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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of small scale solar magnetic fields using Hinode SOT/SP

Bühler, David 07 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

DYNAMO systems model of the roll-response of semisubmersibles /

McMahon, James S., January 1991 (has links)
Report (M.S.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. M.S. 1991. / Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-73). Also available via the Internet.

Détermination des coefficients de transport turbulent et analyse des cycles magnétiques produits dans un modèle dynamo en champ moyen avec et sans rétroaction magnétique

Simard, Corinne 12 1900 (has links)
Avec les récents développements obtenus grâce aux modèles globaux magnétohydrodynamiques en trois dimensions de la convection solaire, il est désormais possible de simuler des champs magnétiques structurés à grande échelle et présentant des inversions de polarité bien synchronisées dans chaque hémisphère. Ces modèles qui n'incluent, pour la plupart, aucune modélisation de la surface du Soleil génèrent donc leur dynamo avec l'action de la force électromotrice turbulente (FEM) et de la rotation différentielle uniquement. À partir de cette FEM, différentes techniques peuvent être utilisées pour extraire les coefficients de transport turbulent. Notamment, différents auteurs ont obtenu un tenseur alpha (coefficient du premier ordre) dont les 9 composantes présentent des amplitudes du même ordre, remettant en doute l'approximation faite dans le cas des modèles dynamo de type alphaOmega qui ne tient en compte qu’une de composante du tenseur. À partir d'un code d'analyse par décomposition en valeurs singulières pour évaluer les coefficients du tenseur alpha, nous avons généralisé la procédure pour extraire 18 des composantes du tenseur de deuxième ordre (tenseur beta). Les tenseurs alpha et beta obtenus par cette nouvelle procédure tel qu'appliquée aux sorties du modèle global EULAG-MHD, sont similaires aux tenseurs alpha et beta équivalant obtenus en utilisant l'approximation « Second Order Correlation Approximation ». À l'aide des coefficients de transport turbulent du premier ordre introduit dans un modèle dynamo en champ moyen, nous avons ensuite étudié certaines solutions magnétiques présentant des doubles dynamos. Cette analyse avait pour but de comparer les résultats obtenus par ce modèle simplifié caractérisé par la FEM provenant de EULAG-MHD aux résultats de EULAG-MHD directement. Cette preuve de concept nous a permis de démontrer que l'oscillation observée dans le champ magnétique en surface de EULAG-MHD pouvait provenir de l'action inductive d'une seconde dynamo. Une oscillation biennale est également observée dans plusieurs indices d'activité solaire dont l'origine n'est toujours pas établie. Il est évident que les deux modèles décrits ci-haut et le Soleil opèrent dans des régimes physiques différents. Toutefois, malgré leurs différences, le fait qu'il soit relativement facile de produire une seconde dynamo dans EULAG-MHD et dans le modèle en champ moyen indique que l'action inductive de la FEM peut facilement générer deux dynamos. Finalement, dans le but d'étudier les périodes de grands minima, phénomène encore non reproduit par les modèles globaux, nous avons ajouté une rétroaction magnétique sur l'écoulement azimutal au modèle dynamo cinématique en champ moyen décrit ci-haut. En analysant les solutions de ce modèle dynamo de type alpha2Omega non cinématique, nous avons pu reproduire la tendance observée jusqu'ici uniquement dans les modèles de type alphaOmega selon laquelle le nombre de nombre de Prandtl magnétique contrôle le rapport des périodes générées. De plus, en analysant une solution sur 50 000 ans présentant des périodes de grands minima et maxima non périodiques, nous avons obtenu une distribution de temps de séparation des grands minima presque exponentielle, caractéristique observée dans les reconstructions de l'activité solaire. La rotation différentielle associée à ces périodes de grands minima présente un niveau de fluctuation de 1% par rapport au profil moyen. Ce niveau de fluctuation est d'ailleurs comparable avec les reconstructions historiques de la rotation différentielle en surface obtenues lors du grand minimum de Maunder. / The recent developments achieved by tri-dimensionals magnetohydrodynamic (3D-MHD) global simulations of solar convection allow us to generate an organized large-scale magnetic fields with well-synchronized hemispheric polarity reversal. Because the vast majority of these simulations do not include a modelization of the Sun's surface layer, the generation of their dynamo is thus solely due to the action of the turbulent electromotive force (EMF) in conjunction with differential rotation. From this EMF, different methods can be used to extract the turbulent transport coefficients. In particular, various authors found a full 9 component alpha-tensor (first order coefficients) where all the components are of the same order of magnitude. This finding calls into question the alphaOmega approximation made by the vast majority of mean field dynamo models. We generalized a first order (alpha-tensor) singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis procedure to extract the 18 additional components of the second order tensor (beta-tensor). The alpha and beta tensors obtained by this new procedure as applied to the EULAG-MHD outputs, are similar to the equivalent alpha and beta tensors obtained using the second order correlation approximation (SOCA). By introducing the first order turbulent transport coefficients in a mean field dynamo model, we study the magnetic solutions where double dynamo modes were observed. This analysis allows us to compare the mean field dynamo solutions produced with the EMF, as extracted from EULAG-MHD, with the real magnetic output of EULAG-MHD. This proof of concept demonstrated that the quasi-biennal oscillation observed in the surface toroidal magnetic field in EULAG-MHD can be produced by the inductive action of a secondary dynamo. A similar quasi-biennal oscillation signal is also observed in multiple proxies of the solar activity whose origin is still not confirmed. Although the physical set of properties under which the two numerical models described above operate are different from the Sun, the fact that both models can reproduce a secondary dynamo shows us that the inductive action of the EMF can easily produce two dynamos. Finally, in order to study epochs of grand minima that still cannot be reproduced in global 3D-MHD simulations of convection, we added a magnetic feedback on the mean azimutal flow in our kinematic mean field model. This non-kinematic alpha2Omega model was able to reproduce the tendency of the Prandtl number (Pm) to control the ratio of the modulation period. More specifically, we found an inverse relation between Pm and the ratio of the main magnetic cycle period to the grand minima occurrence period. Moreover, by analyzing a simulation of a length of 50,000 years, where aperiodic periods of grand minima and maxima are observed, we found a waiting time distribution (WTD) of the grand minima close to an exponential, a characteristic also observed in the reconstruction of the solar activity. Finally, the level of fluctuation in the surface differential rotation associated with epochs of grand minima is ~1%. This level of fluctuation was also observed in historical reconstructions of the surface differential rotation during the Maunder minimum.

Analýza práce s fanoušky SK DYNAMO České Budějovice / Analysis of working with fan SK Dynamo České Budějovice

Hrubý, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse factors affecting the attendance of domestic football matches of SK Dynamo club České Budějovice. The main emphasis is placed on working with fans. The theoretical part relates to the topic and focuses on the determining factors of demand for sport events, the sport product theory and phenomenon of a fan. The practical part introduces the club SK Dynamo České Budějovice more closely and analyses individual factors affecting demand for the club's matches and defines the significance of these factors. A chapter on working with the fans follows. At first the elements of sport product are characterised and secondly the club marketing elements. The practical section chapters are underpinned by the results of a survey which was carried out among the fans of SK Dynamo České Budějovice. The discourse and conclusion summarize the analysed results, evaluates working with fans and last but not least outlines possible steps for improvements of attendance and working with club's fans.

Estudos numéricos do dínamo solar / Numerical studies of the solar dynamo

Gustavo Andres Guerrero Eraso 08 July 2009 (has links)
O ciclo solar é um dos fenômenos magnéticos mais interessantes do Universo. Embora ele tinha sido descoberto há mais de 150 anos, até agora permanece um problema em aberto para a Astrofísica. Há diferentes tipos de observações que sugerem que o ciclo solar corresponde a um processo de dínamo operando em algum lugar do interior solar. Parker foi o primeiro a tentar explicar o dínamo solar como um processo hidro-magnético acerca de 50 anos atrás. Desde então, embora tenha havido avanços significativos nas observações e investigações teóricas e numéricas, uma resposta definitiva para o dínamo solar ainda não existe. Acredita-se que no caso do Sol, pelo menos dois processos são necessários para completar o ciclo magnético observado: a transformação de um campo poloidal inicial em um campo toroidal, um processo conhecido como efeito , o qual se deve ao cisalhamento em grande escala ocasionado pela rotação diferencial; e a transformação do campo toroidal em um novo campo poloidal de polaridade oposta ao inicial. Esse segundo processo é menos conhecido e motivo de intensas discussões e pesquisas. Duas hipóteses principais foram formuladas para explicar a natureza deste processo, usualmente conhecido como efeito : a primeira, baseada na idéia de Parker de um mecanismo turbulento onde os campos poloidais resultam de movimentos convectivos ciclônicos operando em tubos de fluxo toroidais em pequena escala. Esses modelos se depararam, no entanto, com um serio inconveniente: na fase não-linear, i.e., quando a reação dinâmica do campo magnético ao fluido torna-se importante, o efeito pode ser amortecido de forma catastrófica, levando a um dínamo pouco efetivo. A segunda hipótese é baseada nas idéias de Babcock (1961) e Leighton (1969) (BL), que propuseram que o campo poloidal forma-se devido à emergência e decaimento posterior das regiões bipolares ativas. Neste modelo a circulação meridional tem um papel fundamental pois atua como mecanismo de transporte do fluxo magnético, de tal forma que a escala de tempo advectivo deve dominar sobre a escala de tempo difusiva. Por essa razão essa classe de modelos é comumente conhecida como modelo de dínamo dominado pelo transporte de fluxo, ou dínamo advectivo. Os modelos de dínamo dominados pelo transporte de fluxo são relativamente bem sucedidos em reproduzir as características em grande escala do ciclo solar, tornando-se populares entre a comunidade de Física solar, no entanto, também apresentam vários problemas amplamente discutidos na literatura. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar as principais limitações dessa classe de modelos e explorar as suas possíveis soluções. Para tal, construímos um modelo numérico bi-dimensional de dínamo cinemático baseado na teoria de campo médio e investigamos primeiro os efeitos da geometria e da espessura da tacoclina solar na amplificação do dínamo. Depois, consideramos o processo de bombeamento magnético turbulento como um mecanismo alternativo de transporte de fluxo magnético, e finalmente, incluímos a reação dinâmica do campo magnético sobre a difusividade magnética turbulenta, um processo conhecido como amortecimento de . Verificamos que é possível construir-se um modelo de dínamo dominado pelo transporte de fluxo capaz de reproduzir as observações ao considerar-se uma tacoclina de espessura fina localizada abaixo da zona convectiva. Isto limita a criação de intensos campos toroidais não desejados nas altas latitudes. Verificamos também ser importante considerar o bombeamento magnético, pois ele provê advecção do fluxo magnético para o equador e para a base da camada convectiva, o que resulta em uma correta distribuição latitudinal e temporal dos campos toroidais e também permite certa penetração desses campos nas regiões mais estáveis onde podem adquirir maior amplificação. Esse mecanismo é ainda importante para produzir a paridade correta do campo (anti-simétrica) nos dois hemisférios do Sol. Também encontramos que o amortecimento da difusividade magnética é um mecanismo fundamental para a formação de pequenas estruturas de campo toroidal com maior tempo de vida, identificadas com os tubos de fluxo, que acredita-se existirem na base da zona de convecção. Além do mais, os campos magnéticos formados graças ao amortecimento de podem ser até ~2 vezes mais intensos que as estruturas magnéticas formadas sem o seu amortecimento. Por fim, nos últimos anos, alguns trabalhos teóricos vêm chamando a atenção para o papel da conservação da helicidade magnética no processo de dínamo, dando nova vida a modelos de dínamo turbulento, como originalmente proposto por Parker. Com o objetivo de investigar o papel da helicidade magnética e de buscar uma descrição dinâmica mais realista do mecanismo de dínamo, construímos recentemente um modelo numérico de convecção tridimensional (utilizando o código MHD, PLUTO) que tenta reproduzir o cenário natural do interior solar onde teria lugar o processo de dínamo. Exploramos a evolução de um campo magnético semente imposto sobre um estado convectivo estacionário. Os resultados preliminares indicam que a convecção pode facilmente excitar o efeito de dínamo, inclusive em casos sem rotação. Porém, nos casos com rotação, o dínamo parece produzir uma maior quantidade de campo magnético médio com relação aos casos sem a rotação nos quais o campo flutuante é dominante. Estes resultados suportam a existência de um dínamo turbulento y validam a teoria de campo médio, mas uma a análise mais detalhada ainda é necessária. / The solar cycle is one of the most interesting magnetic phenomenon in the Universe. Even though it was discovered more than 150 years ago, it remains until now as an open problem in Astrophysics. There are several observational evidences that suggest that the solar cycle corresponds to a dynamo process operating at some place of the solar interior. Parker, in 1955, was the first to try to explain the solar dynamo as hydromagnetic phenomena. Since then, although there has been important improvements in the observations, theory and numerical simulations, a definitive model for the solar dynamo is still missing. There is common agreement that in the solar case, at least two processes are necessary to close the dynamo loop: the transformation of an initial poloidal field into a toroidal field, the so called Omega effect, which is due to a large scale shear caused by the diferential rotation, and the transformation of the toroidal field into a new poloidal field of opposite polarity, which is still a poorly understood process that has been the subject of intense debate and research. Two main hypotheses have been formulated in order to explain the nature of this effect, usually denominated alpha effect: the first one is based on Parker\'s idea of a turbulent mechanism where the poloidal field results from cyclonic convective motions operating at small scales in the toroidal field ropes. These models, however face an important limitation: in the non-linear regime, i.e. when the back reaction of the toroidal field on the motions becomes important, the alpha effect can be catastrophically quenched leading to an ineffective dynamo. The second hypotheses is based on the formulation of Babcock (1961) and Leighton (1969) (BL), who proposed that the poloidal field is formed due to the emergence and decay of bipolar magnetic regions. In this model the meridional circulation plays an important role by acting as conveyor belt of the magnetic flux, so that the advection time must be dominant over the diffusion time. For this reason these models are often called flux-transport dynamo models. The flux-transport dynamo models has been relatively successful in reproducing the large scale features of the solar cycle, and have become popular between the solar community. However, they also present several problems that have been widely discussed in the literature. The main goal of this work was to identify the main problems concerning the flux-transport dynamo model and to explore possible solutions for them. For this aim, we have built a two-dimensional kinematic numerical model based on the mean-field theory in order to explore first the effects of the geometry and thickness of the solar tachocline on the dynamo amplification. Then, we considered the turbulent pumping as an alternative magnetic flux advection mechanism, and finally, we included the non-linear back-reaction of the magnetic field on the turbulent magnetic diffusivity, a process known as eta-quenching. We have found that it is possible to build a flux-transport dynamo model able to reproduce the observations as long as a thin tachocline located below the convective zone is considered. This helps to prevent the amplification of undesirable strong toroidal fields at the high latitudes. We have also found that it is important to consider the turbulent magnetic pumping mechanism, because it provides magnetic field advection both equatorward and inwards, that results in a correct latitudinal and temporal distribution of the toroidal field and also allows the penetration of the toroidal fields down into the stable layers where they can acquire further amplification. Besides, this mechanism plays an important role in reproducing the correct field parity (anti-symmetric) on both solar hemispheres. We have also found that the eta-quenching may lead to the formation of long-lived small structures of toroidal field which resemble the flux-tubes that are believed to exist at the base of the convection zone. The magnetic fields that are formed thanks to the eta-quenching can be up to ~ twice as larger as the magnetic structures which are developed without this effect. Finally, a number of theoretical works in the last years have called the attention to the role of magnetic helicity conservation in the dynamo processes, giving a new life to the turbulent dynamo model as proposed by Parker. With the aim to study the role of magnetic helicity and explore a more realistic dynamical description of the dynamo mechanism, we have also recently built a 3D convective numerical model (based on the MHD-Goudunov type PLUTO code) where we try to reproduce the natural scenario of the solar interior where the dynamo might take place. We have studied the evolution of a seed field embedded in an initially steady state convection layer. Our preliminary results indicate that convection can easily drive the dynamo action, even in the case without rotation. However, in the rotating cases, the dynamo appears to produce a larger amount of large scale (coherent) magnetic field when compared to the case without rotation where small scale fluctuating fields are dominant. These results support the existence of a turbulent mean field dynamo, but furthermore detailed analysis is still required.

Global magneto-convection models of stars with varying rotation rate

Viviani, Mariangela 24 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Parametric design with Visual programming in Dynamo with Revit : The conversion from CAD models to BIM and the design of analytical applications

Nezamaldin, Darwn January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays, there is a big strive to achieve faster and more accurate results of designing buildings in construction companies. Construction companies that work with the design part are continuously searching for methods to increase efficiency in the working process. Autodesk have introduced a software that uses parametric design to provide input to Revit models and to retrieve and manipulate the outcomes of Revit models. The Dynamo software uses visual programming and is connected directly to Revit where the user can gain access to Revit’s data structure where parameters can be controlled and manipulated. This research consists of two parts. The first part shows how 2D Autocad drawing can be converted into 3D Revit models. This is done by using the 2D geometry as reference lines for placing BIM objects. The second part shows how the BIM model can then be used to analyze different elements with Dynamo. The calculations of element cost, weight and thermal transmission losses of floors, walls and roofs are used to illustrate this possibility. All the main goals were achieved and are presented in the report for engineers to utilize. The report illustrates the basics of Dynamo, shows examples of how to it can be used while sharing the scripts that were used for this research. The report also encourages other competent students to continue where this thesis ended. Even though several tasks were achieved in this thesis, there are still much more to learn about parametric design and visual programming.

Magnetic Dynamos: How Do They Even Work?

Jackel, Benjamin 11 1900 (has links)
The origin of cosmic magnetic fields is a important area of astrophysics. The process by which they are created falls under the heading of dynamo theory, and is the topic of this thesis. Our focus for the location of where these magnetic fields operate is one the most ubiquitous objects in the universe, the accretion disk. By studying the accretion disk and the dynamo process that occurs there we wish to better understand both the accretion process and the dynamo process in stars and galaxies as well. We analyse the output from a stratified zero net flux shearing box simulation performed using the ATHENA MHD code in collaboration with Shane Davis. The simulation has turbulence which is naturally forced by the presence of a linear instability called the magnetorotational instability (MRI). We utilise Fourier filtering and the tools of mean field dynamo theory to establish a connection between the calculated EMF and the model predictions of the dynamically quenched alpha model. We find a positive correlation for both components parallel to the large scale magnetic field and the azimuthal components. We have explored many aspects of the theory including additional contributions from magnetic buoyancy and an effect arising from the large scale shear and the current density. We also directly measure the turbulent correlation time for the velocity and magnetic fields both large scale and small. We can also observe the effects of the dynamo cycle, with the azimuthal component of the large scale magnetic field flipping sign in this analysis. We find a positive correlation between the divergence of the eddy scale magnetic helicity flux and the component of the electromotive force parallel to the large scale magnetic field. This correlation directly links the transfer of magnetic helicity to the dynamo process in a system with naturally driven turbulence. This highlights the importance of magnetic helicity and its conservation even in a system with triply periodic boundary conditions. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

A system dynamics application to student enrollment forecasting

Ugwunwa, Gabriel M. January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

Integration of Life Cycle Assessment within Building Information Modeling Environment

Jiayu, Cui January 2020 (has links)
Over the past several decades, increasing awareness of sustainable building has led to the development and maturity of life cycle assessment (LCA) as a method used to assess the environmental impacts and resources through buildings’ life cycle. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent process based on 3D model that enables architecture, engineering and construction designers to collaborate. Because of its advantages and the collaborative alternative, the integrations of BIM and LCA have been studied and developed in many ways. However, none of the integrating approaches have been widely used due to interoperability issues and accuracy problems. Detailed information of LCA and BIM are introduced in this thesis, and then innovated integration of BIM and LCA are proposed. This is done with the direct access to the LCA data in XML format from EPD database by using Dynamo that is a plug-in Revit application, LCA can be conducted within the BIM environment. The results of life cycle impact calculation can be instantly presented in diagram, and users can visualize the results by color coding different materials in BIM model. Future research could focus on how to widely use the integrating method in real project and connect this approach into environmental certification system in order to demonstrate the environmental performance of buildings and projects in a standardized manner.

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