissa mönster av multimorbiditet med hjärt- och lungsjukdomar är mer relaterade till slutenvård medan hjärtsvikt hade hög risk för akutmottagningsbesök. Därför är det viktigt att beakta en komplexitet av sjukdomar, inte bara enskilda diagnoser eller antalet diagnoser, i planeringen av den framtida vården. Personer med normal- eller övervikt klarar sin funktion bättre och lever mer självständigt än de som lider av fetma. Den betydande andelen feta med begränsad rörlighet och funktion bland äldre kan komma att påverka behovet av tyngre omsorgsinsatser för den gruppen och är således en varningssignal inför framtiden. / 【目的】      通过研究高龄老人的医疗情况,躯体功能和营养状态,提高对高龄老人健康维护相关因素的理解。 【方法】      ELSA 85 项目(林雪平老年人普查,Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment)是一个以瑞典林雪平城市中85岁高龄老人(1922年出生, n = 650)为研究对象的人群研究。(1) 2007/03–2008/03:通过邮寄问卷,家庭访问及门诊检查的三个步骤, 我们搜集的数据包括:个人和家庭的背景信息(居住情况,既往的学历和工作程度,健康相关的生活质量EQ-5D等),身体机能(日常生活活动能力ADL评定,移动性测试等)和营养状态(人体测量等)。我们同时还阅览了所有注册的电子病历和每位老年人的年卫生费用。(2) 2010/06–2010/10: 在3年后的随访中,我们对所有88岁的女性老年人增加了人体组成测定和SF-36健康调查量表之生理功能子量表(SF-36PF)的评估。 ELSA 85 项目还包括了其他医学检查项目以及为期一年的随访(2008–2009), 但这些数据统计并未列入本论文中。 【结果】      论文1:共496人(参与率78%)回寄并参与了问卷调查。总体而言,虽然慢性多病以及日常生活中频繁使用辅助身体移动的器具在85岁高龄老人中非常普遍,多数老年人仍然能够完成个人卫生自理和常规日常活动。他们在健康相关评价问卷中的评估自身健康状态多为良好 (EQ-5D评估)。与住院相关的风险因素包括:全科医生的年就诊次数,有共患疾病(存在两种或两种以上的慢性病征),或者是心力衰竭和心律失常两个单病种。 论文 2:运用聚类分析和性别分层对共患疾病归类,生成男女组各五个集群:血管性类疾病集群,心肺疾病集群,心源性疾病集群(只存于男性组内),躯体-精神心理疾病集群(只存于男性组内),精神心理性疾病集群(只存于女性组内),以及三个和老化过程有关的集群(男性组内1组,女性组内2组)。心力衰竭 (男性组内的比值比 OR = 2.4,95% 的可信区间CI = 1–5.7;女性组内 OR = 3,95% CI = 1.3–6.9) 作为单一病种在预测急诊就诊的模型中比任一共患疾病集群都能解释更多的变量值。男性组内的心源性疾病集群 (OR = 1.6,95% CI = 1–2.7) 和女性组内的心肺疾病集群(OR = 1.7,95% CI = 1.2–2.4)与预测是否住院显著有关。在住院模型中, 心肺疾病集群与男性的心源性疾病集群(OR = 1.6,95% CI = 1–2.4), 或与女性组内的老化相关集群(OR = 0.5,95% CI = 0.3–0.8)具有显著的交互作用。 论文3:超重(体重指数 BMI:25–29.9 kg/m2)和肥胖(BMI ≥30 kg/m2)者在工具性日常生活活动评定(IADL)比正常体重者(BMI: 18.5–24.9 kg/m2)有更多的困难,再者也比正常体重者有更高伴发疾病的风险。但是在控制了混杂变量(社会人口因素)后,对照正常体重组,只有肥胖者而不是超重者的IADL(户外活动:OR= 2.1,95% CI=1.1–4;居室清洁:OR= 2.2,95% CI= 1.2–4.2)存在更大的困难。虽然肥胖与共患疾病相关(OR= 3,95% CI=1.2–8),有共患疾病的正常体重者的卫生服务消费却是共患疾病的肥胖者的近三倍(ratio= 2.9,95% CI= 1.1–8.1)。 论文 4:88岁女性肥胖组相比正常体重和超重组而言,其腰围值、脂肪群值和祛脂肪群值较大。肥胖者的绝对握力值在校正祛脂肪群后以及握力比值(握力/体重,握力/BMI,握力/祛脂肪群,等等)都较其他两组低。在控制个体的体力活动程度和慢性疾病数量后,握力比值对生理功能(SF-36PF)的解释度(R2:0.52–0.54)高于任何单一人体测量指标或人体组成成分的测定值(R2:0.45–0.51)。腰围值、绝对握力值及握力比值(握力/体重和握力/祛脂肪群)与IADL中无困难的活动项目数显著相关。 【结论】      ELSA 85 人群研究显示了一个相对健康的,个体功能良好的,且使用卫生服务较低的高龄老年群体。心源性和肺部疾病的共患与住院风险相关,而心力衰竭作为单一病种与急诊就诊有显著相关。对85岁高龄老人而言,肥胖(但不是超重)与个体的活动限制和伴发疾病有关。居住于自己住所内的超重高龄老人,其健康水平与正常体重者相近。在88岁女性高龄老人中,肥胖者有较大的腰围值和较低的握力比值(握力/体重和握力值/祛脂肪群)。这些指标比体重指数更好地反映了生理功能及高龄老人的日常独立生活能力。 / Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment, ELSA 85

Daily activities in people with schizophrenia : relationships with cognition and community functioning

Aubin, Ginette. January 2008 (has links)
While most people with schizophrenia face the functional consequences of a lifelong disorder, very few studies have investigated the specific domain of daily living activities performance. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the relationships between daily activity performance, cognitive deficits, and community functioning in people with schizophrenia. More specifically, the objectives were: 1) to describe functional limitations during daily task performance, 2) to explore the existence of subgroups of participants with similar functional limitations profiles, 3) to explore the relationships between daily task performance and cognitive functions as well as 4) with community functioning. This thesis tested the hypothesis that limitations in task performance negatively influence community functioning. / A sample of 82 individuals with schizophrenia and 28 healthy controls participated in this study and were assessed during a meal preparation task with the Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform (PRPP) System of Task Analysis and on cognitive tests of visuospatial memory, spatial working memory, visuomotor coordination, planning and selective attention. Community functioning was assessed with the Independent living Skills Survey and the Multnomah Community Ability Scale. Limitations in the Perceive, Recall and Plan quadrants of the PRPP System, were found in participants with schizophrenia when compared to a control group (n = 28), as well as in the complete sample (n = 82). Participants in the high-efficiency subgroup ( n =36) were more independent in daily living and performed better on the visuospatial associative learning task than the low-efficiency subgroup (n = 46). At the specific level of individual profiles, participants were distributed along a continuum of low- to high-functioning on the PRPP System factors and on functional, cognitive, and clinical characteristics. / The associative learning task was most associated with task performance, along with working memory and planning. Finally, less efficient planning skills were associated with a lower level of community functioning, confirming the hypothesis. These results emphasize the relationship of associative visual memory to daily task performance, as well as that of efficiency in daily activities for residential status. Integrating these findings into the rehabilitation process will contribute to better meeting the needs of people with schizophrenia.

Probiotikų reikšmė veršelių augimui ir virškinimo trakto mikroflorai / Importance of Probiotics to Growth and Microflora of the Digestive Tract of Calves

Kertenienė, Edita 20 April 2007 (has links)
The research has been accomplished in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, in the Research Center of Digestive Physiology and Pathology and in the Center of Practical Training and Experiments of the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy in 2005 - 2007. The study consists of 50 pages. There are 3 tables, 13 pictures and 5 appendixes presented in it. In order to achieve high cattle productivity it is very important to establish optimal conditions for neonate calves breeding, to stimulate development of digestive tract and activate development of useful microflora, especially on the first month of calves breeding. The purpose of this work was to determine the influence of probiotic “Yeasture” to growth, wellness and microflora of the digestive tract of neonate calves, feeding probiotic to the calves on the first month of age. The experiment has been accomplished on Lithuanian-White neonate calves throughout the indoor period from November to January. Two groups of neonate calves were organized: control group (n=8) and experimental group (n=8). Calves of the experimental group were made to drink a preventive dose of the probiotic “Yeasture” every day, id est 5 g per day according to recommendations of the manufacturer. When the neonate calves were fed with the probiotic “Yeasture” supplement for the first month of age, their daily overweight had increased averagely by 16.1 percent. Probiotic “Yeasture” had no influence to daily overweight on the... [to full text]

Buitinių įgūdžių formavimo kryptingumas siekiant vaikų, turinčių vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą, autonomiškumo / Singleness of daily skills formation with purpose to make children with moderate mental retardation self–sufficient

Rozancevaitė Palubeckienė, Ingrida 09 July 2010 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė sutrikusio intelekto vaikų vystymosi ypatumų, buitinių įgūdžių apibrėžties analizė bei tėvų ir ugdymo įstaigos pedagogų vykdomo buitinių įgūdžių formavimo kryptingumo siekiant vaikų, turinčių vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą, autonomiškumo analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad vaikų, turinčių vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą, buitinių įgūdžių formavimas vyksta kryptingai. Taikant anketinės apklausos metodą, buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - įvertinti buitinių įgūdžių formavimo kryptingumą, siekiant vaikų, turinčių vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą, autonomiškumo. Atlikta anketinės apklausos duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 118 Vilniaus miesto specialiųjų ugdymo įstaigų pedagogų ir 100 tėvų, auginančių vaikus, turinčius vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą. Empirinėje dalyje aptariamos asmens, turinčio vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą, galimybės atlikti buitinius darbus; nagrinėjamas sutrikusio intelekto vaikų buitinių įgūdžių formavimo kryptingumas namuose ir ugdymo įstaigoje. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Hipotezė, kad vaikų, turinčių vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą, buitinių įgūdžių formavimas vyksta kryptingai, pasitvirtino iš dalies. 2. Daugumos respondentų nuomone, vaikų, turinčių vidutinį intelekto sutrikimą galimybės atlikti buitinius darbus yra ribotos, minimalios. Tik 36 proc. tėvų ir 25 proc. pedagogų nurodė normalias galimybes, 10 proc. pedagogų pabrėžė, kad galimybės atlikti buitiniuis darbus priklauso nuo individualių vaiko sugebėjimų. 3. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There was made theoretical analysis about development peculiarities of children with mental retardation, daily skills were defined and also there was made an analysis about singleness of daily skills formation with purpose to make children with moderate mental retardation self–sufficient, which parents and educators implement. It was hypothesized that formation of daily skills for children with moderate mental retardation is going purposefully. By employing method of questionnaires the research was made which purpose is to evaluate singleness of daily skills formation with purpose to make children with moderate mental retardation self–sufficient. The analysis of questionnaires data was made. 118 Vilnius city special educational institutions educators and 100 parents who have children with moderate mental retardation participated in the research. In the empirical part the possibilities of a person with moderate mental retardation to make daily activities are discussed; the singleness of daily skills formation of children with mental retardation at home and at the educational institution is examined. The most important conclusions of empirical research: 1. Hypothesis that formation of daily skills for children with moderate mental retardation is going purposefully was proved partially. 2. Many respondents take the view that possibilities for children with moderate mental retardation to make daily activities are limited, minimal. Only 36 percent of parents and 25 percent... [to full text]

Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonė apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius bei neįgaliųjų savarankiškumo lygį / Didvyžiai board and care home staff opinion on factors affecting training of daily living skills in people with mental disabilities and the level of independence of the disabled

Subačienė, Rosana 28 February 2012 (has links)
Psichikos ligos tampa vis didesne viso pasaulio našta tiek finansiškai, tiek žmogiškąja prasme. Carter, Goland (2002) teigia, kad aštuoniasdešimt procentų žmonių, sergančių sunkiomis psichikos ligomis nedirba, nors reikiamai pagydžius, daugelis jų galėtų dirbti. Žmonės, sergantys psichikos ligomis, praranda kasdieninės veiklos įgūdžius, praranda sugebėjimą spręsti savo socialines problemas, praranda sugebėjimą rūpintis asmens higiena, tvarkyti savo buitį. Neįgaliuosius kankina bejėgiškumas ir neviltis, nes jie negali valdyti savo gyvenimo. Dėl šių priežasčių yra svarbu padėti neįgaliesiems ugdyti kasdieninės veiklos įgūdžius, kad jie galėtų gyventi produktyvų ir pilnavertį gyvenimą savo pasirinktoje aplinkoje. Tyrimo problema: kokia yra Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonė apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius bei neįgaliųjų savarankiškumą? Tyrimo objektas: Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonė apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius, neįgaliųjų savarankiškumą. Tyrimo tikslas: tirti Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonę apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius bei neįgaliųjų savarankiškumą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą kaip galimybę asmeniui su psichine negalia sugrįžti į pilnavertį gyvenimą. 2. Tirti bei aprašyti Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonę apie kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių lygį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Increasing number of mentally ill is a massive problem. Mentally ill persons lose everyday living skills, become unable to deal with their social problems, lose the skills of personal hygiene, household doing. That is why it is so important to help the disabled to acquire everyday living skills and live efficient and full value life in the environment chosen by them. Study subject: Everyday living skills in mentally ill residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home, evaluation thereof. Study goal: To evaluate everyday living skills in mentally ill residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home, study the respondents’ opinion about the possibility to teach skills and related problems. Study tasks: 1. To evaluate everyday living skills in persons residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home. 2. To analyse the opinion of Didvyžiai Board and Care Home staff about the everyday living skills. 3. To describe the factors (reasons) influencing everyday living skills in mentally ill residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home as perceived by the respondents. Study methods employed for the realisation of the study goal and tasks: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, and statistical analysis. Scientific literature has been analysed with the view to the concept of everyday living skills training and the factors effecting skills acquisition in the mentally ill. In order to evaluate everyday living skills of Didvyžiai Board and Care Home residents, as well as to study the respondents’... [to full text]

“Dead. He is Dead. God blesses America” : Den Amerikanska pressens gestaltning av kriget mot terrorism kring Usama bin Ladins död / “Dead. He is Dead. God blesses America” : Framing of the War on Terror in the American press surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden

Adrian, Carl, Holm, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
Almost 10 years after the attack on World Trade Center Sept. 11 2001, Osama bin Laden was shot and killed on May 2 2011 in Pakistan. How was this event framed by the media with regards to the global war on terror? This study compares two different American newspapers – the New York Times and the New York Daily News – and how they framed the war on terrorism in the Middle East from May 2 to May 15 2011. By analyzing the framing in a perspective of the four functions of framing theory: define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgments and suggest remedies, we found considerable differences in each papers frames. Through a qualitative text analysis of the opinion pages in these two newspapers, using three themes as a base, we found a number of differences. While the New York Times contained a form of open discussion about problems and remedies, New York Daily News takes an emotional and moral approach. These differences in content may affect the opinions of the readers. We speculate that the more open and suggestive nature of the New York Times, also opens the minds of the readers enabling them to form opinions in a liberated sense. Thus the more closed, emotional and moral nature of the New York Daily News may have greater impact on an individual’s ability to form its own opinions and moral values.

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