Spelling suggestions: "subject:"development back"" "subject:"development band""
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Moeda, poder e rivalidade interestatal : o novo banco de desenvolvimento dos BRICSGaiotto, Felipe Camargo January 2017 (has links)
A crise financeira de 2007-2008 proporcionou perdas de legitimidade política e econômica aos EUA no sistema interestatal. Até então, o modelo de organização socioeconômica estadunidense era hegemônico na economia-mundo capitalista. Mas, mais do que um modelo de capitalismo, as desregulações financeiras e a defesa excessiva da austeridade orçamentária para os demais Estados foram adotadas pelos EUA com o objetivo de assegurar a emissão exclusiva da moeda internacional dos sistemas financeiro e monetário internacional. A possível substituição do dólar como fundamento do padrão monetário desses sistemas diminuiria a autonomia relativa dos EUA. Assim, eles mantiveram as vantagens políticas e econômicas propiciadas pelo poder monetário e pelo estadismo monetário e asseguraram a manutenção da configuração hierárquica favorável desse sistema interestatal. Por outro lado, essa crise estimulou a formação de novas alianças geopolíticas e novas relações de cooperação entre Estados localizados na semiperiferia e na periferia da economia-mundo. Esses Estados propõem, em maior ou menor grau, outros modelos de desenvolvimento e procuram mudar a configuração hierárquica interestatal, com uma aposta no multilateralismo. O Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NBD) criado pelos BRICS é uma das alternativas que surgiram como possibilidades de reordenamento hierárquico nesse sistema, começando o elo conflito em torno da moeda e das finanças. Desse modo, o objetivo geral desta tese doutoral é avaliar qual a viabilidade de possíveis mudanças nas relações de poder monetário e de estadismo monetário no sistema interestatal capitalista a partir do NBD dos BRICS. Para tanto, analisa-se de que maneira, em geral, a relação entre moeda e poder influencia na hierarquia de Estados e moedas no sistema interestatal da economia-mundo capitalista. Da mesma forma, examina-se especificamente o processo de construção do poder monetário e do estadismo monetário dos Estados Unidos a partir da construção do regime Dólar-Wall Street e de que forma essa estratégia contribuiu, de forma não intencional, para enfraquecer a própria hegemonia estadunidense no pós-crise. E, por fim, avalia-se a capacidade da influência do NBD para a reforma monetária e financeira internacional no sentido de maior multilateralismo. Nesse processo, o NBD representa uma alternativa de acesso a financiamento para a acumulação autônoma de capital e de defesa contra a manipulação monetária e financeira por parte dos Estados do núcleo orgânico desse sistema, em particular os EUA. Da mesma forma, o NBD reforça as demandas para reformar o sistema financeiro e monetário internacional, o que pode alterar a capacidade de exercício do poder monetário estadunidense e suas consequentes vantagens políticas e econômicas. Assim, haveria uma mudança qualitativa na hierarquia desse núcleo orgânico. A possível substituição, ou perda de importância, do dólar diminuiria a autonomia relativa dos EUA e contribuiria para mudanças na configuração hegemônica da economia-mundo capitalista. / The financial crisis of 2007-2008 has resulted in loss of political and economic legitimacy to the United States in the inter-state system. Until then, the model of US socioeconomic organization was hegemonic in the capitalist world-economy. Yet, more than a model of capitalism, financial deregulation and excessive apologizing of budgetary austerity for other states were adopted by the United States to ensure the exclusive issuance of the international currency in the international financial and monetary systems. The possible substitution of the dollar as the basis for the monetary standard of these systems would diminish the relative autonomy of the United States. Thus, they keep the political and economic advantages granted by monetary power and monetary statecraft, and ensured the maintenance of the favorable hierarchical configuration of that interstate system. On the other hand, this crisis stimulated the formation of new geopolitical alliances and new relations of cooperation between states located in the semiperiphery and in the periphery of the world-economy. These states propose, to a greater or lesser extent, other models of development, and seek to change the inter-state hierarchical configuration, with a focus on multilateralism. The New Development Bank (NDB) created by the BRICS is one of the alternatives that emerged as a possibility of hierarchical rearrangement in this system, starting with the monetary and financial conflicts. Thus, the general objective of this Ph.D. dissertation is to evaluate the viability of possible changes in the relations of monetary power and monetary statecraft in the capitalist interstate system by the creation of the BRICS’ NDB. In order to do so, it is analyzed how, in general, the relation between money and power influences the hierarchy of states and currencies in the interstate system of the capitalist world-economy. Likewise, the process of constructing monetary power and monetary statescraft in the United States starting with the construction of the Dollar-Wall Street regime, and in which way this strategy has unintentionally contributed to weaken the hegemony itself in the post-crisis period, is equally dealt with. And last, but not least, the capacity of the NDB's influence on the international monetary and financial reform towards greater multilateralism is evaluated. In this process, the NDB represents an alternative to access financing for the autonomous accumulation of capital and defense against monetary and financial manipulation by the States of the organic core of this interstate system, in particular the US. Along the same lines, the NDB reinforces the demands to reform the international financial and monetary systems, which may alter the capacity of the US to exert monetary power and receive its consequent political and economic advantages. Thus, there would be a qualitative change in the hierarchy of this organic core. The possible substitution or loss of importance of the dollar would diminish the relative autonomy of the US and contribute to changes in the hegemonic configuration of the capitalist world-economy.
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Participatory development in social funds: a case study of the Peruvian Social FundCostella, Cecilia V. January 2010 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / This research aims to assess the role of Social Funds' organizational and institutional characteristics for community participation processes in development projects. The research is based on a case study of the Peruvian Social Fund, FONCODES, and utilizes a qualitative data collection approach. It mainly relies on semi-structured interviews with FONCODES' staff and community members, unstructured interviews with experts, and analysis of operational documents. The research concludes that several organizational and institutional characteristics affect community participation in FONCODES projects but the direction of this influence depends on how specific areas of the organization's context are structured as well as on political variables in the institutional environment. / South Africa
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Financovanie a podpora malých a stredných podnikov / Financing and subsidizing of small and medium enterprisesHybler, Michal January 2008 (has links)
Small and medium sized enterprises constitute an overwhelming majority of all companies in the economy. They are the resource of the growth of GDP, innovation and significantly contribute to the employment. Representatives of the European Union are aware of the important role which these companies play and they try to create the most convenient and optimal business environment. The small and medium sized enterprises are supported through institutions such as Czechinvest and the ČMZRB which receive funds from structural funds of the European Union and the state budget. In my thesis I made evaluation of the projects of the SME Finance Facility program under which subsidy and credit lines were granted to the ČMZRB and various leasing companies. Finance was provided from various european development banks and were intended to grant the loans and leasings with better conditions than loans and leasings from unsubsidized banks. Based on the results from the survey I came to a conclusion that the program was relevant only to a certain extent because companies had significant alternative opportunities of financing their investment projects.
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China tries within the current internationl framework dominated by the US to gain more power in the IMFLiehmann, Viktoria January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses whether China tries to gain more power in the IMF staying within the current international U.S.-dominated system. The analysis focuses on China's behavior in the IMF during the reform process of the last decade. The thesis examines the ways in which China can gain more power staying in the IMF. However, current power structures make it difficult to implement changes and China might therefore use political groups such as the BRICS and their New Development Bank to exert pressure. But the intention of the BRICS is not to overthrow the system but to reform it. Using official statements and speeches delivered by Chinese, U.S. or IMF staff in the IMF as well as articles published in newspapers Chinese claims and US reactions were analyzed. The results suggest that China stays within the international system and does not try to overthrow it. Nevertheless, pressure is created through the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB). The intention of this thesis is to give a current account of Chinese behavior in the international community, supporting the understanding of underlying dynamics. Keywords IMF, China, Reforms, BRICS, New Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, international system, challenge
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Building sustainable communities through participation : analysing the transition from participatory planning to implementation in the case of the Grabouw Sustainable Development InitiativeBoulogne, Fleur Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis ((MPhil (Sustainable Development, Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABTRACT:
Through the development of sustainable communities, a transformation process can be incited towards a more sustainable way of life. An important prerequisite of this transformation process is behavioural change. This thesis is based on the supposition that participation can contribute to behavioural change. Behaviour which supports the functioning of sustainable systems, is essential in the long term success of sustainable communities. To sustain this behaviour and create a sense of ownership, participatory processes need to encompass the initial phases of development (planning) as well as the implementation and management phase (governance). To secure the participatory involvement in the implementation phase anchor points need to be created in the planning phase, which enable participation of community members in the implementation phase.
By means of a case study this thesis has analysed the role of participation in the pilot project in Grabouw, a medium-sized town in the Western Cape, South Africa. The key objective was to establish whether and in what manner, the participatory planning process anticipated the involvement of community members in the implementation phase. Research shows that in some occasions, participation is defined as an instrument to effectively manage contingencies and facilitate the implementation of government decisions. However, the case studies of Grabouw and Porto Alegre, illustrate that community participation can also be organised in such a way that it enables community members to be involved in a meaningful way in decision-making processes, enabling them to shape their own environment. Defined this way active participation is not merely an instrument but an integral part of a complex system encompassing opportunities for social learning. Active participation can incite a process of „conscientization‟ and empowerment, stimulating people to become aware of sustainable challenges and adapt their behaviour accordingly. This viewpoint on participation is in line with the multi-dimensional nature of sustainable development and based on the need to facilitate a continuous evolving learning system. Furthermore it supports the notion that sustainable development is not a fixed objective but a moving target. Within this perspective sustainable communities need to be flexible entities able to evolve in accordance with increased understanding of the complex interrelated issues of sustainable development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
‟n Transformasieproses, gerig op ‟n meer volhoubare lewenswyse, kan deur die ontwikkeling van volhoubare gemeenskappe aangemoedig word. ‟n Belangrike voorvereiste vir so ‟n transformasieproses is gedragsverandering. Gedragsverandering is nie ‟n individuele oefening nie, maar is stewig veranker in sosiale prosesse en word daardeur beïnvloed. Om gedragsverandering op groter skaal te stimuleer, is dit nodig dat individue as katalisators van gedragsverandering optree. Deelname speel ‟n vername rol om volhoubare gemeenskappe as platforms vir volhoubare gedragsverandering op te stel. Die bestaande verskeidenheid tussen die verskillende vlakke van deelname bemoeilik die opstel van een duidelik omlynde definisie van deelname. Die regering en ander gemeenskapsrolspelers het die waarde van deelname besef en dit het algemene gebruik geword om lede van die gemeenskap by die beplanning en/of beheer van volhoubare stedelike ontwikkeling te betrek. Kompleksiteit-teorie bied ‟n waardevolle perspektief in die strewe na dieper verstandhouding rondom die geleenthede en beperkinge van deelname. Hierdie verhandeling het deur middel van ‟n gevallestudie die rol van deelname in die loodsprojek op Grabouw, ‟n medium-grootte dorp in Wes-Kaapland, geanaliseer. Die navorsing wat vir dié verhandeling gedoen is, het deel uitgemaak van ‟n evaluasiestudie wat deur die Ontwikkelingsbank van Suider Afrika bekend gestel is en deur die Omgewingsevaluasie-eenheid aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad (UK) uitgevoer is.
Die navorsing het getoon dat in sommige gevalle deelname gedefinieer word as ‟n instrument om omstandighede doeltreffend te beheer en die toepassing van regeringsbesluite af te glad. Die gevallestudies van Grabouw en Porto Allegre wys egter daarop dat deelname ook op so ‟n manier georganiseer kan word dat dit lede van die gemeenskap in staat stel om op betekenisvolle wyse by besluitnemingsprosesse betrokke te raak en sodoende hulle eie omgewing rangskik. Aktiewe deelname wat so gedefinieer word, is nie ‟n instrument nie, maar ‟n integrale deel van ‟n komplekse stelsel wat geleenthede vir sosiale leer omsluit. Aktiewe deelname kan ‟n proses van „gewetensprikkeling‟ en bemagtiging aanmoedig, wat mense stimuleer om bewus te word van volhoubare uitdagings en hulle gedrag dienooreenkomstig aan te pas. Hierdie siening oor deelname is in lyn met die multi-dimensionele aard van volhoubare ontwikkeling en gebaseer op die behoefte om ‟n voortdurende ontwikkelende leerstelsel te fasiliteer. Voorts ondersteun dit die denkwyse dat volhoubare ontwikkeling nie ‟n vasgeankerde doelwit is nie, maar wel ‟n bewegende teiken. Binne hierdie perspektief behoort volhoubare gemeenskappe buigsame entiteite te wees wat daar toe in staat is om met toenemende insig van die komplekse verbandhoudende aangeleenthede rondom volhoubare ontwikkeling, te groei.
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Evaluation of financial performance of Development Bank of Namibia (2003 - 2007)Sheehama, Gerhardt K. H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main aim of this study, firstly, is to evaluate the financial performance of the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) over the period of 2003 to 2007. Secondly, the
study aims to compare financial performance of the Development Bank of Namibia with the
Development Bank of Southern Africa during the same period.
In recent years, there has been a number of criticisms raised against the Development
Bank of Namibia. These have been noted by the political appointment of the top
management in the bank who has no experience in monitoring of the funds and development projects (World Bank, 2003). In addition, the bank has been criticized for poor performance, in terms of very low returns due to poor procurement performance and weak performance of project management units (African Development Bank, 2005).
The bank has also been seen undermining people's human rights through funded projects which were only given to those people who are politically connected or comrades (The Namibian, 2002).
Two financial statements of the Development Bank of Namibia, namely the Income
Statement and Balance Sheet of the period of 2003 to 2007, are used to evaluate the
financial performance of the bank. Trend analysis, monitoring and evaluation reports,
financial ratios and statistical tools are employed to conduct this study. Trend analysis,
financial ratios and statistical tools indicated that there was no evidence to infer that the
Development Bank of Namibia did perform poorly during 2003 to 2007. However,
monitoring and evaluation reports indicated that there was inefficiency in terms of bank
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Transnational science and technology co-operation in Africa : an evaluation of selected institutions and programmesTeng-Zeng, Frank Kannigenye 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
In the aftermath of the Second World War, the development challenges facing Third World
countries - those that were independent, those emerging from colonialism and those still
under colonialism - led to the proliferation of bilateral and multilateral development
institutions. These institutions were intended to assist the developing countries in terms of the
provision of both human (technical) skills and material resources as well as to formulate
programmes that would promote co-operation for socio-economic development and
transformation. If the enormous development problems facing Africa including poverty,
hunger, disease can be alleviated, then multilateral institutions have a major role to play in its
scientific and technological development as well as in helping to create the appropriate
institutional mechanisms for regional and sub-regional co-operation in science and
technology (S&T) in Africa.
The United Nations system, including UN-affiliated institutions, has therefore come to
represent the best hope of realising the dream of most developing countries in their quest for
development, due to its institutional capacity to provide development assistance as well as
influence the international development agenda which affects Africa. For example, among
the institutions in this study, the World Bank Group remains the biggest donor organisation in
terms of the funding of development projects and programmes. UNESCO has a leading role
as the UN agency whose mandate relates directly to S&T development and peace. The ECA
is the representative body of the UN in Africa and therefore able to influence the direction of
development policy and programmes. Similarly, the need to develop also led African
countries to establish their own regional and sub-regional institutions for co-operation to
draw together both human and material resources.
However, the development issues discussed and promoted in the developing world over the
years have focused more on national income, terms of trade, market access and in recent
times on structural adjustment and poverty reduction strategy programmes. But the most
important aspect of the development process - the knowledge capability gap (in terms of
S&T) - has been much neglected especially at the regional and sub-regional levels.
Therefore, in using regional and sub-regional levels of analyses, the research project looks at
the programmes supported by the following institutions: the United Nations Education,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the World Bank, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the African
Development Bank (AIDB), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Thus the study uses a theorydriven
evaluation based on INEXSK (INfrastructure, EXperience and Skills, and Knowledge)
approach broadly, to investigate the extent to which these multilateral institutions live up to
their stated goals of improving the knowledge base for development in the African continent.
An important aspect of the study also entails a historical review of science, technology and
institutional co-operation in Africa.
Furthermore, an important outcome of the study reveals the lack of functional regional and
sub-regional organisational frameworks to promote rigorous scientific and technological
research and development in the African continent, except for a few centres and programmes
supported by some multilateral and bilateral institutions including NGOs. In spite of many
years of structural adjustment the World Bank's lending for S&T has marginalised African
countries; while the AIDB support for S&T and regional programmes is woefully inadequate.
This is a momentous task it has to address if the NEP AD Initiative is to be successful in the
years ahead. To guide future initiatives the study draws on the lessons and experiences of the
European Union's and the Association of South East Asian Nations' (ASEAN) regional
scientific and technology co-operation programmes. The study advocates a knowledge-based
development paradigm, which is transnational in approach, and it makes specific
recommendations for regional and sub-regional programmes and strategies to promote the
socio-economic development and transformation of Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OPSOMMING
Ná afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het Derde Wêreldlande - dié reeds onafhanklik, óf
besig om kolonialisme af te skud, óf nog steeds onder 'n koloniale moondheid se bewind -
sekere ontwikkelingstruikelblokke en -uitdagings in die gesig gestaar. Dit het gelei tot die
totstandkoming van verskeie bilaterale en multilaterale ontwikkelingsinstellings. Die doel
met sulke instellings se hulpverlening aan ontwikkelende lande was drieledig: om tegniese
vaardighede aan te bied; om materiële hulpmiddele te verskaf; en om programme, wat
samewerking vir sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en transformasie sou bevorder, te
formuleer. Indien die las van die geweldige ontwikkelingsprobleme in Afrika (insluitend
armoede, hongersnood en siektes) verlig sou kon word, het multilaterale instellings 'n
belangrike rol om te vervul: om te help met, enersyds, die wetenskaplike en tegnologiese
ontwikkeling van die kontinent, en andersyds die ontwikkeling van toepaslike institusionele
meganismes vir streek- en sub-streeksamewerking in wetenskap en tegnologie (W&T).
As gevolg van die Verenigde Nasies se institusionele kapasiteit om ontwikkelingshulp te
verskaf, asook om die internasionale ontwikkelingsagenda te beïnvloed, verteenwoordig dié
stelsel die beste hoop van die meeste ontwikkelende lande om hulle ontwikkelingsdrome te
verwesenlik. Van die instellings wat by die VN geaffillieer is, en wat in hierdie ondersoek
geëvalueer word, is die Wêreldbankgroep, die grootste skenkerorganisasie vir die befondsing
van ontwikkelingsprogramme en -projekte. So ook het UNESCO 'n leiersrol as die VN agentskap
van wie die mandaat direk betrekking het op die ontwikkeling van W&T. Die
EKA is die liggaam wat Afrika verteenwoordig by die VN, en beïnvloed daarom die koers
van ontwikkelingsbeleid en -programme. Die noodsaak om die kontinent te ontwikkel het
ook gelei daartoe dat Afrikalande hulle eie streek- en sub-streekliggame, wat menslike en
materiële hulpbronne bymekaar bring, begin stig het.
Die ontwikkelingskwessies wat oor die jare in die ontwikkelende wêreld bespreek en
aangemoedig is, het egter meer en meer gefokus op nasionale inkomste, handelsvoorwaardes,
toegang tot markte en, in die afgelope tyd, strukturele aanpassings en armoede verligtingstrategie programme.
Die belangrikste deel van die ontwikkelingsproses - die
vernouing van die kennisgaping in W&T - is gevolglik afgeskeep, veral op streek- en substreekvlak.
Hierdie navorsingsprojek analiseer dus, op streek- en sub-streekvlak,
ontwikkelingsprogramme wat deur die volgende instansies ondersteun word: die Verenigde
Nasies se Opvoedkundige, Wetenskaplike en Kulturele Organisasie (UNESCO), die
Wêreldbank, die Verenigde Nasies se Ekonomiese Kommissie vir Afrika (EKA), die
Organisasie vir Afrika-eenheid (OAE), die Ontwikkelingsbank van Afrika, die Suider-
Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap en die Ekonomiese Gemeenskap van Wes-Afrikaanse
State. Die navorsing gebruik 'n teorie-gedrewe evaluering gebaseer op 'n INEXSK
("INfrastructure, EXperience and Skills, and Knowlege") benadering, om te bepaal in watter
mate hierdie multilaterale instellings hulle doelwitte, met betrekking tot die verbetering van
die kennisbasis vir ontwikkeling van die Afrika-kontinent, bereik. 'n Historiese oorsig van
die wetenskaplike, tegnologiese en institusionele samewerking in Afrika vorm 'n belangrike
deel van die navorsingsverslag.
Die navorsing dui ook op 'n gebrek aan funksionele organisatoriese raamwerke om op streek en
sub-streekvlak streng wetenskaplike en tegnologiese navorsing en ontwikkeling aan te
wakker en te bevorder. (Daar is darem 'n paar noemenswaardige uitsonderings van sentra en
programme wat deur party van die bilaterale en multilaterale instellings ondersteun word.)
Ten spyte van strukturele aanpassings wat oor baie jare plaasgevind het, het die Wêreldbank
se lenings vir W&T Afrikalande gemarginaliseer; en die Ontwikkelingsbank van Afrika se
ondersteuning vir W&T en streeksprogramme is heeltemal ontoereikend. Daar is 'n
geweldige taak wat in die toekoms aangespreek moet word indien die NEPAD inisiatief
hoop om suksesvol te wees.
Die verslag gebruik die lesse en ervarings van die Europese Unie en die Vereniging van Suid-
Asiatiese Lande se streeksamewerkingsprogramme vir wetenskap en tegnologie as
rigtingwyser vir toekomstige inisiatiewe. Die verslag beveel 'n transnasionale
kennisgebaseerde ontwikkelingsparadigma aan, en maak spesifieke aanbevelings vir streek en
sub-streekprogramme en strategieë om die sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en
transformasie van Afrika te bevorder.
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La dimension juridique de l’intégration régionale des pays d’Asie du Sud-Est : intégration et ordre juridique international : le cas de l’ASEAN / The legal dimension of the regional integration of Southeast Asian countries : integration and international legal order : the case of ASEANDupouey, Jacques 10 October 2016 (has links)
Les pays d'Asie du Sud-Est ont, très tôt dans leur période post-coloniale, envisagé de se regrouper pour former une organisation régionale : l’Association des nations d’Asie du Sud-Est, dénommée l’ANASE ou, plus communément appelée par son sigle anglais, ASEAN. En nous appuyant sur l’exemple de l’ASEAN, nous aborderons le concept d’intégration régionale économique sous son angle juridique, en cherchant notamment à le distinguer des vocables contigus de régionalisme, régionalisation ou encore de coopération économique. Quelles sont les caractéristiques d'une intégration régionale? Ses manifestations? En dépit de l'hétérogénéité des organisations régionales ayant pour objectif de construire une intégration économique dans une région donnée, quels sont les points communs qu’un juriste peut observer? Comment décrypter l’ASEAN grâce au processus d’intégration économique qu’elle conduit et à la stratégie qu’elle a choisie? Quelles sont ses particularités? Quels défis doit-elle relever pour atteindre ses objectifs d’intégration à travers les trois dimensions communautaires : économique, politico-sécuritaire et socio-culturelle? De quels soutiens externes l’ASEAN peut-elle bénéficier pour renforcer son processus d’intégration régionale ? Le rapprochement entre pays d’Asie du Sud-Est s’appuie sur l’intergouvernementalité et la sauvegarde absolue de la souveraineté de ses Etats membres qui conduisent à privilégier le recours au droit souple plutôt qu’au droit dur dans leur production normative. L’approche adoptée prendra soin de se différencier de celles de l'économiste, du politiste ou du spécialiste des relations internationales et ouvrira sur des points de vue extra-européens. Les spécificités de l’ASEAN et sa dimension interne seront abordées dans un premier temps, tandis que la seconde partie couvrira la dynamique externe de l’intégration économique de l’ASEAN à partir d’un choix sélectif de partenariats (UE, accords de libre-échange, Banque asiatique du développement, APEC). / The countries located in Southeast Asia have, very soon, during the postcolonial period, foreseen to regroup to forming a regional organization named “ASEAN” (Association of nations of Southeast Asia). We would like to address the concept of economic regional integration from a legal perspective based on the example of ASEAN. This will in particular lead us to distinguish such a concept with other terms similar or very closed, such as regionalism, regionalization and economic cooperation. What are the features of regional integration? What are its manifestations? Despite all the diversity of regional organizations the purpose of which is to build an economic integration within a specific region, what are the common features that a lawyer can observe? How to reveal the ASEAN regional organization through the economic integration process it has launched and strategies chosen by it? What are its peculiarities? What are the challenges it has to face to achieve its integration goals through the following three dimensions: the ASEAN Economic Community, the ASEAN Political &Security Community, and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community? What external support can ASEAN receive to strengthen its regional integration process? Southeast Asian countries look for a closer proximity between themselves on the basis of intergovernmentality and with the deep concern of recognition and protection of their sovereignty that lead to favor Soft law more than hard law in decision-making production. Our approach will be well differentiated from those adopted so far by the economists and political scientists or experts in international relations and will not be reductive to a Eurocentric viewpoint. The main features and the internal dimension of the ASEAN will be addressed in a first part, while the second part will be devoted to the external dynamic of the economic integration of the ASEAN based on a selective choice of partnerships (EU, free trade agreements, Asian Development Bank, APEC).
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Campeões nacionais: o papel do BNDES e a atuação do sistema brasileiro de defesa da concorrênciaAlmeida, Saulo Felipe Caldeira de 13 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:33:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Saulo Felipe Caldeira de Almeida.pdf: 1106391 bytes, checksum: af2f4ef05707497e6a0ea0b1ccfa1d8f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-08-13 / The scope of this dissertation is to analyze a specific movement of the current Brazilian industrial policy, which organizes its tools to assist certain companies in a real training exercise of national champions. But that, is presents an exhaustive researches about the publications of main agent of Brazilian government at implementation of this policy, the
Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social BNDES [Brazilian Development Bank]. From the results of this research, as actually observed how this movement occurs, identifying those are this national champions and which operations of BNDES have fostered this movement. As a result, after identifying the criticisms that are made to this model, in which circumstances these national champions were subjected to the Brazilian Antitrust Authorities, we highlight its main performances and analyzed its decisions. / O escopo da presente dissertação é analisar um movimento especifico da atual política industrial brasileira, que organiza seus instrumentos para auxiliar determinadas empresas num verdadeiro exercício de formação de campeões nacionais. Para tanto, apresenta-se uma exaustiva pesquisa sobre as publicações do principal agente do governo brasileiro na implementação desta política, o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - BNDES. A partir do resultado desta pesquisa, se observa como realmente ocorre este movimento, identificando quem são estes campeões nacionais e quais as operações do BNDES fomentaram este movimento. Na sequência, após identificar as críticas que se fazem a este modelo, verificamos em que circunstancias estes campeões nacionais foram submetidos ao Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência, elencamos suas principais atuações e analisamos suas decisões.
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Disaster capitalism : tsunami reconstruction and neoliberalism in Nagapattinam, South IndiaSwamy, Raja Harish 06 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the impacts of the tsunami of 2004 on economic development priorities in Nagapattinam, South India. By focusing on the manner in which the disaster was cast as an opportunity by the state and multilateral agencies, the unprecedented scale and ambiguous character of involvement by NGOs in reconstruction, and the distinction drawn between economic development and humanitarian aid in the constitution of a reconstruction agenda predicated on the relocation of artisanal fisher communities from the coast, this study demonstrates how post-disaster outcomes are increasingly being shaped by priorities tied to neoliberal globalization. At the same time the processes that unfold are also characterized by significant complexities particularly on account of efforts by affected populations to deploy various strategies to defend their interests, and substantive differences in the approach of NGOs. / text
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