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An Enthalpy-Based Micro-scale Model For Evolution Of Equiaxed DendritesBhattacharya, Jishnu 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Effect of Convection and Shrinkage on Solidification and Microstructure FormationBhattacharya, Anirban January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding the fundamental mechanisms of solidification and the relative significance of different parameters governing these mechanisms is of vital importance for controlling the evolution of microstructure during solidification, and consequently, for improving the efficacy of a casting process. Towards achieving this goal, the present work attempts to study the effect of convection and shrinkage on solidification and microstructure formation primarily through the development of computational models which are complemented with experimental investigations and analytical solutions.
Convection strongly influences the solutal and thermal distribution adjacent to the solidification interface and affects the growth rate and morphology of dendrites. To investigate this, a numerical model based on the enthalpy method is developed for binary alloy dendrite growth in presence of convection. The model results are validated with corresponding predictions using level-set method and micro-solvability theory. Subsequently, the model is applied for studying the effect of convection on the growth morphology of single dendrites. Results show that the presence of flow significantly affects the thermo-solutal distribution and consequently the growth rate and morphology of dendrites. Parametric studies performed using the model predict that thermal and solutal Peclet number and melt undercooling strongly influence the tip velocity of dendrites. Additionally, an analytical model is developed to quantify the effect of convection on dendrite tip velocity through the definition of an equivalent undercooling. An expression for this equivalent undercooling is derived in terms of the flow Nusselt and Sherwood numbers and the analytical equivalent undercooling values are compared with corresponding predictions obtained using the numerical model.
Subsequently, the interaction of multiple dendrites growing in close proximity is studied. It is observed that the presence of neighbouring dendrites strongly influences the thermo-solutal distribution in the domain leading to significant changes in growth pattern. The effect of seed density on the growth morphology is investigated and it is observed that a higher initial seeding density leads to more spherical dendritic structure. Comparison with results from chilled casting of Al-6.5% Cu alloy with and without grain refiners show qualitative similarity in both the cases.
The next part of the thesis presents a eutectic solidification model developed using the general enthalpy-based framework for dendritic solidification. New parameters and rules are defined and suitable modifications are made to incorporate the physics of eutectic solidification and account for the additional complexities arising due to the presence of multiple solid phases. The model simulates the presence of buoyancy driven convection and its interaction with the solidification process.
The model predictions are found to be in good agreement with the Jackson-Hunt theory. At first, the model is applied to simulate regular eutectic growth in a purely diffusive environment and it is observed that the model predicts the variation in interface profile with change in lamella width similar to those observed in experimental studies on eutectic solidification. Subsequently, a few case studies are performed to demonstrate the ability of the model in handling complex scenarios of eutectic growth such as width selection, lamella division and presence of solutal buoyancy. It is observed that solutal buoyancy gives rise to flow cells ahead of the eutectic interface facilitating the transfer of solute between the two phases.
Apart from forced and natural convection, another important factor affecting solidification is the presence of shrinkage. Currently, solidification shrinkage is mostly modelled using empirical relations and criteria functions. In the present work, a phenomenological model for shrinkage driven convection is developed by incorporating the mechanism of solidification shrinkage in an existing framework of enthalpy based macro-scale solidification model. The effect of shrinkage flow on the free surface deformation is accounted for by using the volume-of-fluid method. The results predicted by the model are found to be in excellent agreement with analytical solutions for one-dimensional solidification with unequal phase densities.
A set of controlled experiments are designed and executed for validating the numerical model. The experiments involve in-situ X-ray imaging of casting of pure aluminium in a rectangular cavity. The numerical predictions for solidification rate, free surface movement and temperature profiles are compared with corresponding experimental results obtained from the in-situ X-ray images and thermocouple data. Subsequent case studies, performed using the model, show significant influence of applied heat flux and mould geometry on the formation of shrinkage cavities. The shrinkage flow model provides the foundation for development of a generalized model to accurately predict the formation and morphology of internal porosity.
The validated macro-scale shrinkage model is extended to the microscopic scale to study the influence of shrinkage flow on the growth rate of dendrites. Results demonstrate that shrinkage driven convection towards the dendrite strongly influences the solutal and thermal distribution adjacent to the solidification interface and consequently decreases the growth rate of the dendrite. Additionally, an analytical model is developed to quantify the effect of shrinkage driven convection through the definition of an equivalent undercooling for shrinkage flow.
The present models provide significant physical insight into various mechanisms governing the process of solidification. Moreover, due to their similar framework, the individual models have the potential to be an effective foundation for the development of a generalized multi-scale solidification model incorporating the presence of important phenomena such as shrinkage and convection.
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Immunomodulation de l'arthrite expérimentale par les cellules dendritiques tolérogènes. / Tolerogenic dendritic cells for immunomodulation in experimental arthritisQuentin, Julie 06 December 2011 (has links)
Immunomodulation de l'arthrite expérimentale par les cellules dendritiques tolérogènes. Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont des cellules présentatrices d'antigènes jouant un rôle clé dans l'initiation et la modulation des réponses immunitaires. En effet, en parallèle de leur capacité à initier une réponse immunitaire adaptative, les DC sont également impliquées dans les mécanismes de tolérance périphérique. Elles sont utilisées depuis 10 ans maintenant en clinique dans des stratégies thérapeutiques anti-tumorale et leurs propriétés tolérogènes ouvrent aujourd'hui leur champ d'applications à des pathologies autoimmunes, l'asthme et la transplantation afin de restaurer une homéostasie de la réponse immune. Les objectifs de ma thèse ont consisté à :- renforcer le potentiel tolérogène des DCs par manipulation in vitro- tester la capacité de DCs tolérogènes à induire une protection de l'arthrite expérimentale- identifier les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliqués dans la tolérance induite par les DCs. Mon travail de thèse a permis de montrer l'efficacité de la vaccination de souris arthritiques avec des DCs immatures conservant leurs propriétés tolérogènes in vitro et in vivo, grâce au traitement préalable avec un agent immunosuppresseur, la rapamycine. L'injection répétée de DCs immatures induit la génération de lymphocytes T régulateurs CD4+ CD49b+ sécrétant de l'IL-10 ayant de fortes capacités immunosuppressives. Ce projet a permis de mettre en évidence l'efficacité des DCs dans le traitement d'une pathologie autoimmune déjà établie et l'implication d'une population cellulaire régulatrice originale. / Tolerogenic dendritic cells for immumodulation in experimental arthritis.Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells that play critical roles in the initiation and regulation of immune responses. Based on their tolerogenic properties, DCs offer potential as therapeutic tools to ameliorate or prevent graft rejection or graft-versus-host disease, or to treat autoimmune disorders.The objectives of my PhD consisted to:- reinforce the tolerogenic potential of DCs by in vitro handling.- assess the capacity of such tolerogenic DCs to induce a protective response in experimental autoimmune arthritis- identify cellular and molecular mechanisms implied in the tolerogenic DCs-induced protectionOur results suggest that, in contrast with conventional DCs, the rapamycin-conditioned iDCs maintain their tolerogenic potential upon injection in inflammatory settings and are able to dampen an already Th1-primed immune response, conferring a protection from arthritis. The protection of the mice was associated with an expansion of the IL-10-secreting CD49b+ Treg in the spleen and liver of the injected mice and a decrease of the Th1 immune response. These results underscore the therapeutic potential of tolerogenic DCs in an established autoimmune disease as well as the anti-inflammatory potential of the CD49b+ Treg cell population induced following DC vaccination.
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Rôle du transporteur neuronal Potassium/Chlore KCC2 dans la plasticité des synapses glutamatergiques / Involvement of the neuronal K/Cl cotransporter KCC2 in the plasticity of glutamatergic synapsesChevy, Quentin 16 January 2015 (has links)
L'efficacité de la transmission synaptique GABAergique est influencée par la concentration intracellulaire en ions chlorure. Dans les neurones matures, l'extrusion de ces ions par le transporteur neuronal potassium chlore de type 2 (KCC2) permet l'influx d'ions chlorure lors de l'activation des récepteurs du GABA de type A. Néanmoins, KCC2 est aussi enrichi à proximité des synapses excitatrices portées par les épines dendritiques qui correspondent à des protrusions dendritiques enrichies en actine. Alors que l'effet d'une suppression de KCC2 sur l'homéostasie des ions chlorure et la transmission GABAergique est largement documenté, peu de choses sont connues sur l'impact qu'une telle suppression peut avoir sur la transmission glutamatergique. Lors de ma thèse, j'ai exploré le rôle de KCC2 dans la potentialisation à long terme (LTP) de la transmission glutamatergique à l'origine des phénomènes d'apprentissage et de mémorisation. Ce travail a révélé que la suppression de KCC2 compromet les modifications fonctionnelles et structurales sous-tendant la LTP. Cet effet est associé à une inhibition de la cofilin, protéine responsable de la dépolymérisation de l'actine, qui corrèle avec une augmentation de la quantité d'actine filamenteuse dans les épines dendritiques. En empêchant l'inhibition de la cofilin liée à l'absence de KCC2, il m'a alors été possible de restaurer la LTP suggérant que KCC2 pourrait influencer cette forme de plasticité en régulant la dynamique de polymérisation du cytosquelette d'actine. Mes résultats démontrent que la fonction de KCC2 va au-delà du contrôle de l'homéostasie des ions chlorure et influence les mécanismes de plasticité de la synapse excitatrice. / The polarity and efficacy of GABAergic synaptic transmission are both influenced by the intra-neuronal chloride concentration. In mature neurons, chloride extrusion through the neuronal K/Cl cotransporter KCC2 allows an inhibitory influx of chloride upon activation of GABAA receptors. Nevertheless, KCC2 is enriched in the vicinity of excitatory synapses within the dendritic spines that are actin-rich protrusions emerging from dendritic shafts. While it has become clear that KCC2 suppression alters chloride homeostasis and GABA signaling, little is known on its impact on glutamatergic transmission. In the laboratory, we have previously demonstrated that KCC2 suppression in mature neurons leads to decreased glutamatergic transmission efficacy through an ion-transport independent function of KCC2. During my PhD, I have explored how KCC2 may also impact LTP of glutamatergic synapses. My work reveals that KCC2 suppression compromises both functional and structural LTP at these synapses. This effect is associated with inhibition of the actin-severing protein cofilin and enhanced mobilization of F-actin in dendritic spines. Since LTP can be rescued by preventing cofilin inhibition upon KCC2 suppression, I suggest KCC2 might influence LTP through altered actin cytoskeleton dynamics. My results demonstrate that KCC2 function extends beyond the mere control of neuronal chloride homoeostasis and suggest regulation of KCC2 membrane stability may act as a metaplastic switch to gate long term plasticity at excitatory synapses in cortical neurons.
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P2X7R-driven IL-1 responses in differentiated murine dendritic cells : comparison with macrophagesEnglezou, Pavlos January 2013 (has links)
The P2X7R is a functionally distinct member of the P2X non-selective cation channels and has been implicated in the initiation of immune responses. One of the most extensively characterised immune responses of the receptor is to signal the rapid aggregation of the inflammasome complex and signal the release of IL-1β. These investigations have focused in providing direct comparisons of P2X7R-driven IL-1 responses between DC and mouse macrophages (peritoneal macrophages [PMΦ] and bone marrow derived macrophages [BM-MΦ]). Expression of the P2X7R has been identified in all three populations both at the transcriptional (P2X7A variant) and protein levels. Activation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (2h) induced a rapid dose dependent release of IL-6 but not of IL-1β in BM-DC. Rapid (2h) IL-1β release required both LPS priming and ATP activation. Both signals were also required for IL- 1β release in mouse ΒΜ-ΜΦ and PMΦ, however, at comparatively markedly lower levels. Furthermore, like with IL-1β, LPS did not induce IL-1α release in BM-DC. Interestingly, subsequent challenge with ATP evoked IL-1α release in BM-DC alone, with little or no detectable levels observed in activated BM-MΦ. This rapid IL-1β release (but not IL-6) was potently inhibited in both macrophages and DC with a P2X7R-specific inhibitor (A-740003) providing evidence that is predominantly a P2X7R-driven process. Treatment with A-740003 also potently inhibited IL-1α release from BM-DC suggesting that the ATP-P2X7R and caspase-1 activation might have a role in the release of the cytokine. Expression of gain-of-function P2X7K and loss-of- function P2X7J splice variants has been identified in both BM-DC and BM-MΦ, at the level of transcription. The possibility that a differential baseline or LPS-induced expression (at the transcriptional level) of P2X7J and P2X7K variants accounts for the diverse cytokine responses observed in BM-DC and BM-MΦ was also explored. However, the levels of expression for the various splice variants of interest (P2X7K and P2X7J) were found to be similar between the two cell types. The results of these investigations identify some subtle but intriguing differences in the mechanism of P2X7R activation and IL-1 release between DCs and macrophages. Purinergic signalling is increasing being implicated in the regulation of immune responses both in potentiating or suppressing inflammation. However, further work is required to decipher how the dynamic interplay between different purines can influence the immune activation of different cell types and indeed different cell subsets.
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Susd2 et Susd4 sont deux nouveaux gènes codant pour des protéines avec domaines CCP (Complement Control Protein) jouant un rôle dans plusieurs étapes du développement des circuits neuronaux au sein de cultures d'hippocampe de rat / Emerging neuronal functions for CCP (Complement Control Protein) containing proteins : characterization of SUSD2 and SUSD4Nadjar, Yann 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le développement cérébral est une succession d'étapes aboutissant à l'établissement d'un réseau neuronal. Il fait intervenir de nombreuses molécules comme des protéines d'adhésion permettant l'interaction des neurones avec leur environnement. L'implication de nombreux gènes codant des protéines d'adhésion dans la physiopathologie de maladies neuropsychiatriques comme l'autisme souligne l'intérêt à en identifier de nouveaux. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai pu caractériser deux nouveaux gènes, Susd2 et Susd4, codant des protéines contenant des domaines CCP (Complement Control Protein), classiquement connus pour leur présence dans les protéines participant à la régulation du système du Complément. Récemment, des protéines à domaines CCP ont été décrites chez la souris comme ayant une fonction dans le développement neuronal. L'existence de nombreuses protéines prédites à domaines CCP sans fonction connue m'ont conduit à tenter de caractériser Susd2 et Susd4 qui en font partie.Susd2 est exprimé dans les neurones au sein de cultures de cellules d'hippocampe de rat. Son expression atteint un pic à un stade post natal précoce, suggérant une fonction développementale. La protéine Susd2 recombinante a une localisation neuronale diffuse, mais est particulièrement enrichie dans les synapses excitatrices. La diminution de l'expression de Susd2 a pour conséquences un défaut de croissance axonale, une augmentation de la croissance dendritique, et une inhibition spécifique de la synaptogénèse excitatrice. Susd4 est également exprimé dans les neurones, avec un pic d'expression au stade embryonnaire, et semble jouer un rôle de régulation du développement dendritique. / During brain development, several steps precisely coordinated lead to establishment of a functional neuronal network. Many molecules participate to this process, including adhesion proteins mediating interactions between neurons and their environment. Involvement of numerous genes coding for adhesion proteins in neuropsychiatric diseases such as autism argue for usefulness of identifying new ones. During my PhD, I characterized two new genes, Sud2 and Susd4, coding for proteins containing CCP domains (Complement Control Protein), classically described in proteins involved in Complement regulation system. Recently, in mammals, CCP containing proteins were shown to be involved in neuronal development. Identification of several predicted CCP containing proteins without a known function prompted me to characterize Susd2 and Susd4 which are part of them.Susd2 is expressed in neurons from hippocampal cell cultures. Its peak of expression takes place in early post natal period, suggesting a developmental function. Susd2 recombinant protein has a diffuse neuronal localization, but is particularly enriched in excitatory synapses. Decreased expression of Susd2 leads to decreased axonal growth, increased dendritic growth, and specific inhibition of excitatory synaptogenesis. Susd4 is also expressed in neurons, with a peak of expression during embryonic development, and seems to act as a regulator of dendritic growth.
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Análise das respostas adaptativas quando um antígeno do vírus da dengue é direcionado para duas populações distintas de células dendríticas. / Analysis of the adaptive immune responses when a dengue virus antigen is targeted to two distinct populations of dendritic cells.Hugo Rezende Henriques 28 March 2012 (has links)
Células dendríticas são importantes na interação dos sistemas imune inato e adaptativo, apresentando antígenos para linfócitos T CD4+ e CD8+ e induzindo respostas adaptativas contra estes. Elas são alvo de interesse no desenvolvimento de novas estratégias vacinais que visam o direcionamento de antígenos para as diferentes populações de DCs in vivo. Consiste na administração de anticorpos contra receptores da superfície da DC em fusão com o antígeno. Nós comparamos o direcionamento da proteína NS1 de DENV2 para as duas principais populações de DCs no baço, na presença de diferentes agonistas. Poly I:C é capaz de induzir as respostas de Linfócitos T CD8+ mais robustas, mas somente quando o antígeno é direcionado para a população de DCs CD8+DEC205+. Com CpG observamos resposta de células T CD8+ equivalente quando a proteína foi direcionada para qualquer uma das populações estudadas. Direcionamento com Poly I:C gerou proteção contra desafio por DENV2 quando NS1 é direcionada para a população de DCs DEC205+, sendo esta proteção dependente de Linfócitos T CD8+ e CD4+. / Dendritic Cells are critical in the interaction between innate and the adaptive immune system, presenting antigens to T lymphocytes and inducing adaptive immune responses against these. DCs are target for development of new vaccine strategies based on targeting antigens to different DCs populations in vivo. This consists on the administration of antibodies specific to DC surface endocytic receptor fused to an antigen. In this study, we evaluated the differences in adaptive responses when the NS1 protein from the DENV2 was directed to the two main populations of DCs in the spleen along with different agonistic molecules. Highest CD8+ T cell responses were seen when Poly I:C was used, but only when directed to the CD8+DEC205+ DC population. In the presence of agonist CpG we observed similar responses when the protein was targeted to either CD8+DEC205+ or CD8-DCIR2+ DCs. In the presence of Poly I:C, only targeting to the DEC205+ DCs was able to protect mice against a challenge with DENV2. This protection was dependent on both CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses.
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Caracterização da resposta imune gerada pelo direcionamento de uma proteína de Plasmodium para as células dendríticas. / Characterization of the immune response when targeting a protein from Plasmodium to dendritic cells.Raquel Hoffmann Panatieri 04 July 2016 (has links)
Imunidade protetora depende da geração e manutenção do repertório de linfócitos T de memória. A geração dessas células está correlacionada com a apresentação de antígenos pelas células dendríticas (DCs). O direcionamento de antígenos tem sido estudado como um novo método vacinal que consiste em entregar antígenos diretamente para DCs usando anticorpos monoclonais. O principal objetivo desse trabalho foi direcionar uma proteína de Plasmodium para a subpopulação DEC205+ de DCs. Camundongos foram imunizados e então desafiados dias depois, com esporozoítos de P. yoelii. A proteína direcionada não protegeu camundongos do desafio, mas a proteína não direcionada protegeu, alcançando níveis de proteção estéril em torno de 100% em alguns casos. Observamos correlação entre a quantidade dos anticorpos e a proteção relativa dos animais imunizados com a proteína não direcionada. Além disso, utilizando anticorpos monoclonais demonstramos que a região conhecida como major repeat pode ser utilizada como alvo direto de pesquisas em vacinas contra malária. / In general, protective immunity against many pathogens depends on the generation of memory T cells, and the survival of cells for a long period of time after initial contact with pathogens. We know that the generation of these cells is correlated with the activation of parasite-specific immune cells and the presentation of antigens for dendritic cell (DCs). Targeting antigens to DCs has been studied as a new vaccination method, delivering antigens directly to DCs using monoclonal antibodies. The goal was target circunsporozoite protein (CSP), from Plasmodium, to a DEC205+ (DC) subset. Mice were immunized and challenged days later using P. yoelii sporozoites. Targeting protein did not protect mice from challenge, but non-targeting CS lead to 100% of protection. We found correlation between levels of antibody with protection, and high levels of anti-CS IgG in mice immunized with non-targeting protein. Using monoclonal antibodies we were able to map major repeat as a potential target for new researches in malaria vaccine.
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Analysis of Tumor-Immune Dynamics in an Evolving Dendritic Cell Therapy ModelJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Cancer is a worldwide burden in every aspect: physically, emotionally, and financially. A need for innovation in cancer research has led to a vast interdisciplinary effort to search for the next breakthrough. Mathematical modeling allows for a unique look into the underlying cellular dynamics and allows for testing treatment strategies without the need for clinical trials. This dissertation explores several iterations of a dendritic cell (DC) therapy model and correspondingly investigates what each iteration teaches about response to treatment.
In Chapter 2, motivated by the work of de Pillis et al. (2013), a mathematical model employing six ordinary differential (ODEs) and delay differential equations (DDEs) is formulated to understand the effectiveness of DC vaccines, accounting for cell trafficking with a blood and tumor compartment. A preliminary analysis is performed, with numerical simulations used to show the existence of oscillatory behavior. The model is then reduced to a system of four ODEs. Both models are validated using experimental data from melanoma-induced mice. Conditions under which the model admits rich dynamics observed in a clinical setting, such as periodic solutions and bistability, are established. Mathematical analysis proves the existence of a backward bifurcation and establishes thresholds for R0 that ensure tumor elimination or existence. A sensitivity analysis determines which parameters most significantly impact the reproduction number R0. Identifiability analysis reveals parameters of interest for estimation. Results are framed in terms of treatment implications, including effective combination and monotherapy strategies.
In Chapter 3, a study of whether the observed complexity can be represented with a simplified model is conducted. The DC model of Chapter 2 is reduced to a non-dimensional system of two DDEs. Mathematical and numerical analysis explore the impact of immune response time on the stability and eradication of the tumor, including an analytical proof of conditions necessary for the existence of a Hopf bifurcation. In a limiting case, conditions for global stability of the tumor-free equilibrium are outlined.
Lastly, Chapter 4 discusses future directions to explore. There still remain open questions to investigate and much work to be done, particularly involving uncertainty analysis. An outline of these steps is provided for future undertakings. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Applied Mathematics 2020
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Conséquences de l'expression de la protéine GILZ sur la fonction des cellules dendritiques / Consequence of GILZ expression on the dendritic cells functionsCalmette, Joseph 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les cellules dendritiques (DC) sont les cellules professionnelles de la capture et de la présentation antigènique et font l'interface entre l'immunité innée et l'immunité adaptative. Suite à la reconnaissance de divers signaux de dangers (PAMP/DAMP), les DC s'activent et dégradent l'antigène afin de le présenter aux LT naïfs dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires et ainsi initient une réponse immunitaire immunogène ou tolérogène. Le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire est notamment possible grâce aux lymphocytes T régulateurs. Il en existe deux types : les nTreg qui se différencient dans le thymus et les pTreg qui se différencient dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires et/ou dans les tissus. Les DC sont indispensables à leur activation et à leur différenciation respectivement. Les Treg possédent un arsenal variés de mécanismes qui leur conférent leur fonction régulatrice : sécrétion de cytokines immunosuppressives (IL-10, TGF-β et IL-35), activité cytotoxique, déprivation de l'environnement en IL-2….Selon la nature des réponses lymphocytaires T CD4 qu'elles induisent, les DC peuvent être classées fonctionnellement en DC activatrices/immunogènes (DCact) versus DC tolérogènes (DCreg). Les DCact sont définies par leur capacité à induire des lymphocytes T CD4 effecteurs et CD8 cytotoxiques. Les DCreg sont caractérisées par leur capacité à induire des Treg qui vont contrôler la réponse immunitaire. Ces DCreg peuvent être induites par des cytokines (IL-10 et TGF- β produites par exemple par certains Treg), sous l'effet sous l'effet de vitamines anti-oxydantes ou de la vitamine D3, de l'acide rétinoïque, par traitement aux glucocorticoïdes (GC) ou encore sous l'effet de facteurs produits par des pathogènes comme la toxine cholérique. Durant mes travaux de thèse je me suis intéressé aux conséquences physiologiques de l'expression de la protéine Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper dans les DC. En effet, les DC humaines et murines surexpriment cette protéine sous l'effet des GC, de l'IL-10, du TGF-β, de la mitomycin C, de la rapamycine, de la vitamine D3 et enfin de l'environnement tumoral. Sur des DC dérivées de monocytes, ils avait été montré que GILZ est nécessaire et suffisant pour induire un phénotype (diminution de l'expression membranaire de CD40, CD80, CD86, CMH-II et augmentation de PD-L1 et ILT-3) et une fonction (sécrétion d'IL-10 et diminution de la production de CCL3, CCL5 et CXCL8) tolérogènes chez ces cellules. De plus, les DC GILZhi sécrètent de l'IL-10 et induisent la différenciation de Treg CTLA-4+IL-10+, spécifiques de l'antigène, dont certains expriment le facteur de transcription FoxP3 et qui inhibent la prolifération de LT CD4 autologues. Mes travaux ont pour finalité d'évaluer l'importance physiologique de l'expression de GILZ par les DC in vivo, et en particulier sa contribution à l'induction et au maintien de la tolérance immunologique à l'homéostasie ou dans un contexte pathologique. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, je disposais de deux modèles de souris complémentaires, créés au laboratoire, les souris CD11c-GILZhi, surexprimant GILZ spécifiquement dans les DC, et les souris CD11c-GILZko, conditionnellement déficientes pour GILZ dans leurs DC. Les travaux que j'ai effectués jusqu'à présent ont permis d'établir que la surexpression de GILZ dans les DC leur confère un phénotype tolérogène in vivo (faible expression des molécules de CMH II et production d'IL-10) et est suffisante pour induire une accumulation de Treg à l'homéostasie et une expansion de nTreg suite à une stimulation antigénique. De plus, L'absence de GILZ dans les DC leur confère une capacité de capture antigènique par macropinocytose accrue. In vivo, cet accroissement de la capture est sélectif et ne touche que les DC CD8α+.Finement régulée par des signaux antigéniques, biologiques ou chimiques, GILZ est un puissant régulateur de la balance immunogénicité/tolérogénicité dans les fonctions de la DC. / Dendritic cells (DC) are professionnal antigen-presenting cells and interface between innate immunity and adaptative immunity. After danger signals recognition, DC activate and process antigen to present to naive T cells in the secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) and thus, initiate the immune response, immunogenic or tolerogenic. Control of immunitary response is possible by regulatory T cells (Treg). There are two types of Treg : nTreg that differenciate in the thymus, and pTre that differenciate in SLO and/or in tissues. DC are essential for their activation or their differenciation respectively. Treg possess a large arsenal of regulatory mechanisms : cytokines secretion (IL-10, TGF-B and IL-35), cytotoxic activity, IL-2 environnement deprivation…According to theT CD4 lymphocytary responses, DC are functionnaly classified in activator/immunogenic DC (DCact) versus tolerogenic DC (DCreg). DCact induce effector CD4 T cells and cytotoxic CD8 T cells. DCreg induce Treg controlling the immune response. DCreg can be induce by cytokines (IL-10 and TGF-B produce by Treg for example), by anti-oxidant vitamin or vitamin D3, by retinoic acid, by glucocorticoid (GC) treatment and by various product of pathogens. During my thesis work, I focused on the physiological consequences of GILZ expression in DC. Human and murin DC overexpress GILZ after GC treatment and after treatment with IL-10, TGF-B, mitomicyn C, rapamycin, vitamin D3 and under the influence of the tumoral microenvironnement. On monocytes derived-DC, it has been demonstrated that GILZ is necessary and sufficient to induce a tolerogen phenotype (decrease of CD40, CD80, CD86, MHC-II expression and increase of PD-L1 and ILT-3 expression) and functionnality (IL-1à secretion and decrease of CCL3, CCL5 and CXCL8 production). So, GILZhi DC induce the differenciation of antigen-specific CTLA-4+IL-10+ Treg whose a part express FoxP3 and inhibit the proliferation of CD4 autologous T cells. My work evaluate the physiological importance of GILZ expression by DC in vivo, and more particularlythe contribution of this expression on the induction and the support of the immune tolerance at homeostasis and in pathologic context. To reach my objectives, I haved two complementary murin models, created in the laboratory : the CD11c-GILZhi mice, overexpress GILZ specifically in the DC, and the CD11c-GILZko mice, deficient for GILZ expression in mice. Studies I have done show that overexpression of GILZ in vivo in DC induce a tolerogenic phenotype in these cells (decrease of MHC-II expression and IL-10 production) and is sufficient to induce accumulation of Treg at homeostasis and expansion of nTreg after antigenic stimulation. Thus, lack of GILZ in DC increase their macropinocytic antigen uptake capacity. In vivo, this increase is selective of CD8a+ DC. Being strongly regulated by antigen, biologic or chemicals signals, these work show GILZ like a powerful regulator of the immunogenecity/tolerogenicity balance in the DC functionnalities.
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