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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do efeito do investimento inicial no dilema do prisioneiro contínuo iterado simultâneo e alternado na presença e ausência de ruído em diferentes cenários de incerteza: contrapondo as estratégias RTS e LRS por meio da simulação bas / Analysis of the effect of the initial investment in the continuous iterated prisoners dilema with simultaneous and alternating moves in the presence and absence of noise in different scenarios of uncertainty: opposing the RTS and LRS strategies through agent-based simulation

Marcio Jolhben Wu 11 September 2015 (has links)
O dilema do prisioneiro é geralmente visto como o ponto de partida para entender o problema da cooperação. Em comparação com o dilema do prisioneiro discreto e iterado, poucos estudos existem sobre o dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado. A maioria dos trabalhos que investigaram o dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado concentrou-se no período de 1990 a 2000, não obtendo resultados conclusivos sobre a melhor estratégia a ser adotada neste tipo de jogo. Duas estratégias diferentes se destacam neste tipo de dilema. A primeira é a estratégia RTS (Raise-the-Stakes) de Roberts e Sherrat (1998) que testa o terreno antes de aumentar os investimentos na relação. A segunda deriva do modelo LRS (Linear Reactive Strategies) de Wahl e Nowak (1999a). Esta última estratégia estando em equilíbrio de Nash cooperativo apresenta três características: (i) generosidade, i.e., investir o máximo possível no início da relação de cooperação; (ii) otimismo, i.e., contar com o melhor cenário para as próximas rodadas, e (iii) intransigência. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal contrapor as estratégias RTS e LRS num dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado, na presença e ausência de ruído, com jogadas simultâneas e alternadas e para diferentes valores do parâmetro w (probabilidade de interagir novamente). Restringimos a nossa análise a um conjunto de seis estratégias: ALLC, ALLD, TFT, RTS, LRS e RTSM. O método utilizado foi o da simulação baseada em agente (ABM) no formato de torneios, semelhante ao de Axelrod (2006), Roberts & Sherratt (1998), Nowak & Sigmund (1992) e Nowak & Sigmund (1993). Utilizamos o software Netlogo e documentamos todo o processo da concepção e construção do modelo por meio da ferramenta TRACE (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive model Evaludation). Os resultados mostram que as estratégias mais cooperativas são mais favorecidas quando o jogo consiste em jogadas alternadas ao invés de simultâneas. A estratégia RTS teve melhor desempenho em jogos simultâneos para valores intermediários de w, na presença ou ausência de ruído. Por sua vez, a estratégia LRS teve melhor desempenho nos jogos simultâneos, na presença ou ausência de ruído, ou alternados e na presença de ruído, em ambos os casos para valores grandes de w / The prisoner\'s dilemma is generally seen as the starting point for understanding the problem of cooperation. In comparison with the discreet and iterated prisoner\'s dilemma, few studies exist on the continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma. Most of the works that have investigated the continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma has concentrated in the period from 1990 to 2000, not getting conclusive results on the best strategy to be adopted in this type of game. Two different strategies stand out in this kind of dilemma. The first is the RTS strategy (Raise-the-Stakes) of Roberts and Sherrat (1998) that tests the ground before increasing investment in the relationship. The second is the model deriva LRS (Linear Reactive Strategies) de Wahl and Nowak (1999a). This last strategy being in Nash equilibrium cooperative presents three characteristics: (i) generosity, i.e., investing as much as possible at the beginning of the cooperation relationship; (ii) optimism, i.e., rely on the best scenario for the next rounds, and (iii) intransigence. This research has as main goal to reconcile opposing RTS strategies and LRS in a continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma, in the presence and absence of noise, with simultaneous moves and alternate and for different values of the parameter w (probability of interacting again). We restrict our analysis to a set of six strategies: ALLC, ALLD, TFT, RTS, LRS and RTSM (halfway between RTS and LRS). The method used was the agent-based simulation (ABM) in tournament format, similar to that of Axelrod (2006), Roberts (1998), Sherratt & Nowak & Sigmund (1992) and Nowak & Sigmund (1993). We use the NetLogo software and document the whole process of design and construction of the tool model TRACE (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive model Evaludation). The results show that most strategies are more favoured unions when the game consists of alternating plays rather than simultaneous. The RTS strategy had better performance in simultaneous games for intermediate values of w, in the presence or absence of noise. In turn, the IRS strategy had better performance when simultaneous games, in the presence or absence of noise, or switched, and in the presence of noise, in both cases, for large values of w

Etické aspekty odborného sociálního poradenství v občanské poradně / Ethical aspects of the professional social counselling in citizens advice centres

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with social counseling in citizen advice bureau in Czech Republic. It deals with its origin, legislation surrounding it, goals, principles and counseling process. This aim of the thesis will support research. Its goal was to find out if the social workers in civil counseling encounter ethical dilemmas and other problems connected to power, independence of the client and impartiality of the social worker.

Mládež a její morálka ve vztahu k současné společnosti / The Youth and their Moral Attitude to the Current Society

PAREISOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the moral thinking of youth in its adolescent age. The first part deals with the basic ethic terms and with historical development of ethic thinking. The thesis deals further with determinants, which influence the moral development of thinking of a man including primary and secondary socialisation and the influence of a state. The theoretical part ends with a chapter dealing with the psychological aspects of development of moral judgement, where are described the particular stages of moral development according to Lawrence Kohlberg. The practical part deals with the research in a given group according to Kohlberg. The research is made with regard to family background of an individual. Except for reactions to Heinz´s dilemma, there are researched the differences between moral attitudes of men and women and the differences between individuals coming from villages or cities. The aim of this thesis is to judge, if it is possible from the stage of a moral judgement of the researched adoloscents, judge a relation according to the context of their experience in the family. The research showed some influences to moral thinking of a man, but it is not possible to determine the convincing conclusions. The man is to complicated human being, whose moral quality shows the concrete and practical situation only.

Vývojové krize, jejich smysl a důležitost: uplatnění etiky a sociální práce při řešení krize adolescence / The evelutionary crises, thein sense and importance, asserting of ethics and social work with solution of adolescence

HOMOLKOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This work is engaged in the reflexis of endangerous of behaviour in the season of adolescence. The first chapter offers a complex, compendious acquainting with life crises in the developement of man with the intention on the crise of adolescence. In conection with this season, there are described fundamental changes that can be the source of critical moments. The second chapter is following up with a critical moments that describes concrete forms of social work with young generation and ethics questions and dilemmas. The third chapter enriches the previous two of the theory of social work that facilitates a daily practise of workers and it specifies for anybody what to do. The last chapter of the work is about the reflex of ethics questions in the social work with adolescence people and their crises and finding the question on it or finding the perspective solutions.


CAROLINA DE OLIVEIRA SALGADO 27 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho se desdobra através do dentro/ fora da União Europeia (UE) perguntando que poder existe na narrativa de poder normativo? E o que essa narrativa faz com a UE? Essas questões são investigadas movendo o foco de análise para perceber em que extensão e de que maneiras as relações com Outros afetam a identidade da UE. Considerando que o Poder Normativo Europeu (PNE) é o elo entre a segurança ontológica da UE e sua política externa, ele não pode ser pensado independentemente do Outro. A tese oferece uma teorização dos mecanismos de difusão e posterior operacionalização de uma perspectiva dialógica que endogeneiza o Outro desde o início. Recepção de normas é, portanto, parte integrante da análise de difusão. Posteriormente, a tese recria diferentes processos de difusão a partir do PNE como política externa para observar o argumento condutor de que, quando os Outros são integralizados à análise, dois dilemas do PNE despontam, um político e outro, mais profundo, ontológico. Um primeiro dilema é político: se o PNE enfrenta resistência, ou ele a anula, minando assim seu status de um tipo distinto de política externa; ou não, e então não alcança seu objetivo de difusão de normas. Mas um dilema mais profundo está ligado ao fato de que o PNE não é apenas uma política externa: é também um componente central do projeto de identidade da UE. Mesmo se as normas forem difundidas e as políticas convergirem, o PNE pode não ser reconhecido como a identidade superior na qual a ordem internacional deve se espelhar. Dito isto, se a UE tomar conhecimento do seu não reconhecimento, ela é posta diante de ver isto como uma aberração que será remediada ao longo do tempo, ou como uma potencial ameaça à sua segurança ontológica. Ela, portanto, paralisa e não consegue alterar sua abordagem. Como resultado, o PNE como política externa pode, mesmo que seja bem-sucedido, prejudicar seu projeto de identidade; e o PNE como projeto de identidade pode minar sua política externa exatamente quando sua tendência a ver-se confirmado ao encontrar o Outro prejudica seu reconhecimento externo. Empiricamente, o dilema ontológico é observado em um caso de cooperação para o desenvolvimento, o Programa entre a UE e a Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos (CELAC) sobre Políticas de Drogas (COPOLAD), iniciado em 2011 e renovado em 2016. O dilema político, por sua vez, é observado em um caso de resistência, a busca pelo acesso global a medicamentos que provocou intensa polarização e divergências entre a UE e o Brasil no âmbito multilateral em 2008-2009, com desenvolvimentos até 2016. A tese constrói uma teoria e desenvolve hipóteses conectadas aos dilemas do PNE, integrando seriamente o Outro em uma abordagem dialógica aos dois casos paradigmáticos. A abordagem explora a presença de diferenças, contestação e assimetrias de poder em trajetos processuais que resultam em um dos dois dilemas. A maioria dos estudos que abordam o exercício do poder normativo da UE como política externa lidam com casos de Europeização entre os Estados membros da UE, candidatos e países vizinhos. Esse cenário pode conduzir a um problema tanto para a estabilização da identidade política da UE quanto para o sucesso de sua política externa, uma vez que países distantes das suas fronteiras provavelmente desafiam o discurso de excepcionalidade e caráter distinto da UE. Estudos Europeus e a própria UE, por sua vez, não lançaram luz sobre esse problema até meados dos anos 2000. Em contrapartida, esta tese contribui para a agenda de pesquisa sobre difusão de normas e governança externa da UE em duas frentes principais: 1) oferecendo um quadro teórico para analisar o PNE como política externa, proponho que nosso entendimento é atualmente insuficiente para compreender dilemas que têm a ver com a forma como o PNE deve funcionar; 2) operacionaliza uma abordagem dialógica dos estudos de caso que revelam a política de recepção de normas, considerando os Outros como parte / [en] The present work looks across European Union s inside/outside by asking what power is there in a normative power narrative? And what does this narrative do to the EU? These questions are investigated by moving the focus of analysis to see to what extent and in which ways relationships set up with Others beyond Europe affect the EU political identity. Considering that NPE is the link between the EU s ontological security and its foreign policy, it cannot be thought independently of the Other. At first, the thesis offers a theorization of mechanisms of diffusion and subsequently operationalization in a dialogic perspective that endogeneize the Other from the onset. Norm reception is thus integral part of the diffusion analysis. At second, it recreates different processes of diffusion starting from NPE as foreign policy to observe the driving argument that, when the Others are endogeneized, two dilemmas of NPE arise, one political and another, more profound one, ontological. A first dilemma is political: If NPE faces resistance, it either overrules it thereby undermining its status of a different type of foreign policy; or it does not, and then does not succeed in its aim of norm diffusion. But a more profound dilemma is connected to the fact that NPE is not just a foreign policy: it is also a central component of the EU s identity project. Even if norms are diffused and policies converge, NPE may not be recognized as the superior identity to which the international order should strive. This said, if the EU becomes aware of its non-recognition, it is put before either seeing this as an aberration that will be remedied over time, or as a potential threat to its ontological security. It is hence stuck and cannot change its approach. As a result, NPE as a foreign policy can, even if successful, undermine its identity project; and NPE as identity politics can undermine its foreign policy exactly when its tendency to see itself confirmed when meeting the Other undermines its external recognition. Empirically, the ontological dilemma is observed in a case of development cooperation, the Programme between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC) on Drugs Policies (COPOLAD), which began in 2011 and was renewed in 2016. And the political dilemma is observed in a case of resistance, the quest of global access to medicines that provoked intense polarization and divergences between the EU and Brazil at the multilateral level in 2008-2009, with further developments until 2016. The thesis builds a theory and develops hypotheses connected to the NPE dilemma, seriously integrating the Other in a dialogic approach to the two paradigmatic cases. The approach explores the role of difference, contestation and power asymmetries in processual paths that end up in either of the two dilemma. Most studies that address the exercising of NPE as foreign policy tackle cases of Europeanization among EU Member States, candidates and neighboring countries. This scenario may lead to a consequent problem for both the stabilization of the EU political identity and success of foreign policy, since countries far from its borders are likely to challenge EU s discourse of exceptionalism and distinctiveness. European Studies and the EU itself did not shed light on this problem until mid-2000s. By contrast, this thesis contributes to the research agenda of norms diffusion and EU external governance on two main fronts: 1) offering a theoretical framework to analyze NPE as foreign policy, I propose that our understanding is currently insufficient to grasp dilemmas that have to do with how NPE should work; 2) it operationalizes a dialogic approach to the case studies that reveal the politics of norm reception, considering the Others as part of a fruitful communication with the EU, and not as passive receivers of NPE. Politically, it is relevant for the EU to make the NPE as a strategy coincide with its discourse on norms and principles, reducing the creation of stereotypes like double standards. In addition, to embody the Others in

Dilema do prisioneiro evolucionário Darwiniano e Pavloviano no autômato celular unidimensional: uma nova representação e exploração exaustiva do espaço de parâmetros / Darwinian and Pavlovian Evolutionary Prisoner Dilemma in the One-Dimensional Cellular Automata: a new representation and exhaustive exploration of parameter space

Marcelo Alves Pereira 11 April 2008 (has links)
O Dilema do Prisioneiro (DP) é o jogo mais proeminente da Teoria dos Jogos devido à emergência da cooperação entre jogadores egoístas. O comportamento de cada jogador depende da estratégia que ele adotada e do seu ganho, que é determinado em função dos parâmetros do DP (T, R, P e S) e do número z de vizinhos com que ele joga. Portanto, a estrutura espacial dos jogadores não é relevante. Em nosso trabalho, utilizamos um autômato celular unidimensional onde cada jogador pode cooperar ou desertar ao interagir, simetricamente, com seus z vizinhos mais próximos. O sistema proposto nos permitiu realizar um estudo exaustivo do espaço de parâmetros para as estratégias evolucionárias Darwiniana (EED) e a Pavloviana (EEP) e compara-las. A geometria unidimensional nos possibilita obter os mesmos resultados dos sistemas em dimensionalidade arbitrária d, além de apresentar várias vantagens em relação a elas. No sistema que propomos os efeitos de borda são menores, exige menos tempo para a execução das simulações numéricas, permite variar o valor de z e é fácil obter uma representação visual da evolução temporal do sistema. Tal visualização simplifica a compreensão das interações entre os jogadores, pois surgem padrões nos agrupamentos de cooperadores/desertores, semelhantes aos pertencentes às classes dos autômatos celulares elementares. O estudo destes padrões nos permite compreender simplesmente a emergência da cooperação ou deserção nos sistemas. A evolução temporal do sistema que adota a EED gera um diagrama de fases muito rico com a presença das fases cooperadora, desertora e caótica. Já para a EEP, obtivemos um novo resultado analítico para as transições de fase, que neste caso são: cooperadora e quasi-regular. O estudo numérico exaustivo determinou as regiões do espaço de parâmetros onde acontecem cada uma das fases, e os efeitos da auto-interação podendo assim validar os resultados teóricos. O estudo do caso particular T = 1, tradicionalmente considerado como trivial, mostrou que ele apresenta comportamentos inusitados. Nossa principal contribuição para o estudo do DP é a obtenção de um novo paradigma. A geometria unidimensional com interação de vizinhos simétricos permitiu a visualização da evolução de padrões de cooperadores e desertores, o cálculo analítico de Tc para a EEP e o estudo de T = 1 para tais sistemas. / The Prisoner Dilemma (PD) is the most prominent game of the Game Theory due to emergency of the cooperation between selfish players. The behavior of each player depends on his/her strategy and the payoff, which is determined in function of the PD parameters (T, R, P and S) and by the number z of neighbors with whom he/she plays. Therefore, the spatial structure of the players does not matter. In our work, we have used a one-dimensional cellular automaton where each player can cooperate or defect when interacting, symmetrically, with his/her z nearest neighbors. The considered system allowed us to carry out an exhaustive exploration of the parameters space for the Darwinian Evolutionary Strategy (EED) and Pavlovian (EEP) and compares them. One-dimensional geometry makes possible to us get the same results of the systems in arbitrary d dimensional networks, besides, it presents some advantages. For the system that we proposed compared to the others dimensional networks, the boundary effects are less present, it needs less time for run the numerical simulations, it allows to vary the z value and is easier to get the visual representation of the system temporal evolution. Such visualization simplifies the understanding of the interactions between the players, therefore patterns appear in the clusters of cooperator/defectors, and these patterns belong to the elementary cellular automata classes. The study of these patterns allows them to understand in an easy way the emergence of the cooperation or defection in the systems. The temporal evolution of the system that adopts the EED yields a very rich phases diagram with the presence of cooperative, defective and chaotic phases. By the other hand, for the EEP, we have got a new analytical result for the phase transitions that in this case are: quasi-regular and cooperative. The exhaustive exploration study determines the regions on the parameters space where happen each phases occurs, and the effect of the self-interaction and thus validate the theoretical results. The study of the particular case T = 1, traditionally considered as trivial one, showed that it presents unusual behaviors, that we will present. Our main contribution for the study of the DP is the attainment of a new paradigm. One-dimensional geometry with interaction of symmetrical neighbors allowed to visualizes the evolution of cooperators and defectors patterns, the analytical result for Tc for the EEP and the study of T = 1 for such systems.

"O avunculado na Antropologia Evolutiva: uma abordagem intercultural" / "The avunculate in the evolutionary anthropology: a cross cultural survey"

Antonio Carlos do Amaral Maia 28 February 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a compreender a variabilidade cultural humana em relação à organização da família por meio das teorias darwinianas da seleção natural e da seleção sexual, e se encontra baseado em evidências vindas da comparação de dados etnográficos. Pretende-se demonstrar que existe uma alteração marcante no comportamento de todos os envolvidos nas relações familiares quando mudam as regras de herança. Essas alterações assim ocorrem porque as regras de herança direcionam o Investimento Parental Masculino (MPI), ora ao sobrinho, ora ao filho. A hipótese apresentada é a de que a variação do MPI modifica de maneira compreensível e previsível as relações familiares em organizações matrilineares e patrilineares. A prova da hipótese será feita por meio da aplicação do método intercultural com pesquisa etnográfica nos bancos de dados do HRAF, e utilizando-se da amostra PSF. Os resultados do presente trabalho indicarão que em sociedades em que o tio tem uma relação afetuosa com seu sobrinho, o marido espanca a mulher; e quando o pai se relaciona de maneira indulgente e amigável com seu filho, irmãos e irmãs se evitam, alinhando esses fatos de maneira que possam ser coerentemente entendidos com a teoria sociobiológica. A riqueza cultural, o sem número de costumes, as tradições, os tabus, as normas explícitas ou ocultas, os aparatos de coerção de toda sorte, as regras sobre herança, casamento, dote, preço da noiva, divisão de trabalho, enfim, todas as regras observadas em todos os agrupamentos humanos podem ser explicadas à luz das seguintes teorias: a) da “seleção de consangüíneos” (Hamilton, 1963), b) do “altruísmo recíproco” (Trivers, 1971), c) do “investimento parental e seleção sexual” (Trivers, 1972), e d) do “conflito entre prole e parentais” (Trivers, 1974). / The present work proposes to account for cultural variability in connection to human family organization, through Darwin’s theories of natural selection and sexual selection. It is also founded on evidence based on the comparison of ethnographic data of diverse human societies. It intends to demonstrate that there is a significant alteration in the behavior of family members when the rules of inheritance of wealth change. These alterations are triggered because the rules of inheritance dictate the MPI – Male Parental Investment – sometimes in the nephew and sometimes in the son. The hypothesis is that this variation in MPI (male investment in either the nephew or the son) modifies family relations in matrilineal and patrilineal organizations in a predictable manner. The role played by MPI in determining family tensions will be shown by applying cross cultural analysis to the data obtained from HRAF (Human Relations Area Files), using PSF (Probability Sample Files). The results of the present work show that societies in which the uncle’s relation with his nephew is affectionate, the husband beats the wife; on the other hand, when the father’s relation with his son is indulgent and friendly, brother and sister avoid each other. This variability of behavior can be coherently explained by sociobiological theory. Cultural wealth: the innumerable customs, the traditions, the taboos, the manifest and hidden norms, the apparatus of coercion, the rules of inheritance, marriage, dowry, bride price, the division of labor, in short, all the rules observed in all human groups can be explained in the light of the following theories: a) ‘kinship selection’ (Hamilton, 1963); b) ‘reciprocal altruism’ (Trivers, 1971; Axelrod, 1981); c) ‘parental investment and sexual selection’ (Trivers, 1972); and d) ‘parentoffspring conflict’ (Trivers, 1974).

Úskalí implementačního systému strukturální politiky Evropské unie v České republice v programovém období 2007-2013 / Difficulties of the EU - Cohesion Policy Implementation Systém in the Czech Republic in the Programming period 2007-2013

Capanda, Filip January 2009 (has links)
The thesis Difficulties of the EU - Cohesion Policy Implementation System in the Czech Republic in the Programming period 2007-2013 deals with application of the theories of the European integration on two case studies. In the first part of the thesis the general history of the EU - structural policy is described. The second part is dedicated to the history of the structural policy in the Czech Republic. The third part is concerned with the theoretical definition of the topic and leads to a definition of the hypothesis and the research method. The main theoretical approach for the case studies is the multi-level governance theory, which describes multi-level sharing of authority among different types of actors. None of those actors has a power to define final version of the given policy. The case studies, which in detail examine the development and the efficiency of the implementation system of structural policy in Czech Republic, prove that this environment can cause the coordination dilemma connected with overuse of the free-riding tactics and high transaction costs. The combination of those elements leads to highly rigid system of implementation.

Švédsko a evropská integrace v bezpečnostní sféře / Sweden and European Integration in the Field of Security

Burda, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Sweden and European Integration in the Field of Security" deals with the Swedish role in the military dimension of the EU"s Common Security Policy. The thesis applies the concept of "Integration Dilemma" that forms the basis of the theory of national integration policy formulated by Nikolaj Petersen. The thesis draws on Petersen"s premise that all states involved in integration sooner or later experience an integration dilemma constituted by difficult choices between preserving autonomy and exercising influence on other participants. According to Petersen the salience of the integration dilemma differs among states depending on their influence capability, stress sensitivity and degree of identification with ideological sources of integration. Petersen argues that to handle the dilemma, national governments will most likely use adaptive strategies typical for the "balancing policy" mode. Petersen also predicts that countries characterised by high stress sensitivity, limited influence capability and aloofness from the ethos of European integration will perceive the dilemma as highly salient. Petersen assumes that integration policies of those countries will also include strategies characteristic for the "acquiescent" or "quiescent" mode. Petersen"s hypotheses are tested in the analysis of...

Etické aspekty práce pracovníků Charitní pečovatelské služby Oblastní charity Klatovy / Ethical aspects of the work of in the Charity care service of Klatovy Regional Charity

MAJEROVÁ, Stanislava January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on caring facilities and service, specifically the Charity care service of the regional charity of Klatovy. The Master thesis points out how necessary and at the same time demanding is the work of caregivers. The Master thesis also includes the characteristics of the clientele with whom Caritas care facility most often cooperates - seniors. It also contains an analysis of ethical dilemmas and problems which arose from semi-structured interviews with respondents,who are employees of specific centers of Caritas care service. The thesis also contains improvement suggestions and coments of the ethical dilemmas and problems which are made using 4 ethical theories - utilitarianism, deontology, ethic of care and situational ethic.

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