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Study of Central Configurations and Relative Equilibria in the Problem of Four BodiesZhang, Wei January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza metodických postupů při výuce lyžování / Analysis of skiing teaching methodsHrůšová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Title: Analysis of methods used during the downhill skiing training Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to determine, if by using dividing alphabet at the beginning of downhill skiing lesson in young school age children will more children be able to ski by using parallel method than by using plough method. Methods: The main research method was the selective structure observing during the practical lesson of downhill skiing in young school age children. The succes of managing basic dexterity elements of downhill skiing by using parallel method or plough method was determined. These informations were completed by own opinion, literature, personal experiences with downhill skiing racing and downhill skiing training. The method of the research was direct observation of skiing skills in young school age children at Ski school in Kubova Huť. Results: The hypothesis was confirmed. The method of education with elements of parallel position of ski, including used dividing skiing alphabet at the beginning, is highly effective. Keywords: children, downhill skiing, ski, young school age, skiing style, parallel position, plough position, downhill skiing school, dividing skiing alphabet.
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Downhill folders in slow motion:Mukhortava, Ann 23 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Proteinfaltung ist ein Prozess der molekularen Selbstorganisation, bei dem sich eine lineare Kette von Aminosäuren zu einer definierten, funktionellen dreidimensionalen Struktur zusammensetzt. Der Prozess der Faltung ist ein thermisch getriebener diffusiver Prozess durch eine Gibbs-Energie-Landschaft im Konformationsraum für die Struktur der minimalen Energie. Während dieses Prozesses zeigt die freie Enthalpie des Systems nicht immer eine monotone Abnahme; stattdessen führt eine suboptimale Kompensation der Enthalpie- und der Entropieänderung während jedes Faltungsschrittes zur Bildung von Freien-Enthalpie-Faltungsbarrieren. Diese Barrieren und damit verbundenen hochenergetischen Übergangszustände, die wichtige Informationen über Mechanismen der Proteinfaltung enthalten, sind jedoch kinetisch unzugänglich. Um den Prozess der Barrierebildung und die strukturellen Merkmale von Übergangszuständen aufzudecken, werden Proteine genutzt, die über barrierefreie Pfade falten – so genannte “downhill folder“. Aufgrund der geringen Faltungsbarrieren werden wichtige Interaktionen der Faltung zugänglich und erlauben Einblicke in die ratenbegrenzenden Faltungsvorgänge.
In dieser Arbeit vergleichen wir die Faltungsdynamiken von drei verschiedenen Varianten eines Lambda-Repressor-Fragments, bestehend aus den Aminosäuren 6 bis 85: ein Zwei-Zustands-Falter λWT (Y22W) und zwei downhill-folder-artige Varianten, λYA (Y22W/Q33Y/ G46,48A) und λHA (Y22W/Q33H/G46,48A). Um auf die Kinetik und die strukturelle Dynamik zu greifen zu können, werden Einzelmolekülkraftspektroskopische Experimente mit optische Pinzetten mit Submillisekunden- und Nanometer-Auflösung verwendet. Ich fand, dass die niedrige denaturierende Kraft die Mikrosekunden Faltungskinetik von downhill foldern auf eine Millisekunden-Zeitskala verlangsamt, sodass das System für Einzelmolekülstudien gut zugänglich ist.
Interessanterweise zeigten sich unter Krafteinwirkung die downhill-folder-artigen Varianten des Lambda-Repressors als kooperative Zwei-Zustands-Falter mit deutlich unterschiedlicher Faltungskinetik und Kraftabhängigkeit. Drei Varianten des Proteins zeigten ein hoch konformes Verhalten unter Last. Die modellfreie Rekonstruktion von Freien-Enthalpie-Landschaften ermöglichte es uns, die feinen Details der Transformation des Zwei-Zustands-Faltungspfad direkt in einen downhill-artigen Pfad aufzulösen. Die Auswirkungen von einzelnen Mutationen auf die Proteinstabilität, Bildung der Übergangszustände und die konformationelle Heterogenität der Faltungs- und Entfaltungszustände konnten beobachtet werden.
Interessanterweise zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass sich die untersuchten Varianten trotz der ultraschnellen Faltungszeit im Bereich von 2 μs in einem kooperativen Prozess über verbleibende Energiebarrieren falten und entfalten, was darauf hindeutet, dass wesentlich schnellere Faltungsraten notwendig sind um ein downhill Limit vollständig zu erreichen. / Protein folding is a process of molecular self-assembly in which a linear chain of amino acids assembles into a defined, functional three-dimensional structure. The process of folding is a thermally driven diffusive search on a free-energy landscape in the conformational space for the minimal-energy structure. During that process, the free energy of the system does not always show a monotonic decrease; instead, sub-optimal compensation of enthalpy and entropy change during each folding step leads to formation of folding free-energy barriers. However, these barriers, and associated high-energy transition states, that contain key information about mechanisms of protein folding, are kinetically inaccessible. To reveal the barrier-formation process and structural characteristics of transition states, proteins are employed that fold via barrierless paths – so-called downhill folders. Due to the low folding barriers, the key folding interactions become accessible, yielding insights about the rate-limiting folding events.
Here, I compared the folding dynamics of three different variants of a lambda repressor fragment, containing amino acids 6 to 85: a two-state folder λWT (Y22W) and two downhill-like folding variants, λYA (Y22W/Q33Y/G46,48A) and λHA (Y22W/Q33H/G46,48A). To access the kinetics and structural dynamics, single-molecule optical tweezers with submillisecond and nanometer resolution are used. I found that force perturbation slowed down the microsecond kinetics of downhill folders to a millisecond time-scale, making it accessible to single-molecule studies.
Interestingly, under load, the downhill-like variants of lambda repressor appeared as cooperative two-state folders with significantly different folding kinetics and force dependence. The three protein variants displayed a highly compliant behaviour under load. Model-free reconstruction of free-energy landscapes allowed us to directly resolve the fine details of the transformation of the two-state folding path into a downhill-like path. The effect of single mutations on protein stability, transition state formation and conformational heterogeneity of folding and unfolding states was observed.
Noteworthy, our results demonstrate, that despite the ultrafast folding time in a range of 2 µs, the studied variants fold and unfold in a cooperative process via residual barriers, suggesting that much faster folding rate constants are required to reach the full-downhill limit.
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Kondiční příprava elitních lyžařů sjezdařů v České republice a v alpských zemích / Conditinal preparation of elite alpine skiers in Czech republic and alp leading countriesGecelovský, Igor January 2015 (has links)
Defining the problem: The aim of this study was to compare the two training systems between the Czech system and the system of the alpine leading countries, fitness training downhill skiers in the adult category. The study group was composed of the top skiers in the category of adult women aged 20-25 years. The result was a difference in the quantity of training units (Czech 287 h - 328 h ALC). Alpine leading countrie's system were leading in the number of hours the load by 12.5% higher than the Czech system, which will be reflected in the overall results of athletes. It was a different number of hours of development of endurance and strength assumptions in the preparation period, which could have repercussions on the overall results, power plants in season 2012/2013. Method: My task will be to compare the method of retrieval and quantification of the preparatory period downhill skiers from the Czech Republic and downhill skiers from the Alpine leading countries. Materials to compare the final work will be available from coaches of both systems of the European team and the World Cup team and the Czech section of the Alpine Skiing (UAD). Goals: The aim of this work is the processing of data on the practice of downhill skiers in the women's category. Quantitative and qualitative comparison of the...
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La place du coût énergétique dans les facteurs de performance en trail running / The place of energy cost among performance factors in trail runningBalducci, Pascal 20 March 2017 (has links)
Le trail running, course nature de distances, dénivelés et technicités variables, est une discipline récente à la popularité croissante. La performance en trail dépend de nombreux facteurs génétiques, énergétiques, techniques, stratégiques et motivationnels. Parmi ces facteurs, le coût énergétique de la locomotion fait débat. Les études de cette Thèse s'attachent aux corrélations plat/montée de cette variable, au calcul d'un coût en pente à partir d'un coût à plat, à l'influence de la modification forcée de la fréquence de foulée sur l'énergie consommée, et à l'impact de la fatigue générée par un ultra trail sur le coût à plat et en montée. La prise en compte des contraintes musculaires et biomécaniques en trail d'une part, des facteurs influençant l'économie de course d'autre part, ainsi que des résultats de notre principale étude de terrain, nous laissent émettre l'hypothèse que le coût énergétique et ses variations pre/post course à plat/montée, ne sont pas des indicateurs de performance de l'activité. La force, l'endurance de force et le pacing, en plus de la puissance aérobie et de l'endurance, sont les variables testées les mieux corrélées à la performance en ultra trail / Trail running is a discipline with increasing popularity over the last 2 decades. Trail performance depends on many genetic, energetic, technical, strategic and motivational factors. Among these factors, the energy cost of locomotion is debated. The studies in this Thesis focus on the level/graded correlations of this variable, on the calculation of an uphill cost from a level cost, on the influence of a forced modification of stride frequency on running economy, and on the impact of fatigue generated by an ultra trail on level and uphill costs. Taking account of the muscular and biomechanical constraints on the one hand, and the factors influencing the running economy on the other hand, as well as the results of our main field study, we hypothesize that energy cost and its pre/post fatigue variations, are not performance indicators of the activity. Force, endurance of force and pacing, in addition to aerobic power and endurance, are the tested variables best correlated to ultra trail performance
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Adaptation of downhill skiers to ski area closures in the Czech Republic during the COVID-19 pandemicVítová, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Tourism sector has been one of the most affected sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the sectors that comprises economies in many countries is ski sector. However, the winter season 2020/2021 was suspended in many ski destinations all over the world. The aim of this research is to investigate the adaptation of downhill skiers to ski area closures in the Czech Republic during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology draws upon an online discussion forum which provides good data for a content analysis, a method used for both quantitative and qualitative approaches. By utilizing both approaches a good comprehension of downhill skiers' adaptation to ski area closures in the Czech Republic during the COVID-19 pandemic is provided. Particularly, four key findings can be concluded based on this research. Firstly, both the quantitative and qualitative analyses have shown that information substitution was the most frequent one among all discussion forum users. Secondly, involuntary/forced substitution proved to be a significant form of behavioural adaptation and should be considered especially when assessing the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic or dealing with other threats and challenges such as natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks or another pandemic. Thirdly, the great number of non-substitutional responses mentioned in the discussions' posts was attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fourthly, female downhill skiers do not participate in online discussion forums as much as male downhill skiers. Potential reasons for this are also discussed.
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Progressive landslide analysis : Applications of a Finite Difference Method by Dr. Stig Bernander Case Study of the North Spur at Muskrat Falls, Labrador, CanadaDury, Robin January 2017 (has links)
An easy-to-use spreadsheet version of a finite difference method for progressive landslide analysis has been developed. The finite difference method was originally developed by Dr. Stig Bernander, earlier adjunct professor at Luleå University of Technology and head of the Design Department of Skanska AB in Gothenburg, Sweden.. The so called Muskrat Falls Project consists in the ongoing construction of a hydroelectric power plant in Churchill River Valley, Labrador, Canada. The site hosting the project includes a land ridge which is supposed to be used as a natural dam and thus be submitted to important water pressures. Yet, previous landslides in the area have shown that a stability analysis is worth to be carried out in order to ensure the safety of the facility. Until now, investigations have only been carried out using the traditional limit equilibrium method and related elastic-plastic theory. For the sake of simplicity, this approach does not take into account deformations outside and inside the sliding body. However, because of the soil features in Churchill River Valley and particularly its ‘deformation softening’ behavior, there is increasing evidence that the conventional analysis is not relevant in this situation. Further, when analyzing the total stability of the ridge, only a horizontal failure surface has been used and not an inclined one, which is very optimistic and rather unrealistic.. In order to provide a more reliable study, a progressive failure analysis has been performed according to the finite difference method of Dr. Stig Bernander. The development of a spreadsheet adapted to this particular problem has allowed getting quickly and easily numerical results for several cases of study and assumptions. For assumed material properties and geometries of failure, the critical load-carrying capacity is below 1000 kN/m whereas a rise of the water level with 21 m will give an increased load of Nq = 2420 kN/m. This is more than twice of the what the ridge may stand with the assumed properties. The investigation has led to the conclusion that the situation will be risky for many combinations of soil properties if the water level is raised as high as initially planned. The investigation also shows that more material tests are necessary and that stabilization work may be needed to eliminate the risk for a landslide.
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Podnikatelský záměr v oblasti cyklistiky pro všechny / Entrepreneurial intention in cycling for allMühlhans, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Picturing an interesting combination of extreme sport and spa services in purpose of supporting travel trade in Czech city of Marianske Lazne. Taking advantage of unique layout of Czech's youngest significant spa town and its easy accessibility of diverse services on a relatively small area. Researching problems of public goods and active participation in developing potencial of local ski resort.
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Optimisation de la performance en trail : étude des réponses cardiorespiratoires et des facteurs de la performance en course en montée vs descente / Optimizing trail running performance : cardiorespiratory responses and factors determining performance in downhill vs uphill runningLemire, Marcel 24 September 2019 (has links)
Il est bien établi chez les physiologistes, que si l’exercice de course en montée sollicite préférentiellement des contractions musculaires concentriques, l’exercice de course en descente requiert des actions musculaires frénatrices, majoritairement excentriques. L’exercice de course en descente à intensité sous-maximale génère un stimulus mécanique plus important pour un niveau de sollicitation métabolique moindre (i.e., V̇O2). Basée sur 3 études expérimentales, cette thèse de doctorat explore la physiologie spécifique de la course en déclivité, ainsi que ses prédicteurs physiologiques. Notre première étude montre une amplitude des réponses cardiorespiratoires amoindrie, une ventilation plus superficielle et une composante lente négative de consommation d’oxygène et de fréquence cardiaque en course en descente versus montée à vitesse constante et identique (8,5 km·h-1, pente de 15%). Lors de tests incrémentaux maximaux en course en descente vs montée vs plat, notre 2ème, partie A étude démontre que des coureurs bien entraînés, familiarisés avec la course en descente, peuvent atteindre FCmax, mais pas V̇O2max en descente. Lorsque les courses en descente et montée sont réalisées à même intensité métabolique (70% V̇O2max), notre 2ème (B) étude démontre que la course en descente (19 km·h-1, pente de -15%) induit des réponses cardiorespiratoires supérieures (FC et V̇E), une composante lente de V̇O2 significative et engendre une fatigue supérieure à la course en montée (6 km·h-1, pente de +15%). Enfin, une étude de terrain (étude 3) montre que les performances de 5 km de course en montée et en descente partagent quelques prédicteurs physiologiques communs (V̇O2max, force musculaire des membres inférieurs), bien que dans des proportions différentes. De plus, ces deux contre-la-montre sont également déterminés par des prédicteurs physiologiques spécifiques (i.e., raideur musculo-tendineuse en descente et indice de masse corporelle en montée). Nos résultats améliorent notre compréhension de la physiologie spécifique à la course en descente vs montée et ouvrent la voie des applications à l’entraînement des traileurs avec le but ultime d’optimiser leur performance. / It is admitted that uphill running mostly elicits concentric muscle actions whereas downhill running requires braking muscle actions inducing preferentially eccentric muscle action. Consequently, high running speed can be achieved in downhill (i.e., a high level of mechanical stress), despite low metabolic demands (i.e., low metabolic power). Using 3 experimental studies, this doctoral thesis explores the specific physiology of downhill vs uphill running as well as its physiological determinants. Our first study shows lower magnitude of the cardiorespiratory responses, a more superficial ventilation pattern and inverse V̇O2 and HR slow components in submaximal constant and same downhill vs uphill running velocity (8,5 km·h-1, 15% slope). During maximal incremental downhill vs uphill and level running, our study 2 part A demonstrates that well-trained endurance athletes, accustomed to downhill running, can reach maximal heart rate but not V̇O2max in downhill running. When downhill and uphill running are performed at similar metabolic demand (70% V̇O2max), our study 2 part B demonstrates that downhill running (19 km·h-1, -15% slope) elicits greater cardiorespiratory responses (HR and V̇E), a significant V̇O2 slow component and exacerbates muscle fatigue compared to uphill running (6 km·h-1, +15% slope). Finally, a field study (study 3) shows that 5-km downhill vs uphill running performances share some physiological predictors (V̇O2max, lower limb muscle strength) although in different proportions. In addition, this study also demonstrates that both time-trial performances are also determined by specific physiological predictors (i.e., musculotendinous stiffness for downhill and body mass index for uphill running). All in all, our results further our understanding of the specific physiology of downhill vs uphill running and open the way to training applications in trail runners with the ultimate goal to optimize trail running performance.
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Επεξεργασία οφθαλμολογικών εικόνων για μέτρηση διαμέτρων αγγείωνΒλαχοκώστα, Αλεξάνδρα 27 August 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας Διπλωματικής Εργασίας είναι η ανάπτυξη συγκεκριμένης μεθοδολογίας και αλγορίθμων ψηφιακής επεξεργασίας εικόνων για την αυτόματη εκτίμηση των διαμέτρων αγγείων σε οφθαλμολογικές εικόνες. Η συγκεκριμένη μέτρηση της διαμέτρου των αγγείων διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην έγκαιρη διάγνωση παθήσεων καθώς έχει αποδειχθεί ότι υπάρχει συσχετισμός μεταξύ των μεταβολών των τιμών των εν λόγω διαμέτρων και της εμφάνισης αλλοιώσεων στον αμφιβληστροειδή.
Στα πλαίσια της εργασίας, υλοποιήθηκαν δύο μεθοδολογίες για τον υπολογισμό των διαμέτρων αγγείων οφθαλμολογικών εικόνων, οι οποίες συλλέγονται με χρήση κάμερας πυθμένα (fundus camera). Η πρώτη μεθοδολογία στηρίζεται στην εύρεση των σημείων που αποτελούν τους κεντρικούς άξονες των υπό εξέταση αγγείων με χρήση διαφορικού λογισμού. Ακολούθως, σε κάθε σημείο που ανήκει σε κεντρικό άξονα αγγείου, υπολογίζονται οι παράμετροι μιας συνάρτησης. Η εν λόγω συνάρτηση περιγράφει βέλτιστα τα επίπεδα φωτεινότητας της εικόνας κατά μήκος του ευθύγραμμου τμήματος που διέρχεται από το σημείο και είναι κάθετο στο αγγείο. H εύρεση των παραμέτρων της συνάρτησης πραγματοποιείται με χρήση τεχνικών βελτιστοποίησης. Το τελικό βήμα της μεθοδολογίας είναι η εκτίμηση της διαμέτρου των αγγείων από τις τιμές των παραμέτρων που έχουν υπολογιστεί.
Η δεύτερη μεθοδολογία στηρίζεται στον αλγόριθμο που προτείνει ο P.H. Gregson. Αρχικά, πραγματοποιείται κατάτμηση της εικόνας με κατωφλίωση και εφαρμόζονται μορφολογικοί τελεστές συστολής και διαστολής στην εικόνα. Στη συνέχεια, εφαρμόζεται ο αλγόριθμος λέπτυνσης (thinning algorithm) με σκοπό την εύρεση των κεντρικών αξόνων των αγγείων και τέλος εκτιμάται η διάμετρος σε κάθε σημείο του κεντρικού άξονα με χρήση των επιπέδων του γκρίζου των εικονοστοιχείων που κείνται στην ευθεία που είναι κάθετη στο αγγείο σε κάθε σημείο του. / The scope of this Thesis is the development of a methodology and advance image processing techniques in order to automatically estimate vessel diameters in ophthalmological images. Motivation for the thesis is the fact that the measurement of vessel diameter plays significant role in the seasonable diagnosis of vascular disorders, as it is believed to be a relation between the variation in diameters and the detection of retinal disorders.
In this thesis, two methodologies are developed in order to be applied in ophthalmological images that are collected by using a fundus camera. The first methodology is based on the detection of the pixels that constitute the centerlines of vessels, by using differential calculus. Specifically, at each pixel that belongs to a centerline of vessel, the parameters of a specific function are calculated. This function describes as accurately as possible the intensity levels along the segment that passes through the specific pixel and is perpendicular to the vessel. The parameters of this function are estimated using optimization techniques. The final step of the methodology is the assessment of the diameters of vessels using the values of the parameters.
The second methodology is based on the algorithm that P.H.Gregson has proposed. At first, the vessels are detected by tresholding and a morphological closing algorithm is applied. Then, a thinning algorithm is used in order to detect the pixels that constitute the centerlines of the vessels and ultimately the diameter at each pixel of the centerlines is assessed using the gray levels of the pixels that constitute the segment that is perpendicular to the vessel at each specific pixel.
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