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Die Kontextualität der Theologinnenarbeit - dargestellt am Beispiel der Entwicklung in den lutherischen Kirchen Bayerns, Mecklenburgs und BrasiliensNützel, Gerda 17 December 1997 (has links)
Für die Untersuchung der Kontextualität der Theologinnenarbeit wurden Theologinnen aus drei Kirchen mit gemeinsamer lutherischer Konfessionalität ausgewählt, die im Untersuchungszeitraum in differenten sozioökonomischen Kontexten existierten: die Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche in Bayern, die Evangelisch--Lutherische Landeskirche Mecklenburgs sowie die Evangelische Kirche lutherischen Bekenntnisses in Brasilien (IECLB). Ziel war die Reflexion der Kontextuaität der theologischen Urteilsbildung und des kirchlichen Handelns. Anstöße aus der feministischen Theoriebildung und der emprischen Sozialforschung wurden einbezogen, z.B für die Interviews mitr je 20 Theologinnen aus jeder der drei Kirchen, die mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens nach ihrer Arbeitssituation, der Relevanz des Geschlechterverhältnisses, konfessioneller und ökumenischer Aspekte sowie ihrer Berufskonzeption gefragt wurden. Die Darstellung der Auseinandersetzung mit der Theologinnenarbeit in der theologischen Literatur zeigte, daß erste Überlegungen in Deutschland und in der Ökumene seit der ahrhundertwende angestellt wurden. Nach einer Phase einer geschlechtsspezifschen Konzeption eines Amtes sui generis erfolgte das Plädoyer für die kirchenrechtliche Gleichstellung und schließlich in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten Überlegungen hinsichtlich des Innovationspotentials der Theologinnenarbeit. Die drei Hauptteile zur Entwicklung der Theologinnenarbeit jeweils in einem der drei Kontexte beginnen mit einer Einführung in den jeweiligen sozioökonmischen Kontext von Frauen sowie in die jeweilige kirchengeschichtliche Entwicklung. Einzelne Phasen der Diskussion und Gestaltung der Theologinnenarbeit werden mit Hilfe von Archivmaterialien sowie weiteren schriftlichen und mündlichen Quellen dargestellt. In Bayern und Meckleburg fingen jeweils einzelne Theologinnen vor 1945 in individuell organisierten Arbeitsfeldern an. Nach 1945 wurden geschlechtsspezifische Berufskonzepte entwickelt, die sich jedoch als diskriminierend und einschränkend erwiesen, so daß es schließlich zur weitgehenden rechtlichen Gleichstellung kam. Insbesondere jedoch durch den gesellschaftlichen Aufbruch der Frauen kam es in den 80er Jahren zu einer erneuten Reflexion geschlechtsspezifischer Chancen im Pfarrberuf. Im brasilianischen Kontext suchten die lutherischen Theologinnen nach ihrem Einstieg ins Gemeindepfarramt nach alternativen Formen des pastoralen Amtes und reflektierten ebenfalls ab Ende der achtziger Jahre ihre Arbeit unter feministisch-befreiungstheologischen Aspekten. Das Resümee zeigt hinischtlich der sozioökomonischen Kontextualität der Theologinnenarbeit zunächst die Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem jeweiligen sozioökonomischen Kontext und der Entwicklung der Theologinnenarbeit auf und reflektiert dann die sich daraus ergebenden sozialethischen, biblisch-hermeneutischen und anthropologischen Fragen sowie Konsequenzen für eine inklusive Pastoralethik. Die Reflexion der kirchlich-instiutionellen Kontextualität der Theologinnenarbeit vergleicht die realen Einwirkungen der kirchlich-institutionellen Aspekte und reflekiert die sich daraus ergebenden ekklesiologischen Fragestellungen z.B hinsichtlich der Konzilität kirchlicher Entscheidungsfindung. Die Berücksichtigung der realen Einwirkungen der ökumenischen und konfessionellen Zusammenschlüsse auf die Entwicklung der Theologinnenarbeit in den drei genannten lutherischen Kirchen sowie die Darstellung der Positionen der orthodoxen Kirchen und des römisch-katholischen Lehramtes zur Frauenordination bzw. Priesterinnenweihe zeigt die weitergehenden Differenzen hinsichtlich der Konzeptionen kirchlicher Einheit, Anthropologie, Hermeneutik und Ekklesiologie auf. Am Ende werden ökumenisch-theologischePerspektiven für eine weitere gemeinsame Urteilsbildung hinsichtlich der Theologinnenarbeit entwickelt. / The research of the history of female theologians shows the development of women pastors in three lutheran churches living in three different socioeconomic contects of RFA, GDR and Brazil. Based on literal souce mateial and interviews with 20 women pastors of every church surge the historical steps of female participation in the ordainend ministry. At the beginning some women studied theology, looked for individal possibilities to work in the church. The next step has been a special limited form of women ministry until their ful participation of men and women in the ordained ministry happened. In the last years the chances oft the gender is discussed in a feminist view. The summary reflects the importance oft the socioeconomic contect, of the different forms of ecclesiastical instiutions and of the influence of the different convictions in the orthodox churches,. in the roman catholic teaching und in the protestant theology. The result is that the development of female participation in lutheran churches challenges all christians and all churches to inquire their biblical hermeneutic, anthropology and ecclesiology. The history of the female theologians in the lutheran churches provokes a vision of christian unity which includes the ful participation of men and women in the ordained ministry.
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Individual and Contextual Correlates of Charitable Giving to Refugees in GermanyGricevic, Zbignev 05 July 2022 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht das Ausmaß der Spendenbereitschaft für Flüchtlinge und
dessen individuelle sowie kontextuelle Korrelate unter einheimischen Deutschen zwischen
Jahren 2015 und 2018. Die Dissertation enthält drei originäre empirische Beiträge. Im
ersten empirischen Beitrag wird das Ausmaß des Spendenverhaltens für Flüchtlinge, seine
regionale Variation und Veränderung im Zeitverlauf beschrieben. Das Kapitel beschreibt,
wie Einstellungen und soziodemografische Merkmale mit Spenden für Flüchtlinge zusammenhängen. Ich stelle fest, dass die Spenden für Flüchtlinge besonders hoch waren bei
Frauen, Menschen mit einer höheren sozioökonomischen Position und Personen mit einer
positiven Einstellung zur Einwanderung. Im zweiten und dritten empirischen Beitrag
werden mögliche kontextuelle korrelate für solche Spenden betrachtet. Dies wird erreicht
durch die Kombination von individuellen Panelerhebungsdaten mit Sozialindikatoren auf
Stadtteilebene. Die zweite empirische Studie prüft, ob das Geben an mit der Anwesenheit
von Ausländern im Wohnumfeld korreliert ist. Umgebung korreliert. Es gibt keine robusten
Beweise dafür, dass die Anwesenheit von verschiedenen Gruppen von Ausländern
negativ mit Spenden für Flüchtlinge verbunden ist. Im letzten empirischen Kapitel wird
untersucht, ob die ethnische Segregation auf Stadtebene und der Wohnsitz in den Clustern
der Einheimischen negativ mit Spenden für Flüchtlinge verbunden ist. Einerseits
wird manchmal eine negative Korrelation zwischen der Segregation auf Stadtebene und
Spenden für Flüchtlinge festgestellt. Es gibt jedoch keine Hinweise darauf, dass Einheimische die in den Clustern der Einheimischen leben, weniger wahrscheinlich Flüchtlinge unterstützen. / This doctoral thesis analyzes extent of charitable giving to refugees and its individual
as well as contextual correlates among native Germans between years 2015 and 2018.
Dissertation contains three original empirical contributions. In the first empirical contribution
the extent of charitable giving to refugees, its regional variation and change over
time is described. Chapter describes how attitudes and socio-demographic characteristics
are correlated with giving to refugees. I find that giving to refugees was especially
high among females, people of higher socio-economic position and those holding positive
attitude towards immigration. In the second and third empirical contributions possible
environmental correlates of such giving are considered. This is achieved by combining
panel survey data with fine-grained neighborhood level social indicators. Second empirical
study tests if giving to refugees is correlated with presence of foreigners in the residential
environment. There is lack of robust evidence that presence of various foreigner groups
is negatively associated with giving to refugees. Final empirical chapter investigates if
city-level ethnic segregation and residing in the clusters of natives is negatively associated
with donating to refugees. On the one hand, negative correlation between city-level
segregation and giving to refugees is sometimes found. There is, however, no evidence
that natives living in the clusters of natives are less likely to support refugees with their
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Exploring Concepts of Contagion and the Authority of Medical Treatises in 14th-16th Century EnglandJones, Lori K 27 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines whether and how historians’ reliance on medical treatises has limited the historiography of contagion as it relates to fourteenth through sixteenth century England. It analyses the context, contents, audience, and codicology of six English tractates, four on the plague and two on the sweating sickness. Before the early seventeenth century, most English tractates were translations/adaptations of Continental works, with ‘uniquely English’ content added. Although the plague dominates studies of pre-modern disease, focusing on the plague hinders comparative analyses that can reveal much about contemporary understanding of contagion. The socio-political-professional contexts in which the tractates were written and disseminated affected their contents, circulation and, ultimately, audiences. Although largely ignored by historians, the tractates’ prefatory dedications, together with their codicology, reveals that the texts were likely accessible to non-elite audiences. Rather than being limited to its medical sense, contagion formed part of the larger discourse about the human condition.
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Exploring Concepts of Contagion and the Authority of Medical Treatises in 14th-16th Century EnglandJones, Lori K 27 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines whether and how historians’ reliance on medical treatises has limited the historiography of contagion as it relates to fourteenth through sixteenth century England. It analyses the context, contents, audience, and codicology of six English tractates, four on the plague and two on the sweating sickness. Before the early seventeenth century, most English tractates were translations/adaptations of Continental works, with ‘uniquely English’ content added. Although the plague dominates studies of pre-modern disease, focusing on the plague hinders comparative analyses that can reveal much about contemporary understanding of contagion. The socio-political-professional contexts in which the tractates were written and disseminated affected their contents, circulation and, ultimately, audiences. Although largely ignored by historians, the tractates’ prefatory dedications, together with their codicology, reveals that the texts were likely accessible to non-elite audiences. Rather than being limited to its medical sense, contagion formed part of the larger discourse about the human condition.
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Exploring Concepts of Contagion and the Authority of Medical Treatises in 14th-16th Century EnglandJones, Lori K January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines whether and how historians’ reliance on medical treatises has limited the historiography of contagion as it relates to fourteenth through sixteenth century England. It analyses the context, contents, audience, and codicology of six English tractates, four on the plague and two on the sweating sickness. Before the early seventeenth century, most English tractates were translations/adaptations of Continental works, with ‘uniquely English’ content added. Although the plague dominates studies of pre-modern disease, focusing on the plague hinders comparative analyses that can reveal much about contemporary understanding of contagion. The socio-political-professional contexts in which the tractates were written and disseminated affected their contents, circulation and, ultimately, audiences. Although largely ignored by historians, the tractates’ prefatory dedications, together with their codicology, reveals that the texts were likely accessible to non-elite audiences. Rather than being limited to its medical sense, contagion formed part of the larger discourse about the human condition.
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Hunger is the worst disease : conceptions of poverty and poverty relief in Buddhist social ethicsMonson, Jason McLeod January 2013 (has links)
The present work addresses the notions of poverty and poverty relief in Buddhist social and economic ethics, comparing them to current approaches to conceptualizing poverty used in the development community. Given the Buddhist preoccupation with ceasing suffering and removing its causes, and the key Buddhist principle of Right Livelihood that is found in the Ennobling Eightfold Path to enlightenment taught by the Buddha, economic ethics appear to be central to the Buddhist path and a concern for the suffering caused by extreme poverty therefore ought to be a key point of concern in Buddhist ethics. Buddhist ethics has developed into a field of study all its own over the last few decades, addressing issues in applied ethics from bioethics to human rights and environmental concerns, but little has been written by virtually any standard on the important topic of poverty relief. The present work makes a step toward filling that gap by examining relevant passages in the Pāli Canon as well as popular and influential Mahāyāna sūtras to demonstrate that a concern for deprivation or non-voluntary impoverishment is evident in key Buddhist doctrines and teachings from the earliest recorded history of the Buddhist tradition. The thesis further discusses the duties to relieve poverty outlined in Buddhist social ethics as well as the development of Buddhist economics and its critique of dominant mainstream economics. It also offers a comparison of Buddhist conceptions of poverty with contemporary notions of poverty, such as the capabilities approach to poverty developed by Amartya Sen and currently in use by the UNDP. In both of these cases poverty is portrayed in a comprehensive and multi-dimmensional manner which views income as only one aspect of poverty. Additionally, this dissertation examines the contemporary Socially Engaged Buddhist movement and identifies historical and contemporary examples of Buddhist poverty relief efforts.
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Digitalisera bill of lading : En studie om varför sjöfarten inte har digitaliserat dokumentetOlsson, Pontus, Neilan, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Abstrakt Den här studien handlar om att ta reda på varför elektroniska bill of ladings inte används i internationell handel. Bill of lading är den äldsta frakthandlingen som fortfarande används inom sjötransport. I studien används en rättdogmatiskmetod i kombination med kompletterande samtal med personer som arbetar med dokumenten på en dagligbasis, representanter från två olika banker. Resultatet visar att anledningen bakom det låga intresset kring eB/L är säkerheten bakom dom negotiable dokumenten. I dagsläget finns ingen lag eller konvention som stödjer någon elektronisk transaktion av värdepapper. För att använda sig av den här typen av transaktioner måste dokumenten vara non-negotiable och kan inte överföras till en tredje part under resans gång. För att lösa den typen av transaktioner har några företag implementerat blockchainsystemet som ett säkert sätt att överlåta värdepapper elektroniskt. / Abstract This Thesis is about finding the reason why the electronic bill of lading is not actively used in international trade. Bill of lading is the oldest transport document that is still used in maritime transport. In this thesis the legal method is combined with interviews with concerned parties who is working daily with these documents, two representatives from two different banks. The results show that the reason behind the lack of interest in eB/L is that there is no security behind the negotiable document. As of today, there is no convention or law that supports an electronic transfer of a document of title. To use these transfers the document must be non-negotiable and cannot be traded to a third party during the voyage. To solve the transfer of the documents, some companies have implemented the blockchain system as a safe way to trade documents of title electronically.
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色情暴動:女性色情的論述結構與情慾能動性 / Porn Insurrection: The Discourse Structure and Sexuality Agency of Women's Porn邱佳心, Chiu, Chia-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
色情不只是男性的專利,女性非但有權享受色情,近年來,更發展出一種專為女性打造的特殊色情類型:男性愛(boys' love)作品中具有明顯的性器官暴露或性行為描述之內容者,本研究稱之為「女性色情」。在女性色情中,觀看主體和慾望客體的性別位置受到翻轉,展現長久以來遭受壓抑和漠視的女性情慾。研究從Butler的「言說暴動」(insurrectionary speech)概念切入,探討女性色情是否隱含顛覆父權體制下性別權力結構的另類論述,重新詮釋女性色情背後所具有的社會意涵。
在對女性色情遊戲文本進行敘事分析,並對女性閱聽人展開深度訪談後,研究結果發現:遊戲文本倒置性別觀看位置,將男性身體予以性感化和客體化,且具有超脫異性戀鐵則的情慾思維;女性閱聽人則從其中獲得逃逸和想像的歡愉,一方面逃離現實性別權力結構的壓迫,一方面從性別權力的倒置中重獲觀看權力,以女性的主動觀看,對男性進行性感化想像。此外,她們亦在實踐中展現情慾能動性,並對父權異性戀宰制性意識形態進行反思,開放情慾態度,反對對性別弱勢的歧視。 / This article defines "women's porn" as the productions which depict genitals or sexualities explicitly in the genre of boys' love, and focus on realizing whether women's porn has a metaphor for alternative discourse of subverting the structure of gender authority in a patriarchal society. The article draws from Butler's notion of "insurrectionary speech" theoretically, and uses narrative analysis and in-depth interviews to study the discourse in a game of women's porn and the reception of female audiences.
The study findings are as follows: First, the game text breaks heterosexual rules by sexing maleness body and overturning traditional viewing position. Second, female audiences get their pleasures from two major parts through the reading experiences: Escaping and imaging. That is, evading from the oppression of gender authority in daily life, and put maleness body in a sexing way by viewing actively which empower them to claim their rights of viewing. Besides, they also reveal their agency in sexuality practices, reflect on dominant ideology of patriarchy-heterosexuality, and open their mind toward multiple gender-sexuality practices which differ from mainstream.
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Optical micro-manipulation in HIV-1 infected cells for improved HIV-1 treatment and diagnosisLugongolo, Masixole Yvonne 06 1900 (has links)
Laser application in the field of biological and medical sciences has significantly grown, thereby
strengthening the field of Biophotonics. Research conducted in Biophotonics focuses on the concept
of using light especially in the visible and near infrared regions of the electromagnetic radiation for
the evaluation of living systems. In this thesis new discoveries are presented about low level laser
therapy, optical trapping, transmission spectroscopy, luminescence spectroscopy and structured
illumination microscopy (SIM), displaying the impact each technique has on HIV infected cells. The
results showed that the irradiation of HIV-1 infected TZM-bl cells with low power red laser reduces
HIV-1 infection. The outcomes of this study further proved that when irradiation is used in
conjunction with efavirenz, an antiretroviral drug, HIV-1 infection could be reduced to undetectable
levels in TZM-bl cells. Through the coupling of transmission spectroscopy with optical trapping, and
separately, use of luminescence spectroscopy, label free diagnosis of HIV in infected cell samples
was achieved. This finding affirms that HIV-1 infection can be detected in a label free manner when
using laser based techniques. Furthermore, the photoluminescence spectrometer system was
employed to generate a decay curve, which was necessary so as to have some understanding on
lifetime of the luminescent signal in infected TZM-bl cells. Finally, in order to confirm that indeed
TZM-bl cells were infected, an established super-resolution microscopy system SIM was used to
detect HIV-1 infection in TZM-bl cells. Indeed in the infected cells viral molecules p24 and gp41
were detected through SIM, while they were not detected in uninfected cells. In future studies, super
resolution microscopy would be coupled to an optical trapping system in order to confirm that each
trapped cells is whether infected or uninfected so as to improve HIV diagnosis. / College of Science, Engineering and Technology / Ph. D. (Science, Engineering and Technology)
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Ambivalence and penetration of boundaries in the worship of Dionysos : analysing the enacting of psychical conflicts in religious ritual and myth, with reference to societal structureRaj, Shehzad D. January 2018 (has links)
This thesis draws on Freud to understand the innate human need to create boundaries and argues that ambivalence is an inescapable dilemma in their creation. It argues that a re-reading of Freud’s major thesis in Totem and Taboo via an engagement with the Dionysos myth and cult scholarship allows for a new understanding of dominant forms of hegemonic psychic and social formations that attempt to keep in place a false opposition of polis and phusis, self and Other, resulting in the perpetuation of oppressive structures and processes. The primary methodological claim of the thesis is that prior psychoanalytic engagements with cultus scholarship have suffered from being either insufficiently thorough or diffused in attempts to be comparative. A more holistic and detailed approach allows us to ground a psychoanalytic interpretation in the realities of said culture, allowing us to critique Freud’s misreading of Dionysos regarding the Primal Father and the psychic transmission of the Primal Crime. This thesis posits that Dionysos needs to acknowledged as a projection of the Primal Father fantasy linked to a basic ambivalence about the necessity of boundaries in psychosocial life. Using research from the classics and psychoanalysis alongside Queer and post-colonial theory, as well as extensive fieldwork and primary source analysis, this thesis provides a grounded materialist critique of psychoanalysis’ complicity in reproducing a false dichotomy between polis and phusis, a dichotomy that furthers the projection onto marginalised groups whose othering is linked to a fear and desire of a return to phusis and denial of its constant presence in the psyche and polis. This re-reading of Dionysos challenges the defensive structures, which are organised around ideas of subjectification that posit that phusis must be severed from polis/ego and projected onto Dionysos and all groups that threaten the precariousness of these boundaries.
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