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Mealtime experiences of hospitalized older patients requiring a puree consistency dietBlaise, Magdalena 12 1900 (has links)
Le concept d’Hôpital Promoteur de Santé (HPS) a pris beaucoup d’importance depuis son élaboration vers la fin des années quatre-vingt. Dans le contexte de la dernière réforme, le réseau montréalais des HPS et CSSS a été créé. Le Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill (CUSM) fait partie de ce réseau depuis 2007. Cette étude vise la création d’un milieu hospitalier promoteur de la santé pour les patients et s’adresse à l’expérience d’un repas pour les personnes âgées nécessitant une diète purée.
Une étude de cas qualitative a été utilisée pour explorer la perception de patients vis-à-vis les aspects relatifs à leur cabaret, l’assistance qu’ils recevaient et le contexte social de leur repas. Les impressions des professionnels de la santé quant à l’expérience des patients ont aussi été obtenues.
Les résultats indiquent que l’identification difficile des aliments en purée, la saveur, l’apparence et la variété sont tous des éléments qui affectent négativement leur expérience repas. Des sentiments d’impuissance ont aussi été rapportés par les patients et les professionnels de la santé. Le contexte social du repas a été souligné comme étant un aspect à cibler pour améliorer l’expérience des patients.
Un programme utilisant des purées formées pourrait contrecarrer les effets négatifs de la prescription d’une diète purée. Des changements dans les pratiques infirmières, à savoir la création d’une ambiance sociale agréable au moment des repas, semble être une option peu couteuse qui pourrait améliorer l’expérience repas des patients et diminuer les sentiments d’impuissance relevés par les professionnels de la santé à l’égard de cet aspect de soin. / The Health Promoting Hospital (HPH) concept has gained much momentum since its development in Europe in the late nineteen eighties. The Montreal network of HPH was created in 2005, within the context of the last reform. The McGill University Health Center (MUHC) is a part of this network since 2007. This study focuses on the creation of a health promoting hospital setting for patients and addresses the mealtime experience of older hospitalized patients requiring a puree diet.
A qualitative case study design was used to explore patients’ perceptions of aspects of their puree meal tray, assistance provided by staff and the social context in which the meal was taken. Health professionals’ view of the patients’ experience were also obtained.
Results indicate that the difficult identification of food items, flavour, appearance and variety were all important factors negatively affecting the mealtime experience. Feelings of loss of control were also reported by patients and staff. The social context in which the meal was taken was highlighted as an area which could be targeted to improve mealtimes.
A program using formed puree food items could help lessen the negative impact of the prescription of a puree diet. Changes in nursing practices regarding the creation of a pleasant social atmosphere were identified as an inexpensive option to improve the mealtime experience for patients and decrease feelings of lack of control for staff in this aspect of care.
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Producing in-house pureed food in long-term careIlhamto, Nila 11 January 2013 (has links)
There is limited knowledge on provisions used to ensure swallowing safety, nutritional adequacy and sensory acceptability of pureed foods in long-term care homes (LTCHs). The overall aim for this research was to expand knowledge of pureed food production in LTCHs, to study the impact of varying ingredients and preparation on sensory and nutrition and to model perceived oral textures in pureed food. Qualitative interviews with dietary staff (n=53) in 25 LTCHs showed a variety of challenges and practices in production, affecting overall quality. Pureed turkey varying in added liquid, meat muscle and seasoning method and pureed carrots varying in thickener type were evaluated by a descriptive sensory panel (n=10). Results indicate that small formulation changes can have a significant impact on the nutrition and sensory properties of pureed food. Instrumental tests using a viscometer, line-spread test and texture analyzer showed different strengths in predicting variation in orally-perceived textures. / Funding for this project has been provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP). In Ontario, this program is delivered by the Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC).
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Manometrische und endoskopische Diagnostik oropharyngealer Dysphagien / Manometric and endoscopic diagnostics of oropharyngeal dysphagiaFränkel, Gundula 16 December 2013 (has links)
Hintergrund: Organische Störungen des Schluckvorganges treten im Rahmen peripherer anatomischer Läsionen sowie im Rahmen neurologischer und neuromuskulärer Grunderkrankungen auf. Dabei wird die Pathologie der oropharyngealen Phase des Schluckvorganges bisher nur unzureichend objektiv erfasst. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, mit oraler Manometrie und simultan durchgeführter flexibler Nasopharyngoskopie ein verbessertes multimodales diagnostisches Konzept vorzustellen.
Patienten und Methode: Untersucht wurden 24 konsekutive Patienten (44-82 Jahre; 20m/4w) aus der Abteilung für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. Alle Patienten wiesen einen Tumor im orofazialen Bereich auf. 30 kombiniert manometrisch-endoskopische Untersuchungen in der prä- und postoperativen Phase wurden durchgeführt. Die orale Manometrie erfolgte während der intraoralen Bolusapplikation mit kontinuierlicher Druckmessung über ein zu diagnostischen Zwecken umgerüstetes Silencos-Mundstück in Kombination mit einem Manometer. Die nasopharyngeale Endoskopie erfolgte parallel mit dem flexiblem Laryngo-Fiberskop und angeschlossener Videokette. Alle Patienten wurden klinisch untersucht und erhielten einen Fragebogen zur Selbsteinschätzung der Schluckfunktion. Das Untersuchungsprotokoll bestand aus drei Phasen mit aktivem Ansaugen eines Wasserbolus durch den Patienten (AWB) sowie der intraoralen Applikation eines Wasserbolus (PWB) und eines Breibolus (PBB) durch den Untersucher. Es wurden jeweils 10 Wiederholungen für den Saugvorgang und jeweils 5 für die passive Applikation aufgezeichnet. Die nasopharyngeale Endoskopie erfolgte aus einer supravelaren Position für die ersten 5 Versuche und aus einer mesopharyngealen Position für alle weiteren Bolusapplikationen. Auswertung: Die Resultate wurden nach der Defektsituation der Patienten aufgeschlüsselt. Mehrfachuntersuchungen waren möglich. Maßgeblich ist das Fehlen von funktionell relevantem Gewebe. Als Defektsituationen wurden definiert: D0 ohne, D1-D5 mit Operationsdefekt. Defektsituation im anterioren oralen Bereich durch T1-/T2-Tumoren: D1, durch T3-/T4-Tumoren: D2; im posterioren oralen Bereich durch T1-/T2-Tumoren: D3, durch T3-/T4-Tumoren: D4; sonstige: D5.
Ergebnisse: Manometrie. In der Phase AWB ergaben sich signifikante Unterschiede im Paarvergleich von D0 mit D1-D5 für alle untersuchten Parameter, das heißt Häufigkeit des Auftretens mono- bzw. polyphasischer Schluckmuster (Anzahl der negativen (p<0,01) und positiven (p=0,02) Amplituden), maximaler (p=0,04) und mittlerer (p=0,04) Saugdruck. Für D0 ergab sich ein maximaler Saugdruck von 83,9 mbar und ein mittlerer von 62,7 mbar. Für D1-D5 ergab sich ein maximaler Saugdruck von 51,0 mbar und eine mittlerer von 28,8 mbar. In der Phase PWB wurden keine, in der Phase PBB wurde nur ein signifikanter Unterschied (p=0,03) beim Vergleich von D0 mit D1-D5 in der Anzahl der positiven Amplituden gefunden. Defektklassenbezogen zeigte D2 im Vergleich zu D0 eine geringe und unregelmäßige Druckgeneration, die orale Saug- und Schluckfunktion von D3 war meist deutlich schlechter als die von D4. D5 zeigte mittlere Resultate. Endoskopie. Es wurde ein physiologisches pharyngeales Schluckvermögen bei D0 beobachtet. Passagestörungen des Meso- und Hypopharynx zeigten die anderen Defektklassen. In den Phasen AWB und PWB gab es im Vergleich von D0 mit D1-D5 signifikante Unterschiede (p=0,02 und p<0,01). In allen drei Phasen war bei den Patienten mit D2 und D4 die pharyngeale Schluckfunktion schlechter als bei D1 und D3. Die zwei Patienten in D5 hatten mit Rezidiv im Velumbereich die schlechteste pharyngeale Schluckfunktion. Die Selbsteinschätzung durch die Patienten war nicht aussagekräftig.
Schlussfolgerungen: Die manometrisch-endoskopische Untersuchung liefert diagnostisch nutzbare Informationen der oralen und pharyngealen Schluckphasen bei Tumorpatienten. Manometrisch lässt sich die Amplitudenhöhe beim Wassersaugen zur graduierten Differenzierung von Patienten mit und ohne Defekt nutzen; der Breibolus ergibt kaum Unterschiede. Das Schluckmuster in Form von mono- bzw. polyphasischen Druckverläufen ermöglicht die klinische Diagnostik von muskulären Dyskoordinationen und Kompensationsstrategien. Endoskopisch ist die dichotome Bewertung der nasalen Regurgitation, posterioren Leckage, Residuen, Penetration und Aspiration aussagekräftig; nur bei Tumoren des anterioren Mundbodens besteht meistens eine Korrelation mit den manometrischen Ergebnissen, jedoch nicht bei allen Patienten. Eine kombinierte Anwendung der Methoden ist daher zu empfehlen.
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Comparação das características da disfagia em pacientes com dermatopolimiosite e esclerose sistêmica / Comparison of the characteristics of dysphagia in patients with systemic sclerosis and dermatomyositisMárcio José da Silva Moreira 20 August 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Comparar e caracterizar, por intermédio dos protocolos de avaliação da deglutição, os achados fonoaudiológicos na fase preparatória oral e oral da deglutição nos pacientes avaliados nos dois grupos de doenças (DM/PM e ES). Foram identificados 80 pacientes com diagnóstico de dermatopolimiosite e esclerose sistêmica, de ambos os sexos, atendidos no ambulatório de Colagenoses do serviço de Reumatologia do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE-UERJ). Foram excluídos os indivíduos abaixo de 18 anos e acima de 60 anos (24) e com outras doenças e/ ou comorbidades. Dos 56 pacientes restantes, 73,2% (41) apresentavam ES e 26,8% (15) DM/PM. Após a assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, os indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação clínica estrutural e funcional da deglutição pelo pesquisador, que é fonoaudiólogo. O estudo revelou elevada prevalência de alterações oromiofuncionais e da deglutição na fase preparatória oral e oral propriamente dita nos pacientes com ES para a consistência sólida, que geram disfagia oral e alta, e não somente uma disfagia baixa como tem sido apresentado na literatura médica. O estudo reforçou que as mulheres são as mais acometidas pelas doenças autoimunes e que os homens são em menor número. O fonoaudiólogo deve ser parte integrante da equipe interdisciplinar que atende esses pacientes. / Compare and Characterize by means of evaluation protocols of swallowing, speech-language findings in oral and oral preparatory phase of swallowing in patients evaluated in both groups of diseases (DM / PM and SS). We identified 80 patients with dermatomyositis and systemic sclerosis, of both sexes, Collagen outpatient clinic of the Rheumatology Service of Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE-UERJ). We excluded individuals below 18 years and above 60 years (24) and other diseases and / or comorbidities. Of the 56 remaining patients, 73.2% (41) had SS and 26.8% (15) DM / PM. After signing an informed consent, subjects underwent structural and functional clinical assessment of swallowing, the researcher who is a speech and audiologist therapist. The study revealed high prevalence of oromiofunctionals and oral phase swallowing in patients with SS to solid food dysphagia and oral generating not only a high and low dysphagia as has been shown in medical literature. The study reinforced that women are more affected by autoimmune diseases, and that men are fewer. The speech and audiology therapist must be part of the interdisciplinary team that deals with these patients
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Contribution de l'IRM à l'analyse de la physiologie de la déglutition et des dysphagies oropharyngées : étude fonctionnelle des prothèses intra-laryngées / Contribution of cine-MRI to the physiology of swallowing and oro-pharyngeal dysphagia : functional study of intra-laryngeal prosthesesGuilleré, Florence 06 September 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux ont pour objectif, à partir de l’analyse en ciné-IRM du processus de déglutition salivaire chez un sujet sain, d’optimiser le rendement clinique de cette technique pour les dysphagies. Un protocole d’imagerie rapide et une grille d’évaluation (D-GRID) ont été conçus. Leur application a été étudiée chez des patients présentant une tumeur des voies aéro-digestives supérieures, et chez des patients porteurs de Prothèses Intra-Laryngées (PIL). LaD-GRID permet de mesurer et d’évaluer le mécanisme de protection des voies aériennes, de concevoir des programmes de réhabilitation et de suivre l’évolution des dysphagies. L’analyse de la déglutition en ciné-IRM est limitée par l’absence de bolus et la position de decubitus dorsal, mais nos résultats montrent sa fiabilité. La ciné-IRM définit des modèles du déplacement normal ou anormal des structures anatomiques au cours de la déglutition.Les données de l’imagerie dynamique contribuent au développement des PIL. / The aim of this study was to develop the use of fast imaging to assess the swallowing mechanism in healthy volunteers, and to optimize its clinical use in case of oro-pharyngeal dysphagia. A fast imaging protocol during dry swallowing and an evaluation grid (D-GRID) were designed. Healthy subjects, patients with head and neck canceror patients implanted with intra-laryngeal prostheses under went kinetic MRI. True-FISP sequences provide accurate information about morphological aspects of the oro-pharyngo-larynx and displacements of anatomical structures involved in the normal or impaired swallowing mechanism. The analysis of the swallowing process with cine-MRIis restricted because of the lack of bolus and the supine position, but our outcomes are reliable. Patterns of normal orabnormal anatomical structures movements during swallowing are determined by cine-MRI. The development ofIntra-Laryngeal Prostheses represents a therapeutic solution partly based on dynamic MRI data.
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Isolado proteico do soro de leite como perspectiva no cuidado nutricional de individuos com esclerose lateral amiotropica / Milk whey protein isolate as a perspective on nutritional care for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patientsSilva, Luciano Bruno de Carvalho 15 January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Jaime Amaya-Farfan / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T15:48:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é uma doença progressiva neurodegenerativa que envolve, neurônios motores do córtex cerebral, cérebro e medula espinhal. Em aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes, a doença afeta inicialmente os braços. Em 25%, a doença afeta as pernas e, em 25%, o início da doença é bulbar. Ocorre desnutrição em 16%- 50% dos pacientes com ELA, principalmente pela disfunção da deglutição. Para 50% dos casos, a ELA é comumente fatal dentro de 3-4 anos a partir da ocorrência de pneumonia. Muitas complicações nutricionais que acontecem com o paciente com ELA, geralmente se devem à viscosidade da dieta. Os líquidos de baixa viscosidade dificultam a deglutição de pacientes que apresentam controle laríngeo reduzido. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi diagnosticar o estado nutricional, bem como avaliar o efeito da suplementação com isolado protéico do soro de leite aglomerado com polissacarídeo no estado nutricional e condições gerais de pacientes com ELA. A investigação da ingestão alimentar se deu por meio da avaliação do consumo alimentar, qualitativo e quantitativo, de pacientes com ELA. Aplicou-se o questionário de freqüência de consumo alimentar e o recordatório de 24 horas. Todos os pacientes apresentaram inadequação para energia, fibras, cálcio e vitamina E. Considerando-se a predominância topográfica do comprometimento muscular na doença, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre pacientes predominantemente bulbares e de predomínio apendicular. Nos pacientes com maior envolvimento apendicular (GA) houve maior ingestão energética (p=0,02), de gordura saturada (p=0,03), monoinsaturada (p=0,04) e polinsaturada (p=0,001), além de colesterol (p=0,001) e fibras (p=0,001). Nos pacientes com predominância bulbar (GB) houve dificuldade no manejo da consistência da dieta. A partir daí, foram elaborados suplementos a base de proteínas do soro de leite e polissacarídeo. O aglomerado contendo 70% de isolado protéico do soro de leite e 30% de amido modificado (70%WPI:30%AM) na concentração de 28g em 250mL em todos os sistemas avaliados, suco de laranja e leite integral, exibiu viscosidade entre 2122,66 e 5110,60 centipoises, além de maior nota, nos testes sensoriais, 6,97 (± 0,15), quando comparado aos outros produtos, não diferindo (p=0,681) do espessante comercial, que obteve nota 6,91 (± 0,38). Baseando-se nestes resultados, sugeriu-se a utilização do aglomerado 70%WPI:30%AM para terapia nutricional de pacientes com ELA. Previamente à administração do suplemento, em função dos poucos dados sobre as técnicas de avaliação nutricional em ELA, foram correlacionados os indicadores mais comuns na avaliação nutricional, funcional e respiratória dos pacientes. No GA, observou-se correlação entre: Pressão inspiratória máxima (Pimax) e expiratória máxima (Pemax) (r=-0,76); Pemax e oximetria de pulso (r=0,58); Pimax e porcentagem de perda de peso (%PP) (r=0,59); e entre Pimax, escore total e subescala respiratória (ALSFRS) com %PP (r=0,59). No GB, houve correlação entre Pemáx e IMC (r=0,97). Em ambos GA e GB, observaram-se correlação entre índice de massa corporal (IMC) e as variáveis: massa (kg), gordura (%), circunferência braquial e punho (cm), pregas cutâneas tricipital, subescapular e supra-ilíaca (mm), circunferência muscular do braço (cm), área muscular e gordurosa do braço (mm2). Definidas as técnicas de avaliação, 16 pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: suplementado (70%WPI:30%AM) e controle (maltodextrina) e submetidos a avaliação nutricional, respiratória e funcional durante 4 meses. No grupo suplementado verificou-se melhora do estado nutricional geral, aumento do peso e Índice de Massa Corporal-IMC, circunferência e área muscular do braço (CMB e AMB), albumina, linfócitos e leucócitos, diminuindo os marcadores do catabolismo muscular, creatina quinase, aspartato-aminotransferase e alanina-amino-transferase. No grupo controle, observou-se diminuição do peso, IMC, CMB e AMB e aumento da área gordurosa do braço, sem alterações significativas nos parâmetros bioquímicos. O presente estudo mostrou que o suplemento 70%WPI:30%AM melhorou o estado nutricional e condições gerais pacientes com ELA, podendo ser utilizado na prática clínica / Abstract: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that involves, motor neurons in the cerebral cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord. In approximately 50% of the patients, the disease first affects the arms, in 25% the legs and in 25% the onset is bulbar. Malnutrition occurs in 16%-50% of patients with ALS, mainly for swallowing difficulty. For 50% of the cases, ALS is frequently fatal inside of 3-4 years from the pneumonia occurrence. Many of the nutritional complications that occur with ALS sufferers are due to the low viscosity of the diet. Fluid liquids are difficult to swallow by patients with reduced deglutition control. The objective of the present work was to diagnosis the nutricional state as well as evaluating the effect of the supplementation with milk whey protein isolate agglomerated with modified starch in the nutricional state and general conditions of patients with ALS. The investigation of the alimentary intake was evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively food intake in patients with ALS. We employed the frequency questionnaire and the 24h-diet history. All patients presented inadequate energy, fibers, calcium and vitamin E intake. Taking into account predominantly affected muscle groups, we found significant differences between patients with bulbar or appendicular onset. Patients with appendicular ALS had higher intake of energy (p=0.02), saturated fat (p=0.03), monounsaturated fat (p=0.04), polyunsaturated fat (p=0.001), as well as cholesterol (p=0.001) and fibers (p=0.001). In the patients with predominance to bulbar (GB) had difficulty in the handling of the consistency of the diet. From there, supplements had been elaborated from protein base of whey milk and modified starch. The agglomerate contend 70% whey protein isolate and 30% modified starch (70%WPI:30%MS), in all the systems evaluated, at a concentration of 112g/L showed a viscosity between 2,122 and 5,110cP. In the sensory tests, the 70%WPI:30%MS in orange juice obtained the highest score, 6.97 (± 0.15), in relation to the other agglomerates, not differing (p=0.681) from the commercial thickener, 6.91 (p=0.380). Based on these results, the agglomerate 70%WPI:30%MS was suggested for use in the nutritional therapy of patients with ALS. Previously the administration of the supplement, in function of the few data on the techniques of nutricional evaluation in ALS, had been correlated the pointers most common in the nutricional, functional and respiratory evaluation of the patients. Among the GA type significant correlation was observed between maximal inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressure (r=-0.76), MEP and pulse oxymetry (r=0.58), MIP and percent weight loss (%WL; r=0.59), and between MIP, total and subscale respiratory scores (ALSFRS-R) with %WL. With regard to the GB, correlation was found between MEP and BMI (r=0.97). In both GA and GB correlations were noticed between the BMI and the variables mass (kg), fat (%), arm and fist circumference (cm), and tricipital, subscapular and supra-iliac skinfolds (mm), as well as the arm muscle circumference (cm) and fatty arm muscular area (mm2). After defined the evaluation techniques, 16 patients were randomized to two groups, treatment (70%WPI:30%MS) and placebo (maltodextrin). They underwent prospective nutritional, respiratory and functional assessment for 4 months. Patients in the treatment group presented weight gain, increased BMI, increased arm muscle area and circumference, higher albumin, white blood cell and total lymphocyte counts, and reduced markers of skeletal muscle turnover (creatine-kinase, aspartate transferase and alanine transferase). In the placebo group, biochemical measures did not change, but weight and BMI declined. Our results indicate that the agglomerate 70%WPI:30%MS may be useful in the nutritional therapy of patients with ALS / Doutorado / Nutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de Alimentos / Doutor em Alimentos e Nutrição
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Estruturação de um Serviço de Fonoaudiologia Hospitalar / Structuring a Hospital Speech and Language ServiceDanielle Pedroni Moraes 18 June 2010 (has links)
Introdução: Medir e melhorar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde é um importante e atual desafio. O uso de instrumentos de controle como painel de indicadores ou balanced scorecard (BSC) tem crescido no setor da saúde. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo a proposição de um painel de indicadores de desempenho para a gestão de um Serviço de Fonoaudiologia em Unidades de Internação (enfermaria, unidades de terapia semi-intensiva e intensiva). Método: Quatro fases foram estabelecidas para a elaboração do painel: identificação de processos a serem gerenciados; elaboração dos indicadores e padronização de obtenção dos dados; classificação e proposição de correlação dos indicadores; elaboração do painel de indicadores. Resultados: Foram propostos doze indicadores correlacionados em cadeia de causa e efeito: Índice de Avaliação da Deglutição; Índice de Atendimento por Paciente; Índice de Atendimento por Fonoaudiólogo; Índice de Pacientes Atendidos; Taxa de Gravidade; Taxa de Avaliação por Unidade de Internação Hospitalar; Índice de Demanda para Reabilitação da Deglutição; Tempo para Avaliação da Deglutição; Índice de Fonoaudiólogo por Leito; Tempo para Retirada da Via Alternativa de Alimentação; Tempo para o Retorno da Alimentação por Via Oral; Tempo para Decanulação. Conclusão: O painel de indicadores proposto favorece o gerenciamento da reabilitação da deglutição em ambiente hospitalar. A implementação deste instrumento permite a análise do desempenho do serviço ao longo do tempo, frente a inclusão de novos processos ou tecnologias e, a comparação a outros serviços julgados como referências no setor. O processo de medição de indicadores é essencial para o gerenciamento da qualidade. O gerenciamento por indicadores corrobora ainda para que a eficácia e eficiência dos programas de reabilitação da deglutição sejam evidenciadas / Background: Measuring and improving the quality of health services is an important and ongoing challenge. The implementation of control tools such as panel of indicators and balanced scorecard (BSC) has grown in the health sector management. This dissertation proposes a panel of indicators for the management of Speech and Language services at Hospital Units. Method: Four stages were established for the panel of indicators design: identifying procedures to be managed, generating indicators and standardizing data collection, identifying the correlation among indicators, and formulating the panel of indicators. Results: Twelve performance indicators were proposed. These were correlated in a cause and effect chain: Swallowing Evaluation Index, the Individual Care Index, The Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) Care Index, the Number of Assisted Patients Index, the Severity Rate, the Swallowing Diagnosis Rate per Hospital Unit, the Swallowing Rehabilitation Demand Index, the Time until First Swallowing Evaluation; the SLP Index per Hospital Bed, the Time until Removal of Feeding Tube, the Time until Reintroduction of Oral Feeding, and the Time until Decannulation. Conclusion: The panel of indicators proposed promotes the swallowing rehabilitation management at hospital units. The implementation of this tool allows the performance analysis of services over time, after the inclusion of new processes or technologies, and allows comparison to other services considered references in the area. Measuring indicators is essential for quality management. Management through indicators gives evidence to the efficacy and efficiency of swallowing rehabilitation programs.
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Zhodnocení využití GUSS testu u pacientů s poruchou polykání po cévní mozkové příhodě / Assessing the use GUSS test in patients with dysphagia after strokeŠmídová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
(v AJ) Nursing care for patients with dysphagia after stroke is nowadays a very serious problem. This disease is particularly dangerous for patients because of the risk of imminent aspiration pneumonia. In 2015, Czech Republic has developed a standard treatment plan for patients with dysphagia after stroke and following this plan a new screening method was put into practice, which would prevent aspiration pneumonia (Salt, 2015). This method is called THE GUGGING SWALLOWING SCREEN - GUSS test. After a positive GUSS test result a standardized nursing care should follow, which would involve the whole medical team (doctors, health nurses, speech therapists, physiotherapists and orderly). The aim of this work is to verify whether the GUSS test and subsequently the determined process of the standard treatment together with the nursing care meets and the needs of the nurses. Another objective is to verify whether the nurses would want to add, innovate or make necessary updates based on the already acquired experiences. Furthermore, taking into consideration the frequent collaboration of nurses with the speech therapists, this study also aims to evaluate and asses the cooperation between nurses and the speech therapists. The work also evaluates the effectiveness of the use of GUSS test in providing nursing...
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3D printed food and customized siliconemolds : Investigating aesthetic appearance and food preparingmethods for a dysphagia dietMonfared, Karlo January 2020 (has links)
Dysphagia is a serious eating disorder currently affecting around 100 thousand people in Sweden and it’s estimated that 1 in 10 people will develop some form of dysphagia during their lifetime around the world. The condition occurs mainly in elders and people who’ve suffered a stroke. The disorder prohibits proper swallowing of food, impairing the ability to close airways and let food enter the proper pathways. Patients with dysphagia have to eat grounded food in order to not suffer from malnutrition. The food is usually served in timbales which are sometimes decorated but might not look as appealing or realistic as one might think. The repetitive and unrealistic food creates further appetite loss which may lead to malnutrition. This is the case amongst many elderly in home care and the complications maybe very serious indeed, leading to organ dysfunction, hospitalization and eventually death. The current timbales made at the kitchens for elderly care in Helsingborg are punched with a tool in rectangular, circular shapes and often decorated. A solution would be to increase the aesthetics of the served timbales and make them realistically looking. 3D printing offers numerous new opportunities for food production and may very well set a standard in the future for producing aesthetically pleasing food. Silicone molds may also provide the same, if not better results at the time being at a fraction of the price, sufficing to revert any negative impacts of the current timbale appearance. In the hopes of proving both concepts the work will initially be focused on preparing a broccoli but also applying one of the concepts on a cinnamon bun providing additional application. This report presents the progress of designing a realistic 3D broccoli model, product development of a realistic broccoli food mold, 3D scanning, 3D food printing and a literature study. The designed model could not be printed due to the printing gel’s incapability of supporting complex structures. Instead master shapes created for shaping the food mold were scanned, sliced and printed. The same masters were used as means for a second food mold. Both food molds did manage to cast realistic shapes with a broccoli puré and of a soft gelatine suspension. Material alternatives were evaluated as well as manufacturing possibilities. The designed broccoli and a refined scanned broccoli were both offered for free as means for further research and development.
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Multidisciplinární péče se zaměřením na poruchy řeči a polykání poskytovaná pacientům s amyotrofickou laterální sklérozou / Mmultidisciplinary care with the focus on speech and swallowing disorders provided to patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosisČerná, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of acquired dysarthric and swallowing disorders in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and on multidisciplinary care provided to patients with this disease. Theoretical part of the thesis is divided into three chapters. The introductory chapter presents a summary of current knowledge about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The following two chapters are dedicated to dysarthria and dysphagia and their specifics in ALS. The practical part of the diploma thesis is represented by the fourth chapter which incorporates a research survey focused on multidisciplinary care provided to patients with ALS. The primary aim of the research is to evaluate the multidisciplinary care provided to two selected patients with ALS with a focus on speech and swallowing disorders. The secondary objectives of the research relate to the evaluation of the extent of acquired dysarthric and swallowing disorders of these patients, providing a comprehensive overview of the course and content of the provided care and gathering information to create information brochure for patients with ALS and caregivers. The research approach to achieve the determined objectives of the research survey is creation of case studies using qualitative methods of data collection, which is a structured interview...
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