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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsintroduktion - Upplevelser och möjligheter : En undersökning ur tre olika perspektiv

Miltenburg, Sabrine January 1900 (has links)
Studier från Amerika och Storbritannien visar att introduktionsprocesser fokuserar för mycket påprocesser, policys och värderingar och mindre på de nyanställdas upplevelser när det gäller stress,stöd till att knyta kontakter med medarbetare och otydliga arbetsbeskrivningar (Andersson, N. R,Cunningham-Snell, N. A. & Haigh, J., 1996 & Klubnik, J. P., 1987).En kvalitativ undersökning har utförts på AniCura Falu Djursjukhus. Undersökningen har genomförtsmed hjälp av intervjuer och mailkonversationer. Syftet med undersökningen är att utforska omde tidigare studierna överensstämmer med upplevelser som nyanställdas på AniCura Falu Djursjukhushar kring arbetsintroduktionen och dess påverkan angående stress, möjligheter till stöd och arbetsbeskrivningar.Nio respondenter med olika ansvarsområden deltog. Resultatet från undersökningenbekräftade att empirin överensstämde med studierna. Exempelvis fick de nyanställda självaansvara för att lära känna sina medarbetare. Undersökningen visade också att organisationen intehade någon strategi för att hantera nyanställdas stress. Det förekom heller ingen återkopplingen påintroduktionen.Undersökningsresultaten kommer i detta arbete diskuteras, analyseras och ställas mot en relevantteoretisk referensram med avseende på de aktuella ämnena för undersökningen. Slutprodukten är ettförbättringsförslag som kan ligga till grund för framtida introduktionsprocesser och vidare forskning. / Studies from America and Britain shows that the introduction processes focus too much on processes,policies and values and less on the new employees experiences when it comes to stress, supportfor establishing contacts with employees and unclear job descriptions (Klubnik 1987 & Andersson,N. R Cunningham-Snell, NA & Haigh, J., 1996).A qualitative case study has been conducted on AniCura Falu Animal Hospital. The study has beenperformed with the help of interviews and e-mail conversations. The purpose of the study is to explorewhether the earlier studies are consistent with the experiences of new employees on AniCuraFalu Animal hospital has about labor induction and its impact regarding stress, opportunities forsupport and work descriptions. Nine respondents with different responsibilities participated. Theresults of the case study confirmed that the empirical data were consistent with the studies. For example,did the new employees themselves responsible for getting to know its people and that theorganization had no strategy to cope with stress. Furthermore there was no feedback regarding theintroduction.The results will in this work be discussed and analyzed, and set against a relevant theoreticalframework around current topics of this study. The final product lands in an improvement proposalthat can form the basis for future introduction processes and future research.

The roles of the Japanese teacher : a synthesis of empirical and quantitative data collected in the Japanese schools grades 7-12

Senff, Debra Lynn January 1991 (has links)
Japanese teachers are a key component in the success of the Japanese educational system. They work long hours, and are responsible for a variety of tasks within the school, including administration, discipline, and cleaning. This study was designed to facilitate a more thorough understanding of the various roles of the teacher in both lower and upper secondary schools in Japan.This research took place in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan, and utilized a combination of personal interviews and sustained direct observations of individual teachers as they went through their daily routines schools. A questionnaire was also administered to in Iwate Prefecture in order to quantify the data, and the responses were subjected to a comparative analysis to determine the percentages of time teachers spend on different kinds of activities.The roles of the teachers were interpreted after analyzing the case studies and questionnaire responses, the results indicated that Japanese secondary teachers spend over sixty hours a week performing various functions within their schools. The roles range from police officer, friend, individual guidance counsellor, and administrator, to career councellor, librarian, and surrogate parent. Japanese teachers take their roles and responsibilitis seriously and are committed to insuring that all their students succeed. / Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education

A study of the current practice of private sector distance education receive-site coordinators in administering university formal and non-formal distance education programs

Kreitzer, Donald J. January 1999 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to define the private sector's receive-site coordinator's role and current practice associated with the day-to-day management of a distance receive site by describing what private sector receive-site coordinators do in practice. Descriptive data were collected in six areas: demographics, private sector receive-site coordinators' reporting relationships, distance education equipment and usage, tuition support for students at receive-site locations, private sector receive-site coordinators' knowledge of distance education, and the private sector receive-site coordinators' current practice.Many organizations in business and industry in the private sector invest in distance education systems and programs as a means of providing educational opportunities for their employees. These organizations assign the duties of managing their receive-site location to an employee in their organization. The polices and procedures of organizations receiving distance education programs, the job level of the person assigned the receive-site coordinator responsibilities, the knowledge level of the receive-site coordinator, and the practices of the receive-site coordinator are variables that influence employee participation in distance education programs. Additionally, those variables impact distance education university administrators in administering and marketing the university's distance education programs to organizations. Yet, there is very little literature that speaks to the distance education receive-site coordinators' role or the knowledge and skills required to manage a distance education receive-site location.By conducting this research, the private sector receive-site coordinators' practice was described. It was concluded that private sector receive-site coordinators are a non-homogenous group of mostly training and development professionals with undergraduate degrees and have the responsibility of managing the day-to-day activities of receive-sites by incorporating the duties of a private sector receive-site coordinator with their otherday-to-day work activities. The private sector receive-site coordinators' job responsibilities span a variety of tasks that include marketing programs, helping students overcome problems, assisting with course logistics, and installing, operating, and in some cases, maintaining distance education equipment. It was also concluded that university administrators viewed the role of the private sector receive-site coordinator as a key element of the distance education system. / Department of Educational Leadership

On Causal Video Coding with Possible Loss of the First Encoded Frame

Eslamifar, Mahshad January 2013 (has links)
Multiple Description Coding (MDC) was fi rst formulated by A. Gersho and H. Witsenhausen as a way to improve the robustness of telephony links to outages. Lots of studies have been done in this area up to now. Another application of MDC is the transmission of an image in diff erent descriptions. If because of the link outage during transmission, any one of the descriptions fails, the image could still be reconstructed with some quality at the decoder side. In video coding, inter prediction is a way to reduce temporal redundancy. From an information theoretical point of view, one can model inter prediction with Causal Video Coding (CVC). If because of link outage, we lose any I-frame, how can we reconstruct the corresponding P- or B-frames at the decoder? In this thesis, we are interested in answering this question and we call this scenario as causal video coding with possible loss of the fi rst encoded frame and we denote it by CVC-PL as PL stands for possible loss. In this thesis for the fi rst time, CVC-PL is investigated. Although, due to lack of time, we mostly study two-frame CVC-PL, we extend the problem to M-frame CVC-PL as well. To provide more insight into two-frame CVC-PL, we derive an outer-bound to the achievable rate-distortion sets to show that CVC-PL is a subset of the region combining CVC and peer-to-peer coding. In addition, we propose and prove a new achievable region to highlight the fact that two-frame CVC-PL could be viewed as MDC followed by CVC. Afterwards, we present the main theorem of this thesis, which is the minimum total rate of CVC-PL with two jointly Gaussian distributed sources, i.e. X1 and X2 with normalized correlation coeffi cient r, for di fferent distortion pro files (D1,D2,D3). Defi ning Dr = r^2(D1 -1) + 1, we show that for small D3, i.e. D3 < Dr +D2 -1, CVC-PL could be treated as CVC with two jointly Gaussian distributed sources; for large D3, i.e. D3 > DrD2/(Dr+D2-DrD2), CVC-PL could be treated as two parallel peer-to-peer networks with distortion constraints D1 and D2; and for the other cases of D3, the minimum total rate is 0.5 log (1+ ??)(D3+??)/ (Dr+?? )(D2+?? ) + 0.5 log Dr/(D1D3) where ??=D3-DrD2+r[(1-D1)(1-D2)(D3-Dr)(D3-D2)]^0.5/[Dr+D2-(D3+1) ] We also determine the optimal coding scheme which achieves the minimum total rate. We conclude the thesis by comparing the scenario of CVC-PL with two frames with a coding scheme, in which both of the sources are available at the encoders, i.e. distributed source coding versus centralized source coding. We show that for small D2 or large D3, the distributed source coding can perform as good as the centralized source coding. Finally, we talk about future work and extend and formulate the problem for M sources.

'n Posgraderingstelsel vir verpleegkundiges in 'n privaatgesondheidsdiens

Paolini, Magdalena Wilhelmina 11 September 2012 (has links)
D.Cur. / The aim of this study was to describe a job grading system for nurses in a specific private health service. Nursing personnel form a significant component of the manpower in private health services and must therefor be utilized in the most costeffective manner. The Labour Relations Act (South Africa, 1996) demands that the principles of fair labour practice must be applied in all dimensions of personnel management. In the dynamic relationship between the employer and employee within private health services, the nurse as employee has the right to fair labour practice. The job grading system is described by means of a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research design within the context of a specific private health service in South-Africa. The system is described according to the Paterson job grading system (1957), the NIPN-Q system of the Institute for Personnel Management, the Peromnes system, the Hay-method and the JE Manager method of job grading. The methodological assumptions of the study are based on Botes' research model (1994) which implies a functional approach to the practice of Nursing Science. The context of the study is a particular private health service where all categories of nurses are employed. The aim of the system is the facilitation of fair labour practice as included in the legislation concerning labour relations. Within the context of this study, the implementation of the job grading system is the duty of the nursing human resources manager and to function as agent for the implementation of the job grading system implies specific internal sources such as abilities, attitudes and values in order to facilitate fair labour practice. The study takes place in four phases. During phase one of the study the expectations of the role-players with regard to a job grading system for nurses in a particular private health service were explored and described by means of focus group interviews as well as individual interviews with top management and supported by literature. Applying the strategies as suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985:290) ensured trustworthiness. From this data a total of twenty-one statements were formulated. A theoretical framework for the job grading system was described during phase two of the study based on the identified concepts and relevant national and international literature. During the description of the theoretical framework, deductive logic was utilized to formulate statements for each concept. At the end of the theoretical framework, six sets of statements were formulated with a total of fifty statements. The contents of the job grading system were derived from the generated statements of the expectations and the statements from the conceptual framework by means of deductive and inductive logic. During phase three of the study, which comprised the development of the job grading system, the system was validated and refined by a representative profile of the different role-players. The system was also made available in English and guidelines for implementation was described. The emphasis in the guidelines is based on the principles of democracy and the facilitation of fair labour practice. During phase four of the study the system was validated and evaluated for its' operationalization value by means of individual application of the system by nurses holding certain posts in the specific private health care service. Content validity was determined by means of a content validity index as described by Lynn (1986). The unique contribution of this study is the description of a job grading system for nurses with fair labour practice as purpose. The strength of the study is grounded in the verification, validation and operationalization of the system, which is significant of the implement value of the system in the practice.

'n Funksieverrekening van die hoofverpleegkundige se posverantwoordelikhede in staatshospitale

Malan, Elsona 16 August 2012 (has links)
D.Cur. / It is obvious that different interpretations in South African State Hospitals have been attached by both internal and external role players to the role and functions of the Chief Professional Nurse. Within nursing practice a number of external and internal environmental variables have led to her role becoming ill defined and role expectations confused. In practice, the Chief Professional Nurse performs the role of middle manager, on a par with the line functionary, i.e. the Nursing Service Manager. Her area of control covers a wide area of diverse disciplines. The Chief Professional Nurse should be classified as a unit manager, responsible for the supervision and control of a service centre. A key role in the organizational structure of State Hospitals would thus be defined. The post requirements of the Chief Professional Nurse are diversified, flexible and dynamic. Attention should primarily focus on her clinical, managerial and educational expertise and responsibility towards research. Both the national and international literature studied, confirm the importance of these functions. Yet, research and literature studies prove, that these responsibilities are ineffectively managed. Consequently, the Chief Professional Nurse is not effectively utilized. In the opinion of the researcher, an investigation into the role and functions of the Chief Professional Nurse was necessary, to ensure quality nursing and effective functioning of nursing personnel. For that reason, an investigation into the classification of the post of the Chief Professional Nurse in State Hospitals was deemed necessary, together with specified guidelines, to facilitate: better utilization of the Chief Professional Nurse; promoting the quality of a working life; quality nursing care. The strategy used in this research was an explorative and descriptive study within the context of several Academic, Main Regional, Regional and Community State Hospitals of nine (9) provinces. A pilot study was carried out by independent researchers. Job descriptions were used from forty-one (41) hospitals, of which four (4) were from Academic hospitals and thirty-seven (37) from Main Regional, Regional and Community hospitals. These job descriptions were based on guidelines supplied by the Commission for Administration. Focus interviews were held with Nursing Service Managers and Chief Professional Nurses. Workshops were held with Senior Professional Nurses and policy makers were approached for their written comments on the role and functions of the Chief Professional Nurse. A random sample population was drawn from thirty-three (33) hospitals of five (5) provinces in South Africa. The respondents totalled a hundred and nine (109). Of these, twenty-seven (27) Nursing Service Managers and thirty-nine (39) Chief Professional Nurses were involved in interviews. Forty-three (43) Senior Professional Nurses took part in the workshop. From the interviews held and the study of post descriptions, the following conclusions were drawn. The Chief Professional Nurse is confused with regard to her role expectations, and therefore not suitably utilized. The prime responsibilities of the Chief Professional Nurse are, as listed in priority, clinical, educational, managerial and research responsibilities. The other responsibilities include community and occupational involvement, role model and last but not least, leadership. The value of this research is contained in the guidelines, which were determined with regard to the responsibilities attached to the post of a Chief Professional Nurse. A schedule of time allocation per function is included to ensure that the Chief Professional Nurse is effectively utilized and that she will enjoy a quality working life. The recommendations contained in the study are directed towards ensuring the effective utilization of the Chief Professional Nurse and quality in working life and nursing. The researcher recommends that: the implementation of the proposed job descriptions; the proposed time management schedule be applied; employee help programmes be instituted; programmes for personal and professional growth be instituted. A few hypothesis have been stated for testing purposes.

Rehabilitation in the state sector: Do job descriptions accurately reflect expected duties?

Allen, Douglas Edward 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

A semantic approach to Ilocano Grammar / 意味論的アプローチによるイロカノ語文法

Yamamoto, Kyosuke 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第21492号 / 文博第797号 / 新制||文||673(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 千田 俊太郎, 教授 吉田 和彦, 教授 吉田 豊, 教授 加藤 昌彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

Music Description and Expressive Performance by Middle School Instrumentalists

Braun, Elizabeth Longo 19 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of Duties and Requirements Pertaining to the Job of Assistant Principal

Matthews, Don E. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to ascertain the change, if any, in the past practices in regard to the duties of the assistant principal and to compare them with the current trends of the position. A supplementary reason is to explore this field as an opening for those who wish to enter the administrative branch of education.

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