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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ενεργειακή λύση για συμπεριφορά πλευρικά φορτιζόμενου πασσάλου με χρήση καμπυλών "p-y"

Ψαρουδάκης, Εμμανουήλ 12 March 2015 (has links)
Αντικείμενο του παρόντος άρθρου αποτελεί η ανάλυση της συμπεριφοράς πασσάλου, υπό αξονική φόρτιση μεγάλου εύρους, η οποία μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε απώλεια φέρουσας ικανότητας. Συγκεκριμένα, εξετάζεται ο συντελεστής στατικής δυσκαμψίας μεμονωμένου κατακόρυφου πασσάλου εμπεδωμένου σε ομοιογενές ή πολυστρωματικό έδαφος τυχαίας γεωμετρίας και μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων. Για την επίλυση του προβλήματος αναπτύσσεται αναλυτική λύση κλειστού τύπου βασισμένη στη θεωρία Winkler. Στο εν λόγω μοντέλο η προσομοίωση της μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς του εδάφους γίνεται μέσω μή-γραμμικών ελατηρίων “t-z” τοποθετημένων κατά μήκος του άξονα και στη βάση του πασσάλου, σε συνδυασμό με συναρτήσεις σχήματος, οι οποίες περιγράφουν αξιόπιστα την μεταβολή της κατακόρυφης μετακίνηση του πασσάλου με το βάθος. Με επιλογή κατάλληλης συνάρτησης σχήματος και καμπυλών “t-z”, και μετά από επαναληπτική διαδικασία εφαρμογής, επιτυγχάνεται ικανοποιητική ακρίβεια στην τιμή της δυσκαμψίας για κατακόρυφη μετακίνηση στην κεφαλή του πασσάλου. Σε αντίθεση με τις κλασικές αριθμητικές λύσεις, η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος δεν απαιτεί διακριτοποίηση του πασσάλου σε πεπερασμένα στοιχεία (και στη συνέχεια επίλυση ενός συστήματος γραμμικών εξισώσεων μεγάλης τάξης), παρά μόνο σε "κελιά" με στόχο την ολοκλήρωση με το βάθος. Έτσι, τα παραγόμενα αποτελέσματα είναι διαχείρισιμα ακόμα και μέσω απλού φύλλου εργασίας σε Excel ή και υπολογιστή τσέπης. Η μέθοδος προγραμματίστηκε σε περιβάλλον Visual Basic 2010, κυρίως λόγω της δυνατότητας γραφικής παρουσίασης των αποτελεσμάτων και τη σύγκρισή τους με αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα από άλλες μεθόδους. Τα αποτελέσματα κρίνονται ως ιδιαίτερα ενθαρρυντικά, καθώς συγκλίνουν ικανοποιητικά σε αυτά αυστηρότερων μεθόδων, χωρίς ανάγκη περίπλοκης αριθμητικής ανάλυσης η οποία να ξεφεύγει από τις γνώσεις και δυνατότητες του Γεωτεχνικού Μηχανικού. / In the present work the behavior of a pile submitted to large range lateral loading is analyzed, which may lead to failure of both the surrounding soil and the pile itself either at the head or in depth. Namely, we examine the static stiffness coefficients for displacement and rotation of a flexible pile, vertically embedded in a homogeneous or multilayer soil of random geometry and mechanical properties. To solve the problem, a simple analytical method is developed, based on Euler–Bernoulli classic beam model, incremented with non linear Winkler Springs. The non-linear behaviour of the pile is described in a cross-sectional plane through moment-curvature diagram. The model is used in combination with the principle of work and suitable shape functions, which describe reliably the elastic line of the pile when the lateral load is gradually increasing. By iterative implementation of the method, realistic predictions are achieved in the stiffness coefficients in swaying, rocking and cross-swaying-rocking. The number of iterations is relatively small if the stress level of the system is not significantly increased compared with the previous load step. Unlike classic numerical solutions, the proposed method does not require discretization of the pile into finite elements (resulting to solve a system of linear equations), but only in "cells", to integrate with depth. In this way, results can be generated throughout a simple worksheet or even a calculator. The method was implemented in a Visual Basic 2010 environment, mainly for reasons of graphical presentation and comparison of the results to other coming from relevant methods. The results of the aforementioned method are considered satisfactory, as they converge fairly well with those coming from more rigorous methods based on complicated numerical analyses. The results of the herein proposed method are also compared to experimental in situ results relatively successfully.

Effect of diaphragm wall construction on adjacent deep foundation

Mohamed, Ahmed Abdallah Elhashemy Zaki 08 February 2017 (has links)
The need of using the underground space was limited in the human history, but in the last century and due to the increase of world population, the use of the underground space has become essential. Underground metro stations, deep garages, tunnels and basements, etc... are examples of using the underground space inside the cities. The use of underground space is conducted through deep excavation or tunneling. Several techniques are used to conduct the deep excavation and one of the most popular and well known techniques used for deep excavation is the diaphragm walling technique which is widely used specially inside the cities to safe space because it requires a very small space to conduct a deep reinforced concreted wall under the ground. However, the construction of such walls causes deformation of the surrounding ground and it could also affect the nearby existing structures. In some recorded cases the slurry trench failed and causes a great deformation which effect the nearby structures. However, Minor damages and cracks were observed in buildings near stable slurry trenches, because the soil deformation was high. The existing structures inside the cities have been constructed on shallow or deep foundations and this research was oriented to study the effect of diaphragm wall installation on the existing adjacent piled foundation. Very limited studies were made to investigate such an effect. At Cambridge university centrifuge model tests were conducted to investigate the effect of slurry reduction on single piles. Field observation was conducted in several projects and showed the settlement and deformation of buildings located on deep foundation during the diaphragm wall trenching. Numerical analysis was conducted using FLAC 3D to simulate the laboratory and the available field works. FLAC 3D is a commercial software and it depend in its analysis on finite difference method. The purpose of the simulation was to verify the used numerical analysis method. The results from the numerical analysis were in a good agreement with the available field data results, and they were also in good agreement with the laboratory test results regarding soil settlement but it was not in such good agreement when they were compared regarding the pile. Generally, from the verification the numerical analysis method is considered to be reliable. A parametric study was performed using the verified numerical analysis method. The flexible nature of the numerical analysis allows to simulate different cases and to study a variety of parameters. The output of the parametric study was the pile deflection, the bending moment and the shaft friction. The study was divided into three main parts while each part contains several parameter combinations. The first part studied the effect of the single and double panel(s) on the single pile group that has different piles numbers and formations. The second and third parts studied the effect of multiple panels on connected pile groups and piled raft foundation, respectively. Generally, the studied parameters can be divided into three main groups. The first is related to the trench which includes the panel dimension, the number of panels and the slurry level inside the panel. The effect of slurry pressure reduction at some levels inside the trench was also studied. The second group concerned the soil type and ground water level. The third group is related to the deep foundation which includes pile characteristics, location, and formation within the group. The results from the parametric study showed that the pile behavior was greatly affected by panel length, groundwater level, slurry level inside the trench and steadiness of the slurry pressure. The piles were also affected by the different stages of construction related to the pile location from the constructed panel. The piles within the group act together so they behave different from each other according to their position. The effect of the pile on the trench stability is presented through a simple analytical approach which is based on the wedge analysis. The analytical approach provided equations that calculate the factor of safety in two and three dimensions. The pile location was governing the equation that calculate the factor of safety because the pile could be fully inside the failure wedge or intersect with the failure surface. A comparative study was conducted to find out the effect of the different pile location and other parameters on the safety factor. Generally, this comparative study showed that the pile located within the failure wedge reduces the factor of safety, while the pile that intersects the failure surface could increase it. The pile row near a trench that contains piles inside the failure wedge and others intersects the failure surface act together to balance the failure wedge. The factor of safety results of some cases from the analytical approach were also compared with those calculated from the numerical analysis. In general, the factor of safety from the numerical analysis was higher than that calculated from the proposed analytical approach. This research helped to understand the trenching effect on the ground surface and on the nearby piled foundations. It provided charts that could help to predict the soil deformation and earth pressure coefficient which could be used in the design. It showed through the parametric study the precautions that should be taken into consideration during trenching process near piled foundation. This research provided a design method for the slurry trench panel near piled foundation.

Full-Scale Lateral Load Test of a 3x5 Pile Group in Sand

Walsh, James Matthew 15 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Although it is well established that spacing of piles within a pile group influences the lateral load resistance of that group, additional research is needed to better understand trends for large pile groups (greater than three rows) and for groups in sand. A 15-pile group in a 3x5 configuration situated in sand was laterally loaded and data were collected to derive p-multipliers. A single pile separate from the 15-pile group was loaded for comparison. Results were compared to those of a similar test in clays. The load resisted by the single pile was greater than the average load resisted by each pile in the pile group. While the loads resisted by the first row of piles (i.e. the only row deflected away from all other rows of piles) were approximately equal to that resisted by the single pile, following rows resisted increasingly less load up through the fourth row. The fifth row consistently resisted more than the fourth row. The pile group in sand resisted much higher loads than did the pile group in clay. Maximum bending moments appeared largest in first row piles. For all deflection levels, first row moments seemed slightly smaller than those measured in the single pile. Maximum bending moments for the second through fifth rows appeared consistently lower than those of the first row at the same deflection. First row moments achieved in the group in sand appeared larger than those achieved in the group in clay at the same deflections, while bending moments normalized by associated loads appeared nearly equal regardless of soil type. Group effects became more influential at higher deflections, manifest by lower stiffness per pile. The single pile test was modeled using LPILE Plus, version 4.0. Soil parameters in LPILE were adjusted until a good match between measured and computed responses was obtained. This refined soil profile was then used to model the 15-pile group in GROUP, version 4.0. User-defined p-multipliers were selected to match GROUP calculated results with actual measured results. For the first loading cycle, p-multipliers were found to be 1.0, 0.5, 0.35, 0.3, and 0.4 for the first through fifth rows, respectively. For the tenth loading, p-multipliers were found to be 1.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.37, and 0.4 for the first through fifth rows, respectively. Design curves suggested by Rollins et al. (2005) appear appropriate for Rows 1 and 2 while curves specified by AASHTO (2000) appear appropriate for subsequent rows.

Reliability Based Design for Slope Stabilization Using Drilled Shafts and Anchors

Li, Lin January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Análise de segurança e confiabilidade de fundações profundas em estacas / Analysis of safety and reliability of deep foundations in pile

Silva, Fernanda Cristina da 28 October 2003 (has links)
A norma Brasileira NBR 6122/1996 - Projeto e Execução de Fundações utiliza o conceito de coeficiente de segurança global e parcial na verificação da segurança de fundações. Esta dissertação ressalta que essa verificação, utilizada na prática, é necessária, para que se atenda às exigências da norma, porém, não é suficiente para garantir a segurança de uma fundação. Pois, qualquer medida de segurança deve estar associada a uma determinada probabilidade de ruína. Neste contexto, apresenta-se nessa dissertação uma metodologia de verificação da segurança na qual, a escolha da carga admissível de um estaqueamento é baseada na probabilidade de ruína de um elemento isolado de fundação e, a aplicação dessa metodologia em diversas fundações executadas em diferentes regiões do país. / The Brazilian code NBR 6122/1996 for Foundation Design and Execution is based on the concept of Limit States Design (LSD) and on the traditional Working Stress Design (WSD). This paper shows that this approach, as usually carry out in the foundation engineering practice, although being necessary, is not enough to assure a safe foundation, once any safety measurement should be associated to a given probability of failure. Therefore, in the proposed methodology, the safety verification of the piling allowable load is based on the probability of failure of an isolated foundation element.

Interpretação de deformação e recalque na fase de montagem de estrutura de concreto com fundação em estaca cravada / Strain and settlement interpretation in the assembly of a concrete structure supported by driven piles

Luiz Russo Neto 22 March 2005 (has links)
Relatos da observação do comportamento de obras de engenharia em escala natural, especialmente no caso de edifícios apoiados em fundações profundas, são pouco freqüentes em nossa literatura, embora estimulados por vários autores e pela Norma Brasileira de Projeto e Execução de Fundações. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de medidas de carga e recalque em 20 pilares contíguos de uma estrutura em concreto armado pré-moldada, apoiada em fundações do tipo estaca cravada. Os recalques foram medidos por meio de nivelamento ótico de precisão, tendo sido determinado valores máximos variáveis entre 1,1 e 4,3 mm. Foram observados deslocamentos sob carga constante, fluência da fundação, com taxa variável entre 0,8 e 3,2 mm/log t. As solicitações normais nos pilares foram avaliadas indiretamente por meio da variação de seu comprimento, utilizando-se um extensômetro mecânico removível. Apresenta-se a metodologia para interpretação das medidas efetuadas pelo extensômetro mecânico, levando em conta as variações dos fatores ambientais e a reologia do concreto, a qual conduz a uma boa concordância entre os valores medidos e os fornecidos pelo cálculo estrutural. Os dados coletados são retroanalisados sob o enfoque da interação solo estrutura pela modelagem da superestrutura por meio de pórtico espacial apoiado em molas representativas das fundações por estacas. No cálculo das molas foi utilizada a integração numérica da solução de Mindlin para a modelagem do efeito de grupo do sistema formado pelas estacas e o maciço de solo. Verificou-se que a elevada variabilidade dos solos da formação geológica do local foi refletida no comportamento da obra, como mostra o resultado da retroanálise efetuada. Conclui-se que as variabilidades da formação geotécnica devem ser consideradas para que previsões de comportamento sejam mais realistas / Although encouraged by several authors and by the Brazilian Foundation Code, reports of actual column loads measurement in natural scale are not frequent in our technical literature, especially in the case of buildings supported by deep foundations. Results of load and settlement measurements at 20 contiguous columns of a structure built in pre-cast reinforced concrete and supported by driven piles are presented. Settlements were measured by means of optical level and a range of values between 1.1 to 4.3 mm were observed. Settlement under constant load were observed under variable creep rates from 0.8 to 3.2 mm/log t. Loads over columns were indirectly evaluated through column length variation, using a demountable mechanical extensometer. The methodology for interpretation of measurements made with the mechanical extensometer is described, considering corrections due to the variation of environmental conditions and to the concrete’s rheology; this methodology leads to a good agreement between measured values and those supplied by conventional structural design. The collected data is back analysed taking into account the soil structure interaction. The superstructure was modelled as a spatial frame supported by springs with the same rigidity of the pile foundation element. The equivalent spring parameter for each column support has considered the settlement group effect for all piles embedded in soil, using the numerical integration of Mindlin's equations. Results of this back analysis show a high variability, reflecting the high degree of variability of local subsoil conditions. Therefore, one can conclude that predictions, in order to be reliable, must consider these soil variations

Interpretação de deformação e recalque na fase de montagem de estrutura de concreto com fundação em estaca cravada / Strain and settlement interpretation in the assembly of a concrete structure supported by driven piles

Russo Neto, Luiz 22 March 2005 (has links)
Relatos da observação do comportamento de obras de engenharia em escala natural, especialmente no caso de edifícios apoiados em fundações profundas, são pouco freqüentes em nossa literatura, embora estimulados por vários autores e pela Norma Brasileira de Projeto e Execução de Fundações. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de medidas de carga e recalque em 20 pilares contíguos de uma estrutura em concreto armado pré-moldada, apoiada em fundações do tipo estaca cravada. Os recalques foram medidos por meio de nivelamento ótico de precisão, tendo sido determinado valores máximos variáveis entre 1,1 e 4,3 mm. Foram observados deslocamentos sob carga constante, fluência da fundação, com taxa variável entre 0,8 e 3,2 mm/log t. As solicitações normais nos pilares foram avaliadas indiretamente por meio da variação de seu comprimento, utilizando-se um extensômetro mecânico removível. Apresenta-se a metodologia para interpretação das medidas efetuadas pelo extensômetro mecânico, levando em conta as variações dos fatores ambientais e a reologia do concreto, a qual conduz a uma boa concordância entre os valores medidos e os fornecidos pelo cálculo estrutural. Os dados coletados são retroanalisados sob o enfoque da interação solo estrutura pela modelagem da superestrutura por meio de pórtico espacial apoiado em molas representativas das fundações por estacas. No cálculo das molas foi utilizada a integração numérica da solução de Mindlin para a modelagem do efeito de grupo do sistema formado pelas estacas e o maciço de solo. Verificou-se que a elevada variabilidade dos solos da formação geológica do local foi refletida no comportamento da obra, como mostra o resultado da retroanálise efetuada. Conclui-se que as variabilidades da formação geotécnica devem ser consideradas para que previsões de comportamento sejam mais realistas / Although encouraged by several authors and by the Brazilian Foundation Code, reports of actual column loads measurement in natural scale are not frequent in our technical literature, especially in the case of buildings supported by deep foundations. Results of load and settlement measurements at 20 contiguous columns of a structure built in pre-cast reinforced concrete and supported by driven piles are presented. Settlements were measured by means of optical level and a range of values between 1.1 to 4.3 mm were observed. Settlement under constant load were observed under variable creep rates from 0.8 to 3.2 mm/log t. Loads over columns were indirectly evaluated through column length variation, using a demountable mechanical extensometer. The methodology for interpretation of measurements made with the mechanical extensometer is described, considering corrections due to the variation of environmental conditions and to the concrete’s rheology; this methodology leads to a good agreement between measured values and those supplied by conventional structural design. The collected data is back analysed taking into account the soil structure interaction. The superstructure was modelled as a spatial frame supported by springs with the same rigidity of the pile foundation element. The equivalent spring parameter for each column support has considered the settlement group effect for all piles embedded in soil, using the numerical integration of Mindlin's equations. Results of this back analysis show a high variability, reflecting the high degree of variability of local subsoil conditions. Therefore, one can conclude that predictions, in order to be reliable, must consider these soil variations

Análise da interação solo-estrutura em edifícios sobre estacas / Analysis of soil-structure interaction in buildings on cuttings

ARAÚJO, Adrianne Carvalho de 29 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:18:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 INICIO1.pdf: 76456 bytes, checksum: 67582e2139003c6e0cbd33eceb443ce2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-29 / The joined structure-foundation analysis of buildings is one of the studied themes of Soil- Structure Interaction (SSI). In this research, a numerical tool was developed using the Matlab program to evaluate the soil-structure interaction in buildings, where the problem has been studied in the last years, but has not became a current practice in civil engineering. The developed program, here named as AIEFE, predict the settlement using the Aoki and Lopes (1975) method, using as input data the reaction loads of building columns, calculated in any subroutine of spatial-portico analysis. The commercial program TQS was chosen as this subroutine in the present research. The found foundation settlements were converted in stiffness values and, then, inputted again in the structural analysis, predicting new settlements, but no more considering the foundations as fixed points . The method is iterative, aiming to reach the settlement (or load) convergence. Two examples of buildings supported by piled foundations were analyzed. The first one presented an almost square plant and the other one was typically rectangular. The SSI effects were analyzed in terms of column loads and also stiffness and foundations settlements during the constructive process of the 15-levels studied cases. During the construction of the first building levels, it was observed a greater load and settlement redistribution, due the lower structural stiffness. Using the foundation stiffness instead of settlement values was considered as an efficient process of convergence. It was also observed that the non-linear foundation behavior had a great influence in the structure load redistribution, even on advanced construction stages when the structure stiffness has a great value. / A análise conjunta da estrutura e da fundação de uma edificação é um dos temas estudados dentro do conceito interação solo-estrutura (ISE). Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma rotina de cálculo no ambiente Matlab para avaliar a interação solo-estrutura em edifícios, onde o tema é estudado há algum tempo, mas que ainda não se tornou prática corrente na engenharia civil. O programa desenvolvido, denominado AIEFE, calcula os recalques das fundações utilizando o método de Aoki e Lopes (1975), utilizando como dados de entrada as reações de apoio dos pilares do edifício vindas de uma sub-rotina de cálculo de pórtico espacial, aqui empregando-se o programa TQS. Os recalques encontrados para as fundações são convertidos em rigidezes e então são inseridos na sub-rotina de cálculo estrutural, onde se processa a estrutura novamente, não mais com apoios indeslocáveis. A metodologia é iterativa de forma a buscar a convergência de recalques ou reações de apoio. Dois exemplos de edifícios apoiados sobre blocos de estacas foram analisados. Um possuía uma geometria em planta aproximadamente quadrangular e o outro retangular. Foram avaliados os efeitos da ISE nas reações de apoio, rigidezes e recalques dos pilares durante o processo construtivo dos 15 pavimentos dos exemplos estudados. Observou-se que nos primeiros pavimentos, devido a menor rigidez da estrutura, tem-se maior redistribuição de carga, recalques e rigidezes nos pilares, e que o processo iterativo em termos de rigidez é bastante eficaz. Verificou-se, também, que o comportamento carga-recalque não-linear das fundações influenciou bastante no comportamento de carga, rigidezes e recalques dos pilares, mesmo em estágios avançados da obra, quando a rigidez da estrutura já era bastante grande.

Análise de segurança e confiabilidade de fundações profundas em estacas / Analysis of safety and reliability of deep foundations in pile

Fernanda Cristina da Silva 28 October 2003 (has links)
A norma Brasileira NBR 6122/1996 - Projeto e Execução de Fundações utiliza o conceito de coeficiente de segurança global e parcial na verificação da segurança de fundações. Esta dissertação ressalta que essa verificação, utilizada na prática, é necessária, para que se atenda às exigências da norma, porém, não é suficiente para garantir a segurança de uma fundação. Pois, qualquer medida de segurança deve estar associada a uma determinada probabilidade de ruína. Neste contexto, apresenta-se nessa dissertação uma metodologia de verificação da segurança na qual, a escolha da carga admissível de um estaqueamento é baseada na probabilidade de ruína de um elemento isolado de fundação e, a aplicação dessa metodologia em diversas fundações executadas em diferentes regiões do país. / The Brazilian code NBR 6122/1996 for Foundation Design and Execution is based on the concept of Limit States Design (LSD) and on the traditional Working Stress Design (WSD). This paper shows that this approach, as usually carry out in the foundation engineering practice, although being necessary, is not enough to assure a safe foundation, once any safety measurement should be associated to a given probability of failure. Therefore, in the proposed methodology, the safety verification of the piling allowable load is based on the probability of failure of an isolated foundation element.

Blast-Induced Liquefaction and Downdrag Development on a Micropile Foundation

Lusvardi, Cameron Mark 14 December 2020 (has links)
Frequently, deep foundations extend through potentially liquefiable soils. When liquefaction occurs in cohesionless soils surrounding a deep foundation, the skin-friction in the liquefied layer is compromised. After cyclical forces suspend and pore pressures dissipate, effective stress rebuilds and the liquefied soil consolidates. When the settlement of the soil exceeds the downward movement of the foundation, downdrag develops. To investigate the loss and redevelopment of skin-friction, strain was measured on an instrumented micropile during a blast-induced liquefaction test in Mirabello, Italy. The soil profile where the micropile was installed consisted of clay to a depth of 6m underlain by a medium to dense sand. The 25cm diameter steel reinforced concrete micropile was bored to a depth of 17m. Pore pressure transducers were placed around the pile at various depths to observe excess pore pressure generation and dissipation. Soil strain was monitored with profilometers in a linear arrangement from the center of the 10m diameter ring of buried explosives out to a 12m radius. Immediately following the blast, liquefaction developed between 6m and 12m below ground. The liquefied layer settled 14cm (~2.4% volumetric strain) while the pile toe settled 1.24cm under elastic displacement. The static neutral plane in the pile occurred at a depth of 12m. From 6m to 12m below ground, the incremental skin-friction was 50% compared to pre-liquefaction measurements. The decrease in residual skin-friction is consistent with measurements observed by Dr. Kyle Rollins from previous full-scale tests in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Christchurch, New Zealand, and Turrel, Arkansas.

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