Spelling suggestions: "subject:"development back"" "subject:"development band""
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Direito, desenvolvimento e experimentalismo democrático: um estudo sobre os papéis do direito nas políticas públicas de capital semente no Brasil / Law, development and democratic experimentalism: a study about the roles of law in seed capital public policies in BrazilZanatta, Rafael Augusto Ferreira 13 May 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa a relação entre direito e experimentalismo institucional por meio de um estudo sobre o surgimento de políticas públicas de capital semente no Brasil. A partir de uma pesquisa empírica sobre a colaboração público-privada na criação e execução de fundos públicos de investimentos em empresas nascentes do BNDES e do trabalho de Mario Schapiro, a pesquisa analisa os arranjos jurídicos que procedimentalizam canais de comunicação entre o Estado e os gestores privados e geram aprendizado institucional para revisão dos arranjos contratuais da política. Ainda, a dissertação apresenta uma resenha da literatura de experimentalismo democrático em especial, Roberto Mangabeira Unger e Charles Sabel e a utiliza para analisar criticamente os arranjos jurídicos dos fundos de capital semente do BNDES, que ainda não garantem formas de accountability e controle social das políticas públicas de capital de risco. Ao analisar a experiência do Fundo Criatec, a dissertação a identifica como um exemplo de inovação institucional do BNDES, dotada de flexibilidade e horizontalidade. Entretanto, conclui-se que tais políticas públicas estão distantes do modelo de experimentalismo democrático e que há novas questões para os juristas brasileiros. Sugere-se que o novo ativismo estatal brasileiro incita uma agenda de sociologia jurídica aplicada. / This dissertation examines the relationship between law and institutional experimentalism through a study of the emergence of seed capital public policies in Brazil. Based on an empirical research about the public-private collaboration in the creation and implementation of the Brazilian Development Banks public investment funds in emerging firms, and the studies of Mario Schapiro, the research examines the legal arrangements that proceduralizes channels of communication between the state and private managers, and generates institutional learning to the revision of the policys contractual arrangements. Still, the dissertation presents a review of the democratic experimentalism literature - in particular, Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Charles Sabel - and uses it to critically examine the legal arrangements of seed capital funds from the BNDES, which do not yet provide forms of accountability and social control on venture capital policies. By analyzing the experience of the Criatec Fund, the dissertation identifies it as an example of institutional innovation in the BNDES, endowed with flexibility and horizontality. However, the research shows that such policies are far from the democratic experimentalism model and that there are new issues for Brazilian legal scholars. Furthermore, it suggests that the new state activism in Brazil encourages an agenda of applied socio-legal studies
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Desenvolvimento, ambiente institucional e o novo banco do BRICS: um estudo sobre os caminhos e estruturas / Development, institutional environment and the new bank of BRICS: a study about pathways and structuresCzarnotta, Renato 14 November 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto central de estudo o conceito de Desenvolvimento mediante a compreensão das estruturas historicamente estabelecidas pelo fruto do Produto Social. Para entender tal conceito, faz-se necessário percorrer o caminho das discussões com a tarefa de desvelar como as aspirações individuais interferem no coletivo e como o resultado coletivo interfere na particularidade dos indivíduos. O texto traz uma discussão sobre os caminhos do Desenvolvimento (crescimento e bem-estar), da importância do Ambiente Institucional na trajetória do desenvolvimento e apresenta um estudo de caso aplicado à gestão de bancos de fomento, em especial, o Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento do BRICS. Apesar das expectativas positivas e do cenário promissor de crescimento dos BRICS, a incerteza sempre rodeou o ambiente institucional de tais países pelo modo de relacionamento político-social causado pela ambiguidade de governantes e empresários e da inércia social perante os fatos. Neste contexto, o Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento foi criado para estreitar as relações intragrupo e ampliar os esforços para superar os obstáculos do desenvolvimento via ambiente institucional. / This dissertation has as main object of study the concept of development by understanding of historically existent structures as a result of Social Product. To understand the concept, it is necessary to pursue the course of discussions with the task of revealing how individual aspirations interfere with collective and how the collective result interferes with individual particularities. The text provides a discussion on the course of development (growth and well-being), the importance of institutional environment in the course of development and a case study of development banks, in particular, the New Development Bank of BRICS. Despite positive expectations and the favorable scenario for the growth of the BRICS countries, the uncertainty has always surrounded the BRICS countries by the mode of social-political relationship caused by the ambiguity of politicians, businessmen and the social inertia facing the facts. In this context, the New Development Bank was created to strengthen intragroup relations and expand efforts to overcome obstacles to development across institutional environment.
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A redescoberta da geografia por economistas: um comentário a partir de Geografia é destino? / The rediscovery of geography by economists: a commentary based on Is geography destiny?Sutermeister, Paul 14 September 2011 (has links)
Apresentamos idéias geográficas contidas em Geografia é destino? (livro publicado em 2003 pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento) e fontes afins. Focamos em David Landes, Jared Diamond e Jeffrey Sachs, considerados neste livro como líderes da redescoberta da geografia. Eles se diferenciam da nova geografia econômica de Paul Krugman por terem abordagens menos matemáticas e mais focadas na história, na biologia e na política, respectivamente. Diamond nos leva a Darwin, Landes discute certa noção de influência climática sobre desenvolvimento, e Sachs sintetiza essas abordagens para compor a parte geográfica de sua nova sociologia do desenvolvimento econômico. Diamond, Landes e Sachs levam, cada um por caminhos diferentes, a uma dicotomia entre zona tropical e zonas temperadas. Concluímos com algumas observações céticas acerca destas redescobertas da geografia. / We look at geographic ideas contained in Is geography destiny? (a book published in 2003 by the Inter-American Development Bank) and in related sources. We focus on David Landes, Jared Diamond and Jeffrey Sachs, who are considered as champions of the rediscovery of geography in this book. Their approaches differ from the new economic geography of Paul Krugman in being less mathematical and more focused on history, biology and policy, respectively. Diamond brings us to Darwin, Landes discusses a certain notion of climatic influence on \"development\", and Sachs makes a synthesis of the aforementioned approaches in order to compose the geographical part of his new sociology of economic development. Diamond, Landes and Sachs lead, each in different ways, to a dichotomy between the tropics and temperate zones. We conclude with some sceptical observations about these rediscoveries of geography.
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Análise da evolução da organização da produção da função operacional em instituição financeira pública : os limites da mudança no Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul -BRDE : final dos anos 80 a 1994Santos, Fernando Luiz Motta dos January 1996 (has links)
Esta dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção trata de um estudo de caso que tem por objetivo descrever e analisar a evolução da organização da produção da função operacional de uma instituição financeira pública: o Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul - BRDE. O período coberto, final dos anos 80 a 1994, com ênfase para a fase 1992-1994, tem cada uma das configurações existentes examinadas, basicamente, a partir de nove fatores de análise. Alguns fatos de 1995 são relatados para melhor compreensão da fase examinada. Há uma breve revisão cobrindo os sistemas de gestão da produção, a questão da mudança nas organizações, bem como três dos métodos usados: a Gestão da Qualidade Total (TQC), o Aperfeiçoamento de Processos Empresariais e a Reengenharia. Estes três métodos são comparados entre si e contextualizados dentre os demais métodos gerenciais de aperfeiçoamento empresarial. As funções e o marco legal da operação dos bancos de desenvolvimento no Brasil são descritos sumariamente. Há uma breve caracterização do BRDE, com ênfase na evolução de suas atividades operacionais, da sua política de recursos humanos e das estruturas organizacionais com que operou no período em pauta. São tecidas considerações sobre o tempo de atravessamento operacional. Um amplo e detalhado projeto de melhoria com a participação do autor é analisado, tanto sob o aspecto de suas recomendações técnicas, como da metodologia e das intercorrências durante sua elaboração. Constatou-se que a atividade operacional no banco de desenvolvimento examinado possuiu o caráter de produção artesanal durante todo o período analisado. O processamento operacional passou, inicialmente, de uma lógica funcional taylorista/fordista com produção em linha para uma lógica de produção celular com minifábricas focalizadas. Posteriormente, foi tentada uma lógica onde se buscou transformar cada funcionário numa célula, proposta que não foi possível ser implantada, tal o nível de polivalência exigido. Verificou-se que a uma fase de mudanças suaves, espaçadas e razoavelmente consensuais, realizadas num ambiente externo relativamente estável (anos 80), sucedeu uma série de mudanças impostas, ambiciosas, executadas em curto espaço de tempo, sem que a mudança anterior pudesse se consolidar (período 1992-1994). A superposição do período de aprofundamento da análise com o reinício das atividades operacionais da instituição tornou muito dificil discernir, no crescimento do volume operacional, o que foi causado pelos processos de mudança do que foi devido à ocupação da capacidade instalada. Observou-se pouco uso de indicadores de defeito e deficiências na aferição da eficiência do emprego dos recursos alocados à função operacional. Verificou-se que distintas fontes de origem política são a gênese do poder na instituição - diretores nomeados, dois a dois, por Governador de Estado membro - o que, em geral, implica que haja falta de unidade na Direção, e que a duração média dos mandatos seja inferior à das gestões estaduais. A falta de envolvimento das chefias dos segmentos organizacionais atingidos foi identificada como a principal causa para a truncada implantação do projeto de melhoria do qual o autor participou. Propõe-se uma nova definição para Processo Empresarial. São apresentadas recomendações, tanto para a instituição estudada, como para novas pesquisas. / The aim of this Industrial Engineering's dissertation is to describe and analyze the evolution in production organization of operational function in a public financiai institution. For the purposes of this dissertation the Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul - BRDE, has been chosen as a case study. The covered period- end of 80's till 1994, emphasizing the 1992-1994 period - has one of each configuration examined from nine analysis factors. Some 1995 information is presented for the better understanding of the subjects under discussion. A brief review covers production management systems, organizational changes, as well as three of the methods used for it: Total Quality Control (TQC), Business Process lmprovement and Reengineering. These methods are compared and contextualized within the other managerial improvement methods. The functions and the legal limits for development bank's operations in Brazil are briefly described. There is a short BRDE's characterization, emphasizing the evolution of operational activities, human resources politics and the organizational structures the bank had pursued at the considered period. Some comments are made on the operational lead time. A wide and detailed improvement project shared by the author is analyzed covering their technical advice, as well as the methodology and the developing intercurrencies. It was verified that the operational activities of the development bank under examination has pursued an artesanal production character during the whole analyzed period. Operational processing moved, at first, from a Taylor/Ford functional logic with a lined production, to a cellular organization based on focused manufacturing. Lately there were attempts to turn each worker into a production cell, a proposal impossible to implant, as the polyvalent skill required. It was verified that after a period of soft, scattered and reasonably consensual changes, which took place in a basically stable environment in the 80's, succeeded a sequence of imposed, ambitious changes, which took place in a short period of time, without the consolidation of the previous change (1992-94 period). The superposition of the deeping analysis period with the operational recommencement of the institution rendered a lot difficult to discern on the operational data increasing, what was caused by the process of changing and what was related to the natural occupation of the idle capacity. It was observed small usage of defect rates and deficiencies in checking the efficiency of the resources designated to operational function. It was verified that different political origins are the genesis of institution's power - appointed directors, two by two, by Member-State Governar - which, in general, implies lack of unity at the Board and the average length of mandates are inferior of those of the state administrations. The lack of involvement from department's chief, who were affect by the change, was identified as the main cause of the mutilated implementation of the improvement project which the author has participated. A new definition for Business Process is proposed. Advice is presented for the analyzed institution, as well as for further research.
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Significance of the European Investment BankPisaneschi, Maria L 30 March 2004 (has links)
Since the implementation of the Treaty of Rome in 1958, the Common Market of six European states has grown to the European Union of twenty-five states as of May 2004. From the outset, the integration of these states into a single economic system has made more apparent the differences in levels of economic development among and within the member states. The original members of the Common Market were aware of these regional differences in 1958 and created the European Investment Bank as part of the Treaty of Rome to provide investment funds to reduce the development gap among the member states.
This thesis assesses the extent to which the European Investment Bank has contributed to closing this gap. An analysis of its lending to the fifteen member countries of the European Union between 1995 and 2001 establishes that the economic development gap has not been reduced and that the lending policies of the EIB have not significantly contributed to solving differences in levels of development among these member states. Examining the GDP of the member nations during this time period reveals that the EIB has been unable to spur economic growth and close the development gap. Particular attention is paid to those member states who received the greatest percentage of EIB lending.
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Public procurements in Africa : - the way to Swedish successRamebäck, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Africa is a poor continent with many of the worlds least developed countries. The latest years the Swedish export to Africa has diminished, at the same time Sweden continues to be a big contributor of aid funds to the continent. However, trade in all its form contribute to prosperity in the trading countries which indicates that the trade with Sweden could help Africa to develop into a bigger and more important economy. Also, since trade increases a country’s welfare, both the Swedish and African societies could benefit from an increased trade between the countries.</p><p>By getting involved in public procurements in Africa the Swedish companies would get an economic security in the otherwise quite risky market. The public procurements could also mean a way to enter the market or to increase the market shares in Africa. This Thesis is focused on public procurements from the African Development Bank, mostly since Sweden is a big contributor in the bank but only a few Swedish companies has won contracts from the bank and also because many studies has not been made regarding their procurement process.</p><p>By using theories mainly from project marketing and networking, the market of public procurements in the African Development Bank, the process and the ways to succeed on this market has been studied.</p><p>It has been showed that the competition for the procurements from the bank is hard, and that the Swedish companies have not been successful. There are many underlying reasons for this, one of the most important being the fact that the Swedish companies have not even been interested in participating in the procurements since they find the market, the process and the bank to complicated. New possibilities are emerging on the market with the African Development Bank improving the efficiency of the procurement process, more lobbying being performed from the Swedish Foreign Ministry and also the growing African market, which makes this market more interesting and could mean new opportunities for the Swedish companies.</p><p>To improve the Swedish statistics in winning contracts from the bank the Swedish companies need to improve their networking to a great extent. Personal contacts and relationships are extremely important in making business in Africa and also when making bids on procurements from the bank. From the relationships in Africa, the Swedish companies can receive early information about upcoming projects in order to prepare the bid and market the company early. The Swedish companies must be more proactive in their marketing and visit Africa more often, as well as matching the needs with their offer to a better extent than today. It is important for the companies to have a long-term strategy when entering the African procurement market and not to resist too easily. Hard work and many resources will be spent before being awarded with the first contract and thereafter one success will lead to others.</p>
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A Critique Of Inter-american Development Bank' / s Neoliberal Discourse Of ExclusionMenemencioglu, Kerim Rifat 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Exclusion has become a popular term in the recent two decades which is used
to designate to the relatively disadvantageous people, groups, parties in
different societies. Given the fact that concepts are not innocent, there is a
need to think on the question of what &ldquo / exclusion&rdquo / as a concept excludes and
includes different from other relevant concepts such as poverty,
marginalization, and/or underclass.
This thesis will try to answer these questions by focusing on the Inter-
American Development Bank&rsquo / s (IDB) discourse on exclusion in Latin
America. It will argue that the IDB&rsquo / s discourse on exclusion aims to
reproduce the dominant neoliberal ideology in its post-Washington version.
For by differentiating &ldquo / exclusion&rdquo / from &ldquo / poverty&rdquo / by associating the former
with the practices, acts and cultures of social and political institutions specific
to particular societies and states, IDB&rsquo / s exclusion discourse creates a
legitimate ground to proceed with the neoliberal transformations of states and
societies in line with good governance.
Keywords: Exclusion, Inclusion, New Poverty, Inter-American Development
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Public procurements in Africa : - the way to Swedish successRamebäck, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Africa is a poor continent with many of the worlds least developed countries. The latest years the Swedish export to Africa has diminished, at the same time Sweden continues to be a big contributor of aid funds to the continent. However, trade in all its form contribute to prosperity in the trading countries which indicates that the trade with Sweden could help Africa to develop into a bigger and more important economy. Also, since trade increases a country’s welfare, both the Swedish and African societies could benefit from an increased trade between the countries. By getting involved in public procurements in Africa the Swedish companies would get an economic security in the otherwise quite risky market. The public procurements could also mean a way to enter the market or to increase the market shares in Africa. This Thesis is focused on public procurements from the African Development Bank, mostly since Sweden is a big contributor in the bank but only a few Swedish companies has won contracts from the bank and also because many studies has not been made regarding their procurement process. By using theories mainly from project marketing and networking, the market of public procurements in the African Development Bank, the process and the ways to succeed on this market has been studied. It has been showed that the competition for the procurements from the bank is hard, and that the Swedish companies have not been successful. There are many underlying reasons for this, one of the most important being the fact that the Swedish companies have not even been interested in participating in the procurements since they find the market, the process and the bank to complicated. New possibilities are emerging on the market with the African Development Bank improving the efficiency of the procurement process, more lobbying being performed from the Swedish Foreign Ministry and also the growing African market, which makes this market more interesting and could mean new opportunities for the Swedish companies. To improve the Swedish statistics in winning contracts from the bank the Swedish companies need to improve their networking to a great extent. Personal contacts and relationships are extremely important in making business in Africa and also when making bids on procurements from the bank. From the relationships in Africa, the Swedish companies can receive early information about upcoming projects in order to prepare the bid and market the company early. The Swedish companies must be more proactive in their marketing and visit Africa more often, as well as matching the needs with their offer to a better extent than today. It is important for the companies to have a long-term strategy when entering the African procurement market and not to resist too easily. Hard work and many resources will be spent before being awarded with the first contract and thereafter one success will lead to others.
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Educating for Prosperity:An Historical Analysis of Education as the Panacea for PovertyOcampo Gomez, Elizabeth Unknown Date
No description available.
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Educating for Prosperity:An Historical Analysis of Education as the Panacea for PovertyOcampo Gomez, Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Policy emphasis on education as a medium to alleviate poverty and to achieve development is this thesis’s topic. Long enforcement of this approach has led us not only to believe in the education-for-prosperity link, but also to reproduce it and create a social system that works in line with it. This study explored this approach as conceived by key international financial institutions—the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank—and by a specific nation-state—Mexico.
An historical analysis was conducted of 29 documents from 1960, when these banks first became involved in policy making and funding of education projects worldwide, to the present time. They were chosen because of their relevance in effecting concrete practices in the education sector. A constructivist grounded theory approach was used to read, analyze, and identify relevant categories within them. A content analysis methodology was also used to study the treatment of the concepts of education and poverty over time by the two banks and Mexico.
This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how educational policies came to be. The study of the banks revealed that the link between education and poverty occurred at the end of the 1980s. This link was strengthened by a shift of focus from the nation to the individual, which facilitated the education-for-poverty objectives. The study of Mexico suggests that international policies influenced national education policies; Mexico adopted the same perspective during the 1990s, a decade later than the banks.
Despite the strength and acceptance of education for prosperity, it is still a social construct of our creation and reproduction. The key recommendations are (a) to develop further understanding and appreciation of the noneconomic side of education; (b) to distance education from economic and neoliberal principles that belittle its humanistic side; (c) to consider that education, our way of conceiving it, and our practice is a social construct that can be challenged and changed; and (d) to seek a type of education that truly fosters equity and equality. / Educational Administration and Leadership
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