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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La posesión predicativa en lenguas yutoaztecas / La possession prédicative en langues uto-aztèques

Muchembled, Fany 21 May 2014 (has links)
La notion de possession est un thème qui contient des implications à la fois linguistiques, cognitives et culturelles. Il existe une certaine diversité de notions et de formes possessives, tant au niveau translinguistique que intralinguistique. Cette thèse a pour objectif de comparer les ressources de possession prédicative (verbale et non verbale) dans les langues uto-aztèques, une des familles linguistiques les plus importantes du continent américain et du Mexique. Cette comparaison est dirigée par un point de vue typologique, cognitif et diachronique, c'est-à-dire par la linguistique cognitive et la théorie de la grammaticalisation. En effet, elle prétend décrire, dans un premier temps, les différentes constructions de possession prédicative des langues yuto-aztèques, ainsi que leurs utilisations et restrictions sémantiques, dans un but typologique. Dans un deuxième temps, ce travail a pour objectif de déterminer les modèles cognitifs sous-jacents aux constructions de possession prédicative dans ces différentes langues, modèles qui sont à l'origine formelle et conceptuelle de ces constructions. Pour cela, nous nous basons principalement sur le travail de Heine (1997), qui détermine six schémas conceptuels susceptibles de dériver le signifié et les formes actuelles de la possession prédicative. Ces schémas peuvent être retrouvés grâce à un travail comparatif de recherche sur les états antérieurs des langues et sur les reconstructions de la proto-langue. Il s'agit donc de décrire et comparer les différents schémas disponibles dans les langues uto-aztèques, avec une perspective typologique, à partir de données collectées dans les grammaires et dictionnaires contemporains et coloniaux, ainsi que dans les œuvres traitant de reconstructions internes des proto-langues. / The concept of possession is a subject that shows linguistic, cognitive and cultural implications. There is a certain variety of possessive notions and possessive structures, translinguistically and intralinguistically speaking. This dissertation aims at comparing the predicative (both verbal and non verbal) possession ressources of uto-aztecan languages, one of the most important linguistic stock on the American continent and in Mexico particularly. This comparison is supported by a typological, cognitive and diachronic perspective, thanks to cognitive linguistics and grammaticalization theory. This investigation, indeed, intends to describe, at first, the several structures of predicative possession in uto-aztecan languages, as well as their semantic use, with a typological goal. Secondly, we intend to describe the cognitive models that originate formally and conceptually these constructions. For that purpose, we make use the work by Heine (1997), who presents six conceptual Schemas that can possibly originate the actual forms and meanings of predicative possession. These schemas can be postulated thanks to a comparative work of research upon anterior states of languages and proto-languages reconstruction. We then aim at describing and comparing the different schemas found in uto-aztecan languages, within a typological perspective, from our corpus of data extracted from contemporary as well as colonial grammars and dictionaries, as well as from works about proto-languages reconstructions.

Constructional change and emergence in Chinese expressions involving BA

Han, Jing January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, I discuss the grammatical constructionalization involving BA in some depth. I aim to present how a constructional approach can be used to rethink diachronic change in Chinese Expressions involving BA. In previous research of relevance (e.g. Sun 1996; Xing 2006), BA is considered to be a single item that has undergone grammaticalization. From a constructional perspective (e.g. Goldberg 1995, 2006; Traugott 2003a; Trousdale 2008a, 2010; Traugott and Trousdale forthcoming), this view requires some revision. I attempt to provide a constructional account in which an Expression involving BA is understood as a “construction” at the micro-level. As constructions change over time, the form-meaning pairings involving BA are associated with more schematic higher-level constructions. I show the constructionalization process in which an Expression involving BA is reanalyzed and incorporated into different constructions with increased schematicity at higher-levels. Therefore, I assume that a network of correlated constructions is implicated. The diachronic research is conducted mainly based on data collected from the BA corpus, which is a subcorpus I compiled based on the Peking (CCL PKU) Corpus. Using the constructional framework, I also analyze Expressions involving BA in Contemporary Chinese. The aim of the synchronic research is to explore how an Expression involving BA is used currently, and to associate the synchrony with diachrony in some respects.

Subordinación locativa y modal en tehuelche o aonek’o ?a?jen. Aspectos sincrónicos y diacrónicos

Fernández Garay, Ana 12 April 2018 (has links)
El artículo analiza las subordinadas locativas y modales del tehuelche o aonek’o ?a?jen, lengua indígena de la Patagonia argentina hablada entre el río Santa Cruz y el Estrecho de Magallanes. Actualmente, se halla en un proceso avanzado de pérdida, aunque la comunidad tehuelche intenta revitalizarla. En el marco de la tipología funcional, se describen ambas cláusulas teniendo en cuenta el elemento que las introduce, su ubicación en la oración principal y el modo del núcleo predicativo. Asimismo, se consideran las similitudes existentes entre ambas. Por último, se explica el origen de los subordinantes y de las variantes que estos presentan. Para ello, se recurre a la comparación con el selknam, lengua perteneciente a la familia Chon, al igual que el tehuelche. / This article analyzes locative and manner clauses of the Tehuelche or Aonek’o ?a?jen, an indigenous language of the Argentinian Patagonia, spoken between the Santa Cruz river and the Strait of Magellan. At present, this language is facing an advanced process of extinction, despite Tehuelche community efforts to revitalize it. Locative and manner clauses are described according to a functional-typological frame, by taking into account the element that introduces them, their location in the sentence and the mood of the predicative core. In addition, the similarities found between both clauses are considered. Finally, the origin of the subordinators are explained by comparing them with those found in Selknam, a language that, like Tehuelche, belongs to the Chon family.

Clitic Combinations in Spanish: Syntax, Processing and Acquisition

Alba de la Fuente, Anahi 21 August 2012 (has links)
The study of clitic clusters and the restrictions that surface when two or more clitics are combined have long intrigued linguists and, as such, clitic phenomena are at the core of an ever-growing body of research in linguistic theory. However, three aspects remain largely unexplored when it comes to clitic cluster constraints, namely the evolution of these restrictions through time, the perception and processing of different clitic combinations, both acceptable and unacceptable, by native speakers and the acquisition of such combinations by non-native speakers. This dissertation, which focuses on 1st and 2nd person clitic clusters in Spanish, aims to shed new light on clitic phenomena with a new analysis and new data from all these perspectives. Specifically, I study the effects that case and marked features have on Spanish clitic combinations, both synchronically and diachronically. In addition, I explore the effects of clitic combination restrictions in language processing and analyze the learnability issues derived from such restrictions in three groups of speakers of Spanish as a second language whose L1s are English, French and Romanian, respectively. At a particular level, this dissertation is a study of clitic cluster constraints from different perspectives, both traditional and new, namely linguistic theory, diachrony, language processing and language acquisition. At a general level, it constitutes an attempt to explore the ways in which linguistic theory can guide applied research and, conversely, the ways in which experimental data may contribute to linguistic theory.

Vývoj kontrastů sibilantních řad - typologická analýza / Evolution of phonological contrast in sibilants - typological analysis

Vančura, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Martin Vančura - Diplomová práce (2012) Evolution of phonological contrat in sibilants - typological analysis Abstract: The goal of this paper is to employ the paradigm of Greenbergian language typology to process diachronic data originating in the field of historical linguistics. In the first few chapters, I discuss both disciplines and identify some of the pitfalls of such an endeavour. The substance of this paper lies in chapter 4 where I try to demonstrate a real utilization of this diachronic typology on a specific set of data, represented by documented cases of the evolution of sibilants. Then I analyse the precise articulatory and evolutionary character of the sibilants in selected branches of the Indo- European language family and selected languages of the world and I attempt to uncover the common evolutionary tendencies of their sibilant systems. At the end of this chapter, I construct a map of sibilants' evolutionary trajectories and I propose some remarks on the general phonetics and phonology of sibilants.

Vývoj plusquamperfekta v evropské portugalštině / The evolution of the pluperfect in European Portuguese

Košťálová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The main intention of this study is to describe the pluperfect verbal tense and its evolution in European Portuguese. This study consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part starts with a short description of the portuguese language. The following chapter is focused on description of portuguese verb and its gramatical categories, portuguese modotemporal system and classification of portuguese verbs. There is an explantaion of how the verbal tenses and nominal forms are constructed in portuguese, using the example of constructing the imperfect and participle. The next chapter deals with the pluperfperfect in contemporary portuguese. It describes its forms both simple and compound and explains the use of auxiliary verbs. There is also a description of the functions of pluperfect on different levels of the portuguese language (standard, colloquial, literary etc.). The next chapter is dedicated to pluperfect in classical and vulgar latin. The last theoretical chapter deals with stages in the evolution of Portuguese and includes a list of the most significant linguistic changes occured in each stage. The practical part consists in analysing the portuguese texts from the 14th till the 19th century, using the corpus Corpus do Português. There are approximately 300 examples of...

Festin Joyeux, ou, la Cuisine en Musique, de J. Lebas: Tradução de receitas em versos na corte de Luís XV / Festin Joyeux, ou, la cuisine en musique: translation of recipes in verso in the court of Louis XV

Lim, Lana 21 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma proposta de tradução, do francês para o português, de partes selecionadas da obra Festin Joyeux, ou, la Cuisine en Musique, de autoria do officier de bouche do rei Luís XV, J. Lebas (1738). Essa obra constitui objeto inusitado de tradução e se distingue de outros livros de cozinha por envolver uma singular justaposição de gêneros, uma vez que se trata de receitas culinárias versificadas que podem ser entoadas segundo melodias populares da época, os airs de cour e os vaudevilles. No primeiro capítulo, é feita uma breve contextualização sócio-histórica e apresentação da obra original. O segundo capítulo consiste em discussão da natureza da obra e levantamento de possíveis dificuldades decorrentes do hibridismo de gêneros, acompanhado de uma delimitação de estratégia para a tradução pretendida. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo contém a tradução em si de composições de Festin Joyeux, acompanhadas de comentários que justificam as decisões pessoais tomadas na empreitada. Como apoio teórico, recorreu-se às abordagens funcionalistas da tradução, que enfatizam a questão da função como guia no processo de transposição de conteúdo e de forma da língua-fonte para a língua-meta. À luz de conceitos elaborados por teóricos funcionalistas como Katharina Reiss e Hans Vermeer, e em especial do modelo proposto por Christiane Nord, procurou-se traçar um plano de ação voltado para uma função pré-estabelecida para o textometa, tendo por base a análise textual e o receptor final da tradução. Em razão da perspectiva adotada, o corpus se compõe exclusivamente de composições que recebem a indicação de melodias cujas partituras estão incluídas na obra, de maneira que a função estabelecida possa ser cumprida integralmente. Todos os termos específicos ao campo semântico da gastronomia foram pesquisados em livros de cozinha contemporâneos a Festin Joyeux e em dicionários históricos, com o intuito de minimizar as possíveis distorções sofridas nesse espaço de quase três séculos entre a publicação de Festin Joyeux, no século XVIII, e sua tradução, no século XXI. / The aim of this study is to present a translation proposal, from French to Portuguese, of selected parts from the book Festin Joyeux, ou, la Cuisine en Musique, written by Louis XVs officier de bouche, J. Lebas (1738). This book appears as an unusual subject for a translation and distinguishes itself from other culinary books due to its text type juxtaposition, in as much as its a compilation of recipes in verse, intended for singing according to popular tunes at the time, the airs de cours and vaudevilles. In the first chapter, we make a brief social-historical contextualisation and an introduction of the original book. In the second chapter we discuss the nature of the text and survey the possible difficulties derived from the text type juxtaposition, determining a strategy for the intended translation. Finally, the third chapter includes the translation itself of Festin Joyeuxs compositions, accompanied by commentaries that justify the personal decisions made in the task. As a theoretical support, we have drawn from the functional approaches of translation which emphasize the question of the function as a guide in the process of transposing the content and form from the source-text to the target-text. In the light of concepts elaborated by funcionalist theorists like Katharina Reiss and Hans Vermeer, and in particular of the model proposed by Christiane Nord, we have strived to set an action plan towards a pre-established function for the target-text, based on text analysis and the final receiver of the translation. Due to the adopted perspective, the corpus is constituted exclusively by compositions that receive the indication of tunes for which there are music scores included in the book, in such a way that the established function can be thoroughly fulfilled. All the words which are specific to the semantic field of gastronomy have been researched in cookbooks contemporary to Festin Joyeux and in historical dictionaries, aiming at minimizing possible distortions caused by the gap of nearly three centuries between the publication of Festin Joyeux, in the 18th century, and its translation, in the 21st century.

Aspectos da variação na linguagem econômica do Brasil colonial / Aspects of variation in the economic language of colonial Brazil

Pereira, Eliane Simões 01 March 2013 (has links)
As práticas econômicas estabelecidas nos primeiros tempos do Brasil como colônia de Portugal possuem tal relevância que o estudo de sua evolução terminológica pode lançar luz sobre esferas de nosso desenvolvimento histórico-social. No cenário do Brasil colonial, a Economia, ainda antes de seu estabelecimento como ciência moderna, é adotada como objeto desta tese para delinear aspectos da história da formação do Português Brasileiro por meio do estudo da variação diacrônica de uma linguagem de especialidade. Para atingir esse objetivo, além da devida contextualização histórica, foram adotados procedimentos metodológicos que se basearam na observação de um corpus. Nossa base informatizada reuniu textos produzidos no Brasil, ou sobre o Brasil, do século XVI ao XVIII, que tratavam da atividade econômica desenvolvida na colônia. A análise percorreu uma trajetória diacrônica, por meio da qual foi possível detectar elementos de variação entre termos do Brasil colonial. Foram eleitos termos econômicos que margeassem o universo fiscal, como quinto, dízimo, dízima, redízima, primícias, além de alguns subsídios específicos. Os diversos tipos de variações terminológicas que tais termos sofreram, e que foram elencados nesta pesquisa, refletiram tanto o traço de grande dinamicidade da língua portuguesa daqueles tempos como a característica muitas vezes desordenada da administração colonial que vigorava no Brasil. Conclui-se que estudar a dinâmica do léxico de uma linguagem de especialidade, o qual reúne aspectos centrais de uma cultura no decorrer de um período, como o elegido aqui, pode contribuir não só para captar e documentar a história de uma sociedade como, também, para ampliar o conhecimento linguístico. / The economic practices established in the early days of Brazil as a colony of Portugal have such relevance that studying their terminological evolution may shed light on spheres of our socio-historical development. In the colonial Brazil scenario, Economics, even before its establishment as a modern science, is adopted as the object of this thesis to outline aspects of the history of Brazilian Portuguese formation through the study of diachronic variation of a specialized language. To achieve this aim, besides an appropriate historical contextualization, methodological procedures based on observation of a corpus were adopted. Our computerized database gathered texts produced in Brazil, and on Brazil, from the 16th to the 18th century, which addressed the economic activity developed in the colony. The analysis followed a diachronic path, through which it was possible to detect elements of variation between terms of colonial Brazil. Economic terms surrounding the fiscal universe, such as fifth, tithe, tenth, retenth, firstlings, besides some specific subsidies were selected. The different types of terminological variations that such terms underwent, which were listed in this research, reflected both the trait of great dynamism of the Portuguese language at that time and the often chaotic characteristic of the colonial administration existing in Brazil. One concludes that studying the dynamics of the lexicon of a specialized language, which gathers key aspects of a culture during a period, such as that elected here, may contribute not only to capture and document the history of a society, but also to broaden linguistic knowledge.

Cliniques de l'Un, transmission et invention face à l’exil de la langue / Clinic of the One, transmission and invention in front of tongue’s exile

Martin, Emmanuel 05 July 2014 (has links)
L’éthique de Lacan et Levinas répond au dire d’ex-sistence, demande de soin à la fois diachronique et mé-ontologique où l’Autre prime sur l’Etre. Levinas convoque le secret, rupture de la durée historique, dont la racine est la différence : à la fois temporisation, temps différé, ajournement, et Altérité (dissemblance polémique et allergique, différance derridienne), temporalité de la trace (ichnologie). Lacan traite parallèlement de discontinuité signifiante (S1//S2) et de coupure subjective.La vérité synchronique n’est que semblant, seuls mi-dire (Lacan) et vérité monosyllabique (Levinas) n’ont droit de cité. A cet exil de la langue, la temporalité de l’écho (Un lévinassienne, Nom-du-Père lacanien), ou hénologie, est une première modalité de traitement de cette articulation hétérogène, à la fois dans le champ de la construction subjective (clinique de l’Un ichnologique), et dans le champ interprétatif (premier tour de L’étourdit). Nonobstant, l’oeuvre lévinassienne, tout comme la pratique auprès de sujet en souffrance, manifestent un reste embarrassant à cette opération qui repose surl’enjeu de la transmission. A l’Un d’exception qui ex-siste à l’Autre et en assure un fondement par l’évidement de la totalité, Lacan développe l’Un du sinthome qui dépasse toute dimension de filiation, invention. Cet Un sans Autre repose sur le paradigme de l’invention, sort du paradigme du signifiant et d’une temporalité de l’écho, mène à une autre modalité de nouage subjectif et d’interprétation / Lacan and Levinas' ethics answers the ex-sistence’s saying, both diachronic and me-ontological care demand where the Other takes precedence over the Being. Levinas asks the secret, the break of historic duration, whose root is the difference: at the same time temporizing, batch mode, postponement, and Otherness (polemical and allergic disparity, Derrida’s differance), temporality of traces (ichnology). Lacan deals simultaneously with significant discontinuity (S1//S2) and subjective cut. Synchronic truth is only appearance, only half-saying (Lacan) and monosyllabic truth (Levinas) can be established. To this exile of language, the temporality of echo (levinassian One, lacanian Father’s Name), or henology, is a first approach to treat this heterogeneous articulation, both in the field of the subjective construction (clinic of the ichnological One), and in the field of interpretation (first round of L’étourdit). However, the levinassian work, as the practice with the speaker who suffers from, shows an embarrassing remainder of this operation based on the issue of transmission. From One’s exception which ex-sist to the Other and assures him a foundation by the scraping out oftotality, Lacan develops sinthome’s One which exceeds any dimension of filiation, invention. This Otherless One is based on the paradigm of invention, gets out of the significant’s paradigm and the temporality of echo, leads to another subjective modality of knotting and interpretation

O sufixo diminutivo em português: forma, funcionamento e significação - do século XIII ao XX / The diminutive suffix in portuguese: form, functioning and signification from the 13th to the 20th century

Messias dos Santos Santana 28 March 2017 (has links)
Em uma consulta a gramáticas já desde fins do século XVIII , a livros didáticos e a manuais de morfologia da língua portuguesa, encontra-se, geralmente, uma lista de vários sufixos considerados diminutivos. Contudo, muito raramente se encontram explicações acerca das mudanças linguísticas que possibilitaram que tais sufixos alcançassem as formas que possuem, ou sobre o comportamento sincrônico desses sufixos sobretudo quando a sincronia em questão é uma sincronia pretérita , ou, ainda, quanto à descrição diacrônica ou histórica desses sufixos, no período que se estende do século XIII ao XX, quer tendo como foco a forma, quer o funcionamento, quer a semântica. Desse modo, a partir da identificação dos sufixos que atuam como diminutivos em língua portuguesa e considerando o fato de essa língua ser uma língua românica, esta pesquisa apresenta, inicialmente, uma caracterização de sufixos diminutivos latinos quanto à origem, à forma e à significação, ao que segue a descrição das principais mudanças ocorridas nesses sufixos desde o latim vulgar até algumas línguas românicas, como o português, o espanhol, o francês, o provençal e o italiano, sendo as formas resultantes nestas últimas quatro línguas ainda descritas em relação à sua forma e à sua semântica. Na sequência, os sufixos diminutivos existentes em português foram caracterizados desde o século XIII ao XX, século a século em seus aspectos formais (fonéticos e morfológicos), funcionais e semânticos, fase essa em que se identificaram, também, características que esses sufixos possuem em comum com os latinos e com os românicos, em especial com os das línguas mencionadas. Para isso, foram constituídos corpora de diminutivos relativos a cada um dos séculos aqui contemplados, tendo por base a análise de palavras encontradas em dois corpora eletrônicos, o Corpus Informatizado do Português Medieval (CIPM) para textos compreendidos entre os séculos XIII e XV e o Corpus do Português para textos entre os séculos XIV e XX. Com base na análise dos diminutivos identificados, foi possível concluir que os sufixos diminutivos existentes em português são provenientes da língua latina quer por herança, quer por empréstimo a outras línguas românicas ou ao latim clássico , os quais conservam, ainda, algumas das características dos diminutivos naquela língua, como manutenção do gênero da palavra primitiva, diversidade semântica e formação de nomes próprios diminutivos. Os dados analisados indicam, também, que, embora sejam muitos, os sufixos diminutivos em português são muito pouco produtivos nessa língua, com exceção dos sufixos em -t- a partir do século XIX e, principalmente, do sufixo -inho, muito frequente e o mais produtivo em todas as sincronias descritas, podendo, assim, ser caracterizado como o sufixo diminutivo por excelência da língua portuguesa, com previsão de que ainda continuará sendo por muitos séculos. / Consulting grammars since the end of the eighteenth century , textbooks and manuals on morphology of the portuguese language, a list of several suffixes, considered as diminutives, is usually presented. Nevertheless, explications not only on linguistic changes, that justify the current forms of such suffixes, but also on their synchronic functioning particularly when the synchrony concerned is a past one , or on their diachronic or historical description, from the 13th to the 20th century, are rare, focusing either on form, functioning or semantics. Thus, from the identification of the suffixes, that function as diminutives in portuguese language, a romance language, this research presents, in a first moment, a characterization of the latin diminutive suffixes, concerning origin, form and signification; in a second one, it describes the main changes occurred in these suffixes, from vulgar latin to portuguese, spanish, french, provencal and italian, whose forms except in portuguese are described concerning form and semantics; then, the portuguese diminutive suffixes were characterized, from the 13th to the 20th century, one century at a time considering the formal aspects (phonetics and morphology), functional and semantical aspects, moment in which the portuguese diminutive suffixes were compared to latin and to its mentioned sister romance languages, in order to verify the features they have in common. For this comparison, corpora about diminutive suffixes were established, from the 13th to the 20th century, century by century. Such corpora, from which the words analyzed were taken, included the Corpus Informatizado do Português Medieval (CIPM) concerning the texts from the 13th to the 15th century and the Corpus do Português concerning the texts from the 14th to the 20th century. After the analysis of the portuguese diminutive suffixes identified in such corpora, it was verified that the portuguese diminutive suffixes come from the latin language either through heritage or through loan of other romance languages or classical latin , still keeping some features of the diminutives of the popular latin, such as: preservation of the gender of the primitive word, semantic diversity and composition of diminutive proper name. These analyzed data show as well that the diminutive suffixes, although plentiful, are very little productive in portuguese, except the suffixes in -t-, from the 19th century on, and, chiefly, the suffix -inho, very frequent and the most productive in all described synchronies, being considered, therefore, as the diminutive suffix of the portuguese language par excellence, with great probability to continue for ages.

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