Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bishop"" "subject:"blshop""
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Tienda virtual de ropa para perros de raza grande: XL DOG SHOP / Online clothing store for large breed dogs: XL DOG SHOPAguilar Velazco, Melany Renata, Cueva Ramos, Diana Cimith, Espinoza Hurtado, Andrea Samanta, Pizarro Huaraz, Yasmin Areliz, Quiroz Guando, José Inocencio 28 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene finalidad sustentar el modelo de negocio enfocado en la venta de ropa para perros en las tallas 7 y 8. ¿Cómo se surgió? Los participantes de este proyecto tenemos perros de diferentes razas, lo cual identificamos por medio de nuestras conversaciones y con otras personas, que son pocas las empresas que se enfocan en este segmento. La idea inicial, fue plantear y realizar las entrevistas para determinar el problema de muchos dueños que poseen perros de raza grande al momento de comprar una prenda para su engreído en talla grande. En base a la información recopilada se encontró que el problema es: el precio elevado en las prendas de tallas grandes, la poca producción de estas prendas en tallas grandes y la falta de diseños de estos. Asimismo, se realizó el prototipo, se creó las redes sociales y se publicaron las prendas para incrementar seguidores, también se identificó a 8 posibles compradores que interactuaban en nuestras publicaciones, lo cual se les envió el prototipo para recibir un feedback del producto. Después, con los comentarios de los entrevistados se mejoró el prototipo y se lanzó a la venta en nuestras redes sociales. Las nuevas prendas fueron confeccionadas por Ana Flores, la confeccionista escogida por la calidad de sus prendas y fueron publicadas tanto en Facebook como en Instagram y en Tik Tok. Finalmente, con los resultados de las ventas se hicieron los estados financieros, los flujos de caja y las proyecciones de ventas a 3 años / The purpose of this work is to support the business model focused on the sale of clothes for dogs in sizes 7 and 8. How did it come about? The participants of this project have dogs of different breeds, which we identify through our conversations and with other people, that few companies focus on this segment. The initial idea was to raise and conduct interviews to determine the problem of many owners who own large breed dogs when buying a garment for their cocky in large size. Based on the information collected, it was found that the problem is: the high price of large-size garments, the low production of these garments in large sizes and the lack of designs of these. Likewise, the prototype was made, social networks were created, and the garments were published to increase followers, 8 possible buyers who interacted in our publications were also identified, which were sent the prototype to receive feedback on the product. Later, with the comments of the interviewees, the prototype was improved, and it was launched for sale on our social networks. The new garments were made by Ana Flores, the garment maker chosen for the quality of her garments and were published on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. Finally, with the sales results, the financial statements, the cash flows and the 3-year sales projections were made. / Trabajo de investigación
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Nutzung interaktiver Elemente in deutschen Online-ShopsLackermair, Georg, Reuder, Jakob January 2012 (has links)
Das Web erfreut sich weiterhin ungebrochener Beliebtheit. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich das Netz jedoch sehr stark weiterentwickelt. Aus einem anfangs unidirektionalen Informationsmedium bestehend aus statischen Dokumenten wurde unter dem Schlagwort ,,Social Web” ein interaktives Kommunikationsmedium. Schon vor dem Social Web entwickelte sich das Web außerdem zu einem Medium zur Abwicklung geschäftlicher Transaktionen und bildet heute die wichtigste Plattform für den E-Commerce.
Für den Online-Handel bietet das Social Web eine einfache Möglichkeit mit den Konsumenten direkt in Kontakt zu treten und eine bi-direktionale Beziehungsstruktur mit dem Kunden aufzubauen. Richter et al. [2007] sehen dies als eine logische Weiterentwicklung im E-Commerce. In der Praxis gibt es jedoch auch seitens der Unternehmen häufig Überlegungen, dass das Anbieten von öffentlich einsehbaren Kommunikationsmechanismen auch die Verbreitung negativer Meinungen fördert und so den Geschäftserfolg schmälert. Ein weiteres Hindernis sind auch häufig bestehende Unklarheiten über die Erfolgsmessung von Social Web-Projekten. Dementsprechend gibt es sowohl Web Shops, die viele interaktive Elemente bereitstellen, als auch solche, die darauf verzichten.
Im Rahmen der hier vorgestellten Arbeit soll die Frage nach der aktuellen Verbreitung von interaktiven Elementen in deutschen Online-Shops beantwortet werden.
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IntermarketCaycho Martinez, Arual Brisset, Cumpa Andrade, Brandon Daniel, Nuñez Mego, Alison Melina, Palacios Castillo, Alessandra, Surco Ramos, Diana Carolina 04 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto empresarial se denomina INTERMARKET, perteneciente al sector de retail, el cual fue ideado por un grupo de cinco usuarios que asumirán los cargos de director financiero, ejecutivo, compras, marketing y recursos humanos. El concepto de Intermarket engloba una experiencia única desde el primer contacto con el consumidor. Este proyecto es una tienda online en donde se ofrece una gama de productos de origen extranjero a través de plataformas digitales minuciosamente diseñadas de manera que sea eficaz, amigable y confiable para el cliente. De manera que, el consumidor no tenga la necesidad de dirigirse a un establecimiento, ya que Intermarket se encargará de realizar la entrega de los productos de manera rápida y segura. Este modelo de negocio se encuentra dirigido para usuarios de ambos sexos que tienen edades entre 25 a 39 años, los cuales son extranjeros o peruanos que han realizado por lo menos un viaje al exterior. Como se sabe, el conocer nuevas culturas y gastronomía hace que los consumidores demanden de los productos que más les gustaron para su consumo. Actualmente, no existe una tienda especializada en proveer estos tipos de productos. Es por esta razón que nace Intermarket, idea de negocio que ofrece la oportunidad de poder consumir productos que fueron degustados en algún lugar del mundo a un precio justo, los cuales evocan recuerdos inolvidables al momento de probarlos. El presente proyecto tiene un valor actual neto 86,771.53 soles de y una tasa interna de retorno de 106%. El periodo de recuperación de la inversión en el proyecto Intermarket es de 1.1888 años.
Intermarket se encuentra enfocado en brindar un servicio personalizado a sus clientes y valora la satisfacción de los mismos. / This business project is called Intermarket, belonging to the retail sector, which was designed by a group of five users who will assume the positions of financial director, executive, purchasing, marketing and human resources. The concept of Intermarket encompasses a unique experience from the first contact with the consumer. This project is an online store that offers a range of products of foreign origin through digital platforms carefully designed to be effective, friendly and reliable for the customer. In this way, the consumer does not need to go to an establishment, as Intermarket will take care of delivering the products quickly and safely. This business model is aimed at users of both sexes who are between 25 and 39 years old, who are foreigners or Peruvians who have made at least one trip abroad. As it is known, the knowledge of new cultures and gastronomy makes the consumers demand the products that they liked the most for their consumption. Currently, there is no store specialized in providing these types of products. It is for this reason that Intermarket was born, a business idea that offers the opportunity to consume products that were tasted somewhere in the world at a fair price, which evoke unforgettable memories at the time of tasting them. This project has a net present value of 86,771.53 soles and an internal rate of return of 106%. The payback period for the investment in the Intermarket project is 1,1888 years.
Intermarket is focused on providing a personalized service to its customers and values their satisfaction. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto Click BookArroyo Guzmán, Natalia, Cuesta Villar, Fernando Guillermo, Gálvez Limo, Camila Paola, Hurtado Mandujano, Andrea Lucía, Romero De la Torre, Alexandra 02 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de una tienda virtual de compra y venta de libros usados, muestra la viabilidad de su ejecución en base a la investigación realizada, en la cual se identificó que muchos hombres y mujeres de los NSE A, B y C tienen libros acumulados en casa y no saben que uso darles. Asimismo, se identificó que muchas de estas personas tienen la necesidad y deseo de comprar libros, sin embargo, por los precios elevados, no pueden adquirirlos. Por último, con la llegada del COVID-19 y el aumento de uso de tecnología en la sociedad, se ha generado una mayor preferencia y necesidad de quedarse en casa, hacer actividades por medio de diferentes aparatos electrónicos, de manera rápida, sencilla y cómoda.
Para el desarrollo del proyecto se hizo una evaluación y análisis del público objetivo, proveedores, competidores y otros factores. Asimismo, se hicieron diferentes planes que permitieron organizar y desarrollar estrategias para hacer más eficiente el proyecto, los cuales fueron: Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el Plan Financiero. Finalmente, después de una inversión inicial de 28,618.34 soles en el primer año de operaciones, se obtuvo un resultado de 8,707.06 soles como utilidad neta, 87,997.25 soles para el segundo año y 42,424.24 soles para el tercer año. / The present project of a virtual store for buying and selling used books shows the feasibility of its execution based on the research carried out, in which it was identified that many men and women of the NSE A, B and C have accumulated books in home and do not know what to use to give them. Likewise, it was identified that many of these people have the need and desire to buy books, however, due to the high prices, they cannot buy them.
Finally, with the arrival of COVID-19 and the increase in the use of technology in society, there has been a greater preference and need to stay at home, do activities through different electronic devices, quickly, easily and comfortably. For the development of the project, an evaluation and analysis of the target audience, suppliers, competitors and other factors was made. Likewise, different plans were made that allowed organizing and developing strategies to make the project more efficient, which were: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility and the Financial Plan. Finally, after an initial investment of 28,618.34 soles in the first year of operations, a net profit of 8,707.06 soles was obtained, 87,997.25 soles for the second year and 42,424.24 soles for the third year. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto de negocios de una tienda erótica online para adultos en Lima Metropolitana / Business project of an online erotic store for adults in Metropolitan LimaAmpuero Córdova, Diego José, Blaz Correa, Karina Jeniffer, Suasnabar Padilla, Jairo Jandir, Sullcapuma Sayago, Edwin Gabriel, Toribio Medina, Magaly Etel 22 February 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar la viabilidad de poner en marcha una idea de negocio: “ENTRENOS”. Éste se enfocará en la importación y comercialización de artículos sexuales en un modelo de negocio sutil, educativo y lúdico, dirigido a mayores de 18 años con capacidad adquisitiva, que deseen descubrir, potenciar su sexualidad y mejorar su experiencia sexual. “ENTRENOS”, genera un impacto en la sociedad a través del impulso de igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de hombres y mujeres independientemente de sus gustos y preferencias. Incluye y respeta a la comunidad LGTB, a su vez genera una cultura sexual saludable.
Los productos y servicios fueron diseñados a partir de las necesidades que presenta un segmento de mercado no satisfecho. Para ello, se realizó una investigación de mercado donde se descubre que este segmento presenta diversas incomodidades al recibir publicidad agresiva de productos, falta de stocks, variedad de productos e información que no resuelve dudas y ocasiona la vulnerabilidad de su privacidad.
Uno de los principales factores que contribuirá con éxito, son las alianzas estratégicas, el abastecimiento oportuno y la entrega a tiempo de los productos al cliente.
El modelo de negocio presentado tiene todas las oportunidades de crecimiento, se determina que por cada 100 visitas en el landing page hay un nivel de aceptación del 50%, siendo un 20% más de lo que se esperó.
Para finalizar, mediante la aplicación del VPN y el TIR se observa que nuestro proyecto si produce valor, siendo rentable en el tiempo. / The present project aims to evaluate the feasibility of starting a business idea: "TRAIN US". This will focus on the import and commercialization of sexual articles in a subtle, educational and playful business model, aimed at people over 18 with purchasing power, who wish to discover, enhance their sexuality and improve their sexual experience. "TRAIN US", generates an impact on society through the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of men and women regardless of their tastes and preferences. It includes and respects the LGBT community, in turn generates a healthy sexual culture.
Products and services were designed based on the needs presented by an unsatisfied market segment. For this, a market investigation was carried out where it is discovered that this segment presents various discomforts when receiving aggressive advertising of products, lack of stocks, variety of products and information that does not resolve doubts and causes the vulnerability of their privacy.
One of the main factors that will contribute to success are strategic alliances, timely sourcing and delivery of products to the customer on time.
The business model presented has all the growth opportunities, it is determined that for every 100 visits on the landing page there is an acceptance level of 50%, being 20% more than what was expected.
Finally, through the application of the NPV and the IRR, it is observed that our project does produce value, being profitable over time. / Trabajo de investigación
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Výběrové prodejny s potravinářským sortimentem na obvodě Praha 1 v 80. letech 20. století / Extra choice shops with food assortment in the district of Prague 1 in the eighties of 20th centuryKiššová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
My thesis is devoted to the influence of food retail units with an exclusive assortment on the territory of Prague 1 at the time of normalization, specifically in the 80s of the 20th century. All facilities which are mentioned in the thesis have been incorporated into the enterprise Potraviny Prague 1, and were somehow exceptional in its own way, whether it was a privilege in supplying compared to standard establishments, or the customers' demand for local delicacies. As the enterprise Potraviny Prague 1 was a direct superior of the member establishments and their important part, this thesis deals with its origin and history. Its inseparable part consists also in the mention of organized competitions, shows, and last but not least, I mention the awards, which ware granted to this enterprise. The fourth chapter focuses on the availability of the specialized range of products, their quality and the level of provided services, which is connected to overseeing the establishments by its parent organization. The methodology of this thesis uses both the scientific literature, the press of that time, and the interviews conducted using the method of oral history.
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Exploring professional development interventions for improving the teaching practice of primary school teachersTembe, Cristina Raul Cesar Augusto 23 April 2012 (has links)
Since the independence of Mozambique in 1975 teacher education and teacher continuing professional development (TCPD) have been a matter of concern for the Ministry of Education (MINED) and teachers. Both the MINED as employer and the teachers individually have permanently been looking for models and ways to upgrade their academic and professional qualifications levels. The constraints faced by Mozambique are similar to those faced by other sub-Saharan African countries since their independence due to the increased pressure for more attention to all levels of education, with particular emphasis on primary education. Although TCPD is usually seen as part of the overall Strategy for Teacher Education (Ministry and Education and Culture, 2004), this scenario privileges initial teacher education since there are many unqualified teachers facilitating learning. The main challenge of this study was to investigate the practices of primary school teachers in Grades 1 and 2 through a participatory action research (PAR) in a study titled Exploring Professional Development Intervention for Improving the Teaching Practices of Primary School Teache. Mixed methods research was used, namely quantitative and qualitative methods. A quantitative method was used during the baseline study which consisted of questionnaires administrated to 1 028 teachers from six provinces in the country. Qualitative research was used with five practitioner-researchers (PRs) in one school. Each PR was approached as a single case study. The findings of this PAR indicate that, on the one hand, the teachers are aware of the need for more academic and pedagogical qualifications, and on the other hand, of the individual responsibility they have. They believe that progression in their careers should be a credible procedure that recognises the TCPD programmes they have attended. The teachers are of the opinion that the MINED should formally recognise the TCPD by allocating credit points to teachers. Although the self-directed professional development (SDPD) model used in this study was time consuming, it has revealed that TCPD can provide effective results when with the appropriate support and follow-up of methods of facilitating the learning of reading and writing skills in Grades 1 and 2. The study involved all teachers appointed to Grade 1 in 2007, and continued with the same teachers until 2010. During this period the teachers were appointed to facilitate learning in Grades 1 and 2. Notwithstanding the fact that the PRs were only from 2 of the 7 grades provided in primary education, the study revealed the advantage of whole school professional development. The study took into consideration the Mozambican school context and calendar. For instance, the PRs were certified by the latest model of teacher education (10+2 teacher education programme) provided by the MINED. In addition, the meetings were carried out during the period scheduled for the planning of pedagogical practices and TCPD programmes. Throughout the study the constant issue that emerged was the need for a paradigm shift in TCPD. Providers of TCPD need to introduce changes in the way they view primary school teachers and confer on them the responsibility for their individual continuous professional development. Action Research could be the new research paradigm used by providers and teachers to improve their work, understand learners’ learning problems and find the appropriate solutions to improve achievement. The findings of this PAR both contribute to understanding the teachers’ views with respect to the TCPD programmes being provided, and offer the option for a new paradigm for TCPD. In this regard the current providers of such programmes can also consider the school principal and the deputy principal as fundamental facilitators of TCPD through a SDPD model. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Humanities Education / unrestricted
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[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado analisa um problema de programação de máquinas
em série com datas de entrega e ganhos cumulativos sob incerteza.
Em particular, este trabalho considera situações reais na quais os tempos
de processamento e datas de liberação são estocásticos. O objetivo principal
deste trabalho é a resolução deste problema de programação de máquinas
em série em um ambiente estocástico buscando analisar a relação entre diferentes
niveis de incerteza e o benefício esperado. Visando atingir este objetivo,
primeiramente uma heurística é proposta utilizando-se da técnica de
biased-randomization para a versão determinística do problema. Então, esta
heurística é extendida para uma metaheurística a partir do encapsulamento
dentro da estrutura de um variable neighborhood descend. Finalmente, a metaheurística é extendida para uma simheurística a partir da incorporação
da simulação de Monte Carlo. De acordo com os experimentos computacionais,
o nível de incerteza tem um impacto direto nas soluções geradas pela
simheurística. Além disso, análise de risco foram desenvolvidas utilizando
as conhecidas métricas de risco: value at risk e conditional value at risk. / [en] This master s thesis analyzes the Permutation Flow-shop Scheduling
Problem with Delivery Dates and Cumulative Payoffs under uncertainty
conditions. In particular, the work considers the realistic situation in which
processing times and release dates are stochastics. The main goal is to
solve this Permutation Flow-shop problem in the stochastic environment
and analyze the relationship between different levels of uncertainty and
the expected payoff. In order to achieve this goal, first a biased-randomized
heuristic is proposed for the deterministic version of the problem. Then, this
heuristic is extended into a metaheuristic by encapsulating it into a variable
neighborhood descent framework. Finally, the metaheuristic is extended
into a simheuristic by incorporating Monte Carlo simulation. According
to the computational experiments, the level of uncertainty has a direct
impact on the solutions provided by the simheuristic. Moreover, a risk
analysis is performed using two well-known metrics: the value at risk and
the conditional value at risk.
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Fusing DL Reasoning with HTN Planning as a Deliberative Layer in Mobile RoboticsHartanto, Ronny 08 March 2010 (has links)
Action planning has been used in the field of robotics for solving long-running tasks. In the robot architectures field, it is also known as the deliberative layer. However, there is still a gap between the symbolic representation on the one hand and the low-level control and sensor representation on the other. In addition, the definition of a planning problem for a complex, real-world robot is not trivial. The planning process could become intractable as its search spaces become large. As the defined planning problem determines the complexity and the computationability for solving the problem, it should contain only relevant states. In this work, a novel approach which amalgamates Description Logic (DL) reasoning with Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is introduced.
The planning domain description as well as fundamental HTN planning concepts are represented in DL and can therefore be subject to DL reasoning; from these representations, concise planning problems are generated for HTN planning. The method is presented through an
example in the robot navigation domain. In addition, a case study of the RoboCup@Home domain is given. As proof of concept, a well-known planning problem that often serves as a benchmark, namely that of the blocks-world, is modeled and solved using this approach.
An analysis of the performance of the approach has been conducted and the results show that this approach yields significantly smaller planning problem descriptions than those generated by current representations in HTN planning.
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Shop-Scheduling Problems with TransportationKnust, Sigrid 26 September 2000 (has links)
In this thesis scheduling problems with transportation aspects are studied. Classical scheduling models for problems with
multiple operations are the so-called shop-scheduling models. In these models jobs consisting of different operations have
to be planned on certain machines in such a way that a given objective function is minimized. Each machine may process at
most one operation at a time and operations belonging to the same job cannot be processed simultaneously. We generalize
these classical shop-scheduling problems by assuming that the jobs additionally have to be transported between the
machines. This transportation has to be done by robots which can handle at most one job at a time. Besides transportation
times which occur for the jobs during their transport, also empty moving times are considered which arise when a robot
moves empty from one machine to another. Two types of problems are distinguished: on the one hand, problems without
transportation conflicts (i.e. each transportation can be performed without delay), and on the other hand, problems where
transportation conflicts may arise due to a limited capacity of transport robots.
In the first part of this thesis several new complexity results are derived for flow-shop problems with a single robot. Since
very special cases of these problems are already NP-hard, in the second part of this thesis some techniques are developed
for dealing with these hard problems in practice. We concentrate on the job-shop problem with a single robot and the
makespan objective. At first we study the subproblem which arises for the robot when some scheduling decisions for the
machines have already been made. The resulting single-machine problem can be regarded as a generalization of the
traveling salesman problem with time windows where additionally minimal time-lags between certain jobs have to be
respected and the makespan has to be minimized. For this single-machine problem we adapt immediate selection
techniques used for other scheduling problems and calculate lower bounds based on linear programming and the technique
of column generation. On the other hand, to determine upper bounds for the single-machine problem we develop an efficient
local search algorithm which finds good solutions in reasonable time. This algorithm is integrated into a local search
algorithm for the job-shop problem with a single robot. Finally, the proposed algorithms are tested on different test data and
computational results are presented.
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