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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical Modelling and Identification of Nonlinear Effects in Microelectromechanical Systems

Nabholz, Ulrike 23 April 2021 (has links)
Analytical and semi-analytical physical models for MEMS are derived from nonlinear mechanics. By taking into account system characteristics and assumptions, system identification enables the derivation of a mathematical model that is tailored to the effect and the MEMS under analysis. Such an adapted model can successfully emulate and explain the nonlinear dynamics of individual MEMS, including resonant actuation of parasitic modes. The performed analyses also confirm that small deviations in the mode spectrum between devices influence the occurrence of nonlinear effects.:1 Introduction 2 MEMS: Design, Devices & Modelling 3 Nonlinear Mechanics of Dynamical Systems 4 Modelling Approach 5 System Identification & Characterization 6 Conclusion / Analytische und semi-analytische physikalische Modelle für MEMS werden aus der nichtlinearen Mechanik abgeleitet. Durch die Berücksichtigung systemspezifischer Merkmale und Annahmen, ermöglicht die Systemidentifikation das Ableiten eines mathematischen Modells, das auf den analysierten Effekt und das MEMS zugeschnitten ist. Ein solches Modell kann für die Erklärung der nichtlinearen Dynamik einzelner MEMS herangezogen werden und bildet erfolgreich nichtlineare Effekte nach, einschließlich des resonanten Aufschwingens von Parasitärmoden. Die durchgeführten Analysen bestätigen auch, dass geringe Abweichungen im Modenspektrum zwischen Bauteilen das Auftreten nichtlinearer Effekte beeinflussen.:1 Introduction 2 MEMS: Design, Devices & Modelling 3 Nonlinear Mechanics of Dynamical Systems 4 Modelling Approach 5 System Identification & Characterization 6 Conclusion

Shape-temperature relationship of ice crystals in mixed-phase cloudsbased on observations with polarimetric cloud radar: Shape-temperature relationship of ice crystals in mixed-phase cloudsbased on observations with polarimetric cloud radar

Myagkov, Alexander 04 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the experimental quantitative characterization of the shape and orientation distribution of ice particles in clouds. The characterization is based on measured and modeled elevation dependencies of the polarimetric parameters differential reflectivity and correlation coefficient. The polarimetric data is obtained using a newly developed 35-GHz cloud radar MIRA-35 with hybrid polarimetric configuration and scanning capabilities. The full procedure chain of the technical implementation and the realization of the setup of the hybrid-mode cloud radar for the shape determination are presented. This includes the description of phase adjustments in the transmitting paths, the introduction of the general data processing scheme, correction of the data for the differences of amplifications and electrical path lengths in the transmitting and receiving channels, the rotation of the polarization basis by 45°, the correction of antenna effects on polarimetric measurements, the determination of spectral polarimetric variables, and the formulation of a scheme to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Modeling of the polarimetric variables is based on existing backscattering models assuming the spheroidal representation of cloud scatterers. The parameters retrieved from the model are polarizability ratio and degree of orientation, which can be assigned to certain particle orientations and shapes. In the thesis the first quantitative estimations of ice particle shape at the top of liquid-topped clouds are presented. Analyzed ice particles were formed in the presence of supercooled water and in the temperature range from -20 °C to -3 °C. The estimation is based on polarizability ratios of ice particles measured by the MIRA-35 with hybrid polarimetric configuration, manufactured by METEK GmbH. For the study, 22 cases observed during the ACCEPT (Analysis of the Composition of Clouds with Extended Polarization Techniques) field campaign were used. Polarizability ratios retrieved for cloud layers with cloud-top temperatures of about -5, -8, -15, and -20 °C were 1.6, 0.9, 0.6, and 0.9, respectively. Such values correspond to prolate, quasi-isotropic, oblate, and quasi-isotropic particles, respectively. Data from a free-fall chamber were used for the comparison. A good agreement of detected shapes with well-known shape{temperature dependencies observed in laboratories was found.:1 Introduction 2 Formation and development of ice particles: Laboratory studies and remote observations 2.1 Heterogeneous ice formation in the atmosphere 2.2 Laboratory investigations of ice crystal development 2.3 Polarimetric radar observations of ice microphysics 2.3.1 Polarimetry in weather radar networks 2.3.2 Polarimetry in cloud radars 2.3.3 Polarization coupling 2.4 Aims and scientific questions 3 Effects of antenna patterns on cloud radar polarimetric measurements 3.1 Measurements of complex antenna patterns 3.1.1 Problem definition 3.1.2 Measurement description 3.1.3 Results of antenna pattern measurements 3.2 Correction of LDR measurements 3.3 Discrimination between insects and clouds 4 Cloud radar MIRA-35 with hybrid mode 4.1 Implementation and phase adjustment 4.2 Processing of the coherency matrix 4.3 Correction of the coherency matrix for differences of channels 4.4 The coherency matrix in the slanted basis 4.5 Correction for the antenna coupling 4.6 Spectral polarimetric variables 4.7 Sensitivity issue 5 Shape and orientation retrieval 5.1 Backscattering model 5.2 Retrieval technique 5.3 Case study 6 Shape-temperature relationship of pristine ice crystals 6.1 Instrumentation and data set 6.2 Examples of the shape retrieval 6.2.1 Case 1: 12 October 2014, 15:00-16:00 UTC 6.2.2 Case 2: 18 October 2014, 01:00-02:00 UTC 6.2.3 Case 3: 20 October 2014, 18:00-19:00 UTC 6.2.4 Case 4: 10 November 2014, 02:00-03:00 UTC 6.2.5 Case 5: 7 November 2014, 20:00-21:00 UTC 6.3 Comparison of shape with laboratory studies 6.4 Orientation of pristine ice crystals 7 Summary and outlook Bibliography List of Abbreviations List of Symbols

All-fiber pulsed coherent Doppler lidar system with multiple wavelength-channels

Töws, Albert 06 October 2021 (has links)
This work relates to the remote sensing technologies to determine wind velocity and its related phenomena. Laser-based pulsed systems with heterodyne detection allow a very sensitive measurement of particles’ velocity in the atmosphere. The heterodyne detection theory and the essential principles and properties of this technology are presented. An all-fiber coherent Doppler lidar system in master-oscillator power-amplifier design with a novel multi-wavelength channel configuration was developed and introduced, characterized, and validated in this work. The fiber amplifier is a crucial component of multi-channel all-fiber systems and is therefore discussed with special emphasis on non-linear effects and pulse distortions. A novel feedback controlled pulse-shaping unit was developed to control pulse energy and the shape of the amplified pulses of each channel. Each and every wavelength-channel creates an independent speckle pattern, which is demonstrated by hard targets with diffuse character and atmospheric single-shot measurements, and compared with theoretical results. Utilizing four channels, the precision of the measured wind velocity can be improved and this feature is demonstrated with measured atmospheric return signals. A correlation technique is presented, which enables the enhancement of the SNR at higher backscattered powers by utilizing multiple channels. The multi-wavelength system was designed to work with four wavelength-channels, which also allow measurements along the same line-of-sight with different channel configurations. These channels can be different in pulse shape, pulse length, and pulse repetition frequency. In this work, the resulting benefits of using multiple channels are shown with atmospheric measurements and scientific discussion of these is presented.:1. Introduction to the subject 2. Introduction to pulsed coherent Doppler lidar 3. Methodology: Multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar system 4. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier in a multi-channel lidar 5. Correlation properties of a multi-channel lidar system 6. Benefits of a multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar 7. Conclusions A. Wind measurement examples B. Range gate weighting function for different pulse shapes / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fernerkundungstechnologie zur Erfassung der Windgeschwindigkeit und den damit verbundenen Phänomenen. Die heterodyne Detektion der laserbasierten gepulsten Systeme ermöglicht eine sehr sensitive Messung von Partikelgeschwindigkeiten in der Atmosphäre. Sowohl die Theorie der heterodynen Detektion als auch die wesentlichen Eigenschaften und Grundsätze werden in dieser Arbeit diskutiert. Ein neuartiges faserbasiertes kohärentes Doppler Mehrkanal-Lidarsystem wurde entwickelt, vorgestellt, charakterisiert und validiert. Dabei ist der faserbasierte Verstärker eine wesentliche Komponente in diesem System und wird somit in Bezug auf Nichtlinearitäten und Impulsverzerrungen besonders analysiert. Eine neuartige geregelte Impulsformung wurde entwickelt, um die Impulsenergie und die Impulsform unabhängig für jeden Kanal zu stabilisieren. Jeder einzelne Kanal erzeugt ein unabhängiges Specklebild, welches durch Messungen am festen Ziel und durch atmosphärische Messungen präsentiert und mit theoretischen Berechnungen verglichen wird. Somit wird unter der Verwendung aller vier Kanäle des Systems die Geschwindigkeitsgenauigkeit erhöht, welches durch atmosphärische Messungen dargelegt wird. Zudem wird eine Korrelationstechnik vorgestellt, die das SNR bei höherer Rückstreuintensität weiter erhöht. Das Mehr-Wellenlängensystem wurde für vier Kanäle ausgelegt, welches eine Beobachtung der Atmosphäre entlang der Sichtlinie unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen ermöglicht. Diese Kanäle können sich sowohl in der Impulsform, in der Impulslänge als auch in der Pulsfolgefrequenz unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit zeigt die wesentlichen Vorteile eines solchen Mehrkanal-Lidarsystems mit atmosphärischen Messungen und wissenschaftlichen Ausarbeitungen.:1. Introduction to the subject 2. Introduction to pulsed coherent Doppler lidar 3. Methodology: Multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar system 4. Erbium-doped fiber amplifier in a multi-channel lidar 5. Correlation properties of a multi-channel lidar system 6. Benefits of a multi-channel coherent Doppler lidar 7. Conclusions A. Wind measurement examples B. Range gate weighting function for different pulse shapes

Ruggedness of High-Voltage IGBTs and Protection Solutions

Basler, Thomas 28 February 2014 (has links)
IGBTs are today’s most important power-semiconductor switches in the field of medium and high power ranges. The good controllability of this device with a voltage source is advantageous. The following work investigates the IGBT at short-circuit and surge-current condition. A particular focus is put on the IGBT’s feedback on the gate-control circuit. Special modes during the short circuit are measured and explained. For example the self-turn-off mechanism during short circuit and the collector-emitter voltage-clamping capability during fast short-circuit turn-off. Measurements are done at high-voltage IGBT chips and press-pack devices. The complete IGBT output characteristic up to the breakdown point is measured. Additionally, the short circuit is investigated at the parallel and series connection of IGBTs. Supporting semiconductor simulations of a high-voltage IGBT model, that was specially constructed for this work, analyse the internal behaviour during the mentioned conditions. The impact of different IGBT designs on the short-circuit ruggedness and breakdown behaviour is shown. Solutions for protecting the device from destruction during overload condition are presented. Measurements and simulations explain the surge-current capability of an IGBT and demonstrate the benefit for the application. / IGBTs gehören zu den wichtigsten Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelementen im mittleren und oberen Leistungsbereich. Die einfache Ansteuerbarkeit durch eine Spannungsquelle ist dabei von großem Vorteil. Nachfolgende Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich mit dem IGBT-Kurzschluss und -Stoßstrom. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Rückwirkung des IGBTs auf den Ansteuerkreis gelegt. Spezielle IGBT Modi werden gemessen und erklärt. Hierzu zählen zum Beispiel der Self-Turn-Off Mechanismus während des Kurzschlusses und die selbständige Kollektor-Emitter Spannungsbegrenzung während schnellen Kurzschlussabschaltens. Hierfür werden Messungen an Hochspannungs-IGBT Chips und Press-Pack IGBTs durchgeführt. Des Weiteren wird das komplette Ausgangskennlinienfeld des IGBTs vermessen und das Kurzschlussverhalten in der Parallel- und Reihenschaltung untersucht. Halbleitersimulationen eines Hochspannungs-IGBT Modells zeigen das interne IGBT Verhalten und unterstützen die Analyse der Messungen. Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher IGBT Designs in Bezug auf die Kurzschluss-Robustheit und das Durchbruchverhalten wird aufgezeigt. Möglichkeiten zum Schutz des IGBTs vor Zerstörung werden erörtert. Messungen und Simulationen zeigen die gute Stoßstromfestigkeit von IGBTs bei erhöhter Gatespannung auf. Davon kann die komplette Anwendung profitieren.

Sensing and Transport Properties of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Devices

Vervacke, Céline 11 September 2014 (has links)
Over the past two decades, organic semiconductors played a growing part as active layers in several electronic systems such as sensors, field‑effect transistors or light emitting diodes to cite a few. In fact, organic materials offer a high versatility and flexibility. However, pure organic systems often lack stability and robustness, which can be overcome by combining them with inorganic scaffolds. In this work, a conducting polymer, polypyrrole (PPy) is employed to create new sensor elements based on the combination of both inorganic and organic layers. Electrical measurements, infrared spectroscopy and current sensing atomic force microscopy provides a better understanding of the polymer behavior upon immersion in aqueous solutions. The observed discharge in water leads to a straightforward application of the device as an in‑flow sensor for several acids like HCl, H2SO4 and H3PO4. The wide range of sensing concentrations as well as the low detection limit place the present detector among the best reported so far in the literature. In a further step to turn towards lab‑in‑a‑tube devices, tubular‑shaped‑integrated microelectrodes are developed by using the rolled‑up technology. As a proof of concept, the successful integration of PPy as an active layer and its use as a gas sensor for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is demonstrated. Finally, by adapting the rolled‑up top electrodes, as developed by Bof Bufon et al. for self‑assembled monolayers (SAMs), thin PPy films (<50 nm) are vertically contacted and their electrical characteristics measured as a function of temperature and electric field. From the transport investigations, it is observed that an insulating‑to‑metallic transition occurs in the polymeric film by increasing the bias voltage. Other molecular layers like CuPc can be incorporated in these platforms, opening the way towards emerging organic devices.

Neuartige Sensoren zur Erfassung von Dehnungen in Faserverbundwerkstoffen (Structural Health Monitoring)

Mäder, Thomas 27 January 2015 (has links)
Dehnungssensoren werden zur Überwachung von sicherheitsrelevanten Bauteilen, besonders in Bauteilen aus faserverstärkten Polymermatrixverbundwerkstoffen eingesetzt. Durch deren Integration in das Bauteilinnere werden sie vor schädigenden mechanischen sowie korrosiven Einwirkungen geschützt. Dies gewährleistet eine zuverlässige sowie dauerhafte Funktion. Verschiedene Ansätze zur Weiterentwicklung integrierbarer Dehnungssensoren werden international untersucht. Die Verringerung des Sensordurchmessers auf Abmaße im Bereich des Durchmessers von Verstärkungsfasern ist dabei ein bedeutendes Entwicklungsziel. Insbesondere bei der Integration in Bauteile aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen sorgen zum Durchmesser von Fasern vergleichbare Sensordurchmesser für eine optimale Sensoranbindung. Die Bildung von Harznestern sowie schwächender Unstetigkeiten kann mittels dünner Sensoren verhindert werden. Dies gewährleistet eine artefaktefreie Dehnungsmessung. Drei verschiedene Ansätze für neuartige Dehnungssensoren mit kleinem Querschnitt wurden in dieser Arbeit untersucht. / Strain sensors are used for structural health monitoring issues, certainly in parts with high safety requirements made of fibre-reinforced plastic composites. The integration of these sensors inside the parts protects them against any mechanical and corrosive impact. The sensor functionality can be enhanced by integration. There is a lot of international research effort to further develop integratable strain sensors. Different approaches are currently pursued. This thesis presents the results of investigations on three different approaches for novel strain sensors. The main goal of these investigations was to minimise the sensor diameter down to the diameter of reinforcing fibres. The small diameter allows for an optimum and artefact free integration of the sensors. The formation of resin nests and notches to the material structure can be prevented by integrating sensor with a smaller diameter. The strain measurement and monitoring is enhanced and more reliable then.

Einsatz optischer Pickup-Einheiten zum Condition Monitoring im Anwendungsfall eines Längsdrehprozesses

al Diban, Raphael 04 April 2023 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund einer messdatengetriebenen Instandhaltung und Prozessoptimierung gewinnen Konzepte wie Condition Monitoring zunehmend an Bedeutung. Zur schnellen inline-Bewertung insbesondere zerspanender Fertigungsverfahren ist dazu die Messung mechanischer Schwingungen erforderlich. Berührungslose optische Sensorik spielt aufgrund hoher Auflösungen und Abtastraten eine wachsende Rolle. In diesem Gebiet positioniert sich die vorliegende Arbeit und leistet einen Beitrag für die alternative Schwingungssensorik. Für den Anwendungsfall eines zu überwachenden Längsdrehprozesses wird die astigmatische Fokusdetektion als einfaches Messverfahren sowie als Ergänzung zum bestehenden Technikstand identifiziert. Die Eignung dieses in optischen Leseköpfen (Pickup-Einheiten) verwendeten Verfahrens kann durch eine multikriterielle Bewertung anhand der Literatur beurteilt werden. Simulationen sowie der Realaufbau eines prototypischen auf DVD-Pickup-Einheiten basierenden Vibrations-Messsystems lassen Erkenntnisse über die Skalierbarkeit und Handhabung des Ansatzes zu. Im Rahmen eines Feldtests des Pickup Messsystems werden Werkzeugschwingungen in einem Längsdrehprozess inline erfasst. Im Ergebnis lassen sich die entsprechenden Amplituden-Frequenz-Spektren des Messsignals mit nachträglichen Profilmessungen des Werkstücks vergleichen. Der vorgestellte Ansatz kann während der Bearbeitung einen Rückschluss auf die Werkstück-Welligkeit ermöglichen.

Hybrid lithography fabrication of single mode optics for signal redistribution and coupling

Weyers, David, Nieweglowski, Krzysztof, Bock, Karlheinz 10 May 2024 (has links)
This paper describes advances in hybrid-lithography process, combining UV-lithography for planar, single mode redistribution layer (RDL) and 2-photon-polymerization direct-laser-writing (2PP-DLW) for micro-mirrors inside RDL-opening. Improvements to multi-layer direct patterning of OrmoCore/-Clad material system using UV-lithography and need for broadband UV-LED source are presented. Near square core cross sections and smooth sidewalls are achieved. Openings in full stack with steep sidewalls without residual layer are patterned. To optimize 2PP-DLW-process processing window for both OrmoComp and IP-DIP is thoroughly characterized. Roughness measurements prove feasibility even of coarsely printed structure as reflective μ-mirror for 1550 nm wavelength. Finally these results are applied to periscope probe for wafer-level-testing of edge emitting lasers and proof of concept is shown. Outlook to further research on UV-lithography of multi-layer waveguide stack and alignment with μ-mirror printing is given.

Untersuchung von Multilagenbarrieren für die Verkapselung organischer Bauelemente

Dollinger, Felix 11 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Elektronische Bauteile aus organischen Halbleitern stellen höchste Anforderungen an die Qualität der Verkapselung, die sie vor eindringenden Wasser- und Luftmolekülen schützt. Gleichzeitig soll diese preiswert und mechanisch flexibel sein. Diese Arbeit realisiert Aluminium-Mehrschichtsysteme als wirkungsvolle, biegsame und einfache Verkapselung. Es werden verschiedene Herstellungsmethoden und Zwischenschichtmaterialien untersucht, wobei die Barrierelamination als überlegenes Verfahren etabliert wird. Verkapselungssysteme werden mittels optischer Untersuchung und mit dem elektrischen Calciumtest auf ihre Güte geprüft, bevor sie in Solarzellenalterungsexperimenten unter realitätsnahen Bedingungen zur Anwendung kommen. Laminationsbarrieren aus Aluminiumdünnschichten zeigen reproduzierbar Wasserdampfdurchtrittsraten im unteren 10^(-4) g(H2O)/m^2/Tag-Bereich unter beschleunigten Permeationsbedingungen. Sie verlängern die T(50)-Lebensdauer von Solarzellen um einen Faktor 50 gegenüber unverkapselten Zellen auf Werte, die mit starrer Glas- oder zeitaufwendiger ALD-Verkapselung vergleichbar sind. / Organic electronic devices require excellent encapsulation to protect them from intruding water- and air-molecules. At the same time, the encapsulation has to be inexpensive and flexible. This work presents aluminum multilayer barriers as highly effective, flexible and low-cost encapsulation. Various production methods and interlayer materials are investigated and barrier-lamination is established as superior process. Encapsulation systems are evaluated optically and by means of the electrical calcium-test, before they are employed in realistic solar cell aging experiments. Lamination-barriers of thin aluminum films show reproducible water-vapor transmission rates in the low 10^(-4) g(H2O)/m^2/day-range under accelerated permeation conditions. They improve the T(50)-lifetime of solar cells by a factor of 50 compared to unencapsulated cells, reaching values on par with rigid glass encapsulation or time-consuming atomic layer deposition.

Advanced scanning magnetoresistive microscopy as a multifunctional magnetic characterization method / Weiterentwickelte Rastermagnetowiderstandsmikroskopie als multifunktionale magnetische Charakterisierungsmethode

Mitin, Dmitriy 18 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Advanced scanning magnetoresistive microscopy (SMRM) — a robust magnetic imaging and probing technique — is presented. It utilizes conventional recording heads of a hard disk drive as sensors. The spatial resolution of modern tunneling magnetoresistive sensors is nowadays comparable with more commonly used magnetic force microscopes. Important advantages of SMRM are the ability to detect pure magnetic signals directly proportional to the out-of-plane magnetic stray field, negligible sensor stray fields, and the ability to apply local bipolar magnetic field pulses up to 10 kOe with bandwidths from DC up to 1 GHz. The performance assessment of this method and corresponding best practices are discussed in the first section of this work. An application example of SMRM, the study on chemically ordered L10 FePt is presented in a second section. A constructed heater unit of SMRM opens the path to investigate temperature-dependent magnetic properties of the medium by recording and imaging at elevated temperatures. L10 FePt is one of the most promising materials to reach limits in storage density of future magnetic recording devices based on heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). In order to be implemented in an actual recording scheme, the medium Curie temperature should be lowered. This will reduce the power requirements, and hence, wear and tear on a heat source — integrated plasmonic antenna. It is expected that the exchange coupling of FePt to thin Fe layers provides high saturation magnetization and elevated Curie temperature of the composite. The addition of Cu allows adjusting the magnetic properties such as perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, coercivity, saturation magnetization, and Curie temperature. This should lead to a lowering of the switching field of the hard magnetic FeCuPt layer and a reduction of thermally induced recording errors. In this regard, the influence of the Fe layer thickness on the switching behavior of the hard layer was investigated, revealing a strong reduction for Fe layer thicknesses larger than the exchange length of Fe. The recording performance of single-layer and bilayer structures was studied by SMRM roll-off curves and histogram methods at temperatures up to 180 °C In the last section of this work, SMRM advantages are demonstrated by various experiments on a two-dimensional magnetic vortex lattice. Magnetic vortex is a peculiar complex magnetization configuration which typically appears in a soft magnetic structured materials. It consists of two coupled sub-systems: the core, where magnetization vector points perpendicular to the structure plane, and the curling magnetization where magnetic flux is rotating in-plane. The unique properties of a magnetic vortex making it an object of a great research and technological interest for spintronic applications in sensorics or data storage. Manipulation of the vortex core as well as the rotation sense by applying a local field pulse is shown. A spatially resolved switching map reveals a significant "write window" where vortex cores can be addressed correctly. Moreover, the external in-plane magnet extension unit allow analyzing the magnetic vortex rotational sense which is extremely practical for magnetic coupling investigations of magnetic coupling phenomena.

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