Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diffuse.""
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Jurisdição constitucional e democracia: uma análise fenomenológica de manifestações decisórias em sede de controle difuso de constitucionalidadeLeiria, Maria Lucia Luz 30 April 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 30 / Nenhuma / A partir do exame de decisões do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região, com jurisdição nos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná, bem como do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, no que diz com o controle difuso de constitucionalidade das leis e atos normativos, tece o presente trabalho considerações sobre a utilização do Princípio da Reserva de Plenário, bem como da necessidade de manutenção do sistema difuso de controle de constitucionalidade, para concluir que esta jurisdição constitucional é necessária e imprescindível à manutenção da democracia. Vislumbra-se a horizontalidade do sistema de controle difuso como elemento indispensável à conservação de equilíbrio entre os Poderes da República, permitindo a provocação, por qualquer cidadão, da jurisdição constitucional, constatando-se que, a partir de uma interpretação crítica, o desvelamento do texto constitucional leva à necessidade da utilização do Princípio de Reserva de Plenário, mesmo no caso em que não se afasta o texto posto sob exame, isto / The present thesis aims to appreciate highly the principle disposed on the article 97 of the Brazilian Constitution by which the absolute majority number of plenary members (Full Bench) is requested in order to judge the questions related to the control of the constitutionality, as well as the necessity of the maintenance of the diffused control of the constitutionality, to conclude that the constitutional jurisdiction is necessary and indispensable for supporting the democracy. This study takes into consideration the decisions referring to the diffused control of the constitutionality over laws and normative acts given by the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Circuit with jurisdiction over the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, and those pronounced by the Superior Court of Justice. It is possible to apprehend that the horizontality of the diffused control works as an indispensable element to maintain the balance among the Republic powers, permiting the provocation of the constitutional j
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Proposta de reconfiguração estratégica de sistema financeiro no contexto de governança de tecnologia da informação (GTI): o caso de uma indústria do setor plásticoSantos, Simone Rodrigues dos 23 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 23 / Nenhuma / Este estudo desenvolveu uma proposta de reconfiguração estratégica de sistema financeiro no contexto de governança de tecnologia da informação apoiado por algoritmo de lógica difusa compensatória. Este estudo utilizou o método de Design Research em empresa do setor de plástico industrial. A proposta do sistema financeiro foi desenvolvida seguindo as seguintes etapas: 1 – identificação do sistema atual; 2 – identificações de variáveis estratégicas; 3 – quantificação das variáveis estratégicas com o uso de matrizes; 4 – cálculo de importância das variáveis estratégicas através de algoritmo difuso. Esta etapa gerou um ranking de importâncias ou prioridades. Com o ranking foi possível reconfigurar o sistema de Business Intelligence usado na empresa. Após a reconfiguração no contexto da governança da tecnologia de informação foi identificada a necessidade de uma maior evidenciação financeira. Para atender tal necessidade foi usada a linguagem XBRL e validada pelo Controller como satisfatória. Além disso, também f / This study developed a proposal for the strategic redesign of a finance system in the context of IT Governance supported by fuzzy logic algorithm. This study used a Design Research method in company of the plastic industrial sector. A new proposal was developed following these stages: 1 – Identification of current system; 2 – Identification of strategic variables; 3 – Quantification of strategic variables using matrixes; 4 – Calculation of the importance of strategic variables using a compensatory fuzzy logic algorithm. This stage created a ranking of importance or priorities. This ranking generated a redesigned system of Business Intelligence now used in the company. After the redesign in the IT context a necessity for financial disclosure was identified. XBRL language was used to do this and was validated by the company’s Controller as satisfactory. The following requisites were also identified: brand/image and costs optimization related to alignment of IT and strategy.
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Relationships Between Vocational Identity, Substance Use and Criminal Thinking Among Emerging AdultsDelzell, Eileen Marie 01 January 2019 (has links)
Successful formation of a self-chosen, purposeful identity in personal, social, educational and vocational areas is a primary task for emerging adults, with failure to do so often resulting in cycles of substance use, unemployment, and delinquent/criminal behavior. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine relationships between vocational identity, substance use, and criminal thinking within the population of emerging adults. The expectancy value theory of motivation, which states that identity may be a motivational construct between self-efficacy and subjective self-values, provided the foundation for the study. The online inventory platform PsychData was used to garner data from a sample of 78 emerging adults measuring vocational identity (using the Vocational Identity Status Assessment [VISA]), substance use (using the CAGE-AID questionnaire), and criminal thinking (using the General Criminal Thinking-GCT scale of the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles). A bivariate correlational analysis using SPSS allowed for comparison of the 6 vocational identity statuses of Achieved, Searching Moratorium, Moratorium, Foreclosed, Diffused, and Undifferentiated, against the CAGE-AID scores and the GCT scores for possible relationships. The study did not result in significant correlations between variables; however, poststudy analysis revealed that the Diffused level of vocational identity, which is generally associated with the most negative life patterns, was strongly reflected in the responses of 25-year-old participants. Further research on the significance of vocational identity among older emerging adults may serve both the individual and society through encouraging successful transition to stable and healthy adult roles.
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Effect of multiple injection strategies on the Diesel spray formation and combustion using optical diagnosticsViera Sotillo, Alberto Antonio 22 July 2019 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, la evolución de las tecnologías de inyección ha permitido no solo mejorar el proceso de mezcla, sino también controlar con precisión los parámetros de inyección, agregando flexibilidad a los sistemas para nuevas estrategias y un grado adicional de complejidad para los investigadores. Más aún, las estrategias de inyecciones múltiples han demostrado ser capaces de reducir el consumo de combustible, así como también la emisión de partículas, los óxidos de carbono, los óxidos de nitrógeno, el hollín y los hidrocarburos no quemados, convirtiéndose en un estándar en la industria.
Esta tesis presenta una metodología experimental para estudiar los efectos de dos estrategias diferentes de inyección múltiple (piloto-principal y principal-post) sobre el desarrollo fundamental y la combustión del chorro.
Primero, se caracterizó hidráulicamente el inyector midiendo su tasa de inyección y flujo de cantidad de movimiento. Para una masa inyectada objetivo, se obtuvo la distribución de combustible para los diferentes tiempos de separación y las cantidades de piloto/post. Se implementó un nuevo enfoque para evaluar la distribución de combustible utilizando la señal de flujo de cantidad de movimiento. Se pudo observar que las inyecciones de piloto/post que se realizan en un estado totalmente transitorio presentan mayor desviación entre disparos. El aumento de la cantidad inyectada redujo la dispersión, con un ligero descenso al disminuir también la presión del rail. La repetibilidad de las inyecciones post se vio afectada significativamente por el tiempo de separación entre pulsos.
Luego, se aplicaron diagnósticos ópticos de alta velocidad para visualizar el desarrollo del chorro en atmósferas tanto inerte como reactiva. Se utilizaron dos nuevas soluciones de procesado de imágenes: una para desacoplar dos eventos de inyección que coexisten en un solo cuadro, y otra para estimar el tiempo de retraso al autoencendido de múltiples inyecciónes. En cuanto al desarrollo del chorro en condiciones inertes, no se observó ninguna influencia en la longitud líquida estabilizada y el ángulo del chorro, respecto a la cantidad inyectada por la piloto, ni de su separación al pulso principal. Con respecto a la fase vapor, el aumento de la masa inyectada del primer pulso empujó la zona de transición más allá del límite óptico. En general, el segundo pulso penetró a una mayor velocidad, comparado con el caso de una inyección única. El ángulo de dispersión de la fase de vapor aumentó con la inclusión de la inyección piloto, pero no se observó una tendencia clara con respecto a la cantidad de la piloto ni a su tiempo de separación.
En cuanto al desarrollo del chorro en condiciones reactivas, el tiempo de retraso al autoencendido del segundo pulso disminuyó en referencia a su inicio de inyección. En promedio, las estrategias piloto-principal vieron reducciones del 30% al 40%, mientras que las principal-post del 40% al 50%. Con respecto a la longitud de despegue estabilizada, no se observó una tendencia definida con respecto a los efectos tanto del tiempo de separación como de la cantidad de la piloto. La imagen promedio tomada por la cámara intensificada no consideró que la longitud de despegue puede cambiar desde el inicio de la combustión hasta el establecimiento de la llama de difusión. En general se observó que las estrategias piloto-principal producen más hollín que cada uno de sus casos de referencia. Se observó una ligera disminución en el grosor óptico de la sección transversal cerca del inicio de la combustión al aumentar la masa de la piloto. No se observó una clara dependencia del hollín con respecto al tiempo de separación entre pulsos. En contraste a la literatura, las estrategias principal-post mostraron una formación de hollín ligeramente más alta (o similar) que una sola inyección. En cámaras de combustión con un volumen tan grande, la post / [CA] En els últims anys, l'evolució de les tecnologies d'injecció ha permés no només millorar el procés de mescla, sinó també controlar amb precisió els paràmetres d'injecció, afegint flexibilitat als sistemes per a noves estratègies i un grau addicional de complexitat per als investigadors. A més a més, amb les estratègies d'injeccions múltiples s'ha demostrat la possibilitat de reduir el consum de combustible, així com les partícules, els òxids de carboni, els òxids de nitrogen, el sutge i els hidrocarburs no cremats; a més, aquestes estratègies s'han convertit en un estàndard en la indústria.
Aquesta tesi estudia els efectes de dues estratègies diferents d'injecció múltiple (pilot-principal i principal-post) sobre el desenvolupament fonamental i la combustió del doll.
Primer, es caracteritzar hidràulicament l'injector, mesurant la seua taxa d'injecció i flux de quantitat de moviment. Per a una massa injectada objectiu, es va obtindre la distribució de combustible per als diferents temps de separació i les quantitats de pilot/post. Es va implementar un nou enfocament per tal d'avaluar la distribució de combustible utilitzant el senyal de flux de quantitat de moviment. Es va poder observar que les injeccions de pilot/post injecció que es realitzen en un estat totalment transitori presenten major desviació entre trets. L'augment de la quantitat injectada va reduir la dispersió, observant un lleuger descens en disminuir també la pressió de rail. La repetitivitat de les injeccions post es va veure afectada significativament pel temps de separació entre polsos.
Després, es van aplicar diagnòstics òptics d'alta velocitat per a visual-itzar el desenvolupament del doll en atmosferes tant inerts com reactives. Es van utilitzar dues noves solucions de processament d'imatges: una, per a desacoblar dos esdeveniments d'injecció que coexisteixen en un sol quadre, i una altra per a estimar òpticament el retard a l'encesa amb múltiples polsos d'injecció. Pel que fa al desenvolupament del doll en condicions inerts evaporatives, no es va observar cap influència en la longitud líquida estabilitzada i l'angle del doll respecte a la quantitat injectada per la pilot, ni de la seua separació al pols principal. Pel que fa a la fase de vapor, l'augment de la massa injectada del primer pols va empényer la zona de transició més enllà del límit òptic. En general, el segon pols va penetrar a una velocitat més gran comparat amb el cas d'una injecció única. L'angle de dispersió de la fase de vapor va augmentar amb la inclusió de la injecció pilot, però no es va observar una tendència clara pel que fa a la quantitat de la pilot ni al seu temps de separació.
En condicions reactives, el retard d'encesa del segon pols va disminuir en referència a l'inici de la injecció. De mitjana, les estratègies pilot-principal van experimentar reduccions del 30% al 40%, mentre que les principal-post, es van veure reduides entre el 40% i el 50%. Pel que fa a la longitud d'enlairament estabilitzada, no es va observar una tendència definida pel que fa als efectes tant del temps de separació com de la quantitat de la injecció pilot. La imatge mitjana presa per la càmera intensificada no va considerar que la longitud d'enlairament puga canviar des de l'inici de la combustió fins a la flama de difusió establerta. Pel que fa als mesuraments de sutge, en general es va observar que les estratègies pilot-principal van produir més sutge que cadascun dels seus casos de referència. Es va observar una lleugera disminució en el gruix òptic de la secció transversal prop de l'inici de la combustió en augmentar la massa de la injecció pilot. No es va observar una clara dependència del sutge amb el temps de separació entre els pols. En contrast amb la literatura, les estratègies principal-post van mostrar una formació de sutge lleugerament més alta (o similar) que una sola injecció. En cambres amb un volum tan / [EN] In recent years, the evolution of the injection technologies has permitted not only to improve the spray mixing process but to control injection parameters accurately, adding flexibility to the systems for new strategies and an extra degree of complexity for researchers. In such sense, multiple injection strategies have proved capable of reducing fuel consumption, as well as emissions of particulate matter, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, soot, and unburned hydrocarbons, and has become a standard in the industry.
This thesis provides an experimental methodology to study the effects of two different multiple injection strategies (pilot-main and main-post) on spray development and combustion. Experiments were divided into four separate measurement campaigns carried out in three facilities.
In the first two campaigns, the injector was hydraulically characterized by rate of injection and spray momentum flux measurements. For a target injected mass, the fuel allocation was obtained for the different dwell times and pilot/post quantities. A new approach to evaluate the fuel distribution using the momentum flux signal was implemented. Higher shot-to-shot deviations were observed for the pilot/post pulses that are injected in an entirely transitory state. The dispersion decreased with increasing injected quantity, and also slightly with decreasing rail pressure. The repeatability of the post injections was significantly affected by the dwell time.
Then, high-speed optical diagnostics were applied to visualize the spray development in both inert and reactive atmospheres. Two novel image processing solutions were developed: one to decoupled two injection events that coexist in a single frame, and another to optically estimate the ignition delay of multiple injection pulses. On the spray development in non-reactive conditions, no influence was observed from the injected quantity of the pilot and its dwell time to the main pulse on the stabilized liquid length and spreading angle. Regarding the vapor phase, increasing the injected mass of the first pulse pushed the interaction zone past the optical limit. In general, the second pulse penetrated at a faster rate than the single injection case. Vapor phase spreading angle increased with the inclusion of a pilot injection. No clear trend was observed with either the pilot quantity nor the dwell time.
On the spray development in reactive conditions, for all test points that included multiple injections, the ignition delay of the second pulse decreased referenced to its start of injection. On average, pilot-main strategies showed reductions of 30% to 40%, while main-post of 40% to 50%. Different inter-action mechanism found in the literature were used to describe the synergy between injection pulses. Regarding the stabilized lift-off length, no definite trend was observed in terms of the effects of both the dwell time and pilot quantity. The average image taken by the ICCD camera did not consider that the lift-off length can change from the inception of combustion to the established diffusion flame. Regarding soot measurements, it was generally observed that pilot-main strategies produced more soot than each of their reference case. A slight decrease in the cross-sectional optical thickness near the start of combustion was noted increasing the pilot quantity. No clear dependence of soot on the dwell time was observed. In contrast to the literature, main-post strategies depicted slightly higher (or similar) soot formation than a single injection. In combustion chambers with such large volume, the post injection behaved like a main and the actual main like a pilot. Thus, local conditions enhance the formation of soot from the post injection, instead of promoting its oxidation. Therefore, jet-wall interactions are critical for the effectiveness of the post injection on reducing soot emissions. / Viera Sotillo, AA. (2019). Effect of multiple injection strategies on the Diesel spray formation and combustion using optical diagnostics [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/123954
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Μελέτη και αξιολόγηση τεχνολογιών πολλαπλής αφής / Study and evaluation of multi-touch technologiesΠανόπουλος, Βασίλειος 07 June 2013 (has links)
Οι τεχνολογίες πολλαπλής αφής παρουσιάζουν μεγάλο ερευνητικό και τεχνολογικό ενδιαφέρον στον τομέα της αλληλεπίδρασης ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή από τις προηγούμενες κιόλας δεκαετίες. Το κόστος όμως τέτοιων συστημάτων καθιστούσε απαγορευτική τη χρήση τους εκτός έξω από το χώρο ερευνητικών εργαστηρίων. Οι εξελίξεις στον τομέα αυτό είναι ραγδαίες με αποτέλεσμα πλέον τα συστήματα αυτά να καθίστανται προσιτά και ιδιαίτερα ελκυστικά, προσφέροντας έτσι τη δυνατότητα ευρύτερης αποδοχής τους. Η διπλωματική αυτή εργασία, που εκπονήθηκε στο Εργαστήριο της Ερευνητικής Ομάδας Αλληλεπίδρασης Ανθρώπου Υπολογιστή του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, υπό την επίβλεψη του Καθ. Νικόλαου Αβούρη, περιγράφει σε πρώτο στάδιο τη μελέτη και αξιολόγηση των τεχνολογιών αφής και ιδιαίτερα των οπτικών καθώς αυτές επιτρέπουν την κατασκευή συστημάτων μεγάλων διαστάσεων. Έπειτα από επιλογή της καταλληλότερης τεχνολογίας με βάση τις προαπαιτούμενες προδιαγραφές παρουσιάζεται η κατασκευή ενός λειτουργικού συστήματος πολλαπλής αφής με χρήση της τεχνικής ‘Diffused Illumination’. Η αναγνώριση των σημείων αφής επετεύχθη με χρήση του προγράμματος ανοιχτού λογισμικού CommunityCoreVision (CCV). Στόχος της κατασκευής είναι η αξιολόγηση του ίδιου του συστήματος καθώς και η έρευνα και η αξιολόγηση νέων τρόπων αλληλεπίδρασης με το σύστημα αυτό. Η αξιολόγηση πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω πειραματικής διαδικασίας που κατέδειξε την αποτελεσματικότητα του συστήματος στη διαχείριση αντικειμένων σε σχέση με έναν επιτραπέζιο υπολογιστή. Η εφαρμογή του πειράματος αναπτύχθηκε με τη γλώσσα Python και το Kivy. Η διαδικασία αυτή οδήγησε στην απόκτηση πρακτικών και θεωρητικών γνώσεων σε μεγάλο μέρος του γνωστικού φάσματος του τομέα της κατασκευής ολοκληρωμένων συστημάτων. / When interacting with a regular desktop computer, indirect devices such as a mouse or keyboard are used to control the computer. Results of the interaction are displayed on a monitor. Current operating systems are restricted to one pointing device. With the introduction of multi-touch, a new form of human computer interaction is introduced. Multi-touch combines display technology with sensors which are capable of tracking multiple points of input. The idea is that this would allow users to interact with the computer in a natural way. Furthermore, unlike interaction on a desktop computer, multi-touch allows multiple users to interact with the same devices at the same time.
Due to recent innovations multi-touch technology has become affordable. For this project an optical based multi-touch device has been designed and constructed at the Human Computer Interaction group of the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Patras. To perform multi-touch point tracking we used CommunityCoreVision (CCV), a free open source multi-touch framework. To demonstrate the possibilities of multi-touch input technology the system was tested with existing applications, which are controlled by gestures. Multi-touch systems are often stand-alone systems that do not have external input devices attached, however, such devices can be used to support difficult task such as writing. In order to simplify common tasks, a gesture recognition engine has been evaluated along with a multi-touch mouse driver compatible with Windows 7 that supports TUIO messages. Through an experiment designed with the Python based Kivy framework, we evaluate how multi-touch input performs on a specific object manipulation task compared to conventional mouse input.
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O CONTROLE DIFUSO DE CONSTITUCIONALIDADE E OS INSTRUMENTOS DE AMPLIAÇÃO DOS SEUS EFEITOS: garantidores da integridade ou elementos de contenção do acesso à justiça / CONSTITUTIONALITY CONTROL OF DIFFUSE AND ITS EXPANSION OF INSTRUMENTS EFFECTS: guaranteeing the integrity or containment elements of access to justiceSalem Neto, José Murilo Duailibe 08 May 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-05-08 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / The present research studies the diffused constitutionality control, specifically through the Extraordinary Appeal, and its possibility to be a warrant of rights as integrity, against the changes that expanded its effects, as well as implemented institutes that also changed its admissibility requirement. In that order, is exposed how the constitutional supremacy ideal was accomplished, based on the constitutionalism of fundamental rights and the assignment of constitutional States of right. Highlighting the legitimacy arguments of the constitutionality control, especially for the warrant of fundamental rights, as well as analyzes the origination of this instrument and its history on the brazilian State. Highlighting the functions of the recent changes on the diffused constitutionality control, in a analyzis about the hard relation between the warrant of integrity and the rationalization of the judicial protection, with the creation of access requirements. / A presente pesquisa estuda o controle de constitucionalidade difuso, em especial o realizado através do Recurso Extraordinário, e sua possibilidade de garantia do direito como integridade, diante das modificações que ampliaram seus efeitos, bem como implantaram institutos que modificaram seus requisitos de admissibilidade. Neste intuito, expõe como se firmou o ideal de supremacia constitucional, baseado no constitucionalismo de direitos e no exercício de Estados constitucionais de direito. Destacando os argumentos de legitimidade do controle de constitucionalidade, mormente para garantia de direitos fundamentais, bem como analisa a criação deste instrumento e seu histórico no Estado brasileiro. Destacando as funções das alterações recentes no controle de constitucionalidade difuso, em uma análise sobre a difícil relação entre garantia da integridade e racionalização da tutela jurisdicional, com a criação de requisitos de acesso à prestação jurisdicional pelo STF.
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Questões sobre direitos sexuais e direito ao exercício da orientação sexual no contexto dos direitos difusos e coletivosSilva, José Alessandro Alves da 20 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-20 / The starting point of this summary report is the main focus that sexuality is an
inherent part of the human condition, a fundamental right that accompanies
humans throughout their entire existence, being a natural, undeniable and
unprescriptible right. There are no human beings that could fulfill their life
without having the right to exercise sexual freedom, independently of their
personal sexual orientation. There is a direct connection between
protecting human beings and their sexual orientation. It is essential to remember
that the Federal Constitution not only prohibities illegal invasion of the personal
hemisphere, but also establishes a positive promotion to exercise it with freedom.
The vanguardism of the diffused and collective rights (the private and collective
rights) can not perhaps due to the legal traditionalism, be limited to the issues
already "codified", such as, consumer, children and adolescents, environment and
more recently the disabled ones. Other matters also being challenged by groups or
associations is to have the legal protection declared by the right of the
transindividuals. We can point out, among them, main issues related to this
present work: a guarantee to exercise sexual orientation and sexual rights.
Through a vast doctrinarian and legal search, objectively would like to show the
clear connection that exists between the issues related to sexual rights and the
exercise of the gender sexual orientation, bringing concepts, historic and
legislative perspectives, national and international, establishing a bridge between
those matters of sexual orientation and Diffused Rights / O ponto de partida para o presente trabalho foi a premissa de que a sexualidade é
parte inerente da condição humana, direito fundamental que acompanha o ser
humano por toda sua existência, sendo um direito natural, inalienável e
imprescritível. Não há quem possa realizar-se como ser humano sem o exercício
livre da sexualidade, independentemente da orientação pessoal. É direta a ligação
entre a proteção da dignidade da pessoa humana e a orientação sexual, sendo
importante lembrar que a Constituição Federal não somente proíbe as invasões
ilegítimas das esferas pessoais, mas também, determina a promoção positiva do
exercício da liberdade.
O vanguardismo dos direitos difusos e coletivos não pode, talvez pelo vício do
tradicionalismo jurídico, ver-se limitado tão somente às questões já codificadas ,
quais sejam, consumidor, criança e adolescente, meio-ambiente e, mais
recentemente, idoso. Outros problemas também enfrentados por grupos ou
coletividades devem ter a proteção jurídica consagrada pelos direitos
transindividuais. Destacamos, dentre eles, questões relacionadas principalmente
ao objeto deste trabalho: a garantia do exercício da orientação sexual e dos
direitos sexuais.
Através da vasta pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial, objetiva-se demonstrar a
clara conexão existente entre as questões relacionadas aos Direitos Sexuais e ao
exercício da orientação sexual com as tutelas de direitos coletivos oferecidas por
nossa legislação. Para tanto, trata-se de um trabalho que busca aclarar pontos
relacionados à orientação sexual gênero e os direitos sexuais, trazendo conceitos,
perspectivas história e legislativa, nacional e internacional, traçando por fim uma
ponte entre as questões relacionadas à orientação sexual e Direitos Difusos
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Controle por modos deslizantes com compensa??o difusa aplicado a sistemas com descontinuidadeSantos, Jo?o Deodato Batista dos 13 November 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The development of non-linear controllers gained space in the theoretical ambit and of
practical applications on the moment that the arising of digital computers enabled the
implementation of these methodologies. In comparison with the linear controllers more
utilized, the non -linear controllers present the advantage of not requiring the linearity of the
system to determine the parameters of control, which permits a more efficient control
especially when the system presents a high level of non-linearity. Another additional
advantage is the reduction of costs, since to obtain the efficient control through linear
controllers it is necessary the utilization of sensors and more refined actuators than when it is
utilized a non-linear controller. Among the non-linear theories of control, the method of
control by gliding ways is detached for being a method that presents more robustness, before
uncertainties. It is already confirmed that the adoption of compensation on the region of
residual error permits to improve better the performance of these controllers. So, in this work
it is described the development of a non-linear controller that looks for an association of
strategy of control by gliding ways, with the fuzzy compensation technique. Through the
implementation of some strategies of fuzzy compensation, it was searched the one which
provided the biggest efficiency before a system with high level of nonlinearities and
uncertainties. The electrohydraulic actuator was utilized as an example of research, and the
results appoint to two configurations of compensation that permit a bigger reduction of the
residual error / O desenvolvimento de controladores n?o lineares ganharam espa?o nos ?mbitos te?rico e de
aplica??es pr?ticas no momento que o surgimento de computadores digitais possibilitou a
implementa??o destas metodologias. Em compara??o aos controladores lineares mais
utilizados, os controladores n?o lineares apresentam a vantagem de n?o necessitarem da
lineariza??o do sistema para determinar os par?metros de controle, o que permite um
controle mais eficiente principalmente quando o sistema apresenta elevado grau de n?o
linearidade. Outra vantagem adicional ? a redu??o dos custos, uma vez que para obter o
controle eficiente atrav?s dos controladores lineares ? necess?ria a utiliza??o de sensores e
atuadores mais refinados do que quando se utiliza um controlador n?o linear. Dentre as
teorias de controle n?o linear, o m?todo de controle por modos deslizantes se destaca por ser
um m?todo que apresenta maior robustez frente ?s incertezas. J? ? comprovado que a
ado??o de t?cnicas de compensa??o na regi?o do erro residual permite melhorar ainda mais
o desempenho desses controladores. Assim, neste trabalho ? descrito o desenvolvimento de
um controlador n?o linear que busca a associa??o da estrat?gia de controle por modos
deslizantes com a t?cnica de compensa??o fuzzy. Mediante a implementa??o de algumas
estrat?gias de compensa??o fuzzy, buscou-se aquela que proporcionasse maior efici?ncia
frente a um sistema com elevado grau de n?o linearidades e incertezas. O atuador eletrohidr?ulico
foi utilizado como exemplo de estudo, e os resultados apontam para duas
configura??es de compensa??o que permitem uma maior redu??o do erro residual
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<p>A small
plasma generation system was first developed using a ring-pin electrode
configuration with the goal of producing a plasma disk at the burner outlet. Two
distinct plasma regimes were identified: diffused and filamentary. Diffuse
discharges were generated at low frequencies while filamentary discharges were
generated at moderate to high frequencies. The induced flow fields generated by
both diffuse and filamentary plasma discharges were investigated using
high-speed schlieren visualization and particle image velocimetry. The rise in
gas temperature was measured using optical emission spectroscopy. Lastly, the
electrical properties for both types of plasma discharges was measured. The
measurements provided a set of pulse parameters for the investigation of the
plasma-flame interaction on the atmospheric pressure burner. </p>
atmospheric pressure plasma-assisted burner with a ring-pin electrode geometry
was designed and fabricated to investigate the effect of nanosecond
repetitively pulsed discharges on methane-air flames. The burner can produce
both Bunsen-type and swirl-stabilized flames (helical vane swirlers, swirl
number of 0.62) with a modular design to allow for a removable block swirler
component. Flame chemiluminescence and direct imaging of flame structure and
dynamics was done to understand the burner’s operating limits. The burner can
operate 6 – 13 kW flames, with flames stabilizing at approximately 2 inches
above the burner exit. The effect of air flow rate on plasma formation was
investigated and it was found that the high velocity of the incoming gas
changes the plasma regime and electrical properties. Finally, the plasma
discharge was applied on lifted, swirled flames and used for plasma-assisted
ignition. For lifted swirled flames, we found that a minimum of 100 pulses is
required to generate a filamentary discharge in the air stream. Higher number
of pulses at high frequencies appeared to extinguish the primary flame. A
minimum of 6000 was used for ignition. The plasma-assisted burner will allow
for future studies to investigate the plasma flame coupling for various
conditions using a wide variety of diagnostics. <br>
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Počítačová analýza obrazu z metody LBIC / Computer analyse of LBIC picturesŠtencel, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with image picture analysis, especially with images obtained by diagnostic LBIC method. The individual defects occuring on solar cells are described in theoretical part, including methods which serve for making referential image. Furthermore, the creation of difference image is analysed, from whom the interferences will be evaluated. The aim of practical part is to focus on generation of algorithms which investigate the defects, and the description of application for program control is described in conclusion.
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