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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oligodontia and ectodermal dysplasia on signs, symptoms, genetics and outcomes of dental treatment /

Bergendal, Birgitta, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Avaliação das atipias epiteliais, graduação das displasias e presença de proteína p53 mutada no epitélio adjacente a carcinomas epidermoides de lábio / Evaluation of epithelial atypia, degree of dysplasia and presence of mutated p53 protein in the epithelium adjacent to lip squamous cell carcinomas

Gabriela Sanchez Nagata 13 October 2011 (has links)
O carcinoma epidermoide de lábio (CEL), que é causado pela exposição crônica e excessiva à radiação ultravioleta do sol, é precedido por uma desordem potencialmente maligna, a queilite actínica (QA). No entanto, ainda não é possível determinar quais casos de QA evoluirão para CEL. O método mais utilizado por patologistas para prever o prognóstico de desordens potencialmente malignas é a graduação histológica das displasias epiteliais. Entretanto, o sistema é subjetivo e ineficiente quanto ao seu valor preditivo. Acredita-se que o epitélio adjacente ao CEL tenha alterações genéticas semelhantes ao corpo da neoplasia. O objetivo deste estudo foi graduar as displasias epiteliais na margem do CEL e verificar a presença de proteína p53 mutada nessas áreas. Foram utilizados 40 casos de CEL com epitélio adjacente, no qual a displasia epitelial foi classificada pelo sistema proposto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e pelo sistema binário. Os casos foram, ainda, submetidos a reações de imuno-histoquímica com anticorpo anti-proteína p53 mutada. Entre os 40 casos estudados, 15 apresentaram displasia epitelial discreta, 18 moderada e 7 intensa. Pelo sistema binário, 36 casos foram classificados como de baixo risco e 4 como de alto risco. A marcação imuno-histoquímica para a proteína p53 mutada foi encontrada no epitélio adjacente de 32 casos (80%) dessa amostra. Considerando-se as duas graduações estudadas, a marcação foi detectada em 11/15 casos de displasia discreta, 16/18 de moderada e 5/7 de intensa pelo sistema da OMS e em 29/36 casos de baixo risco e 3/4 casos de alto risco. Concluiu-se, assim, que o epitélio adjacente ao CEL, mesmo exibindo poucas alterações morfológicas pode ter um comprometimento genético importante em genes que comandam a estabilidade genômica. / The lip squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC), which is caused by chronic and excessive exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation, is preceded by a potentially malignant disorder, the actinic cheilitis (AC). However, it is not possible to determine which AC cases will progress to LSCC. The method used by pathologists to predict the prognosis of potentially malignant disorders is the histologic grading of epithelial dysplasia. Nevertheless, this system is subjective and inefficient as to its predictive value. It is considered that the epithelium adjacent to LSCC has genetic alterations similar to the main tumor. The aim of this study was to grade the epithelial dysplasia on the LSCC border and also to verify the presence of mutated p53 protein in these areas. Forty LSCC cases with adjacent epithelium were retrieved from our files. The epithelial dysplasia was classified by the system proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the binary system. Three m sections were submitted to the antibody against mutated p53 protein by means of immunohistochemistry. Among the 40 cases studied, 15 were classified as mild dysplasia, 18 moderate and 7 severe. When the binary system was considered, 36 cases were classified as low risk and four as high risk. Immunostaining revealed the presence of mutated p53 protein in the adjacent epithelium of 32 cases (80%). Analyzing the two grading systems separately, the staining was detected in 11/15 cases of mild dysplasia, 16/18 of moderate and 5/7 of intense; 29/36 of low-risk cases and 3/4 cases high-risk. In conclusion, even if it shows few morphological changes, the epithelium adjacent to LSCC may have a genetic involvement in important genes that control genomic stability.

Infection with high risk Human Papillomavirus (HRHPV) among HIV-positive women: epidemiology, natural history and impact of combined antiretroviral therapy / Infection par le papillomavirus à haut risque chez les femmes VIH-positives: épidémiologie, histoire naturelle et impact des thérapies antirétrovirales combinées

Konopnicki, Deborah 26 June 2014 (has links)
L’infection persistante par les papillomavirus (HPV) dits « à haut risque » induit le cancer du col. Chez les femmes infectées par le VIH, les infections par ces HPV oncogènes et les lésions associées, allant des dysplasies au cancer invasif, sont plus fréquentes, plus sévères et de moins bon pronostic que chez les femmes non porteuses du VIH. Etonnamment, alors qu’il a été clairement établi que l’importance de la pathologie liée à HPV est directement proportionnelle au degré d’immunodépression des patientes porteuses du VIH, il n’a pas pu être démontré qu’un traitement antirétroviral efficace contre le VIH permettant d’améliorer l’immunité, diminue l’infection par ces HPV. <p>Entre janvier 2002 et décembre 2012, nous avons constitué une cohorte prospective de dépistage et de suivi de l’infection cervicale par HPV à haut risque incluant plus de 900 femmes traitées à la consultation du Centre de Référence SIDA de l’hôpital Saint-Pierre. Nos résultats montrent que chez ces femmes pour la plupart d’origine Africaine et traitée avec succès pour le VIH depuis plusieurs années, la prévalence et l’incidence de l’infection par HPV oncogène sont beaucoup plus importantes que dans la population belge générale ou que chez les femmes séropositives vivant dans d’autres pays occidentaux. Grâce à un suivi longitudinal de plusieurs années, nous avons pu démontrer que le risque d’être infectée par un HPV oncogène est significativement réduit sous trithérapie anti-VIH sous réserve d’obtenir une charge virale indétectable à <50 cp/ml pendant plus de 3 ans ou une restauration immunitaire à >500 lymphocytes CD4+/µL pendant plus d’un an et demi. Ces résultats ont été confirmés dans l’analyse que nous avons faite sur les nombreuses dysplasies cervicales également retrouvées dans notre cohorte. Enfin, nous avons trouvé que la distribution des génotypes d’HPV de nos patientes est similaire à celle trouvée en Afrique sub-saharienne impliquant que la couverture offerte par les vaccins anti-HPV varie entre moins de 30% pour les vaccins bi- ou quadrivalent actuellement disponibles à 80% pour le vaccin nanovalent en développement. Notre travail met en lumière l’étendue particulièrement importante de l’infection par HPV à haut risque chez les femmes séropositives vivant en Belgique et offre de nouveaux éléments de réflexion afin d’adapter à leurs particularités les recommandations belges et les critères de remboursement à la fois pour le dépistage du cancer cervical et la vaccination anti-HPV.<p>/<p>Persistent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) called “at high risk” induces cervical cancer. In HIV-positive women, infection with these oncogenic HPV and HPV-induced lesions ranging from cervical dysplasia to invasive cancer are more frequent, more severe and have a worst outcome than in HIV-negative women. An intriguing paradox is that, although it has been clearly demonstrated that high risk HPV infection and associated diseases are increased by progressive immune deficiency, the introduction of efficient therapy against HIV leading to improved immunity has not been associated with a decrease in oncogenic HPV infection or HPV-induced lesions.<p>Between January 2002 and December 2012, we have built a prospective cohort to screen and follow-up cervical infection by high risk HPV in more than 900 women treated for HIV in the AIDS Reference centre of Saint-Pierre Hospital. We have shown that among these women mainly from Sub-Saharan African origin and successfully treated for HIV for several years, the prevalence and incidence rate of high risk HPV are much higher than in the general population from Belgium or in HIV-positive women from other western countries. After several years of longitudinal follow up, we have demonstrated that the risk of infection by oncogenic HPV is significantly reduced by efficient therapy against HIV provided that HIV viral load has been sustainly suppressed below 50 cp/ml for more than 3 years or that immunity has been increased more than 500 CD4+T cells/µl for more than 1.5 years. These results have been confirmed in the analysis on cervical dysplasia which is also very prevalent in our cohort. At last, we have found that the HPV genotype distribution in our population is very similar to the one found in Sub-Saharan Africa. We have estimated that the coverage offered by the vaccines against HPV in our cohort is less than 30% for the currently available bi- or quadrivalent vaccine but reaches 80% with the future nanovalent vaccine. Our results highlight many differences in the HPV infection and associated diseases in HIV-positive women compared to HIV-negative women; these differences should be taken into account to adapt to our specific population the current Belgian guidelines or the reimbursement criteria on cervical screening and on vaccines against HPV. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The significance of surfactant protein gene polymorphisms in multifactorial infantile pulmonary diseases

Rova, M. (Meri) 13 June 2005 (has links)
Abstract Pulmonary surfactant is a lipid-protein mixture that lines the inner surface of the lung. The main function of surfactant is to reduce surface tension at the air-liquid interface, thus preventing alveolar collapse at the end of expiration. Lack of surfactant is the main cause of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm infants. Very preterm babies are at risk of developing a lung disease called bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). The surfactant proteins SP-A, -B, -C and -D have important functions in surfactant structure, homeostasis and innate immunity of the lung. The genes of these proteins have been studied as candidates for several multifactorial lung diseases both in adults and in children. The aim of the present study was to examine the genetic variation in SP genes and to evaluate the role of SP gene polymorphism in the etiology of severe pulmonary infantile diseases, including RDS, BPD and severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection among the Finnish population. Conventional allelic association methods in combination with multiparameter analysis and family-based transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) were used. The SP-D Met11 allele was associated with a risk for severe RSV bronchiolitis in a matched case-control setting of 84 infants with severe RSV infection and 93 control infants. The variants of the SP-C gene had no detectable association with BPD. However, a modest association of SP-C Asn138 and Asn186 alleles with RDS was found. A length variation in the SP-B gene was associated with BPD among very preterm infants born before 32 weeks of gestation. The SP-B intron 4 deletion variant allele increased the risk for BPD especially in very low birth weight infants. The association was confounded by birth order, being evident only among presenting infants, who are more prone to ascending infections during a preterm birth process. The present study provides new evidence about the significance of SP gene polymorphisms in the etiology of complex infantile pulmonary diseases, including RDS, BPD and severe RSV bronchiolitis. The results help us to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases and may, in the long run, enable better treatment of these life-threatening diseases. / Tiivistelmä Keuhkosurfaktantti on keuhkon sisäpintaa peittävä kalvomainen rasva-proteiinikompleksi, jonka tärkein ominaisuus on pintajännityksen vähentäminen keuhkorakkuloissa. Surfaktantin puutos ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä lapsilla aiheuttaa hengitysvaikeusoireyhtymän, RDS-taudin (respiratory distress syndrome). Alle 30 raskausviikon iässä syntyneistä, useimmiten RDS-taudin saaneista keskosista n. 30 % sairastuu vakavaan krooniseen keuhkotautiin, BPD-tautiin (bronchopulmonary dysplasia). Surfaktanttiproteiineilla SP-A, -B, -C ja -D on osoitettu olevan tärkeä tehtävä surfaktantin toiminnassa ja keuhkon synnynnäisessä immuniteetissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää surfaktanttiproteiineissa esiintyvän geneettisen muuntelun määrää ja merkitystä keskosten RDS- ja BPD-taudeissa sekä pienten lasten vakavassa respiratory syncytial -viruksen (RSV) aiheuttamassa keuhkotulehduksessa. Tutkimuksen laajin osa keskittyi tutkimaan keskosten BPD-tautia ja surfaktanttiproteiinien geenien osuutta siinä. Geneettisen muuntelun merkitystä tarkasteltiin populaatiogeneettisin keinoin tapaus-verrokkiasetelmissa ja perheaineistojen avulla. Yhteensä analysoitiin noin tuhannen lapsen ja yli kahdensadan vanhemman DNA-näytteet. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin SP-D-geenissä olevan metioniini11-geenimuodon liittyvän pienten lasten vakavaan RSV-infektioon. Lisäksi saatiin uutta tietoa SP-C-geenin populaatiotason yleisestä muuntelusta ja todettiin SP-C:n asparagiini138 ja asparagiini186 -geenimuotojen yhteys keskosten RDS-taudin esiintymiseen. Merkittävin löydös oli SP-B-geenissä olevan deleetiovariantin kytkeytyminen alle 32-viikkoisina syntyneiden keskosten BPD-tautiin. Geneettisen altistuksen lisäksi BPD-tautiin sairastumiseen vaikuttivat lukuisat keskosuudelle ominaiset seikat, kuten alhainen syntymäpaino, RDS-tauti ja syntymähetkellä todettu hapenpuute. Geneettisen tekijän vaikutus oli voimakkain erittäin pienipainoisilla keskosilla. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat tuoneet arvokasta lisätietoa surfaktanttiproteiinien geenien osuudesta keskosten RDS- ja BPD-taudeissa sekä pienten lasten vakavassa RSV-infektiossa. Ne auttavat ymmärtämään näiden molekyylibiologisia syntymekanismeja ja voivat ajan mittaan olla edistämässä uusien hoitomuotojen kehittämistä.

Biomechanics of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip - An engineering study of closed reduction utilizing the Pavlik harness for a range of subtle to severe dislocations in infants.

Huayamave, Victor 01 January 2015 (has links)
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is an abnormal condition where hip joint dislocation, misalignment, or instability is present in infants. Rates of incidence of DDH in newborn infants have been reported to vary between 1 and 20 per 1000 births, making it the most common congenital malformation of the musculoskeletal system. DDH early detection and treatment is critical to avoid the use of surgical treatment in infants and to prevent future complications such as osteoarthritis in adult life. To this day several non-surgical treatments involving the use of harnesses and braces have been proposed to treat DDH in infants, with the Pavlik harness being the current non-surgical standard used to treat DDH at early stages. Although the Pavlik harness has been proven to be successful treating subtle dislocations, severe dislocations do not always reduce. Until now the use of the harness remains an empirical method, and its effectiveness often depends on physician expertise or trial-error procedures; thus a clear guideline has not been established to determine the best optimal harness configuration to treat both subtle and severe dislocations. The goal of this dissertation is to understand the connection between reductions for subtle and severe dislocations and passive muscle forces and moments generated while the harness is used during treatment. While the understanding of DDH biomechanics will provide a valuable clinically applicable approach to optimize and increase harness success rate, it is not without its difficulties. This research has created and developed a three-dimensional based on patient-specific geometry of an infant lower limb. The kinematics and dynamics of the lower limb were defined by modeling the hip, femur, tibia, fibula, ankle, foot, and toe bones. The lines of action of five (5) adductor muscles, namely, the Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus, Adductor Magnus, Pectineus, and Gracilis were identified as mediators of reduction and its mechanical behavior was characterized using a passive response. Four grades (1-4) of dislocation as specified by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) were considered, and the computer model was computationally manipulated to represent physiological dislocations. To account for proper harness modeling, the femur was restrained to move in an envelope consistent with its constraints. The model of the infant lower limb has been used to analyze subtle and severe dislocations. Results are consistent with previous studies based on a simplified anatomically-consistent synthetic model and clinical reports of very low success of the Pavlik harness for severe dislocations. Furthermore the findings on this work suggest that for severe dislocations, the use of the harness could be optimized to achieve hyperflexion of the lower limb leading to successful reduction for cases where the harness fails. This approach provides three main advantages and innovations: 1) the used of patient-specific geometry to elucidate the biomechanics of DDH; 2) the ability to computationally dislocate the model to represent dislocation severity; and 3) the quantification of external forces needed to accomplish reduction for severe dislocations. This study aims to offer a practical solution to effective treatment that draws from engineering expertise and modeling capabilities and also draws upon medical input. The findings of this work will lay the foundation for future optimization of non-surgical methods critical for the treatment of DDH.

Investigating the molecular mechanisms of campomelic dysplasia in a mouse with a Sox9 gene mutation

Au, Y. K., Tiffany. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Orthopaedics and Traumatology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

HPV Vaccination Acceptability Among Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in the United States: Systematic Review

Zahedi, Bita 22 May 2017 (has links)
A Thesis submitted to The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. / To systematically review all studies examining HPV vaccination acceptability among immigrant and ethnic minority parents and eligible individuals for cervical cancer prevention in the Unites states. MEDLINE/PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, EMBASE, and Cochrane database searches were conducted searching for English language, US‐based studies to examine immigrant and ethnic minority population’s acceptability of HPV vaccination. Thirteen of more than 3,098 potentially relevant articles were included in the final analysis. Results. Latinos were statistically more likely to accept vaccination for both their daughters and sons. Foreign‐born adult Latinas were more accepting of the vaccine than U.S.‐born Latinas after controlling for other variables. Overall African American and Asian American parents were less likely to accept HPV vaccination for their daughters than Hispanic and White parents. Of the African American parents who intended to vaccinate their children the majority were significantly non‐Baptist and had higher levels of education. The majority of Haitian immigrants intended to vaccinate daughters and the rest agreed that they would most likely have their daughters vaccinated if their daughters’ physicians recommended it. More research is needed, particularly in the context of health care provider HPV vaccination recommendation to immigrant and ethnic‐minority populations. Acceptance figures so far suggest that the vaccine is generally well received among Hispanic/Latin and Haitian immigrants, but details of ethnic variations among these groups and a qualitative understanding of lower rates of acceptability among African American and Asian American communities are still being awaited. Despite advances in cervical cancer screening rates in the US, cervical cancer remains disproportionately high among low‐income immigrant and minority women, making this subgroup particularly vulnerable to disparities in screening and its detection. The purpose of this study is to examine the qualitative aspects of institutional and community level interventions of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) within the immigrant and refugee populations and the use of HPV vaccination as a prevention method. Combinations of the following keywords/phrases will be used: CIN‐ Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Cervical diseases, Cervical dysplasia, Refugees, Pap smear, Cervical Cancer Screening, HPV‐ Human Papillomavirus, HPV vaccination, Ethnic minorities, Immigrants. Independent reviews of each article will be conducted to assess the study quality and confirm the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of the abstracted data.

Susceptibilité génétique à la dysplasie bronchopulmonaire du nouveau-né prématuré / Genetic susceptibility for bronchopulmonary dysplasia of the preterm infant

Hadchouel Duvergé, Alice 21 November 2011 (has links)
La dysplasie bronchopulmonaire (DBP) constitue la principale séquelle respiratoire de la prématurité. Elle est caractérisée par des altérations du développement alvéolaire et est définie cliniquement par la persistance d'une oxygénodépendance à 36 semaines d'âge corrigé. Malgré l'amélioration constante des soins en néonatologie, la DBP reste relativement fréquente chez les prématurés de moins de 1000g, et aucun traitement préventif ou curatif véritablement efficace n'existe à l'heure actuelle. Une susceptibilité génétique à la DBP a été démontrée il y quelques années. L'identification de gènes de susceptibilité permettrait non seulement de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie de cette maladie, mais également de dégager de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques. Les études disponibles sont basées sur une approche gène candidat, le plus souvent sur un nombre limité de sujets, et aucune d'entre elles n'a pu être répliquée dans d'autres populations. Nous avons donc décidé de réaliser une étude d'association pan-génomique à la recherche de gènes de susceptiblité à la DBP.Cette étude multicentrique a permis la constitution prospective d'une base de données cliniques et biologiques et d'une banque d'ADN de nouveau-nés prématurés de moins de 28 SA. L'étape de screening pan-génomique a été réalisée par une stratégie de DNA pooling dans deux populations ethniques différentes, et la validation par génotypage individuel dans deux populations de réplication. Les gènes sélectionnés ont ensuite été étudiés au cours du développement pulmonaire chez le rat.L'ensemble de la démarche pan-génomique a permis d'identifier un gène majeur, commun à l'ensemble des populations étudiées: SPOCK2. Notre étude a également permis d'identifier MMP16 comme gène de susceptibilité à partir des premiers résultats du DNA pooling dans la population caucasienne. L'étude de ces deux gènes au cours du développement pulmonaire chez le rat nous oriente fortement vers un rôle au cours du développement alvéolaire, avec un pic d'expression au cours de l'alvéolisation et une altération de cette expression dans le modèle hyperoxie. De plus, SPOCK2 et MMP16 appartiennent à une voie de signalisation commune, ce point renforçant fortement la crédibilité du rôle de ces gènes dans la susceptibilité à la DBP. Le rôle exact de ces gènes dans l'alvéolisation et la DBP reste à déterminer ainsi que les conséquences fonctionnelles potentielles des polymorphismes identifiés. Parallèlement, la collecte de nouveaux échantillons d'ADN chez des anciens prématurés ainsi que la collaboration avec des équipes étrangères permettra de poursuivre les études d'association dans des populations de plus en plus importantes / RationaleBronchopulmonary dysplasia is the most common chronic respiratory disease in prematureinfants. Genetic factors might contribute to bronchopulmonary dysplasia susceptibility.ObjectivesTo identify genetic variants involved in bronchopulmonary dysplasia through a genome-wideassociation study.MethodsWe prospectively evaluated 418 premature neonates (gestational age below 28 weeks), ofwhom 22% developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Two discovery series were created, usinga DNA pooling strategy in neonates from Caucasian and African ancestry. Polymorphismsassociated with the disease were confirmed in an independent replication population. Geneswere then explored by fine mapping and associations were replicated in an external Finnishpopulation of 213 neonates. Validated genes expression patterns were studied in rat lung,following air or hyperoxia exposure.Measurements and Main ResultsSPOCK2 gene was identified by both discovery series. The most significant polymorphism(rs1245560, p=1.66x10-7) was confirmed by individual genotyping, and in the replicationpopulation (p=0.002). Fine mapping confirmed the association of rs1245560 withbronchopulmonary dysplasia in both Caucasian and African populations with adjusted oddsratios of 2.96 (95% CI [1.37-6.40]) and 4.87 [1.88-12.63] respectively. In Caucasian neonates,rs1049269 was also associated with the disease (OR=3.21 [1.51-6.82]). These associationswere replicated in the Finnish population. In newborn rat lungs, SPOCK2 mRNA levelsmarkedly increased during the alveolar stage of lung development. After rat exposure tohyperoxia, SPOCK2 expression increased relative to air-exposed controls

Análise da locomoção de cães portadores de displasia coxofemoral com o sistema de baropodometria / Gait analysis with pressure walkway measurement systems in dogs affected with hip dysplasia

Oliveira, Renata Moris Domenico 19 March 2008 (has links)
A displasia coxofemoral é uma desordem do desenvolvimento da articulação coxofemoral canina, é uma das afecções ortopédicas mais usuais e acomete mais freqüentemente raças de grande porte. A análise objetiva da locomoção do cão através do sistema de baropodometria (Tekscan®) propicia informações sobre as forças de reação do solo que podem ser usadas para estudar membros com função normal e anormal. O objetivo deste presente estudo foi avaliar objetivamente a locomoção de cães displásicos e compará-la com a locomoção de cães normais. Para tanto foram formados 2 grupos, o grupo I composto por 10 cães hígidos das raças Rottweiler e Golden Retriever, após avaliação clínica e radiográfica, e o grupo II, formado por 20 animais adultos com evidência clínica e radiográfica de displasia coxofemoral, encaminhados ao Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do HOVET FMVZ/USP. Os animais foram conduzidos sobre a plataforma de baropodometria, ao passo, do lado esquerdo do condutor a uma velocidade constante, semelhante entre os 2 grupos. Foram registradas 20 passagens para a formação do banco de dados das forças máximas verticais, impulsos verticais, e tempo de apoio dos membros torácicos e pélvicos dos cães com DCF e o mesmo para cães hígidos. Cinco passagens válidas foram utilizadas para análise estatística. Entre os cães as forças foram normalizadas de acordo como o peso corpóreo e expressas em porcentagem (%) de peso corpóreo (%PC). A média de tempo de apoio para membros torácicos e pélvicos do grupo I foi de 0,442 segundos ±0,09, e de 0,437 segundos ± 0,088, respectivamente. Nos animais do grupo II os valores foram 0,482 segundos ±0,002 para membros torácicos e 0,451 segundos ±0,006 para membros pélvicos. No grupo I a força pico vertical (FPV) e Impulso Vertical (IV) para membros torácicos foram de 44,03%PC ± 4,7 e 12,52 %PC/s ± 4,04, respectivamente e de 27,87%PC ± 4,5 e 7,88 %PC/s ± 2,9 para membros pélvicos. No grupo II os valores da FPV e IV para membros torácicos foram de 44,04%PC ± 6,7 e 13,08%PC/s ± 4,5, respectivamente. Para membros pélvicos o valor da média da FPV foi de 21,75%PC ± 5,7 e o valor da média do IV foi de 6,3%PC/s ± 2,7. Quando foi realizada a comparação estatísitca entre os valores de tempo de apoio para membros torácicos e pélvicos, FPV e IV de membros torácicos e pélvicos entre o grupo I e o grupo II houve diferença significante (P=0.062) apenas nos valores da FPV de membros pélvicos, sendo menor em cães displásicos. Isso indica uma menor força de apoio nos membros pélvicos dos animais portadores de DCF, durante a locomoção. Com esses resultados formou-se um banco de dados de valores de cães displásicos conduzidos ao passo que poderá servir em futuras avaliações de vários modelos de tratamento para displasia coxofemoral. / Hip dysplasia is a developmental disorder of the coxofemoral joint. The disease is one of most common orthopedics diseases and it is more common in large breed dogs. The objective gait analysis of the dog with pressure walkway measurement systems provided information about ground reaction forces that is used to study limbs with normal and abnormal function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate objective gait analysis of the dog with hip dysplasia and to compare with healthy dogs locomotion. Prior to study the dogs were put in 2 groups. Group I - composed for 10 healthy dogs after clinical and radiographic evaluation. Group II -formed for 20 dogs with hip dysplasia determined on the basis of results of complete physical and radiographic evaluation of the hip joints. The dogs were examined at the Small Animal Surgery Service - HOVET - FMVZ/USP. The animals were handled across force platform, at the walk, on the left side of the handler, at a constant speed. Twenty trials were recorded to database formation of peak vertical forces (PVF), vertical impulses (VI) and stance phase of forelimbs and hind limbs of the dogs with hip dysplasia and the same to healthy dogs. Five valid trials were obtained for statistical analysis. Among dogs, ground reaction forces were normalized and expressed as percentage of body weight (%BW). The average of stance phase for forelimbs and hind limbs of group I was 0,442 s ± 0,09, e 0,437s ± 0,088, respectively. In group II the values were 0,482 s ± 0,002 for forelimbs and 0,450 s ± 0,006 for hind limbs. In group I, the peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI) for forelimbs were 44,03%BW ± 4,7 and 12,52 %BW/s ± 4,04, respectively, and 27,87%BW ± 4,5 and 7,88 %BW/s ± 2,9 for hind limbs. In group II, the values of PVF and VI for forelimbs were 44,04%BW ± 6,7 e 13,08%BW/s ± 4,5,respectively. For hind limbs the average value of PVF 21,75%BW ± 5,7 and the average of VI was 6,3%BW/s ± 2,7. Peak vertical force was significantly decreased in hind limbs of group II when compared with group I (p=0.062). The other values of stance phase, PVF e VI for fore and hind limbs had no statistical difference. These values indicated decreased loading function in hind limbs of dogs with hip dysplasia, during the locomotion. The database of dogs with hip dysplasia, at the walk, was formed with these results and can be used in futures evaluations of various models of treatment for hip dysplasia.

"Displasia fibrosa do complexo craniofacial: avaliação por meio de tomografia computadorizada e proposta de uma nova sistematização" / Fibrosa Displasia of the craniofacial complex: evaluation by means of computerized cat scan and proposal of a new systematization

Fonseca, Luciana Cardoso 03 July 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes aspectos da displasia fibrosa por meio da tomografia computadorizada (sítio ósseo da lesão, padrões de imagem, expansão e/ou destruição óssea) e correlacioná-los com a classificação da lesão (displasia fibrosa monostótica e craniofacial) e o sexo dos pacientes, além de sugerir uma padronização da classificação destas imagens. Foram avaliados 52 pacientes com displasia fibrosa monostótica e craniofacial por meio de cortes axiais e coronais de tomografia computadorizada. Os padrões de imagem na tomografia computadorizada foram divididos em três aspectos: hiperdenso e homogêneo (“vidro despolido"); pagetóide (hipo e hiperdenso); hiperdenso e esclerótico e hipodenso (Apesar de não ter encontrado na minha tese, este foi um padrão citado). Quando comparados os sexos, observou-se maior proporção de imagens padrão pagetóide e esclerótico no sexo feminino e padrão de imagem “vidro despolido" no sexo masculino. O padrão de imagem “vidro despolido" predominou entre as displasias fibrosas monostóticas; entre as displasias fibrosas craniofaciais, as imagens padrão “vidro despolido" e pagetóide apresentaram igual freqüência. As imagens escleróticas apresentaram proporção semelhante nos dois casos. Nos sítios ósseos com displasia fibrosa monostótica, o padrão “vidro despolido" foi predominante no esfenóide e na maxila. Além disso, foi o único padrão observado nos ossos frontal e temporal. O padrão pagetóide foi predominante na mandíbula e foi o único padrão encontrado no occipital. O padrão esclerótico só foi encontrado no temporal. Nos sítios ósseos com displasia fibrosa craniofacial, foram observados todos os três padrões de imagem no esfenóide, zigomático, maxila, etmóide, frontal e osso temporal. O padrão pagetóide foi encontrado em todos os sítios ósseos com displasia fibrosa craniofacial. O teste de Fisher mostrou não haver nenhuma associação estatística entre padrões de imagem e classificação da lesão para cada sítio ósseo (p > 0,05). Independentemente do padrão de imagem, todas as lesões apresentaram expansão da cortical. No entanto, somente as lesões com padrão pagetóide apresentaram destruição da cortical. A tomografia computadorizada é essencial na avaliação da extensão e do padrão de imagem da lesão. Uma nova padronização da classificação das imagens foi sugerida para um melhor entendimento e tratamento da doença quando correlacionada com o sítio ósseo. / The aim of this study was to determine the different computed tomography aspects (site of involvement of the lesion per bone, pattern of imaging and behavior (expansive and/or destructive) of patients with monostotic fibrous dysplasia and craniofacial fibrous dysplasia considering sex and the bone locations and to suggest a standard imaging classification. 52 patients with monostotic fibrous dysplasia or craniofacial fibrous dysplasia were studied through CT (axial and coronal slices). The images were categorized in four patterns: 1) “ground glass", 2) pagetoid, 3) sclerotic and 4) hypodense. When the two sexes were compared, a greater proportion of pagetoid and esclerotic patterns was observed in the female while “ground-glass" in the male. The “ground-glass" pattern was predominant in the cases of monostotic fibrous dysplasia . In addition, the ground-glass" and pagetoid patterns showed equal frequency. The sclerotic images showed similar proportion in both cases. In the bone locations with monostotic fibrous dysplasia, the “ground-glass" pattern was predominant in the sphenoid and maxilla. In addition, it was the only pattern observed in the frontal and parietal bones. The pagetoid pattern was predominant in the mandible and it was the only pattern observed in the occipital. The sclerotic pattern was only found in the temporal bone. In the bone locations with craniofacial fibrous dysplasia, all patterns of imaging in sphenoid, zygoma, maxilla, ethmoid, frontal and temporal bones were observed. Furthermore, all the bone locations with craniofacial fibrous dysplasia showed the pagetoid pattern. When the Fisher test was used, statistically significant association between imaging pattern and lesion classification considering bone location was not observed (p>0.05). All lesions showed expansion of the cortical and only the lesions with the pagetoid pattern showed destruction of the cortical. Computed tomography determined the extension and imaging patterns of the bone affected with monostotic fibrous dysplasia and craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. A standard imaging classification could be established in order to clarify the diagnosis and treatment of these lesions.

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