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Směsi kejdy a jiných pufračních materiálů s biomasou a hodnocení jejich anaerobní digesce prostřednictvím testů metanogenní aktivity na aparatuře OXI TOP CONTROL MERCK / Mixtures sewage and by other buffering materials with biomass and classification their anaerobic digestion through tests metanogenni activities on apparatus OxiTop control AN12HODOVAL, Jan January 2008 (has links)
In theoretic parts diploma work is described mechanism anaerobic of the process, factors which him work and description qualitative determination biogas. Objective practical parts was quantification and qualities produced biogas. Led I'm investigation intent on investigation choice type phytomass and their fitness for production and quality biogas. On fermentative sweetness I'm watched change pH, Cox, decrease organic masses along anaerobic digestion. Further I'm establish entitlements content lignin and CHSK in single figures phytomass. On device OxiTop( control AN12 I'm measured maximum yield and speed development methane and biogas on hundreddweight substrates
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Effects of Vinegar on Colonic Fermentation and GlycemiaJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT This randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover study examined the effects of a preprandial, 20g oral dose of apple cider vinegar (ACV) on colonic fermentation and glycemia in a normal population, with the ultimate intention of identifying the mechanisms by which vinegar has been shown to reduce postprandial glycemia and insulinemia. Fifteen male and female subjects were recruited, ages 20-60y, who had no prior history of gastrointestinal (GI) disease or resections impacting normal GI function, were non-smokers, were non-vegetarian/vegan, were not taking any medications known to alter (glucose) metabolism, and were free of chronic disease including diabetes. Subjects were instructed to avoid exercise, alcohol and smoking the day prior to their trials and to consume a standardized, high-carbohydrate dinner meal the eve prior. There was a one-week washout period per subject between appointments. Breath hydrogen, serum insulin and capillary glucose were assessed over 3 hours after a high-starch breakfast meal to evaluate the impact of preprandial supplementation with ACV or placebo (water). Findings confirmed the antiglycemic effects of ACV as documented in previous studies, with significantly lower mean blood glucose concentrations observed during ACV treatment compared to the placebo at 30 min (p=0.003) and 60 min (p=0.005), and significantly higher mean blood glucose concentrations at 180 min (p=0.045) postprandial. No significant differences in insulin concentrations between treatments. No significant differences were found between treatments (p>0.05) for breath hydrogen; however, a trend was observed between the treatments at 180 min postprandial where breath hydrogen concentration was visually perceived as being higher with ACV treatment compared to the placebo. Therefore, this study failed to support the hypothesis that preprandial ACV ingestion produces a higher rate of colonic fermentation within a 3 hour time period following a high-carbohydrate meal. Due to variations in experiment duration noted in other literature, an additional study of similar nature with an expanded specimen collections period, well beyond 3 hours, is warranted. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Nutrition 2012
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Estratégias e fisiologia do consumo e digestão de esponjas (Porifera) por Echinaster brasiliensis (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) / Strategies and physiology of the consumption and digestion of sponges (Porifera) by Echinaster brasiliensis (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)Camila Helena de Souza Queiroz 10 July 2012 (has links)
Esponjas são sésseis e possuem um esqueleto constituído por elementos inorgânicos microscópicos (espículas), fibras de colágeno e/ou combinações destes dois componentes. Embora sem proteções físicas evidentes tais como conchas ou espinhos, são pouco predadas, sendo este fato atribuído principalmente a presença de metabólitos secundários ativos. Recentemente, um papel dos componentes esqueléticos como deterrente foi experimentalmente confirmado, mas sua importância relativa ainda é bastante debatida. Algumas estrelas-do-mar são consideradas como espongívoras, e a literatura existente geralmente coloca que a digestão é realizada externamente, sem ingestão do esqueleto da presa. Desta forma, neste trabalho foram verificados o comportamento alimentar da estrela-do-mar Echinaster brasiliensis em relação às esponjas, o destino dos componentes esqueléticos e seus efeitos na fisiologia do organismo. Observações de campo e experimentos em laboratório foram efetuados para determinar a estratégia de consumo utilizada pela estrela. O processo digestivo do material esquelético (espículas e/ou fibras) foi acompanhado até a eliminação. Foi verificado que E. brasiliensis se alimenta de diferentes espécies de esponjas, mas não consome apenas estes organismos, sendo mais generalista do que o suposto. As preferências no consumo das esponjas são determinados por fatores diversos, como a quantidade de matéria orgânica ou formato do organismo predado. A ingestão ocorre com a eversão do estômago, mas ao contrário do descrito para outras espécies, E. brasiliensis ingere componentes esqueléticos, sendo espículas encontradas inseridas no epitélio digestivo. Entretanto, essa ingestão é baixa e aparentemente não causa injúrias severas ao organismo, sendo as espículas descartadas no material fecal / Sponges are sessile and have a skeleton made of microscopic inorganic elements (spicules), collagen fibers and/or combinations of these two components. Although without clear physical defenses such as shells or spines, they are not preyed upon, and this is attributed mainly to the presence of active secondary metabolites. Recently, a role of skeletal components as deterrents has been experimentally confirmed, but its relative importance is still debated. Some starfishes are regarded as spongivorous, and the existing literature generally considers that the digestion is performed externally, without intake of the sponge skeleton. In this study the feeding behavior of the starfish Echinaster brasiliensis in relation to sponges, the fate of skeletal components and their effects on the starfish physiology were studied. Field observations and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the consumption strategies used by the starfish. The digestive process of the skeletal material (spicules and/or fibers) was followed until the elimination. It was found that E. brasiliensis feeds on different species of sponges, but does not consume only these organisms, being more generalist than assumed. Preferences in the consumption of sponges were determined by several factors, such as the amount of organic matter or shape of the preyed organism. The intake occurs by the eversion of the stomach, but unlike what is described for other species E. brasiliensis ingests skeletal components, and spicules were found inserted in the digestive epithelium. However, this intake is small and apparently does not cause severe injuries to the starfishes and the spicules are discarded in fecal material
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Efeito de treinamento físico e inclusão de levedura viva na dieta sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, parâmetros fisiológicos, de saúde digestiva e condicionamento físico de cavalos Puro Sangue Árabe / Physical training effect and inclusion of live yeast in the diet on digestibility of nutrients, physiological health, digestive parameters and physical conditioning in Arabian horsesRegina de Lima Costa 18 December 2015 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar as implicações da suplementação com levedura viva Saccharomyces cerevisiae e de um programa de treinamento físico de baixa intensidade sobre a digestibilidade dos componentes da dieta (MS, PB, EE, FDN, FDA, MO e amido), a resposta glicêmica e insulinêmica, perfil sérico de triglicerídeos, colesterol total e frações (HDL-C; LDL-C; VLDL-C), bem como mensurar a produção dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) butírico, acético e propiônico, quantificar levedura viva nas fezes, avaliar o pH fecal, a população microbiana nas fezes e os níveis séricos de endotoxinas, além de mensurar a frequência cardíaca dos animais em exercício físico e na recuperação. Foram utilizados dez cavalos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe, machos, castrados, com idade média 72±7,5 meses e peso médio de 473±34,75 kg, alojados em baias individuais, alimentados com dieta constituída de 2% do PC em MS/dia, divididos em 0,75% de concentrado comercial multiparticulado e 1,25% de feno de gramínea (Cynodon dactylon sp. cv Tifton-85). Os tratamentos foram divididos em controle (sem adição de levedura) e suplementados (adição de 15g/dia de levedura viva Saccharomyces cerevisiae) em uma fase sem exercício e outra fase com exercício físico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com esquema fatorial 2x2 e os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F. Para os coeficientes de digestibilidade observou-se efeito de exercício para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, FDN, FDA e PB (P<0,05). Para a variável EE observou-se interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício físico (P<0,1). O amido não apresentou efeito de tratamentos (P>0,1). Para os níveis plasmáticos de glicose observou-se efeito de exercício (P=0,015). Os níveis séricos de insulina não apresentaram efeito de tratamentos (P>0,1). Para triglicérides e VLDL-C não foi observado efeito de tratamentos (P>0,1). O CT, HDL-C e LDL-C apresentaram efeito de interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício (P<0,1). Para a produção de AGCC nas fezes com base na matéria original (MO) não houve efeito para os ácidos acético e butírico (P>0,1), no entanto, observou-se efeito da inclusão de levedura na produção do ácido propiônico (P=0,052). A quantificação de levedura viva nas fezes demonstrou efeito de interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício (P<0,001). Os resultados de pH apontaram efeito de interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício físico para as faixas de horário 1 (P=0,050) e 2 (P=0,080) e efeito de exercício para as faixas 3 (P<0,007) e 4 (P=0,001). Os resultados do perfil bacteriano nas fezes apontaram efeito de exercício para Fibrobacter succinogenes (P=0,083) e de interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício para Lactobacillus genus (P=0,020); não foi observado efeito de tratamentos para Ruminococcus flavenfaciens (P>0,1). Para os níveis séricos de endotoxinas, observou-se efeito de interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício (P=0,689). A FC dos animais em exercício demonstrou efeito de tempo durante o exercício (P<0,001). Para a FC de recuperação, foi possível observar interação da inclusão de levedura e exercício físico (P=0,020). A inclusão de levedura viva S. cerevisiae na dieta de equinos influencia a produção de AGCC propiônico. O exercício físico de baixa intensidade influencia os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, FDN, FDA e PB, os níveis plasmáticos de glicose e a quantificação de Fibrobacter succinogenes nas fezes. A inclusão de levedura viva S. cerevisiae na dieta e o exercício físico influenciam o coeficiente de digestibilidade do EE, níveis séricos de HDL-C e LDL-C, a quantificação de levedura viva nas fezes, os níveis séricos de endotoxinas, o pH fecal, a quantificação de Lactobacillus genus nas fezes e a frequência cardíaca de recuperação pós-exercício. O tempo de exercício em cada velocidade influencia a frequência cardíaca dos animais durante o exercício físico / The aim of this study was to investigate the implications of supplementation with live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a low-intensity exercise training program on digestibility of dietary components (DM, CP, EE, NDF, ADF, MO and starch), the glycemic and insulin response, serum profile of triglycerides (TC), total cholesterol and fractions (HDL-C, LDL-C, VLDL-C), measure the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) butyric acid, acetic and propionic, quantify yeast live in feces, evaluating faecal pH, microbial population in faeces and serum levels of endotoxins, in addition to measuring the heart rate of the animals exercise and recovery. Ten horses in the Purebred Arabian race, castrated male, mean age 72 ± 7.5 months and average weight of 473 ± 34.75 kg were used, housed in individual pens, fed diet consisting of 2% of the BW in DM / day, divided into 0.75% multiparticulate commercial concentrate and 1.25% grass hay (Cynodon dactylon sp. cv Tifton -85). The treatments were divided into control (no addition of yeast) and supplemented (plus 15 g / day of live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in one phase and another phase with and without exercise, respectively. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 2x2 and the data were submitted to analysis of variance by F test. For the digestibility coefficients it was observed exercise effect for the digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and PB (P<0.05). For the variable EE it was observed interaction of yeast inclusion and exercise (P<0.1). Starch no effect of treatments (P>0.1). For plasma glucose levels it was observed effect of exercise (P=0.015). Serum insulin levels showed no treatment effect (P>0.1). For triglycerides and VLDL-C was not observed treatment effect (P>0.1). The TC, HDL-C and LDL-C showed interaction effect of adding yeast and exercise (P<0.1). For the production of SCFA in the faeces based on this matter (OM) there was no effect for acetic and butyric acids (P>0.1), however, it was observed effect of including yeast in the production of propionic acid (P=0.052). The quantitation of live yeast in the feces demonstrated interaction effect of adding yeast and exercise (P<0.001). The pH values indicated yeast inclusion of the interaction effect and exercise for time range 1 (P=0.050) and 2 (P=0.080) and exercise effect to the time range 3 (P<0.007) and 4 (P=0.001). The results of the bacteriological profile in feces showed exercise effect to Fibrobacter succinogenes (P=0.083) and interaction of the yeast include the genus Lactobacillus and exercise (P=0.020). It wasnt observed for treatment effects Ruminococcus flavenfaciens (P>0.1). For serum levels of endotoxin it was observed interaction effect of adding yeast and exercise (P=0.689). The CF of animals in exercise demonstrated time effect during exercise (P<0.001). For CF recovery, it was observed interaction of yeast inclusion and exercise (P=0.020). The inclusion of live yeast S. cerevisiae in horse\'s diet influences propionic SCFA production. The low-intensity exercise influences the digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and PB, the plasma levels of glucose and quantification of F. succinogenes in the stool. The inclusion of live yeast S. cerevisiae in horses diet and exercise influence EE digestibility, serum levels of HDL-C and LDL-C, quantification of live yeast in the stool, serum levels of endotoxin, fecal pH and quantifying the genus Lactobacillus in stool and heart rate of post-exercise recovery. The exercise time at each speed influences the heart rate of the animals during exercise
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Enteric and feces methane emissions, fermentative ruminal parameters and feeding behavior of cattle fed cottonseed and vitamin E / Emissões de metano entérico e das fezes, parâmetros fermentativos ruminais e comportamento ingestivo de bovinos alimentados com caroço de algodão e vitamina ERicardo Galbiatti Sandoval Nogueira 10 March 2017 (has links)
Problems about greenhouse gas emissions attributed to cattle production and improvements in the productivity of these animals has been growing and becoming increasingly important. Cattle releases methane as part of their digestive process, and this represents loss of energy for the animal. The decomposition of feces releases methane and it can be recovered by digester and transformed into different types of energy. Thus, aiming to quantify the potential production of enteric methane and anaerobic fecal decomposition, as well as to evaluate ruminal and behavioral parameters of cattle fed with cottonseed and vitamin E. Six cannulated cows (864±16 kg) were distributed in a replicate 3x3 Latin square. Treatments were: 1) control diet; 2) CS: basal diet plus 30% cottonseed and 3) CSVitE: basal diet plus 30% of cottonseed plus 500 UI of vitamin E. Results were compared through orthogonal contrast and values were considered significant when P0,05. No differences were observed for dry matter intake (DMI), as well as digestibility of DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Animals supplemented with cottonseed spent more time eating and ruminating and less time in idles. Reduction in the concentration and production of acetate, butyrate and the acetate: propionate ratio was observed in animals fed cottonseed compared to the control. Enteric methane mitigation was observed for the cottonseed treatments compared to the control. Changes in the substrates characteristics used to load the digesters were observed. However, no differences were verified for the total biogas production, methane yield and capacity to recover the energy of the feces in the form of methane. Inclusion of 30% cottonseed can be used as a strategy to mitigate enteric methane, without causing losses in the DMI, nutrients digestibility and anaerobic digestion of feces. In addition, it promoted favorable changes in the ingestive behavior, ruminal fermentation products, as well as in the energy partition of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin E when is used as antioxidant had not effect on ruminal fermentation, feeding behavior and feces anaerobic digestion, thus the inclusion is not advised due absence of positive results. / A problemática das emissões de gases de efeito estufa atribuída à produção de bovinos e melhorias na produtividade desses animais vem crescendo e se tornando cada vez mais importante. Bovinos emitem metano como parte do seu processo digestivo, e isto representa perda de energia para o animal. A decomposição das fezes gera metano, este pode ser recuperado por biodigestores e transformado em diferentes tipos de energia. Assim, objetivou-se quantificar o potencial de produção do metano entérico e da decomposição anaeróbia das fezes, bem como avaliar parâmetros ruminais e comportamentais de bovinos alimentados com caroço de algodão e vitamina E. Foram utilizadas seis vacas fistuladas não gestantes e não lactantes (876 kg±16). Os tratamentos foram: 1) Controle: dieta basal; 2) CA: dieta basal mais 30% de caroço de algodão; 3) CAVitE: dieta basal mais 30% de caroço de algodão mais 500 UI vitamina E. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o quadrado latino. Os resultados foram comparados por contrastes ortogonais e foram considerados significantes valores de P0,05. Não foram verificadas diferenças para o consumo de matéria seca (MS), bem como digestibilidade da MS e da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). Os animais suplementados com caroço de algodão passaram maior tempo comendo e ruminando e menor tempo em ócio. Houve redução na concentração e produção de acetato, butirato e da relação acetato:propionato dos animais que receberam caroço de algodão comparado ao controle. A inclusão do caroço de algodão provocou mitigação das emissões de metano entérico. Houve alteração nas características dos substratos utilizados para abastecer os biodigestores. No entanto, não foram verificadas diferenças para a produção total de biogás, rendimento de metano e capacidade dos biodigestores em recuperar a energia das fezes na forma de metano. A inclusão de 30% caroço de algodão pode ser utilizada como estratégia para mitigar metano entérico, sem causar perdas no consumo, digestibilidade dos alimentos e na biodigestão anaeróbia das fezes. Além disso, sua inclusão promoveu alterações favoráveis no comportamento ingestivo, nos produtos da fermentação ruminal, bem como na partição de energia do trato gastrointestinal. A vitamina E quando utilizada como antioxidante não possui efeitos sobre a fermentação ruminal, comportamento ingestivo e biodigestão anaeróbia das fezes, assim sua inclusão não é indicada devido a ausência de resultados favoráveis a sua utilização.
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Interferência da variação da carga aplicada específica (CAE) na composição do biogás produzido em digestão anaeróbia / Interference of the variation of applied load specific (ALS) in composition of biogas produced in anaerobic digestionOsvaldo Augusto Mamprim Neto 30 August 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho a composição do biogás produzido em digestão anaeróbia foi avaliada em função da variação da carga aplicada específica (CAE) medida em termos da relação DQO/sólidos suspensos voláteis. Foram feitos ensaios de digestão anaeróbia utilizando vinhaça como fonte de carbono e lodo adaptado proveniente de reator UASB em 10 frascos reagentes contendo as seguintes variações de CAE: 0,20; 0,28; 0,34; 0,55; 0,95; 3,15; 6,58; 7,00; 9,60; 12,98 g.O2/g.SSV. Os melhores resultados obtidos com relação à produção volumétrica de biogás foram 263,79 mL de volume acumulado de metano para a CAE de 0,34 g.O2/g.SSV, e uma produção máxima acumulada de hidrogênio de 558,06 mL para a CAE de 6,58 g.O2/g.SSV. O resultado não se repetiu com relação ao rendimento de produção de biogás, atingindo um máximo rendimento de 80,68 LCH4/L vinhaça para a CAE de 0,20 g.O2/g.SSV, e 7,98 LH2/L vinhaça para a CAE 3,15 g.O2/g.SSV. A variação da CAE também teve influência direta na rota metabólica da digestão anaeróbia, alterando a concentração de metabólitos dissolvidos. / In this research, the composition of the biogas produced in anaerobic digestion was evaluated according to the variation of the applied load specific (ALS) measured in terms of the ratio COD/volatile suspended solids. Assays were done using anaerobic digestion of vinasse as a source of carbon and sludge obtained from UASB reactor adapted in 10 bottles for the following of ALSs: 0,20, 0,28, 0,34, 0,55, 0,95; 3,15, 6,58, 7,00, 9,60, 12,98 g.O2/g.VSS. The best results concerning to the volumetric biogas production were 263,79 ml cumulative volume of methane for ALS equal to 0,34 g.O2/g.VSS, and a maximum cumulative hydrogen production of 558,06 mL for ALS of 6,58 g.O2/g.VSS. The same was not observed with respect to yield biogas production, reaching a maximum yield of 80.68 LCH4/Lvinasse for ALS of 0,20 g.O2/g.VSS and 7,98 LH2/Lvinasse for ALS of 3,15 g.O2/g.VSS. The variation of ALS also has a direct influence on the metabolic pathway of anaerobic digestion, altering the concentration of dissolved metabolites.
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Investigating factors affecting the anaerobic digestion of seaweed : modelling and experimental approachesHierholtzer, Anthony January 2013 (has links)
The use of alternative feedstock sources to enhance the energy production of anaerobic systems, and thus their economic value, is one of the current research areas in the field of bioenergy production. Marine biomass represents a unique source of organic matter for the optimisation of anaerobic digestion systems and can be regarded as a sustainable alternative to purposely grown energy crops requiring significant amounts of water, fertiliser and land for their cultivation. Seaweeds are of particular interest as they are characterised by high biomass yields and interesting conversion rates. In temperate seas, brown seaweed species generally dominate the flora and their relative abundance on the sublittoral zone of the British coastline make them a substrate of choice for anaerobic digestion. However, little information is available on commercial-scale anaerobic digestion of seaweed for biogas production and the potential factors that could impair its successful conversion. This work was proposed in order to establish the potential and optimise the use of seaweed as an additional source of organic matter for anaerobic digesters. The study also investigated the use of the Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1) as a platform for process simulation. The model original structure is inadequate to accurately represent the anaerobic co-digestion of seaweed and was therefore updated with the addition of specific processes. The study was carried out in three main experimental stages. In a first stage, the effect of seaweed salinity (represented by sodium ions) on anaerobic digestion was investigated using a mesophilic laboratory-scale anaerobic digester. It was found that a rapid increase in sodium ion levels can negatively impact on biogas production and result in the accumulation of volatile fatty acids. The ADM1 does not originally take into account the inhibitory effect of sodium and was therefore modified to include a function representing the effect of sodium ions on the rate of acetate uptake. The extended model was able to reproduce experimental observations and was used to predict the effect of sodium ions in the presence of other process inhibitors. Microbial adaptation to salinity was also investigated during batch assays. It was found that a suitable period of adaptation can significantly reduce the adverse effect of salinity on methanogens. The phenomenon was successfully implemented in the model through the addition of a specific inhibition function and the calibration of kinetic parameters. The second stage of this research focused on the effect and mode of action of phlorotannin (a phenolic compound found exclusively in brown seaweed) on mixed microbial cultures through the monitoring of intracellular material leakage and transmission electron microscopy observations. Results suggested that phlorotannin induces strong extra- and intra-cellular effects on cells exposed to the compound, thus adversely impacting on energy requirements and final methane yields. The effect of phlorotannin was found to be dependent on both the degree of polymerisation of the compound and the morphology of microorganisms. Furthermore, the effect of phlorotannin during the anaerobic co-digestion of brown seaweed (Laminaria digitata) and vegetable residues was also investigated. Experimental results were successfully modelled using an extensively modified version of the ADM1, which introduces an uncompetitive function to the rate of acetate uptake in order to represent the inhibition of methanogenesis by phlorotannin. The model was also updated with a combination module for the simulation of co-digestion processes. The third stage focused on establishing operational guidelines for the anaerobic co-digestion of brown seaweed and non-saline feedstocks. Results suggested that although seaweed can be an alternative organic substrate in anaerobic digestion systems, phlorotannin content might limit its use for commercial-scale application. Whilst this study identified salinity and phlorotannin as key barriers to the use of brown seaweed as a substrate for anaerobic systems, the adaptation of operating conditions to favour microbial adaptation could lead to its effective use in large-scale applications.
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Effect of in vitro simulated gastro-duodenal digestion on the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of South Africa Fynbos honeyMagoshi, Innocentia Botlhale January 2017 (has links)
Honey has been shown to have bioactivity. Fynbos (FB) honey was investigated for its bioactivity as this vegetation type is from a unique bio diverse region in the Cape Floristic Kingdom.
Six FB and one medical grade Manuka (MAN) UMF 15+ honeys that were of quality grade (Codex Alimentarius) were used. Each honey sample was subjected to in vitro simulated gastro-duodenal digestion and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of each fraction was determined. These fractions were undigested/raw honey (UD), gastric digest (GD) and gastro-duodenal digest (GDD). Included were pH and digestive enzyme controls. The total polyphenol and the flavonoid content (TPC and TFC) were determined with the Folin-Ciocalteu (F-C) and aluminium chloride methods respectively. Antioxidant activity was measured with the trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays. Cellular antioxidant activity (CAA) in the Caco-2 and SC-1 cell lines using the dichloroflourescein diacetate (DCFH DA) assay was investigated. Nitric oxide (NO) scavenging activity was determined with the sodium nitroprusside (SNP) assay. Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects of honey were evaluated in non-stimulated and stimulated with LPS/IFN γ murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells, respectively. Cell viability using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was done.
TPC and TFC of MAN were higher than that of FB honeys. With GD, TPC and TFC of MAN increased and following GDD, TPC decreased and TFC remained unchanged. In contrast TPC and TFC of FB honey were maintained with GD and GDD.
TEAC assay revealed activity by MAN being higher than that of FB honeys. With GD digestion, the antioxidant activity of MAN was unchanged but following GDD, activity was reduced. For FB honeys, TEAC was maintained with GD and GDD. ORAC assay revealed that the activity of MAN was similar to that of FB. Digestion had no effect on activity of both MAN and FB honeys.
CAA in the Caco-2 and SC-1 cell line was higher for MAN compared to FB honey. In both cell lines a similar trend was observed where with GD, CAA was unchanged while with GDD, CAA was reduced. This loss of CAA following GDD was found to be due to H2O2 formation as a result of polyphenol degradation in an alkaline environment containing sodium bicarbonate and pancreatin.
NO scavenging activity of MAN was greater than FB. For both types of honey with GD, NO scavenging activity was unchanged and with GDD for MAN was reduced and for FB unchanged. Digestion showed an increased pro-inflammatory effect for MAN, FB1, FB2 and FB3. The UD fractions of MAN, FB1 and FB6 had anti-inflammatory effects. FB5 and FB6 honeys showed increased anti-inflammatory activity after GD and GDD. All honey fractions did not show any cytotoxicity.
In conclusion, FB honey has antioxidant, pro- and anti-inflammatory properties. With digestion, GD activity was either increased or unchanged while with GDD activity was reduced, lost or unchanged. Observed effects were either due to pH and/or digestive enzyme activity. FB honey with its shown bioactivity could be an important local nutraceutical product. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Anatomy / MSc / Unrestricted
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The role of cellulases and glucohydrolases in the solubilisation of primary sewage sludgeNgesi, Nosisa 09 May 2013 (has links)
Biological sulph ate reduction has been identi fied as a potentially valuable process for removing sulphate and heavy metals from indllstrial effluents. The role of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) in this process has attracted the attention of biotechnologists and recently of enzymologists due to its fundamental properties and possible role in AMD bioremediation. These obligatory anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria are commonly known to dissimilate sulphate for energy. Under anaerobic conditions SRB oxidize simple organic compounds such as lactic acid with the sulphate and thereby generate hydrogen sulphide (a stTong reducing agent) and bicarbonate ions. The hydrogen sulphide in turn reacts with contaminant metals contained in AMD and precipitates them out of solution as metal sulphides. Bicarbonate ions neutralize AMD by reaction with protons to form carbon dioxide and water. Organic matter in the municipal sewage sludge has been identified as a potential source of electron donors for su lphate reduction. However, this organic matter is in the polymeric form that cannot be util ised by SRB. The latter depend on the activities of other hydrolytic bacteria for the degradation of complex polymers. Hence the availability of these monomeric substrates is a major factor, which may constrain further process development and is considered a rate-limiting step. Thi s study is therefore undertaken to investigate the bacterial glucohydrolase enzymes involved in the digestion of the polysaccharides present in the sewage sludge with specific interest in cellulases and/or p-glucosidase enzymes. The goals of the research are to: isolate, identify, purify and quantify these enzymes; study their distribution with respect to time, pH, and temperature; maximize and quantify the hydrol ys is products; study whether sulphide and sulphate have an enhancing or an inhibitory effect on the activity of enzymes; optimize the enzyme activity against substrate and/or product inhibition and soluble heavy metal salts. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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Conception et évaluation de deux systèmes de retrait de la charge azotée provenant de l’effluent d’un système de digestion anaérobieLemonde, Maxime January 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes de digestion anaérobie (DA) sont des systèmes biomécaniques complexes qui demandent une conception et une fabrication particulières pour chaque cas. Ces systèmes, à la base, utilisés sur les fermes pour transformer le fumier en biogaz et en engrais, sont maintenant utilisés pour transformer tout type de matières organiques allant des déchets de table aux rejets industriels. Ce mémoire porte sur deux post-traitements possibles de l’effluent de tels systèmes dans le but d’améliorer le bilan environnemental, de réduire l’impact sur les stations de traitement des eaux usées (STEU) et de poser les bases pour de futures recherches sur le recyclage de la portion liquide de cet effluent vers les systèmes de digestion anaérobie.
Le post-traitement permet d’améliorer le bilan environnemental en évitant de relâcher certains contaminants dans la nature ou vers les STEU, ce qui pourrait gravement affecter leur efficacité de traitement. Les traitements retenus sont un traitement biologique (figure 2) par nitrification et dénitrification de l’effluent ainsi qu’un traitement chimique par stripage à l’air. Le traitement biologique a permis de retirer 50% de la charge azotée pour des conditions d’opération données comparativement à plus de 90% pour le traitement chimique.
Le système qui s’avère le plus efficace en terme de temps de traitement (moins de 12 heures versus 5 jours), de flexibilité par rapport aux charges (jusqu’à 6000 ppm d’azote ammoniacal versus moins de 2000 ppm) et d’efficacité du retrait en général est le traitement par stripage à l’air. Comparativement au traitement biologique, ce traitement ne demande pas de temps de démarrage, ce qui permet aux usines de biométhanisation d’être conformes à leurs objectifs de rejet dès le premier jour.
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