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Är samarbete bra? : En fallstudie av Bohusläns Kooperativa Stenindustris etablering som stenleverantör till Hamburg 1926 utifrån Robert Axelrods samarbetsteori. / Is cooperation good? : A case study about the The Cooperative of Bohuslän’s Stone Industry establishment as a stone deliverer to Hamburg in 1926 by using Robert Axelrod’s theory of cooperationRedemo, Gustaf January 2017 (has links)
Tidigare historisk forskning kring stenindustrin i Bohuslän har fokuserat på utvecklingen av produktionen, kulturens inverkan på hur stenarbetarna organiserade sig, och hur kulturmötet var mellan ideologiska ambulerande stenhuggare och bofasta konservativa bohuslänningar. Den här uppsatsen byter till ett ekonomiskt evolutionärt perspektiv utvecklat av ekonomerna Nelson och Winter. Det är en kritik av den rationelle aktören. Företag är analogt med organismer som är olika väl anpassade till marknadsförändringar. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie för att undersöka hur ett nytt företag kan etablera sig på en överetablerad marknad. 1926 bildas Bohusläns Kooperativa Stenindustri u.p.a. i Hovenäset av en grupp stenhuggare. De anlitar I/S Chr. V. Pedersen & Hagensen för att ordna anbud i Danmark och hjälpa dem att bli stenleverantörer till Hamburg. Frågeställningen är om statsvetaren Robert Axelrods samarbetsteori kan belysa och bidra med en större förståelse till hur de kunde etablera sig som stenleverantörer. Hur utvecklade de rutiner och varför ville de exportera till Hamburg. Besvarandet av frågorna gjordes genom att analysera korrespondensen mellan kooperationens medlemmar och det danska företaget. Uppsatsen kan visa att genom reciprokt agerande kunde ett stabilt samarbete uppnås. Rutiner utvecklades genom dialog och Hamburg sågs som ett brohuvud in på den tyska marknaden. / Earlier historical research into the stone industry in Bohuslän, a province in Sweden, has focused on the development of production, how culture impacted on the way the stonemasons organized themselves or the cultural meeting between ideologically driven travelling stonemasons and local and conservative sedentary. This thesis changes the perspective to economic evolutionary history developed by the economists Nelson and Winter. It is a critic of the rational agent. According to the theory companies are analogue to organisms, which are differently well adapted to market changes. The thesis is a case study and investigates how a company is able to establish itself on an overripe market place. The Cooperative of Bohuslän’s Stoneindustry” was formed in Hovenäset, a small fishing village in Bohuslän which worked with the Danish company I/S Chr. V. Pedersen & Hagensen to establish itself as stone deliverers to Hamburg. The questions asked are if political scientist Robert Axelrods theory of cooperation can illuminate how new companies are able to enter a ripe market, how the co-operative developed routines and why they wanted to export to Hamburg. The questions are answered by analysing the correspondence between the members of the co-operative and the Danish company. The thesis is able to show that a beneficiary stable cooperation was possible through tit for tat or reciprocal action. Routines developed through dialog between the different members and the Danish company. Hamburg was seen as an entry point into the German market.
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Darwinism's applications in modern Chinese writingsChou, Hsiu-Feng January 2014 (has links)
The core aim of this interdisciplinary research is to provide a critical analysis of the influence of Darwinism and Social Darwinism on a sample of modern Chinese writings. To achieve these aims, the researcher uses a range of both Chinese and English sources to explore their close affinities with Darwinism and Social Darwinism. Following this course, the research examines how Darwinian thought was introduced to the Chinese reading public in the late nineteenth century through a translation of Thomas Henry Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics by Yen Fu, and the subsequent impact of this work and Darwinian thought in general on seven literary and political figures: K'ang Yu-wei, Liang Qichao, Lu Xun, Hu Shih, Chen Duxiu, Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong. From an historical perspective, the Opium Wars and imperial invasions of China in the nineteenth century severely weakened the country’s political, economic, diplomatic, military, educational and cultural power. For these reasons and others, from 1840 to 1949, China experienced a tumultuous period of social and political transformation, which has eventually led to her revival in the twenty-first century. It will be seen that each of the literary figures examined here used evolutionary thought to justify revolution at various points on China’s long march to modernity. Progressive Darwinian ideas sharply contrasted with the old Confucian values upheld within Chinese communities. Nevertheless, the faults and weaknesses of Qing China awakened many pioneering revolutionaries who sought to reverse the status quo by initiating a series of radical reforms and revolutionary movements. Many within the Chinese intellectual elite looked to the tide of change and progress coming from the West, which they hoped might replace the recent historical stagnation and Confucian dogma embedded in Chinese culture and society. In this vein, many of these pioneering revolutionaries set about driving the historical transformation of China by selecting, translating and interpreting Darwinian ideas in their own writings. From Yen Fu in the nineteenth century to Mao Zedong in the twentieth century, evolutionary thought went hand in hand with China’s modernization.
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Charles Darwin a darwinismus ve finské literatuře / Charles Darwin and darwinism in Finnish LiteratureHanušová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Name: Jitka Hanušová School: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Department: Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Title: Charles Darwin and darwinism in Finnish Literature Supervisor: Mgr. Jan Dlask, Ph.D. Number of pagess: 68 Nubmber of characters: 118 580 Keywords: Charles Darwin, darwinism, social darwinism, Finnish Literature, race, heredity, social class This diploma deals with evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin and examines its arrival to Finland, its spreading there and mentions the first references in the Finnish periodicals, public and especially in literature during 1860-1920. The topic is viewed through a cultural-historical context which consists of influences of evolutionary theories, social darwinism, racial theories, heredity research, or distinctions between social classes. The special emphasis is placed on reflections of the main aspects of this context in the Finnish literature, mainly in the works of Minna Canth, T. Pakkala, L. Onerva, Toivo Tarvas and Maila Talvio.
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The nation and the soldier in German civil-military relations, 1800-1945Brumley, Donald W. 12 1900 (has links)
This study of civil-military relations treats the parallel development of: a.) the professional soldier and the Prussian- German army in the era from 1806 until 1945, as well as; b.) the rise of nationalism in central European politics and society, which culminated in the union of the professional soldier and National Socialism after 1933. These two political phenomena of modern Europe, in the first instance, the army, and in the second instance, voelkisch nationalism became a deadly combination in the Germany of the era 1914-1933. The abdication of the monarchy in 1918 forced the professional soldier to look for a substitute sovereign, who would insure the survival of the privileged role of the soldier in republican state and society. This study provides case studies of civil-military episodes in German history from 1806-1944, where civilian control and liberal oversight of the aristocratic military structure might have been possible, but liberal and socialist forces squandered the opportunities at hand. This study counter poses episodes of civil-military conflict in the Prussian German past, with an analysis of the origins and character of integral nationalism and National Socialism. In particular, the study analyzes the ideological effort to influence the Reichswehr during the Weimar Republic. The missed civil-military opportunities for democratic forces in the 1920s resulted in the culmination of political, military, and socio-economic conditions ideal for the National Socialists in their quest for power. This failure of important political-military reform set the stage for interwar cooperation between military and the Nazis. The National Socialists wanted to make the army an instrument of power via a â bottom upâ revolution to subjugate the military command structure. This study speaks to this historical series of case studies within the general analysis of democratic civil-military relations. The failure of liberal and later democratic forces to integrate the military into constitutional mechanisms stands as one of the more grievous catastrophes of the story of the soldier and the state.
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The Purpose of Evolution : the 'struggle for existence' in the Russian-Jewish press 1860-1900Philipson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
In late 19th century Russia, Darwinism was viewed as a measuring-rod of modernity. Thus, the Jewish reception of Darwinism may serve as an indicator of the extent to which the Jews in Russia were part of the modernization of Russian society. But the Darwinian concept of evolution of species through natural selection is considered incompatible with a teleological worldview, including a God-given plan for creation. This thesis addresses a twofold problem. One concerns the difficulties of reconciling Darwinism with Judaism and its traditional view of a God-given purpose in creation. The other problem is to explain the possible motives of the Jewish intellectuals for using Darwinian concepts such as the ‘struggle for existence’ in journal articles in the emerging Russian-Jewish press. The study employs discourse analysis, and the concept of isomorphism from institutional theory, for the examination of key concepts, citations, implied readers and purposes in a selection of journal articles from the Russian-Jewish press of the period 1860-1900. Contrasting with the lively general Russian debate on Darwinism, the results show that the Jews in Russia were rather reluctant to discuss Darwinism in the Russian-Jewish press. Censorship, other constraints and imminent problems facing the Jews, such as defence against growing anti-Semitism, are indicated as possible causes of the minimal evidence of a Jewish reception of Darwinism that was found. It was only to the extent that Darwinian concepts such as the ‘struggle for existence’ could be employed to address these more pressing issues that they were they found useful in a Jewish context. The results further imply that the integration between Russian and Jewish intellectuals during this period was weak, as reflected by the insignificant number of references to Russian sources in the selection of Jewish journal articles that were examined.
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Edward Westermarck : Forskare i vetenskapens vindskiftenEhrenkrona, Olof January 2019 (has links)
Edward Westermarck, finlandssvensk sociolog och filosof, studeras med Lorraine Dastons och Peter Galisons (D&G) metod för att analysera vetenskapshistoriska förändringar. Syftet är att testa ändamålsenligheten i D&G:s analysmodell för att studera metodologiska och innehållsliga förändringar. Användningen av epistemic virtues prövas som ett sätt att identifiera interaktionen mellan dynamiska fält och övergångar mellan olika doktriner under decennierna kring sekelskiftet 1800/1900. Metoden tillämpas på Westermarck och hans samtida i sociologins grundargeneration. Westermarck och Durkheim betraktas som arketypiska företrädare för en sociologisk respektive en biologisk – evolutionistisk – funktionalism. Malinowski är en brygga mellan de två. Undersökningen analyserar kunskapsteoretiska och ideologiska skillnader och likheter mellan forskarna. Deras förhållande till vetenskaplighet som epistemic virtue analyseras. Dynamiska fält och förändringslaviner beskrivs för att belysa kontinuitet och diskontinuitet i doktrinutvecklingen. Studien visar att metoden kan tillämpas även på humaniora och beteendevetenskaperna. Westermarcks kritik av Freud och Oidipuskomplexet exemplifierar hur doktrinförändringar fångas upp i andra vetenskapsområden – sociobiologin. Undersökningen visar att interaktionen sker också mellan olika vetenskapsområden och hur förändringarna mellan dessa sker diakront.
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Ensino de evolução e história do darwinismo / Teaching of evolution and history of darwinismBizzo, Nelio Marco Vincenzo 11 December 1991 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetívo trazer contribuições para os cursos de Biologia da escola secundária, focalizando o ensino de Evolução. As concepções dos estudantes foram estudadas e comparadas com alguns detalhes fundamentais do desenvolvimento das teorias originais de Charles Darwin, bem como com escritos de quatro estudiosos de sua obra, que se mostraram relevantes para os conteúdos escolares. Parte do trabalho de Emanuel Radl (1873-1942), John C. Greene, Robext Maxwell Young e Ernst Mayr foi apresentado criticamente. Alguns deles entendem que o darwinismo seja uma visão de mundo, outros o pensam como um grupo de teorias biológicas particulares. A presença do Homem no Orígin of Species foi discutida após pesquisas realizadas com os manusritos originais de Charles Darwin, particularmente com o capítulo 6 do \"Longo Manuscrito\". Foram apresentadas evidências que algumas razões inesperadas podem ter impedido que uma seção sobre o Homem fosse escrita no Orígin of Species. Foram apresentados livros escritos por Julian Huxley e Kettleweil, nos anos 60, e Richard Dawkins, mais recentemente, na tentativa de mostrar algumas fontes de influência sobre o entendimento que o grande público tem das teorias evolutivas. Onze estudantes de nível secundário foram entrevistados e 192 estudantes responderam a um questionário, de maneira a explicitar suas concepções após o ensino desse tópico. O livro didático utilizado nos seus cursos foi analisado, com o objetivo de verificar se suas concepções erróneas poderiam ter sido confirmadas quando estudavam esse tópico. As recomendações de 19 Secretarias de Educação foram também analisadas. Os resultados mostram pequeno entendimento das teorias biológicas. O significado da Evolução parece ser muito mais amplo do que seria de se esperar do ponto de vista do entendimento do darwinismo enquanto conjunto de teorias biológicas particulares. Evolução é entendida como estando ligada primordialmente ao Homem. Os alunos tendem a entender Evolução como progresso, crescimento, multiplicação e melhoramento. Evolução Biológica e Cultural parecem estar intimamente ligadas a uin mesmo amplo significado. Adaptação é vista como um processo individual, que ocorre durante o transcorrer da vida do organismo. Este estudo mostrou que existem algumas razões específicas para esses resultados, uma vez que o conhecimento aparece distorcido nas escolas. Uma versão simplista do desenvolvimento das teorias biológicas é apresentada aos estudantes, sem levar em consideração suas próprias concepções a esse respeito. Versões que não são mais aceitas no campo académico continuam a ser veiculadas por livros didáíicos, revistas de ampla circulação e livros destinados ao grande público. Foram apresentadas algumas evidências de que existem razões ideológicas para essas distorções, especialmente das relações entre os trabalhos de Darwin e Mendel Novas estratégias de ensino se mostram necessárias, bem como uma nova versão do desenvolvimento do darwinismo deveria ser oferecido aos alunos. Nesse sentido, as obras de August Weismann e Herman Muller deveriam ser consideradas na reconstrução do desenvolvimento das teorias biológicas entre 1837 e 1937. / This study aims at further improving quality to general high school Biology courses, focusing on the teaching of Evolution. Students\' conceptions were studied and compared with some critical details of the development of Charles Darwin\'s original theories, as well as with the writings of four Darwin Scholars, which are relevant to school contents. Part of the work of Emanuel Radl (1873-1942), John C. Greene, Robert Maxwell Young and Ernst Mayr was presented critically. Some of them regard darwinism as a world view others as a group of particular biological theories The presence of Man in Origin of Species was discussed, as the result of some pieces of research done with Charles Darwin\'s original papers, particularly with chapter 6 of the \"Long Manuscript\". Evidences were presented showing thaí some unpredictable reasons may have prevented the writing of a section on Man in Orígin of Species. Books written by Julian Huxley and Kettlewell, in mid 60Js, and by Richard Dawkins, more recently, were presented, trying to show some sources of influences on the public understanding of this topic. Eleven High School pupils were interviewed and 192 were tested, in order to show their conceptions after they had been taught the topic. The Biology textbook used in their courses was analyzed, in order to know whether their misconceptions could have been confirmed when studying the topic. The directions set by 19 Brazilian Educational Authorities were analyzed too. Results show a very poor understanding of the biological theories. The meaning QÍ Evolution seems to be far broader than what was expected, as far as darwinism, as a group of particular biological theories, is concerned. Evolution is seen as primarily related to Man. Pupils tend to understand Evolution as progress, growth, multiplication, and improvement. Biological and Cultural Evolution seem to be tied up with the same broad meaning. Adaptation is seen as an individual process, that occurs just during organisms life span. This study showed that there are some specific reasons for these results, as knowledge is distorted at schools. A very simplistic version of the development of the biological theories is presented to pupils, disregarding their own conceptions. Versions that are no longer accepted in academic grounds have been presented by textbooks, popular magazines and books aimed at the general public. Some evidence is given that there are ideological reasons for these distortions, particularly the relations between Darwin\'s and Mendels works. New teaching strategies are needed, as well as a new version of the development of darwinism should be offered to pupils. In this regard, August Weismann\'s and Herman Muller\'s work should be considered to reconstruct the development of biological theories between 1837 and 1937.
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Historical racial theories : ongoing racialization in SaskatchewanBaker, Carmen Leigh 16 January 2007
Throughout the nineteenth and into the twentieth century, theories of race contributed to the justification and authorization of global European imperialism and the colonization of indigenous people. In Canada, racial theories influenced perceptions of each citizen as either superior or inferior. Although European and American theorists constructed hundreds of ideas about race, there are several key ideas that continue to linger in the minds of Canadians. This thesis examines the socio-ideological context of racial theories and provides an historical account of the construction of race. The historical account highlights four prominent ideas: white superiority, non-white inferiority (marked by low intelligence levels), the belief in inherent racial characteristics, and racial purity and contamination. In Saskatchewan, these ideas continue to surface in discourse about Aboriginal people and relations between the non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal population. Although constructed ideas about race are scientifically unsound and grounded in the belief in white superiority, these ideas are often normalized as common sense and not easily recognized as constructed. Discourse and practices that appear to be emancipatory for Aboriginal people but rely on constructed ideas about race need to be re-examined. This thesis provides several examples of where these ideas surface in Saskatchewan discourse and recommends anti-racist education as an alternative.
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Naturalism and Moral RealismSias, James 08 June 2007 (has links)
My aim is to challenge recent attempts at reconciling moral realism and naturalism by pushing ethical naturalists into a dilemma. According to one horn of the dilemma, ethical naturalists must either (a) build unique facts and properties about divergent social structures (or varying moral belief systems) into their subvenient sets of natural facts and properties, and so jeopardize the objectivity of moral truths, or (b) insist, in the face of all possible worlds in which people have different moral beliefs than ours, that they are all mistaken—this despite the fact that the belief-forming mechanism responsible for their moral beliefs was never concerned with the truth of those beliefs in the first place. This will bring me to suggest that moral properties might only weakly supervene upon natural phenomena. But, according to the other horn of the dilemma, weak supervenience is a defeater for moral knowledge.
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Historical racial theories : ongoing racialization in SaskatchewanBaker, Carmen Leigh 16 January 2007 (has links)
Throughout the nineteenth and into the twentieth century, theories of race contributed to the justification and authorization of global European imperialism and the colonization of indigenous people. In Canada, racial theories influenced perceptions of each citizen as either superior or inferior. Although European and American theorists constructed hundreds of ideas about race, there are several key ideas that continue to linger in the minds of Canadians. This thesis examines the socio-ideological context of racial theories and provides an historical account of the construction of race. The historical account highlights four prominent ideas: white superiority, non-white inferiority (marked by low intelligence levels), the belief in inherent racial characteristics, and racial purity and contamination. In Saskatchewan, these ideas continue to surface in discourse about Aboriginal people and relations between the non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal population. Although constructed ideas about race are scientifically unsound and grounded in the belief in white superiority, these ideas are often normalized as common sense and not easily recognized as constructed. Discourse and practices that appear to be emancipatory for Aboriginal people but rely on constructed ideas about race need to be re-examined. This thesis provides several examples of where these ideas surface in Saskatchewan discourse and recommends anti-racist education as an alternative.
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