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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les relations et les actions bilatérales des communes françaises 1884-2014. : Pour une conceptualisation et une étude du bilatéralisme communal / The french municipalities bilateral relations and actions, 1884-2014.

Balducci, Christelle 27 October 2017 (has links)
De nombreuses communes françaises sont aujourd’hui ouvertes sur l’extérieur et engagées dans des relations avec d’autres localités françaises ou étrangères : les panneaux aux entrées des villes, les articles dans la presse locale et régionale, les pages sur les sites Internet, les divers documents conservés dans les archives municipales en témoignent. Les jumelages et les coopérations nous sont familiers et développer des relations et des actions bilatérales est une pratique municipale aujourd’hui habituelle.Partant de ce constat cette thèse propose d’en tracer l’histoire depuis la loi municipale de 1884 jusqu’en 2014 et de tenter de construire le concept de « bilatéralisme communal ». Par définition, le « bilatéralisme » correspond au sens strict à une politique d’accords, d’échanges entre des Etats pris deux à deux et ce terme n’a, semble-t-il, jamais été associé aux communes. Pourtant, cette expression « bilatéralisme communal » nous paraît pertinente pour désigner une pratique municipale courante.Afin de comprendre comment se sont développés et fonctionnent les rapports nationaux et transnationaux au niveau le plus simple et d’expliquer l’engagement des communes françaises dans des relations et des actions bilatérales, cette étude se décompose en trois axes complémentaires : le premier s’applique à expliquer les contextes dans lesquels les relations bilatérales s’inscrivent, le deuxième s’intéresse à la mise en place de la relation bilatérale, enfin le troisième a trait aux rapports entre les villes et entend porter un regard critique sur le bilatéralisme communal.L’histoire des relations et des actions bilatérales des communes françaises nous amène donc à nous intéresser aux rapprochements et aux échanges au niveau administratif le plus bas et nous conduit au cœur d’une forme élémentaire du jeu diplomatique aux origines relativement anciennes. / Many French municipalities are now open to the outside world and engaged in relations with other French or foreign localities : signs at the entrances to cities, articles in the local and regional press, pages on Internet sites, the various documents kept in the municipal archives testify to this. Twinning and cooperation are familiar to us and developing bilateral relations and actions is a usual municipal practice today.On the basis of this observation, this thesis proposes to trace its history from the municipal law of 1884 until 2014 and to attempt to construct the concept of "communal bilateralism". By definition, "bilateralism" corresponds in the strict sense to a policy of agreements, exchanges between States taken two by two, and this term has never been associated with municipalities. Yet this expression "communal bilateralism" seems to us to be relevant to common municipal practice.In order to understand how national and transnational reports have developed and function at the simplest level and to explain the involvement of French municipalities in bilateral relations and actions, this study is divided into three complementary axes : the first applies to explain the contexts in which bilateral relations take place, the second focuses on the establishment of the bilateral relationship, and finally the third deals with the relations between cities and intends to take a critical look at communal bilateralism.The history of the bilateral relations and actions of the French municipalities therefore leads us to focus on rapprochement and exchanges at the lowest administrative level and leads us to the heart of an elementary form of the diplomatic game with relatively old origins.

Impact des projets de coopération décentralisée sur la réduction des inégalités d'accès aux services sociaux de base : Cas des coopérations décentralisées franco-burkinabés et francobéninoises / The impact of decentralized cooperation on the reduction of inequalities in basic social services access : the case of decentralized franco-Burkinabe and Beninise cooperation.

Tade, Karine 17 June 2016 (has links)
Des premiers jumelages à la coopération décentralisée, les collectivités territoriales françaises ont vu évoluer leur objet et leurs pratiques, mais l’accès aux services sociaux de base demeure l’une de leurs principales thématiques d’intervention dans les territoires partenaires d’Afrique subsaharienne. Le transfert de cette compétence à leurs communes partenaires du Sud dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du processus de décentralisation, ont vu celles-ci faire face aux grandes attentes des habitants de leur territoire qui espèrent une amélioration de leurs conditions de vie. La coopération décentralisée a alors vu se reporter sur elle ces attentes et est de plus en plus perçue comme un atout majeur dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et la réduction des inégalités d’accès aux services sociaux de base dans les territoires partenaires du Sud.Afin d’évaluer l’impact de cette forme de partenariat sur la réduction des inégalités d’accès à l’éducation, à l’eau potable et à la santé, deux méthodes d’évaluation ont été combinées : la méthode quasi expérimentale (ou de la double différence) et l’appariement.La mise en œuvre de cette méthode à travers la comparaison et la mesure de la différence entre huit communes burkinabés et béninoises en coopération décentralisée avec des collectivités territoriales françaises, et huit communes appariées n’ayant jamais eu des partenariats de coopération décentralisée, nous a permis de mesurer un impact inégal et diversifié de la coopération décentralisée. Cette méthode d’évaluation innovante de la coopération décentralisée de par la spécificité de cette forme d’intervention qui en limite l’application, nous a également permis d’établir un lien entre l’impact de celle-ci et la diversité des pratiques et des acteurs impliqués. La coopération décentralisée est en pleine évolution et encore dans un processus de construction, mais elle peut cependant constituer une forme d’intervention efficace dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et la réduction des inégalités. / From the first twinning to decentralized cooperation, the French territorial communities have seen their object and their practices evolve, but access to the basic social services remains one of their main thematic of intervention in territories partners of sub-Saharan Africa. The transfer of this competence to their southern municipalities partners in the context of the implementation of the decentralization process, made them face the expectations of the inhabitants of their territory hopping for an improvement of their living conditions. Therefore, these expectations have been reported on the Decentralized cooperation and increasingly became a major asset in the fight against poverty and the reduction of inequalities in access to basic social services in territories partners in the South.To assess the impact of this form of partnership on the reduction of inequalities in access to education, clean water and health, two evaluation methods were combined: the quasi-experimental (or the double difference) method and matching. The implementation of this method through the comparison and measurement of the difference between eight Burkinabe and Beninese municipalities which are in decentralized cooperation with French territorial communities, and eight matched municipalities who have never been in decentralized cooperation partnerships, has helped us to measure an illegal an diversified impact of decentralized cooperation. This innovative method of evaluation due to the specificity of this kind of intervention that restricts the application, it allowed us to establish a link between the impact thereof and the diversity of practices and the actors involved. Decentralized cooperation is evolving and still in building process, but however, it may be a form of effective intervention in the fight against poverty and the reduction of inequalities.

Avaliação comparativa da cooperação internacional descentralizada e centralizada: o projeto de polícia comunitária - sistema KOBAN no município de São Paulo / Comparative Evaluation of the Centralized and Decentralized International Cooperation: the Community Policy Project - System KOBAN in the city of Sao Paulo

Alves, Bárbara Beatriz Maia Pinto 12 September 2013 (has links)
O fenômeno da globalização acelerou e intensificou a inserção de novos atores no Sistema internacional, especialmente durante as duas últimas décadas. Este trabalho propõe-se a revisar os principais aportes teóricos feitos sobre o tema, utilizando como análise prática um projeto de cooperação internacional de um ente subnacional brasileiro com outro de atuação internacional. Desde teorias consolidadas das Relações Internacionais como a Interdependência Complexa, ou o Construtivismo, passando pela discussão do papel do Estado no Sistema Internacional, novas teorias surgem para consolidar a inserção destes novos atores no Sistema e seus impactos no aumento do desenvolvimento sócio econômico global. Neste trabalho, iremos retomar não só as perspectivas clássicas, mas também novas contribuições teóricas a respeito do papel do ente subnacional como ator internacional. Focalizaremos nosso estudo em um projeto de cooperação internacional entre dois atores distintos, verificando a importância desta parceria através de indicadores (relevância, eficácia, efetividade, impactos e sustentabilidade) para demonstrar se o processo de descentralização da cooperação internacional impactou ou não sobre os resultados obtidos. Para tanto, foi feita a escolha de um estudo de caso, o Projeto de Polícia Comunitária designado Sistema KOBAN, entre a Agência de Cooperação Internacional Japonesa - JICA e a Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo - PMESP. O projeto foi estabelecido em duas etapas, uma centralizada e outra descentralizada. A primeira fase do projeto foi realizada entre 2005-2007, com 8 bases pilotos distribuídas pelo município de São Paulo. No final de 2006, as unidades foram expandidas em razão dos bons resultados obtidos, em mais 12 (doze) Bases Comunitárias de Segurança, sendo 8 (oito) na capital do estado de São Paulo, 2 (duas) na região metropolitana e mais 2 (duas) no interior. Em 2008, mais uma ampliação foi feita das Bases Piloto, de forma que até o ano de 2011, atuavam 54 (cinquenta e quatro) bases dentro do Projeto. A segunda etapa foi acordada em um novo projeto, agora entre a Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública SENASP e a JICA, com contribuição da PMESP para expansão e replicação do projeto em outros estados brasileiros. / The globalization phenomenon has accelerated and intensified the inclusion of new actors in the international system, especially during the last two decades. This study aims to review the main theoretical contributions made on the topic, using as practical analysis of an international cooperation project of a subnational entity with another of international operation. From consolidated theories of International Relations, as Complex Interdependence, or Constructivism, through the discussion of the role of the State in the International System, new theories arise to consolidate the integration of these new actors in the system and their impact on increasing the overall socio-economic development. In this work, we will recover not only the classical perspectives, but also new theoretical contributions on the role of sub-national entity as an international actor. We will focus our study on a project of international cooperation between two distinct actors, verifying the importance of this partnership through indicators (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability) to demonstrate the process of decentralization of international cooperation and its impacts on the results. To that end, the present work followed a specific case study: a community policing system project denominated \"KOBAN\", between the Japanese International Cooperation Agency - JICA and the Military Police of the State of São Paulo - PMESP. The project was established in two stages, one centralized and one decentralized. The first phase of the project was carried out between 2005-2007, with 8 experimental bases distributed over the municipality of São Paulo. In late 2006, the units were expanded due to the good results obtained into twelve (12) Community Safety Bases, 8 (eight) in the capital of the state of São Paulo, two (2) in the metropolitan area and 2 more (two) inside. In 2008, another expansion was made, so that by the year 2011, 54 (fifty-four) bases worked within the Project. The second stage was agreed on a new project, now between the National Public Security - SENASP and JICA, with the contribution of PMESP on the expansion and replication of the project in other states.

Les amis de Poa et le jumelage Vandoeuvre-Poa (Burkina Faso) de 1968 à nos jours : genèse, réalités, spécificités et enjeux / The Friends of Poa and the Vandoeuvre-Poa twinning from 1978 to the present day : genesis, realities, specrïicifies and challenges

Moundemba, Willy Davy 02 July 2018 (has links)
Il y a près de quatre décennies, Claude LEGAIT un Français de Vandoeuvre, à la suite d’un séjour à Poa en Haute-Volta, actuel Burkina-Faso, crée en 1978, avec quelques amis, dont Guy AUFRERE, le premier président Les Amis de Sabou, association loi 1901, destinée à venir en aide à ses amis voltaïques, lesquels manquaient de tout ou presque, notamment dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation. La jeune association lance, sous la tutelle de la F.M.V.J., ses premiers chantiers envoie des médicaments et engage l’‘‘opération bulldozer’’ qui permet de faire connaitre l’association dans la Z.U.P. de Vandoeuvre et au-delà, et aussi le village de Poa, qui est à cette époque un canton de la sous-préfecture de Sabou. Hommes déterminés, Claude LEGAIT, Guy AUFRERE et son successeur Gérard VOREAUX et bien d’autres encore, hommes et femmes, entament alors les négociations avec les municipalités lorraines pour la mise en place d’un jumelage avec le canton de Poa. Au terme de multiples négociations, le jumelage est finalement conclu entre Vandoeuvre et la sous-préfecture de Sabou en décembre 1982, en présence de Francis CROMBEZ, représentant du maire de Vandoeuvre, Richard POUILLE. Président de 1981 à 2014, Gérard VOREAUX donne plus d’ampleur à l’action de l’association qui entraîne à partir de 1985 la ville allemande de Lemgo dans le jumelage. Dès cet instant, le paysage de Sabou et particulièrement de Poa, grâce au recentrage du jumelage en 1991, se transforme grâce par la présence de centaines de volontaires français venus de la Lorraine travaillant chaque été avec leurs Amis burkinabés, à la construction de dizaines de bâtiments destinés à l’éducation et à la santé prioritairement. En 1994 Les Amis de Sabou deviennent Les Amis de Poa. En 2009, le renouvellement du serment de jumelage entre les maires de Vandoeuvre, Stéphane HABLOT et de Poa, Jean ZONGO apparaît comme le signe de la confiance faite aux acteurs et de la qualité des échanges entre les deux communautés, qui éclaire d’un jour nouveau les relations franco-africaines. / Several decades ago, Claude LEGAIT, a Frenchman of Vandœuvre, create in 1978 with a few friends, one of whom is Guy AUFRERE, an association called Les Amis de Sabou (The Law of Associations, 1901) after one of his travels to Poa in the Republic of Upper Volta, now Burkina-Faso. The organisation was established to aid said friends in the region, who often faced precarious living standards in health and education. To change the situation, the association led by Claude LEGAIT and its president Guy AUFRERE, organised under FMVJ’s supervision the first projects involving the shipment of medication, and the start of Operation Bulldozer, which would make the association known both in the ZUP of Vandœuvre and beyond, but also in the village of Poa, which at that time was a canton of the sub prefecture of Sabou.Claude LEGAIT and Guy AUFRERE were determined. The successor of AUFRERE, Gerard VOREAUX, and several others, started to negotiate with municipalities of the Lorraine region so to institute a town twinning initiative with the canton of Poa. After various negations, the town twinning project was finally established between Vandœuvre and the sub prefecture of Sabou in december 1982, in presence of Francis CROMBEZ, the representative of the mayor of Vandœuvre, Richard POUILLE. President from 1981 to 2014, Gerard VOREAUX gives more scope to the action of the association which trains from 1985 the German city of Lemgo in the twinning.From that moment on, Sabou’s, and more particularly Poa’s landscape was going to transform, thanks to a reformation of the town twinning agreement in 1991. Equally, thousands of French volunteers coming from Lorraine worked with their Burkinabe peers to edify infrastructure for education and health purposes. In 1994, Les Amis de Sabou was renamed Les Amis de Poa.In 2009, the renewing of the town twinning agreement between the mayor of Vandœuvre, Stéphane HALBOT and the mayor of Poa, Jean ZONGO were thought as a token of faith in all the actors involved, while the quality of exchanges between the town twins reflected the positive prospect of a convincing Franco-African alliance.

Avaliação comparativa da cooperação internacional descentralizada e centralizada: o projeto de polícia comunitária - sistema KOBAN no município de São Paulo / Comparative Evaluation of the Centralized and Decentralized International Cooperation: the Community Policy Project - System KOBAN in the city of Sao Paulo

Bárbara Beatriz Maia Pinto Alves 12 September 2013 (has links)
O fenômeno da globalização acelerou e intensificou a inserção de novos atores no Sistema internacional, especialmente durante as duas últimas décadas. Este trabalho propõe-se a revisar os principais aportes teóricos feitos sobre o tema, utilizando como análise prática um projeto de cooperação internacional de um ente subnacional brasileiro com outro de atuação internacional. Desde teorias consolidadas das Relações Internacionais como a Interdependência Complexa, ou o Construtivismo, passando pela discussão do papel do Estado no Sistema Internacional, novas teorias surgem para consolidar a inserção destes novos atores no Sistema e seus impactos no aumento do desenvolvimento sócio econômico global. Neste trabalho, iremos retomar não só as perspectivas clássicas, mas também novas contribuições teóricas a respeito do papel do ente subnacional como ator internacional. Focalizaremos nosso estudo em um projeto de cooperação internacional entre dois atores distintos, verificando a importância desta parceria através de indicadores (relevância, eficácia, efetividade, impactos e sustentabilidade) para demonstrar se o processo de descentralização da cooperação internacional impactou ou não sobre os resultados obtidos. Para tanto, foi feita a escolha de um estudo de caso, o Projeto de Polícia Comunitária designado Sistema KOBAN, entre a Agência de Cooperação Internacional Japonesa - JICA e a Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo - PMESP. O projeto foi estabelecido em duas etapas, uma centralizada e outra descentralizada. A primeira fase do projeto foi realizada entre 2005-2007, com 8 bases pilotos distribuídas pelo município de São Paulo. No final de 2006, as unidades foram expandidas em razão dos bons resultados obtidos, em mais 12 (doze) Bases Comunitárias de Segurança, sendo 8 (oito) na capital do estado de São Paulo, 2 (duas) na região metropolitana e mais 2 (duas) no interior. Em 2008, mais uma ampliação foi feita das Bases Piloto, de forma que até o ano de 2011, atuavam 54 (cinquenta e quatro) bases dentro do Projeto. A segunda etapa foi acordada em um novo projeto, agora entre a Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública SENASP e a JICA, com contribuição da PMESP para expansão e replicação do projeto em outros estados brasileiros. / The globalization phenomenon has accelerated and intensified the inclusion of new actors in the international system, especially during the last two decades. This study aims to review the main theoretical contributions made on the topic, using as practical analysis of an international cooperation project of a subnational entity with another of international operation. From consolidated theories of International Relations, as Complex Interdependence, or Constructivism, through the discussion of the role of the State in the International System, new theories arise to consolidate the integration of these new actors in the system and their impact on increasing the overall socio-economic development. In this work, we will recover not only the classical perspectives, but also new theoretical contributions on the role of sub-national entity as an international actor. We will focus our study on a project of international cooperation between two distinct actors, verifying the importance of this partnership through indicators (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability) to demonstrate the process of decentralization of international cooperation and its impacts on the results. To that end, the present work followed a specific case study: a community policing system project denominated \"KOBAN\", between the Japanese International Cooperation Agency - JICA and the Military Police of the State of São Paulo - PMESP. The project was established in two stages, one centralized and one decentralized. The first phase of the project was carried out between 2005-2007, with 8 experimental bases distributed over the municipality of São Paulo. In late 2006, the units were expanded due to the good results obtained into twelve (12) Community Safety Bases, 8 (eight) in the capital of the state of São Paulo, two (2) in the metropolitan area and 2 more (two) inside. In 2008, another expansion was made, so that by the year 2011, 54 (fifty-four) bases worked within the Project. The second stage was agreed on a new project, now between the National Public Security - SENASP and JICA, with the contribution of PMESP on the expansion and replication of the project in other states.

Coopération décentralisée et Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement : enjeux et perspectives dans l'espace francophone subsaharien / Decentralized cooperation and Millennium Development Goals : challenges and perspectives in the sub-Saharan French-speaking space

Kombo, Brice 27 June 2012 (has links)
La nécessaire lutte contre la pauvreté découle d'un constat troublant : la richesse combinée des quinze personnes les plus riches de la planète est supérieure à la valeur annuelle cumulée de la production de biens /services de l'ensemble des pays de l'Afrique subsaharienne. 20% de la population mondiale consomme plus de 80% des ressources disponibles sur la surface de la terre. Ce double constat révèle l'ampleur des efforts à accomplir pour répondre au défi des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement (OMD). La responsabilité des Etats est évidemment engagée mais les solutions sont plus à rechercher au niveau des villes et des territoires. Au plus proche des habitants, les autorités locales peuvent et doivent jouer un rôle de catalyseur du développement. Il revient aux citoyens des territoires confrontés aux problèmes de sous-développement d'imaginer et de proposer ces solutions locales. La coopération décentralisée contribue à la recherche et à l'invention de telles politiques territoriales : cadre de dialogue privilégié entre gouvernements locaux. Définie comme un partenariat entre autorités locales de nationalités différentes, cette coopération décentralisée permet un partage d'expériences – micro finance, décentralisation, bonne gouvernance etc. En clair, tous les espoirs peuvent s'inviter dans la symbiose « Coopération décentralisée et Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement», en tenant compte de leurs enjeux et perspectives dans l'espace francophone subsaharien. / The necessary struggle against poverty comes from an elementary remark observation: the combined wealth of the 15 richest people in the planet exceeds the total annual value of the production of the properties / services of all the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. 20 % of the world population consumes more than 80 % of the resources available on the surface of the earth. This observation reminds the magnitude of the efforts which remain to carry out to answer the challenge of the millennium through the OMD. The responsibility of States is obviously engaged but the solutions are more to look for at the level of cities and territories. In the closest to the inhabitants, the local authorities can and have to play a role of catalyst of the development. It is up to the citizens of territories confronted with the problems of underdevelopment to imagine and to propose these local solutions. The decentralized cooperation contributes to the search and the invention of such territorial policies, because it is a frame of privileged dialogue between local governments. Defined as a partnership between local authorities of different nationalities, it allows a sharing of experiences - microfinances, decentralization, good governance etc.- Clearly, all the hopes can invite itself in the symbiosis "Decentralized Cooperation and Objectives of the Millennium for the Development by taking into account their stakes and perspectives in the Sub-Saharan French-Speaking Space".

Atores subnacionais e suas agendas nas Relações Internacionais: a captação de recurso externo através do projeto Capibaribe Melhor e a gestão internacional da cidade do Recife- PE / Subnational actors and their agendas in international relations: the raising of external resources through the project Capibaribe Best and international management of Recife-PE

Almeida, Jordênia Adelaide de 19 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:22:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Jordenia Adelaide de Almeida Parte 1.pdf: 2103555 bytes, checksum: 1245fe2c38ba9e300b8eb8f26c5ab3f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The contemporary International Relations concentrating means and processes leaving the current course of globalization, as: scientific-technical revolution, domestication of international relations, increasing participation in the international, subnational governments (regions, states, cities, counties, provinces, governments sites in general), with noticeable fiscal decentralization and political power of the Nation-States. An important issue, but outside the mainstream of International Relations, is paradiplomacy, which has ancient roots and is gaining new proportions nowadays, through international cooperation processes decentralized, a phenomenon emphasizing systems of government with political decentralization of power, that provide greater or lesser degree of openness to international foray of the Non-Central Governments (NCG). This dissertation seeks to address foreign affairs of municipal governments in Brazil, focusing on the concept of Local International Management, but also highlights the financial cooperation through external funding. In this process, we observe the construction of an agenda of local municipal interests on the international level, putting into perspective Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco, which has an International Relations Coordination, and the Capibaribe Melhor Project, highlighting for external funding, in this case, with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD. This study aims to show empirically the treatment of international integration of federal Brazilian Federal Government and paradiplomacy in Northeastern Brazil, a heterogeneous process of projection international of the cities, but which strengthens the perception of an endogenous local development. To meet this goal, the theoretical dimension have contributions from researchers in the area and a discussion around the federalist and sociological vision, the first of which provides a more concerted contribution to the existence of the conceptual term paradiplomacy and its influence on classical diplomacy and second examines a reflexive debate over the role of cities internationally. As a result, research shows that both Local International Management and financial cooperation lead time and contribute to a process that is permeated by the political will of the actor involved in the dynamics. In Recife was no different, with their respective International Relations Coordination which in turn shows up as a channel for international cooperation, administering therefore international relations of the municipality. Another equally important result is the external funding, in which the interference of the Brazilian government, the will of the subnational entity in realizing local development and financial cooperation, the international actor of making resources available to the municipality, which contributed to a normalization of international financial cooperation in the country and the responsibility of commitments to the international financial institution, by the federalist entity. Finally, All this explanation, may corroborate to give more emphasize to the municipal paradiplomacy in the country, by the example of the city of Recife. / As Relações Internacionais contemporâneas concentram meios e processos que partem do atual curso da globalização, como: a revolução técnico-científica, a domesticação das relações internacionais, a participação crescente, em âmbito internacional, de governos subnacionais (regiões, estados, cidades, municípios, províncias, governos locais no geral), com a perceptível descentralização fiscal e política de poder dos Estados-Nações. Um tema importante, mas fora do mainstream das Relações Internacionais, é a paradiplomacia, que tem raízes antigas e ganha novas proporções nos dias atuais, através de processos de cooperação internacional descentralizados, um fenômeno, no qual destaque é dado aos sistemas de governo com descentralização política de poder, que proporcionam maior ou menor grau de abertura à incursão internacional dos Governos Não Centrais (GNCs). Esta dissertação procura abordar às relações exteriores dos governos municipais brasileiros, com foco no conceito de gestão internacional local, como também destacar a cooperação financeira, através da captação de recursos externos. Neste processo, observar a construção de uma agenda de interesses municipais locais em âmbito internacional, colocando Recife em perspectiva, capital do estado de Pernambuco, que possui uma Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais, e o Projeto Capibaribe Melhor, dando destaque para a captação de recursos externos, no caso, com o Banco Internacional para Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento - BIRD. Este estudo visa mostrar empiricamente o tratamento da inserção internacional dos entes federativos pelo Governo Federal Brasileiro e a paradiplomacia na Região Nordeste do Brasil, um processo heterógeno de projeção internacional das cidades, mas que fortalece a percepção de um desenvolvimento local endógeno. Para cumprir essa meta, a dimensão teórica tem contribuições de pesquisadores na área, como Soldatos (1990), Duchacek (1990), Lecours (2008), Ribeiro (2009), Bessa Maia (2012), com a contribuição do debate em torno da visão federalista e sociológica, sendo que a primeira proporciona uma contribuição mais concertada sobre a existência conceitual do termo paradiplomacia e sua influência na diplomacia clássica e a segunda aprofunda um debate mais reflexivista da atuação das cidades internacionalmente. Como resultado, a pesquisa mostra que tanto a gestão internacional local quanto à cooperação financeira delongam tempo e contribuem para um processo que é permeado pela vontade política do ator envolvido na dinâmica. Em Recife não foi diferente, com a sua respectiva Coordenadoria de Relações Internacionais, que por seu turno mostra-se como um canal para cooperação internacional, administrando, portanto, às relações internacionais do município. Outro resultado igualmente importante é a captação de recursos externos, na qual a interferência do Governo brasileiro, a vontade do ente subnacional em realizar o desenvolvimento local, com cooperação financeira e, o ator internacional de dispor recursos para o município, contribuiu para uma normatização da cooperação financeira internacional no país e a responsabilidade dos compromissos assumidos com a instituição financeira internacional, por parte do ente federativo. Finalmente, toda essa explicação, pode corroborar para dar ênfase a paradiplomacia municipal no país, pelo exemplo da cidade do Recife.

Direitos humanos nas cidades e a cooperação internacional via redes de articulação institucional: o caso da rede Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos (CGLU) e a cidade de São Paulo / Human rights in the cities and international cooperation through networks of institutional articulation: the case of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network and the city of São Paulo

Kelly Komatsu Agopyan 28 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar se a cooperação internacional descentralizada via redes de articulação institucional de cidades traz impactos nas políticas locais de direitos humanos. Para isso, foi realizado estudo de caso específico sobre a relação da rede Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos (CGLU) - e sua Comissão de Inclusão Social, Democracia Participativa e Direitos Humanos (CISDPDH) - com a Prefeitura de São Paulo (PMSP) - e sua Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (SMDHC) -, durante a gestão do Prefeito Fernando Haddad (2013-2016). O estudo foi elaborado tanto por meio da revisão bibliográfica sobre ação internacional de governos locais, cooperação descentralizada, redes de cidades e direitos humanos nas cidades, como pela análise de relatórios e documentos da CGLU e da PMSP e entrevistas com atores-chave. Verificou-se, então, que a CGLU não tem como foco de sua atuação a cooperação descentralizada em si, mas o advocacy pela incidência dos governos locais na arena internacional. Esse perfil é então refletido nas atividades de sua Comissão de Direitos Humanos, que ficam centradas também ao advocacy, sobretudo, de agendas ligadas ao direito à cidade. Assim, não são evidentes os efeitos concretos e diretos que a participação na CGLU pode trazer de fato às políticas públicas de suas cidades-membro. No que diz respeito à Prefeitura de São Paulo, verificou-se que, a partir da retomada de adesão à CGLU esperava-se seu protagonismo político na rede, o que não ocorreu. Como a CGLU mostrou ser uma rede essencialmente política, a baixa atuação de uma cidade-membro neste aspecto, como foi a de São Paulo, acabou por limitar ainda mais os próprios benefícios que a PMSP poderia apreender de sua participação na rede, reduzindo-se também as possibilidades de haver algum impacto significativo em sua política pública municipal de direitos humanos. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze whether decentralized international cooperation through networks of institutional articulation of cities has impacts on local human rights policies. For that, a specific case study was carried out on the relationship between the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network - and its Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights (CISDPDH) - and São Paulo City Hall (PMSP) - and its Municipal Secretariat for Human Rights and Citizenship (SMDHC) -, during the administration of Mayor Fernando Haddad (2013-2016). The research was developed through the bibliographic review on international action of local governments, decentralized cooperation, city networks and human rights in the cities; as well as through the analysis of UCLG\'s and PMSP\'s reports and documents and also interviews with key actors. It was then verified that UCLG does not focus its action on decentralized cooperation itself, but on advocacy for the incidence of local governments in the international arena. This profile is then reflected in the activities of its Human Rights Committee, which are also focused on the advocacy, mainly of agendas related to the right to the city. Thus, the concrete and direct effects that participation in UCLG can actually bring to the public policies of its member cities are not evident. With regard to São Paulo City Hall, it was verified that, since the resumption of its adhesion to UCLG, it was expected its political protagonism in the network, which did not actually occurred. As UCLG proved to be, in essence, a political network, the low performance of a member city in this respect, such as it was São Paulo\'s, ended up limiting even more the benefits that PMSP could have from its participation in the network, also reducing the possibilities of having some significant impact on its municipal public policy of human rights.

Os jogos olímpicos, a cooperação descentralizada e a aplicação de políticas públicas: o modelo de Barcelona 92 para o Rio de Janeiro 2016 / The olympic games, decentralized cooperation and public policies: the model of Barcelone 92 to Rio de Janeiro 2016

Carvalho, Jonathas Miranda de 24 October 2014 (has links)
A cooperação descentralizada, protagonizada por atores subnacionais, no âmbito da preparação e da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos e no que diz respeito à aplicação de políticas públicas, pode ser fonte de uma série de benefícios à cidade-sede do megaevento esportivo. Este breve policy paper, a partir de um estudo de caso baseado na experiência da cidade de Barcelona em 1992, busca revelar a problematização do caso da capital catalã para termos elementos que nos mostrem como o Rio de Janeiro e o Brasil, em certa medida, podem beneficiar-se de um grande evento como as Olimpíadas, considerando as diferenças sociais, políticas, econômicas e culturais entre as cidades analisadas. Teceremos um breve estudo da cooperação descentralizada e seus efeitos para Barcelona e para a Espanha, atentando à coordenação entre o poder local e o poder central na aplicação de políticas públicas. Finalmente, faremos considerações que podem nos proporcionar possíveis alternativas de bons resultados em vários âmbitos quanto à organização do Rio 2016. / The decentralized cooperation, carried out by subnational actors in the scope of the preparation and coming together of the Olympic Games and with regard to the implementation of public policies, can be a source of a lot of benefits to the host city of the megaevent. This brief policy paper, derived from a case study based on the experience of the city of Barcelona in 1992, seeks to analyse the case of the Catalan capital in order to have elements that show us how Rio de Janeiro and Brazil may benefit from a major event like the Olympics, considering the social, political, economic and cultural differences among the cities examined. First, we are going to make a brief study of decentralized cooperation and its effects for Barcelona and Spain, paying attention to the coordination between the local government and the central government in the implementation of public policies. Finally, we can provide considerations on possible alternatives that can lead to good results in various fields concerning the organization of Rio 2016.

Direitos humanos nas cidades e a cooperação internacional via redes de articulação institucional: o caso da rede Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos (CGLU) e a cidade de São Paulo / Human rights in the cities and international cooperation through networks of institutional articulation: the case of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network and the city of São Paulo

Agopyan, Kelly Komatsu 28 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar se a cooperação internacional descentralizada via redes de articulação institucional de cidades traz impactos nas políticas locais de direitos humanos. Para isso, foi realizado estudo de caso específico sobre a relação da rede Cidades e Governos Locais Unidos (CGLU) - e sua Comissão de Inclusão Social, Democracia Participativa e Direitos Humanos (CISDPDH) - com a Prefeitura de São Paulo (PMSP) - e sua Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania (SMDHC) -, durante a gestão do Prefeito Fernando Haddad (2013-2016). O estudo foi elaborado tanto por meio da revisão bibliográfica sobre ação internacional de governos locais, cooperação descentralizada, redes de cidades e direitos humanos nas cidades, como pela análise de relatórios e documentos da CGLU e da PMSP e entrevistas com atores-chave. Verificou-se, então, que a CGLU não tem como foco de sua atuação a cooperação descentralizada em si, mas o advocacy pela incidência dos governos locais na arena internacional. Esse perfil é então refletido nas atividades de sua Comissão de Direitos Humanos, que ficam centradas também ao advocacy, sobretudo, de agendas ligadas ao direito à cidade. Assim, não são evidentes os efeitos concretos e diretos que a participação na CGLU pode trazer de fato às políticas públicas de suas cidades-membro. No que diz respeito à Prefeitura de São Paulo, verificou-se que, a partir da retomada de adesão à CGLU esperava-se seu protagonismo político na rede, o que não ocorreu. Como a CGLU mostrou ser uma rede essencialmente política, a baixa atuação de uma cidade-membro neste aspecto, como foi a de São Paulo, acabou por limitar ainda mais os próprios benefícios que a PMSP poderia apreender de sua participação na rede, reduzindo-se também as possibilidades de haver algum impacto significativo em sua política pública municipal de direitos humanos. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze whether decentralized international cooperation through networks of institutional articulation of cities has impacts on local human rights policies. For that, a specific case study was carried out on the relationship between the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network - and its Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights (CISDPDH) - and São Paulo City Hall (PMSP) - and its Municipal Secretariat for Human Rights and Citizenship (SMDHC) -, during the administration of Mayor Fernando Haddad (2013-2016). The research was developed through the bibliographic review on international action of local governments, decentralized cooperation, city networks and human rights in the cities; as well as through the analysis of UCLG\'s and PMSP\'s reports and documents and also interviews with key actors. It was then verified that UCLG does not focus its action on decentralized cooperation itself, but on advocacy for the incidence of local governments in the international arena. This profile is then reflected in the activities of its Human Rights Committee, which are also focused on the advocacy, mainly of agendas related to the right to the city. Thus, the concrete and direct effects that participation in UCLG can actually bring to the public policies of its member cities are not evident. With regard to São Paulo City Hall, it was verified that, since the resumption of its adhesion to UCLG, it was expected its political protagonism in the network, which did not actually occurred. As UCLG proved to be, in essence, a political network, the low performance of a member city in this respect, such as it was São Paulo\'s, ended up limiting even more the benefits that PMSP could have from its participation in the network, also reducing the possibilities of having some significant impact on its municipal public policy of human rights.

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