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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protein synthesis in cerebral cortex during spreading depression

Bao, Danny C. D. January 1972 (has links)
This document only includes an excerpt of the corresponding thesis or dissertation. To request a digital scan of the full text, please contact the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's Interlibrary Loan Department (rlmlill@iu.edu).

Erfarenheter av depression efter stroke : En literaturöversikt / Experiences of post-stroke depression : A literature review

Alhassani, Omar January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är en allvarlig sjukdom som resulterar i varierande fysiska och psykiskakomplikationer. En tredjedel av alla som har överlevt en stroke drabbas av depression. Ofta gårdenna typ av depression obemärkt och obehandlat vilket påverkar individens återhämtning ochrehabilitering. Depressiva symtom kan dock identifieras om sjuksköterskan besitter kunskap inomområdet. Sjuksköterskans kunskap om erfarenheter av depression efter stroke (PSD) möjliggörsnabbare identifiering och är av stor vikt för en effektiv behandling. Syftet: Syftet var att belysaerfarenheterna av depressionen efter stroke. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt sombegrundades i nio kvalitativa och kvantitativa originalartiklar. Tematisk analys utfördes avartiklarna. Resultat: De personliga erfarenheterna av depression efter stroke rubricerades underfyra teman: nedsatta fysiska funktioner och ihållande trötthet, känsla av isolering och ensamhet,kognitiva utmaningar och negativa känslor samt en förändrad självbild och identitet. Slutsats: Denna litteraturöversikt har bidragit till en fördjupad förståelse för erfarenheter av depressionefter stroke och identifierat viktiga teman som kan vägleda omvårdnadspraxis och ökasjuksköterskans kunskap inom området. Denna litteraturöversikt har även förstärkt övertygelsen om vikten av att inkludera patienters erfarenheter i forskningen och vården. / Background: Stroke is a serious illness that results in a variety of physical and psychologicalcomplications. One third of stroke survivors suffer from depression. Often this type ofdepression goes unnoticed and untreated, affecting the individual's recovery and rehabilitation.However, depressive symptoms can be identified if the nurse has knowledge in this area. Thenurse's knowledge of the experiences of post-stroke depression enables faster identification andis of great importance for effective treatment. Aim: The aim was to highlight the experiences ofpost-stroke depression. Method: A systematic literature review that considered nine originalqualitative and quantitative articles. Thematic analysis was performed on the articles. Results: The personal experiences of post-stroke depression were categorized under four themes:impaired physical functions and persistent fatigue, feelings of isolation and loneliness, cognitivechallenges and negative emotions, and altered self-image and identity. Conclusion: This literaturereview has contributed to a deeper understanding of the experiences of post-stroke depressionand identified important themes that can guide nursing practice and increase nurses' knowledge in this area. This literature review has also reinforced our belief in the importance of including patients experiences in research and care.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn med psykisk ohälsa

Svanbom, Madeleine, Heiskanen, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Depression och ångest är två av de vanligaste folkhälsosjukdomarna inom psykiska sjukdomar. Omkring fem till åtta procent av barn i åldern 0–18 år lider av depression eller ångest. Depression påverkar personens energi och sinnesstämning vilket kan leda till en icke fungerande vardag. Ångest begränsar personens sociala tillvaro och kan även ge kroppsliga besvär. Att inte behandla dessa två sjukdomar kan leda till långsiktiga biverkningar. Syftet var att beskriva föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn med psykisk ohälsa. Metod: En litteraturstudie med beskrivande design baserad på 13 inkluderande artiklar, 12 med kvalitativ ansats och en med mixad metod där endast den kvalitativa delen av resultatet inkluderades. Huvudresultatet visar att föräldrar upplevde en känsla av maktlöshet och att inte räcka till. Föräldrarna uppgav svårigheter i att veta när, var och hur de skulle söka vård till barnet. Sammantaget visade föräldrarna olika upplevelser om olika instanser inom sjukvården. Slutsats: Föräldrarna upplevde svårigheter i att identifiera sitt barns dåliga mående och känslor som skuld, skam och stigma var återkommande. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att ta vara på föräldrars upplevelser av barnets förändrade mående. Sjuksköterskan ska arbeta för att främja en god relation där föräldrarna kan känna sig betrodda och sedda vilket kan leda till en förbättrad upplevelse av vården. / Background: Depression and anxiety are two of the most common dieseases among the population, when talking about mental illness. Around five to eight procent of the children in the age from 0 – 18 suffers from depression or anxiety. Depression has a direct influence of the energy as well the mood of a human being. It can lead to problems in the every day life. Anxiety limits the social life and can also cause physical damage. Not treating these two diseases can lead to long-term side effects. The aim of this study was to describe parents experiences of living with a child with mental illness.  Method: A literature study with a descriptive design based on 13 included articles, 12 with a qualitative design and one with a mixed method design where only the qualitative part of the results were included. Results: Parents experienced a feeling of powerless and helpless. There where also uncertanties in knowing when, where and how they should reach out for help concerning their child. Overall the parents had different experiences among different instances in the health care. Conclusion: Parents experienced difficulties in identifying the childs poor well beeing. Feelings like guilt, shame and stigma were recurring. The role of the nurse is important, especially when it comes down to the experiences from the parents concerning a change in the well beeing of the child. The work of the nurse should be about encouring a good relationship with the parents, making them feel trusted and seen and therefore perciving an improved experience in the health care.

Racial and Ethnic Differences in Trait vs Occasion Unipolar Depression

Gonzalez Zapata, Deisy 05 1900 (has links)
Unipolar depression is a leading cause of disability and overall burden of disease for millions of individuals across the world. Depressive symptoms (e.g., depressed mood, anhedonia, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, difficulties concentrating, etc.) can drastically affect an individual's life leading to occupational, social, and personal impairment. Past research shows significant ethnic and racial differences in depression rates and treatment. Moreover, previous literature has also begun to explore the multidimensional nature of depression, investigating its occasion-like (or episodic) and trait-like (or stable) factors. However, prior studies have not explored differences in occasion and trait depression by race or ethnicity, nor have they explored these questions in nurses, a group that faces substantial workplace stressors. To redress these gaps, the current study investigated trait and occasion depression in a large sample of nurses (N = 390) tracked across 12 months and aimed to understand whether trait versus occasion rates of depression differed by racial and ethnic minority status. Findings indicated substantially more trait depression (65.93%) than occasion depression (34.11%) across the year in nurses. However, there were no significant differences based on racial and ethnic minority status. Results highlight the importance of understanding depression as a much more stable aspect of an individual's personality, instead of merely viewing it as a direct response to changes in an individual's external environment. Additionally, findings suggest that focusing on adaptation of more long-term skills to target trait-like depression may be more helpful for nurses experiencing depression.

Patienters upplevelser av post-strokedepression : En litteraturöversikt / Patients’ experiences of post-stroke depression : A literature review

Gebreslasie, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Post-strokedepression förekommer hos 33–40% av alla individer som drabbas av stroke och är ofta svår att diagnostisera. Depression som en vanlig konsekvens av en stroke kan vara svårt att upptäcka och går lätt obemärkt förbi. Sjuksköterskans kompetens inom detta område spelar en viktig roll för en snabbare identifiering av potentiell depression och är av avgörande betydelse för en effektiv behandling.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av post-strokedepression. Metod: För att uppnå detta mål genomförde författaren en litteraturöversikt av originalartiklar från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar analyserades tematiskt för att extrahera eventuella centrala teman. Sökbegrepp och sökstrategi utformades enligt riktlinjer och format från kurslitteraturen. Noggranna urvalsförfaranden och kvalitetskontroller säkerställer att de erhållna metoderna följs. Tematisk analys baserades på Fribergs fyra steg.  Resultat: Patienternas upplevelser av post-strokedepression sammanställdes under fyra teman: fysisk begränsning, otillräcklighet och värdelöshet, social och emotionell isolering, rädsla och tacksamhet.  Slutsats: Depression är en vanlig följd av stroke hos vuxna patienter, och det påverkar ofta både deras psykologiska och fysiologiska välmående. För att minska risken för depression är det viktigt att sjuksköterskor tar hänsyn till och uppmärksammar de erfarenheter som strokepatienter genomgår. / Background: Poststroke depression occurs in 33–40% of all stroke victims and is often difficult to detect. The depression that is a common consequence of stroke is difficult to detect and easy to miss. Thenurse's level of knowledge in the field provides a faster identification of possible depression and is ofgreat importance for effective treatment. Aim: The aim was to describe patients' experiences of post-stroke depression. Method: To achieve this goal, the author conducted a literature review of original articles from the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Both qualitative and quantitative articles are analyzed thematically to extract possible themes. The search engine and search logic are performed according to the course literature and format. Careful selection procedures and quality controls ensure that the methods obtained areadhered to. The themes is based on Friberg's four steps. Results: The patients' experiences of post-stroke depression were compiled under four themes: physical limitation, Inadequacy and worthlessness, social and emotional isolation, fear and gratitude. Conclusion: Depression is a common consequence of stroke in adult patients, and it often affects boththeir psychological and physiological well-being. In order to reduce the risk of depression, it is important that nurses take into account and pay attention to the experiences that stroke patients gothrough.

The Lay Conceptualization of Major Depressive Disorder

DeLao, Chafen S 11 August 2012 (has links)
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a severe psychiatric disorder affecting approximately 12% of men and 25% of women nationally in the nonclinical population. The aim of this research was to determine if lay individuals could differentiate between MDD and normal sadness. To evaluate the lay understanding of MDD and normal sadness, students at a large Southeastern university read four vignettes describing varying severity levels of MDD and normal sadness and then answered a variety of questions relating to the vignettes. Additionally, the lay conceptualizations of MDD were compared and contrasted to the professional conceptualizations of MDD. The principal hypothesis was that lay individuals could not differentiate between clinical depression and normal sadness because the two concepts have become synonymous in today’s society. In fact, results showed that lay individuals could not differentiate between threshold MDD and subthreshold MDD.


Burant, Christopher J. 13 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Sequelae of Child Abuse: The Role of Social and Personal Resources

Vranceanu, Ana-Maria 27 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchung der Expressionslevel des Gens NR3C1 bei ängstlich-depressiven Personen in Zusammenhang mit der Funktion der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden-Achse und Berücksichtigung von Kindheitstraumatisierungen / Investigation of the expression level of the NR3C1 gene in anxious-depressive individuals in connection with the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and consideration of childhood traumatization

Helmel, Jacqueline Larissa January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Die ängstliche Depression stellt einen Subtypus der Depression dar, der noch nicht ausreichend erforscht ist und somit eine Herausforderung im klinischen Alltag darstellt. Laut der bisherigen Literatur sind genetische Unterschiede sowie Kindheitstraumatisierungen an der Pathophysiologie von Depressionen beteiligt und mitverantwortlich für die Ausprägung des Subtypus ängstliche Depression. In dieser Untersuchung wurde erforscht, ob es unterschiedliche Genexpressionslevel des Gens NR3C1 zwischen ängstlich-depressiven und nicht-ängstlich-depressiven Personen gibt. Zusätzlich wurde geprüft, ob Kindheitstraumatisierungen einen weiteren Einfluss auf die Genexpression der beiden Subtypen der Depression haben. Es zeigte sich, dass ängstlich-depressive Personen in Woche 1 bis 4 höhere HAM-D-Summenwerte erzielten, mit zusätzlichen Kindheitstraumatisierungen wurden die höchsten HAM-D-Werte festgestellt. Diese Gruppe hatte gehäuft Kindheitstraumata im Fragebogen angegeben, die Traumata Emotionale Misshandlung und Körperliche Vernachlässigung kamen signifikant häufiger vor. Anhand dieser durchgeführten Studie konnten zusammengefasst werden, dass sich die Genexpressionslevel von NR3C1 zwischen den beiden Subtypen als unterschiedlich erwies. Zusätzlich scheinen die beiden Kindheitstraumata Emotionale Misshandlung und Körperliche Vernachlässigung einen weiteren Einfluss auf die Genexpression von NR3C1 zu haben. Die unterschiedliche Genexpression von NR3C1 deutet auf verschiedene Funktionsweisen des GR zwischen den Subtypen hin. Dies könnte für die Verlaufsbeurteilung und Therapieansätze der Erkrankung von Bedeutung sein. Die häufiger vorkommenden Kindheitstraumatisierungen bei ängstlich-depressiven Personen können als ein pathophysiologischer Baustein für die Entstehung der ängstlichen Depression gesehen werden. Daher ist es umso wichtiger, das Überprüfen von erlebten Kindheitstraumata bei initialer Befragung in den klinischen Alltag mitaufzunehmen. Da auch der Depressionsschweregrad durch Kindheitstraumatisierungen in dieser Studie zunahm, ergeben sich daraus mögliche Konsequenzen für die therapeutische Planung. / Anxious depression is a subtype of depression that has not yet been sufficiently researched and therefore represents a challenge in everyday clinical practice. According to previous literature, genetic differences and childhood trauma are involved in the pathophysiology of depression and are partly responsible for the development of the anxious depression subtype. This study investigated whether there are different gene expression levels of the NR3C1 gene between anxious-depressive and non-anxious-depressive individuals. In addition, it was examined whether childhood traumatization has a further influence on the gene expression of the two subtypes of depression. It was found that anxious-depressive individuals achieved higher HAM-D sum values in weeks 1 to 4, and the highest HAM-D values were found with additional childhood traumatization. This group had reported more childhood traumas in the questionnaire, and the traumas emotional abuse and physical neglect were significantly more frequent. On the basis of this study, it could be summarized that the gene expression levels of NR3C1 proved to be different between the two subtypes. In addition, the two childhood traumas of emotional abuse and physical neglect appear to have a further influence on the gene expression of NR3C1. The different gene expression of NR3C1 indicates different functioning of the GR between the subtypes. This could be important for the assessment of the course of the disease and therapeutic approaches. The more frequent childhood traumatization in anxious-depressive individuals can be seen as a pathophysiological building block for the development of anxious depression. It is therefore all the more important to include a review of experienced childhood trauma in the initial interview in everyday clinical practice. As the severity of depression also increased as a result of childhood trauma in this study, this has possible consequences for therapeutic planning.

The nurse's role in postpartum depression assessment, education and referral for women and their support system

Campbell, Erica Basora 01 January 2010 (has links)
One of the most common complications for mothers after childbirth is postpartum depression (PPD). This illness can occur in women who have given birth, who have miscarried or who have had a stillbirth. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2010) indicate that PPD affects 1 in 8 women. These statistics are disturbing especially when 51 % of women may not be willing to seek treatment for PPD (Beck & Gable, 2001 ). Therefore, the number of women who are experiencing PPD is of national concern. The literature reveals that there is not a standard or protocol for the assessment of PPD symptoms, education delivery, or referral and treatment. With an absence of a standard or protocol, this devastating disorder will continue to go undiagnosed in thousands of women affecting not only their wellbeing but the wellbeing of their families. Nurses are in an optimal position to help prevent and identify women suffering from PPD. Establishing the nurse's role in assessing, educating and referring women and families suffering from PPD will assist in reducing the prevalence of this illness and identifying afflicted women for early intervention. Implementing a standard of practice in PPD assessment, education, and referral will assist healthcare providers in achieving the Healthy People 2010 objective of reducing mental illness and complications due to pregnancy.

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