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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-Efficacy, Decision Latitude, and Work Ethic Among Educated Women

Harris, Elisa 01 January 2019 (has links)
Although women are more likely to seek advanced degrees, there are substantial gaps between men and women in terms of employment rates, wages, and positions of power. This cross-sectional study aligned with the social cognitive career theory and investigated how specific demographic variables (age and education level) interacted and influenced work-related characteristics (decision latitude, self-efficacy, and work ethic) to address issues women experience in the workplace. Females who identified as working a minimum of 15 hours per week and over the age of 18 were contacted via social media or in person. A snowball effect occurred when participants invited peers to participate. Two-hundred and eighty-six females completed an online survey including demographic questions and items from 3 instruments: Job Content Questionnaire, Short Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, and Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile-Short Form. The research questions helped evaluate the differences and interactions between the independent variables age and education level on the dependent variables decision latitude, self-efficacy, and work ethic. Six one-way analyses of variance were used to assess for differences, and 3 two-way analyses of variance were used to assess for interactions between 5 age groups and 4 education levels. The analyses showed only 1 significant difference between education level and decision latitude. The current research may influence social change at an individual level within career or therapeutic counseling and policies and procedures at the organizational level. The information can create positive change for women within current work environments as they increase responsibilities or advance to positions of power.

Psykosociala faktorer i arbets- och privatliv och dess samband med olika stressrelaterade symtom samt psykisk ohälsa bland kvinnor och män : En tvärsnittstudie - vid fakulteten för hälso- och livsvetenskap

Olsson, Avija January 2015 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study was to analyse the psychosocial factors in work- and private life and its correlation with various stress-related symptoms and ill health among employees at a faculty at the Linnaeus University. The goal was also to analyze whether there was a gender difference in these health parameters associated with a difference in psychosocial work and home conditions between women and men. Method: Data were collected through a questionnaire were the responders answered questions about demand, control and social support which emanated from Karasek's demand control model. Their professional position was determined by their pay-and educational level in accordance with the theory of the social gradient of health. Stress was measured using "SCGP scale" and mental illness with the help of the ”General Health Qestionnarie.” Two regression analyses were conducted, the first to analyze the correlation between psychosocial factors and stress-related symptoms and the other to analyze the correlation between psychosocial factors and mental ilness. Results: High demand, low control, low social support and lower professional position had a strong relationship (p<0,000)  with both stress-related symptoms ( R = 0,49) and mental illness ( R = 0,56) even after controlling for confounders.The strongest own relationship (when the overlap effects between different variables was taken into account) were found between high demands and stress-related symptoms (standardized beta 0.35) and high demands and mental illness (standardized beta 0.38). Conclusion: Due to the cross-sectional nature of the study causal inferences cannot be made. However the results showed that high demand, low control and low social support together had a strong correlation with stress-related ill-health. Furthermore, the study showed no gender differences in the psychosocial factors which is a likely explanation for the fact that there was no difference between men and women in neither stress related symptoms or mental illness. This is an important and positive finding because of the fact that the result indicates that differences in health between men and women is reduced when they have equal opportunities in work and private life. / Mål: Målet med studien var att analysera psykosociala faktorer i arbets- och privatliv och dess samband med stressrelaterad ohälsa bland de anställda på en fakultet vid Linnéuniversitetet. Målet var även att analysera huruvida det fanns en könskillnad i dessa hälsoparametrar kopplad till en skillnad i psykosociala förutsättningar mellan kvinnor och män. Metod: Data samlades in via en enkätstudie där de anställda fick svara på frågor kring krav, kontroll och socialt stöd vilka utgick från Karasek´s krav kontroll modell. Individernas plats i yrkeshierarkin avgjordes av deras lön samt utbildningsnivå i enlighet med teorin kring hälsans sociala gradient. De frågor som berörde hemarbete utgick ifrån tidigare forskning på området. Stress mättes med hjälp av ”SCGP scale”, en skala som mäter olika stressrelaterade symtom och psykisk ohälsa mättes med hjälp av ”General Health Qestionnarie”. Två regressionsanalyser genomfördes, den första regressionen analyserade samband mellan psykosociala faktorer och stressrelaterade symtom och den andra regressionen analyserade samband mellan psykosociala faktorer och psykisk ohälsa. Resultat: Höga krav, låg kontroll, lågt socialt stöd samt lägre yrkesposition hade tillsammans ett starkt samband, (p <0,001) med både stressrelaterade symtom (R = 0,49) och psykisk ohälsa (R = 0,56), även efter kontroll för confounders. Det starkaste egna sambandet (när överlappningseffekter mellan olika variabler tagits hänsyn till) återfanns mellan höga krav och stressrelaterade symtom (standardiserad beta 0,35) respektive höga krav och psykisk ohälsa (standardiserad beta 0,38). Konklusion: Resultatet visade att höga krav, låg kontroll, lågt socialt stöd samt lägre plats i yrkeshierarkin tillsammans hade ett starkt samband med stressrelaterade symtom samt psykisk ohälsa. På grund av studiens tvärsnittsdesign kan dock inte orsak och verkan säkerställas. Vidare visade studien inga könsskillnader i ovannämnda psykosociala faktorer vilket är en trolig förklaring till att det inte heller fanns någon skillnad mellan kvinnor och män i stressrelaterade symtom samt psykisk ohälsa. Detta är ett viktigt och positivt fynd då resultatet indikerar på att skillnader i ohälsa mellan kvinnor och män går att utjämna genom att skapa lika förutsättningar i arbets- och privatliv.

Mellanchefens väg till arbetstillfredsställelse : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsdelegering, arbetsbeslutsgrad och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkar varandra sett från mellanchefens perspektiv / The Middle level managers road to job satisfaction : A qualitative study of how job delegation, job decision latitude and job satisfaction affect eachother, from a middle level managers perspective

Delking, Joakim, Kjessler, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Mellanchefens väg till arbetstillfredsställelse - En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsdelegering, arbetsbeslutsgrad och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkar varandra sett från  mellanchefens perspektiv. Nivå: C-uppsats inom ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Jacob Kjessler och Joakim Delking Handledare: Signe Jernberg och Kristina Mickelsson Datum: 2018 - maj Syfte: Inom företag finner vi mellanchefer, en anställd som befinner sig i mitten av organisationen med ledning och styrelse ovanför sig och anställda under sig. Krav ställs på dessa mellanchefer att arbeta effektivt med hög produktivitet där många beslut behöver fattas. Detta kan medföra att mellanchefer uppfattar en hög press i form av att arbeta hårt med brist på resursen tid och mellanchefer behöver arbeta effektivt för att klara av det dagliga arbetet vilket de kan göra genom deras höga arbetsbeslutsgrad. Denna höga press på effektivitet, produktivitet samt hög arbetstid kan medföra en minskning av mellanchefens arbetstillfredsställelse. För att hantera denna press med begränsade tidsresurs finns ledarskapsverktyget arbetsdelegering. Arbetsdelegering till underordnade gör att mellanchefer kan ge ifrån sig auktoritet och kontroll att utföra uppgifter, vilket har en effekt på att mellanchefens arbetstid frigörs. Med detta sagt finner vi tre begrepp, arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsbeslutsgrad samt arbetsdelegering som är relaterade med varandra men vi vet inte hur de påverkar varandra. Hur dessa begrepp påverkar varandra kan bana väg för hur mellanchefer kan använda sig av dessa begrepp för att nå en hög arbetstillfredsställelse, inneha en välbalanserad arbetsbeslutsgrad samt arbeta effektivt med delegering. För att förstå detta ställer vi oss frågan; Hur påverkas arbetsbeslutsgraden när delegering av arbetsuppgifter till underordnade sker, påverkar även denna delegering mellanchefens arbetstillfredsställelse samt om fallet är så att delegering påverkar arbetsbeslutsgraden, kan arbetstillfredsställelsen påverkas också? Detta mynnar ut i ett syfte där denna studie vill skapa en fördjupad förståelse hur dessa begrepp påverkar varandra; Arbetstillfredsställelse Arbetsbeslutsgrad Arbetsdelegering till underordnade  Metod: För att göra denna studie möjlig har vi utfört 11 kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi skapade ett urval med hjälp av strategiskt urval som grundar sig i vissa kriterier som vi tror våra respondenter behöver ha för att skapa ett resultat som hjälper oss att finna hur dessa begrepp påverkar varandra. Resultat och Slutsats: Vi fann hur arbetsdelegering och arbetsbeslutsgrad påverkar varandra, samtidigt som dessa två begreppet påverkar varandra fann vi att högre frekvent användning av arbetsdelegering positivt påverkar mellanchefens arbetstillfredsställelse. Då arbetsdelegering minskar arbetsbeslutsgrad fann vi även att den minskade arbetsbeslutsgraden även påverkar arbetstillfredsställelsen positivt. Uppsatsens bidrag: Mellanchefers arbetstillfredsställelse har tidigare inte behandlats inom företagsekonomin. Vi ger därför företagsekonomin en teoretisk insikt i hur arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsbeslutsgrad samt arbetsdelegering påverkar varandra. Dock på grund av den begränsade forskningen inom detta område ger vi en första inblick sett från mellanchefers synsätt. Förslag på fortsatt forskning: Vi har sammanfattat fyra punkter som förslag till ytterligare forskning. Först anser vi att ytterligare studier behöver genomföras för att styrka vår slutsats, där studier som använder sig av fler respondenter är i fokus. Andra förslaget kretsar kring denna studies synsätt, då vi endast utgått från mellanchefers perspektiv behöver detta kompletteras med fler perspektiv från underordnade och överordnade. Tredje förslaget inkluderar ett mönster vi såg under intervjuerna, teorin menar att mer erfarenhet också kommer resultera i att mellanchefer använder sig utav arbetsdelegering mer frekvent. Detta vad dock inget vi kunde se under våra intervjuer, därför anser vi att fortsatt forskning inom området hur erfarenheten hos mellanchefer påverkar deras sätt att se på arbetsdelegering. Sista och fjärde förslaget innebär vad kontroll och auktoritet över en uppgiften egentligen är? Nyckelord: Arbetsbeslutsgrad, arbetsbelastning, arbetstillfredsställelse, mellanchefer, arbetsdelegering. / Title: The Middle level managers road to job satisfaction - A qualitative study of how job delegation, job decision latitude and job satisfaction affect eachother, from a middle level managers perspective. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Jacob Kjessler and Joakim Delking Supervisor: Signe Jernberg and Kristina Mickelsson Date: 2018– May Aim: Within companies we find the middle level managers, located in the middle of the organization with managers above them, as well as employees underneath. Requirements are made on these middle level managers to work efficiently with high productivity, where many decisions need to be made. This may cause middle managers to perceive high pressure in terms of working hard with lack of resource time, middle managers need to work effectively to cope with daily work, which can be summed up as high levels of job decision latitude. This high pressure on efficiency, productivity and high working hours can lead to a reduction of the mid-career's job satisfaction. To manage this press with limited time resources, the leadership tool delegation could be an option. Subordination of work to subordinates allows middle level managers to give authority and control to perform tasks, which has the effect of releasing the mid-term working hours. Having said that, we find three concepts, job satisfaction, job decision latitude, and job delegation that seem to coincide with each other, but we do not know how they affect each other. How these concepts affect each other can pave the way for middle level managers to use these concepts to achieve high job satisfaction, maintain a well-balanced job decision latitude, and see benefits of job delegation. In order to understand this, we ask ourselves the question; How does job decision latitude affect when delegation of duties to subordinates takes place, does this delegation affect the middle level managers job satisfaction, and if the case is such that delegation affects the level of job decision latitude, can job satisfaction also be affected? This opens up for a aim in which this study wants to create an in-depth understanding of how these concepts affect each other; Job satisfaction Employment Decisions Degree Work delegation to subordinates Method: In order to make this study possible we have conducted 11 qualitative semistructured interviews. We created a selection using strategic selection based on certain criteria that we believe our respondents need to create a result that helps us find out how these concepts affect each other. Result & Conclusions: We found how job delegation and job decision latitude affect each other. While these two concepts affect each other, we found that higher frequent use of job delegation positively affects the middle level managers job satisfaction. As labor delegation reduces the level of workability we also found that the reduced job decision latitude also has a positive impact on job satisfaction. Contribution of the thesis: Middle level managers job satisfaction has previously not been addressed in the business administration. We therefore give the business economics a theoretical insight into how job satisfaction, job decision latitude and work delegation affect each other. However, due to the limited research in this area, we provide a first insight from the middle level managers approach. Suggestions for future research: We have summarized three points as suggestions for further research. First, we consider that further studies need to be conducted to reinforce our conclusion, where studies that use more respondents are in focus. The second proposal focuses on this study approach, since we only started from the middle managers perspective, we ask further studies to include more perspectives from subordinates and superiors. The third suggestion includes a pattern we saw during the interviews, the theory means that more work experience will also affect how much middle managers uses job delegation as a management tool. This, however was nothing we could see during our interviews, we therefore believe that further research in the field should be made of how the experience of middle managers affects their way of looking at work delegation. The last and fourth proposals mean what control and authority over a task really is? Key words: Job Decision Latitude, Job Demands, Job Satisfaction, Middle level manager, Job Delegation.

Burnout, work, stress of conscience and coping among female and male patrolling police officers / Utbrändhet, arbete, samvetsstress och coping hos kvinnliga och manliga poliser

Backteman-Erlanson, Susann January 2013 (has links)
Background. Police work is a stressful occupation with frequent exposure to traumatic events and psychological strain from work might increase the risk of burnout. This thesis focuses on patrolling police officers (PPO), who work most of their time in the community and have daily contact with the public. Since police work traditionally is a male coded occupation we assume that there are differences between women and men in burnout as well as experiences from psychosocial work environment. Aim. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore burnout, psychosocial and physical work environment, coping strategies, and stress of conscience when taking gender into consideration among patrolling police officers. Methods. This thesis employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. In Paper I a qualitative approach with narrative interviews was used where male PPO described experiences of traumatic situations when caring for victims of traffic accidents. A convenience sample of nine male PPO from a mid-sized police authority was recruited. Interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Papers II, III, and IV were based on a cross-sectional survey from a randomly selected sample stratified for gender from all 21 local police authorities in Sweden. In the final sample, 1554 PPOs were invited (778 women, 776 men), response rate was 55% (n=856) in total, 56% for women (n=437) and 53% for men (n=419). The survey included a self-administered questionnaire based on instruments measuring burnout, stress of conscience, psychosocial and physical work environment, and coping. Results. Findings from Paper I were presented in three themes; “being secure with the support system,” “being confident about prior successful actions,” and “being burdened with uncertainty.” Results from Paper II showed high levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), 30% for female PPOs and 26% for male PPOs. High levels of depersonalization (DP) were reported for 52 % of female PPO, corresponding proportions for male were 60%. Multiple logistic regression showed that stress of conscience (SCQ-A), high demand, and organizational climate increased the risk of EE for female PPO. For male PPO stress of conscience (SCQ-A), low control and high demand increased the risk of EE. Independent of gender, stress of conscience (SCQ-A) increased the risk of DP. Psychometric properties of the WOCQ were investigated with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, a six-factor solution was confirmed. DIF analysis was detected for a third of the items in relation to gender. In Paper IV a block wise hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed investigating the predictive impact of psychological demand, decision latitude, social support, coping strategies, and stress of conscience on EE as well as DP. Findings revealed that, regardless of gender, risk of EE and DP increased with a troubled conscience amongst the PPO. Conclusion. “Being burdened with uncertainty” in this male-dominated context indicate that the PPO did not feel confident talking about traumatic situations, which might influence their coping strategies when arriving to a similar situation. This finding can be related to Paper II and IV showing that stress of conscience increased the risk of both EE and DP. The associations between troubled conscience and the risk of experiencing both emotional exhaustion and depersonalization indicate that stress of conscience should be considered when studying the influence of the psychosocial work environment on burnout. Results from this study show that the psychosocial work environment is not satisfying and needs improvement for patrolling police officers in Sweden. Further studies including both qualitative and quantitative (longitudinal) methods should be used to improve knowledge in this area to increase conditions for preventive and rehabilitative actions.

Contribution de modèle demande-contrôle-soutien à la variation des concentrations de cortisol salivaire

Thériault, Julie 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’approfondir les connaissances à propos de l’impact des stresseurs organisationnels sur la concentration du cortisol salivaire. Plus précisément, nous étudierons la contribution des modèles demande-contrôle de Karasek (1979) et demande-contrôle-soutien de Karasek et Theorell (1990) à la variation du cortisol salivaire chez les individus. Les associations entre les composantes principales de chacun des modèles (demandes psychologiques, latitude décisionnelle et soutien social), mais également les effets d’interaction inclus dans ces modèles, c’est-à-dire de l’effet modérateur de la latitude décisionnelle et du soutien social, seront étudiés. L’axe HPS a été associé aux symptômes de la santé mentale (Abelson et al., 2007; Havermans et al., 2011; Vreeburg et al., 2009b, 2010, 2013; Staufenbiel, 2013) ainsi qu’aux stresseurs en milieu de travail (Chida et Steptoe, 2009). À l’heure actuelle, le cortisol salivaire serait un indicateur de l’axe hypothalamo-pituito-surrénalien (HPS) le plus prometteur pour mesurer la réponse physiologique face à un événement stressant ou à un stress chronique (Maïna et al., 2009). Les données proviennent de l’étude SALVEO, menée par l’Équipe de recherche sur le travail et la santé mentale de l’Université de Montréal. Les résultats des analyses multiniveaux ne soutiennent pas l’implication du modèle demande-contrôle-soutien sur la concentration de cortisol. En effet, elles ne permettent pas de conclure que les effets, autant principaux que d’interaction, du modèle demande-contrôle-soutien expliquent la variation dans les concentrations de cortisol. La consommation de tabac est significativement reliée à la concentration de cortisol salivaire et doit être prise en considération dans les études futures. Par conséquent, ces résultats suggèrent que d’autres recherches sont nécessaires pour comprendre comment les stresseurs du travail s’incorporent à l’individu au niveau physiologique. Des connaissances approfondies de ces associations permettraient de mieux comprendre les associations entre le stress à long terme et les effets sur la santé, c’est-à-dire, comment les tensions au travail affectent la santé mentale à long terme (Karhula et al., 2015). / The main objective of this master thesis is to increase the knowledge about the impact of organisational factors on salivary cortisol concentrations. Especially, the models demand-control (Karasek, 1979) and demand-control-support (Karasek and Theorell, 1990) will be studied in relationship to the salivary cortisol. The objectives of this study are to investigate the associations between the main components of each model (psychological demands, decision latitude and social support), but also patterns of interaction effects, i.e. the effect moderator of decision latitude and social support. It has been shown that the HPA axis would be linked to symptoms of mental health (Abelson et al., 2007; Havermans et al. 2011; Vreeburg et al. 2009b, 2010, 2013; Staufenbiel, 2013) as well as stressors in the workplace (Chida and Steptoe, 2009). Currently, salivary cortisol, an indicator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) or the axis of stress management, would be the most promising for measuring the physiological response to a stressful event or chronic stress (Maïna et al. 2009). The data results come from the SALVEO surveys led by the research team on work and mental health of University of Montreal (ERTSM). Results of multilevel analyses do not support the involvement of the demand - control - support model to changes in cortisol concentration. Indeed, they do not suggest that the main effects as much as the interaction effects of the demand-control-support model, explain the variation in cortisol levels. Tobacco consumption is significantly related to salivary cortisol concentration and must be taken into account in previous studies. Therefore, these results suggest that further research is needed to understand how the occupational stressors are incorporated into the individual at the physiological level. Depth knowledge of these associations would help to understand the associations between long-term stress and health effects or how job strain affects long-term mental health (Karhula et al. 2015).

Mind the blues : Swedish police officers' mental health and forced deportation of unaccompanied refugee children

Hansson, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Policing is a public health issue. The police often encounter vulnerable populations. Police officers have wide discretionary powers, which could impact on how they support vulnerable populations. In encountering vulnerable populations the police officers are required to be professional; maintaining mental health in the face of challenges is part of professionalism. Their encounters with vulnerable populations might influence their mental health which in turn might influence the way they use their discretion when making decisions. Background/context: Sweden receives more unaccompanied, asylum-seeking refugee children than any other country in Europe. The number of asylum applications for such children increased from 400 in 2004 to 7000 in 2014 to over 35,000 in 2015. These children come to Sweden and apply for asylum without being under the care of their parents or other legal guardian. Some are denied asylum. If they do not return to their country of origin voluntarily the police are responsible for their deportation. The Swedish government wants an increasing number of deportations and wants them carried out with dignity. This thesis is about the police officers’ perceptions of how to interpret the seemingly contradictory demands for more deportations, that is, efficiency; and concerns for human rights during the deportation process, that is, dignity. This is conceptualized using three theoretical frameworks: a) street-level bureaucracy, b) job demand-control-social support model and c) coping. These theoretical frameworks indicate the complexity of the issue and function as constructions by means of which understanding can be brought to the police officers’ perceptions of deportation work involving unaccompanied, asylum-seeking refugee children and how such work is associated to their mental health. Aim: The current research aims to investigate and analyse Swedish police officers’ mental health in the context of deportations of unaccompanied, asylum-seeking refugee children. Methods: This thesis uses both qualitative and quantitative methodology. The qualitative approach comprised interviews conducted to achieve a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of police officers’ perceptions of deportations of unaccompanied, asylum-seeking refugee children. The quantitative method involved the use of validated questionnaires to investigate the association between police officers’ mental health and psychosocial job characteristics and coping. This approach made it possible to study a complex issue in a complex environment and to present relevant recommendations. A total of 14 border police officers were interviewed and 714 police officers responded to a survey. Results: The police officers utilize their wide discretionary powers and perceive that they are doing what is best in the situation, trying to listen to the child and to be aware of the child’s needs. Police officers with experience of deportations of unaccompanied, asylum-seeking refugee children were not found to have poorer mental health than police officers with no such experience. Furthermore, high job demand, low decision latitude, low levels of work-related social support, shift work and being single are associated with poor mental health. Coping moderates the association between mental health and the experience of carrying out deportations of unaccompanied, asylum-seeking, refugee children, and the police officers seem to utilize both emotional and problem-solving coping during the same complex deportation process. Implications / conclusions: The general conclusion reached in this thesis is that if police officers are subject to reasonable demands, have high decision latitude, access to work-related social support, and utilize adaptable coping, the deportation work does not seem to affect their mental health. When police officers meet vulnerable people, they utilize their discretionary powers to deal with seemingly contradictory demands, that is, efficiency and dignity. The executive role in the deportations of unaccompanied, asylum-seeking refugee children and the awareness of dealing with a child threatened with deportation might give rise to activation of a sense of protection, safety and security. Discretion might make it possible to act on this sense of protection, safety and security and to combine efficiency and dignity. Further studies, which integrate cognitive and emotional discretion with coping, need to be undertaken. / Introduktion: Polisarbete är i mångt och mycket en folkhälsofråga, något som inte minst blir tydligt i polisers möte med utsatta människor. Poliser har ett stort handlingsutrymme, vilket kan påverka hur de bemöter utsatta människor. I mötet med dessa människor behöver poliserna vara professionella; att ta hand om sin psykiska hälsa när man möts av utmaningar är en del av professionalismen. Att möta utsatta människor kan påverka polisernas psykiska hälsa, som i sin tur kan påverka hur de använder sitt handlingsutrymme när de fattar beslut. Bakgrund: Sverige tar emot fler ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn än något annat land i Europa. Antalet asylansökningar för sådana barn ökade från 400 år 2004 till 7000 år 2014 till över 35 000 år 2015. Dessa barn kommer till Sverige och ansöker om asyl utan sina föräldrar eller annan vårdnadshavare. Somliga av dem nekas asyl. Om de inte återvänder till sitt ursprungsland frivilligt är polisen ansvariga för utvisningen. Den svenska regeringen kräver ett ökande antal verkställigheter av av- och utvisningar samt fastlår att verkställigheterna ska genomföras med respekt för människors värdighet. Denna avhandling handlar om polisers uppfattningar och tolkningar av de till synes motsägelsefulla kraven på att verkställa fler av- och utvisningar, det vill säga effektivitet; och hur man hanterar de mänskliga rättigheterna under utvisningsprocessen, det vill säga värdighet. Detta beskrivs och analyseras med hjälp av tre teoretiska ramverk: a) gräsrotsbyråkrati, b) jobb-krav-kontroll-socialt stödmodellen och c) coping. Dessa teoretiska ramverk visar på arbetsuppgiftens komplexitet och fungerar som utgångspunkt för att skapa förståelse för polisernas uppfattningar av arbetet med att verkställa av- och utvisningar av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn och hur sådant arbete är associerat med polisernas psykiska hälsa. Syfte: Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka och analysera svenska polisers psykiska hälsa i relation till av- och utvisningar av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn. Metod: Både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod användes i denna avhandling. Det kvalitativa tillvägagångssättet innefattade intervjuer för att uppnå en djupare förståelse för hur poliser uppfattar av- och utvisningar av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn. Den kvantitativa metoden innebar tillämpning av validerade frågeformulär för att undersöka sambandet mellan polisernas psykiska hälsa och psykosociala jobbkarakteristika samt coping. Detta tillvägagångssätt gjorde det möjligt att studera en komplex fråga i en komplex miljö och att presentera relevanta rekommendationer. Totalt intervjuades 14 gränspoliser och 714 poliser svarade på en enkätundersökning. Resultat: Resultatet visar att poliserna utnyttjar sitt stora handlingsutrymme och uppfattar att de gör det som är bäst i situationen, att de försöker lyssna på barnet och vara medvetna om barnets behov. Poliser med erfarenhet av av- och utvisningar av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn har inte visat sig ha en sämre psykisk hälsa än poliser utan sådan erfarenhet. Vidare är höga krav och lågt beslutsutrymme på arbetet, låga nivåer av arbetsrelaterat socialt stöd, skiftarbete och singelliv associerat med dålig psykisk hälsa. Coping mildrar effekten på den psykiska hälsan hos de som har erfarenhet av att utföra av- och utvisningar av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn. Poliserna verkar utnyttja både emotionell och problemlösande coping under en och samma komplexa utvisningsprocess. Slutsats: Den viktigaste slutsatsen i denna avhandling är att om poliser utsätts för rimliga krav, har stort beslutsutrymme, tillgång till arbetsrelaterat socialt stöd och använder sig av anpassningsbar coping, verkar det som att arbetet med av- och utvisningar inte påverkar deras psykiska hälsa. När poliser möter utsatta människor utnyttjar de sitt handlingsutrymme för att hantera de till synes motsägelsefulla kraven, det vill säga effektivitet och värdighet. Den verkställande rollen i av- och utvisningar av ensamkommande asylsökande flyktingbarn och medvetenheten om att hantera ett barn som hotas av utvisning kan ge upphov till en aktivering av känslan att ge skydd, trygghet och säkerhet. Handlingsutrymmet kan göra det möjligt att agera på denna känsla av skydd, trygghet och säkerhet samt att kunna kombinera effektivitet och värdighet. Ytterligare studier, som integrerar kognitivt och känslomässigt handlingsutrymme med coping, behöver emellertid genomföras.

Effets du statut personnel et du statut professionnel vis-à-vis du stress au travail dans une organisation industrielle en France / Effects of personal status and professional status on Work related Stress into a french industrial organization

Boroumand Jazi, Behnaz 05 October 2015 (has links)
De manière générale, avoir un emploi est un élément de satisfaction pour la plupart des personnes. En revanche, beaucoup de salariés sont sujets au stress, ce qui a une incidence non négligeable à la fois sur les individus et sur les structures. Ces dernières ne possèdent souvent pas de modèles appropriés pour évaluer de manière approfondie ce phénomène. Le manque de connaissances précises du stress au travail, et de ses origines, particulièrement les deux dimensions du statut personnel et le statut professionnel en France, nous a conduits à réaliser un diagnostic approfondi pendant plusieurs années au sein d’une grande entreprise industrielle sur plusieurs sites. L’entreprise choisie est emblématique de l’organisation du travail industriel en France. La cartographie du stress au travail, avec l’identification des populations principalement exposées, devrait être applicable à d’autres organisations afin de définir rapidement un plan d’actions anti-stress, sans avoir à réaliser préalablement un état des lieux détaillé ; pour le plus grand bénéfice des salariés, de l’ambiance de travail et de la production. Les différentes parties prenantes au déploiement d’une politique contre le stress, à savoir : les salariés, l’encadrement, les directions des ressources humaines, les psychologues du travail, les médecins du travail ont été sollicités dans le cadre de cette recherche.Après un diagnostic général, face au grand nombre de thèmes de recherches possibles et du fait de l’insuffisance d’études sur la relation entre le statut personnel et la situation de travail avec les autres facteurs déjà intégrés aux modèles classiques sur le stress au travail, nous nous sommes concentrés sur ce sujet en définissant un modèle théorique à valider expérimentalement au travers de questionnaires. Dans la recherche présente, nous expliquons comment nous avons constaté que, parmi les facteurs liés au stress professionnel, la catégorie « situation de travail » influence plus ce phénomène que la catégorie « statut personnel ». Parmi les facteurs présents dans la catégorie « situation de travail », les plus importants par ordre décroissant sont : la catégorie socioprofessionnelle, la pratique de l’anglais, et l’ancienneté. Parmi les facteurs présents dans la catégorie « statut personnel », les plus importants par ordre décroissant sont : le niveau de formation, le genre et l’âge. Ce constat est plutôt une bonne nouvelle pour les entreprises, car elles pourront diminuer le stress au travail en agissant sur la situation de travail, sachant qu’elles ne peuvent intervenir sur le statut personnel des salariés. Cette contribution devra être complétée par d’autres recherches afin de renforcer l’exhaustivité du diagnostic sur le stress au travail et de conduire des plans d’action complets couvrant tous les thèmes. / In general, having a job is a satisfactory factor for the majority of persons. However, most of the employees are stress-prone, which has an important effect both on individuals and on structures. Those structures often do not possess relevant standards to thoroughly evaluate this phenomenon.The lack of precise knowledge about stress at work and its origins, especially the two dimensions of personal status and professional status in France, has led us to conduct a thorough diagnosis for several years on several plants of a large industrial company. The chosen company is emblematic of the industrial labour organization in France. The mapping of stress at work, with the identification of mainly exposed populations, should be applicable to other organizations to quickly set an anti-stress action plan, without first making a detailed inventory; for the greatest benefit of employees and the work environment and production. The different stakeholders interested in deploying a policy against stress, the employees, the hierarchy, Human Resources Departments, occupational psychologists, occupational doctors have been solicited as part of this research. After a general diagnosis, facing the large number of possible research topics and because of the lack of studies on the relationship between staff’s personal status and "professional situation" with the other factors already integrated within conventional models about stress at work, we focused on this issue by defining a theoretical model to be validated experimentally through questionnaires. In this research we explain how we found that among the factors related to stress at work, the category "professional situation" influenced this phenomenon more than the "personal status" category.Among the factors in the category "professional situation", the most important in decreasing order are: socio-professional category, English practice, and seniority. Among the factors in the "personal status" category, the most important in decreasing order are: the level of education, gender and age. This finding is rather good news for companies because they will be able to reduce stress at work by acting on the "professional situation", knowing that they cannot interfere with the personal status of employees. This contribution should be supplemented by other researches to enhance the completeness of the diagnosis about stress at work and to conduct complete actions plans covering all topics.

Le rôle des horaires atypiques, du conflit travail-famille, de l’autorité décisionnelle et des demandes psychologiques sur la santé mentale des travailleurs au Canada

Dalexis, Rose D. 08 1900 (has links)
Les transformations du monde du travail, dues à la mondialisation, se font principalement au profit de l’efficacité et l’efficience des entreprises. Ces changements, touchant aussi l’organisation du travail, ne sont pas sans effets sur la santé des travailleurs. Cette étude traite principalement de l’effet des horaires atypiques sur la santé mentale des travailleurs. Elle a pour objectifs 1) d’étudier l’association entre l’horaire atypique et les problèmes de santé mentale chez les travailleurs ; 2) d’explorer l’effet du conflit travail-famille, des demandes psychologiques et de l’autorité décisionnelle sur la santé mentale des travailleurs. Cette étude est basée sur un échantillon de 2 162 participants de l’enquête SALVEO, qui est une des plus importantes études réalisées sur la santé mentale et le travail au Canada. Préalablement, des analyses descriptives ont été effectués afin de dresser le portrait de la population à l’étude et de comparer la prévalence des problèmes de santé mentale chez les travailleurs. Afin de tester les hypothèses, des analyses de corrélation bivariée et de régression logistique ont été réalisées. Les résultats nous ont montré que les horaires atypiques n’ont pas d’association directe sur la santé mentale des travailleurs. Cependant, l’horaire atypique est associé à des problèmes de santé mentale. Le conflit travail-famille et les demandes psychologiques tendent à augmenter le risque de développer des problèmes de santé mentale, et inversement pour l’autorité décisionnelle. / The changes in the world of work due to globalization are mainly for the benefit of the effectiveness and efficiency of enterprises. These changes, which also affect the work organization, are not without effects on the health of workers. This thesis focuses on the effect of non-standard work schedules on the mental health of workers. Its objectives are 1) to study the association between non-standard schedules and mental health problems among workers; and 2) to explore the effect of work-family conflict, psychological demands, and decision latitude on workers' mental health. This study is based on a sample of 2,162 participants from the SALVEO survey, which is one of the most important mental health studies conducted in Canada. Preliminary, descriptive analyses were conducted in order to draw up a portrait of the study population and compare the prevalence of mental health problems among workers. In order to refute or confirm the hypotheses put forward, bivariate correlation and logistic regression analyses were carried out. All analyses were performed using version 25 of the SPSS software. The results showed us that non-standard schedules have no direct effect on the mental health of workers. However, people working non-standard schedules are at greater risk of developing mental health problems compared to those working standard schedules. Work-family conflict and psychological demands tend to increase the risk of developing mental health problems, while decision-making latitude has the opposite effect.

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