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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de structures légères déployables pour applications spatiales / Study of deployable lightweight structures for space applications

Morterolle, Sébastien 18 October 2011 (has links)
Les besoins croissants en moyens de télécommunication nécessitent le développement de grands réflecteurs spatiaux paraboliques. Un nouveau concept d'architecture d'antenne déployable est ainsi proposé en partenariat avec le CNES. La conception de son ossature repose sur une revue de solutions pour faire appel à des mécanismes de ciseau associés à des articulations flexibles. Des modélisations numériques par éléments finis sont d'abord développées pour simuler le déploiement par restitution de l'énergie emmagasinée dans ces articulations lors du pliage. Un démonstrateur expérimental avec un système de compensation gravitaire est ensuite réalisé. Des essais et mesures sont effectués pour caractériser son comportement en statique et dynamique puis sont comparés avec les résultats issus des simulations. La mise en forme de la surface réflectrice par un réseau de câbles est étudiée par la suite. Une méthode innovante de recherche de forme permettant d'obtenir un réseau parabolique en tension uniforme est alors proposée. Elle est appliquée à différentes typologies de réseaux et l'erreur de surface résultant de sa facettisation est évaluée. Le procédé d'accrochage de ce réseau sur l'ossature de l'antenne est également traité. / The growing needs in telecommunications require the development of large parabolic reflectors. A new conceptual design for the architecture of a deployable antenna is therefore proposed in partnership with the CNES. The design of its framework is based on a review of solutions which leads to scissor mechanisms associated with flexible joints. Numerical modelings with finite elements are first developed to simulate the deployment by the release of the energy stored in the joints after the folding. An experimental prototype with a gravity compensation device is then realized. Tests and measurements are performed to characterize the static and dynamic behavior and compared with the results of simulations. Shaping of the reflective surface by a net of cables is then studied. A new form-finding method for obtaining a net with a uniform tension is then proposed. It is applied to different parabolic typologies of nets and the error due to surface faceting is evaluated. The process of net attachment on the antenna rim structure is also treated.

Vibration Modal Analysis of a Deployable Boom Integrated to a CubeSat / Modalanalys av en utfällbar bom på en kubisk satellit

Shepenkov, Valeriy January 2013 (has links)
CubeSat or Cubic Satellite is an effective method to study the space aroundthe Earth thanks to its low cost, easy maintenance and short lead time. However, a great challenge of small satellites lies in achieving technicaland scientific requirements during the design stage. In the present workprimary focus is given to dynamic characterization of the deployable tapespringboom in order to verify and study the boom deployment dynamiceffects on the satellite. The deployed boom dynamic characteristics werestudied through simulations and experimental testing. The gravity offloadingsystem was used to simulate weightlessness environment in theexperimental testing and simulations showed that the deployment of thesystem influence the results in a different way depending on the vibrationmode shape. / En CubeSat eller kubisk satellit är effektivt för att studera rymden runtjorden på grund av dess låga kostnad, enkla underhåll och korta ledtid. Enstor utmaningen i utformningen av små satelliter är att uppnå de tekniskaoch vetenskapliga kraven. Detta arbete har analyserat de dynamiska egenskapernahos en utfällbar band-fjäder bom i syfte att verifera och för attstudera bommens utfällningsdynamiska effekter på satellitens bana och attityd.Den utfällda bommens dynamiska egenskaper har studerats genomsimuleringar och experimentella tester. Ett tyngdkraftskompenserande systemhar använts för att simulera tyngdlöshet i de experimentella testernaoch simuleringar visar att utformningen av detta system påverkar resultatenolika beroende på svängingsmodens form.


ANA BEATRIZ GIMENES BARCELLOS 23 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] As estruturas ajustáveis ou dobráveis (deployable structures) consistem em um grupo de estruturas capazes de modificar sua forma e volume para atender a uma variedade de aplicações. Geralmente, são estruturas pré-fabricadas compostas por barras retas ou curvas unidas por meio de articulações que permitem que se movimentem para formar um arranjo compacto e se desdobrem em formas estruturais de grande porte. Essas estruturas atuam como mecanismos durante sua implantação e se tornam estruturas capazes de suportar cargas externas durante a fase de serviço. Além disso, elas devem ser leves e compactas a fim de serem facilmente transportadas e simples e rápidas de montar. Todas essas restrições dificultam a escolha dos melhores parâmetros que levem ao menor peso, maior rigidez e que permitam à estrutura desempenhar suas duas funcionalidades e garantir sua reutilização. Entre os tipos de estruturas dobráveis, os elementos pantográficos (tesouras) têm despertado grande interesse de engenheiros e arquitetos nos últimos anos. Este estudo avalia o comportamento não linear geométrico de arcos planos constituídos por dois tipos clássicos de elementos pantográficos: polar e translacional. Para isso, uma análise geométrica não linear detalhada é conduzida por meio de software de elemento finito elaborado com formulação corrotacional, a fim de avaliar a influência dos parâmetros geométricos da estrutura, como o tipo de elemento patográfico, o tipo de apoio e número de elementos no comportamento não linear e na estabilidade da estrutura. Os resultados obtidos por nossas análises revelam, na maioria dos casos, um comportamento eminentemente não linear característico de arcos esbeltos, com o caminho de equilíbrio exibindo vários pontos limites de carga e deslocamento, onde podem ocorrer saltos para configurações remotas e indesejáveis. Com base nestes resultadods, a influência dos parâmetros do sistema na capacidade de carga do arco é quantificada. / [en] Deployable structures consist of a group of structures capable of modifying their shape and volume in order to meet a range of conditions and needs. They are usually prefabricated structures consisting of straight or curved bars linked together in a compact bundle, which can then be unfolded into large-span, load bearing structural shapes. These structures have dual functionality since they act as mechanisms during its deployment and become immovable structures capable of supporting external loads during the service phase. In addition, they should be lightweight and compact to be easily transported and simple and quick to deploy. All these restrictions make it difficult to choose the best parameters regarding the shape and material of the structure, since many analyzes must be performed in order to find parameters that give lowest weight, highest stiffness, and that allow the structure to perform its two functions and ensure its reuse. Among the types of folding structure, those made of pantographic elements (scissors) have attracted great interest from engineers and architects in recent years. This study evaluates the geometric nonlinear behavior of plane arches constituted by two classic type of pantographic element, namely: polar and translational. For this, a detailed nonlinear geometrical analysis is conducted through tailored corotational finite element software in order to evaluate the influence of the structure s geometrical parameters, type of scissor units and supports on the nonlinear behavior and stability of the structure. The results obtained by our analyzes reveal, in most cases, a characteristic non-linear behavior of these structures with the nonlinear equilibrium path exhibiting several load and displacement limit points where jumps to remote and undesirable configurations may occur. Based on them, the influence of system parameters on the load carrying capacity of the arch is quantified.

Surrogate model-based design optimization of a mobile deployable structure for overpressure load and vehicular impact mitigation

Tellkamp, Daniela F 09 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ensemble and Response Surface Method (RSM) surrogate models were generated from Finite Element (FE) simulations to predict the overpressure load and vehicle impact response of a novel rapidly deployable protective structure. A Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) was used in conjunction with the surrogate models to determine structure topology input variable configurations which were suited to produce the optimal balance of minimum mass, minimum rotation angle, minimum displacement, and maximum total length of the deployable structure. The structure was designed to retract into a container, be lightweight to facilitate transportation, and be able to adapt to varying terrain slopes. This research demonstrates that, in comparison to the RSM, ANN ensembles can more accurately and efficiently be used for identifying optimal design solutions for multi-objective design problems when two surrogate models from the same method corresponding to separate FE models are used simultaneously in a NSGA-II.

Exploring the Concept of a Deep Space Solar-Powered Small Spacecraft

Crowley, Kian Guillaume 01 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
New Horizons, Voyager 1 & 2, and Pioneer 10 & 11 are the only spacecraft to ever venture past Pluto and provide information about space at those large distances. These spacecraft were very expensive and primarily designed to study planets during gravitational assist maneuvers. They were not designed to explore space past Pluto and their study of this environment is at best a secondary mission. These spacecraft rely on radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) to provide power, an expensive yet necessary approach to generating sufficient power. With Cubesats graduating to interplanetary capabilities, such as the Mars-bound MarCO spacecraft, matching the modest payload requirements to study the outer Solar System (OSS) with the capabilities of low-power nano-satellites may enable much more affordable access to deep space. This paper explores a design concept for a low-cost, small spacecraft, designed to study the OSS and satisfy mission requirements with solar power. The general spacecraft design incorporates a parabolic reflector that acts as both a solar concentrator and a high gain antenna. This paper explores a working design concept for a small spacecraft to operate up to 100 astronomical units (AU) from the sun. Deployable reflector designs, thermal and radiation environments, communications and power requirements, solar system escape trajectory options, and scientific payload requirements are detailed, and a working system is proposed that can fulfill mission requirements with expected near-future innovations in a few key technologies.

Design, development and evaluation of the ruggedized edge computing node (RECON)

Patel, Sahil Girin 09 December 2022 (has links)
The increased quality and quantity of sensors provide an ever-increasing capability to collect large quantities of high-quality data in the field. Research devoted to translating that data is progressing rapidly; however, translating field data into usable information can require high performance computing capabilities. While high performance computing (HPC) resources are available in centralized facilities, bandwidth, latency, security and other limitations inherent to edge location in field sensor applications may prevent HPC resources from being used in a timely fashion necessary for potential United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) field applications. To address these limitations, the design requirements for RECON are established and derived from a review of edge computing, in order to develop and evaluate a novel high-power, field-deployable HPC platform capable of operating in austere environments at the edge.

The Deployable Wing Structure for the KTH REXUS Free Falling Unit

Ly, Jennifer, Jargalsaikhan, Orgil January 2021 (has links)
With the help of sounding rockets, the Earth’sionosphere can be studied by ejecting cylindrical units thatmeasure various electromagnetic properties while falling. Theseunits are also known as Free Falling Units (FFUs). The goal of thisproject is to turn the FFUs into autonomous gliders by designingdeployable wings. A spring-loaded Scissor Structural Mechanism(SSM) was chosen as the main deploying mechanism. Furthermore,the conceptual wing design was simulated in Siemens NXand a structural analysis was performed in NASTRAN. Finally, aprototype was manufactured to confirm if the SSM would workas intended. Initial simulation results showed great promise withthe proper choice of materials. Due to resource limitations, theprototype could not be compared to the simulation. Based onthe prototype results, the design must be reinforced or alteredto become stronger and more rigid. / Med hjälp av sondraketer kan jordensjonosfär studeras genom att skicka ut cylindriska enhetersom mäter diverse elektromagnetiska egenskaper medan defaller. Dessa enheter är också kända som FFUs (Free FallingUnits). Målet med detta projekt var att förvandla dessa enhetertill autonoma glidare genom att designa utfällbara vingar.En fjäderbelastad saxmekanism valdes som den huvudsakligautfällningsmekanismen. Vidare simulerades den konceptuellavingdesignen i Siemens NX och strukturen analyserades i NASTRAN.Slutligen tillverkades en prototyp för att bekräfta omsaxmekanismen skulle fungera som avsedd. De första simuleringsresultatenvisade sig vara lovande med rätt materialval.På grund av begränsningar i resurser, kunde inte prototypenjämföras med simuleringen. Baserat på prototypresultaten måstedesignen förstärkas eller ändras för att bli starkare och mer styv. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Design of structural mechanisms

Chen, Yan January 2003 (has links)
In this dissertation, we explore the possibilities of systematically constructing large structural mechanisms using existing spatial overconstrained linkages with only revolute joints as basic elements. The first part of the dissertation is devoted to structural mechanisms (networks) based on the Bennett linkage, a well-known spatial 4R linkage. This special linkage has been used as the basic element. A particular layout of the structures has been identified allowing unlimited extension of the network by repeating elements. As a result, a family of structural mechanisms has been found which form single-layer structural mechanisms. In general, these structures deploy into profiles of cylindrical surface. Meanwhile, two special cases of the single-layer structures have been extended to form multi-layer structures. In addition, according to the mathematical derivation, the problem of connecting two similar Bennett linkages into a mobile structure, which other researchers were unable to solve, has also been solved. A study into the existence of alternative forms of the Bennett linkage has also been done. The condition for the alternative forms to achieve the compact folding and maximum expansion has been derived. This work has resulted in the creation of the most effective deployable element based on the Bennett linkage. A simple method to build the Bennett linkage in its alternative form has been introduced and verified. The corresponding networks have been obtained following the similar layout of the original Bennett linkage. The second effort has been made to construct large overconstrained structural mechanisms using hybrid Bricard linkages as basic elements. The hybrid Bricard linkage is a special case of the Bricard linkage, which is overconstrained and with a single degree of mobility. Starting with the derivation of the compatibility condition and the study of its deployment behaviour, it has been found that for some particular twists, the hybrid Bricard linkage can be folded completely into a bundle and deployed to a flat triangular profile. Based on this linkage, a network of hybrid Bricard linkages has been produced. Furthermore, in-depth research into the deployment characteristics, including kinematic bifurcation and the alternative forms of the hybrid Bricard linkage, has also been conducted. The final part of the dissertation is a study into tiling techniques in order to develop a systematic approach for determining the layout of mobile assemblies. A general approach to constructing large structural mechanisms has been proposed, which can be divided into three steps: selection of suitable tilings, construction of overconstrained units and validation of compatibility. This approach has been successfully applied to the construction of the structural mechanisms based on Bennett linkages and hybrid Bricard linkages. Several possible configurations are discussed including those described previously. All of the novel structural mechanisms presented in this dissertation contain only revolute joints, have a single degree of mobility and are geometrically overconstrained. Research work reported in this dissertation could lead to substantial advancement in building large spatial deployable structures.

Structures spatiales déployables constituées de mètres rubans : analyse et implémentation de modèles de poutre à section flexible / Deployable space structures made up of tape springs : analysis and implementation of rod models with flexible cross-section

Martin, Maverick 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les mètres rubans sont utilisés comme dispositif de déploiement car ils sont légers, compacts, se déploient de manière autonome et ont une capacité d'auto-blocage en position déployée. Ces structures élancées de forme cylindrique présentent un comportement complexe avec formation de plis localisés. Leur modélisation est donc difficile : bien que des modèles de poutre à section flexible (RFleXS) aient été développés. Les travaux réalisés consistent à développer des outils numériques d'aide au dimensionnement de structures déployées par des rubans. Un modèle RFleXS adimensionné dédié aux rubans peu profonds est introduit et analysé, mettant en évidence des liens avec le modèle de barre d'Ericksen régularisé. Ces liens expliquent la formation de plis et caractérisent les trois zones constitutives d'un pli. On détermine de façon analytique le nombre et la position des points de bifurcation des branches de solution obtenues pour un essai de flexion pure d'un ruban. Un enrichissement de la cinématique de section est intégré dans les modèles RFleXS. Les simulations de flexion de ruban montrent alors une bonne corrélation avec les modèles de coque. Une nouvelle formulation des modèles RFleXS est implémentée et conduisant au développement de deux outils numériques : un code de calcul par éléments finis complet et un élément à deux noeuds intégré dans un code commercial. Des essais de flexion réalisés sur des rubans composites viennent compléter ces travaux afin de confronter les simulations numériques à des essais réels. Bien que des écarts soient observés, le comportement global du ruban est bien retranscrit par les modèles de poutre à section flexible. / Due to their lightness, compactness, their autonomous deployment and their ability to self-locking while deployed, tape-springs are considered to deploy structures. These slender and cylindrical structures highlight a complex behaviour because of the formation of localised folds. Tape-springs are then difficult to model but a rod model with flexible cross-section (RFleXS) has been developed in order to characterise the tape-spring behaviour.The purpose of this PhD was to develop numerical tools dedicated to design structures deployed by tape-spings. A dimensionless form of the RFleXS model dedicated to shallow tape spring has been developed and links with a regularised Ericksen's bar have been made. These links help to explain folds creation and to determine characteristics of the three constitutive areas of a fold. Analysis of the dimensionless model leads to determine the finite number and the position of bifurcation points for the pure bending of a tape-spring. The cross-section kinematic is enriched; simulations of bending tests then show a good correlation with shell models. A new implementation of RFleXS models is introduced, leading to the creation of two numerical tools: a full finite element software and a one-dimensional element with two nodes incorporated in Abaqus. Some bending experiments have been performed in order to compare simulations with measured data. Even if discrepancies are observed, these comparisons show that the tape-spring overall behaviour is well predicted by rod models with flexible cross-section.

Deployment Simulations of a Composite Boom for Small Satellites

Mallol Parera, Pau January 2013 (has links)
The use of small satellites is rapidly growing, especially satellites with masses between 1 and 10 kg and few litres of volume. The main reasons are due to the low development time and cost. Electronics miniaturization and high density integration is enabling the small satellites class to perform more and better tasks and at a lower cost. When deployable structures are required for the missions, the actual paradigm is that there are very few that have been successfully developed and flown. It is usually not possible to scale down existing deployable structures from larger satellites. Power and attitude control is also very limited in small satellites thus, completely new deployable structures, low mass and with high packaging ratio (yet large and with adequate mechanical properties when deployed) must be developed. Furthermore, such new structures are usually made of very thin and light materials which complicates the on-ground tests prior the launch. Therefore, advances in modelling and simulation deployable structures such as booms are also of great interest for the scientific community. This thesis and the papers included herein focus on the finite element modelling of a meter-class passively deployable boom – based on the SIMPLE boom by Thomas W. Murphey – and deployment simulations. Experimental tests were also carried on a boom prototype suspended from a gravity off-loading system. An analytical model produced certain parameters which are used for validation of the finite element model. The strain energy stored in the boom prior to deployment and spacecraft displacements during deployment agreed well. The deployment time, however, have discrepancies: the models predicted a deployment time six times faster than the experimental tests. For that reason the deployment simulations cannot be compared with the tests. The reason of the discrepancies are believed to be due to the actual material model and the contacts formulation used in the finite element model. The finite element simulations, however, shows a reasonable behaviour given the nature of the deployment thus, despite the necessary improvements, we believe that future improvements in the material and friction models will provide us more realistic results. / Användningen av små satelliter ökar snabbt, särskilt satelliter med en vikt på mellan 1 och 10 kg och bara några liters volym. De främsta orsakerna till detta är den korta utvecklingstiden och den låga kostnaden. Elektronikminiatyrisering och hög integreringsdensitet möjliggör för små satelliter att utföra fler och bättre uppgifter till en lägre kostnad. När utfällbara strukturer krävs för uppdragen är nuvarande läge att det är få som utvecklats och flugits framgångsrikt. Det är inte heller alltid möjligt att skala ner utfällbara strukturer som utformats för användning i större satelliter. I små satelliter är den tillgängliga elektriska energin och volymen starkt begränsade faktorer och därmed måste helt nya passivt utfällbara strukturer med låg vikt och liten packningsvolym, men ändå rätt storlek och mekaniska egenskaper när de är utfällda, utvecklas. Dessa strukturer är vanligen tillverkade av mycket tunna och lätta material, som komplicerar tester innan uppskjutningen p.g.a. tyngdkraften. Därför är det av stort intresse att noggrant kunna modellera och simulera ett tyngdlöst utfällningsförlopp. Denna licentiatuppsats och bilagda artiklar i fokuserar på finit elementmodellering och utfällningssimuleringar av en 1 meter lång passivt utfällbar bom baserad på SIMPLE-bommen som utformats av Thomas W. Murphey. Utfällningsexperiment har utförts på en prototyp av bommen upphängd i ett tyngdkraftskompenserande system. Analytiska modeller har använts för att validera simuleringarna och töjningsenergin som lagrats i bommen innan utfällning och rymdfarkostens förflyttning efter utfällning överensstämmer väl. Utfällningstiden avviker dock och båda modellerna predikterar en utfällningstid som är sex gånger snabbare än den tiden som observeras i experimenten. Anledningen till skillnaderna antas delvis bero på begränsningar i den använda materialmodellen och i algoritmer för hantering av kontakt i den finita elementmodellen. De finite elementsimuleringarna visar dock ett rimligt dynamisk beteende hos bommen baserat på vad som observerats i experimenten och även om modellen är i behov av förbättring så finns det stora förhoppningar att åstadkomma en mer realistisk modell genom införande av förbättrade kontakalgoritmer och nogrannare modellering av dämpning och friktion. / <p>QC 20130506</p>

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