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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Abstract The purpose of this master thesis is to conduct a Qualitative analysis on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on Telus International, a leading provider of customer service and business process outsourcing solutions using the deductive approach to collect the data. Through interviews with key respondents at the company and a review of relevant literature, this study aims to understand the ways in which artificial intelligence is being used at Telus International in the decision making process and the effects it has on the organisation. The findings of this study suggest that AI has had a positive impact on Telus International, providing the organisation with increased efficiency and productivity. However, the implementation of artificial intelligence has also raised concerns about potential job loss and the need for employees to adapt to new technologies. This study highlights the need for organisations to carefully consider the potential impacts of AI and to provide support for employees during the transition. Paper Type: Master Thesis Research Paper

Die verband tussen ideaal en werklikheid ten opsigte van die funksionering van die pneumatika in der erediens van die AGS van Suid-Afrika

Van Den Berg, Jan Christoffel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / 'n Onderskeidende kenmerk van die Pinksterbeweging (waarvan die AGS deel is) wat aan die begin van hierdie eeu tot stand gekom het, was die funksionering van die pneumatika (die geestelike gawes in 1 Korintiers 12:7-11 genoem) in die lewens van lidmate en in die liturgie van die erediens. Die opkoms van die Charismatiese beweging vanaf die sestigerjare het hierdie fenomeen opnuut onder die aandag van die kerk gebring. Histories blyk dit dat die funksionering van die pneumatika 'n integrale deel van die bemoeienis van God met die mens was. Sommige van die pneumatika was reeds in die Ou Testament teenwoordig, is prominent in die bediening van Jesus gesien tydens sy vleeslike bestaan, en was kenmerkend van die kerklike lewe in apostoliese tye. In die na-apostoliese tye was daar 'n merkbare afuame hiervan, maar het selfs in die middeleeue nooit heeltemal van die toneel verdwyn het nie. Vanaf die twaalfde eeu was daar weer 'n gestadigde toename in die voorkoms van die pneumatika wat sy klimaks bereik in die wereldwye Pinksterherlewing aan die begin van die twintigste eeu. Die teoretiese teologiese teorie binne die AGS hou die ideaal voor dat die pneumatika steeds op Nuwe Testamentiese wyse (soos deur die AGS geinterpreteer) in die erediens sal funksioneer. 'n Empiriese ondersoek met behulp van 'n situasie-analise (Wallace se model van deduktiewe en induktiewe redenering) toon aan dat daar 'n beduidende verskil tussen ideaal en praktyk is - die pneumatika funksioneer slegs sporadies in die eredienste, terwyl lidmate se betrokkenheid daarby en kennis daarvan dienooreenkomstig van beperkte aard is. n V erstelde praktykteorie word voorgestel. Dit behels 'n model wat die interathanklikheid en relasie aandui tussen Christus as Hoof van die gemeente en Bron van die pneumatika, lidmate en pastore se houding en kennis in verband hiermee, en die ruimte vir en implementering van die pneumatika in die erediens. Fasiliterend tot hierdie interaktiewe proses is die doping in die Heilige Gees, opleidingsprogramme, en kleingroepe. Hierdie praktykteorie is oop vir toekomstige toetsing en verstelling - alles moet lei na die herstel van die funksionering van die pneumatika tot opbou van die gemeente en meerdere verheerliking van God. / A distinctive characteristic of the Pentecostal Movement (of which the AFM is a part), formed at the beginning of this century, was the functioning of the pneumatics (the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11) in the lives of members and in the liturgy of their worship service. The Charismatic Movement arising in the sixties brought this phenomenon under the attention of the church anew. Historically it seems that the pneumatics were a integral part of the activities of God with his people. Some of the pneumatics were already present in the Old Testament, were seen in the earthly ministry ofJesus, and were distinctive of the apostolic period. In the after-apostolic period there was a marked decline in the appearance thereof From the twelfth century onwards there was an increase in the appearance of the pneumatics that climaxed in the worldwide Pentecostal revival at the beginning of this century. The theoretical theological theory in the AFM presents the ideal that the pneumatics would still be operating, as in New Testament times (i.e. as interpreted by the AFM), in their worship services. An empirical survey with the aid of a situation analysis (yv allace' s model of deductive and inductive reasoning was used), shows that there is a marked difference between ideal and practice - the pneumatics are operating sporadically and on a limited scale in the worship services, whilst the participation of the members and their knowledge in this regard are accordingly limited. An improved practice theory is suggested. It entails an interactive model that shows the interdependency and relation between Christ as head of the church and source of the pneumatics, church members and pastors whose attitude and knowledge in connection with this are of utmost importance, and the place for and implementing of the pneumatics in the worship service. Facilitating this interactive process is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, teaching programmes, and small groups. This practice theory is open for future testing and improvement - this must all lead to the restoring of the functioning of the pneumatics for the edification of the church and the greater glorifying of God. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Practical Theology)

Motivated reasoning and response bias : a signal detection approach

Trippas, Dries January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was to address a theoretical debate on belief bias. Belief bias is the tendency for people to be influenced by their prior beliefs when engaged in deductive reasoning. Deduction is the act of drawing necessary conclusions from premises which are meant to be assumed as true. Given that the logical validity of an argument is independent of its content, being influenced by your prior beliefs in such content is considered a bias. Traditional theories posit there are two belief bias components. Motivated reasoning is the tendency to reason better for arguments with unbelievable conclusions relative to arguments with believable conclusions. Response bias is the tendency to accept believable arguments and to reject unbelievable arguments. Dube et al. (2010) pointed out critical methodological problems that undermine evidence for traditional theories. Using signal detection theory (SDT), they found evidence for response bias only. We adopted the SDT method to compare the viability of the traditional and the response bias accounts. In Chapter 1 the relevant literature is reviewed. In Chapter 2 four experiments which employed a novel SDT-based forced choice reasoning method are presented, showing evidence compatible with motivated reasoning. In Chapter 3 four experiments which used the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) method are presented. Crucially, cognitive ability turned out to be linked to motivated reasoning. In Chapter 4 three experiments are presented in which we investigated the impact of cognitive ability and analytic cognitive style on belief bias, concluding that cognitive style mediated the effects of cognitive ability on motivated reasoning. In Chapter 5 we discuss our findings in light of a novel individual differences account of belief bias. We conclude that using the appropriate measurement method and taking individual differences into account are two key elements to furthering our understanding of belief bias, human reasoning, and cognitive psychology in general.

Projektovanje baza podataka u oblasti obrazovnog računarskog softvera / Data base projecting in the field of education computer software

Radulović Biljana 10 February 1998 (has links)
<p>U radu su definisane teorijske postavke povezivanja koncepata otvorenog i zatvorenog sveta u jedinstven sistem za rukovanje bazom podataka u režimu otvorenog, zatvorenog i otvorenog/zatvorenog sveta. Opisan je konkretan programski sistem BASELOG, koji je razvijen na datim teoretskim postavkama. Opisan je postupak projektovanja baza podataka u oblasti obrazovnog softvera, koji je zasnovan na BASELOG-sistemu.</p> / <p>In this work theoretical bases of connecting concept open and closed world in one data base management system which works through open, closed and open/closed world are defined. BASELOG-program system is descripted and developed on given theoretical bases. There is also descripted process of data base projecting in the field of education software which is based on BASELOG-system.</p>

Strategies of empirical justification in experimental science

Baetu, Tudor January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Múltiplas representações na construção do conhecimento científico escolar. / Multiple representations in school scientific Knowledge construction

Paiva, Josias Rogerio 23 April 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa inicia-se pela consideração na literatura da área, de ensino de física, sobre as perspectivas dadas a algumas formas de representações, no contexto da construção do conhecimento científico, realizada no campo dos especialistas e nas pesquisas que relatam a sala de aula. As representações visuais distinguíveis nesta pesquisa são as esboçadas pelos alunos, as que se notam na simulação computacional e as gestuais: os gestos além das representações gestuais icônicas possibilitam mediações com outras representações empregadas em aula, por isso, serão considerados os gestos dêiticos, os movimentos ergóticos e epistêmicos; outra forma observada de mediação para a construção de conhecimento serão as analogias empregadas. Entre as hipóteses desta pesquisa está, que a sala de aula em que se propicia um ensino, onde mais se evidencia tanto a construção de conhecimento, quanto um caráter multimodal de representações será aquela cuja metodologia empregada é de \"ensino por investigação\". Em face disso, definem-se as características desse ensino, desde suas concepções históricas iniciais quando compreendidas como a aplicação do método científico, com problema, hipóteses, teste das hipóteses e conclusão, até as concepções contemporâneas em que se consideram aspectos da natureza da ciência, além da argumentação, a multimodalidade e as relações CTS. Para a representação verbal, expressando tanto o conhecimento construído quanto as reflexões sobre o processo de construção, considerou-se se a fala dos alunos se enquadra no padrão hipotético-dedutivo apresentado por Lawson (2002; 2004). Os dados para a realização desta pesquisa provêm da observação e de materiais produzidos em sala de aula bem como das transcrições do registro audiovisual dessas aulas. Categorizadas as representações e classificadas quanto à sua posição junto a elementos dos padrões de argumentação hipotético-dedutivo, apresentar-se-á uma solução para o problema \"Como múltiplas representações atuam na construção do conhecimento científico em sala de aula.\" Múltiplas representações e interações foram usadas principalmente na proposição da hipótese e no planejamento e execução dos testes; o emprego de atividade favorecendo o uso de várias representações não qualifica um ensino como investigativo; se colocado à disposição, os alunos utilizam em suas atividades, principalmente nas construções de conhecimento; as transições entre as formas de mediação e de representações obedecem a um padrão de continuidade e de uniformidade. / This research begins by considering the literature in the field of physical education on prospects given to some forms of representations in the context of construction of scientific knowledge, carried out in the field and experts in research that reports the classroom. The distinguishable visual representations in this research are the pictorial outlined by the students, the visually represented in computer simulation and sign iconic representations; gestures beyond the iconic gestural representation possible mediations with other representations used in class, so they are considered the deictic gestures, ergot and epistemic movements; other form of mediation for the construction of knowledge will be the use of analogies. Among the hypotheses of this research is that the classroom that provides an education, where the evidence of both the construction of knowledge, as a multimodal character representations will be the one whose methodology is \"learning by inquiry\". So let\'s define the characteristics of this teaching, from their initial historical conceptions when understood as the application of the scientific method, problem, hypothesis, testing of hypotheses and conclusion, to contemporary conceptions that also consider aspects of science nature beyond argument, multimodality and CTS relations. For verbal representation, expressing both knowledge built as reflections on the construction process, we consider how the speech of students falls within the hypothetical-deductive pattern presented by Lawson (2002 and 2004). Data for this survey out of observation and materials produced in the classroom, in addition to transcripts of audio-visual record of these classes. Categorized representations and classified according to their position along the elements of the hypothetical-deductive reasoning patterns, we present a solution to the problem \"How multiple representations work in the construction of scientific knowledge in the classroom\".

Aide à la construction et l'évaluation des preuves mathématiques déductives par les systèmes d'argumentation / Argumentation frameworks for constructing and evaluating deductive mathematical proofs

Boudjani, Nadira 05 December 2018 (has links)
L'apprentissage des preuves mathématiques déductives est fondamental dans l'enseignement des mathématiques. Pourtant, la dernière enquête TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) menée par l'IEA ("International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement") en mars 2015, le niveau général des étudiants en mathématiques est en baisse et les étudiants éprouvent de plus en plus de difficultés pour comprendre et écrire les preuves mathématiques déductives.Pour aborder ce problème, plusieurs travaux en didactique des mathématiques utilisent l’apprentissage collaboratif en classe.L'apprentissage collaboratif consiste à regrouper des étudiants pour travailler ensemble dans le but d'atteindre un objectif commun. Il repose sur le débat et l'argumentation. Les étudiants s'engagent dans des discussions pour exprimer leurs points de vue sous forme d'arguments et de contre-arguments dans le but de résoudre un problème posé.L’argumentation utilisée dans ces approches est basée sur des discussions informelles qui permettent aux étudiants d'exprimer publiquement leurs déclarations et de les justifier pour construire des preuves déductives. Ces travaux ont montré que l’argumentation est une méthode efficace pour l’apprentissage des preuves mathématiques : (i) elle améliore la pensée critique et les compétences métacognitives telles que l'auto-surveillance et l'auto-évaluation (ii) augmente la motivation des étudiants par les interactions sociales et (iii) favorise l'apprentissage entre les étudiants. Du point de vuedes enseignants, certaines difficultés surgissent avec ces approches pour l'évaluation des preuves déductives. En particulier, l'évaluation des résultats, qui comprend non seulement la preuve finale mais aussi les étapes intermédiaires, les discussions, les conflits qui peuvent exister entre les étudiants durant le débat. En effet, cette évaluation introduit une charge de travail importante pour les enseignants.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un système pour la construction et l'évaluation des preuves mathématiques déductives. Ce système a un double objectif : (i) permettre aux étudiants de construire des preuves mathématiques déductives à partir un débat argumentatif structuré (ii) aider les enseignants à évaluer ces preuves et toutes les étapes intermédiaires afin d'identifier les erreurs et les lacunes et de fournir un retour constructif aux étudiants.Le système offre aux étudiants un cadre structuré pour débattre durant la construction de la preuve en utilisant les cadres d'argumentation proposés en intelligente artificielle. Ces cadres d’argumentation sont utilisés aussi dans l’analyse du débat qui servira pour représenter le résultat sous différentes formes afin de faciliter l’évaluation aux enseignants. Dans un second temps, nous avons implanté et validé le système par une étude expérimentale pour évaluer son acceptabilité dans la construction collaborative des preuves déductives par les étudiants et dans l’évaluation de ces preuves par les enseignants. / Learning deductive proofs is fundamental for mathematics education. Yet, many students have difficulties to understand and write deductive mathematical proofs which has severe consequences for problem solving as highlighted by several studies. According to the recent study of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), the level of students in mathematics is falling. students have difficulties to understand mathematics and more precisely to build and structure mathematical proofs.To tackle this problem, several approaches in mathematical didactics have used a social approach in classrooms where students are engaged in a debate and use argumentation in order to build proofs.The term "argumentation" in this context refers to the use of informal discussions in classrooms to allow students to publicly express claims and justify them to build proofs for a given problem. The underlying hypotheses are that argumentation: (i) enhances critical thinking and meta-cognitive skills such as self monitoring and self assessment; (ii) increases student's motivation by social interactions; and (iii) allows learning among students. From instructors' point of view, some difficulties arise with these approaches for assessment. In fact, the evaluation of outcomes -- that includes not only the final proof but also all intermediary steps and aborted attempts -- introduces an important work overhead.In this thesis, we propose a system for constructing and evaluating deductive mathematical proofs. The system has a twofold objective: (i) allow students to build deductive mathematical proofs using structured argumentative debate; (ii) help the instructors to evaluate these proofs and assess all intermediary steps in order to identify misconceptions and provide a constructive feedback to students. The system provides students with a structured framework to debate during construction of proofs using the proposed argumentation frameworks in artificial intelligence. These argumentation frameworks are also used in the analysis of the debate which will be used to represent the result in different forms in order to facilitate the evaluation to the instructors. The system has been implemented and evaluated experimentally by students in the construction of deductive proofs and instructors in the evaluation of these proofs.

Escrita e raciocínio silogístico: um estudo com pré-escolares / Written and syllogistic reasoning: a study of preschool children

Aprobato, Gislaine Garcia Gutierres 09 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:56:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gislaine Garcia Gutierres Aprobato.pdf: 892097 bytes, checksum: dfea960b625020966515ecfdcdccf37c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Studies on the early childhood education show that frequents it exerts positive impact on the future life of the individuals, explaining the importance of this stage of education. This study aims to contribute to the research on learning and the development of the child that attends this modality of education. The research was based on the concepts of psychology on the inter-relationship between learning and development and the concepts of cognitive psychology of reading, including the model of word recognition of Ehri. The objective of this research was to verify if there are relations between the different stages of the writing and the reasoning silogistico. It was accepted as a hypothesis that children perform better in writing also show better results in syllogistic reasoning expressed orally. The study included 29 children with a mean age of 6 years and 3 months of age, enrolled in a public school of Sao Paulo in the last stage of early childhood education. To verify our hypothesis the study was a correlational design. Individual applications were made for evidence of written words and syllogistic reasoning. The results showed a positive correlation between writing words and syllogistic reasoning, allowing to conclude that as children get better performance in writing, also demonstrate better performance on syllogisms justify their answers based on the premises. It concludes with considerations about the importance of paying attention in kindergarten, the specificities of small children, favoring both the initial teaching of written language and the development of deductive reasoning / Estudos sobre a educação infantil evidenciam que frequentá-la exerce impacto positivo sobre a vida futura dos indivíduos, explicitando a importância desta etapa da educação. Este estudo busca contribuir com as pesquisas sobre a aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento da criança que frequenta esta modalidade de ensino. A pesquisa baseou-se nos conceitos da psicologia sobre a interrelação entre aprendizagem e desenvolvimento e nos conceitos da psicologia cognitiva da leitura, incluindo o modelo de reconhecimento de palavras de Ehri. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi de verificar se há relações entre as diferentes fases da escrita e o raciocínio silogístico. Nossa hipótese de trabalho era de que crianças que apresentam melhor desempenho na escrita apresentam também melhores resultados no raciocínio silogístico expresso oralmente. Participaram do estudo 29 crianças com média de idade de 6 anos e 3 meses de idade, matriculadas em uma escola pública da cidade de São Paulo no último estágio da educação infantil. Para verificar a nossa hipótese a pesquisa teve um delineamento correlacional. O teste estatístico entre escrita de palavras e raciocínio silogístico demonstrou que há correlação significativa entre as variáveis, ou seja, à medida que as crianças demonstram melhor desempenho na escrita, demonstram também melhor desempenho nos silogismos justificando suas respostas baseando-se nas premissas. O resultado de pesquisa confirma a nossa hipótese inicial. Portanto indica-se que na educação infantil se dê atenção tanto a favorecer o ensino da linguagem escrita tendo em vista as especificidades da criança pequena, quanto a favorecer o desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico dedutivo

Logique de séparation et vérification déductive

Bobot, François 12 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la démarche de preuve de programmes à l'aide de vérification déductive. La vérification déductive consiste à produire, à partir des sources d'un programme, c'est-à-dire ce qu'il fait, et de sa spécification, c'est-à-dire ce qu'il est sensé faire, une conjecture qui si elle est vraie alors le programme et sa spécification concordent. On utilise principalement des démonstrateurs automatiques pour montrer la validité de ces formules. Quand ons'intéresse à la preuve de programmes qui utilisent des structures de données allouées en mémoire, il est élégant et efficace de spécifier son programme en utilisant la logique de séparation qui est apparu il y a une dizaine d'année. Cela implique de prouver des conjectures comportant les connectives de la logique de séparation, or les démonstrateurs automatiques ont surtout fait des progrès dans la logique du premier ordre qui ne les contient pas.Ce travail de thèse propose des techniques pour que les idées de la logique de séparation puissent apparaître dans les spécifications tout en conservant la possibilité d'utiliser des démonstrateurs pour la logique du premier ordre. Cependant les conjectures que l'ont produit ne sont pas dans la même logique du premier ordre que celles des démonstrateurs. Pour permettre une plus grande automatisation, ce travail de thèse a également défini de nouvelles conversions entre la logique polymorphe du premier ordre et la logique multi-sortée dupremier ordre utilisé par la plupart des démonstrateurs.La première partie a donné lieu à une implémentation dans l'outil Jessie, la seconde a donné lieu à une participation conséquente à l'écriture de l'outil Why3 et particulièrement dans l'architecture et écriture des transformations qui implémentent ces simplifications et conversions.

Teaching English grammar : A case study of the differences and similarities between teaching English grammar to native- and non-native speakers of English in Sweden and in the UK

Granlund, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the similarities/differences in the views on and practices of grammar teaching of a Swedish teacher of English (FL – Foreign Language) and a UK teacher of English (L1 – First Language). Furthermore, the study tries to explain how the differences found in the comparison can be connected to each country’s different steering documents and to the different teaching conditions involved in teaching English to L1 learners compared to FL learners. The two participating teachers were both interviewed and observed. The results of this study show that the teachers’ grammar practices are very similar since they include explicit formal instruction both inductively and deductively, but with a focus on the latter. These are typical ‘Focus on FormS’ related practices even though both teachers want to achieve a ‘Focus on Form’ directed practice. Furthermore, both teachers use metalanguage in their teaching. The main difference between the teachers’ grammar approaches are the aims that they have with their teaching. The UK teacher aims at plain accuracy in her pupils’ written production whereas the Swedish teacher aims at developing all-round communicative abilities among her pupils. This is explained with the different accuracy-focus which each country’s steering documents hold.

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