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Innovative Non-destructive Testing Technologies for QA/QC of Fresh and Early Stage ConcreteLiu, Yan 02 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Synthesis Study on Load Capacity of Concrete Slabs without PlansGearhart, Gregory P., Jr. 21 September 2018 (has links)
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Destructive Testing of a Full-Scale 43 Year Old Adjacent Prestressed Concrete Box Beam Bridge: Middle and West SpansHuffman, Jonathan M. 18 April 2012 (has links)
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Applikationer för effektiv inlinekontroll inom svetsande industri : Möjligheter och utmaningar vid implementering av nya kontrollmetoder / Applications for efficient inline control in the welding industry : Opportunities and challenges in implementing new control methodsLindén, Jonathan, Öbrink, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Svetsning är en viktig fogningsmetod, och kvalitet på svetsar kan ha hög inverkan på prestanda och livslängd för svetsade produkter. För att kunna garantera att svetsar lever upp till de krav som ställs används ofta oförstörande provning. Traditionella oförstörande provningsmetoder kan dock vara oprecisa, långsamma och kräva högutbildade operatörer. För att förbättra kontrollen av svetsar utvecklas därför ny mätteknik som snabbare och mer pålitligt kan bedöma svetsars kvalitet. Genom att intervjua företag inom svetsande industri har slutsatsen kunnat dras att det finns behov av tillförlitliga mätmetoder som kan hantera komplexa geometrier, leverera lättolkade data och som är enkla att implementera. Forskningen om kontrollmetoder för svetsar, och tolkning av datan metoderna producerar, är dock i olika tidiga stadium för olika svetsmetoder. Generellt behövs fler tester av utrustning i utmanande förhållanden samt mer forskning som riktar sig åt att lösa de problem som industrin upplever. / Welding is an important joining method, and the quality of welds can have a severe impact on the performance and life span of welded products. In order to guarantee that welds meet their requirements, non-destructive testing is widely used. Traditional non-destructive testing methods can, however, be imprecise, slow and require highly educated operators. New measuring techniques are therefore being developed to inspect faster and more reliably the quality ofwelds. Through interviews with companies in the welding industry, the conclusion can be drawn that there is a need for reliable inspection methods that can handle complex geometry, provide easily interpreted data and that are simple to implement. The research about inspection methods and the data they provide are, however, in different stages of their development, depending on the welding method. There is generally a need for testing of novel measuring equipment in more demanding settings, as well as more research aimed to solve the problems the industry experiences.
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Mechanické vlastnosti svaru titanové slitiny TiAl6V4 připraveného pomocí technologie elektronového paprsku / Mechanical properties of the weld of titanium alloy TiAl6V4 prepared by using an electron beam technologyByrtus, Robin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of the weld join Ti6Al4V titanium alloy prepared by using an electron beam technology. The theoretical part deals with the welding of titanium alloys with the help of electron beam, the weldability evaluation of titanium alloys, the influence of electron beam welding on the microstructure and the methods of testing of weld joints. Using the experiments, the mechanical properties of the base material and the weld were evaluated and a structural analysis of the weld was performed.
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Inline Coherent ImagingWEBSTER, PAUL J L 21 November 2012 (has links)
In laser materials processing, the direct measurement and characterization of material and process depth is traditionally a diffcult task. This is particularly difficult when such information needs to be obtained in real-time for feedback and dynamic analysis applications. This thesis outlines a novel method and apparatus for real-time depth measurement during laser processes such as welding, drilling, cutting and ablation called inline coherent imaging (ICI). The approach borrows the coherent imaging ideas from the primarily medical field of optical coherence tomography and adapts them to the new application. Without requirements for flawless image quality and limitations on sample exposure the design is free to emphasize speed in acquisition and processing. Furthermore, the imaging optics are specialized for compatibility with off-the-shelf beam delivery systems. Several generations of the imaging technique and relevant design equations are described and shown and realized. Also described is the design and construction of two laser processing stations used for testing ICI in macro- and micro-processing applications. A variety of applications for ICI in the understanding of percussion drilling and welding of metals and other industrial materials are discussed. The imaging technique is further extended to provide manual and fully automatic closed-loop control of drilling and ablation processes in industrial materials. Finally, some important applications of ICI in the processing of bone in both open and closed-loop configurations are demonstrated. / Thesis (Ph.D, Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy) -- Queen's University, 2012-11-20 15:31:21.708
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Non-destructive testing of thin strip material : Implementation of the 3MA technique at a steel producing companyLizarralde, Jon Mikel January 2017 (has links)
This study is an initial attempt to investigate the possibility of substituting conventional laboratory destructive testing techniques at Sandvik's strip steel production facilities with the 3MA (Micro-magnetic Multi-parameter Microstructure and Stress Analysis) NDT (nondestructive testing) technique. The interest for the research comes from various problems with the actual destructive testing method. Sandvik manufactures thin strip steel (among other products) and controls the quality of its product by taking samples from the ends of the strip and measuring the sample's material properties in a separate laboratory. Hence, the sample preparation process is time and material consuming, and the results obtained from the laboratory measurements are not always representative of the real values along the whole length of the strip (usually several kilometers). Therefore, the present project involves the correlation between three material properties (Vickers hardness, tensile strength and carbide density) and a selection of micro-magnetic parameters measured with the 3MA-II equipment manufactured by the Fraunhofer IZFP institute. The 3MA-II system is based on four measuring techniques (harmonic analysis, magnetic Barkhausen noise, incremental permeability and Eddy current testing) and is capable of recording up to 41 micro-magnetic parameters. Samples of two different steel grades (composition) were used in the study. The results for hardness and tensile strength (average relative errors of 1.04% and 0.78%, respectively) corroborated the applicability of the 3MA technique to steel strip inspection. Thus, the implementation of this technique would lead to an improvement in the company's energy efficiency and sustainability. However, finding a good correlation between micromagnetic parameters and material properties is not always possible and, in the case of carbide density, no reliable correlation was achieved. So, further experiments are proposed for future studies regarding carbide density and other material properties.
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Contribution à l’étude du patrimoine bâti. Méthodes de diagnostic des pathologies des structures et moyens de restauration : Etude de cas. Site archéologique Volubilis au Maroc / Contribution to the study of the built heritage. methods of diagnosis of pathologies of the structures and means of restoration : Case study. The archaeological site of Volubilis in MoroccoAalil, Issam 05 December 2017 (has links)
La restauration du patrimoine bâti est une exigence pour assurer sa pérennité. Le site archéologique Volubilis au Maroc, classé patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO depuis 1997, nécessite des travaux de restauration. L’objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer les causes de dégradation de ses pierres, et de proposer des mortiers pour la restauration de ses monuments. Dans un premier temps, une caractérisation multi-échelle a été réalisée sur les trois faciès de la calcarénite, la pierre la plus prépondérante du site. Elle a révélé que malgré la composition minéralogique similaire des trois faciès, ils présentent des propriétés hydriques, thermiques et mécaniques dissemblables et des durabilités contrastées vis-à-vis de la cristallisation de sel. Des essais non destructifs permettraient de distinguer les trois faciès en estimant leurs porosités et leurs coefficients de capillarité. Dans un second temps, une étude de diagnostic a révélé la présence l’halite et du gypse dans la majorité des pierres altérées par des détachements et des pertes de matière. Ces sels proviennent des mortiers avoisinants, utilisés pendant les interventions antérieures. De plus, l’altération des calcarénites non contaminées est vraisemblablement due à des contraintes thermiques. Dans la dernière partie, nous avons formulé des mortiers à base de chaux, du sable et de la poudre de brique à l’aide de la méthode des plans de mélanges. Cette démarche permettrait de déterminer des mortiers compatibles à la pierre calcarénite. / The restoration of the built heritage is mandatory to ensure its sustainability. The archaeological site of Volubilis in Morocco, registered on the UNESCO World Heritage list since December 1997, requires restoration works. The main objective of this thesis is to determine the causes of stones’ deterioration and to propose mortars for restoration of its monuments. Firstly, a multi-scales characterization study was carried out on the three facies of the calcarenite, the main building stone in the site. It showed that despite their similar mineralogical composition, the three facies have dissimilar hydric, thermal and mechanical properties and they are quite different in terms of durability against salt crystallization. Besides, non-destructive testing could be used to distinguish the three facies by estimating their porosities and their coefficients of capillarity. Secondly, a diagnosis study revealed the presence of halite and gypsum in most deteriorated stones affected by detachment and loss of material. These salts originated from neighboring mortars, used during the previous interventions. In addition, the deterioration of uncontaminated calcarenites is likely due to thermal stresses. In the last part, we formulated mortars using lime, sand and the brick dust using the mixtures method. This approach would determine compatible mortars to the stone calcarenite.
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Short continuously reinforced concrete pavement design recommendations based on non-destructive ultrasonic data and stress simulation. / Recomendações de projeto baseadas em dados ultrassônicos não destrutivos e simulação de tensões para pavimento de concreto continuamente armado de curta extensão.Salles, Lucio Salles de 19 May 2017 (has links)
Four sections of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) were constructed at the University of São Paulo campus in order to introduce this kind of pavement structure to Brazil\'s technical transportation community. Sections were designed as 50 m long concrete slab, short in comparison to traditional CRCP, in order to simulate bus stops and terminals - locations of critical interest for public infrastructure. The thesis presented herein concludes this research project initiated in 2010. As the initial goal of this study was the development of coherent, reliable and intuitive design recommendations for the use of CRCP technology in Brazil, a profound understating of its structural and performance peculiarities was needed. For that, the cracking process of the experimental CRCP sections was recorded over a span of seven years. Due to the sections\' short length and lack of anchorage, the experimental \"short\" CRCP presented a cracking behavior quite different than traditional CRCP. There were much less visible cracks than expected. To address this issue, a novel technology in ultrasonic non-destructive testing of concrete structures was applied. Through ultrasonic signal interpretation it was possible to discover several incipient non-visible cracks within the slabs - many of these became apparent on the slab surface in later crack surveys - and to characterize visible and non-visible cracks regarding crack depth. The updated crack map with non-visible cracks showed similarities with traditional CRCP. Additionally, the ultrasonic data analysis provided important information on thickness variation, reinforcement location and concrete condition that were applied in theoretical simulations (finite element software) of the short CRCP. Simulations were attempted considering different slab geometries, firstly with transverse cracks as joints with high load transfer efficiency (LTE) and secondly with a continuous slab without cracks or joints. The latter simulation was more accurate reaching a shift factor between field and simulated stresses in the order of 0.7 to 1.0. Deflection data and LTE analysis from cracks and panels in between cracks further attested the slab continuous behavior, which contradicts current CRCP design models and performance predictors. Furthermore, critical traffic and environmental loading conditions concerning Brazil\'s climate and bus traffic characteristics were investigated and related using a selected fatigue model resulting in design recommendations in a chart format for the short CRCP aimed at long-term projects for over 20 years of operation. The design chart was successfully applied to investigate three failures presented by the experimental short CRCP due to thickness deficiencies pointed out by the ultrasonic testing. / Quatro seções de pavimento de concreto continuamente armado (PCCA) foram construídas no campus da Universidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de introduzir esta estrutura, de reconhecido sucesso internacional, à comunidade técnica de engenharia de transportes brasileira. As seções foram projetadas com uma placa de concreto de 50 m de extensão, curta em comparação ao PCCA tradicional, com a finalidade de simular paradas e terminais de ônibus - locais de grande interesse para a infraestrutura pública. A tese aqui apresentada conclui este projeto de pesquisa iniciado em 2010. Como o objetivo inicial deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de recomendações de projeto coerentes, confiáveis e intuitivas para a utilização do PCCA no Brasil, foi necessário um profundo entendimento de suas peculiaridades estruturais e de desempenho. Para isso, o processo de fissuração das secções experimentais foi acompanhado durante sete anos. Devido à curta extensão e falta de ancoragem das seções, o PCCA \"curto\" apresentou um padrão de fissuração diferente do PCCA tradicional com muito menos fissuras visíveis na superfície do que o esperado. Para abordar esta questão, uma nova tecnologia ultrassônica para ensaios não destrutivos de estruturas de concreto foi aplicada. Pela interpretação do sinal de ultrassom, foi possível descobrir várias fissuras incipientes (não visíveis) dentro das placas - muitas dessas foram observadas na superfície da placa em levantamentos de fissuras posteriores - e caracterizar fissuras visíveis e não-visíveis quanto à profundidade da fissura. O mapa de fissuração atualizado com fissuras não visíveis mostrou semelhanças com PCCA tradicional. Além disso, a análise dos dados de ultrassom forneceu informações importantes sobre a variação da espessura, localização da armadura longitudinal e condição do concreto, que foram aplicados em simulações teóricas (software de elementos finitos) do PCCA curto. Simulações foram propostas considerando diferentes geometrias, primeiramente com fissuras transversais como juntas com alta eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE) e posteriormente com uma placa contínua, sem fissuras ou juntas. Esta última simulação foi mais precisa alcançando um fator de conversão entre tensões de campo e simuladas na ordem de 0,7 a 1,0. Dados de deflexão e análise de LTE em fissuras e placas entre fissuras atestaram novamente o comportamento contínuo das placas, o que vai em contradição com os modelos atuais de dimensionamento e de previsão de desempenho para o PCCA. Ademais, o tráfego crítico e condições de carga ambiental correspondentes ao clima e tráfego de ônibus típicos brasileiros foram investigados e relacionados usando um modelo de fadiga resultando em recomendações de projeto para o PCCA de curta extensão sendo direcionado para projetos de longo prazo para mais de 20 anos de operação. O gráfico de projeto foi aplicado com sucesso para investigar três falhas apresentadas pelo PCCA curto experimental devido a deficiências de espessura apontadas pelo teste ultrassônico.
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