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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza řízení pohledávek Rostex Vyškov, s.r.o. / Analysis of Receivables Management of Rostex Vyškov, Ltd

Hrdinová, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled "Analysis of receivables management in Rostex Vyškov, s. r. o." deals with claims from legal, accounting and tax point of view in its theoretical part. It describes the receivables management process, the risk influence and the importance of preventive measures against the problem claims occurrence. It also deals with debt collection and analyzes the impact of late payments and bad debts on the economic activities. Conclusion of the theoretical part is focused on out-of-court and judicial methods of debt collection. The practical part analyzes the receivables management in Rostex Vyškov, s. r. o. After a brief financial assessment of the company, it focuses primarily on claims records, supplier selection and control. Accounts receivables turnover time and payback period in the Czech Republic and Europe are confronted too. Finally, possible main reasons for the occurrence of outstanding claims are discussed together with the most common tools of credit management in the Czech Republic, in comparison with Europe again.

Adaptace nového zaměstnance / Onboarding process for new employees

Benešová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the topic of new employee orientation and onboarding process. The emphasis is placed on explanation of how the onboarding process and other human resource management activities affect the overall economic performance of a company and achieving its goals. Recent surveys and aspects of the current labor market are taken into account in order to highlight the increasing importance of effectively onboarding new employees. The practical part analyzes the onboarding process in a chosen international company. Based on the outcomes of the research a new proposal to optimize the existing process is introduced.

Analýza dopadu zavedení regulačního poplatku na délku pobytu v nemocnici / The analysis of influence of reimbursement regulatory fee in regional hospitals on the length of stay.

Junga, Přemysl January 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses the influence of reimbursement regulatory fee for hospitalization which was introduced in regional hospitals in 2009 in Czech Republic. The difference in difference analysis was used to research the possible relationship between reimbursement of the fee and length of hospitalization in acute care hospitals and in after-care facilities. In acute care the influence was 0,5-1 % of the length and in after-care facilities between 8-12 %. This relationship may be biased because of introduction of DRG system which may decrease the length of stay and may be differently distributed between treatment and control group.

Cost index dopravních letadel / Airlinerʼs cost index

Ján, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on cost index. Cost index is one of the method, which is used for cost optimalization in airline operation. Cost index compare time-related costs during flight and cost of fuel. Value of cost index influences cruise speed and fuel consumption, the higher cost index, the higher speed. Costs classification into fixed, variable and time-related costs is very important for cost index calculation. Goal of thesis is decribe importance of using cost index and advantages resulting from correct cost index application in airline operations. Practical part is focued on fuel consumption of Boeing 737 on specific routes and its evaluation. The goal is to compare calculated and real fuel consumption and find, if an airline is able to achieve calculated consumption in real operation.

Zdroje financování a hodnocení dopadů zateplení budov školských zařízení / The sources of financing and evaluation the insulation of school facilities

Fidler, Josef January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of the consequences of building insulation educational facilities. The aim is to determine whether the construction insulation manifest themselves in the cost management of school facilities as well as in the cost management of the town district, which is their legal founded. Source data of the thesis are energy audits, documents containing data on actual heat consumption, publicly available data on the financial statements of educational facilities and district budgets. The final results confirmed that the insulation brought a positive impact on both the cost management of the surveyed kindergartens and the cost management of the district. So, the investment into insulation was spent effectively. This is also evidenced by the results of the payback period and net present value.

Figura Tersita kao dekonstrukcija herojske paradigme od klasične književnosti do književnosti renesanse

Javor Igor 20 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji se izlaţu, analiziraju i porede obrade figure homerskog Tersita na dijahronijskoj ravni, od početaka antičke knjiţevnosti do kraja epohe humanizma i renesanse. Interpretacija knjiţevne graĎe sprovedena je iz perspektive razvojnih proces&acirc; dekonstrukcije herojske paradigme u evropskoj istoriji ideja, otelovljenih u načinima na koji Tersitov lik artikuli&scaron;e svoju kritiku izneverenih i prevaziĎenih herojskih vrednosti. Polazeći od epizode sa Tersitom u drugom pevanju Ilijade (B, 211-277), u radu se prate transformacije lika kroz antičku knjiţevnost u okvirima predanja o Trojanskom ratu, od najstarije graĎe za kikličke epove, preko klasične mitografske literature do njegovih manifestacija u grčkoj i latinskoj knjiţevnosti rimskog perioda. U odnosu na &scaron;iri formalno-tematski i poetički plan literature zasnovane na materijalu trojanskog predanja, Tersit se pojavljuje u problematičnoj opreci homerskih i nehomerskih obrada po pitanju svog socijalnog, odnosno herojskog statusa pod Trojom te svoje socijalne funkcije. U disertaciji se razvija niz hipoteza kojima se poku&scaron;ava objasniti na koje je načine Tersitov ambivalentni poloţaj iz perspektive socijalnih ustrojstava i herojskih vrednosti &bdquo;homerskog dru&scaron;tva&ldquo; odraţavao krucijalne promene u istoriji antičke civilizacije, obeleţene usponom polisa i raĎanjem demokratskih ideja. Sa aspekta svoje uloge u dru&scaron;tvu, Tersitova figura se sagledava kroz antropolo&scaron;ko tumačenje rituala progona ili ţrtvovanja pharmakos-a, te se ukazuje na načine kojima se elementi ovoga rituala prenose u knjiţevnost, pretvarajući Tersita u objekat poruge i komičnog izazivača smeha. U ovako odreĎenoj poetičkoj funkciji Tersit se tumači kao jedan od najranijih predstavnika &bdquo;pesni&scaron;tva pokude&ldquo; (Nagy 1979) i kao takav dobija izuzetno vaţnu ulogu u evoluciji razumevanja heroja i herojskog već u najstarijoj evropskoj knjiţevnosti. U osnovi ideje o dekonstrukciji herojske paradigme stoji stav da se u većini drevnih knjiţevnih tradicija herojska paradigma pojavljuje kao socijalni, kulturni, politički i ideolo&scaron;ki konstrukt, uobličen prema prevladavajućim normama odreĎenog doba i sredine, pa stoga i podloţan kritici i preobraţaju u prelomnim duhovnoistorijskim situacijama. Razvoj Tersitove figure kao odraza ovih preobraţaja u istoriji evropske knjiţevnosti ispraćen je kroz svoje potonje manifestacije u helenističkoj i rimskoj knjiţevnosti, gde se već uočava postepeno paradigmatsko pomeranje sa klasične koncepcije heroja tradicije na modernu koncepciju heroja istorije. Ovo pomeranje je odraţeno u helenističkim preispitivanjima verodostojnosti epskog medijuma i postupcima demistifikacije klasičnog heroja u rimskim satiričnim ţanrovima. Posle pomeranja Tersitove uloge u ovim procesima u drugi plan tokom epohe srednjovekovlja, Tersit se ponovo vraća u njihov fokus sa pojavom humanizma i renesanse. Zahvaljujući rehabilitaciji većine svojih klasičnih aspekata Tersit će se u poznorenesansnoj knjiţevnosti ostvariti kao nosilac dekonstrukcije herojske paradigme u punom potencijalu svog odreĎenja kao pesnika pokude, satiričara i lude, u obradama engleskih dramatičara N. Udala, V. &Scaron;ekspira i T. Hejvuda, ukazujući na dalja bitna pomeranja u razumevanju tradicionalnog heroja na pragu modernog doba. Prateći istorijske modalitete figure od antike do renesanse, u ovom radu se poku&scaron;ava ukazati na to da se kroz preobraţaje Tersita, kao veoma vaţnog predstavnika jedne preispitivačke struje u evropskoj knjiţevnosti, mogu u znatnoj meri shvatiti razvojni procesi koji su uticali na prevazilaţenje tradicionalne ideje o heroju i otvorili put njegovim modernim poimanjima.</p>

Analýza reakční doby řidiče při ovlivnění vybranými rušivými podněty / Analysis of the Reaction Time of a Driver Influenced by Selected Distracting Stimuli

Černohorská, Magda January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analyses of food consumption influence on driver´s perception reaction time. It describes the food and drink consumption while driving, factors influencing driver´s performance, activities disturbing the driver, foreign researches and studies aimed at distracting stimuli. Practical part of the thesis is focused on driving tests of chosen driver of certain age group in current traffic, interpretation and evaluation of reaction times while driving with no distracting stimuli comparing to driving influenced by food consumption. All the data are concluded in the summary where it´s confirmed that reaction times are significantly prolonged when drivers have a snack while driving a vehicle.

Reakční doba osob ovlivněných alkoholem / Reaction time of Persons Influenced by Alcohol

Ohera, Adam January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the issue of reaction time of those people who are affected by alcohol. The thesis is divided into two main parts, the first part is focused on the research of the present state and it submits the theoretical background related to the topic of this thesis. The second part describes both the experiments related to the reaction time of the people affected by alcohol and the evaluation of the results of such measurements.

Terapeutická hra pro měření reakční doby s využitím platformy BITalino / Therapeutic game for reaction time measurement using the BITalino platform

Veselá, Cindy January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis focuses on real-time detection of activity in electromyographic signal for reaction time measurement. For patients motivation there was designed and implemented therapeutic car game controlled throught the muscle activity. In this thesis were used three different algorithms for muscles activity detection in EMG signal. The best accuracy of this three methods has designed artificial network with U-Net hierarchy, which is used to segment samples into two categories - samples of signal with activity and samples representing calm. Accuracy of this method is 97 %. Later there were examined differences between groups of probands, different stimulus and the changes of reaction time over time.

Investice do bytových jednotek ve vybraných městech České republiky / Investment in Apartments in Selected Cities in the Czech Republic

Sibor, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Thesis on residential investments into flats in selected towns and cities in the Czech Republic. This thesis provides a critical investment analysis and is a response to the systemic increases in property prices observed in recent years. These increases have fundamentally altered the profitability of rented flats across individual Czech cities and towns. Given that acquired flats are failing to meet profitability expectations, it is now vital to investigate how investment returns differ in selected Czech cities and towns. Based on the results of this thesis, investors may need to revise the location of their residential assets in order to maximise investment returns. The objective of this thesis is to make relevant calculations in order to determine the current return on residential investment into flats in selected Czech cities and towns. The secondary objective is to describe the matters associated with residential investments into flats. The analysis of profitability and term of return is derived from a database, which has been adjusted and evaluated according to appropriate statistical methods.

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