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Nos caminhos de uma educação por vir : ressonancias e deslocamentos em Deleuze / Through the path of an upcoming form of education : reverberation and displacement of DeleuzeGontijo, Pedro Ergnaldo 08 July 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Silvio Donizetti de Oliveira Gallo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T14:41:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo : Esta experiência de escrita se debruça sobre o seguinte tema: explorar potenciais em Deleuze para pensar Educação. Começa com o próprio pensar sobre a experiência de encontros com Deleuze desse que escreve. Apresenta considerações sobre a escrita a partir dessa relação com Deleuze. Pensa a escola a partir do debate sobre sociedade disciplinar e de controle. Localiza conceitos como pensamento, aprendizagem para verificar implicações da relação professoraluno. Traça alguns parâmetros do que pode ser uma abordagem da educação com Deleuze e explora rizomaticamente deslocamentos no seu pensamento produzindo pontos, bifurcações, linhas em diferentes direções. Postula possibilidades de uma pedagogia com Deleuze. Margeia uma apropriação sobre a experiência discente e docente de Deleuze, bem como derivações de sua concepção de tempo. Desloca o conceito de livro-rizoma para o de aula-rizoma, bem como procura desenvolver o deslocamento de literatura menor para o de educação menor e postula a possibilidade de ser ter uma educação menor por meio da literatura. Discute também sobre a docência como ação política verificando a existência ou não de binarismo no pensamento de Deleuze e relaciona esta discussão com a construção de uma proposição deleuziana da dimensão política da prática pedagógica. Explora algumas outras ressonâncias do pensamento de Deleuze para pensar educação, como as ressonâncias do encontro com Spinoza, Hume e Nietzsche. Por fim, apresenta considerações e questões que emergem após o percurso percorrido nessa interação / Abstract : This writing experience focus over the following topic: to explore Deleuzes potentials to think Education. It starts with a reflection on the very contact between Deleuze an the one who draw these lines. It reflects on school from the discussion on disciplinary andcontrolling society. It locates notions such as thought and learning to verify its implications in the relation teacher-student. It delineates parameters of a possible teaching approach with Deleuze, and rhizomatically exploresmovements in his thoughts, producing spots, forks and lines in several directions. It postulates possibilities of a new pedagogy, with Deleuze. It tries to assume Deleuze student and Deleuze teacher, as weel as the flow of his conception of time. It moves the concept of book-rhizome to class-rhizome, and minor literature to minor education, assuming the possibility of a minor education through literature. It also discusses teaching as a political action, checking for dichotomy in Deleuzes thought, and relates those ideas to a new one, a Deleuze proposition of the political dimension of the pedagogical practice. It searches for other resonances of Deleuzes's thoughts on education, as resonances of his meeting with Spinoza, Hume and Nietzsche. At last, it presents considerations and questions that emerges after the the journey of this interaction / Doutorado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Doutor em Educação
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Aesthetic force in Baudrillard and DeleuzeFreerks, Vanessa Anne-Cecile 28 February 2012 (has links)
M.A. / When fighting against the dominance of instrumental reason, aesthetic consciousness always admitted its allegiance to ‘another state of being,’ i.e., to the explosive break with the continual inertia of linear social development. In the literature written at the turn of the 20th century this was symbolized in the ‘life of danger’ that contrasted with the normality of ordinary bourgeois life. This study shows that Baudrillard no longer believes in ‘another state of being’ with explosive force. In Baudrillard's theory of simulation, the crisis of overproduction in capitalism is to be understood as the total shift of production into reproduction. His position has consequences for the idea of the catastrophic nature of the present social situation and for the aesthetic means with which it can finally be thought. Baudrillard calls the catastrophic effect of the threat emanating from simulation an implosion not an explosion, it results from the fact that under pressure from a merely simulated reality, every social energy is expended internally in the play of signifiers, evaporating in some catastrophic process. His aesthetic fascination with events does not seem to have disappeared completely in the process. For Baudrillard, on September 11 2001, the terrorists countered simulation with simulation itself. This is what makes it a true event. What is unthinkable in this event is the use of death in a staged exchange where a whole culture could be attacked. The attack brings back death to a world that pretends it is not there. If political economy is the most rigorous attempt to put an end to death, it is clear that only death can put an end to political economy. Baudrillard encounters an indifference, a void and death at the heart of thought. This leads to apocalyptic tones. For Baudrillard, one only attains to thought when one interiorizes the limit and displaces it. Thinking no longer works except by breaking down and dismantling itself. For Deleuze, on the other hand, to dissent is to affirm other modes of life. Deleuze constructs an entire philosophy of life – conceived as a philosophy of difference. This enables Deleuze to have an affirmative notion of the aesthetic impulse: the artwork as an unexpected event that actualizes the virtual. The virtual is not a general idea, something abstract and empty, but the concept of difference (and of life) rendered adequate. The concept of the virtual gives us the time of life. Pure, virtual being is real and qualified through the internal process of differentiation. Being differs with itself. It does not look outside itself for another or a force of mediation because its difference rises from its very core, from ‘the explosive internal force that life carries within itself’ (Deleuze, 1988: 105). Deleuze conceives of a discrete art with metamorphic force. Deleuze, unlike Baudrillard, manages to pull back from the capitalist void and construct a ‘desiring machine’ to manipulate capitalist simulacra.
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Deleuze : filosofía de la creaciónPósleman, Cristina January 2013 (has links)
Doctora en filosofía con mención en estética y teoría del arte / En la presente investigación nos proponemos mostrar al pensamiento de Gilles Deleuze como una filosofía de la creación. Ésta se plantea como desafío el desmontaje del modelo ego-logo/céntrico de pensamiento, asumiendo el cuestionamiento acerca de cómo procurar lo nuevo en la inmanencia absoluta,
Dos ejes problemáticos la atraviesan. Dentro del primero abordamos la crítica de la noción de idea como fundamento y la apuesta por una perspectiva acontecimental. Al respecto consideramos el problema de la „realidad de lo virtual‟, atendiendo a los desplazamientos operados por la pareja conceptual actual-virtual, en clave de la teoría de las multiplicidades diferenciales. En la estela de dicho desplazamiento abordamos el combate que el pensamiento deleuziano emprende frente a la perspectiva especular del signo, en pro de una semiótica intensiva. Lo hacemos yendo de una sintomatología o teoría evaluativa de las posibilidades de existencia, a una semiótica estadística o diagramática de las líneas disjuntas que dinamizan la diversidad de regímenes semióticos. Consideramos cómo a tono con este enfoque que pondera la condición intensiva de lo real, el pensamiento de Deleuze asume todas las consecuencias que, para una filosofía del pensamiento como creación, conlleva una perspectiva no orgánica de la vida.
Como segundo eje problemático, consideramos que la filosofía de la creación de Deleuze, constituye un modo particular de cumplimiento del llamado „giro estético de la filosofía‟ (Zourabichvili 2011). Uno tal que se conforma en la intercesión del arte y la filosofía, de manera que la filosofía recoge de lo que el arte hace, aquello que desafía los límites del pensamiento como representación, y que, por lo tanto, contribuye a acercar el pensamiento a la vida.
Definida la noción de creación con la fórmula: „crear es engendrar pensar en el pensamiento‟ (Deleuze 1968), esta investigación apunta a dar cuenta de la dinámica de dicha génesis, en vistas de mostrar cómo la noción de creación viene a hacer frente a las paradojas de la experimentación de los límites del pensamiento.
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Deleuze, Femininity and the Specter of Poststructural Politics: Variations on the Materiality of RhetoricMay, Matthew S. 12 1900 (has links)
In this thesis I rethink the materiality of rhetoric in a minor key. I review poststructural and psychoanalytic endeavors to position rhetoric from within the postmodern and poststructural critique of the subject. I move beyond the logic of influence (dependent on a flawed conception of object) and hermeneutics (the correspondingly flawed methodology). In this endeavor, I primarily enlist Deleuze and Guattari (1987) for a conceptual apparatus that enlivens the "thinness" of rhetoric's (neo)Aristotelian conceptual design (cf. Gaonkar, 1997a, 1997b). I offer Monster (2003) as a case study, analyzing the discursive expression of nondiscursive abstract machines to draw out the reterritorializations of the latter. Recognizing the impossibility of complete reterritorialization I map one artifact that reinvests difference in itself, Dancer in the Dark (2000). Finally, in the epilogue I provide a brief recapitulation of minor politics, and offer a summarization of the utility of rhetoric.
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Deleuze as a theorist of powerRölli, Marc 15 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Calvino's desiring machines : literature and the non-human in Deleuze and CalvinoBourassa, Alan 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Expérience et "involution" chez Paul-Marie Lapointe et Gilles DeleuzeSantini, Sylvano January 2000 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Hégélianisme et schizo-analyse : l'idée de mort et la formation de la psychiatrie matérialiste dans la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze / Hegelianism and schizo-analysis : the idea of death and the emergence of materialist psychiatry in the philosophy of Gilles DeleuzeJambois, Fabrice 16 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet la « psychiatrie matérialiste » (ou « schizo-analyse ») élaborée par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari dans L’anti-Œdipe en 1972. Elle vise à déterminer le contenu conceptuel de cette pratique théorique, trop facilement reléguée dans l'abstraction d'un imaginaire spéculatif. La schizo-analyse, qui s'édifie avec et contre la psychanalyse, se propose de transformer les directions de la cure psychanalytique en procédant à une refonte de la théorie métapsychologique à partir du modèle clinique de la schizophrénie. Notre projet consiste à mettre en évidence la présence d’une métapsychologie fonctionnaliste dans L’anti-Œdipe et à mesurer les effets de déviation qu’elle implique pour la psychanalyse, dont elle modifie conceptuellement les principales opérations. Dans une première partie, nous prenons pour fil conducteur le concept de « corps sans organes », différencié en plusieurs moments renvoyant chacun à une station vitale déterminée, pour montrer que des schèmes dialectiques organisent l’exposition des synthèses du processus de production de l’inconscient et examiner ensuite les conditions de l’incorporation de cette dialectique du désir dans la théorie de la production sociale. Dans une deuxième partie, nous déduisons de la métapsychologie deleuzo-guattarienne les principes des relations intersubjectives et nous efforçons de déterminer le statut de la perversion qui les affecte à divers degrés pour appréhender la relation analytique qui constitue, selon L’anti-Œdipe, une relation perverse paradigmatique. La troisième partie examine les conditions d’une psychanalyse rénovée par la schizo-analyse. / The object of this thesis is the « materialist psychiatry » (also referred to as « schizoanalysis ») which Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari detailed in their 1972 work entitled Anti-Œdipus. Our project is to outline the conceptual contents of this practical theory which has too often been misapprehended and discarded as mere abstraction. Schizoanalysis, which was set up both along and against psychoanalysis, aims at reorienting the basis of psychoanalytical cures by remodelling the metapsychological theory, using the clinical study of schizophrenia. Our concern is to show evidence of a functionalist metapsychology within Anti-Œdipus and to measure exactly how and how much it bends the ways of psychoanalysis by modifying the concepts that lie at the core of its operations. In our first chapter we will pore over the concept of the “body without organs”, which falls into several distinct parts, each corresponding to a vital station, in order to show that the synthesis of the production of the unconscious is exposed in agreement with different dialectical schemes, and then to examine under which conditions this dialectic of desire is incorporated into the theory of social production. In our second chapter, we infer from Deleuze and Guattari’s metapsychology the principles of subjective interactions and we strive to determine the precise nature of the perversion that affects them, in order to get a thorough grasp of the analytical relationship which, according to Anti-Œdipus, amounts to the paradigm of a perverse relationship. Our third chapter examines to what extent psychoanalysis can be rejuvenated thanks to schizoanalysis.
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Kryptologie des Unbewußten : Nietzsche, Freud und Deleuze im WunderlandSalin, Sophie January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Aachen, Techn. Hochsch. und Metz, Univ., Diss., 2006 u.d.T.: Salin, Sophie: Verflechtung nietzscheanischfreudianischer Motive mit dem Werk Gilles Deleuzes und Salin, Sophie: Cryptologie de l'inconscient
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Cor(m)posições / Com(body)positionsGonçalves, Juliana Aparecida Jonson 11 May 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T14:39:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Esta investigação-experimentação-criação convida o(a)leitor(a) a buscar fissuras em fotografias de paisagens da Chapada Diamantina(BA) que permitam proliferar criações em escrita, novas imagens e imagens-pensamento dos labirintos abandonados de nossas percepções. Por visões detalhadas e panorâmicas da paisagem natural são sobrepostas cartografias enigmáticas e sedutoras das filosofias de Espinosa, Deleuze e Guattari de maneira que um corpo irá percorrê-las e guiar-se por suas afecções contornadas por devaneios literários de Virginia Woolf, Artaud e Kafka. Um corpo-escrita extravasará de suas experiências os afectos que possam levá-los aos salto-perceptos. Do corpo restarão escritas esburacadas para que outros corpos possam desfiá-las em afectos derivados das afecções de sua própria criação. / Abstract: This experience in investigation-experimentation-creation is a invitation to the reader look for openings in pictures of scenes in the Chapada Diamantina(BA) that provide opportunities for the creation of written texts, new images and ideas based in undeveloped labyrinths our perceptions. Enigmatic maps and the seduction of the philosophy of Spinoza, Deleuze and Guattari are used to contrast with details and panoramas of natural scenery. The body visit them, guided by the literary musing expressed in the literature of Virginia Woolf, Artaud and Kafka. A body in creation will extrapolate from its experiences those aspects wich have led to leaps in percepts. What will remains of the body are incomplete compositions, which others will unravel as they engage themselves in their own creations. / Mestrado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Mestre em Educação
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