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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ascencio Arizola, Nahomy Maricruz, Saldaña Cabellos, Karina Alicia, Sánchez Portugal, Andrea Alejandra, Solorzano Palpan, Fiorella Lesly, Uscapi Pari , Vanessa 04 July 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, todas las personas tienen miedo de contagiarse del COVID-19, es por ello que buscan soluciones óptimas y eficientes, que no involucren tanto contacto con otras personas, por medio de las nuevas tecnologías. Además, se ha visto un incremento en el uso de metodologías y sistemas ágiles para acelerar determinados procesos, que involucran gran pérdida de tiempo y dinero. Un gran ejemplo; es el uso de los medios digitales como intermediario para contactar a un experto legal y administrativo con el objetivo de que realice determinados trámites sin necesidad de que el cliente salga de su casa, se exponga al covid y realice colas afuera de la institución para solicitar asesoría; evitando así, pérdida de tiempo y mal humor. Por estas razones, hemos visto una oportunidad de negocio para generar valor en dichas personas; la cual se basa en la resolución de trámites más solicitados en la actualidad con la ayuda de profesionales capacitados y las nuevas redes de contacto, que permiten que todo sea más rápido y eficiente. En este presente trabajo, se procederá a desarrollar una investigación con el fin de ver la viabilidad y rentabilidad de nuestro proyecto con el fin de poder proceder a comercializar dicho servicio. Asimismo, se aplicará y desarrollará los conocimientos aprendidos durante el transcurso de la carrera al tratar temas relacionados a distintas áreas como finanzas, marketing, negocios internacionales, logística, entre otros. / At present, all people are afraid of catching COVID-19, which is why they seek optimal and efficient solutions, which are not involved as much contact with other people, through new technologies. In addition, there has been an increase in the use of agile methodologies and systems for certain processes, which involve a great loss of time and money. A great example; is the use of digital media as an intermediary to contact a legal and administrative expert in order to carry out certain procedures without the need for the client to leave their home, expose themselves to covid and queue outside the institution to request advice ; thus avoiding waste of time and bad mood. For these reasons, we have seen a business opportunity to generate value in these people; which is based on the resolution of the most requested procedures nowadays with the help of trained professionals and the new contact networks, which allow everything to be faster and more efficient. In this present work, an investigation will be carried out in order to see the viability and profitability of our project in order to be able to proceed to commercialize said service. Likewise, the knowledge learned during the course of the degree will be applied and developed by dealing with issues related to different areas such as finance, marketing, international business, logistics, among others. / Trabajo de investigación

Audiovizuální performance v kontextu digitálního prostředí / Audiovisual performance in the context of digital environment

Kořínek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe the influence of technological development on the ways in which the moving image is created and to introduce forms that this medium attains in the area of live audio-visual performances. The theoretical study approaches this topic as a historical overview of technical image, focusing on its connections with music. It thus observes specific creative processes of the avant-garde film and music video and subsequently puts them into the context of current types of moving picture created as a result of software codes. Based on the definitions of digital media's key principles, a theoretical basis is set up and then applied to the description of contemporary forms of audio-visual performances. These principles are also used for the definition of the features of software tools, numeric representations of which make it possible to work with any type of an image as with a set of mathematical functions. The main result of this thesis is thus a presentation of creative possibilities of today's image, which has - thanks to digital devices - disengaged itself from its previous technical limitation and become a fully dynamic element that can be created and modified in real time.

Icke-verbala beteenden och uttryck hos icke-spelarkaraktärer inom datorspel : En studie kring icke-verbala uttrycks påverkan på icke-spelarkaraktärers trovärdighet / Non-verbal communication within non-playable characters in computer games : An inventory of non-verbal behaviors within the player and non-player character interaction

Lefvedahl, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har datorspel etablerats som ett legitimt forskningsområde. Inom denna forskning har den artificiella intelligensen (AI) varit av stort intresse framförallt i relation till de karaktärer inom spel som kallas för non-playable characters (NPC). Fokus har legat på att göra dessa karaktärer mer trovärdiga och på så sätt göra spel mer engagerande och potentiellt främja immersion. I och med detta bör alla aspekter av NPC:er utforskas för att säkerställa att alla bidragande faktorer har identifierats och kan därefter användas för att ytterligare utveckla dessa. Då social interaktion inom datorspel har tidigare kopplats till en spelares immersion är det viktigt att förstå alla komponenter som uppgör denna. Den mänskliga kommunikationen är grundad i både verbala och icke-verbala uttryck vilket tillsammans skapar den sociala interaktionen. Därför undersöker denna studie de aspekter av en karaktärs beteende som kan kategoriseras som icke-verbala uttryck. Detta utförs med hjälp av en kvalitativ observationsmetod för att identifiera vilka variationer som existerar, hur de uppfattas, samt om de påverkar karaktärers trovärdighet och därefter spelarens känsla av immersion. / In recent decades, computer games have been established as a legitimate area of research. In this research, artificial intelligence (AI) has been of great interest especially in relation to the characters in games called non-playable characters (NPCs). The focus has been on making these characters more believable and thus making games more engaging and potentially more immersive. In doing so, all aspects of NPCs should be explored to ensure that all contributing factors have been identified and can then be used to further develop them. As social interaction in computer games have previously been linked to a player's immersion, it is important to understand all the contributing components. Human communication is based on both verbal and non-verbal behaviors, which together create social interaction. Therefore, this study examines the aspects of NPC behavior that can be categorized as non-verbal expressions. This is achieved using a qualitative observation method to identify what variations exist, how they are perceived, and whether they affect the believability of characters and the player's immersion.

Zobrazování historie v seriózních počítačových hrách a simulacích / Displaying history in serious games and computer simulations

Fixl, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to analyse problems as well as strongpoints of particular design and narrative approaches used in serious computer games and simulations, and doing so in view of the current interpretation of applied historiographical themes and their influence on formation of collective memory. Suggestions for development of new programs will be a part of the presented work.

Making meaning of computer gaming : Individual interviews with school-aged boys and their mothers.

Roussi, Danai January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Rámcování Průmyslu 4.0 v českých médiích v letech 2013-2018 / Framing of Industry 4.0 in the Czech media in the period 2013-2018

El Bournová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
1 Annotation Industry 4.0, also known as "the fourth industrial revolution" consisting of the digitization and automation of industry, is a relatively new topic in the Czech media field. Not so new topic is digitization in general, which is a process of implementing digital technologies in various areas of production and society. Over time, the arguments of both academic sides, optimists and critics of digital progress were stabilized in two antagonistic paradigms, with both groups of arguments can be found in the media discourse. The work will also examine the neutral approach, which does not benefit from any of the extreme opposites. The thesis will examine the overall framing of the topic and the similarity between media presentation and academic literature. Participants in the academic debate on the digital age can be found, among others, among digital media theorists. They can in principle be divided into two main parties. Optimists (Negroponte, Jenkins, Mařík) in principle support the new possibilities that digitization brings, while critics (McChesney, Spitzer, Morozov) point out that digital progress is dangerous. On the one hand, digital progress and robotization is being showed as a benefit, but on the other hand, academics warn against the fall of society and the negative side of the digital age....

Dějiny ve veřejném prostoru: Proměny institucí paměti. / History in public space: Changes of institutions of memory.

Pýcha, Čeněk January 2020 (has links)
Čeněk Pýcha History in public space: Changes of institutions of memory Abstract The submitted dissertation project is based on a longer research interest in memory and remembering. Interdisciplinary memory studies is one of the most dynamically developing subdisciplines in the social sciences and humanities. The aim of this work is to contribute to the ongoing academic discussion and to explore some environments of making sense of the past, which so far stood rather on the periphery of research interests. The research field of this project is defined by the questioning of transformations of memory institutions. I observe this change primarily on the trajectory of movement from grand institutions of memory to small ones. As the grand institutions of memory, I understand the traditional institutions of the interpretation of the past that were born in the modernization process. In this dissertation project, I focus mainly on institutions of heritage preservation and museums. With the partial disintegration of grand collective frameworks, these institutions are divided into small institutions. I study this movement in case studies on contemporary cultural practices of remembrance in new memory ecologies. I focus on digital platforms for travelers, remembering through visual communication or interest in places...

Digital Public Relations in the Swedish Cultural Sector : A Study of Effective PR and Two-Way Communication

Arwidson, Ylva January 2020 (has links)
This research is about Swedish cultural institutions’ digital public relations work, with the purpose of investigating what the digital coordinators at the institutions consider to be essential skills in their work and how they define and implement effective and successful communication online. Communicating about culture and cultural heritage is essential and a key priority in order to ensure that the public is educated about the past as well as the present. Through analysing data from interviews conducted with professionals working within communications at Swedish cultural institutions, the study investigates what the main difficulties, similarities and dissimilarities are in digital public relations today and why. The results show that the professionals’ main areas of difficulty lay within conciseness and correctness, these could be attributed to lesser constraints in the digital setting, inattention, the faster pace of working online as well as a higher tolerance for errors. The interviewees showed a dependence on adding links to their digital content, expressing different opinions regarding what purpose linking serves. There is a common trend within the professionals’ work in favour of democratisation of the dynamics between the institution and the public – two-way communication through adapted and personalised dialogue (community management) and valorisation of feedback. The study provides first-hand insight into the strengths and weaknesses of digital public relations actors working within Swedish cultural institutions.


Flores Benites, Derlyn Lourdes, Chu Acosta, Nami Estephani, Honorio Ortiz, Katia Paola, Sánchez Gil, Gunther Manuel, Tello Heredia, Kelly Janeth 06 December 2020 (has links)
De acuerdo con la investigación realizada por nuestro equipo, hemos podido identificar situaciones que preocupan a los padres de nuestro segmento de análisis; padres de familia con hijos entre 3 a 10 años del sector socioeconómico A y B de Lima metropolitana. La practicidad de los medios digitales que interfieren en un óptimo crecimiento de sus hijos, la falta de comunicación efectiva y la generación de hábitos poco saludables para ellos. Adicionalmente, se debe mencionar que la pandemia ocasionada por el Covid – 19 ha alterado la vida familiar cerrando las escuelas para los niños y creando un estilo de trabajo remoto desde casa para los padres. Es por este motivo que un grupo de estudiantes de la Facultad de Negocios de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ha visto oportuna la creación de Galletea, un modelo de negocio que busca llegar a los niños, desarrollando el lado creativo y motivando su aprendizaje e imaginación, compartiendo momentos de creatividad y momentos en familia. Todo esto basándose en un análisis previo del modelo de negocio, centrándose en los resultados del plan financiero el cual indica con determinación de que este proyecto tiene la capacidad de generar efectivo lo cual le permitirá tener un panorama de rentabilidad positiva tanto para el proyecto en si como generadora de valor y también para los inversionistas. / According to the research conducted by our team, we have been able to identify situations that concern the parents of our analysis segment; parents with children between 3 and 10 years of age in the socio-economic sector A and B of metropolitan Lima. The practicality of digital media that interferes with optimal growth of their children, the lack of effective communication and the generation of unhealthy habits for them. In addition, it should be mentioned that the pandemic caused by the Covid – 19 has altered family life by closing schools for children and creating a remote work style from home for parents. It’s for this reason that a group of students from the Faculty of Business of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences has seen the creation of Galletea, a business model that seeks to reach children, developing the creative side and motivating their learning and imagination, sharing moments of creativity and moments as a family. All these factors based on a previous analysis of the business model, focusing on the results of the financial plan, which indicates with right determination that this project has the capacity to generate cash which will allow it to have a positive profitability outlook for both the project itself, as a generator of value and also for shareholders. / Trabajo de investigación

Marketing to young adults in the context of a postmodern society

Goneos-Malka, Amaleya 19 February 2012 (has links)
In today’s society media is ubiquitous. Through its pervasiveness it plays an inextricable role in society, impacting on culture, economy, politics, education and communication. In a postmodern society technological advances have had a profound impact on the development of media, most notably digital media. The intention of this study was to establish whether, in the context of an assumed postmodern culture, young South African adults display behaviour that manifest the tenets of postmodernism in their reactions to contemporary marketing and/or marketing communication, as apparent through their attitudes towards retail shopping and brands, together with their attitudes towards and use of digital media. In this instance digital media is limited to social media and media accessible on mobile phones. The unique properties and interactive capabilities of digital media have altered the dynamics of communication and have given rise to new applications that were not previously possible. This poses challenges for organisations in terms of marketing communication practices with one of the problem areas being that marketers do not know: <ul><li> Whether young South African adults (Generation Y) exhibit postmodern behaviour, in the context of today’s postmodern culture. </li><li> How young South African adults (Generation Y) use digital media? </li><li> How to leverage the unique properties of digital media in marketing communication efforts directed towards young South African adults (Generation Y)? </li> </ul> The main purpose of this research was to reflect on the applicability of modern marketing and/or marketing communication theories, in their current state, in the context of a postmodern society, with specific emphasis on the use of digital media. The secondary purpose of the research was to investigate the affect of postmodern variables on Generation Y and the perspective of this population towards digital media and its role in marketing communication. The study aimed to contribute to the theoretical body of knowledge as follows: <ul><li> To question the application of modern marketing and/or marketing communication theories in postmodern society. In so doing, it suggested that in any given era marketing theories should be representative of the target society, therefore inferring the need to adjust existing theories and their application or formulate new ones that are representative of the specific era. </li><li> To empirically determine whether Generation Y are exhibiting characteristics indicative of postmodern society. </li></ul> Furthermore, the study added value from a practitioner perspective by contributing to new knowledge in the study of Generation Y and digital media. It is anticipated that an improved understanding of Generation Y’s attitudes towards marketing and digital media will serve to improve knowledge of how Generation Y will react in the future as they mature and potentially provide an indication of forthcoming generations’ attitudes towards marketing. Nine research objectives emanating from the research problem were empirically tested through a cross-sectional quantitative exploratory descriptive survey research design. Items in the survey were developed on the basis of observable postmodern characteristics presented in the literature and in consultation with a panel of experts. The survey was distributed by email, which provided a web-based link to access the survey, to the sampling frame; a database comprising of 2,265 students, between the ages of 18-34, enrolled full-time with the department of Marketing and Communication Management (University of Pretoria) during 2011. Convenience sampling was used until a sufficient quantity of fully completed surveys had been collected; 333 usable questionnaires were obtained. The collected data received statistical treatment primarily through the application of exploratory factor analysis and multivariate analysis of co-variance. The theoretical synthesis showed that characteristics of postmodernism are evident in society and affect marketing and/or marketing communication activities. The results of the empirical phase of the investigation demonstrated that respondents show postmodernism traits in their behaviour towards digital media and their reactions towards brands and marketing and/or marketing communication. The most dominant postmodern characteristics displayed by respondents were hyperreality, de-differentiation and fragmentation. Several factors were found to be statistically significant, which may be related to socio-economic conditions, behavioural patterns, and digital infrastructure. These were: ethnicity, cell phone usage, frequency of social media usage, cell phone plan, average monthly Internet expenditure for cell phones, use of Internet bundles on cell phones, and the device used most often to access the Internet. Social media use was identified as an important behavioural outcome by respondents, and the most significant influencing factors related to the dependence that respondents placed on their cell phones and the need to fulfil certain activities only available in the social media space. Finally a conceptual framework was proposed, which integrated theoretical and empirical findings. This framework suggested a broadening of certain roles within marketing and/or marketing communication, namely: consumers transforming to collaborators; communication transforming to interaction; and value exchange transforming to value-in-use. It is anticipated that this study has added to the theoretical level of knowledge by indicating the need to readdress principles and theories of marketing and/or marketing communication in the context of a postmodern society and in particular the use of digital media. An outcome of the study was the proposition of a conceptual framework, which addressed a number of aspects in the transformation from modern to postmodern marketing. Furthermore, at the practitioner level the study has broadened understanding of Generation Y’s behaviour towards digital media in the marketing and/or marketing communication context. Managerial recommendations were expressed on the basis of the theoretical and empirical findings. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Marketing Management / PhD / Unrestricted

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