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Žurnalistika v éře nových médií / Journalism in the Era of New MediaIschia, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Thesis is focused on digital and social media in journalism. In a brief introduction is explained situation in Czech media environment where influence of online news increase every year to the detriment of traditional media. It deals with an influence of new media to journalism work. New publishing methods are analysed, especially methods based on digitalization of content and ways to paid content. Original survey presents behaviour and habits of social networks users. Are they a relevant source of information for readers of Respekt magazine? Research then analyses how Czech newspaper and magazines use social networks. In the end of this block it brings best practices and some recommendations for communication and monitoring in social media. Both parts, digital and social media, are connected by practical issues from Respekt magazine. In the last part of thesis is designed a concept of Respekt's digital strategy for next years.
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As representações sociais sobre a reforma agrária popular nas mídias digitais do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)Engelmann, Solange I. January 2018 (has links)
avanço da internet e das mídias digitais torna o ciberespaço em um novo canal de comunicação e informação. Dessa forma, várias organizações e movimentos populares de luta por direitos, cidadania e mudanças sociais se apropriem desse espaço para troca de ideias e produção de conhecimento no contexto da esfera pública virtual. As mídias digitais ampliam a circulação das representações sociais sobre os espaços rurais e seus agentes sociais, como é o caso dos movimentos populares de luta pela terra e reforma agrária no Brasil, pois estes passam a exercer um papel de mediação, ampliando o ambiente do debate público, anteriormente concentrado nas mídias tradicionais monopolizadas. O que possibilita uma expansão em relação às discussões sobre as demandas de direitos e os discursos acerca da questão agrária nas mídias digitais. Nesse sentido, esse estudo analisa quais as representações sobre o projeto de Reforma Agrária Popular do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) que circulam nas mídias digitais deste Movimento. Partimos de uma perspectiva teórica da Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS), enfatizando seu caráter mediador no debate contemporâneo sobre os usos e as apropriações das mídias digitais pelos movimentos populares nos espaços rurais, na luta por direitos sociais e busca de cidadania. Apresentamos debate sobre a construção de uma nova cidadania no Brasil, a luta por cidadania comunicativa e as potencialidades das mídias digitais na ampliação da visibilidade pública dos movimentos populares na esfera pública virtual Realizamos ainda análise contextual sobre a problemática da questão agrária brasileira, a formação histórica do MST, bem como seu papel político no país e as características do processo de comunicação popular dessa organização. A abordagem metodológica fundamenta-se na Análise de Conteúdo, para a investigação textual do conteúdo informativo e análise dos dados e informações coletadas nas entrevistas. Utilizamos a técnica de entrevista com comunicadores e lideranças do MST. A pesquisa qualitativa on-line foi realizada para coleta de conteúdos informativos de duas páginas virtuais da organização e de formulação de mapas representacionais, a partir da análise da ancoragem e objetivação das representações sociais. O estudo de caráter qualitativo analisa os conteúdos informativos em publicações, nas páginas on-line especiais da Feira Nacional da Reforma Agrária do MST, de 2015, e na Jornada Nacional de Luta pela Reforma Agrária do MST, de 2016. Conclui-se que as principais representações sociais sobre a Reforma Agrária Popular do MST apresentam este como um movimento político, que a partir da sua luta social transforma as áreas de assentamentos em produtores de alimentos para o abastecimentos dos centros urbanos. Ampliando a função da reforma agrária e buscando transformá-la em um projeto alternativo e sustentável para o desenvolvimento do campo. / The advancement of the Internet and digital media turns the cyberspace into a new channel for communication and information. In this way, various organizations and popular civil rights movements take over this space in order to exchange ideas and produce knowledge on the virtual public sphere. The digital media broadens the circulation of rural spaces and their social agents' social representations, like the people's movements fighting for land and agrarian reform in Brazil, as they begin to play a mediating role, broadening the public debate conditions, which were previously focused on the traditional monopolized media. This enables an expansion of discussions regarding civil rights demands and dialogues about the agrarian issue, in the digital media. In this sense, this study analyzes which representations on the Landless Rural Workers Movement's (MST) Popular Agrarian Reform project circulate on its digital media. We set off with a theoretical perspective from the Social Representations' Theory (TRS), emphasizing its mediating character to the contemporary debate on the uses and appropriations of digital media by popular movements in rural areas fighting for social rights and pursuing citizenship. We present a debate about the construction of a new citizenship in Brazil, the struggle for communicative citizenship and the potential of digital media in broadening the public visibility of popular movements in the virtual public sphere. We also perform a contextual analysis on the problems of the Brazilian agrarian issue, the MST's historical formation, as well as its political role in the country and on this organization's characteristics of the popular communication process The methodological approach is based on Content Analysis, in order to elaborate a textual research of the content and to analyze all the data and information collected during the interviews. We employed an interview technique with MST communicators and leaders. On-line qualitative research was carried out to collect informative contents of two of the organization's virtual pages and to formulate representative maps, based on the analysis of the social representations' progress and objectification. The qualitative study analyzes the information content in publications in the special online pages of the MST's National Land Reform Fair, in 2015, and in the MST's Fight for Land Reform's National Working Day, in 2016. It is concluded that the main social representations on the MST's Popular Agrarian Reform show it as a political movement, which, from its social struggle, transforms settlements areas into food producers to supply the urban centers. To this extent, being able to extend the agrarian reform function and seek to transform it into an alternative and sustainable project for the development of the farmlands.
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Percepción de los empleadores sobre las competencias de los futuros publicistas / Employers' perception of the skills of future advertisersSilva Baissel, Carolina 24 August 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar cuáles son las principales competencias laborales que los empleadores de medios digitales valoran en los futuros publicistas. Validar desde el punto de vista de estos empleadores de agencias publicitarias si es que los futuros publicistas cuentan con las habilidades requeridas de acuerdo al mercado laboral actual. De este modo analizaremos los ejes de la publicidad digital, la evolución de las agencias publicitarias, la formación digital de educación superior y las competencias laborales. Estas nos darán claridad sobre el contexto actual de las habilidades y desempeño de publicistas de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas en sus áreas laborales. Los empleadores identificaran cuales son las herramientas imprescindibles las cuales un publicista debe manejar para lograr las competencias las cuales ellos valoran como necesarias para un futuro publicista de medios digitales. / The objective of this research is to identify what are the main job competencies that digital media employers’ value in future advertisers. Validate from the point of view of these advertising agency employers if the future advertisers have the required skills according to the current job market. In this way, we will analyze the axes of digital advertising, the evolution of advertising agencies, digital higher education training and job skills. These will give us clarity about the current context of the skills and performance of publicists from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences in their work areas. Employers will identify what essential tools an advertiser must use to achieve the skills they value as necessary for a future digital media advertiser. / Trabajo de investigación
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Estrategias de autoaprendizaje en la fotografía: el caso de las juntas fotográficas de Lima / Self- Learning Strategies in photography: Street Photography in Lima, PeruAyarza Gómez, Vanessa Milagros 07 July 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se enfocará en el aprendizaje de la fotografía que se da en las juntas fotográficas de Lima en base a la procedencia ocupacional de los asistentes. Podemos identificar el aprendizaje informal y el autoaprendizaje como principales procesos. Se analizará también a las cuentas de fotógrafos en redes sociales y el proceso de convocatoria de las juntas fotográficas, así como el proceso de aprendizaje que se da dentro de ella. / This research will focus on the learning of photography that occurs in the photographic meetings of Lima based on the occupational origin of the attendees. We can identify informal learning and self-learning as main processes. It will also analyze the accounts of photographers in social networks and the process of convening the photographic boards, as well as the learning process that takes place within it. / Trabajo de investigación
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Narrativa transmedia en la construcción de la influencer Kylie Jenner / Transmedia storytelling in the construction of the influencer Kylie JennerVenegas Sánchez, Luis Alejandro 29 April 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, según la revista digital Puro Marketing, el tiempo promedio que una persona dedica al consumo de contenido digital es de aproximadamente 7 horas al día.1 La importancia de los medios digitales y el poder de influencia que tiene sobre las personas es notable; del mismo modo, los creadores de contenido. Entre los más destacables están los llamados influencers que por medio de estrategias de contenido logran fidelizar a las masas mediante su liderazgo y generar confianza por medio de plataformas de difusión digitales.[Salto de ajuste de texto][Salto de ajuste de texto]Para la presente investigación, se estudiará la relación entre la narrativa transmedia como estrategia para la construcción de la celebrity Kylie Jenner como influencer. [Salto de ajuste de texto][Salto de ajuste de texto]El enfoque de la investigación fue cualitativo, en donde se realizó un estudio de análisis de contenido enfocado en las apariciones televisivas con mayor relevancia de la celebrity/influencer y, además, las publicaciones de contenido en redes sociales referidas a dichos programas. / Currently, according to the digital magazine Puro Marketing, the average time a person spends consuming digital content is approximately 7 hours a day. The importance of digital media and the power of influence it has over people is remarkable; Similarly, content creators. Among the most notable are the so-called influencers who, through content strategies, manage to retain the masses through their leadership and generate trust through digital dissemination platforms.[Salto de ajuste de texto]
For this research, the relationship between the transmedia narrative will be studied as a strategy for the construction of the celebrity Kylie Jenner as an influencer.[Salto de ajuste de texto]
The focus of the research was qualitative, where a content analysis study was carried out focused on the television appearances with the greatest relevance of the celebrity / influencer and, in addition, the content publications on social networks referring to said programs. / Trabajo de investigación
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Möjligheter och hinder för digitalt kunskapsutbyte : En kvalitativ studie om distansarbetares upplevelse och erfarenhet av kunskapsutbyte genom digitala medier / Possibilities and obstacles to digital knowledge sharing : A qualitative study of how teleworkers experience knowledge sharing through digital mediaLarsson, Melissa, Malinen, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva möjligheter och hinder för kunskapsutbyte blanddistansarbetare när kunskapsutbytet sker över digitala medier. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuergenomfördes med fem privatanställda och fem offentligt anställda. I intervjuerna fickrespondenterna dela med sig av sina upplevelser av digitala medier och kunskapsutbyte. Detempiriska materialet analyserades genom att använda media richness, närvaro i digitalinteraktion, formella och informella organiseringsprocesser, det strukturella perspektivet samtnätverksteori som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Resultatet visar att videosamtal lämpar sig bäst för överföring av mer komplex kunskap närkommunikation ansikte-mot-ansikte inte är möjlig. Telefon och chattar erbjuder snabbtillgång till kunskap som är lätt att tolka. Användandet av digitala medier ger större möjlighetför dokumentation av kunskap som är möjlig att samla, använda och dela vid senare tillfälle.Ett annat resultat är att formella strukturer med etablerade rutiner, uttalade roller,formaliserade möten och samarbeten möjliggör för kunskapsutbyten. Brist på strukturer somär anpassade efter distansarbete hindrar kunskapsutbyten. Informella sammanhang bär medsig störst möjlighet för kunskapsutbyte mellan kollegor med personliga relationer. Ökatansvar för kunskapsutbyte läggs på anställda när det finns en brist på formella strukturer ochutrymme för informella strukturer i den digitala interaktionen. / The purpose of this study is to describe the possibilities and obstacles to knowledge sharingamong teleworkers when the knowledge sharing takes place through digital media. Ten semistructured interviews took place with five employees from the private sector and fiveemployees from the public sector. During the interviews the respondents shared theirexperience of digital media and knowledge sharing. In the analysis of the empirical materialthe theoretical perspectives of Media Richness Theory, Presence in MediatizedCommunication, formal and informal organization processes, the structural perspective andnetwork theory was used. The result shows that video calls are most suitable to transfer complex knowledge when faceto-face communication is not possible. Telephone calls and chats offers quick access toknowledge that is easy to interpret. The use of digital media provides greater opportunities fordocumentation of knowledge that is possible to collect, use and share at a later time. Anotherresult is that formal structures with established routines, pronounced roles, formalizedmeetings and collaborations enable the exchange of knowledge. A lack of structures adaptedfor teleworking is an obstacle to knowledge sharing. Informal contexts offer the greatestopportunity for knowledge sharing between colleagues with personal relationships. Anincreased responsibility for knowledge sharing is placed on employees when there is a lack offormal structures and space for informal structures in the digital interaction.
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Distanzlernen während der Pandemie-bedingten Schulschließungen im deutschsprachigen Raum (2020).: Eine vergleichende Analyse.: Erhebungszeitraum der untersuchten Studien: 24. März – 14. April 2020.Schaarschmidt, Nadine, Schulze-Achatz, Sylvia, Köhler, Thomas, Paraskevopoulou, Konstantina, Rahm, Lucienne 27 September 2021 (has links)
Die Pandemie-bedingten Schulschließungen im Frühjahr des Jahres 2020 waren Anlass für umfassende Medienberichtserstattung ebenso wie Grundlage für zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Studien. Einige davon befassten sich mit der Wahrnehmung des Distanzlernens durch die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und wurden im April und Mai 2020 veröffentlicht.
Fünf Studien wurden in einer umfassenden Analyse mit Blick auf den Einsatz digitaler Medien während der Pandemie-bedingten Schulschließungen unterzogen. Die Analyse fokussierte mehrere Schwerpunkte, die im Beitrag dargestellt, anschließend zusammengefasst und verglichen werden.
Die vergleichende Analyse der genannten Studien zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild dieser für Lehrkräfte, Schüler- und Elternschaft gleichermaßen herausfordernden Zeit. Darüber hinaus kristallisieren sich Einsatzweisen und Entwicklungstrends mit Blick auf digitale Medien beim schulischen Lernen in Deutschland heraus. Gleichzeitig wird Handlungsbedarf für Politik, Schulverwaltung, Schulträger und Schulleitungen aufgezeigt und eine Grundlage für weitere wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen gelegt. Insbesondere bietet die Studie eine Vorlage für spätere Studien, die beispielsweise nach dem Lockdown im Sommer 2020, während der neuerlichen Schulschließungen im Winter 2020/21 oder nach der künftigen Rückkehr zum schulischen Regelbetrieb durchgeführt wurden und werden.:1. Einleitung
2. Untersuchungsdesign
2.1 Fragestellungen
2.2 Überblick der Studien
2.3 Methodisches Vorgehen
2.3.1 Befragungszeiträume, Messinstrumente und -methoden
2.3.3 Themen
2.3.4 Limitationen
3 Befunde der Studien zum Lernen mit digitalen Medien während der Anfangszeit der Covid-19-Pandemie (15.3. bis 14.4.2020)
3.1 Aktueller Einsatz digitaler Medien
3.1.1 Kommunikationsformen
3.1.2 Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien: Einsatzszenarien und Einstellungen der Lehrkräfte
3.2 Herausforderungen
3.2.1 Technische Ausstattung
3.2.2 Medienkompetenz
3.2.3 Weitere Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Medien
3.3 Zukünftige Entwicklungen
4 Diskussion
4. In wieweit gelingt es, anhand der bundesweit publizierten Studien ein repräsentatives und auch homogenes Bild des Einsatzes digitaler Medien im Distanzlernen zu Beginn der Pandemie zu zeichnen?
4.1 Welche Technologien und Anwendungen setzten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in der Zeit der Covid19-Pandemie zur Durchführung und Begleitung des Lernens zu Hause ein?
4.2. Welche Technologien und Anwendungen sind aus Sicht der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (besonders) geeignet, um das Lernen zu Hause zu unterstützen und begleiten?
4.3 Welche Rahmenbedingungen und Unterstützungsangebote sind für den Einsatz von Technologien und Anwendungen für das Lernen zu Hause erforderlich?
4.4 Welche Einstellungen haben Lehrerinnen und Lehrer gegenüber digitalen Medien?
4.5 Welche Veränderungen im Einsatz von Technologien und Anwendungen ergeben sich im Vergleich des Lernens in der Schule vor der Covid-19-Pandemie und in der Zeit des Lernens zu Hause in den ersten Wochen der Covid19-Pandemie?
5 Ausblick
5.1 Kritische Würdigung und zusammenfassende Betrachtung
5.1.1 Kompetenzentwicklung der Lehrkräfte während der Schulschließungen
5.1.2 Vergleichbarkeit der Daten der fünf berichteten Studien
5.1.3 Ableitungen von Empfehlungen aus einem Vergleich vor, während und nach der Pandemie
5.2 Forschungsbedarf
Literaturverzeichnis / The pandemic-related school closures in spring 2020 prompted extensive media coverage and numerous scientific studies. Some of these studies focused on school teachers’ perceptions of distance learning and were published in February, April and May 2020.
Five studies were subjected to a comprehensive meta-analysis on the use of digital media during the pandemic-related school closures. The meta-analysis focused on three key areas which are presented, summarized, and compared.
This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive portrait of how the challenging first lockdown impacted on teachers, students, and parents alike. It reveals how digital media are used, as well as the development trends in education in Germany. It highlights the need for action on the part of politicians, school administrators, school boards, and school managements. It provides a basis for subsequent studies; the meta-study offers a template, for example, for studying the period after the lockdown in summer 2020, the renewed school closures in winter 2020/21, or after the future return to regular schooling.:1. Einleitung
2. Untersuchungsdesign
2.1 Fragestellungen
2.2 Überblick der Studien
2.3 Methodisches Vorgehen
2.3.1 Befragungszeiträume, Messinstrumente und -methoden
2.3.3 Themen
2.3.4 Limitationen
3 Befunde der Studien zum Lernen mit digitalen Medien während der Anfangszeit der Covid-19-Pandemie (15.3. bis 14.4.2020)
3.1 Aktueller Einsatz digitaler Medien
3.1.1 Kommunikationsformen
3.1.2 Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien: Einsatzszenarien und Einstellungen der Lehrkräfte
3.2 Herausforderungen
3.2.1 Technische Ausstattung
3.2.2 Medienkompetenz
3.2.3 Weitere Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Medien
3.3 Zukünftige Entwicklungen
4 Diskussion
4. In wieweit gelingt es, anhand der bundesweit publizierten Studien ein repräsentatives und auch homogenes Bild des Einsatzes digitaler Medien im Distanzlernen zu Beginn der Pandemie zu zeichnen?
4.1 Welche Technologien und Anwendungen setzten Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in der Zeit der Covid19-Pandemie zur Durchführung und Begleitung des Lernens zu Hause ein?
4.2. Welche Technologien und Anwendungen sind aus Sicht der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (besonders) geeignet, um das Lernen zu Hause zu unterstützen und begleiten?
4.3 Welche Rahmenbedingungen und Unterstützungsangebote sind für den Einsatz von Technologien und Anwendungen für das Lernen zu Hause erforderlich?
4.4 Welche Einstellungen haben Lehrerinnen und Lehrer gegenüber digitalen Medien?
4.5 Welche Veränderungen im Einsatz von Technologien und Anwendungen ergeben sich im Vergleich des Lernens in der Schule vor der Covid-19-Pandemie und in der Zeit des Lernens zu Hause in den ersten Wochen der Covid19-Pandemie?
5 Ausblick
5.1 Kritische Würdigung und zusammenfassende Betrachtung
5.1.1 Kompetenzentwicklung der Lehrkräfte während der Schulschließungen
5.1.2 Vergleichbarkeit der Daten der fünf berichteten Studien
5.1.3 Ableitungen von Empfehlungen aus einem Vergleich vor, während und nach der Pandemie
5.2 Forschungsbedarf
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TRAMI-TECAscencio Arizola, Nahomy Maricruz, Saldaña Cabellos, Karina Alicia, Sánchez Portugal, Andrea Alejandra, Solorzano Palpan, Fiorella Lesly, Uscapi Pari , Vanessa 04 July 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, todas las personas tienen miedo de contagiarse del COVID-19, es por ello que buscan soluciones óptimas y eficientes, que no involucren tanto contacto con otras personas, por medio de las nuevas tecnologías. Además, se ha visto un incremento en el uso de metodologías y sistemas ágiles para acelerar determinados procesos, que involucran gran pérdida de tiempo y dinero. Un gran ejemplo; es el uso de los medios digitales como intermediario para contactar a un experto legal y administrativo con el objetivo de que realice determinados trámites sin necesidad de que el cliente salga de su casa, se exponga al covid y realice colas afuera de la institución para solicitar asesoría; evitando así, pérdida de tiempo y mal humor. Por estas razones, hemos visto una oportunidad de negocio para generar valor en dichas personas; la cual se basa en la resolución de trámites más solicitados en la actualidad con la ayuda de profesionales capacitados y las nuevas redes de contacto, que permiten que todo sea más rápido y eficiente.
En este presente trabajo, se procederá a desarrollar una investigación con el fin de ver la viabilidad y rentabilidad de nuestro proyecto con el fin de poder proceder a comercializar dicho servicio. Asimismo, se aplicará y desarrollará los conocimientos aprendidos durante el transcurso de la carrera al tratar temas relacionados a distintas áreas como finanzas, marketing, negocios internacionales, logística, entre otros. / At present, all people are afraid of catching COVID-19, which is why they seek optimal and efficient solutions, which are not involved as much contact with other people, through new technologies. In addition, there has been an increase in the use of agile methodologies and systems for certain processes, which involve a great loss of time and money. A great example; is the use of digital media as an intermediary to contact a legal and administrative expert in order to carry out certain procedures without the need for the client to leave their home, expose themselves to covid and queue outside the institution to request advice ; thus avoiding waste of time and bad mood. For these reasons, we have seen a business opportunity to generate value in these people; which is based on the resolution of the most requested procedures nowadays with the help of trained professionals and the new contact networks, which allow everything to be faster and more efficient.
In this present work, an investigation will be carried out in order to see the viability and profitability of our project in order to be able to proceed to commercialize said service. Likewise, the knowledge learned during the course of the degree will be applied and developed by dealing with issues related to different areas such as finance, marketing, international business, logistics, among others. / Trabajo de investigación
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Audiovizuální performance v kontextu digitálního prostředí / Audiovisual performance in the context of digital environmentKořínek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe the influence of technological development on the ways in which the moving image is created and to introduce forms that this medium attains in the area of live audio-visual performances. The theoretical study approaches this topic as a historical overview of technical image, focusing on its connections with music. It thus observes specific creative processes of the avant-garde film and music video and subsequently puts them into the context of current types of moving picture created as a result of software codes. Based on the definitions of digital media's key principles, a theoretical basis is set up and then applied to the description of contemporary forms of audio-visual performances. These principles are also used for the definition of the features of software tools, numeric representations of which make it possible to work with any type of an image as with a set of mathematical functions. The main result of this thesis is thus a presentation of creative possibilities of today's image, which has - thanks to digital devices - disengaged itself from its previous technical limitation and become a fully dynamic element that can be created and modified in real time.
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Icke-verbala beteenden och uttryck hos icke-spelarkaraktärer inom datorspel : En studie kring icke-verbala uttrycks påverkan på icke-spelarkaraktärers trovärdighet / Non-verbal communication within non-playable characters in computer games : An inventory of non-verbal behaviors within the player and non-player character interactionLefvedahl, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har datorspel etablerats som ett legitimt forskningsområde. Inom denna forskning har den artificiella intelligensen (AI) varit av stort intresse framförallt i relation till de karaktärer inom spel som kallas för non-playable characters (NPC). Fokus har legat på att göra dessa karaktärer mer trovärdiga och på så sätt göra spel mer engagerande och potentiellt främja immersion. I och med detta bör alla aspekter av NPC:er utforskas för att säkerställa att alla bidragande faktorer har identifierats och kan därefter användas för att ytterligare utveckla dessa. Då social interaktion inom datorspel har tidigare kopplats till en spelares immersion är det viktigt att förstå alla komponenter som uppgör denna. Den mänskliga kommunikationen är grundad i både verbala och icke-verbala uttryck vilket tillsammans skapar den sociala interaktionen. Därför undersöker denna studie de aspekter av en karaktärs beteende som kan kategoriseras som icke-verbala uttryck. Detta utförs med hjälp av en kvalitativ observationsmetod för att identifiera vilka variationer som existerar, hur de uppfattas, samt om de påverkar karaktärers trovärdighet och därefter spelarens känsla av immersion. / In recent decades, computer games have been established as a legitimate area of research. In this research, artificial intelligence (AI) has been of great interest especially in relation to the characters in games called non-playable characters (NPCs). The focus has been on making these characters more believable and thus making games more engaging and potentially more immersive. In doing so, all aspects of NPCs should be explored to ensure that all contributing factors have been identified and can then be used to further develop them. As social interaction in computer games have previously been linked to a player's immersion, it is important to understand all the contributing components. Human communication is based on both verbal and non-verbal behaviors, which together create social interaction. Therefore, this study examines the aspects of NPC behavior that can be categorized as non-verbal expressions. This is achieved using a qualitative observation method to identify what variations exist, how they are perceived, and whether they affect the believability of characters and the player's immersion.
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