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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CMOS Active Pixel Sensors for Digital Cameras: Current State-of-the-Art

Palakodety, Atmaram 05 1900 (has links)
Image sensors play a vital role in many image sensing and capture applications. Among the various types of image sensors, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) based active pixel sensors (APS), which are characterized by reduced pixel size, give fast readouts and reduced noise. APS are used in many applications such as mobile cameras, digital cameras, Webcams, and many consumer, commercial and scientific applications. With these developments and applications, CMOS APS designs are challenging the old and mature technology of charged couple device (CCD) sensors. With the continuous improvements of APS architecture, pixel designs, along with the development of nanometer CMOS fabrications technologies, APS are optimized for optical sensing. In addition, APS offers very low-power and low-voltage operations and is suitable for monolithic integration, thus allowing manufacturers to integrate more functionality on the array and building low-cost camera-on-a-chip. In this thesis, I explore the current state-of-the-art of CMOS APS by examining various types of APS. I show design and simulation results of one of the most commonly used APS in consumer applications, i.e. photodiode based APS. We also present an approach for technology scaling of the devices in photodiode APS to present CMOS technologies. Finally, I present the most modern CMOS APS technologies by reviewing different design models. The design of the photodiode APS is implemented using commercial CAD tools.

A color filter array interpolation method for digital cameras using alias cancellation

Appia, Vikram V. 31 March 2008 (has links)
To reduce cost, many digital cameras use a single sensor array instead of using three arrays for the red, green and blue. Thus at each pixel location only the red, green or blue intensity value is available. And to generate a complete color image, the camera must estimate the missing two values at each pixel location .Color filter arrays are used to capture only one portion of the spectrum (Red, Green or Blue) at each location. Various arrangements of the Color Filter Array (CFA) are possible, but the Bayer array is the most commonly used arrangement and we will deal exclusively with the Bayer array in this thesis. Since each of the three colors channels are effectively downsampled, it leads to aliasing artifacts. This thesis will analyze the effects of aliasing in the frequency- domain and present a method to reduce the deterioration in image quality due to aliasing artifacts. Two reference algorithms, AH-POCS (Adams and Hamilton - Projection Onto Convex Sets) and Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed interpolation, are discussed in de- tail. Both algorithms use the assumption that there is high correlation in the high- frequency regions to reduce aliasing. AH-POCS uses alias cancellation technique to reduce aliasing in the red and blue images, while the Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed interpolation algorithm is an edge-directed algorithm. We present here an algorithm that combines these two techniques and provides a better result on average when compared to the reference algorithms.

Digital high school photography curriculum

Wolin, Martin Michael 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to create a high school digital photography curriculum that is relevant to real world application and would enable high school students to enter the work force with marketable skills or go on to post secondary education with advanced knowledge in the field of digital imaging.

Detecting near-UV and near-IR wavelengths with the FOVEON image sensor

Cheak, Seck Fai 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / Traditionally, digital imaging systems rely on the use of dedicated photodetectors to capture specific wavelengths in the visible spectrum. These photodetectors, which are commonly made of silicon, are arranged as arrays to capture the red, green and blue wavelengths. The signal captured by the individual photodetectors must then be interpolated and integrated to obtain the closest color match and the finest possible resolution with reference to the actual object. The use of spatially separated detectors to sense primary colors reduces the resolution by a factor of three compared to black and white imaging. The FOVEON detector technology greatly improves the color and resolution of the image through its vertically arranged, triple well photodetector. This is achieved by exploiting the variation of absorption coefficient of silicon with wavelength in the visible spectrum. Hence, in a silicon detector, the shorter wavelength (e.g. blue) would be mainly absorbed at a shallow depth. A longer wavelength (e.g. red) would penetrate the material deeper than the shorter wavelengths and be primarily absorbed at a greater depth. By producing a layered silicon detector, all three primary colour wavelengths of red, green and blue can be captured simultaneously. This thesis aims to study the FOVEON camera's ability to image light from the near Infrared (NIR) to the Ultra-Violet (UV) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The imaged obtained using a set of bandpass filters show that the camera has response both in the UV as well as NIR regions. / Major, Singapore Armed Forces

Dokumentace historických artefaktů s využitím blízké fotogrammetrie / Use of Close Range Photogrammetry for Documentation of Historical Artefacts.

Naništa, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of appropriate procedure photogrammetry processing of technical documentation of selected historical artifacts gauges. During processing was calibrated camera, historical gauges were photographed and metrological documented and model viualization was created.

La nueva corriente cinematográfica que propone Emmanuel Lubezki en sus películas de la última década / The new cinematographic current that Emmanuel Lubezki proposes in his films

Sosa Suarez, Ruben Enrique 04 May 2020 (has links)
En este estudio se examinan los recursos de la cinematografía de Emmanuel Lubezki en relación a las nuevas corrientes que se han generado debido al tratamiento que este le ha dado a sus películas de la última década, por medio de la investigación de papers anteriores que tratan el tema del cine de Lubezki y porque lo hace reconocido y único en su estilo, también, la visualización de variedad de entrevistas en las que Lubezki explica el sentido que el toma y lo que aprendió durante su crecimiento como cineasta en el cine de actual. La información recogida nos muestra los aspectos básicos en los que se fija un cinematógrafo, como la iluminación, la composición, las cámaras, objetivos, etc. Se realiza un estudio de todos estos elementos basados en el respectivo uso que hacia Lubezki de estos como estrategia para reconocer el estilo del cineasta. / This study examines the resources of Emmanuel Lubezki's cinematography in relation to the new currents that have been generated due to the treatment that he has given to his films of the last decade, through the investigation of previous papers that deal with the Lubezki's film theme and because it makes him recognized and unique in his style, also, the visualization of a variety of interviews in which Lubezki explains the meaning he takes and what he learned during his growth as a filmmaker in current cinema. The information collected shows us the basic aspects in which a cinematograph is fixed, such as lighting, composition, cameras, lenses, etc. A study is made of all these elements based on Lubezki's respective use of these as a strategy to recognize the filmmaker's style. / Trabajo de investigación

Botanika (Natura naturata). Investigación y producción artística aplicadas a la fotografía experimental. Una aproximación desde el Ecocriticismo visual

Stuebing Martínez, Gerardo 03 February 2023 (has links)
[ES] Trabajo de producción artística centrado en la fotografía experimental cuyo objetivo fundamental es recurrir a las creaciones de la naturaleza (Natura naturata), y más concretamente a las que son objeto de estudio de la Botánica, para generar estímulos visuales que despierten en la sociedad aprecio y valoración del medio natural como único camino al desarrollo sostenible, lo que lleva a proponer el concepto de Ecocriticismo visual. A un sucinto repaso de algunos referentes fundamentales, sigue un recorrido histórico-técnico centrado en los medios de la fotografía analógica que sirven de base para la posterior experimentación e hibridación de las diferentes técnicas que se utilizan. Se abordan con más detalle los cianotipos, los platino-paladiotipos, los argirotipos y las técnicas al colodión húmedo. Así mismo se tratan extensivamente los procesos experimentales derivados de la fotografía instantánea tipo Polaroid y otros procesos como los luminogramas. Se explican detalladamente los procesos desde una perspectiva eminentemente práctica que incluye un formulario, aunque sin eludir los necesarios aspectos fisico-químicos teóricos, incorporando aportaciones novedosas entre las que destacan: transportes en gran formato de gelatinas sensibilizadas con cianotipia o argirotipia a diferentes soportes y el desarrollo de los novedosos arqiro-opalotipos y argiro-orotonos. También se pone a punto un método para conseguir manualmente imágenes en color utilizan- do argirotipias y platinotipias combinadas con la transferencia de pigmentos mediante tórculo y disolvente. Las más de 500 obras únicas y de factura manual realizadas aplicando las técnicas mencionadas se estructuran en 15 proyectos y eventualmente series que se ordenan en base a una concepción ecocrítica centrada en aspectos lúdico-contemplativos o de denuncia en relación con la obtención de energías limpias, cambio climático y perdida de biodiversidad. Todo ello constituye la base conceptual y material para la realización de más de 60 actividades: exposiciones (individuales y colectivas), publicación de catálogos y trabajos científicos y colaboraciones con la empresa privada para la creación de etiquetas comerciales basadas en dichas obras. Como anexo online < http://gerardostubing.com/botanikacatalogo/ >, se incorpora un catálogo exhaustivo de todas las obras realizadas en el contexto de este trabajo de tesis doctoral incluyendo ilustraciones y fichas técnicas. / [CA] Treball de producció artística centrat en la fotografia experimental que té com a objectiu fonamental recórrer a les creacions de la natura (Natura naturata), i més concretament a les que són objecte d'estudi de la Botànica, per generar estímuls visuals que desper- tin a la societat estima i valoració del medi natural com a únic camí al desenvolupament sostenible, fet que porta a proposarel concepte d'ecocriticisme visual. Després d'un succint repàs a alguns referents fonamentals, segueix un recorregut historico-tècnic centrat en els mitjans de la fotografia analògica que serveixen de base per a la posterior experimentació i hibridació de les diferents tècniques que s'utilitzen. S'aborden amb més detall els cianotipus, els platí-paladiotipus, els argirotipus i tec- niques al colodion humit. Així mateix, es tracten extensivament els processos experi- mentals derivats de la fotografia instantània tipus Polaroid i altres processos com els luminogrames. S'expliquen detalladament els processos des d'una perspectiva eminentment pràctica que inclou un formulari, encara que sense eludir els necessaris aspectes fisicoquímics teòrics, incorporant aportacions noves entre les quals destaquen: transports en gran format de gelatines sensibilitzades amb cianotípia o argirotípia a diferents suports i el desenvolupament dels nous arqiro-opalotips i argiro-orotons. També es posa a punt un mètode per aconseguir manualment imatges en color utilitzant argirotípies i plati- notípies combinades amb la transferència de pigments mitjançant tòrcul i dissolvent. Les més de 500 obres úniques i de factura manual realitzades aplicant les tècniques esmentades s'estructuren en projectes i eventualment sèries que s'ordenen en base a una concepció ecocrítica centrada en aspectes ludico-contemplatius o de denúncia en relació amb l'obtenció d'energies netes, canvi climàtic i pèrdua de biodiversitat. Tot això constitueix la base conceptual i material per a la realització de més de 60 activi- tats: diverses exposicions (individuals i col·lectives, publicació de catàlegs i treballs científics i una col·laboració amb l'empresa privada per a la creació d'etiquetes comer- cials basades en aquestes obres. Com a annex online < http://gerardostubing.com/botanikacatalogo/ > sincorpora un catàleg exhaustiu de totes les obres realitzades en el context daquest treball de tesi doctoral incloent il·lustracions i fitxes tècniques. / [EN] Artistic production work focused on experimental photography whose main objective is to resort to the creations of nature (Natura naturata), and more specifically to those that are the object of study of Botany, to generate visual stimuli that awaken in society appreciation and appreciation of the natural environment as the only path to sustaina- ble development, which leads to proposing, as a novelty, the concept of Visual eco-criticism. After a brief review of some fundamental references, a historical-technical journey follows focused on the means of analog photography that serve as the basis for subsequent experimentation and hybridization of the different techniques used. Cyanotypes, platinum-palladiotypes, argyrotypes and wet plate collodion techniques are covered in more detail. Likewise, the experimental processes derived from Polaroid-type instant photography and other processes such as luminograms are extensively treated. The processes are explained in detail from an eminently practical perspective that includes a formulary, although without eluding the necessary theoretical physical and chemical aspects, incorporating novel contributions, among which the following stand out: transport in large format of sensitized gelatins with cyanotype or argyrotype to different supports and the development of the novel arqyro-opalotypes and argyro-orotones. A method for manually obtaining color images using argyrotypes and platinotypes combined with the transfer of pigments by means of a press and solvent is also perfected. The more than 500 unique and manual works carried out applying the aforementioned techniques are structured in projects and eventually series that are ordered based on an ecocritical conception focused on ludic-contemplative aspects or denunciation in relation to obtaining clean energ, climate change and loss of biodiversity. All this cons- titutes the conceptual and material basis for the realization of more than 60 activities : exhibitions (individual and collective), publication of catalogs and scientific works and a collaboration with private companies for the creation of commercial labels based on said works. An exhaustive online catalog < http://gerardostubing.com/botanikacatalogo/ > of all the works carried out in the context of this doctoral thesis is incorporated as an annex, including illustrations and technical sheets. / Stuebing Martínez, G. (2023). Botanika (Natura naturata). Investigación y producción artística aplicadas a la fotografía experimental. Una aproximación desde el Ecocriticismo visual [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191602

Video anatomy : spatial-temporal video profile

Cai, Hongyuan 31 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A massive amount of videos are uploaded on video websites, smooth video browsing, editing, retrieval, and summarization are demanded. Most of the videos employ several types of camera operations for expanding field of view, emphasizing events, and expressing cinematic effect. To digest heterogeneous videos in video websites and databases, video clips are profiled to 2D image scroll containing both spatial and temporal information for video preview. The video profile is visually continuous, compact, scalable, and indexing to each frame. This work analyzes the camera kinematics including zoom, translation, and rotation, and categorize camera actions as their combinations. An automatic video summarization framework is proposed and developed. After conventional video clip segmentation and video segmentation for smooth camera operations, the global flow field under all camera actions has been investigated for profiling various types of video. A new algorithm has been designed to extract the major flow direction and convergence factor using condensed images. Then this work proposes a uniform scheme to segment video clips and sections, sample video volume across the major flow, compute flow convergence factor, in order to obtain an intrinsic scene space less influenced by the camera ego-motion. The motion blur technique has also been used to render dynamic targets in the profile. The resulting profile of video can be displayed in a video track to guide the access to video frames, help video editing, and facilitate the applications such as surveillance, visual archiving of environment, video retrieval, and online video preview.

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