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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diskriminační a pozitivně diskriminační aspekty při realizaci garancí základních lidských práv / Discriminating and positive discriminating aspects in realization of human rights guarantees

Kuřinová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
Discriminating and positive discriminating aspect in realization of human rights guarantees This work disserts of discriminating and positive discriminating aspect in realization of human rights guarantees. First chapter is a general introduction of human rights - inclusive of their characteristics, classification and essential attributes. Second chapter about history analyses evolution of human right from antique to present - above all question equal and unequal treatments. Central chapter this work is about discriminating Laws - first o of all about a new antidiscriminating Act in Czech Republic. Further expound terms such as direct discrimination, indirect discrimination and generally discrimination individual because their racial and ethnic, age, sex and gender, caste, religion, language, sexual orientation, disability. Next interprets a reverse discrimination or too opinion of political ideology etc. Last chapter includes guarantee protection of human rights - i.e. international, European, national realization of prohibition discrimination and enforcement of equal and unequal treatments. This work is discretion about positive effect of discriminating Laws also their possible difficulty.

"Det tycks som om mobbningsproblematiken är mer synliggjord än tidigare" : en jämförelse mellan Västmanlands kommuners kvalitetsredovisningar 2007

Eneroth, Ann-Christin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Lagar är till för att följas. Lagar skapas, omarbetas, byts ut och tas bort. Skolorna ska följa dessa många lagar och riktlinjer och bland dem finns skollagen och läroplanen. Samtidigt ska kommunerna följa de revideringar som genomförs och skolorna får ett större ansvar där elevernas bästa ska stå i centrum. I samband med att<em> Lagen om förbud mot diskriminering och annan kränkande behandling av barn och elever (2006:67)</em> trädde i kraft 2006 ställdes högre krav på skolorna och kommunernas arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling. På varje enhet skulle en likabehandlingsplan upprättas där åtgärder mot mobbning och kränkande behandling skulle redovisas. Dessutom skulle kommunerna året därpå ha granskat likabehandlingsplanerna för att redovisa resultaten av dessa i kvalitetsredovisningarna för kommunens skolverksamhet.</p><p>Syftet med den här kvalitativa uppsatsen är att se ifall kommunerna i Västmanlands län har granskat och utvärderat skolornas likabehandlingsplaner, hur skillnaderna och olikheterna ser ut emellan dem och ifall man kan tolka hur organisationsarbetet fungerar inom kommunerna. Detta sker granskning av valda lagar, kommunernas kvalitetsredovisningar samt genom teoretiska ramar kring mobbning och organisationsarbete. Skollagen anammar ett samarbete med hemmen men mitt resultat visar att bara några kommuner följer detta. Flera lagar och riktlinjer menar att barn i behov av särskilt stöd ska prioriteras men ingenstans står det vilka barn som ingår under denna kategori. Kommunernas kvalitetsredovisningar visar olika resultat av mobbningsåtgärder. Några kommuner samarbetar med andra instanser inom kommunen, med hemmet och en del har sett brister i sitt arbete mot mobbning. Tänkbara anledningar till de olika resultaten kan bero på ekonomiska skillnader, brist på kompetensutbildning och hur personalens eget intresse för den pågående problematiken i skolorna ser ut. Det vore intressant att undersöka vidare hur arbetet mot mobbning ser ut på skolor där alla ekonomiska förutsättningar finns och där dessutom involverad personal har ett stort intresse för att mobbningsåtgärderna ska fungera och utvecklas. Även en undersökning där en tydlig definition av barn i behov av särskilt stöd ges vore givande för framtida utveckling av skolorna</p> / <p>Schools are supposed to comply with laws and guidelines such as the Education Act and Swedish curricula. Supposedly, municipalities comply with each adjustments or alteration made. Schools are handed a bigger responsibility for the well being of their students as a consequence of the 2006 <em>Act against discrimination and other degrading treatment of children and pupils</em> (2006:67). Demands on the schools’ and municipalities’ work against bullying and degrading treatment increased. Each section within each municipality was to present an Equal Treatment Plan containing measures against bullying and degrading treatment. The following year, all equality plans were to be put under scrutiny and the results published publicly. The aim of this paper is to (1) see if the municipalities in Västmanland County has reviewed and evaluated their schools’ Equal Treatment Plan, (2) report on differences between them and (3) see if you can interpret how the work was organized. Some municipalities show great results in their work against bullying and discrimination while others acknowledge shortcomings.. Measures taken against bullying and discriminating behavior differ. Explanations to the different results may be economic disparities, lack of skills, and the staff's indifference towards ongoing problems in the schools. The Higher Education Act proposes a close partnership between teachers and parents but this study shows that only a few municipalities ever achieve this It would be interesting to further explore the work against bullying at schools where all the economic conditions are met and where staff members are involved and are taking a strong interest in developing proficient methods against bullying.</p>

"Det tycks som om mobbningsproblematiken är mer synliggjord än tidigare" : en jämförelse mellan Västmanlands kommuners kvalitetsredovisningar 2007

Eneroth, Ann-Christin January 2008 (has links)
Lagar är till för att följas. Lagar skapas, omarbetas, byts ut och tas bort. Skolorna ska följa dessa många lagar och riktlinjer och bland dem finns skollagen och läroplanen. Samtidigt ska kommunerna följa de revideringar som genomförs och skolorna får ett större ansvar där elevernas bästa ska stå i centrum. I samband med att Lagen om förbud mot diskriminering och annan kränkande behandling av barn och elever (2006:67) trädde i kraft 2006 ställdes högre krav på skolorna och kommunernas arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling. På varje enhet skulle en likabehandlingsplan upprättas där åtgärder mot mobbning och kränkande behandling skulle redovisas. Dessutom skulle kommunerna året därpå ha granskat likabehandlingsplanerna för att redovisa resultaten av dessa i kvalitetsredovisningarna för kommunens skolverksamhet. Syftet med den här kvalitativa uppsatsen är att se ifall kommunerna i Västmanlands län har granskat och utvärderat skolornas likabehandlingsplaner, hur skillnaderna och olikheterna ser ut emellan dem och ifall man kan tolka hur organisationsarbetet fungerar inom kommunerna. Detta sker granskning av valda lagar, kommunernas kvalitetsredovisningar samt genom teoretiska ramar kring mobbning och organisationsarbete. Skollagen anammar ett samarbete med hemmen men mitt resultat visar att bara några kommuner följer detta. Flera lagar och riktlinjer menar att barn i behov av särskilt stöd ska prioriteras men ingenstans står det vilka barn som ingår under denna kategori. Kommunernas kvalitetsredovisningar visar olika resultat av mobbningsåtgärder. Några kommuner samarbetar med andra instanser inom kommunen, med hemmet och en del har sett brister i sitt arbete mot mobbning. Tänkbara anledningar till de olika resultaten kan bero på ekonomiska skillnader, brist på kompetensutbildning och hur personalens eget intresse för den pågående problematiken i skolorna ser ut. Det vore intressant att undersöka vidare hur arbetet mot mobbning ser ut på skolor där alla ekonomiska förutsättningar finns och där dessutom involverad personal har ett stort intresse för att mobbningsåtgärderna ska fungera och utvecklas. Även en undersökning där en tydlig definition av barn i behov av särskilt stöd ges vore givande för framtida utveckling av skolorna / Schools are supposed to comply with laws and guidelines such as the Education Act and Swedish curricula. Supposedly, municipalities comply with each adjustments or alteration made. Schools are handed a bigger responsibility for the well being of their students as a consequence of the 2006 Act against discrimination and other degrading treatment of children and pupils (2006:67). Demands on the schools’ and municipalities’ work against bullying and degrading treatment increased. Each section within each municipality was to present an Equal Treatment Plan containing measures against bullying and degrading treatment. The following year, all equality plans were to be put under scrutiny and the results published publicly. The aim of this paper is to (1) see if the municipalities in Västmanland County has reviewed and evaluated their schools’ Equal Treatment Plan, (2) report on differences between them and (3) see if you can interpret how the work was organized. Some municipalities show great results in their work against bullying and discrimination while others acknowledge shortcomings.. Measures taken against bullying and discriminating behavior differ. Explanations to the different results may be economic disparities, lack of skills, and the staff's indifference towards ongoing problems in the schools. The Higher Education Act proposes a close partnership between teachers and parents but this study shows that only a few municipalities ever achieve this It would be interesting to further explore the work against bullying at schools where all the economic conditions are met and where staff members are involved and are taking a strong interest in developing proficient methods against bullying.

Face Detection by Image Discriminating

Mahmood, Muhammad Tariq January 2006 (has links)
Human face recognition systems have gained a considerable attention during last few years. There are very many applications with respect to security, sensitivity and secrecy. Face detection is the most important and first step of recognition system. Human face is non rigid and has very many variations regarding image conditions, size, resolution, poses and rotation. Its accurate and robust detection has been a challenge for the researcher. A number of methods and techniques are proposed but due to a huge number of variations no one technique is much successful for all kinds of faces and images. Some methods are exhibiting good results in certain conditions and others are good with different kinds of images. Image discriminating techniques are widely used for pattern and image analysis. Common discriminating methods are discussed. / SIPL, Mechatronics, GIST 1 Oryong-Dong, Buk-Gu, Gwangju, 500-712 South Korea tel. 0082-62-970-2997

Pour un Test projectif tactile à partir des planches de Rorschach en relief : de la Perception tactile à la Représentation / Tactilo-kinaesthetic exploration procedures for apprehending the Rorschach test

Raguin, Odile 25 September 2015 (has links)
La plupart des méthodes projectives (Didier ANZIEU, Catherine CHABERT, 1961) ont comme support de travail la vue. Le processus haptique est-il suffisamment discriminatif pour valider la fiabilité de ce test sous ce mode ? Un étalonnage différencié respecte-t-il la valeur donnée à ce test par H. Rorschach ? Le sujet, en perdant la vue, va devoir mobiliser ou trouver des nouvelles ressources physiques et psychiques pour devenir autonome et poursuivre sa vie. Tout en lui est effracté : sa construction narcissique, sa représentation du monde et son altérité dans le regard de l’autre. Le Rorschach permet d’aborder la richesse psychique d’un sujet. Il nous donne à voir les potentialités psychiques du sujet dans sa relation à lui-même et aux autres. Or, il fait appel à une activité visuelle qui organise un matériel informel. C’est une activité imageante qui fait passer du perceptif au projectif, du perçu au vécu…Le toucher, dans certaines situations, peut être un relais de perception, de projection et donner à voir les représentations du sujet. Cette recherche peut permettre d’envisager une autre manière d’étalonner ce test afin de pouvoir le quantifier, le qualifier en changeant par exemple l’item « couleur » par l’item texture…Dans cette étude, il nous faut vérifier que cela n’enlève pas la valeur que donnait H. Rorschach à ce test, à cet item mais au contraire l’ouvre à une autre dimension clinique, celle d’une clinique spécifique du sujet mal ou non-voyant. En respectant un protocole spécifique, une telle passation permettrait une médiation pour le sujet en situation de handicap visuel vers une « meilleure » ré-élaboration de son projet de vie. Par ailleurs, cette étude pourrait ouvrir d’autres approches sur le dessin en relief et permettre notamment à toute une partie de la population vieillissante d’utiliser cette modalité dans la vie quotidienne, pour de nouveaux repères. / This research follows a study already begun in Master 1; it deals with the haptic process adapted to 3-dimensional Rorschach-plates. Is the haptic process sufficiently discriminating to validate the reliability of this test under this mode ? Does differentiated calibration respect the values given to this test by H. Rorschach ? After loss of sight, a subject is going to have to mobilize or find new physical and psychic resources to become autonomous and go on living. Everything in that person is broken: their narcissistic construction, their representation of the world and their differences in the eye of others. The Rorschach test allows us to approach a subject’s psychic wealth. It shows us the psychic potential of a subject in relation to himself and to others. Yet the Rorschach test calls on visual activity to organize an informal material. It is an activity based on images which leads one from the perceptive to the projective, from perceived to experienced. In certain situations, touch can be an intermediary for perception, for projection and can show how the subject is represented. Through this research, we can consider calibrating this test in another way in order to measure quantity and quality by changing “colour” for ‘texture’, for example. In this study, it is essential to verify that this does not remove the value given by H. Rorschach to this item in this test, but on the contrary opens it to other clinical dimensions, that specific of the blind or partially-sighted.Moreover, this study could open up new approaches to 3-dimensional drawings and allow a great part of the ageing population to use this method in daily life, to find new bearings. For instance, using certain textures to find one’s way around the flat by 3-dimensional pictograms.

Numerické modelování soutěží o dvě ceny s asymetrickými hráči / Numerical Modelling of Two-Prize Asymmetric Contests

Matysková, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents an analysis on a class of asymmetric imperfectly discrim- inating multi-prize contests with the aim to investigate when more than one prize becomes optimal prize allocation if the average effort is to be maximized. We present n-person model with heterogeneous contestants who compete for two, possibly different, prizes. The contestants may differ in their relative abil- ities, i.e., parameters affecting their probabilities to win either of the prizes. Two different numerical methods for finding pure strategy Nash equilibria are employed. Depending on particular distributions of the abilities, we find two possible scenarios when the second prize becomes optimal. Furthermore, we ad- dress an issue of existence and uniqueness of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium with respect to the returns to scale in effort parameter. JEL Classification C63, D72 Keywords Imperfectly discriminating contests; Heteroge- neous abilities; Multiple prizes; Numerical meth- ods Author's e-mail lida.matyskova@centrum.cz Supervisor's e-mail gregor@fsv.cuni.cz

Šikana na pracovišti / The Vexation at the workplace

Chaloupková, Naďa January 2007 (has links)
The border between common and vexation matter of person behaviour we are accustomed to is very slight. The topic of my diploma paper "Vexation at the workplace" becomes very actual and constantly the bigger problem in the contemporary modern society. Everyday mentally terror at the workplace, vexation among the colleagues, systematically made malignancies through which the superiors attack their inferiors (or vice-versa) is a problem that belongs serious incoveniences both to its victims and the company. My diploma paper is above all focused on the sophisticated and malicious area of work-vexation that is called the mobbing. Marginally I mention other forms of vexation and the bossing. I made my exploration at the public service environment as the work-vexation is usually put together with it. Primarily I point the legal and moral side of the mobbing and its psychological and social aspects. Secondarily I mark the mobbing as a job-psychological phenomenon, its influence to the company itself and consequences between it and some modern society trends (teamwork, power, burn-out syndrome, internet technologies). Supposing to become the managers we should make effort to eliminate the mobbing. As only the workplace without the vexation brings the satisfaction that can results in higher level of the work productivity, economic profit and the the incapacity of work decreasement. Thereby the mobbing affects the whole life of its victim and also that anyone of us can become the victim it is necessary to solve this problem urgently and constantly.

Estudos por RMN de 1H das interações de substratos carbonílicos e carboxílicos com agentes de discriminação quiral / 1H NMR investigations of the interactions of carbonyl and carboxyl derivatives with chiral discriminating agents

Claudio, Thais Bezerra 30 June 2010 (has links)
Os sais derivados de alcalóides da Cinchona têm sido muito utilizados como catalisadores de transferência de fase, em reações assimétricas. No entanto, sua performance como agentes de discriminação quiral tem sido pouco explorada. Com o objetivo de melhor compreender as bases moleculares que comandam o reconhecimento quiral dos isômeros ópticos de compostos carbonílicos e carboxílicos, quando em mistura com a quinina ou com sais de alcalóides da Cinchona, foi realizada uma série de experimentos, utilizando a técnica da RMN de 1H. A atribuição dos deslocamentos químicos aos solvatos de cada enantiômero foi feita pelo registro do espectro de RMN de 1H de misturas dos agentes de discriminação quiral com amostras enantiopuras ou enantiomericamente enriquecidas dos substratos. A estabilidade relativa dos solvatos foi estimada utilizando-se modelos moleculares, nos quais foi possível identificar a existência de interações do tipo &#960;-&#960; e de ligações de hidrogênio. As conclusões baseadas nos experimentos de RMN de 1H foram concordantes com as resultantes da análise dos modelos moleculares, construídos para cada par substrato/agente de discriminação quiral / Salts of Cinchone alcaloids are common chiral catalysts for asymmetric phase-transfer reactions. However, studies on their performance as chiral discriminating are still scarce. In order to investigate the molecular basis of chiral recognition for such compounds, the 1H NMR spectra of admixtures of quinine or Cinchone alkaloids salts with carbonyl and carboxyl derivatives were recorded and analyzed. The relative stabilities of the solvated complexes were estimated on the basis of preferential &#960;-&#960; and hydrogen bonding interactions between substrates and the chiral discriminating agent. Conclusions based on results of the 1H NMR experiments were in line with those arising from the analysis of molecular models for the substrate/chiral discriminating agent pairs

Civil Society and Democratic Ideas : A Case Study Based on Sweden’s Young-Muslims, A Court-Verdict

Mohamed, Ifrah-Degmo January 2018 (has links)
Abstract   This thesis explores the role of civil society organizations and the democratic participation of minority groups in Sweden. It is based on an analysis and interpretation of a major court decision that denied government support (MUCF) for a Muslim Youth organization (SUM) in 2016. Based on case study methodology and a close reading of court documents and related reports, the analysis of the empirical material identified nine themes of democratic participation and democratic principles, including: integration, discrimination, multicultural society/diversity, Muslims, Islamism/Muslim brotherhoods in Sweden, human rights. The analysis shows, how the Muslim Youth organization was both included in the democratic process but also excluded. I argue that their exclusion is based on ethnic boundary making processes which construct Muslims as essentially different from the rest of society. The thesis suggests that this exclusion could damage the integration processes of ethnic and religious minorities in Sweden.

Estudos por RMN de 1H das interações de substratos carbonílicos e carboxílicos com agentes de discriminação quiral / 1H NMR investigations of the interactions of carbonyl and carboxyl derivatives with chiral discriminating agents

Thais Bezerra Claudio 30 June 2010 (has links)
Os sais derivados de alcalóides da Cinchona têm sido muito utilizados como catalisadores de transferência de fase, em reações assimétricas. No entanto, sua performance como agentes de discriminação quiral tem sido pouco explorada. Com o objetivo de melhor compreender as bases moleculares que comandam o reconhecimento quiral dos isômeros ópticos de compostos carbonílicos e carboxílicos, quando em mistura com a quinina ou com sais de alcalóides da Cinchona, foi realizada uma série de experimentos, utilizando a técnica da RMN de 1H. A atribuição dos deslocamentos químicos aos solvatos de cada enantiômero foi feita pelo registro do espectro de RMN de 1H de misturas dos agentes de discriminação quiral com amostras enantiopuras ou enantiomericamente enriquecidas dos substratos. A estabilidade relativa dos solvatos foi estimada utilizando-se modelos moleculares, nos quais foi possível identificar a existência de interações do tipo &#960;-&#960; e de ligações de hidrogênio. As conclusões baseadas nos experimentos de RMN de 1H foram concordantes com as resultantes da análise dos modelos moleculares, construídos para cada par substrato/agente de discriminação quiral / Salts of Cinchone alcaloids are common chiral catalysts for asymmetric phase-transfer reactions. However, studies on their performance as chiral discriminating are still scarce. In order to investigate the molecular basis of chiral recognition for such compounds, the 1H NMR spectra of admixtures of quinine or Cinchone alkaloids salts with carbonyl and carboxyl derivatives were recorded and analyzed. The relative stabilities of the solvated complexes were estimated on the basis of preferential &#960;-&#960; and hydrogen bonding interactions between substrates and the chiral discriminating agent. Conclusions based on results of the 1H NMR experiments were in line with those arising from the analysis of molecular models for the substrate/chiral discriminating agent pairs

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