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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Configurable nD-visualization for complex Building Information Models / Konfigurierbare nD-Visualisierung für komplexe Building Information Models

Tauscher, Helga 09 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
With the ongoing development of building information modelling (BIM) towards a comprehensive coverage of all construction project information in a semantically explicit way, visual representations became decoupled from the building information models. While traditional construction drawings implicitly contained the visual representation besides the information, nowadays they are generated on the fly, hard-coded in software applications dedicated to other tasks such as analysis, simulation, structural design or communication. Due to the abstract nature of information models and the increasing amount of digital information captured during construction projects, visual representations are essential for humans in order to access the information, to understand it, and to engage with it. At the same time digital media open up the new field of interactive visualizations. The full potential of BIM can only be unlocked with customized task-specific visualizations, with engineers and architects actively involved in the design and development process of these visualizations. The visualizations must be reusable and reliably reproducible during communication processes. Further, to support creative problem solving, it must be possible to modify and refine them. This thesis aims at reconnecting building information models and their visual representations: on a theoretic level, on the level of methods and in terms of tool support. First, the research seeks to improve the knowledge about visualization generation in conjunction with current BIM developments such as the multimodel. The approach is based on the reference model of the visualization pipeline and addresses structural as well as quantitative aspects of the visualization generation. Second, based on the theoretic foundation, a method is derived to construct visual representations from given visualization specifications. To this end, the idea of a domain-specific language (DSL) is employed. Finally, a software prototype proofs the concept. Using the visualization framework, visual representations can be generated from a specific building information model and a specific visualization description. / Mit der fortschreitenden Entwicklung des Building Information Modelling (BIM) hin zu einer umfassenden Erfassung aller Bauprojektinformationen in einer semantisch expliziten Weise werden Visualisierungen von den Gebäudeinformationen entkoppelt. Während traditionelle Architektur- und Bauzeichnungen die visuellen Reprä̈sentationen implizit als Träger der Informationen enthalten, werden sie heute on-the-fly generiert. Die Details ihrer Generierung sind festgeschrieben in Softwareanwendungen, welche eigentlich für andere Aufgaben wie Analyse, Simulation, Entwurf oder Kommunikation ausgelegt sind. Angesichts der abstrakten Natur von Informationsmodellen und der steigenden Menge digitaler Informationen, die im Verlauf von Bauprojekten erfasst werden, sind visuelle Repräsentationen essentiell, um sich die Information erschließen, sie verstehen, durchdringen und mit ihnen arbeiten zu können. Gleichzeitig entwickelt sich durch die digitalen Medien eine neues Feld der interaktiven Visualisierungen. Das volle Potential von BIM kann nur mit angepassten aufgabenspezifischen Visualisierungen erschlossen werden, bei denen Ingenieur*innen und Architekt*innen aktiv in den Entwurf und die Entwicklung dieser Visualisierungen einbezogen werden. Die Visualisierungen müssen wiederverwendbar sein und in Kommunikationsprozessen zuverlässig reproduziert werden können. Außerdem muss es möglich sein, Visualisierungen zu modifizieren und neu zu definieren, um das kreative Problemlösen zu unterstützen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, Gebäudemodelle und ihre visuellen Repräsentationen wieder zu verbinden: auf der theoretischen Ebene, auf der Ebene der Methoden und hinsichtlich der unterstützenden Werkzeuge. Auf der theoretischen Ebene trägt die Arbeit zunächst dazu bei, das Wissen um die Erstellung von Visualisierungen im Kontext von Bauprojekten zu erweitern. Der verfolgte Ansatz basiert auf dem Referenzmodell der Visualisierungspipeline und geht dabei sowohl auf strukturelle als auch auf quantitative Aspekte des Visualisierungsprozesses ein. Zweitens wird eine Methode entwickelt, die visuelle Repräsentationen auf Basis gegebener Visualisierungsspezifikationen generieren kann. Schließlich belegt ein Softwareprototyp die Realisierbarkeit des Konzepts. Mit dem entwickelten Framework können visuelle Repräsentationen aus jeweils einem spezifischen Gebäudemodell und einer spezifischen Visualisierungsbeschreibung generiert werden.

Testing and Gherkin in agile projects

Härlin, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
Testing in agile software development is important to ensure that the rightproduct is being developed. Is it possible to include everyone in agilesoftware development by using a business readable DSL and also createtest cases based directly on that DSL?Observations, interviews, a study of literature, third degree collectedartifacts and an implementation has been performed to analyse the processof introducing Gherkin as a tool in agile software development projects.The process of performing and conducting tests has been examined at Accedoto understand how Gherkin together with CucumberJS can be usedin projects, with the purpose of increasing collaboration between dierentroles and create a ubiquitous way of referring to the same piece of softwarewithout the need to specifying implementation details.To include the entire project team in the whole process of developingsoftware is essential for a usage of Gherkin to be successful. Since thepurpose is that everyone should be able to contribute as well as understandthe progress of development in projects and share an agreement on whatis being developed. A business readable DSL provides a uniform formatto specifying tasks causing the internal communication to be improved inprojects.

MobiMed: Framework for Rapid Application Development of Medical Mobile Apps

Hernadez, Frank 25 October 2013 (has links)
In the medical field images obtained from high definition cameras and other medical imaging systems are an integral part of medical diagnosis. The analysis of these images are usually performed by the physicians who sometimes need to spend long hours reviewing the images before they are able to come up with a diagnosis and then decide on the course of action. In this dissertation we present a framework for a computer-aided analysis of medical imagery via the use of an expert system. While this problem has been discussed before, we will consider a system based on mobile devices. Since the release of the iPhone on April 2003, the popularity of mobile devices has increased rapidly and our lives have become more reliant on them. This popularity and the ease of development of mobile applications has now made it possible to perform on these devices many of the image analyses that previously required a personal computer. All of this has opened the door to a whole new set of possibilities and freed the physicians from their reliance on their desktop machines. The approach proposed in this dissertation aims to capitalize on these new found opportunities by providing a framework for analysis of medical images that physicians can utilize from their mobile devices thus remove their reliance on desktop computers. We also provide an expert system to aid in the analysis and advice on the selection of medical procedure. Finally, we also allow for other mobile applications to be developed by providing a generic mobile application development framework that allows for access of other applications into the mobile domain. In this dissertation we outline our work leading towards development of the proposed methodology and the remaining work needed to find a solution to the problem. In order to make this difficult problem tractable, we divide the problem into three parts: the development user interface modeling language and tooling, the creation of a game development modeling language and tooling, and the development of a generic mobile application framework. In order to make this problem more manageable, we will narrow down the initial scope to the hair transplant, and glaucoma domains.

DSL - Die Super Leitung!?

Wolske, Andreas, Gutschmidt, Heino 12 March 2002 (has links)
Die Firma EastLink ist der einzige ostdeutsche Internetprovider, der über eine eigene Infrastruktur verfügt. Dazu gehören leistungsfähige Anbindungen an zentrale Internetknoten (z.B. INXS). Damit sind in Sachsen, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt hochwertige Internetzugänge - angefangen vom einfachen ISDN Wählzugang über SDSL bis zu hochbitratigen Anschlüssen möglich. Zum UNIX-Stammtisch wird ein Teil der nahezu ausschliesslich UNIX/Linux-basierten Technik vorgestellt. Anschließend werden Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven von DSL-Zugängen insbesondere in Chemnitz aufgezeigt.

Detection and exploitation of data-parallelism in assignments of multi-dimensional tensors

Ullrich, Til Jasper 22 October 2018 (has links)
This thesis studies data-parallelism in tensor assignments. Building on an existent domain specific language for tensor calculations developed at the Chair of Compiler Construction, an extension is proposed to detect so called compatible statements, which describe when a statement is data-parallel. Using a type system, the correctness is shown and a conjecture about the optimality is proposed. By applying the extension, two optimizations for exploiting the data-parallelism are described. These optimizations reduce the memory usage for computation, therefore reducing cache misses and improving runtime. The speedup which can be gained mostly depends on the complexity of the kernel and the size of the tensors. For simple kernels like multiplication of a vector with a scalar or elementwise multiplication of two vectors, a speedup of up to 2x can be achieved. For more complex kernels like a kernel containing matrix-matrix multiplication, the speed difference is a few percent. Additionally, a kernel called interpolation consisting of incompatible statements is analysed to check whether a similar optimization can be applied. The result is that while the optimization does not result in a speedup, similar improvements might be possible. Finally, in order to gain a better understanding of what effect the optimizations might have, different kernels are analysed regarding the data size at which parallelism makes sense.:1 Introduction 1.1 Parallelization 1.2 Existing DSLs and compilers 2 Background 2.1 Tensors and tensor operations 2.2 A language for tensor manipulation 3 Compatible statements 3.1 Detecting compatible statements 4 Extension of the DSL 5 Correctness of the extension 6 Performance evaluation 6.1 Copy vs. in-place (avoid-copy) 6.2 Other variable vs. in-place (reduce-cache-miss) 6.2.1 Explanation of the optimization 6.2.2 Measuring the impact 6.3 Memory reusing for incompatible statements 7 Evaluation of data sizes for parallelization 8 Summary 9 Outlook Appendices

RacketFrames: A DataFrame Implementation For The Racket Programming Language

Kahal, Shubham 01 March 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The DataFrame is a powerful table-like data structure used frequently in Data Science, the in-demand and innovative field focused on the extraction of valuable insights from data. Typically, datasets are not perfect upon collection and need to be prepared so that the resulting dataset is useful for statistical analysis. A DataFrame API supports optimized methods such as, selecting, aggregating and filtering rows, columns, and cells as well as renaming row and column labels. It also supports methods for normalizing data, merging data, adding new columns and labelling missing data among numerous other features. An API to work with tabular data would be useful in any general purpose language, so DataFrames have been incorporated into libraries like Pandas for Python and provided as native libraries in the languages R and Scala. Due to their wide-ranging use it is not uncommon to find implementations in many other languages like Java and Julia \cite{BigData}. In this work, we introduce RacketFrames, a Racket V8.0+ DataFrame implementation. We show the benefits an implementation can have on existing and future Racket projects. To quantify the performance of major DataFrame operations, we measure speed against Python Pandas and compare functional and object oriented paradigms. We hope to continue the trend for further Data Science tool development for Racket and other programming languages.

Développement d'un langage de programmation dédié à la modélisation géométrique à base topologique, application à la reconstruction de modèles géologiques 3D / Development of a programming language dedicated to geometrical modeling based on topology, application to 3D geological model reconstruction

Gauthier, Valentin 17 January 2019 (has links)
La modélisation géométrique est utilisée dans de nombreux domaines pour la construction d’objets 3D, l’animation ou les simulations. Chaque domaine est soumis à ses propres contraintes et nécessiterait un outil dédié. En pratique, un même outil est utilisé pour plusieurs domaines, en factorisant les caractéristiques communes. Ces modeleurs fournissent un ensemble d'opérations types, que l'utilisateur compose pour construire ses objets. Pour des opérations plus spécifiques, les outils actuels offrent des API.La plate-forme Jerboa propose un outil de génération d'opérations géométriques personnalisées. Elles sont définies graphiquement par des règles de transformations de graphes. Des vérifications automatiques de préservation de la cohérence des objets sont faites lors de l’édition qui peuvent être enrichies par des propriétés métiers. Notre contribution a consisté à étendre le langage par des scripts, pour composer les règles et réaliser des opérations complexes. Nous avons étendu les vérifications automatiques, en particulier pour assurer la cohérence géométrique. Enfin, nous avons modifié le processus d'application des opérations pour augmenter les possibilités de contrôle.Pour valider cette approche, nous avons développé un modeleur dédié à la géologie, pour la représentation du sous-sol, en collaboration avec l'entreprise Géosiris. Nous avons défini un flux d'activité avec Géosiris en suivant des contraintes spécifiques à la géologie. Grâce à la rapidité de développement des opérations dans Jerboa, nous avons pu prototyper et tester rapidement plusieurs algorithmes de reconstruction du sous-sol, pour les appliquer sur des données réelles fournies par l'entreprise. / Geometric modeling is used in various scopes for 3D object construction, animation or simulations. Each domain must cope with its constraints and should have its dedicated tool. In fact, several common characteristics of different domains are factored in a single tool. These modelers contain sets of basic operations that the user composes to build his objects. For more specific operations, current common tools offer API.Jerboa’s platform allows to generate personalized geometrical operations. These are defined by graph transformation rules. During their design, many automated verifications are done for the preserving of object consistency. They also be enriched with additional properties. Our contribution consists in extending the Jerboa language with scripts to compose rules and define complex operations. We also extended automated verifications, in particular to ensure geometric consistaency. Finally, we modified operations application process, in order to increase user control possibilities.To validate this approach, we have implemented a geological dedicated modeler for subsoil modeling, in collaboration with Geosiris Company. We defined a workflow with Geosiris that follows specific geological reconstruction constraints. Thanks to the Jerboa rapid prototyping mecanism, we developped and quickly tested several subsoil reconstruction algorithms, and apply them to real data provided by the company.

CoMDD: uma abordagem colaborativa para auxiliar o desenvolvimento orientado a modelos / CoMDD: a collaborative model driven development approach

Fernandes Neto, David 01 June 2012 (has links)
O desenvolvimento orientado a modelos (Model Driven Development - MDD) é uma abordagem que tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço na indústria e na academia, trazendo grandes benefícios, como o aumento de produtividade. Uma forma de se trabalhar usando MDD em equipe é usando uma IDE (Integrated Development Environment) associada a um sistema de versionamento. Entretanto, trabalhar colaborativamente usando uma IDE associada a um sistema de versionamento pode trazer algumas complicações para o desenvolvimento como: conflitos de modelos, documentação descontinuada, dificuldades por parte dos interessados em usar sistemas de versionamento, etc. Nesse contexto, este trabalho propõe uma abordagem de uso de wiki para desenvolvimento de MDD, de modo que o desenvolvedor seja capaz de criar modelos, gerar código fonte, compartilhar e versionar os modelos e ainda documentar colaborativamente, de maneira mais simples e fácil do que abordagens tradicionais. Isso possibilita que mais usuários não desenvolvedores possam participar mais no processo de desenvolvimento e ainda permite o aumento de produtividade. Para tentar evidenciar de que é possível uma wiki ser usada para desenvolver software, foi criada uma Domain Specific Language - DSL em uma wiki e foram realizados três estudos de caso: um com estudantes do ensino médio e que representam os não desenvolvedores, um com quatro alunos de pós-graduação com experiência de desenvolvimento na indústria e o último estudo de caso foi realizado com 48 participantes entre desenvolvedores e alunos de pósgraduação em Ciências da Computação. Os estudos de caso mostraram que é viável usar uma wiki para desenvolvimento, que não desenvolvedores se adaptam bem à abordagem e que 86% dos desenvolvedores usariam a abordagem proposta se tivessem que trabalhar com MDD. Os estudos de caso também levantaram as principais barreiras para aumentar a aceitação da abordagem. Com isso, este trabalho apresenta além de uma abordagem relativamente inédita na literatura, resultados sobre uso de sistemas de versionamento, de IDEs e de desenvolvimento colaborativo / The Model Driven Development (MDD) is an approach that has gained more space in industry and academia, bringing great benefits such as increased productivity. One way of working in teams with MDD is using an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with a versioning system. However, to collaboratively work with an IDE and a versioning system may have implications and problems for the development as: conflicts of models, documentation discontinued, difficulties for stakeholders to use versioning systems, etc. In this context, this work proposes an approach to use a wiki to develop MDD, so that the developer is able to create models, generate source code, sharing and versioning models and also to collaboratively document, in a more simple and easy way than the traditional approaches. This enables non developers can participate more in the development process and also allows increasing productivity. To try to show that a wiki can be used to develop software, we created a Domain Specific Language (DSL) in a wiki and were performed three case studies: one with high school students and represent the non developers, another one with four graduate students with experience in software development in the industry, and the last case study was conducted with 48 participants among developers and graduate students in Computer Science. The case studies showed the feasibility of using a wiki for development, that non developers adapted well to the approach and 86 % of the developers would use a wiki to develop MDD. The study also raised the main barriers to increase the acceptance of the approach. Therefore, this work presents also a relatively new approach in the literature and results on the use of versioning systems, IDEs and collaboratively development

Sričiai orientuotos informacinės sistemos kūrimo metodikos tyrimas ir taikymas / Research of DSL for information system development

Strakšys, Justinas 04 March 2009 (has links)
Viena iš naujausių sistemų kūrimo metodikų – sričiai orientuotas modeliavimas (angl. domain specific modeling). Ji paremta sričiai orientuotos kalbos kūrimu ir jos panaudojimu sistemos kūrimui. Ši metodika leidžia sistemos kūrimui naudoti sąvokas, artimas probleminei sričiai, kas padidina abstrakcijos lygi projektavimo metu. Srities sąvokos aptariamos ir įvardinamos kartu su ekspertais ar paprastais darbuotojais, dirbančiais analizuojamoje srityje, ir nebūtinai išmanančiais sistemų kūrimo metodus. Ši metodika leidžia sistemos projektuotojui lengviau susikalbėti su užsakovais, nes modeliuose figūruojančios sąvokos yra užsakovui suprantamos ir aiškios. / Domain Specific Modeling is a software engineering methodology for designing and developing information systems. It involves systematic use of a graphical domain specific language (DSL) to represent the various facets of a system. DSM languages tend to support higher-level abstractions than general purpose modeling languages, so they require less effort and fewer low-level details to specify a given system which is very important nowadays, when the functionality of information system must be maximized with minimum development time and cost. This paper compares usage of DSL for information system development with other two, most often used methodologies for this purpose: MDA and usage of UML. It gives basic advantages and disadvantages of DSL and DSM usage, describes differences of DSL (DSM), UML and MDA. This paper also describes usage of DSM methodology (creating DSL and using it for software development) for creating information system. It covers main steps of creation process’s: describing the domain concepts, describing the artifacts that are planning for the DSL, building domain model, building the designer for DSL, building the artifact generator, implementing validations and constraints, testing and deploying the DSL.

Intégration automatisée de l'expertise du patient dans le suivi à distance de sa pathologie chronique / Automatic integration of patient's expertise in the remote monitoring of his chronic disease

Derradji, Amira 27 October 2017 (has links)
Depuis de nombreuses années, le déploiement des TIC dans la prise en charge médicale de pathologies chroniques joue un rôle majeur notamment dans l’évolution des pratiques de santé et l’amélioration du bien-être du patient. Les pathologies chroniques sont de nature longue et évolutive et nécessitent un suivi régulier effectué par une équipe pluridisciplinaire où différents acteurs interviennent auprès du patient. Le patient à son tour, est amené à respecter à domicile, un protocole de soins défini et personnalisé par cette équipe. Cependant, la forme dans la quelle le contenu du protocole est représenté n’est pas forcément complète ni facile à comprendre par les patients. De plus, chaque patient est unique, et la définition du protocole de soins doit être personnalisée et appropriée à ses soins et traitements individuels, parfois même à ses souhaits et contraintes personnelles. L’expertise du patient sur sa maladie chronique est une information précieuse que nous souhaitons intégrer dans un protocole de soins personnalisé afin d’améliorer la prise en charge médicale, le suivi à distance de la maladie chronique et à terme améliorer la connaissance de la pathologie chronique. Pour ce faire,nous avons proposé (i) un langage de représentation informatisée de protocole de soins personnalisé, destiné aux professionnels de santé et aux patients,suffisamment simple,intuitif et facile à comprendre.(ii) une ontologie de l’expertise patient (tirée de son vécu avec la pathologie) permettant de signaler des imprévus dans le déroulement du protocole (actions non prévus ou évènements non prévus). / For several years, the deployment of information and communication technologyintothemanagementofchronicalpathologiesistakingaconsiderableplace, more particularly in the evolution of health’s practices and in the improvement of the well-being of the patient Chronical pathologies are of long duration and they need to be under a regular monitoring of the healthcare professional, composed of multidisciplinary or different actors in charge with the patients. On the other side the patients are alsochargedoffollowingahealthcareprotocolathomepreviouslydefinedbythe health care team. Nevertheless, the different forms of representing the contests of this protocol, it is not always complete and comprehensible for the patients. Furthermore, each one of the patients is unique and a proper definition of the health care protocol must be personalised and conform to his individual treatment and even to his personal wishes or constraints. But this is not the case of information guides or medical references that are supplied in general. With the intent to improve the interaction between the patient and the healthcareprofessionalsrelatedtothehealthcareprotocol,wepropose(i)alanguagefor the computerised representation of the healthcare protocol, sibling the healthcare professionals and the patients, enough simple, intuitive and easy to understand, (ii) an ontology for the patient expertise (based on his experience on the disease) allowingsotheinteractionofthepatientwithhishealthcareprotocolbyreporting all the unexpected behaviours. These behaviours are events that are not defined in the initial health care protocol.

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