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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení finanční situace společnosti a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for its Improvement

Barilková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
BARILKOVÁ, E. Company financial assessment and optimization. Diploma thesis. Brno: VUT Brno, 2013. The diploma thesis specializes in financial management of state-funded institutions established by territorial autonomy, with focus on primary schools. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical one describes state-funded institutions and analyses system of financing elementary education in the Czech Republic. Practical part applies the theory on a specific case of primary school. Primarily with focus on financial flows from the state and municipal budget as a founder of the primary school. I also analyse alternative ways of funding, which are gained through own activities (e.g. EU structural funds). The final part includes the plan of financial optimization of this primary school.

Signalfel – Hur kan dessa reduceras? : Analys av driftstörningar i signalsystem på Ostkustbanan / Signalling failure – How can these be reduced? : Analysis of disruptions in the signalling at the East Coast Line

Hoang, Victoria, Ly, Kevin January 2015 (has links)
Under de senaste årtionden har tågförseningar i järnvägen ökat allt mer i samband med en minskande driftsäkerhet. Orsaken till den låga driftsäkerheten kan kopplas till den ökade trafikmängden och eftersatta underhållsarbeten, det vill säga slitna spår som används alldeles för länge. Detta ökar därmed störningskänsligheten för fel som ger upphov av stopp i trafiken, vanligtvis benämns det som ett ”signalfel”. Ett signalfel handlar om ett fel som kan uppstå i en mängd olika komponenter inom signalanläggningen. Dessa har delats in i sex olika delar bestående av signalställverket, spårledningar, baliser, tågledningssystem, plankorsningar samt själva signalerna. Ett fel i någon av dess komponenter ger till följd att signalerna går till ett säkert läge vilket innebär ett stopp i trafiken. De orsaker och komponenter som bidrar till en låg driftsäkerhet i järnvägen lyfts fram i detta arbete för att upplysa om de problem som återfinns i järnvägen. Fokus har legat på att ta fram åtgärdsförslag på den komponent som bedöms känsligast i signalanläggningen. Resultatet visade på att fel som sker i signalanläggningen till störst del genereras av spårledningar. Inom spårledningar så är det mest förekommande felet överledningar av isolerskarvar, vilket bedöms vara den känsligaste komponenten i signalanläggningen. Detta gäller speciellt i Stockholmsområdet, där tågtrafiken är som tätast och störningar påverkar ett stort antal resenärer. Åtgärderna som utförs för spårledningsfel är främst kortsiktiga lösningar såsom rensningar, kontroller eller ingen åtgärd alls. Oftast utförs lösningarna först efter att fel har uppstått, vilket innebär att ”signalfel” och dess konsekvenser redan har påverkat trafiken. För att höja driftsäkerheten krävs ett mer aktivt och effektivt underhållsarbete. Satsningar på innovativa lösningar och åtgärdsförslag bör utföras i syfte att minska frekvensen för störningar. / During the past decades, the railway train delays have increased greatly associated with a decreasing reliability. The cause of the low reliability can be connected to the increased amount of traffic and the lagging maintenance, that is to say worn track that remains too long. This thereby increases sensitivity to disturbance of the fault that causes stop in the traffic, usually termed it as a 'signal failure'. A signal failure is an error that can occur in a variety of components within the signalling system. These have been divided into six different parts consisting of signalling control, track circuits, beacons, train control systems, level crossings and signals themselves. An error in one of its components gives the result that the signals go to a safe state, which means a halt in traffic. The causes and components that contribute to a low reliability of the railways are highlighted in this work to raise awareness of the problems found in the railway. The focus has been on developing action proposals on the component that is deemed most sensitive in the signaling system. The results showed that errors occurring in the signaling system are mostly generated by the track circuits. The most common error in track circuits is the occurrence of conduction on the insulated joints, which is judged as the most sensitive component in the signalling system. This is especially true in the Stockholm area, which is where the train traffic is as most dense and where disturbances affect a large number of travelers. Actions performed on track circuit faults are mainly short-term solutions such as cleansing, checks and no actions at all. Solutions usually performs after error has occurred, which means that signalling failure and its consequences already has affected the traffic. In order to increase the reliability it requires a more active and effective maintenance work. Investments in innovative solutions and action proposals should be performed in order to reduce the frequency of disturbances.

Přímá volba prezidenta ČR v kontextu české odborné i veřejné diskuze / Direct election of the Czech president in the context of Czech professional and public discussion

Vlasáková, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
Theme of directly elected President was present on Czechoslovak and Czech political field regularly since 1989. Different proposals rose discussion in media and between the specialists from Political science. Diploma thesis captures the changes of specialized, political and media discussion during the years. The opinion of the Public is present in Public opinion polls. Diploma thesis also describes the circumstances of adoption of the Amendment to the Constitution and of the Implementing Law. Part of the Diploma thesis is also theoretical introduction concerning the regimes from the point of view of their polity and also a chapter about the institution of the president concerning his constitutional formal and informal powers since 1918 till these days.

Möjligheter och svårigheter vid implementering av Generativ Design som en processmetodik i designprocessen / Opportunities and difficulties in implementation of Generative Design as a process methodology in the design process

Jansson Carling, Johanna, Allbäck, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify needs in the AEC industry of Generative Design as a process methodology in design processes in the initial stage, since the design process has not developed in line with digitalization. The aim is to compare Generative design as a process methodology in design processes with established methodology to investigate the need for a changed design process as well as its challenges in the AEC industry. Method: The study is executed as a field study and is based on a method triangulation between literature search, document study and qualitative interviews with five individuals semi-structured form. The informants have good experience in the subject area. Findings: The findings are of different ambiguity in individual perspectives, but if seen in combination a clearer result is shown. The study achieves following findings; A need for change in the AEC industry's design process exists and a multidisciplinary approach is sought. Implementation of needs begins with a parallel process between current methodology and GD, one need not exclude the other. An increased programming knowledge of architects and engineers is required. A clear strategy for valuing requirements and design alternatives is required. Today's (2020) established process tends to move towards projects of high complexity being sub optimized which gives generic consequences for design, but GD have the potential to break the trend. Implications: The authors believe that the study’s set goals answer the questions of concern with high reliability and validity based on the study's coordination. Potential for further and in-depth studies are considered and that the collected empiricism to a wider extent than initially desired. Limitations: The subject area studied is predominantly of a contextual nature, which is partly reflected in the results. Because the result is based on a small selection of informants, it cannot be assumed that the same results had been obtained from the perspective of other professional groups. The results can be perceived as subjective due statements are based on personal opinions and preconceived opinions. The collected empiricism can provide a basis for a deeper analysis but the study’s scope of 15 hp was limiting. / Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga behovet i AEC-branschen av Generativ Designsom processmetodik i designprocessens initiala skeden eftersom designprocessen idaginte följt den digitala utveckling som snabbt går framåt. Målet är att utreda behovet aven förändrad designprocess samt dess utmaningar i AEC-branschen genom att jämföraGenerativ design som processmetodik i designprocessen med vedertagen metodik. Metod: En fallstudie av kvalitativ ansats med metodtriangulering mellanlitteratursökning, dokumentstudie och intervjuer med fem individer av semistruktureradform. Informanterna har god erfarenhet av ämnesområdet. Resultat: Resultaten är av varierande entydighet i enskilt perspektiv men ses resultateni kombination ges en tydligare resultatbild. Studien kommer fram till följande; Ettbehov av förändring i AEC-branschens designprocess existerar och etttvärfunktionellt arbetssätt eftertraktas. En implementering behöver inledas med enparallell process mellan nuvarande metodik och GD, det ena behöver inte utesluta denandra. En ökad programmeringskunskap hos arkitekter och ingenjörer krävs. En tydligstrategi för värdering av kravställningar och designalternativ krävs. Dagens (2020) vedertagna process tenderar att gå mot att projekt av högre komplexitetsgradsuboptimeras vilket ger generiska konsekvenser för utformandet men att GD harpotential att bryta denna trend. Konsekvenser: Författarna anser att studien besvarar uppsatt mål och frågeställningarmed hög reliabilitet och validitet utifrån studiens omfattning. Potential till vidare ochdjupgående studier anses finnas och att insamlad empiri är av högre omfattning än vadsom initialt planerades. Begränsningar: Ämnesområdet som studeras är till övervägande del av kontextuellkaraktär vilket delvis avspeglas på resultatet. Eftersom resultatet är baserat på ettmindre urval av informanter kan det inte utgås från att samma resultat hade erhållitsutifrån andra yrkesgruppers perspektiv. Resultaten kan uppfattas subjektiva eftersominformanternas uttalanden är baserade på personliga åsikter och förutfattade meningar.Den insamlade empirin kan utgöra en grund för en djupare och grundligare analys menarbetets omfattning på 15hp var begränsande.

The current tax system on the Swedish residential market – problems and possible solutions / Flyttrelaterade skatter på den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Grundmark, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Idag präglas den svenska bostadsmarknaden av en trögrörlighet som bland annat beror på höga flyttrelaterade skatter. Dessa flyttrelaterade skatter består av reavinstskatt, stämpelskatter, expeditionsavgifter och uppskovsränta. Många hushåll anser det idag vara för dyrt att flytta och avstår därför. Detta leder till att flyttkedjor stannar upp och arbetsmarknaden påverkas negativt eftersom många hushåll drar sig för att flytta och många tackar därför nej till arbeten som kräver en flytt. Detta beteende leder till att den individuella välfärden och hela Sveriges ekonomiska välfärd drabbas negativt. Detta är ett aktuellt och omtalat ämne och många rapporter har skrivits och det finns många förslag på förbättringar till dagens system. Många har som syfte att ge förslag på olika åtgärder som skulle leda till ett bättre system på bostadsmarknaden och många har gjort beräkningar på hur resultat av bland annat en minskning av reavinstskatten skulle se ut. Det är dock i detta examensarbete första gången som en siffra över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens alla flyttrelaterade skatter redovisas. Detta arbete har som syfte att se över dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem och uppmärksamma eventuella problem med dagens situation. En litteraturstudie redovisas för att en bredare inblick ska ges och utifrån litteraturstudien kommer sedan ett antal förslag till förbättringar av dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem att sammanfattas. Sedan kommer en utredning av hur mycket dagens flyttrelaterade skatter faktiskt genererar i pengar till staten att redovisas och sist kommer beräkningen över hur hög en fastighetsskatt skulle behöva vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter. Slutsatserna visar på att en del av problemen med dagens flyttrelaterade skattesystem kan lösas med en rad olika åtgärder som flera författare har utrett. Beräkningarna över hur hög en fastighetsavgift skulle behövara vara för att kunna ersätta dagens flyttrelaterade skatter visar på att alla bostadsägare årligen ska betala 5900 kronor eller 0,47 % av sitt taxeringsvärde i skatt, oavsett om man äger ett småhus eller en bostadsrättslägenhet. / The Swedish housing market is presently characterized by low mobility. This could partly be a result of the high taxes on moving from one house to another. Not only is there a capital-gains tax on moving, but also a stamp duty, a service charge and an interest charge on postponed capital gains tax. Many households consider the price of moving too high, making them reluctant to move. This will have a negative effect on the labour market due to the fact that people will be less willing to move to places where labour is needed. This type of behaviour will ultimately affect both the wealth of the individual and Sweden’s economy in a negative way. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the current tax-system and emphasize the problems with it. Firstly, a literature study will be presented to give a wide perspective of the subject. This will be the basis for a number of suggestions that will resolve the problem with low mobility on the housing market. After this, an investigation of how much money the taxes on moving actually generate to the government. Lastly, a calculation of how high a real estate tax would have to be in order to replace the taxes on moving. The conclusions of this paper suggest that there are a number of actions that can be taken in order to resolve some of the problems with the tax system on the Swedish housing market. The calculations show that the taxes on moving could be replaced by a real estate tax where the homeowners would pay 5900 SEK or 0,47% of the assess value of the home yearly, instead of paying taxes only when moving.

Den ekologiska utvecklingen på Västra hamnen i Malmö / The ecological development at West harbor in Malmö

Quach, Frank January 2021 (has links)
Abstract In this essay, it is investigated whether West Harbour, in Malmö, has the greenery to fulfill the goals and visions needed to be able to be said to be an ecological district today. An increasing proportion of people have moved to the city, which means major ecological challenges for the city and the ecology in general. Ecological urban planning can be a tool to curb these problems. In previous research from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and an essay from previous students they have looked further at what it is like to plan urban from an ecological concept in different cities. In this essay the theory from Mostafavi och Doherty (2016) which talks about planning ecologically. Diedrich (2013) writes about using tools to analyze the “site”. During the interviews, the five informants shared their knowledge of the ecological development theme at “Västra hamnen” and gave a closer insight into the property in front of the building itself and its surroundings. The four themes were compiled in this essay which concerns the need for parks, ecological development, green areas and green oases and climate change - elevated sea levels.   In need of parks, it emerged that there was a shortage of parks in the Western Harbor. In ecological development, the city of Malmö wants to test a new environment at Dockan's harbor basin, the concept of park islands. Green spaces and green oases are, there are results about open spaces on the property Fören 3 - Turning Torso as it can open discussions to expand green in the physical space offered. Climate change - elevated sea levels that can challenge the future of housing and security.  The assignment is about the accommodation’s future safety and current elevated sea level.     The interviews and field observations gave a closer insight into what it is to visit, see, hear, feel, smell, and based on the ecological conditions, the Western Harbor is experienced with its own senses. It also gave me abstract thoughts on what it would be like to shape a place and in the physical space. From a blank sheet of paper to filling it with colors, to shape an attractive concept and design for the benefit of the public. Finally, a solution proposal will be presented in the concept of “Parc in the Water” on the West Harbour.   Keywords: ecology, field observation, greenery, park, park islands, site / <p>Presentationen ägde rum på zoom meeting. </p><p>Samtliga publikationer närvarade på presentationen med en Powerpoint. </p>

Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et culturelles dans l'extrême sud-est algérien. Cas d'étude : le parc national du Tassili n'Ajjer / Sustainable management of natural and cultural resources in the South - Eastern Algeria. Case study : National Park Tassili n'Ajjer

Djouhri, Othmane 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le Tassili n’Ajjer est notre région d’étude, situé à l’extrême Sud - Est algérien, caractérisé par une remarquable interaction de l’homme et son environnement et comprenant des phénomènes naturels d’une beauté exceptionnelle et d’une culture saharienne spécifique. Ce dernier est ainsi mal organisé et insuffisamment protégé et géré. Notre étude s’articule ainsi autour de trois grands axes. Le premier axe est réservé à la présentation des spécificités et les particularités du territoire du Tassili n’Ajjer. Le second axe est consacré à l’analyse de toutes les composantes et les potentialités de cette zone d’étude et spécifiquement l’activité touristique à développer. Une série d’enquêtes et d’entretiens menés auprès des acteurs locaux (public et privé) portant sur les questions et les préoccupations de développement local dans la région du Tassili, nous ont aidé d’aboutir à une série de propositions permettant une meilleure gestion durable et une protection efficace de ces richesses spécifiques de la région. Ces propositions feront ainsi l’objet de détail dans le dernier axe de thèse. / The objective of this thesis is to consider a strategy for sustainable management of natural resources and cultural resources in the territory of Tassili n'Ajjer. This makes the proposal and the incorporation of new activities to the fabric of society Saharan to achieve sound economic development and effective protection of this space. Tassili n'Ajjer our study area, located in the South - Eastern Algeria. It characterized by a remarkable interaction between man and his environment including natural phenomena of exceptional beauty and culture specific Saharan Africa. It is poorly organized and inadequately protected and managed. This contribution is organized around three major axes. The first line is reserved for the presentation of the specificities and particularities of the territory of Tassili n'Ajjer. The second axis is devoted to analyze the components and the potential of this specific study area and tourist activity to develop. A series of surveys and interviews with local actors (private and public) on the issues and concerns of local development in the region of Tassili helped us to achieve a series of suggestions for better Sustainable management and efficient protection of species richness in the region. These proposals will be retail and in the last line of argument.

Katalog stanovišť vhodných pro přírodovědná pozorování v okrese Opava s využitím na 1. stupni ZŠ / The Catalogue of Convenient Stands for Natural Scientific Observation in Opava District with the Application at the Elementary School

Šebestová, Renata January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis serves as a foundation and guide for the pedagogical staff members to improve the teaching of natural science in the field at the first level of elementary schools in the district of Opava. The main aim and output of the thesis was to create a source material for teachers and their practice in preparing of the natural science excursions and walks in the terrain. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part deals with the description of the natural phenomenon of the district. It captures the specifics of the area and its landscape potential, it also includes an overview of didactic methods of teaching with use for scientific observation. The most important part consists of a catalog of stations suitable for nature walks and excursions, which should facilitate the search of accessible areas. Each catalog station has a thematic focus, its location and accessibility, brief characteristics and key terms are described. The practical part consists of pedagogical research and didactically compiled suggestions of practical activities serving as a guide for activities with pupils. Part of this is documentation of pedagogical practice during which selected catalog themes were tested. The set of documents for implemented excursions is structured in...

Educação infantil e teatro: um estudo sobre as linguagens cênicas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP / Child education and theater: a study on the scenic languages in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP

Souza, Cibele Witcel de 12 September 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar as relações entre Educação Infantil e Teatro a partir das Linguagens Cênicas que vêm sendo concebidas e construídas em propostas formativas, educativas e infantis da Rede Municipal de São Paulo/SP. Partindo da análise do Curso Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, junto ao Programa de Formação Continuada da Educação Infantil promovido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), denominado A Rede em rede: formação continuada na Educação Infantil, e de alguns de seus desdobramentos, como o Caderno Percursos de aprendizagens na Educação Infantil: práticas teatrais, foi possível se aproximar de propostas educativas de professoras envolvidas e de propostas infantis de meninas e meninos pequenos. Para tal, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos: pesquisa de campo em um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI) da cidade de São Paulo, com observação da jornada educativa; oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com professoras, coordenadora e supervisora da SME/SP, e com formadoras do referido Curso; além da coleta e análise de documentos e de outros materiais produzidos. As análises dos dados coletados foram realizadas de forma articulada, à luz da produção recente tanto brasileira quanto estrangeira no campo das pesquisas em Educação Infantil, na interface com as Ciências Sociais e com as Artes na primeira infância, e com a produção teórica sobre o Teatro propriamente dito especialmente da Performance e do Teatro pós-dramático , concebendo as crianças como plenas, inteiras, completas e as Linguagens Cênicas como formas delas conhecerem, criarem, inventarem, sentirem, viverem e compartilharem conhecimentos, saberes e culturas, assim como, também das profissionais da Educação Infantil. O Curso investigado e seus desdobramentos, apesar de não romperem com propostas formativas que ainda desconsideram o protagonismo e as criações de crianças, professoras, gestoras e formadoras, trouxeram alguns avanços e contribuições que se revelaram emergentes para a construção de uma Pedagogia da Educação Infantil fundamentada nas Artes, mas que só poderá ser construída quando forem consideradas as propostas educativas e infantis que estão sendo inventadas pelas professoras e, especialmente, pelas meninas e meninos pequenos, a partir das Linguagens Cênicas. / This research sought to investigate the relationship between Child Education and Theater in the perspective of the Scenic Languages that have been conceived and constructed in formative, educative and infantile proposals in the education system of the city of São Paulo/SP. Starting with the analysis of the Course on Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, by Continued Training Program on Child Education conducted by the Education Department of the City of São Paulo/SP (SME/SP), called The networking in education system: continued training on Child Education, and some of its outcomes, as the Booklet Itineraries of learning in Child Education: theatrical practices, it was possible to take a close look at educative proposals of female teachers involved and at infantile proposals for young girls and boys. For such, the following procedures were carried out: field research in a Child Education Center (CEI) in the city of São Paulo, with observation of the educative working hours; eight semi-structures interviews of female teachers, educational coordinator and the supervisor from SME/SP, and with lecturers in the training course mentioned above; in addition to the collection and analysis of documents and other materials produced. The analysis of the data collected was conducted in an articulated fashion, in the light of the recent literature both in Brazil and abroad in the field of studies on Child Education, in interface with Social Science and Art in early childhood, and with theoretical production about Theater specially Performance and post-dramatic Theater , conceiving children as full, integral, complete subjects and the Scenic Languages as ways of knowing, creating, inventing, feeling, living and sharing different types of knowledge and cultures, as well as the professionals working in Child Education. The Training Course being investigated and its deployments, although they do not break away with the formative proposals that still disregard the prominence and the creativity of children, teachers, managers and trainers, brought forth some improvements and contributions that turned out to be emergent in the construction of a Pedagogy for Child Education based on Art, but it will only be able to be devised when and educative and infantile proposals are taken into consideration as they have been invented by teachers and, especially, by the young girls and boys, aided by the Scenic Languages.

Weakly supervised learning of deformable part models and convolutional neural networks for object detection / Détection d'objets faiblement supervisée par modèles de pièces déformables et réseaux de neurones convolutionnels

Tang, Yuxing 14 December 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au problème de la détection d’objets faiblement supervisée. Le but est de reconnaître et de localiser des objets dans les images, n’ayant à notre disposition durant la phase d’apprentissage que des images partiellement annotées au niveau des objets. Pour cela, nous avons proposé deux méthodes basées sur des modèles différents. Pour la première méthode, nous avons proposé une amélioration de l’approche ”Deformable Part-based Models” (DPM) faiblement supervisée, en insistant sur l’importance de la position et de la taille du filtre racine initial spécifique à la classe. Tout d’abord, un ensemble de candidats est calculé, ceux-ci représentant les positions possibles de l’objet pour le filtre racine initial, en se basant sur une mesure générique d’objectness (par region proposals) pour combiner les régions les plus saillantes et potentiellement de bonne qualité. Ensuite, nous avons proposé l’apprentissage du label des classes latentes de chaque candidat comme un problème de classification binaire, en entrainant des classifieurs spécifiques pour chaque catégorie afin de prédire si les candidats sont potentiellement des objets cible ou non. De plus, nous avons amélioré la détection en incorporant l’information contextuelle à partir des scores de classification de l’image. Enfin, nous avons élaboré une procédure de post-traitement permettant d’élargir et de contracter les régions fournies par le DPM afin de les adapter efficacement à la taille de l’objet, augmentant ainsi la précision finale de la détection. Pour la seconde approche, nous avons étudié dans quelle mesure l’information tirée des objets similaires d’un point de vue visuel et sémantique pouvait être utilisée pour transformer un classifieur d’images en détecteur d’objets d’une manière semi-supervisée sur un large ensemble de données, pour lequel seul un sous-ensemble des catégories d’objets est annoté avec des boîtes englobantes nécessaires pour l’apprentissage des détecteurs. Nous avons proposé de transformer des classifieurs d’images basés sur des réseaux convolutionnels profonds (Deep CNN) en détecteurs d’objets en modélisant les différences entre les deux en considérant des catégories disposant à la fois de l’annotation au niveau de l’image globale et l’annotation au niveau des boîtes englobantes. Cette information de différence est ensuite transférée aux catégories sans annotation au niveau des boîtes englobantes, permettant ainsi la conversion de classifieurs d’images en détecteurs d’objets. Nos approches ont été évaluées sur plusieurs jeux de données tels que PASCAL VOC, ImageNet ILSVRC et Microsoft COCO. Ces expérimentations ont démontré que nos approches permettent d’obtenir des résultats comparables à ceux de l’état de l’art et qu’une amélioration significative a pu être obtenue par rapport à des méthodes récentes de détection d’objets faiblement supervisées. / In this dissertation we address the problem of weakly supervised object detection, wherein the goal is to recognize and localize objects in weakly-labeled images where object-level annotations are incomplete during training. To this end, we propose two methods which learn two different models for the objects of interest. In our first method, we propose a model enhancing the weakly supervised Deformable Part-based Models (DPMs) by emphasizing the importance of location and size of the initial class-specific root filter. We first compute a candidate pool that represents the potential locations of the object as this root filter estimate, by exploring the generic objectness measurement (region proposals) to combine the most salient regions and “good” region proposals. We then propose learning of the latent class label of each candidate window as a binary classification problem, by training category-specific classifiers used to coarsely classify a candidate window into either a target object or a non-target class. Furthermore, we improve detection by incorporating the contextual information from image classification scores. Finally, we design a flexible enlarging-and-shrinking post-processing procedure to modify the DPMs outputs, which can effectively match the approximate object aspect ratios and further improve final accuracy. Second, we investigate how knowledge about object similarities from both visual and semantic domains can be transferred to adapt an image classifier to an object detector in a semi-supervised setting on a large-scale database, where a subset of object categories are annotated with bounding boxes. We propose to transform deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)-based image-level classifiers into object detectors by modeling the differences between the two on categories with both image-level and bounding box annotations, and transferring this information to convert classifiers to detectors for categories without bounding box annotations. We have evaluated both our approaches extensively on several challenging detection benchmarks, e.g. , PASCAL VOC, ImageNet ILSVRC and Microsoft COCO. Both our approaches compare favorably to the state-of-the-art and show significant improvement over several other recent weakly supervised detection methods.

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