Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dyslexia"" "subject:"dyslexi""
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Vývoj morfologie u dětí s SLI - příspěvek ke studiu předpokladů pro rozvoj čtenářské gramotnosti u dětí s rizikem dyslexie / Morphology development in children with specific language impairment - contribution to study prerequisites for the development of literacy skills in children at risk for dyslexiaKučerová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
A b s t r a c t This thesis is based on two projects which follow one another and which deal with study of development of language and literacy skills in children at risk of dyslexia. The thesis describes the development of morphological awareness in children with specific language impairment. The level of morphological awareness was repeatedly tested during three years at children in preschool and early school age with the Test of morphological awareness. This method was prepared on the basis of Žlab's Test of language awareness (1992) and maps development of several subareas of morphological skills - gender forms, plural nouns, past tense and third person singular verb, adjective derivation and gramatical agreement. Several issues were concerned. First, whether the development of children in this age group is still ongoing and whether the Test of morphological awareness can measure this ongoing. Second, whether there are differences in the performance of children from normal speech development group (control group) and specific language impairment children group, where according to the disorder the morphological deficits can be expected. Qualitative analysis of observed subareas of morphology was also performed. The conclusions of analysis are discussed in the context of theoretical approaches, current...
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Vliv domácí přípravy na školní úspěšnost žáků se specifickými poruchami učení a chování / Influence of home preparation on school success of pupils with specific learniíng and behavioral disordersFialová, Klementina January 2019 (has links)
My thesis occupies with the influence of home preparation for successfulness of pupils with specific learning disturbances and behaviour in basic school. The theoretical part there are explained terms of specific evolutional disturbances of school skills. This part deals with etiology and diagnosis. There are legislative alterations of education and it includes complete reeducational school care which points on importance of teacher's personality and on forming of positive climate in the class. It describes family and its role in connection with all risk factors which influence it. The point of preparation determines learning and behaviour by way of concrete forms and methods of work with pupils with specific disturbances. The empirical part of thesis is compiled by method of qualitative research and it's a result of research investigation which is connected to detailed analysis of acquired data. The main methods of investigation were long-lasting structured pupils' observation, analysis of file documentation and analysis of professional advice. These all together and interviews made complete picture of individual case studies.
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Une approche logicielle du traitement de la dyslexie : étude de modèles et applications / A software approach for treating dyslexia : model study and applicationsGarcia, Geoffrey 07 December 2015 (has links)
Les troubles neuropsychologiques sont très répandus et posent de réels problèmes de santé publique. En particulier, dans notre société moderne où la communication écrite est omniprésente, la dyslexie peut s’avérer excessivement handicapante. On remarque néanmoins que le diagnostic et la remédiation de cette pathologie restent délicats et manquent d’uniformisation. Ceci semble malheureusement inhérent à la caractérisation clinique par exclusion de la dyslexie, à la multitude de praticiens différents impliqués dans une telle prise en charge ainsi qu’au manque d’objectivité de certaines méthodes existantes. A ce titre, nous avons décidé d’investiguer les possibilités offertes par l’informatique actuelle pour surmonter ces barrières. Effectivement, nous avons supposé que la démocratisation des systèmes informatiques et leur puissance de calcul pourraient en faire un outil de choix pour pallier les difficultés rencontrées lors de la prise en charge de la dyslexie. Cette recherche nous a ainsi mené à étudier les techniques, aussi bien logicielles que matérielles, pouvant conduire au développement d’un système bon marché et évolutif qui serait capable d’assister un changement bénéfique et progressif des pratiques qui entourent cette pathologie. Avec ce projet, nous nous plaçons définitivement dans un courant innovant au service de la qualité des soins et des aides apportées aux personnes souffrant d’un handicap. Notre travail a ainsi consisté à identifier différents axes d’amélioration que l’utilisation de l’outil informatique rend possible. Chacun de ces axes a alors pu faire l’objet de recherches exhaustives, de modélisations et de développements de prototypes. Nous avons également réfléchi à la méthodologie à mettre en œuvre pour concevoir un tel système dans sa globalité. En particulier, nos réflexions et ces différents accomplissements nous ont permis de définir un framework logiciel propice à l’implémentation d’une plate-forme logicielle que nous avons appelée la PAMMA. Cette plate-forme devrait théoriquement pouvoir disposer de tous les outils permettant le développement souple et efficace d’applications médicales intégrant des processus métiers. Il est ainsi attendu de ce système qu’il permette le développement d’applications, pour la prise en charges des patients dyslexiques, conduisant à un diagnostic plus rapide et plus précis ainsi qu’à une remédiation plus adaptée et plus efficace. De notre effort d’innovation ressortent des perspectives encourageantes. Cependant, ce type d’initiative ne peut se concrétiser qu’autour de collaborations pluridisciplinaires disposant de nombreux moyens fonctionnels, techniques et financiers. La constitution d’un tel consortium semble donc être la prochaine étape nécessaire à l’obtention des financements pour réaliser un premier prototype fonctionnel de la PAMMA, ainsi que de premières applications. Des études cliniques pourront être alors menées pour prouver indubitablement l’efficacité d’une telle approche dans le cadre de la prise en charge de la dyslexie, ainsi qu’éventuellement d’autres troubles neuropsychologiques. / Neuropsychological disorders are widespread and generate real public health problems. In particular in our modern society, where written communication is ubiquitous, dyslexia can be extremely disabling. Nevertheless we can note that the diagnosis and remediation of this pathology are fastidious and lack of standardization. Unfortunately it seems inherent to the clinical characterization of dyslexia by exclusion, to the multitude of different practitioners involved in such treatment and to the lack of objectivity of some existing methods. In this respect, we decided to investigate the possibilities offered by modern computing to overcome these barriers. Indeed we have assumed that the democratization of computer systems and their computing power could make of them a perfect tool to alleviate the difficulties encountered in the treatment of dyslexia. This research has led us to study the techniques software as well as hardware, which can conduct to the development of an inexpensive and scalable system able to attend a beneficial and progressive changing of practices in this pathology field. With this project we put ourselves definitely in an innovative stream serving quality of care and aid provided to people with disabilities. Our work has been identifying different improvement areas that the use of computers enables. Then each of these areas could then be the subject of extensive research, modeling and prototype developments. We also considered the methodology for designing this kind of system as a whole. In particular our thoughts and these accomplishments have allowed us to define a software framework suitable for implementing a software platform that we called the PAMMA. This platform should theoretically have access to all the tools required for the flexible and efficient development of medical applications integrating business processes. In this way it is expected that this system allows the development of applications for caring dyslexic patients thus leading to a faster and more accurate diagnosis and a more appropriate and effective remediation. Of our innovation efforts emerge encouraging perspectives. However such initiatives can only be achieved within multidisciplinary collaborations with many functional, technical and financial means. Creating such a consortium seems to be the next required step to get a funding necessary for realizing a first functional prototype of the PAMMA, as well as its first applications. Some clinical studies may be conducted to prove undoubtedly the effectiveness of such an approach for treating dyslexia and eventually other neuropsychological disorders.
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Pre-orthographical constraints in reading and multi-element processing in dyslexia/Contraintes pré-orthographiques en lecture et traitement d'éléments multiples chez des dyslexiquesDubois, Matthieu 27 February 2008 (has links)
The present thesis was concerned with the possible constraints set by visual and attentional pre-orthographical factors on visual word recognition in dyslexic individuals.
In a first study, we investigated the visual word recognition ability of MT, a young boy with surface dyslexia, by means of a paradigm that measures performance as a function of the eye fixation position within the word, known as the "viewing position effect" paradigm. In well-achieving readers, the viewing position effect is mainly determined by factors affecting letter visibility and by lexical constraints on word recognition. We further quantified MT's sensory limitations on letter visibility by computing visual span profiles, i.e. the number of letters recognizable at a glance. Finally, in an ideal-observer's perspective, MT's performance was compared with a parameter-free model combining MT's letter visibility data with a simple lexical matching rule. The results showed that MT did not use the whole visual information available on letter identities to recognise words. These results can be best accounted for by a reduction of the number of letters processed in parallel.
Accordingly, there is growing evidence that some dyslexic children suffer from a deficit in simultaneously processing of multiple visually displayed elements. The aim of the remaining studies was to investigate possible cognitive impairments at the source of the multi-element visual processing deficit in dyslexic children. A computational model of the attentional involvement in multi-object recognition [TVA: Bundesen, C. (1990). A theory of visual attention. Psychological Review, 97(4), 523--47] served as framework for this investigation. In a second study, we used TVA to investigate multi-element processing in two young dyslexic participants, AB and PA. By combining psychophysical measurements with computational modelling, we demonstrated that this multi-element processing deficit stems from two distinct cognitive sources: a reduction of the rate of visual information uptake, and a limitation of the visual short-term memory capacity. These deficits were replicated in a third study, in which the multi-element processing was investigated in three dyslexic individuals, FA, LT and YC. The last study further demonstrated that the multi-element processing deficit observed in dyslexia is not simply due to a sluggish activation of items names, instead of visual processing difficulties. Finally, the generalisability of the multi-element processing deficit has been assessed by comparing report performance of letters vs colour patches. Unfortunately, the results were inconclusive.
Taken together, the results of these different studies point to a reduced capacity of processing visual information in parallel (at least for letters), that might constrain visual word recognition.
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Les stratégies de production orthographique d’élèves dyslexiques francophones du primaireRuberto, Noémia 12 1900 (has links)
Le développement de la compétence orthographique est particulièrement difficile pour les dyslexiques. Orthographier en français implique la prise en compte de connaissances et de stratégies variées. Cette étude a pour objectifs de décrire l’utilisation des stratégies de
production orthographiques de 32 élèves dyslexiques (ED) âgés de 9 à 12 ans ainsi que
d’établir les liens entre les stratégies orthographiques et la compétence orthographique. Les élèves devaient orthographier 24 mots sous dictée et commenter, pour chaque mot, les stratégies employées. Les performances des ED ont été comparées à celles de 25 normo scripteurs de même âge chronologique (CA) et à celles de 24 normo scripteurs de même compétence écrite (CE). Les résultats indiquent que les stratégies phonologiques sont les plus
utilisées par tous les groupes de participants. Si aucun type de stratégies n’est lié à la compétence orthographique des ED, la stratégie visuo-orthographique nous éclaire sur les résultats des CA et des CE. / The development of spelling skill is a very difficult task for students with dyslexia. Spelling in French involves the consideration of various knowledge and strategies. This study aims to describe the use of spelling strategies of 32 dyslexic students (ED) aged from 9 to 12 years and to establish the links between spelling strategies and spelling skill. Students had to spell 24 words under dictation and for each word, provide comments on the strategy employed. The performances of dyslexics were compared to 25 children of the same chronological age (CA) and to 24 children of the same writing skill (CE). The results show that phonological strategies are the most commonly used by all groups of participants. If no such strategy is related to the spelling skill of ED, visuo-orthographic strategy generally accounts the results of CA and CE.
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La compétence orthographique d'élèves dyslexiques du primairePlisson, Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Les élèves dyslexiques éprouvent de grandes difficultés à lire et à écrire. Leurs difficultés en production orthographique sont reconnues pour être persistantes. Elles peuvent être expliquées par un déficit des procédures phonologiques. Or, pour orthographier une langue alphabétique comme le français, il est indispensable de développer des connaissances phonologiques puisque l’entrée dans l’écrit repose en grande partie sur la mise en correspondance de la langue orale et de sa réalisation à l’écrit. En plus des connaissances phonologiques, le système orthographique du français exige du scripteur d’acquérir des connaissances visuo-orthographiques et morphologiques. Les recherches menées sur la compétence orthographique des élèves dyslexiques se rapportent majoritairement à l’anglais et sur la compétence en lecture.
La présente étude a pour objectif général de décrire, dans une visée explicative, la compétence orthographique de 26 élèves dyslexiques québécois âgés de 9 à 13 ans. Les objectifs spécifiques sont de décrire les performances de ces élèves en contexte de productions libres et de les comparer à celles de 26 élèves normo-lecteurs de même âge chronologique (CA) et à celles de 29 normo-lecteurs plus jeunes mais de même niveau en lecture (CL). Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé les erreurs en prenant en compte les propriétés phonologiques, visuo-orthographiques et morphologiques des mots écrits. Les résultats indiquent que les élèves dyslexiques ont des performances inférieures à celles des CA, mais aussi, dans certains cas, à celles des CL. Les résultats sont discutés en fonction des connaissances que doivent développer les scripteurs dyslexiques et des pistes orthodidactiques à envisager. / Learning to spell is very difficult for dyslexic children. Their difficulties to spell are known to be persistent. It can be explained by a deficit in processing phonological information. However, in order to spell correctly in an alphabetic language as French, phonological knowledge is required, as spelling is based on the connections between oral and written language. In addition to phonological knowledge, the orthographical system of French demands from the speller to acquire visual-orthographic and morphological knowledge. The majority of studies aimed at describing dyslexic children’s spelling abilities refers to English and to reading.
The general goal of this study is to describe the spelling performance, in an explanatory viewpoint, of 26 dyslexic children, French-Canadian and aged 9 to 12 years old. The specific goals are to describe the spelling performances of these pupils in context of free productions and to compare them to those of 26 normally achieving children matched on age (AC) and to those of 29 younger normally achieving children matched on reading-level (RC). To do so, errors were classified according to phonological, visuo-orthographic and morphological properties of French written words. The results indicate that the dyslexic pupils made performances lower than those of the CA, but sometimes also than those of the CL. The results are discussed according to the types of knowledge required to spell correctly in French and to special-education intervention avenues.
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Sluchová učebnice španělštiny pro děti postižené specifickou poruchou učení - dyslexií / Audio textbook of Spanish for children afflicted with specific learning disability{--} with dyslexiaLACINOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This work dedicates to education of foreign languages of children afflicted with specific learning disability, with dyslexia. Theoretic part is occupied by specific learning disability, above all by its reasons, tokens, diagnostic and reeducation. The second part can be used as a help in education of Spanish of children afflicted with specific learning disability, with dyslexia. It is audio textbook of Spanish which contains also CD that serves as a audio help for reading texts and for learning and explaining of new grammar.
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La reconnaissance visuelle des mots chez le dyslexique : implication des voies ventrale et dorsale / Visual word recognition in dyslexia : implication of ventral and dorsal pathwaysMahé, Gwendoline 04 July 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux a été d’étudier, à partir des potentiels évoqués, l’implication des voies ventrale (qui sous-tend le traitement expert de l’écrit) et dorsale (qui sous-tend des processus phonologiques et attentionnels) lors de la reconnaissance visuelle des mots chez des adultes dyslexiques. Les spécificités des sujets dyslexiques ont été isolées en les comparant à deux groupes contrôles, appariés sur : l’âge (i.e., des lecteurs experts) et sur le niveau de lecture (i.e., des mauvais lecteurs). Les résultats montrent des déficits du traitement expert de l’écrit, phonologiques et de la détection du conflit spécifiques aux sujets dyslexiques. Nos données montrent aussi des déficits du traitement expert des mots familiers et d’orientation de l’attention communs aux sujets dyslexiques et mauvais lecteurs. Les résultats sont discutés dans le cadre du modèle LCD, de la théorie du mapping phonologique et d’une implication précoce de l’orientation attentionnelle dans la lecture. / The aim of this project was to examine with event related potentials ventral (involved in expertise for print) and dorsal (involved in phonological and attentional processes) pathways implication in visual word recognition in dyslexic adults. The specificity of dyslexics was determined by comparing them to age-matched controls (i.e., expert readers) and reading-level matched controls (i.e., poor readers). Results showed impaired expertise for print, decoding abilities and conflict detection which were specific to dyslexics. Our data also revealed impaired expertise for familiar words and attention orienting in both dyslexics and poor readers. Results are discussed in the context of the LCD model, the phonological mapping theory and an early involvement of attention orienting in reading.
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L’impact de la variabilité articulatoire sur la perception auditive et l’acquisition de la production verbale chez des enfants présentant une dyslexie phonologique de CE1 / The impact of articulatory variability on auditory perception and the acquisition of verbal production in children with phonological dyslexia EC1Derbal, Amel 23 January 2015 (has links)
Selon la littérature, la dyslexie est une difficulté d’apprentissage de la lecture, non liée à un retard mental, à un déficit sensoriel et ni à l’environnement social ou familial défavorisé. L’enfant dyslexique présente un écart de 18 mois à 24 mois par rapport aux réalisations scolaires d'un sujet en lecture, et ses potentialités intellectuelles mesurées par une échelle d'intelligence (Q.I.). Il souffre d’un dysfonctionnement des structures cérébrales entravant ses capacités cognitives avec une mauvaise identification des mots. Le diagnostic repose sur l’évaluation de l’habileté de la parole, de la lecture et de l’écriture. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés aux enfants présentant une dyslexie phonologique. Cette dernière se caractérise principalement par une altération de la voie phonologique. Ces enfants présentent une sensibilité intracatégorielle supérieure à leur sensibilité intercatégorielle. Si nous acceptons l’hypothèse du couplage entre la perception et la production de la parole, nous pouvons parler d’une perturbation de l’exécution articulatoire de leurs productions qui explique leur retard de parole et leur trouble du langage. En effet, la parole obéit à certaines règles phonétiques et phonologiques ; la variation d’un phonème coarticulé est la source de la difficulté de sa discrimination chez l’enfant dyslexique, car un phonème présente plusieurs allophones. Nous avons supposé que cette variabilité articulatoire d’un seul phonème est la cause principale de leur retard de production et de perception de la parole. De ce fait, nous avons procédé à une analyse de leur production verbale à la recherche des marqueurs articulatoires qui diffèrent de ceux des enfants du groupe de contrôle. Quatre expériences ont été effectuées traitant des séquences de types (CV, CVCV, VCVCV et VCVCCV) en lecture de mots et de pseudo mots, à haute voix et à débit normal. Les paramètres temporels étudiés en ce qui concerne les indices acoustiques pour le segment consonantique ont été pour la consonne occlusive sourde, la durée du VTT, le silence acoustique et le VOT et, pour la consonne occlusive sonore, l’occlusion et le VOT. Nous avons aussi mesuré les segments vocaliques adjacents. Ces différentes analyses révèlent, lors de l’identification de mots, que la voie d’assemblage peut être partiellement opérationnelle chez les enfants dyslexiques, une déformation de mot partielle ou totale, des oppositions de sonorité ou de lieu d’articulation problématiques. A noter aussi des durées segmentales plus élevées chez l’enfant dyslexique que chez l’enfant normo-lecteur traduisant une lenteur dans la progression de la réalisation articulatoire nécessitant une durée supplémentaire. Ces paramètres ne suivent pas souvent une cohérence dans leurs proportions par rapport aux exigences imposées par les caractéristiques du lieu d’articulation et de la qualité du signal. Cependant nous constatons qu’ils peuvent préserver leur intelligibilité. Cette étude expérimentale a permis de mettre en évidence la notion de couplage entre la perception et le trouble articulatoire, voire le retard de la parole et du langage. / Available literature suggests that dyslexia is a learning disability that is neither linked to mental retardation, not to sensory disorder nor to deprived social background. The dyslexic child shows a difference of 18 to 24 months between the academic achievement of a reading subject and his or her intellectual potentials as measured by an intelligence scaling (IQ). The child suffers from brain structure dysfunction which impedes his cognitive abilities resulting in wrong word identification. We also know that the diagnosis is based on the evaluation of speech, reading and writing abilities. In our work, we focus on child phonological dyslexia. The latter is mainly characterized by impaired phonological route due to poor development of phonological ability. In reality, dyslexic children have a higher intra-categorical sensitivity rather than an inter-categorical perception. If we accept the idea of coupling between speech production and perception, we can posit the existence of a perturbation in the articulatory realisation of speech produced by dyslexic children which explains both their delayed speech and language disorder. Indeed, speech is governed by a number of phonetic and phonological rules; the variation of a coarticulated phoneme is at the root of difficulty of phoneme discrimination encountered by dyslexic children. This coarticulated phoneme has several allophones. We suggest that the articulatory variability of a single phoneme is the main cause of speech impairment. We performed an analysis of their verbal production in search of the articulatory markers that differ from children with no learning disability. With this in mind, we conducted four studies dealing with different sequences (CV, CVCV, and VCVCV VCVCCV). Tasks included reading words and pseudo-words, aloud and at normal speech rate. The measured parameters studied as regards acoustic cues for stops were VTT, the acoustic silent phase and VOT for voiceless stops; occlusion and VOT for the voiced stops, and duration for flanking vowels. During word identification, analyses reveal that the phonological route may be partially operational for our subjects. They also reveal partial or total word deformation; voicing contrast and place of articulation contrasts were also affected. Note should be taken of the higher measures found in dyslexic children than in normal readers, reflecting a slower gestures in their articulatory realizations due to additional time needed in these children. In addition, these parameters do not often follow a coherent pattern of proportional values relative to the requirements imposed by the characteristics of place of articulation and signal quality. However, we find that word intelligibility could be maintained. This experimental study has demonstrated the link between perception and articulation disorder, and to some extent speech and language production impairment.
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SPU a cizí jazyky na nižším sekundárním stupni škol / Learning Difficulties and Foreign Language Teaching - Lower Secondary SchoolsHrychová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on foreign language teaching to children with specific learning difficulties (LD) at Czech lower secondary schools. It aims to define learning difficulties and describe their causes and manifestations in developing individual foreign language skills and sub-skills. Moreover, the work with these children in the school environment is mentioned and the Czech system of educating them is compared to the French one. The practical part surveys the opinions of foreign language teachers on this subject and analyses the techniques they use with these pupils. Special attention is paid to the differences in the approach of teachers at schools with classes specialized in the tuition of children with LD, schools with extensive language teaching and schools with no specialization. The results indicate that the majority of teachers agree with the integration of pupils with LD into mainstream schools and they favour their exemption from second foreign language study. The individual types of schools differ mainly in the approach towards the presentation of new grammar, in the types of exercises used for the development of communication skills and in the forms of testing and evaluation. Only negligible variations were discovered in other areas of research. KEYWORDS specific learning...
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