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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educação infantil e teatro: um estudo sobre as linguagens cênicas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP / Child education and theater: a study on the scenic languages in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP

Cibele Witcel de Souza 12 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar as relações entre Educação Infantil e Teatro a partir das Linguagens Cênicas que vêm sendo concebidas e construídas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP. Partindo da análise do Curso Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, junto ao Programa de Formação Continuada da Educação Infantil promovido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), denominado A Rede em rede: formação continuada na Educação Infantil, e de alguns de seus desdobramentos, como o Caderno Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, foi possível se aproximar de propostas educativas de professoras envolvidas e de propostas infantis de meninas e meninos pequenos. Para tal, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: pesquisa de campo em um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) da cidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa; oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com professoras, coordenadora e supervisora da SME/SP, e com formadoras do referido Curso; além da coleta e análise de documentos e de outros materiais produzidos. As análises dos dados coletados foram realizadas de forma articulada, à luz da produção recente tanto brasileira quanto estrangeira no campo das pesquisas em Educação Infantil, na interface com as Ciências Sociais e com as Artes na primeira infância, e com a produção teórica sobre o Teatro propriamente dito especialmente da Performance e do Teatro pós-dramático , concebendo as crianças como plenas, inteiras, completas e as Linguagens Cênicas como formas delas conhecerem, criarem, inventarem, sentirem, viverem e compartilharem conhecimentos, saberes e culturas, assim como, também das profissionais da Educação Infantil. O Curso investigado e seus desdobramentos, apesar de não romperem com propostas formativas que ainda desconsideram o protagonismo e as criações de crianças, professoras, gestoras e formadoras, trouxeram alguns avanços e contribuições que se revelaram emergentes para a construção de uma Pedagogia da Educação Infantil fundamentada nas Artes, mas que só poderá ser construída quando forem consideradas as propostas educativas e infantis que estão sendo inventadas pelas professoras e, especialmente, pelas meninas e meninos pequenos, a partir das Linguagens Cênicas. / This research sought to investigate the relationship between Child Education and Theater in the perspective of the Scenic Languages that have been conceived and constructed in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP. Starting with the analysis of the Course on Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, by Continued Training Program on Child Education conducted by the Education Department of the City of São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), called The networking in education system: continued training on Child Education, and some of its outcomes, as the Booklet Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, it was possible to take a close look at educative proposals of female teachers involved and at infantile proposals for young girls and boys. For such, the following procedures were carried out: field research in a Child Education Center (CEI) in the city of São Paulo, with observation of the educative working hours; eight semi-structures interviews of female teachers, educational coordinator and the supervisor from SME/SP, and with lecturers in the training course mentioned above; in addition to the collection and analysis of documents and other materials produced. The analysis of the data collected was conducted in an articulated fashion, in the light of the recent literature both in Brazil and abroad in the field of studies on Child Education, in interface with Social Science and Art in early childhood, and with theoretical production about Theater specially Performance and post-dramatic Theater , conceiving children as full, integral, complete subjects and the Scenic Languages as ways of knowing, creating, inventing, feeling, living and sharing different types of knowledge and cultures, as well as the professionals working in Child Education. The Training Course being investigated and its deployments, although they do not break away with the formative proposals that still disregard the prominence and the creativity of children, teachers, managers and trainers, brought forth some improvements and contributions that turned out to be emergent in the construction of a Pedagogy for Child Education based on Art, but it will only be able to be devised when and educative and infantile proposals are taken into consideration as they have been invented by teachers and, especially, by the young girls and boys, aided by the Scenic Languages.

Cell segmentation and tracking via proposal generation and selection

Akram, S. U. (Saad Ullah) 20 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract Biology and medicine rely heavily on images to understand how the body functions, for diagnosing diseases and to test the effects of treatments. In recent decades, microscopy has experienced rapid improvements, enabling imaging of fixed and living cells at higher resolutions and frame rates, and deeper inside the biological samples. This has led to rapid growth in the image data. Automated methods are needed to quantitatively analyze these huge datasets and find statistically valid patterns. Cell segmentation and tracking is critical for automated analysis, yet it is a challenging problem due to large variations in cell shapes and appearances caused by various factors, including cell type, sample preparation and imaging setup. This thesis proposes novel methods for segmentation and tracking of cells, which rely on machine learning based approaches to improve the performance, generalization and reusability of automated methods. Cell proposals are used to efficiently exploit spatial and temporal context for resolving detection ambiguities in high-cell-density regions, caused by weak boundaries and deformable shapes of cells. This thesis presents two cell proposal methods: the first method uses multiple blob-like filter banks for detecting candidates for round cells, while the second method, Cell Proposal Network (CPN), uses convolutional neural networks to learn the cell shapes and appearances, and can propose candidates for cells in a wide variety of microscopy images. CPN first regresses cell candidate bounding boxes and their scores, then, it segments the regions inside the top ranked boxes to obtain cell candidate masks. CPN can be used as a general cell detector, as is demonstrated by training a single model to segment images from histology, fluorescence and phase-contrast microscopy. This work poses segmentation and tracking as proposal selection problems, which are solved optimally using integer linear programming or approximately using iterative shortest cost path search and non-maximum suppression. Additionally, this thesis presents a method which utilizes graph-cuts and an off-the-shelf edge detector to accurately segment highly deformable cells. The main contribution of this thesis is a cell tracking method which uses CPN to propose cell candidates, represents alternative tracking hypotheses using a graphical model, and selects the globally optimal sub-graph providing cell tracks. It achieves state-of-the-art tracking performance on multiple public benchmark datasets from both phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy containing cells of various shapes and appearances. / Tiivistelmä Biologia ja lääketiede nojaavat vahvasti kuvatietoon solujen ja kehon toimintojen ymmärtämiseksi sairauksien diagnostiikassa ja hoitojen vaikutusten seuraamisessa. Viime vuosikymmeninä mikroskopiassa on tapahtunut nopeaa teknistä kehitystä, mikä on mahdollistanut elävien solujen kuvantamisen tarkemmin, nopeammin sekä syvemmältä automatisoidusti useasta näytteestä. Tämä taas on johtanut kuvadatan nopeaan kasvuun ja suurempaan määrään biologisia kysymyksiä, joihin voidaan vastata. Kuvadatan räjähdysmäisen kasvun vuoksi kaikkia tuloksia ei voida enää tulkita pelkästään ihmistyövoimaa käyttämällä, mikä on johtanut tarpeeseen kehittää automaattisia menetelmiä analysoimaan kvantitatiivisesti suuria datajoukkoja ja löytämään tilastollisesti kelvollisia malleja. Solujen erottaminen niiden ympäristöstä ja toisista soluista (segmentointi) ja solujen seuranta ovat kriittisiä alkuvaiheen osia onnistuneessa automaattisessa analyysissä. Automaattisten menetelmien kehittämisessä solusegmentointi on kuitenkin osoittautunut hyvin haastavaksi ongelmaksi solujen muodon ja ulkonäön suurten muutosten vuoksi solutyypistä, näytteen valmistelusta ja kuvantamisjärjestelmästä johtuen. Tämä väitöskirja esittää uusia menetelmiä solujen segmentointiin ja seurantaan keskittyen koneoppimiseen perustuviin lähestymistapoihin, jotka parantavat automaattisten menetelmien suorituskykyä ja uudelleenkäytettävyyttä. Spatiaalista ja ajallista kontekstia tehokkaasti hyödyntäviä soluehdotelmia käytetään ratkaisemaan solujen heikosti erottuvista reunoista ja joustavista muodoista johtuvaa solujen muodon monitulkintaisuutta erityisesti silloin kun tutkittava solutiheys on suuri. Tämä väitöskirja esittää kaksi menetelmää soluehdotelmille; ensimmäinen menetelmä käyttää useita läikkätyyppisiä suodatinpankkeja ilmaisemaan kandidaatteja pyöreänmuotoisille soluille, kun taas toinen menetelmä nimeltään soluehdotelmaverkko (Cell Proposal Network, CPN) käyttää konvoluutionaalisia neuroverkkoja oppiakseen tunnistamaan solut niiden muodon sekä ulkonäön perusteella erityyppisissä mikroskooppikuvissa. CPN regressoi ensin solukandidaatteja ympäröivät suorakaiteet ja niiden pistemäärän, jonka jälkeen se segmentoi alueet parhaiten sijoittuneiden suorakaiteiden joukosta tuottaen solukandidaattimaskit. CPN:ää voidaan mahdollisesti käyttää yleisenä soluilmaisimena erityyppisilla kuvantamistekniikoilla tuotetuissa kuvissa mukaan lukien histologisen valo-, fluoresenssi- ja vaihekontrastimikroskooppian. Väitöskirja esittää solujen segmentoinnin ja seurannan soluehdotelmien valintaongelmina, mitkä ratkaistaan joko optimaalisesti käyttämällä kokonaislukuoptimointia tai likimääräisesti käyttämällä iteratiivista lyhimmän kustannuspolun hakua sekä ei-maksimien vaimennusta. Tämä väitöskirja esittää myös verkon leikkaukseen (graph cut) perustuvan menetelmän, mikä hyödyntää valmiiksi saatavilla olevaa reunanilmaisinta segmentoimaan tarkasti muotoaan voimakkaasti muuttavia soluja. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on uusi solujen seurantamenetelmä, mikä käyttää CPN:ää solukandidaattien ehdottamiseen, esittää vaihtoehtoiset seurantahypoteesit verkkomallia hyödyntämällä, ja valitsee globaalisti optimaalisen aliverkon solujen kulkemille reitille. Verrattuna useisiin muihin julkisesti saatavilla oleviin kuva-analyysiohjelmistoihin tässä väitöskirjassa kehitetyt menetelmät olivat suorituskyvyltään parhaita vaihekontrasti- ja fluoresenssimikroskopialla tuotettujen kuva-aineistojen analyyseissa, joissa solujen ulkomuoto oli hyvin vaihteleva.

Komparace důchodových systémů a návrhů reforem v České republice a Německu / Comparison of Pensionable systems and reform concepts of Czech Republic and Germany

Pochylá, Petra January 2008 (has links)
This paper targets the analysis of pensionable systems and proposals for their reformation for Czech Republic and Germany. These systems are built up on the same principle - continuous financing. Regardless this facticity my endeavour is to prove and to point out to similar and different characters of these systems. For centuries Germany have played very important role in Czech history. We can say that Germany affected today's present in our republic. This paper tries to show mutual coherence between these two pensionable systems. My analysis accentuates conformity and difference in historical development, contemporary structure of these systems, instituted reforms and political proposals for future development. The first part analyzes basic theory. The second part compares pensionable systems in Czech Republic and in Germany.

Zhodnocení finanční situace ve firmě / Evaluation of Financial Situation in Firm

Páral, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
Master’s thesis describes analysis of the financial situation company Brewery Černá Hora Inc. within the years 2003 – 2007 through the chosen indicators of the financial analysis. It diagnose strong and weak sides of the company and propose possible measures, which will lead to improvement of the financial situation for this company in the future.

Finanční analýza vybrané firmy / Financial Analysis of the Selected Firm

Poláková, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the financial situation and on the analysis of performance of the selected firm. There are applied methods of finacial analysis and the pyramidal decomposition of economic value added including the identification of value drivers. Companies’ indicators are compared with their branch avarage. The imperative part of this thesis are my proposals and recommendations which can help to remove or reduce the weak parts in the company.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Company and Proposals to Its Improvement

Urbánková, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of the financial situation in the business company using various methods and indicators of financial analysis. The practical part is based on the analysis of financial statements of an analysis of absolute indicators, analysis of financial ratios and selected models of systems analysis indicators. In conclusion, on the basis of results of assessment of the financial health of the company and proposed measures to improve the operation of the company in the coming years.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Rysová, Ludmila January 2008 (has links)
My master´s thesis focuses on the processes involved in conduction of overall financial assessment of the company using financial analysis method. The aim of this thesis is to recommend actions for improving the current financial situation of the corporation Alfa Plastik, a.s. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with the general characteristics of the company, the theoretical part describes the financial analysis procedure using new findings and ascertainments from literature. The practical part analyses the financial situation of the company through application of various financial analysis instruments and the final part pursues to actions proposed by me.

Economic Crime : Law and Legal Practice in the context of Nepal

Bhusal, Dharma Raj 16 July 2009 (has links)
The doctoral thesis is dealing with the phenomenon of economic crime in the context of Nepal, i.e. a developing country situated between two big emerging States, China and India. The study starts by explaining objectives and methods of the work, then it gives a short overview about the actual social, economic and political situation of Nepal. Chapter 3 concentrates on the definitions of "economic crime" and describes seven different types, starting with corruption and ending with money laundering. The explanation of these various types is completed by sketching the relevant working agencies the task of which is to fight against specific crimes. In the next chapter, the author at first shows the structure of the Nepali legal order and organisation, before he is looking at various laws/acts relating to economic crime. At the end of chapter 4, he is trying to compare those laws and to assess their stringency and efficiency. Chapter 5 deals more detailledly with relevant working agencies and is structured similar to the previous one, i.e. it explains the organisation, task and powers of each agency as well as their cooperation and, at the end, it tries to assess common features, parallels as well as divergencies between them. Chapter 6 is based upon field studies of the author. On the one hand, it shows the results from questionnaires which were handed out to a lot of persons in Nepal and which might give a rather broad impression about various aspects of economic crime in this country. On the other hand, a very prominent case (Governor and Director of Nepal Rastra Bank) is looked at more intensively, and the author has scanned important original documents in order to give a clear account of its main features. At last, by summing up theoretical, normative and empirical components the author has been caused to deliver some proposals of his own for remedies relating to economic crime, in particular concerning improvements of control mechanisms and establishing a single working agency with different departments for the fight against economic crime. / Die rechtswissenschaftliche Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Phänomen von "economic crime" (Wirtschaftsstraftaten) im Kontext Nepals, d.h. eines Entwicklungslandes, das zwischen zwei großen Schwellenländern, China und Indien, gelegen ist. Die Untersuchung beginnt mit einer Erläuterung von Zielen und Methoden der Arbeit und gibt dann einen kurzen Überblick über die gegenwärtige gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und politische Lage Nepals. Kap. 3 widmet sich den Definitionen von "economic crime" und beschreibt sieben unterschiedliche Typen, von Korruption bis Geldwäsche. Die Darstellung dieser verschiedenen Typen wird ergäzt durch einen Blick auf die zuständigen staatlichen Stellen, die mit dem Kampf gegen "economic crime" befasst sind. Im nächsten Kapitel zeigt der Verfasser zunächst die Struktur der Rechtsordnung und Staatsorganisation Nepals auf, bevor er sich zahlreichen Rechtsvorschriften bezüglich "economic crime" zuwendet. Am Schluss des 4. Kapitels ist er bestrebt, diese Vorschriften zu vergleichen und ihre Stringenz und Effizienz zu würdigen. Kap. 5 befasst sich ausführlicher mit den zuständigen (Verwaltungs-) Stellen und ist ähnlich aufgebaut wie das vorherige, d.h. es erläutert Aufbau, Aufgabe und Befugnisse jeder Stelle sowie deren Zusammenarbeit und versucht schließlich, Gemeinsamkeiten, Parallelen und Unterschiede zu verdeutlichen. Kap. 6 stützt sich auf Feldstudien des Verfassers. Einerseits zeigt es die Ergebnisse einer Erhebung per Fragebogen auf, den eine Vielzahl von Personen in Nepal erhielten und ausfüllten und durch den wichtige Eindrücke über verschiedene Aspekte von "economic crime" in diesem Land vermittelt werden. Andererseits wird ein überaus prominenter Fall (Gouverneur und Direktor der Nepal Rastra Bank) eigehender erörtert und der Verfasser gibt im Text wichtige Originaldokumente wieder, um die wesentlichen Züge dieses Vorfalls deutlich zu machen. Abschließend stützt sich der Verfasser auf theoretische, normative und empirische Erkenntnisse zur Unterbreitung eigener Vorschläge für Maßnahmen ("remedies") gegen "economic crime", vor allem im Hinblick auf eine Verbesserung der Überwachung und des Vollzugs sowie der Errichtung einer einzigen zuständigen Behörde mit mehreren Abteilungen zum Kampf gegen Wirtschaftsstraftaten.

Normal forms for multidimensional databases

Lehner, Wolfgang, Albrecht, J., Wedekind, H. 02 June 2022 (has links)
In the area of online analytical processing (OLAP), the concept of multidimensional databases is receiving much popularity. Thus, a couple of different multidimensional data models were proposed from the research as well as from the commercial product side, each emphasizing different perspectives. However, very little work has been done investigating guidelines for good schema design within such a multidimensional data model. Based on a logical reconstruction of multidimensional schema design, this paper proposes two multidimensional normal forms. These normal forms define modeling constraints for summary attributes describing the cells within a multidimensional data cube and constraints to model complex dimensional structures appropriately. Multidimensional schemas compliant to these normal forms do not only ensure the validity of analytical computations on the multidimensional database, but also favor an efficient physical database design.

Dlouhodobá nezaměstnanost osob 18-24 let v okrese Sokolov / Long Term Unemployment of Persons of Age from 18 to 24 in the District of Sokolov.

Jouzová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of unemployed people aged 18 to 24 in the district of Sokolov. This group of people represents the highest amount of unemployed people in the district of Sokolov. The essential sources of data include the available statistics of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Czech Statistical Office, the Municipal Office of Sokolov and the Labour Office of Sokolov. To make the problem clear it was very important to find out whether also other subjects than the Labour Office of Sokolov participate on finding a solution to unemployment of young people. An integral part of my thesis is an analysis of the labour market in the district of Sokolov. The consecutive analysis of the instrumets used in the active employment-politics in the district of Sokolov gives answer to the question whether all the available instrumets for the active employment-politics are used in the district of Sokolov. To get the whole picture of the problem, employees of the Labour Office of Sokolov and of the Department of Social Help in Material Need of the Municipal Office of Sokolov were questioned. The allegations of the people from the reference group of people aged 18 - 24 in the district of Sokolov are of high importance. There was a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The experience...

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