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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecological guild of microbes that drive production of biogas from multiple feedstock

Mukhuba, Mashudu 08 1900 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is becoming a widely adopted technology for conversion of organic waste and nutrient-rich fertiliser production due to its cost-effectiveness and sustainability. In this study, a batch experiment was conducted using five different types of food waste and cow dung (CD). No significant difference was observed among the four substrates that produced the highest methane (P<0.05). Based on the batch experiment results, two substrates were selected for semi-continuous digestion and the highest methane yield (67%) was obtained from co-digestion (CO). PCR-DGGE results revealed higher bacterial and archaeal diversity indices in CO as compared to mono-digestion of CD and mixed food waste. The high-throughput sequence analyses revealed that the Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belonging to the phyla Bacteroidetes, followed by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, were dominant in all treatments. The enhanced methane production in CO could be attributed to the neutral pH and partial shift of archaea from Methanosaeta to Methanosarcina. The digestate and fresh CD were screened for plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB), nutrient and heavy metal content. The dung contained higher concentrations of heavy metals (P<0.05) and potential pathogens in comparison to the digestate. The use of digestate may, therefore, enhance soil fertility with minimal negative environmental effects. / School of Agriculture and Life Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)

Zařízení pro zahušťování odpadní vody z bioplynových stanic / Equipment for Thickening Waste Water from Biogas Plants

Vondra, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the development of technology which could tackle two major issues related to biogas plants. These issues concern the insufficient use of waste heat from biogas combustion and its subsequent processing. It also concerns the use of the fermentation residues which are formed in large quantities and whose use is restricted by law. Based on a literary search of separation methods, a vacuum evaporator was selected as the most suitable technology. Its advantages include its simple construction, operational reliability and robustness, low costs of thickening medium pre-treatment, potential for a quick commercial application and, especially, the chance to use a low-potential waste heat. A primary purpose of this technological unit is the reduction in the volume of fermentation residues. Other benefits include the efficient use of waste heat from a biogas plant, which would otherwise be wasted. Evaporators with a low consumption of electrical energy (which is a main product of a biogas plant) seem to be the best option for applications in the biogas plants. Three of these technologies were subjected to a more thorough analysis, which included the development of computational models and their quantification for conditions in a sample biogas plant. A one-stage evaporator with a forced circulation (680 – 712 kWhth/m3, 25.9 – 30.5 kWhel/m3) was evaluated as the least suitable option in terms of energy demands. The energy intensity of a three-stage evaporator with a falling film (241 – 319 kWhth/m3, 12.0 – 23.6 kWhel/m3) and a nine-stage flash evaporator (236 – 268 kWhth/m3, 13.6 – 18.4 kWhel/m3) is significantly lower. A multi-stage flash evaporator (MSF) was then chosen for development and will form the central focus of this thesis. The reasons for the choice are as follows: the low requirements on the heat transfer surface, good operational experience in the field of desalination, its simple construction, modularity and evaporation outside the heat transfer surface. A thorough technical-economic evaluation was also performed on the integration of the evaporator into the biogas plant. The main part of the work included the experimental development of a MSF evaporator prototype. The main objective of this development was to achieve a stable flow rate of the thickening liquid digestate fraction and the continuous formation of the distillate. This was not an easy objective to achieve, especially due to the properties of the liquid digestate, which has a non-newtonian characteristic and increased density and viscosity compared to water. The tendency of the liquid digestate to form foam was also the subject of analysis. The development of the evaporator and first successful operational test are described in the thesis in detail. This required the use of an anti-foaming product. A fully-developed prototype of the MSF evaporator allowed us to achieve continuous operation with a distillate production, reaching from 5 to 10 kg/h at a liquid digestate flow rate of 0.4–0.5 m3/h. The main drawback of this technology is the pollution of the distillate with ammonia nitrogen, and it is for this reason that the basic procedures of its subsequent elimination was selected for further analysis.

Use of bio-waste as fertiliser for the protected vegetable cultivation

Böhme, Michael Henry 22 February 2019 (has links)
The number of biogas plants in Germany is increasing from 3,711 in 2007 to 8,075 in 2016. In these biogas plants, it occurred more than 50 Mt digestate. Therefore, several investigations are started to use digestate as organic fertiliser mostly for field crop cultivation. Experiment with tomatoes was carried out were digestate was used as a supplement to the growing media in an amount of 5%, 15%, and 25%, compared with a treatment of mineral fertiliser and lupine wholemeal. The tomato yield was highest in the treatment with mineral fertilisation, the yield with 25% digestate was only a little lower. More experiments are necessary for particular regarding the amount and frequency of fertilization with digestate from biogas plants. In Germany and in Vietnam the number of sheep flocks is increasing, high amounts of uncleaned sheep wool are available. Because of the high amount of nutrients - especially nitrogen -, sheep wool pellets could be used as multi-functional fertiliser in vegetable cultivations. Four types of sheep wool pellets have been tested in protected cultivation. Tomatoes were cultivated in a greenhouse using substrate culture with perlite, bark compost, sheep wool slabs, respectively, and sheep wool pellets as fertiliser. Best growth and highest yield for tomatoes were obtained using pine bark and perlite as a substrate, both fertilised with sheep wool pellets. Based on the results of the yield and the analyses of the nutrient content in plants it seems that sheep wool pellets can be used, for the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses. / Số lượng các nhà máy biogas tại CHLB Đức tăng từ 3.711 năm 2017 lên 8.075 năm 2016. Các nhà máy biogas sản sinh ra hơn 50 triệu tấn chất thải. Vì vậy đã có nhiều nghiên cứu liên quan đến sử dụng nguồn chất thải này làm phân bón hữu cơ cho canh tác nông nghiệp. Thí nghiệm với cà chua sử dụng chất thải biogas làm chất bổ sung dinh dưỡng cho giá thể trồng cây theo các tỷ lệ 5%, 15% và 25% đối chứng với công thức sử dụng phân hóa học và bột nguyên vỏ họ đậu. Năng suất cà chua thu được từ các công thức bổ sung chất thải biogas đều cao hơn đối chứng, chỉ có công thức bổ sung 25% có năng suất thấp hơn. Tuy nhiên vẫn cần có những nghiên cứu tiêp theo về lượng và tần xuất sử dụng bón phân với chất thải từ nhà máy biogas. Ở Đức và ở Việt Nam số lượng đàn cừu đang tăng lên, một lượng lớn lông cừu phế phẩm phát sinh. Với hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao, đặc biệt là nitơ, viên nén từ lông cừu phế phẩm có thể sử dụng làm phân bón đa chức năng cho trồng trọt. Nghiên cứu đã sử dụng 4 loại viên nén lông cừu làm phân bón trong điều kiện trồng có kiểm soát. Cà chua được trồng trong nhà kính với 3 loại giá thể là perlite, vỏ cây thông đã ủ hoai, thảm lông cừu với phân bón là viên nén từ lông cừu phế phẩm. Năng suất cao nhất và đem lại sinh trưởng tốt nhất cho cây cà chua là công thức sử dụng vỏ cây thông và perlite. Dựa trên kết quả về năng suất và phân tích dinh dưỡng trong cây và sản phẩm, nghiên cứu cho thấy sự phù hợp của viên nén từ lông cừu phế phẩm làm phân bón cho canh tác rau trong nhà kính.

Effekte der Düngung mit Gärresten auf Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Pflanzen

Hoffmann, Marieke 17 January 2019 (has links)
Die bei der Biogasproduktion anfallenden Gärreste werden als organische Dünger im Pflanzenbau eingesetzt. Infolge des Vergärungsprozesses unterscheiden sich Gärreste von herkömmlichen organischen Düngern. Daraus könnten sich spezifische positive oder negative Wirkungen auf Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Pflanzen ergeben, die Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind. In einem sechsjährigen Feldversuch (Energiepflanzenfruchtfolge, sandiger Boden) wur- den die Düngeeffekte von fünf verschiedenen Gärresten mit denen von Rindergülle, Stallmist und mineralischem Dünger (KAS) verglichen. Zur umfassenden Charakterisie- rung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit erfolgten Untersuchungen aus den Bereichen Bodenchemie, -physik, -mikrobiologie und Pflanzenbau, wobei die Humusdynamik einen Schwerpunkt bildete. Die Mengenkalkulation der Düngung basierte auf der gleichen Gabe organi- schem C mit einem N-Ausgleich durch KAS. Es ergaben sich für Gärreste gegenüber KAS überwiegend positive Effekte auf Hu- musgehalt, Aggregatstabilität und bakterielle Aktivität und Diversität. Diese Effekte waren denen von Rindergülle und Stallmist ähnlich. Möglicherweise besteht aber durch Gärrestdüngung ein erhöhtes Risiko von P- und K-Überschüssen sowie N-Verlusten. Eine erhöhte Benetzungshemmung wurde nicht gefunden. Die mikrobielle Gemeinschaft des Bodens zeigte eine spezifische Beeinflussung durch die Gärreste in der funktionellen, jedoch nicht in der genetischen Struktur. Die N-Verfügbarkeit war deutlich geringer als die von KAS, wodurch sich für Grünroggen Mindererträge ergaben. Für Silomais und Sorghum fand sich bei kombinierter Anwendung mit KAS ein zu KAS ähnliches Ertragsniveau. Gärreste haben analog zu herkömmlichen organischen Düngern bei effizientem Einsatz das Potential zu KAS vergleichbare Erträge zu erzielen und gleichzeitig die Bodenfrucht- barkeit zu fördern. Diese Schlussfolgerung ist im Kontext der spezifischen Standort- und Versuchsbedingungen zu sehen und sollte durch eine längere Versuchszeit abgesichert werden. / Digestates arising during biogas production are used as organic fertilizers in agriculture. Due to the fermentation process, digestates have different properties from traditional organic fertilizers. This may result in specific positive or negative effects on soil fertility and plants, which are subject of this work. In a six year field experiment (energy crop rotation, sandy soil) fertilizer effects of five different digestates were compared with cattle slurry, farm yard manure and mineral fertilizer (KAS). For a comprehensive characterization of soil fertility effects, methods from the fields of soil chemistry, physics, microbiology and plant science were applied. One special focus of these investigations was humus dynamics. Manure doses were based on the same dose of organic carbon, resulting different N-doses were compensated by KAS. Compared with KAS, digestates showed predominantly positive effects on humus con- tent, soil aggregate stability and bacterial activity and diversity. These effects of di- gestates were similar to those of cattle slurry and farm yard manure. There may be an increased risk of P and K oversupply and N losses as a result of digestate fertilization. An increased soil water repellency was not found. The soil bacterial community was specifically influenced by digestates regarding its functional, but not regarding its genetic structure. Saprotrophic fungy were reduced by some digestates in comparison to KAS. N availability was considerably lower than of KAS, resulting in yield depressions of forage rye. For silage maize and sorghum, digestates combined with KAS equaled the yield level of KAS. If efficiently applied, digestates have like other organic fertilizers the potential to produce equal yields as KAS whilst enhancing soil fertility. This conclusion is restricted to the specific conditions of experimental site and design and must be verified during a longer experimental period.

Optimisation of methane production from anaerobically digested cow slurry using mixing regime and hydraulic retention time

Hughes, Kevin Lewis William January 2015 (has links)
AD is regarded as a sustainable technology that could assist the UK Government meet internationally agreed GHG emission targets by 2050. However, the mature status of the technology is based on expensive systems that rely on high energy feedstock to be profitable. Meanwhile, the natural biodegradation of cow slurry is a recognised contributor to climate change despite having a relatively low CH4 potential because of the large volumes produced. Economic mixing is essential to the cost-effectiveness of farm AD but techniques applied are not always appropriate as slurry is a shear thinning thixotropic Herschel-Bulkley fluid and therefore challenging to mix. The apparent viscosity of slurry and the shear stress induced was most influenced by solids content (exponential change) followed by temperature (linear). Most shear thinning occurred before a rising shear rate of 20s-1 was achieved with the fluid acting near-Newtonian above. Thixotropic recovery occurred within 1 hour of resting. Rheological values were also much higher than previously reported. Highest CH4 production occurred in the first 10 days of the batch process using a range of mixing regimes with different shear rates and rest periods. During fed-batch operations, changing shear rate had a minimal effect on CH4 production using a 30-day HRT whereas shorter rest periods increased production. Specific CH4 production rate was highest when feeding and mixing coincided. However, when HRT was reduced (OLR increased) the CH4 produced by all mixed regimes significantly increased with highest values being achieved using high intensity mixing rested for short periods. Lower HRTs also requires smaller digesters. Parasitic mixing energy invariably had the most influence on net energy production. Signs of instability were evident after 20 days using the low HRT. Significant microbial adaptation was also observed as the experiments progressed. The research outcomes demonstrate that mixing regime and HRT can be managed to maximise net energy production whilst reducing capital expenditure.

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