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Supervisory Control Validation of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Bus Using Software-in-the-Loop and Hardware-in-the-Loop TechniquesRamirez, Steven Abraham January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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IoT – Enhancing Data-driven Decision-making in Higher Education. Case Study of Ohio UniversityOgallo, Godfrey G. 11 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Peripheral Circuits Study for High Temperature Inverters Using SiC MOSFETsQi, Feng 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Durchgängiger Berechnungsansatz für die Körperschallprognose des Antriebsstrangs eines TriebfahrzeugsWoller, Johannes 11 February 2021 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird eine Simulationsmethodik auf Grundlage der elastischen Mehrkörpersimulation dargestellt, welche eine Prognose des Körperschallverhaltens eines Bahnantriebs in einem Frequenzbereich bis 1 kHz ermöglichen soll. Randbedingung in der Modellbildung ist die Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens im Entwicklungsprozess. Die vorgestellte Modellbildung der Anregung erfolgt für die mechanische Geräuschanregung aus den Zahneingriffen im Achsgetriebe. Für die Identifizierung dominanter Körperschallquellen wurde der Innenraumschall eines aktuellen Regionalzuges experimentell untersucht und ausgewertet. Weiterhin wurde das Schwingungsverhalten des Antriebsstrangs in einer Prüfstandsumgebung gemessen. Anhand der experimentellen Ergebnisse ist ein systematischer Vergleich zwischen Messung und Berechnung über dem gesamten Betriebsfeld des Antriebsstrangs möglich.
Ein umfangreicher Messung-Rechnung-Vergleich der verzahnungsbedingten Anregungsfrequenzen zwischen gemessenen Oberflächenbeschleunigungen am Antrieb und den Berechnungsergebnissen zeigen eine akzeptable qualitative Übereinstimmung über dem Betriebsfeld. Die Anwendung des Berechnungsmodells für die akustische Auslegung des Antriebs ist somit möglich. Im Detail ergeben sich jedoch deutliche quantitative Abweichungen der Schwingwerte für einzelne Betriebspunkte. Sowohl die Analyse verschiedener Modellvarianten als auch eine Sensitivitätsstudie zeigen auf, dass die Modellbildung der Wälzlager, die Modellbildung und Parametrierung der Verzahnungsanregung und die Modellierung der Antriebswelle großen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse haben und Ansatzpunkte für eine Verbesserung des Modells liefern.:1.1 Motivation
1.2 Problemstellung
1.3 Zielsetzung
1.4 Lösungsansatz und Abgrenzung
1.5 Wissenschaftliche Fragestellung und Gliederung der Arbeit
2 Stand der Technik
2.1 Historische Entwicklung der Modellbildung
2.2 Entwicklung von Mehrkörperformalismen
2.3 Berechnung von Antrieben mittels Mehrkörpersimulation
2.4 Analyse aktueller Ansätze der Körperschallberechnung mittels EMKS
2.5 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung
3 Modellbildung für die Körperschallberechnung
3.1 Modellbildung dynamischer Systeme
3.2 Finite-Elemente-Methode
3.3 Elastische Mehrkörpersysteme
3.4 Lineare Modellordnungsreduktion
3.5 Zeitschrittintegrationsverfahren
3.6 Sensitivitätsanalyse
4 Grundlagen der Akustik 41
4.1 Einführung
4.2 Akustik des Schienenfahrzeugs
4.3 Akustik von Zahnradgetrieben
4.4 Akustik von elektrischen Maschinen
5 Experimentelle Untersuchung des Versuchsfahrzeugs
5.1 Fragestellungen an die experimentelle Untersuchung
5.2 Versuchsablauf und Messgrößen
5.3 Messunsicherheit und Störeinflüsse
5.4 Untersuchte Fahrzyklen
5.5 Analyse des Innenraumgeräuschs
5.6 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse
6 Experimentelle Untersuchung am Antriebsprüfstand
6.1 Fragestellungen an die experimentelle Untersuchung
6.2 Wahl der Beurteilungsgröße zur Körperschallcharakterisierung
6.3 Aufbau des untersuchten Antriebsstrangs
6.4 Versuchsaufbau und Messgrößen
6.5 Wendebetrieb und Drehrichtungsdefinition
6.6 Messunsicherheit und Störeinflüsse
6.7 Untersuchte Betriebsszenarien
6.8 Analyse der instationären Betriebszustände
6.9 Analyse der stationären Betriebszustände
6.10 Resonanzerscheinungen der Verzahnungsanregung bis 1000 Hz
6.11 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse
7 Aufbau des Berechnungsmodells
7.1 Zielstellung der Modellbildung
7.2 Anmerkung zur Wahl der Simulationsumgebung
7.3 Mehrkörpersimulation im erweiterten Frequenzbereich
7.4 Erläuterungen der Modelltopologie und Submodelltechnik
7.5 Modellierung der Wuchtgüte
7.6 Modellierung der Verzahnungsanregung
7.7 Modellierung der Elastomerelemente
7.8 Modellierung der Wälzlager
7.9 Modellierung der Wellen
7.10 Erstellungsprozess eines elastischen Körpers
7.11 Modellierung des Antriebsgehäuses als Finite-Elemente Modell
7.12 Experimentelle Modalanalyse am Antriebsgehäuse und Modellkorrelation
7.13 Anbindungsmodellierung am Beispiel des Antriebsgehäuses
7.14 Modellordnungsreduktion am Beispiel des Antriebsgehäuses
7.15 Verwendete Eigenmoden für die elastischen Körper
7.16 Dämpfungsparameter der elastischen Körper
7.17 Modellierung der Hohlwelle
7.18 Anmerkung zur Lasteinleitung und zum Prüfstandseinfluss
8 Analyse des Berechnungsmodells
8.1 Fragestellungen an die Analyse des Berechnungsmodells
8.2 Referenzmodellierung und Referenzlastfälle
8.3 Eigenschaften des Systemverhaltens und Plausibilitätskontrolle
8.4 Parametereinfluss der Zeitschrittintegration
8.5 Ausgewählte Sensitivitätsanalysen
9 Vergleich von Messung und Simulation
9.1 Vorgehen in der Beurteilung
9.2 Untersuchte Modellvarianten
9.3 Qualitativer Vergleich des Betriebsverhaltens
9.4 Quantitativer Vergleich stationärer Betriebszustände
9.5 Quantitativer Vergleich instationärer Betriebszustände
9.6 Zusammenfassung und Beurteilung
10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o aspecto transgressivo que caracteriza o pensamento da psicanalista francesa Nathalie Zaltzman ao revisitar a metapsicologia freudiana. Com a acepção de ultrapassar, violar, não cumprir, a transgressão revela-se uma ação psíquica vital para o sujeito, sobretudo quando esse se encontra em perigo de vida devido a circunstâncias opressoras e asfixiantes. Iniciamos nossa investigação por meio da articulação teórica do viés anarquista da pulsão de morte, manifestação em forma de luta e resistência contra forças que diminuem ou anulam a existência de um ser humano. A partir dessa perspectiva, percorremos proposições acerca da clínica. Destacamos a importância dada à ação de desligamento da pulsão de morte e a urgência da escuta, durante o tratamento, de suas manifestações. Expandindo a discussão com a abordagem do processo civilizatório, demonstramos como o trabalho de cultura poderia ser considerado o seu viés transgressor. Por meio desse, poder-se-ia lidar de maneira mais lúcida com a dimensão maléfica do humano, evitada a qualquer custo pela perspectiva civilizatória. Afirma-se a necessidade de fomentar vias que façam frente a posturas censoras e moralizantes. Essas impediriam o mal, dimensão inelutável e inerente à condição humana, de ocupar lugar nas representações psíquicas conscientes de cada indivíduo e no patrimônio simbólico da humanidade. Uma vez impedido, só lhe restaria abrir caminhos violentos de satisfação, reascendendo a barbárie. / [en] The present dissertation aims to investigate the transgressive aspect which characterizes the thoughts of the French psychoanalyst Nathalie Zaltzman in review of freudian metapsychology. With the sense of overtaking, violating, unaccomplishing, transgression is revealed as a vital psychic way out, specially when one s life is endangered due to oppressive and suffocating circumstances. We start our investigation with the theoretical articulation of the anarchist aspect of death drive, a manifestation characterized by the struggle and resistance against forces which dominate, diminish or nullify the human being existence. Based upon such perspective, we go along propositions about the clinic. We outline the importance given to the act of unattachment from death drive and the urgency of its listening, throughout the treatment, its manifestations. In order to take part in the discussion with the civilizing process, we demonstrate how culture work may be considered its transgressive way. By taking such approach for granted one could handle with a more lucid way in facing the maleficent dimension of the human, which is avoided by all costs in the civilizing perspective. It is argued the need to promote ways of confronting censorship and moralizing positions. Such act would prevent evil, ineluctable and insisting dimension of the human, from taking place in the conscious psychic representations of each single person and in the symbolic patrimony of humanity. Once there is an imposition, the only way left is to open violent paths of satisfaction, reigniting barbarism.
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An amplitude modulated laser rangefinder : electronic circuit design and implementationNaser, Fazel, Morin, Stefan January 2022 (has links)
This report describes the design and implementation of a prototype for an amplitude modulated laser rangefinder, which is made on a PCB consisting of a laser module emitting light, a photodiode receiving the light reflected from the target, and other components. The design is made for the different power levels, generation of the modulation output and the reception of the signal. The sinusoidal wave is generated with an oscillator circuit and filtered out to produce a pure sine signal. The system requires different voltage levels and current values, which is done with DC-DC converters. Finally, a receiver circuit is implemented to detect the modulation, which needs a device that transfers light energy into voltage. Many tests have been made to optimize the analog circuit for a stable output. The prototype was created as a PCB design with a laser module and a photodiode mounted on it. In the end, satisfactory results were obtained up to the receiving part, however, the prototype was tested with an external circuit for light detection. There is considerable room for improvement, e.g., signal sampling, working receiver and use of standard voltage levels, but this thesis intends to provide a basis for future work.
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Power Electronic Stages for a TFPMSM in Wave Power ApplicationsFalk Olson, Gustaf January 2016 (has links)
Direct drive wave energy conversion systems have been identified as a potentially major contributor to the world’s energy demands, forecasting shares of up to 25 % of the energy mix. Anders Hagnestål conducts research at the Royal Institute of Technology where a novel linear transverse flux permanent magnet generator is developed. This concept machine is particularly well-suited for the pertaining operating conditions in marine environments, producing large forces at low speeds with outstandingly low resistive losses. However, it exhibits severe magnetic saturation and draws unsymmetrical phase currents at nominal operation. In addition, it possesses a low power factor. All in all, this places stern requirements on the power electronic system and control algorithms. The aim of this thesis has been to design a functioning power conditioning system that connects the machine to the electric grid. For this purpose, a three-phase two-level voltage source converter is proposed to be back-to-back connected with two-level single-phase voltage source converters (active rectifiers) interfacing each and every machine phase. It is shown that the intermediate DC link can be maintained at a constant voltage with restricted ripple while feeding power at unity power factor to the grid by appropriately sizing the DC capacitor and adopting a feedback linearization control scheme. The phase currents can be controlled effectively by means of a cascaded gain-scheduled PID controller. By including a low-pass filter the iron losses in the machine may be suppressed even at lower switching frequencies. A constrained cost optimization indicates that the converter consequently can reach 99.1 % efficiency. Finally, with this thesis as a background, it is suggested that the thermal stresses on the selected semiconductor modules and the iron losses of the machine are evaluated to further improve the design. If higher efficiency of the active rectifiers is strived for, more complex converter topologies could be considered. / Direktdrivna vågenergiomvandlingssystem har utpekats som en potentiellt starkt bidragande resurs för att tillgodose världens efterfrågan på energi med andelar på uppemot 25 % av energimixen förutspådda. Anders Hagnestål bedriver forskning och utveckling av en ny typ av linjär permanentmagnetiserad transversalflödesmaskin vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Konceptmaskinen är särskilt väl lämpad för de rådande marina förhållandena genom att kunna producera stora krafter vid låga hastigheter med utomordentligt låga resistiva förluster. Maskinen går emellertid i kraftig magnetisk mättnad och drar asymmetriska strömmar vid nominell drift. Dessutom är effektfaktorn låg i jämförelse med standardmaskiner. Alltsomallt inför detta hårda krav på det effektelektroniska systemet och kontrollalgoritmerna. Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att designa ett funktionellt effektkonditioneringssystem som sammanfogar maskinen med det angränsande elektriska nätet. För att åstadkomma detta föreslås att en tvånivås-trefasomriktare kopplas rygg-mot-rygg till tvånivås-enfasomvandlare (aktiva likriktare) som i sin tur är kopplade till varje maskinfas. Med den här konfigurationen visas det att spänningen på den mellanliggande DC-länken kan hållas konstant med begränsat rippel, alltmedan effekt tillförs nätet vid effektfaktor ett genom att dimensionera DC-kondensatorn på rätt sätt och använda en kontrollag baserad på exakt linjärisering. Maskinens fasströmmar kan kontrolleras effektivt med hjälp av en kaskadkopplad PID-regulator med schemalagda förstärkningsfaktorer. Genom att inkludera ett lågpassfilter förväntas det att järnförlusterna i maskinen kan begränsas även vid lägre switchfrekvenser. Genom att lösa ett kostnadsoptimeringsproblem visas det att den resulterande aktiva likriktaren kan uppnå en verkningsgrad på 99.1 %. Slutligen, med det här examensarbetet som grund, föreslås det att den termiska stressen på de valda halvledarkomponentsmodulerna och järnförlusterna i maskinen utvärderas för att ytterligare förbättra designen. Om högre verkningsgrad eftersträvas hos de aktiva likriktarna kan mer komplicerade omvandlartopologier övervägas.
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Design and Evaluation of a Novel Conveyor Utilizing a Screw Mechanism to Move Objects With Integrated Racks / Design och utvärdering av en ny transportör som använder en skruvmekanism för att flytta föremål med integrerade kuggstängerNilsson, Måns, Nordqvist, Mathias Nils Edvin January 2021 (has links)
Intralogistics, or material handling, traditionally use roller or chain conveyors to moveo bjects and goods in factories and warehouses. One negative aspect of the traditional types of conveyors is that they are expensive, as they are comprised of many moving parts. This thesis proposes a novel type of conveyor solution in which a transportation fixture with an integrated open thread slides on L-shaped profiles and is propelled forward by a screw. A potential obstacle to the usefulness of such a conveyor is that a screw has innately low efficiency due to the mechanics of screws compared to the principle of rolling that is employed in a roller or chain conveyor. This thesis investigates the functionality and efficiency of the proposed conveyor, or more particularly the core functionality, which is the screw and thread mechanism. A test rig was designed and built, in which experiments were carried out. In the experiments, the material, manufacturing technology, and helix angle of the screw and thread, and the speed were varied. The influence on torque, power demand, and efficiency among other parameters were measured and evaluated. Additionally, a method for automatic thread meshing is presented and testing of it was carried out, which showed reliability with and without positional feedback, which gives the conveyor more use cases. It was found that the efficiency of the screw and thread mechanism was higher for screws with a higher lead, steel screws with a diameter of 50 mm exhibited an efficiency of 31% ± 4.5 % with a lead of 32 mm but only 8.7% ± 1.6 % with a lead of 8 mm. 3D printed plastic screws had slightly lower but similar early life efficiency as steel screws, but seized or wore down when tested in an accelerated lifetime experiment. Because a high screw lead is favorable, and because of the size and geometry constraints of such a conveyor (discussed in the conclusion of the report), a direct drive motoris not suitable, and instead a motor and gearbox combination is recommended. The conveyor shows promise as an alternative solution to traditional conveyors in low load applications. / Intralogistik, eller materialhantering, använder traditionellt rull- eller kedjetransportörer för att flytta gods i fabriker och lager. En negativ aspekt med dessa traditionella transportörer är att de är dyra, då de består av ett stort antal rörliga delar. Detta examensarbete föreslår en ny typ av transportör i vilken en transportfixtur med en inbyggd kuggstång glider på L-formade profiler and drivs framåt av en skruv. Ett potentiellt hinder för denna typ av transportörs användbarhet är att en skruv naturligt har låg verkningsgrad på grund av skruvens mekanik i jämförelse med principen av rullning som används av rull- och kedjetransportörer. Detta examensarbete undersöker funktionaliteten och verkningsgraden av den föreslagna transportören, mer specifikt kärnfunktionaliten som är en skruv- och gängmekanism. En testrigg designades och byggdes, i vilken experiment utfördes. I experimenten varierades materialet och spiralvinkeln av skruven och gängan, samt hastigheten. Vridmomentet, effekten, verkningsgraden och andra parametrar mättes och utvärderades. Dessutom presenteras en metod för automatiskt gängingrepp som även testades, som visade sig vara tillförlitligt både med och utan positionsåterkoppling, vilket ger skruvtransportören fler användningsområden. Resultaten visade att verkningsgraden av skruv och gängmekanismen var högre för skruvar med högre spiralvinkel. Stålskruvar med en diameter på 50 mm visade på en verkningsgrad om 31% ± 4.5 % med en stigning på 32 mm men endast 8.7% ± 1.6 % med en stigning på 8 mm. 3D-Printade plastskruvar hade något lägre men liknande verkningsgrad som stålskruvar i början av sin livslängd, men skar fast eller nöttes ned när de testades i ett långtidsexperiment. Eftersom hög stigning på skruven är fördelaktigt och på grund av de geometriska begränsningar av en sådan transportör (diskuteras i slutsatsen av rapporten), är det inte lämpligt att driva skruven direkt från en elmotor, utan istället rekommenderas en motorväxellådekombination. Transportören verkar lovande som ett alternativ till traditionella transportörer i applikationer med låg last.
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Permanent magnet synchronous machine using ferrite vs rare earth magnets : how do they compare? / Synkronmaskin med permanentmagnet som använder ferrit mot sällsynta jordartsmagneter : hur jämför de sig?Manakshya, Nikhil January 2021 (has links)
Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM are considered as viable options for automotive and traction applications. Rare earth magnets such as Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB is the most common choice in the PMSM for electric vehicles to achieve high power density machines. However, rare earth magnets are problematic from ethical and sustainability perspectives. From these perspectives, there are better magnet alternatives, such as ferrites. Ferrite magnets are well known for lower environmental impact, abundance and low cost. Due to a lower residual flux density of a ferrite magnet than that of a rare earth magnet, a larger amount of ferrite magnets are needed to achieve the same performance. This master thesis is aimed to compare a PMSM using NdFeB magnets with a PMSM using ferrite magnets in terms of different parameters such as torque production, power factor, drive cycle efficiency, losses mapping, cost, and environmental impact. The machines are designed based on the Volvo XC40 vehicle requirements. In order to compare both the machines, ferrite based machine with different types of rotor structures such as arc and spoke type configurations are designed in Ansys Maxwell and compared with the reference PMSM holding NdFeB magnet. The demagnetisation study was performed on the ferrite magnets at lower temperature in order to investigate the feasibility of the design. In order to reduce the risk of demagnetisation, a parametric analysis of the rotor structure has been conducted. Furthermore, the mechanical integrity was investigated at top speed. / Permanent magnet-synkronmaskiner (PMSM) betraktas som lönsamma alternativ för fordons och dragapplikationer. Sällsynta jordartsmagneter som Neodymiumbor (NdFeB) är det vanligaste valet i PMSM för elfordon att uppnå maskiner med hög effektdensitet. Sällsynta jordartsmagneter är emellertid problematiska ur etiska perspektiv och hållbarhetsperspektiv. Ur dessa perspektiv finns det bättre magnetalternativ, såsom ferriter. Ferrit är välkänt för lägre miljöpåverkan, överflöd och låga kostnader. På grund av låg restflödestäthet hos en ferritmagnet än en sällsynt jordartsmagnet behövs en större mängd ferritmagneter för att uppnå samma prestanda. Detta examensarbete syftar till att jämföra en PMSM med hjälp av NdFeB-magneter med en PMSM som använder ferritmagneter i termer av olika prestandaparametrar såsom vridmomentproduktion, effektfaktor, drivcykeleffektivitet, kartläggning av förluster, kostnad och miljöpåverkan. Maskinerna är designade baserat på Volvo XC40 fordons krav. För att jämföra båda maskinerna utformas ferritbaserad maskin med olika typer av rotorstruktur, såsom båg- och ekertypskonfiguration i Ansys Maxwell och jämförs med referensen PMSM som håller NdFeB-magneten. Demagnetiseringsstudien utfördes på ferritmagneterna vid lägre temperatur för att undersöka designens genomförbarhet. För att minska risken för demagnetisering har den parametriska analysen av rotorstrukturen genomförts. Dessutom undersöktes mekanisk integritet i toppfart.
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Position Estimation in Switched Reluctance Motor Drives Using the First Switching Harmonics of Phase Voltage and CurrentHa, Keunsoo 04 August 2008 (has links)
Position estimation using only active phase voltage and current is presented to perform high accuracy position sensorless control of a SRM drive. By extracting the amplitude of the first switching harmonic terms of phase voltage and current for a PWM period through Fourier analysis, flux-linkage and position are estimated without external hardware circuitry such as a modulator and demodulator, resulting in increasing cost, as well as large position estimation error produced when the motional back emf is ignored near zero speed. Hence the proposed position estimation scheme covers the entire speed range including the standstill under various loads and it has high resolution information depending on switching frequency. Fourier series and Fast Fourier transform are employed to decompose the phase voltage and current into its first switching harmonic. A two-phase SRM drive system, consisting of an asymmetrical converter and a conventional closed-loop PI current controller, is utilized to validate the performance of the proposed position estimation scheme in comprehensive operating conditions. The estimated values very closely track the actual values in dynamic simulations and experiments. It is shown that the proposed position estimation scheme using Fourier analysis is sufficiently accurate and works satisfactorily at various operating points.
This research also proposes an accurate self-inductance measurement method. In general, when applying circulating currents within the body of a ferromagnetic material under conditions of a time varying magnetic flux, the effects of eddy current losses and resistance changes due to heating decrease the magnetic field strength and thereby the reduced magnetic field decreases the magnetic flux-linkage of SRM. These losses make a challenge to the measurement of magnetic characteristics of SRM. These motives lead to propose a measurement methodology based on 60 Hz sinusoidal excitation using a variable AC power supply, which provides an alternative to time domain integration approaches for self-inductance or flux-linkage measurement as well as eliminates error arising from thermal and eddy currents effects. The validation of the proposed method is verified with the correlation between the measurement and FEA results of flux-linkage.
Furthermore, this research proposes the solutions for low cost and high efficiency drive systems, consisting of a split AC converter and a two-phase SRM. Its performance is analyzed and verified with experiments at the rated speed under various loads. It is believed that this drive system combined with the proposed position estimation scheme using Fourier analysis is a strong contender to be a low cost motor drive system with single switch per phase having comparable efficiency and acoustic noise level as an asymmetric drive system. / Ph. D.
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