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Typy časových slovesných konstrukcí v egyptském dialektu arabštiny / Types of temporal verbal constructions in the Egyptian dialect of ArabicZbončák, Přemysl January 2014 (has links)
(in English): In this thesis several types of temporal verbal constructions in the Egyptian dialect of Arabic are to be discussed. The main focus was headed on the verbal forms connected with the most occuring auxiliary/temporal verbs kān and ba'a. An inextricable part of the thesis was a detailed insight in the theory of Arabic verbs, both in Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Dialect. Our aim was to find out the frequency of these verbal forms, comparing their appearance and their contextual embedding. For the purpose of the analysis an original corpus of texts in Egyptian dialect (more than 700 thousands words) was created. The sources of the corpus came almost exclusively from texts of Egyptian bloggers. Last but not least programm PERL served as the tool for our analysis - statistically and contextually allowing working out of all possible combinations of verbal forms in question.
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Jazykové prostředky sociální diferenciace postav v literárním překladu. Alfred Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz / Language means of social differentiation of characters in literary translation. Alfred Döblin: Berlin AlexanderplatzPatočková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to a relatively little explored issue - the social differentiation of literary characters and the transfer of its linguistic means. The language material for exploring this field of translatology was provided by Döblin's novel Berlin Alexanderplatz (1928) and by two translations into Czech (1935 and 1968). We analyzed utterances of two characters. The first one represents a lower social class and criminal environment. In his speech the analysis showed many elements of Berlin urbanolect which were used for his social characterization. The second character represents the Jewish ethnic group. His direct speech contains elements of literary Yiddish, alluding to his Jewish origins. The subsequent utterance analysis of the first character in Czech translations showed an appropriate use of common Czech as a substitute for Berlin urbanolect in both translations. The analysis was set in the context where the usage of nonstandard elements in Czech and translated literature used to be a convention. Both translators followed these conventions successfully. When translating the literary Yiddish in the direct speech of the second character, significant differences in both translations were discovered. In the first translation the Yiddish elements were not replaced. In the second...
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Portugalština v Macau / Portuguese in MacauHavlíková, Iva January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis, called Portuguese in Macau, is to examine the situation of Portuguese language in the former Portuguese colony. The thesis is divided into several main parts. In order to examine the situation of Portuguese language in detail, a complete understanding of historical development in this territory as well as in China, where it belongs nowadays, is required. The history of Portuguese presence in Macau is outlined in the first chapter. The second chapter focuses on Macau's demographics. Development in number of inhabitants and ethnic composition is described. The chapter also takes account of population age composition, place of birth and religion. As a result of interaction of diverse cultures in Macau peninsula, a specific group of inhabitants has been formed. This community does identify themselves neither with the Chinese majority nor with the Portuguese minority. The chapter tends to define, who these native inhabitants of Macau, the so called filhos da terra, are. The historical formation and the most important characteristics are described. Considering the diverse ethnic composition of Macau's population, we can expect that this fact will be reflected in language situation of the territory. The fourth chapter focuses on language situation. Its first parts...
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Attityder till värmländsk dialekt : En dialektologisk studie angående värmlänningars attityder till den egna dialektenLidström, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vilken attityd värmlänningar har till den egna dialekten på allmän och lokal nivå. Den allmänna nivån handlar om hur respondenterna ser pådialekten i stort, medan den lokala nivån behandlar frågor kring de lokala varieteter som finns inom landskapet Värmland. Med detta jämförs även eventuella attitydskillnader beroende påkön och ålder, vilket i slutändan kommer att ställas emot tidigare forskning. Genom att använda mig av en webbaserad enkät nådde jag ett stort antal respondenter. Enkäten delades på det sociala nätverket Facebook där tanken var att erhålla en jämn fördelning mellan respondenter utifrån ett antal aspekter, dels sett till vilken del av landskapet respondenterna kom ifrån, dels vilken ålderskategori utifrån fyra på förhand valda kategorier och dels utifrån vilket kön respondenterna förknippade sig med. Vad som visade sig vara problematiskt var fördelningen av vilken del av landskapet respondenterna kom ifrån. Det centrala dialektområdet är överrepresenterat i studien medan dialektområdena nordmarksmål och glafsfjordsmål är underrepresenterade. En intressant aspekt som visas genom studien är att det verkar finnas ett stort allmänintresse förden egna dialekten, vilket visar sig genom antalet deltagare. Dessutom visar studien att respondenterna i stort har en positiv inställning till den egna lokala dialekten. Detaljer somtidigare forskning visat bekräftas också av studien, exempelvis att respondenterna ställer sigmindre positiva till dialekter som liknar granndialekterna, exempelvis närkingska. Att respondenterna dessutom svarat att de i lägre grad använder sig av dialektala inslag i mer formella sammanhang bekräftar vad tidigare forskning visat. Undersökningen visar att attitydskillnader mellan män och kvinnor inte skiljer sig i någon större utsträckning. Männen har i något högre utsträckning en positivare syn på den egna dialekten, både lokalt och allmänt. Skillnader som märks tydligast går att finna när det gäller respondenternas ålder. Attityden är mest positiv bland respondenterna i de äldre ålderskategorierna medan detta avtar en aning bland respondenterna i de yngre.
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Dä glöm fell int jamskan? : en sociolingvistisk studie av jamska och dess fortlevnad i 2010-talets JämtlandStrandgren, Anton January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Vöre järe vä pijtmåLe dett? : Vell dö hå`va ne kvar å vo jär dö då för å behååLe?Risberg, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om den traditionella dialekten pitemål som talas i och omkring Piteå, Norrbotten. De svenska dialekterna utjämnas allt mer och i denna uppsats undersöks hur man gör för att bevara en utdöende traditionell dialekt. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka attityden till den egna dialekten samt hur bevarandet av pitemålet ser ut idag. Hur arbetar man och vilka arbetar för att bevara och främja dialekten? Detta undersöks genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, två individuella och en gruppintervju. Materialet består av intervjusvaren från sex informanter. Studien visar att informanterna har en positiv attityd till pitemålet. Dialekten ses som något kul och intressant men även som en stolthet och ett kulturarv som skapar samhörighet i bygden. Både genom att bruka dialekten själv och genom att främja användandet av den hos andra försöker man bevara målet. Slutsatsen är att en stolthet tycks genomsyra attityden till pitemålet. Dialekten är något som skapar samhörighet och något som man kan marknadsföra sig själv med.
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Jugendsprache in Deutschland und Schweden : Eine kontrastive Analyse anhand zweier Online-GemeinschaftenKontulainen, Erika January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis aims to contrast German and Swedish youth languages, based on material from two popular Online-Communities mainly for young people,<em> SchülerVZ</em> and <em>Lunarstorm</em>, respectively. The goal is not primarily to analyze the use of written, online youth language. Rather, language use on the Internet has developed into something between written and spoken language; often with clear characteristics of spoken language. Therefore, my corpus enables me to establish general similarities and differences in spoken (and written) German and Swedish youth communication.</p><p>Many similarities can be found in the way both German and Swedish youth play with language through e.g. many innovative lexical combinations and hyperboles. A difference can be found in the use of dialect. German youth inclines to speak and write it more explicitly to establish a "youth identity". In contrast, Swedish youth applies multi-ethnic youth language in the same way to establish this identity. This finding leads to the conclusion that multi-ethnic youth language firstly, is a more accepted or developed medium in Sweden, and secondly, something young people can employ in their formation of an identity that goes beyond social, "adult" conventions. In addition, a common use of Anglo-American loan words, mainly through <em>Code Switching</em>, can be found in both languages. This occurrence of loan words ought to depend mainly on these words being more unerring or more prestigious than native alternatives. Differences in the application of these loan words are found to be on a grammatical level. The German language tends to adopt more directly imported Anglo-American loan words, whereas the Swedish language reproduces these words in order to allow integration with the Swedish language system.</p>
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Jugendsprache in Deutschland und Schweden : Eine kontrastive Analyse anhand zweier Online-GemeinschaftenKontulainen, Erika January 2009 (has links)
This thesis aims to contrast German and Swedish youth languages, based on material from two popular Online-Communities mainly for young people, SchülerVZ and Lunarstorm, respectively. The goal is not primarily to analyze the use of written, online youth language. Rather, language use on the Internet has developed into something between written and spoken language; often with clear characteristics of spoken language. Therefore, my corpus enables me to establish general similarities and differences in spoken (and written) German and Swedish youth communication. Many similarities can be found in the way both German and Swedish youth play with language through e.g. many innovative lexical combinations and hyperboles. A difference can be found in the use of dialect. German youth inclines to speak and write it more explicitly to establish a "youth identity". In contrast, Swedish youth applies multi-ethnic youth language in the same way to establish this identity. This finding leads to the conclusion that multi-ethnic youth language firstly, is a more accepted or developed medium in Sweden, and secondly, something young people can employ in their formation of an identity that goes beyond social, "adult" conventions. In addition, a common use of Anglo-American loan words, mainly through Code Switching, can be found in both languages. This occurrence of loan words ought to depend mainly on these words being more unerring or more prestigious than native alternatives. Differences in the application of these loan words are found to be on a grammatical level. The German language tends to adopt more directly imported Anglo-American loan words, whereas the Swedish language reproduces these words in order to allow integration with the Swedish language system.
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"Lite konstig ordföljd ibland men det funkar i stilnivå" : En undersökning om studenters kunskaper, uppfattningar och attityder till multietnisk socio-dialektNordling, Susanne January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Men hur skriver jag? : Analys av novellen ”När hedningen kom till byn”. / How do I write really? : An analysis of the short story ”When the heathen came to village”Asplund, Laila January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med min uppsats har varit att undersöka mitt författarskap, dess litterära språk och plats i den samtida litteraturen, genom att analysera min novell ”När hedningen kom till byn”. Undersökningen består av översikter över de genrer jag tycker min text passar inom: magisk realism, norrländsk litteratur och skräcklitteratur; undersökning av författares verk som har influerat mig och varit representativa för den genre de skriver inom; mina kurskamraters och handledares reaktioner och konstruktiva kritik på novellen. Resultaten av genreundersökningarna visar hur jag använt eller inte använt mig av respektive genres olika särdrag och markörer samt hur min text förhåller sig till dess samtida författare. I undersökningen av skrivprocessen framgick textens styrkor och svagheter. Mina slutsatser är att genrebestämningen av novellen är beroende av med vilken blick man väljer att läsa texten. Jag upptäckte också att jag delvis följer de traditionella skrivmönstren inom respektive genre samtidigt som jag har min egen särprägel och ton samt sätt att framställa en text. / The aim of my thesis is to examine my authorship by making an analysis of my short story ”När hedningen kom till byn”. The literary language and its placement in contemporary literature is what I focused on while examinating. My analysis consists of overviews of the genres in which I think my short story fits: magical realism, Swedish northern literature and horror literature. Analyses of other authors’ essays in these genres have been done, as they influence the story in different ways. Constructive criticisms from my fellow students and supervisors have improved the examination. The result of the investigation of the genres shows whether I have used their different characteristics and markers or not. It also presents where the text remains in relation to other contemporary authors. The analysis of the writing process reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the text. I reached the conclusion that the genre of my short story varies, depending on the perspective with which it is read. Another conclusion is that, although I have followed some of the traditional writing patterns in each genre I have my own distinctiveness when it comes to creating, writing and designing a text.
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