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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vi är och vi lever våra berättelser : en kvalitativ studie ur ett narrativt perspektiv / We are and we live our Stories : a qualitative study from a narrative perspective

Svensson, Caroline January 2006 (has links)
<p>Berättelsen och berättandet har under de senaste årtiondena som kunskapsform fått en allt mer erkänd plats i vetenskapliga sammanhang. Narrativ forskning betyder förenklat berättelseforskning och beskrivs sedan mitten av åttiotalet som ett tvärdisciplinärt forskningsfält på framfart. Syftet med denna c-uppsats var att utifrån tre äldre kvinnors livsberättelser, narrativ teori och metod synliggöra berättandet och livsberättelsens påverkan på identitetsskapandet samt upprätthållandet av den egna självbilden. Metoden som legat till grund för undersökningen har varit av deduktiv, kvalitativ art med viss inspiration från hermeneutiken. Datainsamlingen har skett genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Som teoretisk referensram för arbetet ligger åttonde steget i Eriksons teori om jagutvecklingen liksom Tornstams gerotranscendensteori och Antonovskys salutogena hälsomodell. Resultaten som framkommit i undersökningen visar att berättandet och livsberättelsen upptäcker och skapar självets identitet samt bidrar till upprätthållandet av den egna självbilden. De aktuella kvinnorna har genom att delge sin livsberättelse förstärkt sin kulturella tillhörighet som samhällsmedborgare, vilket i sin tur ökat kvinnornas förutsättningar att bekämpa ev. angrepp på den egna personligheten i form av den ålderism som finns i vårt samhälle.</p> / <p>During the past decades the story aswell as the storytelling has got a more recognized place in scientfifical connections. Narrative research means more simply research about stories and has since the 90:s been described as a mulitidisciplinary research discipline on advance. The purpose with this essay was to, according to three elderly women’s life stories, narrative theory and method, make storytelling and the life stories influence on the identity making and the maintaenance of the own self-account visible.The used method has been of the deductive, qualitative kind with some inspiration from the hermeneutics.The data has been collected by using semi-structured-structured interviews. As a theoretical frame of reference for the essay lies Erikson’s “the eight step“, “ the gerotranscendence theory” by Tornstam, as well as the KASAM theory by Antonovsky. All three has been used to interpret the results from the investigation shows that telling and life story discovers and creates the self-identity and contributes to the maintainance of the own self-image. The women in this case have by admitting their life story empowered their cultural belonging as a citizen of the society. This has order increased their conditions to fight possible attacks on the own personality by the negative view of aging that exist in our society.</p>

Copingstrategier hos anhöriga till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom : En empririsk studie av självbiografier / Coping strategies among next of kin to a person with Alzheimers disease : An empirical study of autobiographies

Rosén Hagert, Frida, Borg, Othilia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom medför många förändringar som inte bara påverkar de drabbade utan även de anhöriga. Dessa förändringar hanteras med hjälp av olika copingstrategier. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka copingstrategier anhöriga till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom använder sig av. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats, där materialet samlats in från självbiografier. Det insamlade materialet analyserades och delades in med hjälp av formuläret “Ways of Coping”. Resultat: Anhöriga använde sig av copingstrategier så som att till exempel “sätta ner foten” (konfronterande coping), skylla på annat (avståndstagande), dölja sina känslor (självkontrollerande) samt hjälp och stöd från omgivningen (söka socialt stöd), att lägga skulden på sig själva (accepterande av ansvaret), distraherande tankar och aktiviteter (undkommande och undvikande), informationssökande (planerande problemlösning) och positiv självförändring (positiv omvärdering). Slutsats: Kunskap om copingstrategier hos vårdpersonal kan hjälpa anhöriga i sin roll som vårdare till personer med Alzheimers sjukdom. / Background: With Alzheimer's disease comes many changes that affect not only the affected but also their families. These changes are managed using a variety of coping strategies. Aim: To describe coping strategies among informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a deductive approach, where the data is collected from autobiographies. The data was analyzed and sorted with help from the instrument "Ways of Coping". Result: The caregivers of the study used coping strategies such as, for example, putting the foot down (confrontive coping), blame others (distancing), hiding emotions (self-controlling) and help and support from the surroundings (seeking social support), to blame oneself (accepting responsibility), distracting thoughts and activities (escape-avoidance), information seeking (planful problem solving) and positive personal change (positive reappraisal). Conclusion: Knowledge of coping strategies among health care workers could help families in their role as caregivers of the person with Alzheimer's disease.

Deductive Planning and Composite Actions in Temporal Action Logic

Magnusson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Temporal Action Logic is a well established logical formalism for reasoning about action and change that has long been used as a formal specification language. Its first-order characterization and explicit time representation makes it a suitable target for automated theorem proving and the application of temporal constraint solvers. We introduce a translation from a subset of Temporal Action Logic to constraint logic programs that takes advantage of these characteristics to make the logic applicable, not just as a formal specification language, but in solving practical reasoning problems. Extensions are introduced that enable the generation of action sequences, thus paving the road for interesting applications in deductive planning. The use of qualitative temporal constraints makes it possible to follow a least commitment strategy and construct partially ordered plans. Furthermore, the logical language and logic program translation is extended with the notion of composite actions that can be used to formulate and execute scripted plans with conditional actions, non-deterministic choices, and loops. The resulting planner and reasoner is integrated with a graphical user interface in our autonomous helicopter research system and applied to logistics problems. Solution plans are synthesized together with monitoring constraints that trigger the generation of recovery actions in cases of execution failures.

Communicating mathematics reasoning in multilingual classrooms in South Africa.

Aineamani, Benadette 20 June 2011 (has links)
This is a qualitative research that draws Gee‟s Discourse analysis to understand how learners communicate their mathematical reasoning in a multilingual classroom in South Africa. The study involved a Grade 11 class of 25 learners in a township school East of Johannesburg. The research method used was a case study. Data was collected using classroom observations, and document analysis. The study has shown that learners communicate their mathematics reasoning up to a certain level. The way learners communicated their mathematical reasoning depended on the activities that were given by the textbook being used in the classroom, and the questions which the teacher asked during the lessons. From the findings of the study, recommendations were made: the assessment of how learners communicate their mathematical reasoning should have a basis, say the curriculum. If the curriculum states the level of mathematical reasoning which the learners at Grade 11 must reach, then the teacher will have to probe the learners for higher reasoning; mathematics classroom textbooks should be designed to enable learners communicate their mathematical reasoning. The teacher should ask learners questions that require learners to communicate their mathematical reasoning.

Deductive Planning and Composite Actions in Temporal Action Logic

Magnusson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Temporal Action Logic is a well established logical formalism for reasoning about action and change that has long been used as a formal specification language. Its first-order characterization and explicit time representation makes it a suitable target for automated theorem proving and the application of temporal constraint solvers. We introduce a translation from a subset of Temporal Action Logic to constraint logic programs that takes advantage of these characteristics to make the logic applicable, not just as a formal specification language, but in solving practical reasoning problems. Extensions are introduced that enable the generation of action sequences, thus paving the road for interesting applications in deductive planning. The use of qualitative temporal constraints makes it possible to follow a least commitment strategy and construct partially ordered plans. Furthermore, the logical language and logic program translation is extended with the notion of composite actions that can be used to formulate and execute scripted plans with conditional actions, non-deterministic choices, and loops. The resulting planner and reasoner is integrated with a graphical user interface in our autonomous helicopter research system and applied to logistics problems. Solution plans are synthesized together with monitoring constraints that trigger the generation of recovery actions in cases of execution failures.</p>

Strategy formation and managerial agency : a socio-cognitive perspective

Stein, Johan January 1993 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on strategy formation of firms as it unfolds over time and in context. The research questions are defined to take into account the complexity of this phenomenon, in that the themes emanating address the involved structures, processes and managerial agency as the roles and influences of managers.A "semi-deductive" methodology is introduced in order to make use of the richness of theories that pertain to the research questions. The logic behind this conduct is to first construct an interdisciplinary interpretation system based on a thematic bridging of theoretical texts. In a second stage of creating knowledge, the themes are not only retained but also extended by virtue of empirical texts. A case study covers both the organizational and sectorial level of analysis during a period of six years; thus including all the competing firms within an industry, as well as the broader context in which these companies operated. The individual level is represented by the top management groups of all firms. On both theoretical and empirical grounds, a socio-cognitive perspective emerges in which an emphasis is placed on the reciprocity between individuals as acting subjects and their social contexts. The interaction is seen as the linkage that binds actors, structures and processes. Strategy formation of the firm is uncovered as a process of structuration encapsulating distinguishable structures, interaction processes and actors. The managerial role of coupling interactions is featured. The influence of managers is discussed in terms of a freedom of interpretation and a freedom of physical action. This study carries empirical as well as theoretical implications for several research fields such as industrial evolution, the management of strategic change and the theory of the firm in general. Here, the socio-cognitive framework generated may serve as a basis for uniting individual and social aspects. The "semi-deductive" methodology may also find a broad field of application. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1993</p>

Vi är och vi lever våra berättelser : en kvalitativ studie ur ett narrativt perspektiv / We are and we live our Stories : a qualitative study from a narrative perspective

Svensson, Caroline January 2006 (has links)
Berättelsen och berättandet har under de senaste årtiondena som kunskapsform fått en allt mer erkänd plats i vetenskapliga sammanhang. Narrativ forskning betyder förenklat berättelseforskning och beskrivs sedan mitten av åttiotalet som ett tvärdisciplinärt forskningsfält på framfart. Syftet med denna c-uppsats var att utifrån tre äldre kvinnors livsberättelser, narrativ teori och metod synliggöra berättandet och livsberättelsens påverkan på identitetsskapandet samt upprätthållandet av den egna självbilden. Metoden som legat till grund för undersökningen har varit av deduktiv, kvalitativ art med viss inspiration från hermeneutiken. Datainsamlingen har skett genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Som teoretisk referensram för arbetet ligger åttonde steget i Eriksons teori om jagutvecklingen liksom Tornstams gerotranscendensteori och Antonovskys salutogena hälsomodell. Resultaten som framkommit i undersökningen visar att berättandet och livsberättelsen upptäcker och skapar självets identitet samt bidrar till upprätthållandet av den egna självbilden. De aktuella kvinnorna har genom att delge sin livsberättelse förstärkt sin kulturella tillhörighet som samhällsmedborgare, vilket i sin tur ökat kvinnornas förutsättningar att bekämpa ev. angrepp på den egna personligheten i form av den ålderism som finns i vårt samhälle. / During the past decades the story aswell as the storytelling has got a more recognized place in scientfifical connections. Narrative research means more simply research about stories and has since the 90:s been described as a mulitidisciplinary research discipline on advance. The purpose with this essay was to, according to three elderly women’s life stories, narrative theory and method, make storytelling and the life stories influence on the identity making and the maintaenance of the own self-account visible.The used method has been of the deductive, qualitative kind with some inspiration from the hermeneutics.The data has been collected by using semi-structured-structured interviews. As a theoretical frame of reference for the essay lies Erikson’s “the eight step“, “ the gerotranscendence theory” by Tornstam, as well as the KASAM theory by Antonovsky. All three has been used to interpret the results from the investigation shows that telling and life story discovers and creates the self-identity and contributes to the maintainance of the own self-image. The women in this case have by admitting their life story empowered their cultural belonging as a citizen of the society. This has order increased their conditions to fight possible attacks on the own personality by the negative view of aging that exist in our society.

Marknadsföringsbegrepp i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av priming, upplevelserummet och relationsmarknadsföring i fallet HV71 / Marketing concepts in practice : A qualitative study about the appliance of priming, servicescape and relationship marketing in the case HV71

Ahlgren, Robin, Börjeson, Jakob, Callas, Arvid January 2010 (has links)
The study is based on the pragmatic question whether one can apply the theoretical perspectives priming, experience space and relationship marketing in a practical context. The authors visualize how these concepts appear practical and what advantages and disadvantages can be discerned in the particular case of HV71. The method used is a hypothetico-deductive approach, which is not entirely conventional in the humanistic and social scientific context. Consequently, it has been proven to be particularly suitable as it could expose the theoretical perspectives for a difficult scientific test. The result of the study demonstrated that a marketer could benefit from using the theoretical perspectives when exercising the profession. It also showed that the object of study applied these perspectives. Furthermore, the study contributes with new knowledge in two areas. First, it was shown that researchers could use the hypothetico-deductive method as tool for humanistic and social scientific studies such as this. Also, the study answered the fundamental questions whether the theoretical perspectives could be identified in practice and how the object of study benefited from applying them. / Studien vilar på den pragmatiska frågan huruvida man kan tillämpa de teoretiska utgångspunkterna priming, upplevelserummet och relationsmarknadsföring i en praktisk kontext. Författarna åskådliggör hur dessa begrepp visar sig rent praktiskt och vilka fördelar och nackdelar som kan urskiljas i det specifika fallet HV71. Som metod används ett hypotetisk-deduktivt angreppssätt som inte är helt konventionellt i humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga sammanhang, men som visade sig vara ytterst lämplig då den kunde utsätta de teoretiska utgångspunkterna för hård vetenskaplig prövning. Resultatet av studien visade att man som marknadsförare kan ha nytta av att använda teoretiska utgångspunkter i sin praktiska yrkesutövning, samt att de tillämpades av studieobjektet. Studien bidrar vidare med ny kunskap på två områden. Dels bevisas att forskare hantverksmässigt kan använda hypotetisk-deduktiv metod för studier inom humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga områden som detta, dels besvaras studiens fundamentala frågor huruvida de teoretiska utgångspunkterna kunde identifieras i praktiken och hur studieobjektet dragit fördel av att tillämpa dem.

Practical Applications of Extended Deductive Databases in DATALOG*

Seipel, Dietmar January 2010 (has links)
A wide range of additional forward chaining applications could be realized with deductive databases, if their rule formalism, their immediate consequence operator, and their fixpoint iteration process would be more flexible. Deductive databases normally represent knowledge using stratified Datalog programs with default negation. But many practical applications of forward chaining require an extensible set of user–defined built–in predicates. Moreover, they often need function symbols for building complex data structures, and the stratified fixpoint iteration has to be extended by aggregation operations. We present an new language Datalog*, which extends Datalog by stratified meta–predicates (including default negation), function symbols, and user–defined built–in predicates, which are implemented and evaluated top–down in Prolog. All predicates are subject to the same backtracking mechanism. The bottom–up fixpoint iteration can aggregate the derived facts after each iteration based on user–defined Prolog predicates.

Tranzityvumo supratimas 4-6 metų amžiaus tarpsnyje / Understanding transitivity in 4-6 years old stage

Vaidelienė, Indrė 28 August 2008 (has links)
Kurį laiką buvo manoma, kad vaikai, kurie dar neperėjo priešoperacinės stadijos nemoka daryti tranzityvumo santykio išvadų apie kiekybę (Pears, Bryant, 1992). Pasak Schnall ir Gattis (1998), daugelis tyrinėtojų bando atsakyti į klausimą, iki kokio laipsnio ir nuo kokio amžiaus vaikai gali išspręsti tranzityvumo santykio vertinimo užduotis. Nors Piaget ir kiti (Inhelder ir Piaget, 1958; cit. pagal Schnall, Gattis, 1998) manė, kad vaikai tik apie 7-8 metus ir vyresni geba teisingai išspręsti tranzityvumo vertinimo užduotis, jaunesni vaikai (Bryant ir Trabasso, 1971; Riley ir Trabasso, 1974) (cit. pagal Schnall, Gattis, 1998) taip pat geba tranzityviai vertinti pasitreniravus. Bryant ir Trabasso (1971; cit. pagal Schnall, Gattis, 1998) padarė išvadą, kad tranzityvumo vertinimo u���duočių neišsprendimas gali būti greičiau dėl darbinės atminties ribotumo nei dėl kognityvinių trūkumų. Tyrimo objektas – 4-6 metų vaikų tranzityvumo supratimas. Tyrimo tikslas – charakterizuoti 4-6 metų vaikų tranzityvumo santykio supratimo ypatumus. Siekiant šio tikslo, išsikelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Sudaryti ir pateikti 4-6 metų am����iaus vaikams tris užduotis, kurios tiria tranzityvumo santykio supratimą. 2. Nustatyti, ar 4-6 metų vaikai geba tranzityviai samprotauti. 3. Palyginti užduotis pagal tiesioginius atsakymus. 4. Palyginti užduotis pagal kokybinius atsakymus. 5. Palyginti berniukų ir mergaičių gebėjimą tranzityviai samprotauti. Prieš atliekant tyrimą buvo išsikeltos tokios hipotezės: 1. 4-6... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It was believe that children which didn‘t pass preoperational stage, can‘t to do transitivity conclusions about quantity (Pears, Bryant, 1992). According Schnall and Gattis (1998), many researchers trying ask to question by what degree and from what age children are able to solve transitivity interference tasks. Though Piaget and others (Inhelder ir Piaget, 1958; cit. pagal Schnall, Gattis, 1998) thought that children only about 7-8 years and older can to solve transitivity interference tasks right, younger children (Bryant ir Trabasso, 1971; Riley ir Trabasso, 1974; by Schnall, Gattis, 1998) also are able to solve transitivity interference tasks if they are trained. Bryant and Trabasso (1971; by Schnall, Gattis, 1998) made conclusion that wrong solving of transitivity interference tasks can be rather for working memory limitation nor cognitive deficits. Object of the Study – understanding transitivity in 4-6 years old children. The aim of the study was to characterize understanding transitivity in 4-6 years old children. Goals of the study: 1. Organize and represent for 4-6 years old children three tasks which research inderstanding transitivity. 2. Find, are 4-6 years old children able to reason transitively. 3. Compare tasks by direct answers. 4. Compare tasks by qualitative ansvers. 5. Compare ability to reason transitively in boys and girls. Hyphotesis: 1. 4-6 years old children are able to reason transitively. 2. Children did more mistakes in tasks which were hard to... [to full text]

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