Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dell"" "subject:"dull""
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Circuitos embebidos aplicados a equipos médicosGómez Cornejo Campana, David Yusseff January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the design guidelines from two medical teams, electrocardiogram and pulse oximetry using embedded logic circuitry such as FPGA and microcontrollers, digital filters used to filter the signals obtained from analog converters to digital, graphic obtaining the data is displayed in a graphic display GLCD, and has an interface to send data to a PC through a port USB 2 at full speed.
The digital filters used are FIR filters, these filters are chosen to be linear and time invariant, developed with 40 coefficients FIR filters, these filters were implemented in the FPGA, use a FPGA that has implemented only 20 multipliers For the implementation we used the VHDL language and algorithmic state machines in order to control the 20 boxes and get the 40 products.
Filtered data in the stage of the FPGA, are taken to a microcontroller that is responsible for managing the data, can lead to a graphic display GLCD, and so we can see the signal and obtained values or you can send the data to a PC right through USB port and software right through it can see the graphics on the PC.
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CDD-DLL for PN Code Tracking in DS-CDMA Communication SystemsYu, Hao-Chih 21 June 2001 (has links)
PN code tracking plays a very important role in CDMA communication systems.
In literature, the influences of multipath fading and of multiuser interference
on PN code tracking are studied separately. The multipath fading influence is
mitigated by combining a rake receiver and a channel estimator in
the Delay-Locked Loop (DLL). The multiuser interference is overcome by
incorporating a data estimator into the DLL. In the downlink, PN code tracking
may suffer from the multipath fading influence. However, the multipath fading
and the multiuser interference influences exist in the uplink. Unfortunately,
sole use of the aforementioned methods cannot solve out both influences simultaneously.
In this thesis, two new Coherent Decision-Directed Delay-Locked Loop (CDD-DLL)
PN-Code tracking schemes are developed and either can overcome both influences.
First, a channel and a data estimators are incorporated into the DLL inherent
with a rake receiver. This new scheme works properly in an environment with
multipath fading and multiuser interference. Second, the original CDD-DLL is
combined with a multipath interference canceller (MPI) to reduce both influences.
Analytical results are derived for the two schemes proposed and are validated
with numerical simulations. Simulation results show that the conventional DLLs
working in a multipath fading and multiuser interference environment can be
significantly improved using the new schemes. Moreover, the latter outperforms
the former because the multipath interference is cancelled completely.
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Entwicklung von dynamischen Bibliotheken (DLL) für Mathcad : Effizienzsteigerung, Quellcodeschutz, CodeportierungMeißner, Christian 12 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ein Vorteil von Mathcad<sup>®</sup> ist das übersichtliche Arbeitsblatt. Mathematische Gleichungen werden nicht als verwirrende Kette von Buchstaben und Zahlen dargestellt, sondern in eindeutiger mathematischer Notation. Die Gleichungen werden standardmäßig nach der Eingabe auf Plausibilität geprüft. Viele Funktionen - auch komplexe Lösungsalgorithmen - werden bereits mitgeliefert. Weiterhin können formatierte Textfelder für eine gute Dokumentation genutzt werden, z.B. für Berechnungsnachweise. Daher kann das Arbeitsblatt in sehr kurzer Zeit entwickelt werden und ist für neue Anwender leicht nachzuvollziehen.
Jedoch wird jeder Vorteil durch einen Nachteil erkauft. So liegen eine geringere Rechengeschwindigkeit, eingeschränkter Codeschutz und nur wenige Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikation mit anderen Programmen vor. Diese Nachteile können durch dynamische Bibliotheken verringert werden.
Dieser Artikel stellt die Vorteile der DLL-Programmierung für Mathcad<sup>®</sup> dar und zeigt einige Beispiele zur Erhöhung der Rechengeschwindigkeit, zum Quellcodeschutz und zur Codeportierung. / One advantage of Mathcad<sup>®</sup> is the well arranged worksheet. Mathematic equations are not displayed in confusing chains of characters but in clear mathematical notation. The equations normaly are checked of plausibility including units after writing. Many functions - even complex solving algorithms - are already defined. Furthermore formatted comments lead to a good documentation, e.g. for calculation reports. Hence the calculation sheets are developed in a very short time and they are easy to comprehend for new users.
However every advantage is bought by a disadvantage. Therefore there is a less calculation speed, limited possibilities for code protection and only few possibilities of communication with other programs. These disadvantages can be removed by using dynamic link libraries (DLL's).
This article gives an introduction of programming DLL's in Mathcad<sup>®</sup> and shows some examples to increase calculation efficiency, code protection and code transfer.
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Modelling and Simulation of GPS Multipath PropagationHannah, Bruce M. January 2001 (has links)
Multipath remains a dominant error source in Global Positioning System (GPS) applications that require high accuracy. With the use of differential techniques it is possible to remove many of the common-mode error sources, but the error effects of multipath have proven much more difficult to mitigate. The research aim of this work is to enhance the understanding of multipath propagation and its effects in GPS terrestrial applications, through the modelling of signal propagation behaviour and the resultant error effects. Multipath propagation occurs when environmental features cause combinations of reflected and/or diffracted replica signals to arrive at the receiving antenna. These signals, in combination with the original line-of-sight (LOS) signal, can cause distortion of the receiver correlation function and ultimately the discrimination function and hence errors in range estimation. To date, a completely satisfactory mitigation strategy has yet to be developed. In the search for such a mitigation strategy, it is imperative that a comprehensive understanding of the multipath propagation environment and the resultant error effects exists. The work presented here, provides a comprehensive understanding through the use of new modelling and simulation techniques specific to GPS multipath. This dissertation unites the existing theory of radio frequency propagation for the GPS L1 signal into a coherent treatment of GPS propagation in the terrestrial environment. To further enhance the understanding of the multipath propagation environment and the resultant error effects, this dissertation also describes the design and development of a new parabolic equation (PE) based propagation model for analysis of GPS multipath propagation behaviour. The propagation model improves on previous PE-based models by incorporating terrain features, including boundary impedance properties, backscatter and time-domain decomposition of the field into a multipath impulse response. The results provide visualisation as well as the defining parameters necessary to fully describe the multipath propagation behaviour. These resultant parameters provide the input for a correlation and discrimination model for visualisation and the generation of resultant receiver error measurements. Results for a variety of propagation environments are presented and the technique is shown to provide a deterministic methodology against real GPS data. The unique and novel combined modelling of multipath propagation and reception, presented in this dissertation, provides an effective set of tools that have enhanced the understanding of the behaviour and effect of multipath in GPS applications, and ultimately should aid in providing a solution to the GPS multipath mitigation problem.
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Low-Power Low-Jitter Clock Generation and DistributionMesgarzadeh, Behzad January 2008 (has links)
Today’s microprocessors with millions of transistors perform high-complexitycomputing at multi-gigahertz clock frequencies. Clock generation and clockdistribution are crucial tasks which determine the overall performance of amicroprocessor. The ever-increasing power density and speed call for newmethodologies in clocking circuitry, as the conventional techniques exhibit manydrawbacks in the advanced VLSI chips. A significant percentage of the total dynamicpower consumption in a microprocessor is dissipated in the clock distributionnetwork. Also since the chip dimensions increase, clock jitter and skew managementbecome very challenging in the framework of conventional methodologies. In such asituation, new alternative techniques to overcome these limitations are demanded. The main focus in this thesis is on new circuit techniques, which treat thedrawbacks of the conventional clocking methodologies. The presented research in thisthesis can be divided into two main parts. In the first part, challenges in design ofclock generators have been investigated. Research on oscillators as central elements inclock generation is the starting point to enter into this part. A thorough analysis andmodeling of the injection-locking phenomenon for on-chip applications show greatpotential of this phenomenon in noise reduction and jitter suppression. In thepresented analysis, phase noise of an injection-locked oscillator has been formulated.The first part also includes a discussion on DLL-based clock generators. DLLs haverecently become popular in design of clock generators due to ensured stability,superior jitter performance, multiphase clock generation capability and simple designprocedure. In the presented discussion, an open-loop DLL structure has beenproposed to overcome the limitations introduced by DLL dithering around the averagelock point. Experimental results reveals that significant jitter reduction can beachieved by eliminating the DLL dithering. Furthermore, the proposed structuredissipates less power compared to the traditional DLL-based clock generators.Measurement results on two different clock generators implemented in 90-nm CMOSshow more than 10% power savings at frequencies up to 2.5 GHz. In the second part of this thesis, resonant clock distribution networks have beendiscussed as low-power alternatives for the conventional clocking schemes. In amicroprocessor, as clock frequency increases, clock power is going to be thedominant contributor to the total power dissipation. Since the power-hungry bufferstages are the main source of the clock power dissipation in the conventional clock distribution networks, it has been shown that the bufferless solution is the mosteffective resonant clocking method. Although resonant clock distribution shows greatpotential in significant clock power savings, several challenging issues have to besolved in order to make such a clocking strategy a sufficiently feasible alternative tothe power-hungry, but well-understood, conventional clocking schemes. In this part,some of these issues such as jitter characteristics and impact of tank quality factor onoverall performance have been discussed. In addition, the effectiveness of theinjection-locking phenomenon in jitter suppression has been utilized to solve the jitterpeaking problem. The presented discussion in this part is supported by experimentalresults on a test chip implemented in 130-nm CMOS at clock frequencies up to 1.8GHz. / Mikroprocessorer till dagens datorer innehåller hundratals miljoner transistorersom utför åtskilliga miljarder komplexa databeräkningar per sekund. I stort settalla operationer i dagens mikroprocessorer ordnas genom att synkronisera demmed en eller flera klocksignaler. Dessa signaler behöver ofta distribueras överhela chippet och driva alla synkroniseringskretsar med klockfrekvenser pååtskilliga miljarder svängningar per sekund. Detta utgör en stor utmaning förkretsdesigners på grund av att klocksignalerna behöver ha en extremt högtidsnoggranhet, vilket blir svårare och svårare att uppnå då chippen blir större.Idealt ska samma klocksignal nå alla synkroniseringskretsar exakt samtidigt föratt uppnå optimal prestanda, avvikelser ifrån denna ideala funktionalitet innebärlägre prestanda. Ytterliggare utmaningar inom klockning av digitala chip, är atten betydande andel av processorns totala effekt förbrukas i klockdistributionen.Därför krävs nya innovativa kretslösningar för att lösa problemen med bådeonoggrannheten och den växande effektförbrukningen i klockdistributionen. att lösa de problem som finns i dagens konventionella kretslösningar förklocksignaler på chip. I den första delen av denna avhandling presenterasforskningsresultat på oscillatorer vilka utgör mycket viktiga komponenter igeneringen av klocksignalerna på chippen. Teoretiska studier avfaslåsningsfenomen i integrerade klockoscillatorer har presenterats. Studiernahar visat att det finns stor potential för reducering av tidsonoggrannhet iklocksignalerna med hjälp av faslåsning till en annan signal. I avhandlingensförsta del presenteras även en diskussion om klockgeneratorer baserade påfördröjningslåsta element. Dessa fördröjningslåsta elementen, kända som DLLkretsar, har egenskapen att de kan fördröja en klocksignal med en bestämdfördröjning, vilket möjliggör skapandet av multipla klockfaser. En nykretsteknik har introducerats för klockgenerering av multipla klockfaser vilken reducerar effektförbrukningen och onoggranheten i DLL-baseradeklockgeneratorer. I denna teknik används en övervakningskrets vilken ser till attalla delar i klockgeneratorn utnyttjas effektivt och att oanvända kretsarinaktiveras. Baserat på experimentalla mätresultat från tillverkade testkretsar ikisel har en effektbesparing på mer än 10% uppvisats vid klockfrekvenser påupp till 2.5 GHz tillsammans med en betydande ökning av klocknoggranheten. I avhandlingens andra del diskuteras en klockdistributionsteknik som baseraspå resonans, vilken har visat sig vara ett lovande alternativ till konventionllabufferdrivna klockningstekniker när det gäller minskande effektförbrukning.Principen bakom tekniken är att återanvända den energi som utnyttjas till attladda upp klocklasten. Teoretiska resonemang har visat att storaenergibesparingar är möjliga, och praktiska mätningar på tillverkadeexperimentchip har visat att effektförbrukingen kan mer än halveras. Ettproblem med den föreslagna klockningstekniken är att data som används iberäkningarna kretsen direkt påverkar klocklasten, vilket även påverkarnoggranheten på klocksignalen. För att komma till rätta med detta problemetpresenteras en teknik, baserad på forskning inom ovan nämndafaslåsningsfenomen, som kan minska onoggrannheten på klocksignalen medöver 50%. Både effektbesparingen och förbättringen av tidsnoggranheten harverifierats med hjälp av mätningar på tillverkade chip vid frekvenser upp mot1.8 GHz.
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Structure Analysis Of Plant Lectin DomainsShetty, Kartika N 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Lectins are multivalent carbohydrate binding proteins that specifically recognise diverse sugar structures and mediate a variety of biological processes, such as cell-cell and host-pathogen interactions, serum glycoprotein turnover and innate immune responses. Lectins have received considerable attention in recent years on account of their properties leading to wide use in research and biomedical applications. Seeds of leguminous plants are mainly rich sources of lectins, but lectins are also found in all classes and families of organisms. Legume lectins have similar tertiary structures, but exhibit a large variety of quaternary structures. The carbohydrate binding site in them is made up of four loops, the first three of which are highly conserved in all legume lectins. The fourth loop, which is variable, is implicated in conferring specificity. Legume lectins which share the same monosaccharide specificity often exhibit markedly different oligosaccharide specificities. This thesis primarily concerns with structure solution and analysis of lectins from the legume and β-prism II fold families using X-ray crystallography. Apart from having the property of specifically and reversibly binding to carbohydrates, lectins are also interesting models to study sequence-structure relationships, especially of how minor change in the sequence may bring about major changes in oligomerization and binding.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of different structural types of plant lectins and describes in detail, their carbohydrate binding features. The details of the various experimental procedures employed during the course of this research, are explained in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 describes the crystal structure of a β-prism II fold lectin (RVL), from Remusatia vivipara, an epiphytic plant of traditional medicinal value, and analysis of its binding properties. This lectin was established to have distinct binding properties and has nematicidal activity against a root-knot nematode with the localization site identified as the high-mannose displaying gut-lining in the nematode. The crystal structure of RVL revealed a new quaternary association of this homodimeric lectin, different from those of reported β-prism II lectins. Functional studies on RVL showed that it fails to bind to simple mannose moieties yet showed agglutination with rabbit blood cells (which have mannose moieties on the surface) and some high mannose containing glycoproteins like mucin and asialofetuin. Further, ELISA and glycan array experiments indicated that RVL has high affinity to N-glycans like trimannose pentasaccharide such as in gp120, a capsid glycoprotein of HIV virus, necessary in virus-association with the host cell. The structural basis for this N-glycan binding was revealed through structure analysis and molecular modelling, and it was demonstrated that there are two distinct binding sites per monomer, making RVL a truly multivalent lectin. Evolutionary phylogeny revealed the divergence in the β-prism II fold proteins with regards to the number of sugar-binding regions per domain, oligomerization and specificity.
Chapter 4 deals with the structural studies on a galactose-specific legume lectin (DLL-II) from Dolichos lablab, a leguminous plant. The lectin was found to be a planar tetramer in the crystal structures of the native and ligand bound forms, as expected from our solution studies and phylogenetic analysis. The protein is a heterotetramer with subunits differing only in the presence or absence of a C-terminal helical region at the core of the tetramer. Due to the static disorder in all the crystals, the central helix could be oriented in either direction. Structure analysis of DLL-II proved to be an interesting endeavour as static disorder compounded with twinning in the crystal made the data processing and structure solution a challenging process. Subsequent structure and sequence alignments led to the identification of an adenine-binding pocket in the hydrophobic core of the tetramer. Based on this, DLL-II lectin was co-crystallized with adenine and the structure revealed the presence of adenine at the predicted binding site.
Chapter 5 describes the identification and analysis of potential plant lectins/lectin-like domains in the genome of Oryza sativa, using bioinformatics approaches. This project was initiated to study the occurrence of legume-lectin like domains (a predominant dicot feature) in O. sativa, which is a monocot. Later, a large scale genome analysis for all types of lectin domains was carried out through exhaustive PSI-BLAST, profile matching by HMMer, CDD and MulPSSM. The final validation was carried out by assessing the carbohydrate binding potential of the domain by examining the sugar binding sites. The primary interest in undertaking this work was to find the occurrence of association of these domains with other domains as in protein receptor kinases, where lectin is the receptor domain. Though primarily initiated as a bioinformatics project, further structural characterization was attempted by cloning, expression and purification of some of the annotated lectin proteins using prokaryotic expression systems. The protein expression was attained in reasonable amounts for a few of the annotated legume lectin homologs, however purification is yet to be achieved as the expressed proteins are insoluble.
A part of the results described in this thesis and the other related projects that the author was involved are reported in the following publications.
1) Purification, characterization and molecular cloning of a monocot mannose-binding lectin from Remusatia vivipara with nematicidal activity Bhat GG, Shetty KN, Nagre NN, Neekhra VV, Lingaraju S, Bhat RS, Inamdar SR, Suguna K, Swamy BM. 2010. Glycoconjugate J. 27(3):309-320
2) Modification of the sugar specificity of a plant lectin: structural studies on a point mutant of Erythrina corallodendron lectin Thamotharan S, Karthikeyan T, Kulkarni KA, Shetty KN, Surolia A, Vijayan M & Suguna K. 2011. Acta Crystallographica D 67(3):218-227
3) Crystal structure of a β-prism II lectin from Remusatia vivipara Shetty KN, Bhat GG, Inamdar SR, Swamy BM, Suguna K. 2012. Glycobiology 22(1): 56-69.
4) Structure of a galactose binding lectin from Dolichos lablab
Shetty KN, Lavanyalatha V, Rao RN, SivaKumar N & Suguna K (Under review)
5) Occurrence of lectin-like domains: Oryza sativa genome analysis. Shetty KN & Suguna K. (Manuscript in preparation)
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Designing a STEM Professional Development Program for Preschool Teachers, with Supports for DLLsEl-Moslimany, Hebbah, Lange, Alissa A., Brenneman, Kimberly 27 April 2017 (has links)
SciMath-DLL is a preschool professional development (PD) model including STEM instructional offerings that aims to improve the quality of instruction for all children, including dual language learners (DLLs). The purpose of the PD model is to create practical and authentic STEM and DLL supports for early childhood educators, who are generally not well prepared to support STEM learning or to teach DLLs. The present study examines the iterative development process of our professional development model, in particular, what we learned during implementation, and changes we made to address what we learned across our studies.
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Digitální vstupně/výstupní karta s USB konektivitou / Digital I/O card with USB communicationKořínek, Milan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of digital I/O card with USB connectivity for Honeywell spol. s r.o. – HTS CZ o.z. company. The main objective is the delay elimination between reading the current state of the inputs and outputs setting which occurs on the actual used commercial card. Further initial analysis outlines possible solutions at the beginning of the work. One of chapters describes USB communication interface, including its com- munications protocol and USB driver implementation on the operating system Microsoft Windows. The digital card has four I/O ports consisting of eight lines. All ports have built-in protection against overcurrent and ESD protection. Digital isolator is used for USB. Power is supplied via USB, but it is optionally possible to connect an external power source. The last part of the thesis is focused on the card driver design.
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Entwicklung von dynamischen Bibliotheken (DLL) für Mathcad : Effizienzsteigerung, Quellcodeschutz, CodeportierungMeißner, Christian 12 May 2009 (has links)
Ein Vorteil von Mathcad<sup>®</sup> ist das übersichtliche Arbeitsblatt. Mathematische Gleichungen werden nicht als verwirrende Kette von Buchstaben und Zahlen dargestellt, sondern in eindeutiger mathematischer Notation. Die Gleichungen werden standardmäßig nach der Eingabe auf Plausibilität geprüft. Viele Funktionen - auch komplexe Lösungsalgorithmen - werden bereits mitgeliefert. Weiterhin können formatierte Textfelder für eine gute Dokumentation genutzt werden, z.B. für Berechnungsnachweise. Daher kann das Arbeitsblatt in sehr kurzer Zeit entwickelt werden und ist für neue Anwender leicht nachzuvollziehen.
Jedoch wird jeder Vorteil durch einen Nachteil erkauft. So liegen eine geringere Rechengeschwindigkeit, eingeschränkter Codeschutz und nur wenige Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikation mit anderen Programmen vor. Diese Nachteile können durch dynamische Bibliotheken verringert werden.
Dieser Artikel stellt die Vorteile der DLL-Programmierung für Mathcad<sup>®</sup> dar und zeigt einige Beispiele zur Erhöhung der Rechengeschwindigkeit, zum Quellcodeschutz und zur Codeportierung. / One advantage of Mathcad<sup>®</sup> is the well arranged worksheet. Mathematic equations are not displayed in confusing chains of characters but in clear mathematical notation. The equations normaly are checked of plausibility including units after writing. Many functions - even complex solving algorithms - are already defined. Furthermore formatted comments lead to a good documentation, e.g. for calculation reports. Hence the calculation sheets are developed in a very short time and they are easy to comprehend for new users.
However every advantage is bought by a disadvantage. Therefore there is a less calculation speed, limited possibilities for code protection and only few possibilities of communication with other programs. These disadvantages can be removed by using dynamic link libraries (DLL's).
This article gives an introduction of programming DLL's in Mathcad<sup>®</sup> and shows some examples to increase calculation efficiency, code protection and code transfer.
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Die Funktion von Bx42/Skip im TGF-beta/Dpp Signal TransduktionswegHachoumi, Mounia el 02 July 2007 (has links)
Die Notwendigkeit von Bx42 für Drosophila Entwicklung und seine Beteiligung an unterschiedlichen zellulären Prozessen wurde mit Hilfe von RNA Interference (RNAi) demonstriert. Das ubiquitäre Ausschalten oder die Reduktion der Bx42 Expression mittels RNAi führte dabei zu embryonaler Letalität. Weiterhin führte eine gewebespezifische Induktion von Bx42 in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Treiberlinien bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen zu mehreren verschiedenen adulten Phänotypen. Diese Phänotypen waren die Grundlage für die Annahme, dass Bx42 eine Rolle in der Regulation mehrerer verschiedener Zellsignalwege spielt. In der Tat interagiert Bx42 mit den Proteinen des Notch-Signalweges Suppressor of hairless [Su(H)] und Notch intracellular domain (N-IC). Zusätzlich werden bei einer Verminderung von Bx42 die Notch Zielgene cut (ct) und enhancer of split m8 [e(Spl)m8] reprimiert (Negeri et al., 2002). In dieser Arbeit wurde die Beteiligung von Bx42 am TGF-ß/Dpp Signalweg untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Bx42 mit den TGF-ß/Dpp-Signalweg Proteinen Mad und Medea sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo interagiert. Die dabei verwendeten Methoden waren das Hefe-Zwei Hybrid-Sytem und Ni-NTA-Pulldown-Assays. Domänen der Smad Proteine (Mad und Medea), die für die Interaktion mit Bx42 notwendig sind, wurden mit Hilfe von Deletionskonstrukten untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die stark konservierte MH2-Domäne dieser Proteine für die Interaktion notwendig ist. Zudem belegten Versuche die genetische Interaktion zwischen Bx42 und Medea, in denen ein Bx42-RNAi-Phänotyp durch die gleichzeitige Überexpression von Medea gerettet werden konnte. Es ist bekannt, dass das humane Bx42-Homolog Skip sowohl mit den Proteinen Smad2 und 3 des TGF-ß/Activin Signalweg, als auch mit den Onkogenen Sno und Ski interagiert. Skip wirkt hier als Antagonist der Ski/Sno-Wirkung auf den TGF-ß/Activin-Signalweg und fungiert als Koaktivator (Leong et al., 2001). Die Interaktion zwischen Bx42 und der TGF-ß/Activin-Signalweg Komponente dSmad2, sowie mit dem Onkogen dSno konnte in dieser Arbeit auch für Drosophila bewiesen werden. Die Bedeutung dieser Wechselwirkung muss noch in weiteren Arbeiten analysiert werden. Der Einfluss der Bx42-RNAi-Induktion auf die TGF-ß/Dpp Zielgene distal-less (dll), optomotor blind (omb) und spalt (sal) wurde anhand von Reportergen Untersuchungen mit enhancer-trap-Linien und RNA in situ Hybridisierung untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Ausschalten von Bx42 die Expression dieser Gene in ähnlicher Weise reprimiert, wie eine Elimination des TGF-ß/Dpp-Signals. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Annahme, dass Bx42 in der Lage ist, TGF-ß/Dpp Zielgene durch eine Wechselwirkung mit Mad und Medea zu aktivieren. / The importance of Bx42 in Drosophila development was demonstrated using Bx42-RNA interference. The ubiquitous downregulation of Bx42 generated embryonic lethality, indicating the importance of this protein in early development. The tissue specific induction of Bx42-RNAi resulted in several different phenotypes depending on the driver line and the temperature at which animals were raised. The phenotypes obtained were the key point for the assumption that Bx42 may play a role in the regulation of a number of different cellular signalling pathways. Indeed, within the Notch signalling pathway Bx42 interacts genetically with Suppressor of hairless [Su(H)] and Notch intracellular domain (N-IC). Additionally, the reduction of Bx42 negatively affected the expression of the Notch target Genes cut (ct) and enhancer of split m8 [e(Spl)m8] (Negeri et al., 2002). In this work, the involvement of Bx42 in the Dpp signalling pathway was investigated. It was shown that Bx42 interacts both in vitro and in vivo, as demonstrated by yeast two hybrid protein-protein studies and Ni-NTA pull-down assays, with the TGF-ß/ Dpp components Mad and Medea. Domains of Smads (Mad and Medea) required for Bx42 interaction were examined using deletion constructs of Smads and the importance of the well conserved MH2 domains of Mad and Medea for this interaction was revealed. Moreover, the rescue of the Bx42-RNAi phenotype by the simultaneous overexpression of Medea demonstrated the genetic interaction between Bx42 and Medea. Furthermore, evidences for the interaction of Bx42 with the TGF-ß/Activin pathway component dSmad2 and with the oncogene protein dSno were obtained from interaction assays. The human homologue of Bx42, Skip, also interacts with Smad2/3 or Sno. The meaning of this interaction in Drosophila has yet to be analysed. The influence of Bx42-RNAi induction on the expression of Dpp target genes distal less (dll), optomotor blind (omb) and spalt (sal) was also investigated using enhancer trap lines and RNA in situ hybridisation. In this way it was proven that these genes are suppressed as they are by elimination of Dpp signalling. These results suggest that Bx42 may be able to modulate positively TGF-ß/Dpp signalling through an interaction with the signalling transducer Mad and Medea.
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