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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh zpřístupnění a doprovodného mobiliáře pro osoby se sníženou mobilitou na lokalitě Ke Školkám (ŠLP ML Křtiny)

Daníčková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis aims to explore the posibilities of recreation for motion disabled people. In the literature research part it states all the parameters, necessary to follow in order to enable recreation for these people. Further it describes the examples of existing projects, which aimed to allow for convenient recreation and nature stay of the target group. The proposal part of the thesis lays in the design of an educational path, localised on the forest road Ke Školkám (ŠLP ML Křtiny) with consideration of the acquired knowledge, effected analyses and field inspections. The proposed design is carried out in two variats – the first variant presents the basic features of the path, in the second variant further equipment and space adjustments are introduced.

Characterization and Optimization of CuInSe2 Solar Cells Applicable for Tandem Devices

Sapkota, Dhurba Raj January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Degradation of Cd(Se,Te) and Perovskite Photovoltaic Devices: A Numerical Simulation

Howard, Kassidy James 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Product Modularization in the Nordic Manufacturing Industry : A case study of eight companies / Modularisering av produkter i den nordiska tillverkningsindustrin : Fallstudier av åtta företag

Höglund, Sophia, Korssell, Pauline January 2021 (has links)
See file / Se filen

Le Règlement SE, un outil européen au confluent des intérêts nationaux et du droit de l’Union européenne / The SE regulation, an european tool in between national law and European Union law

Bouchoul, Katia 14 December 2015 (has links)
Le Règlement SE est un outil européen au confluent des intérêts nationaux et du droit de l’Union européenne. Il est un instrument juridique novateur permettant aux entreprises d’envergure européenne d’élaborer des restructurations transfrontalières par voie de constitution d’une SE et du transfert du siège social de celle-ci ; tout en préservant les intérêts des créanciers, des salariés et des actionnaires minoritaires de ces entreprises. Pour y parvenir, le Règlement SE ne se suffit pas à lui-même : il est pluraliste. Il coordonne les règles applicables à la SE. En outre, il procède lui-même aux renvois vers les droits nationaux qui permettent de préserver les particularités nationales des Etats membres. Ainsi, la SE est rattachée d’une part à un ordre juridique européen et d’autre part à un ordre juridique étatique à titre subsidiaire. Par ailleurs, le Règlement SE n’est pas uniquement bénéfique aux entreprises. En effet, il permet de favoriser l’adoption d’autres outils européens parmi lesquels la directive relative à la fusion transfrontalière entre sociétés de capitaux. / The SE regulation is an european tool in between national law and European Union law. It is an innovative legal tool allowing companies with European scale to elaborate cross-border reorganizations through the creation of a SE and the transfer of the head office of such company; while preserving benefits of creditors, of employees and shareholders of such companies. In order to achieve this goal, the SE regulation is not enough: it is pluralistic. It coordinates the rules applied to the SE. In addition, it proceeds itself to remand to national law that enables to preserve national specificities of each State Member. So, the SE is attached on one end to the European Union law and on the other end it is attached to the national law on a subsidiary basis.Furthermore, the SE regulation is not only useful to companies. Indeed, it enables adoption of other european tools such as the directive related to cross-border merger between joint-stock companies.

A inserção do se em sentenças não-finitas do PB / Se insertion in non-finite sentences from Brazilian Portuguese

Colsato, Andréa 17 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objeto de estudo um fenômeno do português do Brasil mais comumente encontrado em textos formais. Trata-se do pronome fraco se precedendo verbos infinitivos. Esse item compete com zero na indeterminação do sujeito em orações encaixadas, mais precisamente em orações completivas de nome e adjetivo, temporais e finais. Propõe-se descrever os fatores condicionadores da inserção do se em sentenças nãofinitas do português brasileiro e promover um análise da questão à luz da teoria gerativa no seu modelo de Princípios e Parâmetros (Chomsky 1981, 1986a). Tomou-se como corpus textos formais de alunos da pós-graduação de diversas áreas do conhecimento da Universidade de São Paulo, hipotetizando que o teor científico do texto proporcionaria a estratégia de indeterminação por nós analisada. Em seguida, foram elaborados testes de produção junto aos alunos da graduação dessa mesma universidade a fim de verificar se as respostas produzidas por eles corroborariam os resultados encontrados nas dissertações e teses. Dentre os fatores mais relevantes para justificar a inserção de se nas construções com verbos infinitivos, destacou-se a preposição. Para a análise interpretativa desse achado, seguimos a proposta de Mioto & Kato (2002). / This dissertation aims at studying a Brazilian Portuguese phenomenon commonly found in formal texts. It is the se insertion as subject of infinitive clauses. This particle competes with the null category in the subject indetermination in embedded clauses, more precisely in the complement of noun and adjective clauses and clauses of time and finality. It is intended to describe the conditioning factors of the se insertion in non-finite sentences from Brazilian Portuguese and promote an analysis of the matter having the Generative Theory in its model of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky 1981, 1986a) as a reference. At first, it was used as corpus formal texts by graduate students from different areas of knowledge from Universidade de São Paulo, hypothesizing that the text scientific wording would allow the strategy of the indetermination analyzed in this dissertation. Secondly, production tests were elaborated with undergraduate students from the same university in order to verify if the answers produced by them would confirm the results found in the dissertations and theses. Among the most relevant factors to justify the se insertion in the constructions with infinitive verbs, the preposition stood up. For the interpretative analysis, we followed Mioto & Kato (2002) proposal.

A inserção do se em sentenças não-finitas do PB / Se insertion in non-finite sentences from Brazilian Portuguese

Andréa Colsato 17 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objeto de estudo um fenômeno do português do Brasil mais comumente encontrado em textos formais. Trata-se do pronome fraco se precedendo verbos infinitivos. Esse item compete com zero na indeterminação do sujeito em orações encaixadas, mais precisamente em orações completivas de nome e adjetivo, temporais e finais. Propõe-se descrever os fatores condicionadores da inserção do se em sentenças nãofinitas do português brasileiro e promover um análise da questão à luz da teoria gerativa no seu modelo de Princípios e Parâmetros (Chomsky 1981, 1986a). Tomou-se como corpus textos formais de alunos da pós-graduação de diversas áreas do conhecimento da Universidade de São Paulo, hipotetizando que o teor científico do texto proporcionaria a estratégia de indeterminação por nós analisada. Em seguida, foram elaborados testes de produção junto aos alunos da graduação dessa mesma universidade a fim de verificar se as respostas produzidas por eles corroborariam os resultados encontrados nas dissertações e teses. Dentre os fatores mais relevantes para justificar a inserção de se nas construções com verbos infinitivos, destacou-se a preposição. Para a análise interpretativa desse achado, seguimos a proposta de Mioto & Kato (2002). / This dissertation aims at studying a Brazilian Portuguese phenomenon commonly found in formal texts. It is the se insertion as subject of infinitive clauses. This particle competes with the null category in the subject indetermination in embedded clauses, more precisely in the complement of noun and adjective clauses and clauses of time and finality. It is intended to describe the conditioning factors of the se insertion in non-finite sentences from Brazilian Portuguese and promote an analysis of the matter having the Generative Theory in its model of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky 1981, 1986a) as a reference. At first, it was used as corpus formal texts by graduate students from different areas of knowledge from Universidade de São Paulo, hypothesizing that the text scientific wording would allow the strategy of the indetermination analyzed in this dissertation. Secondly, production tests were elaborated with undergraduate students from the same university in order to verify if the answers produced by them would confirm the results found in the dissertations and theses. Among the most relevant factors to justify the se insertion in the constructions with infinitive verbs, the preposition stood up. For the interpretative analysis, we followed Mioto & Kato (2002) proposal.

Reikšmingos įtakos konkurencijai ir prekybai sąlyga. Mažareikšmių susitarimų problematika / An appreciable effect on competition and trade provision. The problems of agreements of minor importance

Puksas, Andrius 25 September 2014 (has links)
Ši disertacija – pirmas tyrimas Lietuvoje, kuriame kompleksiškai nagrinėjamos reikšmingos įtakos konkurencijai ir reikšmingos įtakos prekybai sąlygos bei de minimis išimties taikymo praktika. Disertaciniame darbe nagrinėjamos ES bei atskirų valstybių narių teisės aktų nuostatos, už rinkos priežiūrą ir sąžiningos konkurencijos apsaugą atsakingų institucijų praktika, pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl esamo teisinio reglamentavimo tobulinimo. Disertacinio darbo rėmuose buvo atlikta ES valstybių narių teisės aktų ir jų suponuotos praktikos (kartais ir atvirkščiai) lyginamoji analizė. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas su EK, Teisingumo Teismo praktika nesutapmančiai besiformuojančiai nacionalinei praktikai (pvz., de minimis išimties, kurios turinys toliau atskleidžiamas disertaciniame darbe, taikymas susitarimams, turintiems sunkių apribojimų). / This dissertation is the first study in Lithuania, which includes complex analysis of conditions of appreciable effect on competition and trade; as well as the practice of applying de minimis exemption. The doctoral dissertation analyzes legal regulations of the EU and Member States, the practice of institutions responsible for monitoring the market and fair protecting fair competition; it includes suggestions for the improvement of existing legal framework. Within the framework of doctoral dissertation, a comparative analysis of the EU Member States’ legislation and practice which is based on it (and vice versa) has been conducted. A particular attention has been paid to national practice which is incompatible with the practice of the EC, or the Court of Justice (e.g. application of de minimis exemption, which is explained in depth further in the doctoral dissertation, for agreements containing hardcore restraints).


PEDRO HENRIQUE GOMES MUNIZ 22 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo global deste trabalho é mostrar que precisamos explicar a dinâmica de pensamentos de se ou pensamentos em primeira pessoa (ou ainda, pensamentos normalmente expressos com o uso do pronome da primeira pessoa) dentro de um quadro mais amplo de uma teoria dinamista dos atos mentais – nos moldes da teoria defendida por Dokic (2001). Argumento que esse movimento é necessário se quisermos lidar com o assim chamado problema da dinâmica cognitiva de tal forma que a explicação seja capaz de capturar as características distintivas dos pensamentos de se e atitudes relacionadas. A tese está dividida em quatro partes principais. No Capítulo 1, faço uma revisão dos argumentos a favor da afirmação de que pensamentos de se são especiais e irredutíveis a outros tipos de pensamentos - de re e de dicto em particular. O Capítulo 2 lida com o problema da dinâmica cognitiva como este foi originalmente formulado por Kaplan (1989), e discute até que ponto ele se aplica a pensamentos de se enquanto pensamentos indexicais. No Capítulo 3, considero algumas das objeções levantadas por céticos com relação ao de se (notadamente, Cappelen e Dever 2013) contra a ideia de que o de se e a indexicalidade essencial como um todo são fenômenos profundos e interessantes e que precisamos dar respostas a eles. O Capítulo 4 mostra que os pensamentos de se apresentam características que não são capturadas por uma teoria dos indexicais. No entanto, dado que uma explicação de sua dinâmica ainda é necessária, aponto para a possibilidade de expandir o escopo do problema que foi formulado por Kaplan para pensamentos indexicais. Uma vez que, como argumento, o problema da dinâmica cognitiva está para além de pensamentos indexicais e tem a ver com o desenrolar de todos os estados intencionais no decorrer do tempo, podemos reformulá-lo como um problema da continuidade interna (mental). Concluo que um estudo das condições nas quais pensamentos de se são apreendidos com o passar do tempo equivale a elaboração de uma teoria (neo-Lockeana) da identidade pessoal. / [en] The overall aim of this work is to show that we need to account for the dynamics of de se or I-thoughts (or else, thoughts usually expressed by the use of the first-person pronoun) within the broader picture of a dynamist theory of mental acts - of the kind advocated by Dokic (2001). I argue that the move is necessary if we are to deal with the so-called problem of cognitive dynamics in such a way that the account be able to capture the distinguishing features of de se thoughts and related attitudes. The doctoral dissertation is divided into four main parts. In Chapter One I review the arguments in support of the claim that de se thoughts are special and irreducible to other kinds of thoughts - in particular, de re and de dicto. Chapter Two tackles the issue of cognitive dynamics as originally put by Kaplan (1989) and discusses the extent to which it applies to de se thoughts qua indexical thoughts. Chapter Three considers some of the objections raised by de se skeptics (notably, Cappelen and Dever 2013) against the view that de se and essential indexicality on the whole are deep and interesting phenomena and tries to answer them. Chapter 4 shows that de se thoughts exhibit features not captured by a theory of indexicals. However, given that an account of their dynamics is still needed, I point toward the possibility of broadening the scope of the problem formulated by Kaplan for indexical thoughts. If the problem of cognitive dynamics, as I argue, outstrips indexical thoughts and concerns the unfolding of all intentional states over time, one might want to reformulate it as a problem of internal (mental) continuity. I conclude that a study of the conditions under which de se thinkings are entertained over time amounts to elaborating a (neo-Lockean) theory of personal identity.

Account management a jeho vliv na chování zákazníka

Dohnalová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with an account management, a new phenomenon in the area of business strategies. Thesis focuses on description of a relationship among account manager in advertising agency and its costumer as well as on creation of an ideal communication model between them. Primary data were collected by a qualitative research with 13 successful account managers. The research results will be provided to account managers and will also serve to students of commer-cial communication who are interested in account manager position for the future.

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