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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Régulation de la réponse à divers stress et réparation des cassures double brin de l’ADN chez la bactérie Deinococcus radiodurans / Response regulation to various stresses and DNA double strand break repair in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans

Meyer, Laura 07 December 2018 (has links)
La bactérie Deinococcus radiodurans se distingue par sa résistance exceptionnelle aux rayonnements γ, UV, à la dessiccation et au stress oxydant. La radiorésistance de D.radiodurans résulte de l’association de plusieurs mécanismes, dont des systèmes efficaces de réparation de l’ADN et de détoxification des ROS, la protection des protéines contre l’oxydation, une structure compacte du nucléoïde et des protéines spécifiques aux Deinococcaceae, qui sont fortement induites après l’exposition des cellules au rayonnement γ. Le gène ddrI (DNA damage response) est fortement induit après exposition des cellules au rayonnement γ et code un régulateur transcriptionnel appartenant à la sous-famille CRP (cAMP receptor protein). Comparée à la souche sauvage, la souche privée de DdrI présente des défauts de division cellulaire et/ou de ségrégation de l’ADN, et est sensible aux agents génotoxiques, au stress oxydant et au choc thermique. La prédiction in silico des cibles potentielles de DdrI suggère que cette protéine régule l’expression d’une centaine de gènes impliqués dans la réplication, la réparation de l’ADN, la transduction de signal, la réponse au stress oxydant et au choc thermique. La séquence consensus 5’TGTGA(N6)TCACA3’, extrapolée à partir des 115 séquences cibles potentielles de DdrI, est spécifiquement fixée par DdrI uniquement en présence d’AMPc. Après un choc thermique, DdrI induit directement ou indirectement l’expression de nombreux gènes codant des protéases, des protéines du métabolisme de l’ADN, des lipides, des carbohydrates ainsi qu’un inhibiteur de la traduction. PprA, une protéine spécifique aux Deinococcaceae, joue un rôle crucial dans la radiorésistance et est impliquée dans la ségrégation des chromosomes et/ou la division cellulaire après réparation de l’ADN. De manière intéressante, l’absence de RecN, une protéine de la famille SMC, supprime la sensibilité du mutant ΔpprA aux agents génotoxiques, aux inhibiteurs de l’ADN gyrase et les défauts de ségrégation observés dans le mutant ΔpprA après irradiation des cellules. Après exposition des cellules au rayonnement γ, l’absence de RecN réduit la fréquence de recombinaison entre ADN chromosomique et plasmidique, suggérant que RecN intervienne dans la réparation de l’ADN par recombinaison homologue. Nous proposons un modèle, dans lequel RecN, en favorisant la réparation de l’ADN par recombinaison homologue, nécessite la présence de PprA pour favoriser le recrutement des ADN topoisomérases et la résolution des contraintes topologiques engendrées par ce mécanisme de réparation d’ADN. / The Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium exhibits resistance to γ and UV radiation, desiccation and oxidative stress. The molecular mechanisms contributing to the radioresistance of D. radiodurans include very efficient DNA repair mechanisms and ROS detoxification systems, protein protection against oxidation, a compact nucleoid structure and a subset of Deinococcus specific genes which are strongly induced after γ radiation. The ddrI (DNA damage response) gene is highly up-regulated after exposure to γ radiation and encodes a transcription factor belonging to the CRP (cAMP receptor protein) family. Compared to wild type cells, cells devoid of DdrI display defects in cell division and/or DNA segregation and is sensitive to DNA damaging agents, oxidative stress and heat shock treatment. In silico predictions of putative DdrI targets suggest that hundreds of genes,belonging to various cellular processes (DNA replication and repair, oxidative stress and heat shock responses, regulation of transcription and signal transduction) may be regulated by DdrI. The pseudopalindromic 5’TGTGA(N6)TCACA3’ consensus sequence, extrapolated from 115 potential DdrI binding sites, is specifically bound by DdrI only in presence of cAMP. After heat shock treatment, DdrI is involved directly or indirectly, in the induction of heat shock response genes coding proteases, proteins involved in DNA, lipid, carbohydrate metabolism and a translation inhibitor. Among the Deinococcus specific proteins required for radioresistance, the PprA protein was shown to play a major role for accurate chromosome segregation and cell division after completion of DNA repair. Here, we analyzed the cellular role of the RecN protein belonging to the SMC family and, surprisingly, observed that the absence of the RecN protein suppressed the sensitivity of cells devoid of the PprA protein to γ- and UV-irradiation and to treatment with mitomycin C or DNA gyrase inhibitors. The absence of RecN also alleviated the DNA segregation defects displayed by the ΔpprA cells recovering from irradiation. After irradiation, the absence of RecN reduced recombination between chromosomal and plasmid DNA, indicating that the RecN protein is important for recombinational repair of DNA lesions. Here, we propose a model in which RecN, by favoring recombinational repair of DNA double strand breaks, requires the PprA protein to facilitate the recruitment of the DNA topoisomerases to resolve the topological constraints generated by DNA double strand break repair through homologous recombination.

Extreme radiation tolerance of Deinococcus deserti : Characterization of the central regulator IrrE

Ludanyi, Monika 27 November 2014 (has links)
Les bactéries du genre Deinococcus sont extrêmement tolérantes à de fortes doses de radiations. Des études antérieures ont montré que IrrE est nécessaire à la radiotolérance et à l'induction des gènes de réparation de l'ADN après exposition des cellules à l'irradiation. Pendant des années il est resté inconnu comment IrrE active l'expression de ces gènes. L'objectif de ma thèse était la caractérisation de la voie de signalisation dépendent de IrrE chez Deinococcus deserti. Pour cela, des approches biochimiques et génétiques ont été utilisées. Les premiers résultats ont fortement suggéré que IrrE agit indirectement sur l'activation de l'expression des gènes. En utilisant des expériences in vitro et in vivo, nous avons montré que IrrE de Deinococcus deserti interagit avec DdrO, un régulateur potentiel qui est codé par un gène radio-induit et qui est, comme IrrE, conservé chez les Deinococcus. De plus, IrrE clive DdrO in vitro mais aussi in vivo lorsque les deux protéines sont co-exprimées chez Escherichia coli. Ce clivage est abolit en présence d'un agent chélateur de métaux, l'EDTA. Chez D. deserti, le clivage de DdrO dépendent de IrrE a été observé mais seulement après exposition à l'irradiation. En parallèle, nous avons montré que la répression du promoteur d'un gène radio-inductible est dépendante de DdrO. Nos résultats montrent donc que IrrE est une métalloprotéase et nous proposons que le répresseur DdrO soit désactivé après clivage par IrrE conduisant à l'induction de différents gènes indispensables pour la réparation de l'ADN et la survie des cellules après exposition de Deinococcus à l'irradiation. / Deinococcus bacteria are famous for their extreme tolerance to high doses of radiation. Earlier studies have shown that IrrE protein is required for radiation tolerance and for induction of DNA repair genes after exposure of cells to radiation. However, for years it has remained unknown how IrrE activates gene expression. The aim of my thesis was to characterize the IrrE-dependent regulation pathway in Deinococcus deserti. For this, biochemical and genetic approaches were used. The first results strongly suggested that IrrE activates gene expression in an indirect manner. Then, using other in vivo and in vitro experiments, IrrE from Deinococcus deserti was found to interact with DdrO, a predicted regulator encoded by a radiation-induced gene that is, like irrE, highly conserved in Deinococcus. Moreover, IrrE was found to cleave DdrO in vitro and also in vivo when the proteins were co-expressed in Escherichia coli. This cleavage was not observed in the presence of the metal chelator EDTA. In D. deserti, IrrE-dependent cleavage of DdrO was observed only after exposure to radiation. Furthermore, DdrO-dependent repression of the promoter of a radiation-induced gene was shown. Our results demonstrate that IrrE is a metalloprotease and we propose that IrrE-mediated cleavage inactivates repressor protein DdrO, leading to transcriptional induction of various genes required for DNA repair and cell survival after exposure of Deinococcus to radiation.

Efeitos astrofísicos e astrobiológicos de Gamma-Ray Bursts / Astrophysical and Astrobiological effects of Gamma-Ray Bursts

Galante, Douglas 04 May 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo principal de compreender os possíveis efeitos da radiação energética de um evento de Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) sobre o meio interestelar no entorno de seu local de geração e em planetas possivelmente iluminados. Gamma-Ray Bursts foram detectados pela primeira vez nos anos 60 e rapidamente atraíram a atenção da comunidade astrofísica, uma vez que as energias emitidas apenas em poderiam alcançar 1054erg, o equivalente a massa de repouso do Sol. Não se conhecia nenhum mecanismo tão eficiente para extrair energia gravitacional para produzir tal evento. Mais tarde, a possibilidade da emissão ser colimada abaixou a energia em para 5x1050erg, mas o mecanismo central de geração ainda não foi completamente desvendado, havendo muito espaço para alternativas exóticas. Estudamos os efeitos de um GRB sobre o meio interestelar, em uma tentativa de distinguir os remanescentes do GRB do gerado por múltiplas supernovas. Usamos argumentos energéticos e sobre a possibilidade de alterações químicas e isotópicas devido a reações fotonucleares. Também trabalhamos com as implicações biológicas da iluminação de planetas por um GRB, concluindo que os efeitos de tais eventos podem afetar seriamente a biosfera de um planeta mesmo a distâncias de ~10kpc. / The present work has the main goal of understanding the possible effects of the hard gamma radiation produced during a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) event both on the interstellar medium surrounding the source of the burst and on planets possibly illuminated. Gamma-Ray Bursts were first detected on the 60s and quickly have attracted the attention of the astrophysical community, since the energies emitted just in could reach 1054erg, the rest mass of the Sun. No mechanism was known to be so efficient in extracting gravitational energy to produce such emission. Later on, the possibility of the emission being collimated has lowered the energy of the to 5x1051erg, but the central engine has not yet been completely understood, and there is still ample room for exotic alternatives. We have studied the effects of GRB on the ISM, in an attempt to distinguish the candidates of GRB remnants from those generated by multiple supernovae. We have used both energetic arguments and the possibility of chemical alterations due to photonuclear reactions. We have also worked on the biological implications of the illumination of planets by a GRB, concluding that the effects of such event could seriously harm the biosphere of a planet even at distances of ~10kpc.

Variabilité génétique chez la bactérie radiorésistante Deinococcus radiodurans : la recombinaison entre séquences répétées et la transformation naturelle / Genetic variability in the radioresistant Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium : recombination between direct repeats and natural transformation

Ithurbide, Solenne 23 September 2015 (has links)
La bactérie Deinococcus radiodurans est connue pour sa capacité à résister à un grand nombre de traitements génotoxiques parmi lesquels on peut citer l’exposition aux rayons ionisants, aux ultra-violets, à la mitomycine C, à la dessication et au stress oxydant. Elle est capable lors d’une exposition à des doses extrêmes de rayons γ générant des centaines de cassures de l’ADN de reconstituer un génome intact en seulement 2 à 3 heures via un mécanisme original, l’ESDSA, impliquant une synthèse massive d’ADN pendant la phase de réparation des cassures de l’ADN. En plus de mécanismes efficaces de réparation de l’ADN, elle possède un kit de survie comprenant une compaction importante du nucléoïde, des mécanismes de protection des protéines contre l’oxydation, une réponse originale aux lésions de l’ADN et des protéines spécifiques induites après irradiation. Tous ces facteurs contribuent au maintien de l’intégrité du génome et à la survie de la cellule lors de l’exposition à différents agents génotoxiques. Souvent considéré comme un organisme ayant une stabilité génomique exceptionnelle, cette bactérie possède dans son génome un grand nombre de séquences répétées et des éléments mobiles et est par ailleurs naturellement compétente. Ce sont autant de facteurs pouvant participer à la variabilité génétique de cette espèce. Je me suis donc intéressée lors de ma thèse à deux processus pouvant participer à l’instabilité génétique chez D. radiodurans : la recombinaison entre séquences répétées et la transformation naturelle.L’introduction dans le génome de D. radiodurans de séquences répétées directes de 438 pb séparées par des régions d’ADN d’une longueur allant de 1479 pb à 10 500 pb m’a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle majeur joué par l’appariement simple brin (Single Strand Annealing ou SSA) impliquant la protéine DdrB, spécifique des Deinococcaceae, joue un rôle majeur dans la recombinaison « spontanée » entre les séquences répétées en absence de la recombinase RecA. L’absence de DdrB dans des souches déficientes pour la recombinaison augmente davantage la perte de viabilité observée dans ces souches ce qui suggère que le SSA participe à la prise en charge de fourches de réplication bloquées, source majeure d’instabilité génétique en absence de stress extérieur, si ces fourches ne peuvent être prise en charge par des voies impliquant des protéines de recombinaison. Je me suis également intéressée à la transformation naturelle et aux protéines impliquées dans ce processus chez D. radiodurans. J’ai pu démontrer que la protéine DprA impliquée dans la protection de l’ADN simple brin et le chargement de RecA sur l’ADN simple brin internalisé lors de la transformation de nombreuses espèces comme Streptococcus pneumoniae, Bacillus subtilis ou Helicobacter pylori, est également impliquée dans la transformation chez D. radiodurans. J’ai pu montrer également qu’en plus de jouer un rôle majeur dans la transformation par de l’ADN plasmidique, DdrB est impliquée dans la transformation par de l’ADN génomique si la protéine DprA est absente. / The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is known for its ability to withstand a large number of genotoxic treatments, including exposure to ionizing or ultraviolet radiation, mitomycin C, desiccation, and oxidative stress. It is able, upon exposure to extreme doses of γ-radiation generating hundreds of DNA breaks, to reconstitute an intact genome in only 2 to 3 hours via an ESDSA mechanism, involving massive DNA synthesis during DNA double strand break repair. Together with efficient DNA repair mechanisms, D. radiodurans possesses a survival kit comprising significant compaction of its nucleoid, protection mechanisms against protein oxidation, an original response to DNA damage and specific proteins induced after irradiation. All of these contribute to the maintenance of genomic integrity and cell survival upon exposure to various genotoxic agents. In spite of the idea that D. radiodurans is an organism with outstanding genomic stability, this bacterium has in its genome a large number of repeat sequences and mobile elements and is also naturally competent. All these factors contribute to the genetic variability of species. I was interested in two processes that can play a role in genetic variability in D. radiodurans: recombination between repeated sequences and natural transformation.The introduction, into the genome of D. radiodurans, of 438 bp direct repeated sequences separated by DNA regions ranging from 1,479 bp to 10,500 bp in length allowed me to demonstrate the major role of Single Strand Annealing (SSA) involving the DdrB protein specific for Deinococcaceae, in the "spontaneous" recombination between the repeated sequences in the absence of the RecA recombinase. The absence of DdrB in strains deficient for recombination further increased the loss of viability observed in these strains, suggesting that SSA is required for the management of blocked replication forks, a major source of genetic instability in the absence of external stress when these forks cannot be rescued by pathways involving recombination proteins.I was also interested in the natural transformation and proteins involved in this process in D. radiodurans. I demonstrated that DprA protein involved in DNA single strand protection and loading of RecA on single-stranded DNA internalized during transformation of many species such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, or Bacillus subtilis, is also involved in this process in D. radiodurans. I also showed that, in addition to playing a major role in transformation by plasmid DNA, DdrB is also involved in transformation by genomic DNA of cells devoid of the DprA protein.

Efeitos astrofísicos e astrobiológicos de Gamma-Ray Bursts / Astrophysical and Astrobiological effects of Gamma-Ray Bursts

Douglas Galante 04 May 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo principal de compreender os possíveis efeitos da radiação energética de um evento de Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) sobre o meio interestelar no entorno de seu local de geração e em planetas possivelmente iluminados. Gamma-Ray Bursts foram detectados pela primeira vez nos anos 60 e rapidamente atraíram a atenção da comunidade astrofísica, uma vez que as energias emitidas apenas em poderiam alcançar 1054erg, o equivalente a massa de repouso do Sol. Não se conhecia nenhum mecanismo tão eficiente para extrair energia gravitacional para produzir tal evento. Mais tarde, a possibilidade da emissão ser colimada abaixou a energia em para 5x1050erg, mas o mecanismo central de geração ainda não foi completamente desvendado, havendo muito espaço para alternativas exóticas. Estudamos os efeitos de um GRB sobre o meio interestelar, em uma tentativa de distinguir os remanescentes do GRB do gerado por múltiplas supernovas. Usamos argumentos energéticos e sobre a possibilidade de alterações químicas e isotópicas devido a reações fotonucleares. Também trabalhamos com as implicações biológicas da iluminação de planetas por um GRB, concluindo que os efeitos de tais eventos podem afetar seriamente a biosfera de um planeta mesmo a distâncias de ~10kpc. / The present work has the main goal of understanding the possible effects of the hard gamma radiation produced during a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) event both on the interstellar medium surrounding the source of the burst and on planets possibly illuminated. Gamma-Ray Bursts were first detected on the 60s and quickly have attracted the attention of the astrophysical community, since the energies emitted just in could reach 1054erg, the rest mass of the Sun. No mechanism was known to be so efficient in extracting gravitational energy to produce such emission. Later on, the possibility of the emission being collimated has lowered the energy of the to 5x1051erg, but the central engine has not yet been completely understood, and there is still ample room for exotic alternatives. We have studied the effects of GRB on the ISM, in an attempt to distinguish the candidates of GRB remnants from those generated by multiple supernovae. We have used both energetic arguments and the possibility of chemical alterations due to photonuclear reactions. We have also worked on the biological implications of the illumination of planets by a GRB, concluding that the effects of such event could seriously harm the biosphere of a planet even at distances of ~10kpc.

Application Deinococcus radiodurans on Cellulose Degradation

Fu, Yi-Ching 13 September 2002 (has links)
There are large amount of cellulose accumulated in radioactive waste and radioactive pollution sites. It is difficult to clean up these cellulose. In general, waste treatment process can only proceed until the radiation decay to a safty level. Since most cellulolytic microorganisms could not survive in radioactive waste, the accumulation of cellulose in radioactive waste become a serious problem. Deinococcus radiodurans is highly resistant to radiation, UV light, and dryness. It is possible to use this bacterial strain in the bioremediation of radioactive waste. In this study, we found out that there was not much difference on the growth of this organism under radiation and UV light. Cellulose enzyme activity was inhibited by UV irradiation, but not by 32P radiation. The addition of D. radiodurans whole cells or its cell crude extracts could protect the cellulase from UV damage. We also successfully constructed two plasmids, that contained a cel A gene isolated from Thermotoga maritima. These two plasmids had been used to transform Escherichia coli BL21 and D. radiodurans. All transformed bacterial strains could express celA activity. The celA activities in these transformed D. radiodurans strains were not affect by UV irradiation. However, celA enzyme activity in the transformed E. coli was greatly inhibited by UV irradiation up to 78%. Hopefully these two transformed D. radiodurans bacterial strains can be applied to the bioremediation of radioactive waste.

Cristallogenèse et études structurales appliquées aux aminoacyl-ARNt synthétases

Touzé, Elodie 16 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La GlnRS de Deinococcus radiodurans se distingue des autres GlnRS par la présence d'un appendice additionnel en C-terminal (C-ter). Celui-ci adopterait le même repliement que la famille de protéines YqeY de fonction inconnue et une région de la sous-unité GatB de l'AdT. Son architecture atypique, trouvée dans 4 organismes, corresponds à la fusion de protéine de la voie directe et indirecte d'aminoacylation des ARNt. La structure cristallographique de la GlnRS-Dr n'a pas permis de résoudre la région C-ter, la maille étant suffisamment large pour l'accommoder. Des analyses en RMN du C-ter isolé ont confirmé la présence d'une région majoritairement structurée. D'autres structures ont été résolues en présence de petits substrats (glutamine, analogues d'adénylate) ainsi que la forme tronquée en C-ter. Dans 2 cas, une conformation verrouillée unique du site actif a été mise en évidence. Des analyses structurales et fonctionnelles et les propriétés de l'empilement cristallin sont exposées.

Cristallogenèse et études structurales appliquées aux aminoacyl-ARNt synthétases

Touzé, Elodie Giegé, Richard. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Aspects moléculaires et cellulaires de la biologie : Strasbourg 1 : 2007. / Thèse soutenue sur un ensemble de travaux. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 152-162.

Structural Analysis of DdrB from Deinococcus radiodurans: Insight into the Mechanism of Protein Mediated Single-Stranded DNA Annealing

Sugiman-Marangos, Seiji N. 13 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Bacteria of the genus <em>Deinococcus</em> are perhaps the most resilient life forms ever discovered, demonstrating extreme resistance to ionizing radiation, ultraviolet radiation, desiccation, and a variety of mutagenic chemical agents. The most studied member of this genus, <em>D. radiodurans</em>, has been observed to rapidly reassemble its genome following severe fragmentation by hundreds of γ-radiation induced double-strand DNA breaks. Amongst the numerous factors contributing to DNA repair, a single-stranded annealing protein, DdrB, is believed to play an important role during the initial phases of recovery. The work described in this thesis represents the first structural characterization of DdrB, revealing a novel fold for single-stranded DNA binding. Together with biochemical data delineating the DNA-binding interface, two crystal structures of the DdrB/ssDNA complex were also solved, providing a comprehensive illustration of this interaction. Quaternary assemblies observed in these crystal structures also informed on the potential contribution of higher-order nucleoprotein complexes to the function of DdrB in single-stranded annealing. Most significantly, a face-to-face assembly of DdrB/ssDNA complexes provided insight into the mechanism by which DdrB mediates annealing of DNA, which may represent a common mechanism shared by other single-stranded annealing proteins.<strong></strong></p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Modeling of transient protein-protein interactions: a structural study of the thioredoxin system

Obiero, Josiah Maina 25 February 2011
ABSTRACT Protein-protein interactions play a central role in most biological processes. One such biological process is the maintenance of a reducing environment inside the cell. To maintain an internal reducing environment, living cells have evolved two enzymatic systems (glutathione and thioredoxin (Trx) systems). The Trx system is composed of the enzyme TrxR and its substrate Trx. The two proteins constitute an important thiol-dependent redox system that catalyzes the reduction of many proteins that are responsible for a variety of cellular functions. The system relies on transient protein-protein interactions between Trx and TrxR for its function. Cross-reactivity of components of the Trx system between species has been shown to be medically relevant. For example, Helicobacter pylori Trx (HP Trx) is thought to mediate catalytic reduction of human immunoglobulins and thus facilitate immune evasion. It has also been proposed that Helicobacter pylori gains access to the impenetrable gastric mucous layer by using secreted HP Trx to reduce the disulfide bonds present in the cysteine-rich mucin regions that are responsible for cross-linking mucin monomers. Therefore, disruption of secreted HP Trx-host protein interaction may result in restoration of the viscoelastic and hydrophobic protective properties of mucus. Previous studies aimed at understanding the nature of cross-reactivity of Trx system components among various species have shown that Trxs have higher affinity for cognate TrxRs (same species), than for TrxRs from different species. However, the basis for this specificity is not known. A growing body of evidence suggests that most protein-protein interactions are mediated by a small number of protein-protein interface residues, referred to as hot spot residues or binding epitopes. Therefore, understanding the biochemical basis of the affinity of proteins for their partners usually begins by identifying the hot spot residues responsible for the protein complex interactions. In this study, the crystal structures of Deinococcus radiodurans thioredoxin reductase (DR TrxR) and Helicobacter pylori TrxR (HP TrxR) were determined at 1.9 Å and 2.4 Å respectively. Analysis of the Trx-binding sites of both structures suggests that the basis of affinity and specificity of Trx for TrxR is primarily due to the shape rather than the charge of the surface. In addition, the complex between Escherichia coli thioredoxin reductase (EC TrxR) and its substrate thioredoxin (EC Trx) was used to identify residues that are responsible for TrxR-Trx interface stability. Using computational alanine scanning mutagenesis and visual inspection of the EC TrxR-Trx interface, 22 EC TrxR side chains were shown to make contact across the TrxR-Trx interface. Although more than 20 EC TrxR side chains make contact across the TrxR-Trx interface, our results suggest that only 4 residues (F81, R130, F141, and F142) account for the majority of the EC TrxR-Trx interface stability. Individual replacement of equivalent DR TrxR residues (M84, K137, F148, F149) with alanine resulted in drastic changes in binding affinity, confirming that the four residues account for most of TrxR-Trx interface stability. These hot spot residues are surrounded by less important residues (hydrophobic and hydrophilic) that are also predicted to contribute to interface stability. F148 and F149 are invariant across bacterial TrxRs, however other residues that contact Trx are less conserved including M84 and K137. When M84 and K137 were changed to match equivalent E. coli TrxR residues (K137R, M84F); D. radiodurans TrxR substrate specificity was altered from its own Trx to that of E. coli Trx. The results suggest that a small subset of the TrxR-Trx interface residues are responsible for the majority of Trx binding affinity and specificity, a property that has been shown to general to protein-protein interfaces.

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