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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de conjunto de diretrizes editoriais para o design de livro didático digital interativo para Tablet / Proposal of editorial guidelines set for interactive digital textbook for tablet

Possatti, Giovana Marzari January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, teve como objetivo propor um conjunto de diretrizes editoriais avaliadas e hierarquizadas para projeto de livro didático digital interativo para tablets com ênfase em livros com volume de texto. Para tanto, a revisão de literatura abordou as áreas principais de Design envolvidas no objeto em questão, tais como Interface, Interação, e Editorial (impresso e digital), sendo esta última, o foco da pesquisa. Para a obtenção e sistematização das diretrizes, empregou-se o método Mapas de Conceitos (TROCHIM, 1989) composto por cinco etapas: i. Preparação das referências – seleção de 34 referências da literatura acadêmica, sites/blogs de editoras, designers, sistemas operacionais que apresentassem diretrizes de design editorial tanto impresso quanto digital. ii. Compilação das diretrizes – listagem inicial de 1052 diretrizes pesquisadas que após oito iterações de análise de redução, aglutinação e agrupamentos, foi reduzida para 78 diretrizes redigidas e sistematizadas em cinco grupos temáticos. iii. Estruturação das diretrizes – foram levantadas informações sobre similaridade conceitual entre as diretrizes compiladas bem como avaliação da utilidade das mesmas para este tipo de publicação. Esta etapa ocorreu mediante técnica de card sorting aplicada a 15 especialistas da área editorial. iv. Representação das diretrizes – os dados coletados no card sorting passaram por análises de escala multidimensional (MDS) e hierárquica de grupo (HCA), as quais possibilitaram representar as relações conceituais entre diretrizes e grupos mediante mapas de conceito e dendogramas. E v. Interpretação dos mapas e dendogramas resultantes. Esse processo resultou, posteriormente à realização de todas as etapas e onze iterações, em um conjunto de 60 diretrizes, avaliadas pelos especialistas, sistematizadas em quatro grupos temáticos. Esperase que o conjunto de diretrizes possa auxiliar designers e profissionais de editoras, e demais interessados, no projeto editorial de livros didáticos digitais interativos. / This exploratory and descriptive research aimed to propose a set of editorial design guidelines evaluated and hierarchized to project of interactive digital textbook for tablets with emphasis on textbooks with text volume. Therefore, the literature review addressed the main areas of Design involved in the subject matter, such as Interface, Interaction, and Editorial (printed and digital). The latter area is the focus of the research. To obtain and systematize the guidelines, we used as a methodological procedure the method of Concept Maps (TROCHIM, 1989) wich consists of five steps: i. Preparation of references - selection of 34 references of academic literature, websites/blogs publishers, designers, operating systems to submit editorial design guidelines both printed and digital. ii. Compilation of guidelines - initial listing of 1052 guidelines researched that after eight iterations of reduction, assemblage and groupings analyses, it was reduced to 78 written guidelines and systematized in five thematic groups. iii. Structuring guidelines – we raised information on conceptual similarity between the compiled guidelines and assess the utility of the same for this type of publication. This step occurred through card sorting technique applied to 15 experts of the editorial area. iv. Representation of the guidelines - the data collected in card sorting underwent analyses of multidimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical clusters (HCA), which made it possible to represent the conceptual relations between guidelines and groups by concept maps and dendograms. And v. Interpretation of maps and dendograms. This process finalized, following the completion of all stages and eleven iterations in a set of 60 guidelines evaluated by experts, systematized in four thematic groups. We expected that the set of guidelines will help designers and publishers professionals, and other interested parties on editorial design of interactive digital textbooks.
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破壞性創新技術的擴散模式- 以E-ink反射式顯示技術為例 / Diffusion model of a disruptive innovation technology-A case study of E-ink reflective display technology

周志豪, Chou, Chinhao Unknown Date (has links)
2007年11月全球網路書局巨擘Amazon正式宣布進軍電子書事業,發表一款名為「Kindle」的電子書以及相關營運服務,旋即造成搶購風潮。 此電子書使用E-ink公司研發的電子墨顯示技術,讓使用者的使用彷彿覺得是閱讀印刷物,而電子墨技術已存在四十餘年,最早發明於Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,此技術以使用黑白的電子墨形成可反射環境光顯示方式,有別於主流使用於筆記型電腦或桌上監視器的彩色顯示器,電子書以採反射式,能在有環境照明時清晰可視,不須要一般顯示器的背光源,所以有較低的耗電,同時也可以有較輕與薄的設計。 此差異化的顯示技術與產品定位讓E-ink創新技術花費將近十年均只有極小衆的需求,直到2008年才見有起飛的成長。 本論文透過分析E-ink個案之創新技術擴散歷程,並佐證先前相關創新技術擴散理論之文獻,闡述擴散模式、影響因素、與創新採用過程來明瞭E-ink創新擴散的驅動力。 E-ink創新技術之應用與其他創新技術的最大差異,它不僅是個破壞式創新技術,它的應用是需要改變採用者使用方式。 此類的創新技術不像其他大多數的創新技術是新增使用方式或察覺不出使用方式須改變。 所以研究其技術擴散歷程可幫助我們明瞭此類較不易擴散的創新技術如何能加速其市場擴散。此研究同時比較應用E-ink電子墨顯示技術的電子書與其他新技術與產品市場擴散之差異,包括應用高密度積體電路記憶體設計與製造技術的數位音訊播放器(MP3 player)、應用薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器技術的大尺寸液晶平面電視與應用投射式電容觸控技術的平板電腦。 本研究我們發現,E-ink創新技術的應用驅動採用者改變其以往的使用方式,而此驅動力的來源就是使用創新技術的新產品價值主張。 在此個案中更進一步發現擴散模式的兩股驅動力可改變產品擴散市場的強度,首先是技術發展達到產品可滿足客戶最低的價值主張期望,第二是此價值主張讓使用者選擇此新技術帶來創新產品的需求滿足。 延伸觀察使用方式改變的擴散主要為兩個因素的函數,一為內部推動力- 包括新技術的技術發展力、供應力。另一為外部拉引力- 包括市場對產品價值主張的吸引力、其他創新技術使用的協同效果、銷售模式與經營模式對產品的推廣能力。 創新技術是一個高科技公司維持營運與成長的重要資產,但如何能將創新技術應用於產品成功的擴散市場,若能掌握重要的驅動因子,方可將此資產較快速地轉變為倍數的財源。 本研究分析改變使用方式的破壞性創新E-ink電子墨顯示技術的擴散模式,發現初期的擴散以內部技術力與供應能力驅動為主,建議企業在此時期應思考如何應用創新技術定位產品,同時定位於最核心的價值位置建立商業模式。 在此能力逐漸增強之後,其擴散則以外部市場吸引力驅動為主,必須在市場推出所謂「殺手級應用」產品,即應用此破壞性創新技術突顯差異的產品價值主張,而能跨越採用者鴻溝。 同時建議企業在此時應著力於產品開發策略,市場推出的產品必須滿足多層次採用者不同的需求,適當的規劃產品直到技術漸趨成熟而衰退。 / It has became one of the most popular consumer electronics since Amazon, the world leading bookstore, announced to enter eBook business and launched a reading device, called “Kindle” in November 2007. This eBook device applies a simple electronic ink display technology from E-ink and let readers to view the display just like to view a printed book. This electronic ink display have been developed more than 40 years and invented in Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. This technology applies dark and white electronic ink which could reflect ambient light to display black and white image on the screen. The display don't need a backlight as conventional LCD screens, and can also be viewed under sunlight as printed paper. In the same time, it has a less power consumption and could have a slim and light design for easy carry. But, it has spent more than 10 years to only gain a small population of customers to use this differentiating display and product which apply this E-ink innovative technology. After Amazon launched “Kindle” in late 2007, we observed this technology fast diffuse to the mass market. This thesis is to study a diffusion model of E-ink disruptive technology. Review prior articles of technology diffusion theory, model of innovation diffusion, factors of innovation diffusion and adoption of innovation to understand driving forces of E-ink technology diffusion. The major difference of E-ink technology from others is to require changing the user usage method when it appy to an electroic paper. It is not only a disruptive change, but requires changing user usage experience. Most of other new technologies are to add new or be easy usage, won’t feel a change of usage method and experience. Research the diffusion model of this disruptive technology help us to understand how we could expedite this type of new technology to the market. In this study, we also compare other similar applications of new technologies, such as MP3 player which apply high density of integrated circuit memory design and manufacturing; Large sized TFT LCD TV which using TFT LCD technology; and Tablet computer which adopt capacitive touch technology. To compare those technologies market diffusion with E-ink display technology. We have found the driving force to adopt E-ink technology and make change of user usage is the value proposition of products which adapt this innovative technology. Furthermore, we conclude two driving forces to enhance diffuse into mass market. First one is to meet the minimum expectations of the value proposition from this new technology. Second is to meet the needs of users who select this new technology. In addition to, it observed two important factors to change usage adoption, one is internal push force, and the other is external pull force. Internal push forces include technology development; and capability of supply chain. External pull forces include market attraction of product value propositions; synergy for using other technologies in the products; sales and business models to promote products. Innovative technology is an important asset to sustain company growth in a high- tech company. But how it could successfully apply the innovative technology to a product and diffuse into the market? It is important to know key driving forces, so this asset is able to turn into cash for continuous funding new innovation. This study analyzes the diffusion model of a disruptive E-ink display technology. We have found early diffusion forces are depended on technology and supply chain capability. It suggests company to focus how to initiate the product position with technology capability for meeting expectation of value proposition. In the mean time, it needs to build the supply chain infrastructure to position core value of new technology. Once company has built the technology capability, diffusion forces move to market pull. It starts to launch a “killer application” product to apply this technology and underline differentiating product value proposition, so it is able to cross the “chasm”. It also suggests company to adjust strategy on product development and requires having a broader product portfolio to meet a variety of customer needs. Finally, plan product development for mainstream applications utill technology is gradually slowdown.
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L'édition universitaire française face au numérique : Enjeux stratégiques et menaces économiques pour les manuels en Sciences Humaines et Sociales

Epron, Benoît 29 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Face aux développements des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans les domaines de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, le secteur de l'édition a été conduit à prendre en compte la montée en puissance du numérique dans ses perspectives stratégiques.<br />L'évolution actuelle de l'édition universitaire numérique au niveau international laisse apparaître un réel décalage entre les disciplines et les bassins linguistiques, les STM anglophones s'inscrivant clairement dans un axe de transition forte vers une activité numérique devenant majeure. La situation internationale se voit reproduite en France pour les STM, mais la situation des SHS est par contre beaucoup plus en retrait par rapport au numérique, sans préjuger toutefois de la possibilité pour ce secteur de suivre l'évolution des STM.<br />Le secteur des revues s'est distingué des autres secteurs éditoriaux universitaires et a développé une activité non-marchande représentative sur la base des supports numériques. A l'exception des dictionnaires et encyclopédies, les autres genres éditoriaux, les ouvrages, essais, monographies... n'ont pas mis en place de réelle stratégie numérique, la situation étant au stade de l'étude et de l'analyse.<br />C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit ce travail de thèse. Il vise à apporter une analyse de la position de l'édition d'ouvrages universitaires face aux perspectives du numérique. Cette analyse a pour objectif la compréhension des enjeux et des caractéristiques qui distinguent ce domaine face dans la transition numérique. Il vise également à apporter des propositions de modèles et des préconisations en vue du développement d'une activité numérique pour ces secteurs.
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Multimodal Enhancements and Distribution of DAISY-Books

Eberius, Wolfram, Haffner, Alexander 15 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
An increasing demand for providing accessible content to widely differentiated target groups calls for a universal eBook standard combined with a flexible user interface. For this purpose, we enhanced the current DAISY standard to serve the blind and visually handicapped as well as deaf, hearing impaired, dyslexic and elderly users. In addition to supporting sign language videos and alternatives in simplified language, we introduced videos with media enrichments as a primary source. Additionally a personalizable web player, based on the Adobe Flex Framework, allows real-time streaming and local playback of original and newly developed multimedia DAISY books. Furthermore, the player supports multimodal input such as gesture and speech recognition to facilitate use by physically handicapped people.

Proposta de conjunto de diretrizes editoriais para o design de livro didático digital interativo para Tablet / Proposal of editorial guidelines set for interactive digital textbook for tablet

Possatti, Giovana Marzari January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, teve como objetivo propor um conjunto de diretrizes editoriais avaliadas e hierarquizadas para projeto de livro didático digital interativo para tablets com ênfase em livros com volume de texto. Para tanto, a revisão de literatura abordou as áreas principais de Design envolvidas no objeto em questão, tais como Interface, Interação, e Editorial (impresso e digital), sendo esta última, o foco da pesquisa. Para a obtenção e sistematização das diretrizes, empregou-se o método Mapas de Conceitos (TROCHIM, 1989) composto por cinco etapas: i. Preparação das referências – seleção de 34 referências da literatura acadêmica, sites/blogs de editoras, designers, sistemas operacionais que apresentassem diretrizes de design editorial tanto impresso quanto digital. ii. Compilação das diretrizes – listagem inicial de 1052 diretrizes pesquisadas que após oito iterações de análise de redução, aglutinação e agrupamentos, foi reduzida para 78 diretrizes redigidas e sistematizadas em cinco grupos temáticos. iii. Estruturação das diretrizes – foram levantadas informações sobre similaridade conceitual entre as diretrizes compiladas bem como avaliação da utilidade das mesmas para este tipo de publicação. Esta etapa ocorreu mediante técnica de card sorting aplicada a 15 especialistas da área editorial. iv. Representação das diretrizes – os dados coletados no card sorting passaram por análises de escala multidimensional (MDS) e hierárquica de grupo (HCA), as quais possibilitaram representar as relações conceituais entre diretrizes e grupos mediante mapas de conceito e dendogramas. E v. Interpretação dos mapas e dendogramas resultantes. Esse processo resultou, posteriormente à realização de todas as etapas e onze iterações, em um conjunto de 60 diretrizes, avaliadas pelos especialistas, sistematizadas em quatro grupos temáticos. Esperase que o conjunto de diretrizes possa auxiliar designers e profissionais de editoras, e demais interessados, no projeto editorial de livros didáticos digitais interativos. / This exploratory and descriptive research aimed to propose a set of editorial design guidelines evaluated and hierarchized to project of interactive digital textbook for tablets with emphasis on textbooks with text volume. Therefore, the literature review addressed the main areas of Design involved in the subject matter, such as Interface, Interaction, and Editorial (printed and digital). The latter area is the focus of the research. To obtain and systematize the guidelines, we used as a methodological procedure the method of Concept Maps (TROCHIM, 1989) wich consists of five steps: i. Preparation of references - selection of 34 references of academic literature, websites/blogs publishers, designers, operating systems to submit editorial design guidelines both printed and digital. ii. Compilation of guidelines - initial listing of 1052 guidelines researched that after eight iterations of reduction, assemblage and groupings analyses, it was reduced to 78 written guidelines and systematized in five thematic groups. iii. Structuring guidelines – we raised information on conceptual similarity between the compiled guidelines and assess the utility of the same for this type of publication. This step occurred through card sorting technique applied to 15 experts of the editorial area. iv. Representation of the guidelines - the data collected in card sorting underwent analyses of multidimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical clusters (HCA), which made it possible to represent the conceptual relations between guidelines and groups by concept maps and dendograms. And v. Interpretation of maps and dendograms. This process finalized, following the completion of all stages and eleven iterations in a set of 60 guidelines evaluated by experts, systematized in four thematic groups. We expected that the set of guidelines will help designers and publishers professionals, and other interested parties on editorial design of interactive digital textbooks.
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Proposta de conjunto de diretrizes editoriais para o design de livro didático digital interativo para Tablet / Proposal of editorial guidelines set for interactive digital textbook for tablet

Possatti, Giovana Marzari January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, teve como objetivo propor um conjunto de diretrizes editoriais avaliadas e hierarquizadas para projeto de livro didático digital interativo para tablets com ênfase em livros com volume de texto. Para tanto, a revisão de literatura abordou as áreas principais de Design envolvidas no objeto em questão, tais como Interface, Interação, e Editorial (impresso e digital), sendo esta última, o foco da pesquisa. Para a obtenção e sistematização das diretrizes, empregou-se o método Mapas de Conceitos (TROCHIM, 1989) composto por cinco etapas: i. Preparação das referências – seleção de 34 referências da literatura acadêmica, sites/blogs de editoras, designers, sistemas operacionais que apresentassem diretrizes de design editorial tanto impresso quanto digital. ii. Compilação das diretrizes – listagem inicial de 1052 diretrizes pesquisadas que após oito iterações de análise de redução, aglutinação e agrupamentos, foi reduzida para 78 diretrizes redigidas e sistematizadas em cinco grupos temáticos. iii. Estruturação das diretrizes – foram levantadas informações sobre similaridade conceitual entre as diretrizes compiladas bem como avaliação da utilidade das mesmas para este tipo de publicação. Esta etapa ocorreu mediante técnica de card sorting aplicada a 15 especialistas da área editorial. iv. Representação das diretrizes – os dados coletados no card sorting passaram por análises de escala multidimensional (MDS) e hierárquica de grupo (HCA), as quais possibilitaram representar as relações conceituais entre diretrizes e grupos mediante mapas de conceito e dendogramas. E v. Interpretação dos mapas e dendogramas resultantes. Esse processo resultou, posteriormente à realização de todas as etapas e onze iterações, em um conjunto de 60 diretrizes, avaliadas pelos especialistas, sistematizadas em quatro grupos temáticos. Esperase que o conjunto de diretrizes possa auxiliar designers e profissionais de editoras, e demais interessados, no projeto editorial de livros didáticos digitais interativos. / This exploratory and descriptive research aimed to propose a set of editorial design guidelines evaluated and hierarchized to project of interactive digital textbook for tablets with emphasis on textbooks with text volume. Therefore, the literature review addressed the main areas of Design involved in the subject matter, such as Interface, Interaction, and Editorial (printed and digital). The latter area is the focus of the research. To obtain and systematize the guidelines, we used as a methodological procedure the method of Concept Maps (TROCHIM, 1989) wich consists of five steps: i. Preparation of references - selection of 34 references of academic literature, websites/blogs publishers, designers, operating systems to submit editorial design guidelines both printed and digital. ii. Compilation of guidelines - initial listing of 1052 guidelines researched that after eight iterations of reduction, assemblage and groupings analyses, it was reduced to 78 written guidelines and systematized in five thematic groups. iii. Structuring guidelines – we raised information on conceptual similarity between the compiled guidelines and assess the utility of the same for this type of publication. This step occurred through card sorting technique applied to 15 experts of the editorial area. iv. Representation of the guidelines - the data collected in card sorting underwent analyses of multidimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical clusters (HCA), which made it possible to represent the conceptual relations between guidelines and groups by concept maps and dendograms. And v. Interpretation of maps and dendograms. This process finalized, following the completion of all stages and eleven iterations in a set of 60 guidelines evaluated by experts, systematized in four thematic groups. We expected that the set of guidelines will help designers and publishers professionals, and other interested parties on editorial design of interactive digital textbooks.
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E-Books selbst gebaut

Pönisch, Jens 01 November 2010 (has links)
Aufbau und Arbeitsweise von E-Book-Lesegeräten. Erstellen eigener E-Books im EPUB-Format. Tools zur Anzeige und Konvertierung

Multimodal Enhancements and Distribution of DAISY-Books

Eberius, Wolfram, Haffner, Alexander January 2010 (has links)
An increasing demand for providing accessible content to widely differentiated target groups calls for a universal eBook standard combined with a flexible user interface. For this purpose, we enhanced the current DAISY standard to serve the blind and visually handicapped as well as deaf, hearing impaired, dyslexic and elderly users. In addition to supporting sign language videos and alternatives in simplified language, we introduced videos with media enrichments as a primary source. Additionally a personalizable web player, based on the Adobe Flex Framework, allows real-time streaming and local playback of original and newly developed multimedia DAISY books. Furthermore, the player supports multimodal input such as gesture and speech recognition to facilitate use by physically handicapped people.

Developing an eBook for First Responders: Exploring Arts-Based Interventions to Counter Burnout and Build Resilience

De Mesa, Taysia, Duncan, Baylor, Evans, Emmanuelle, Herbinger, Ashley, Kent, Hannah, Waldorf, Olivia 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The researchers in this project studied the prevalence and impact of burnout among first responders, after which they produced CRISP (Creative Resilience Initiatives for Service Providers), a groundbreaking art therapy-based program published in an electronic book format aimed at addressing burnout and fostering resilience among first responders. Our program aims to foster resilience by integrating art therapy's Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) model with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and anti-racism strategies. The ETC model aligns with inclusive and diverse practices as it emphasizes a system-focused approach in using creativity, self-reflection, and cultivation of effective body-mind empathy. The CRISP eBook features 18 arts-based activities, each accompanied by relevant psychoeducation and self-reflective questions. These activities engage first responders in kinesthetic, sensorial, perceptual, affective, cognitive, and symbolic components of information processing in the ETC, utilizing multifaceted creativity as a powerful tool for building resilience and countering burnout signs that can lead to depersonalized and biased practices in their work. Future studies are warranted to assess the efficacy of art interventions, such as those explored in the CRISP eBook, in addressing the unique stressors faced by first responders.
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Le Livre augmenté : de la remédiatisation à l'éditorialisation. / Enhanced ebook : from remediation to editorialization

Laborderie, Arnaud 04 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’examiner le concept de « livre augmenté » à partir d’une posture théorique articulée à une pratique de médiateur et d’éditeur multimédia exercée à la Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) pendant une vingtaine d’années. Notre recherche pose la question de la reconfiguration du livre dans l’espace numérique à travers les notions de remédiatisation et d’éditorialisation, c’est-à-dire du point de vue de l’évolution des formes médiatiques et des pratiques éditoriales. La conception de deux prototypes — le livre-application Candide réalisé à la BnF et le livre-web Odyssée réalisé à l’Université Paris-VIII — nous a permis d’interroger les frontières du livre et de formuler les concepts d’enrichissement et d’augmentation au regard de la clôture du livre. Nous défendons la thèse d’un objet-livre numérique nécessairement clos, enrichi par l’éditeur et le lecteur, augmenté par des extensions virtuelles sur le web ou en applications. L’expérience de lecture et la transmission des œuvres s’y trouvent renouvelées par des pratiques intermédiatiques et une nouvelle sensorialité des supports numériques. / This thesis proposes to examine the concept of "enhanced book" from a theoretical posture articulated to a practice of mediator and multimedia editor exercised at the French National Library (BnF) during twenty years. Our research raises the question of the reconfiguration of the book in the digital environment through the notions of remediation and editorialization, that is to say, from the point of view of the media forms and editorial practices evolution. The design of two prototypes — the Candide app-book carried out at the BnF and the Odyssey web-book conducted at the University of Paris VIII — enabled us to examine the boundaries of the book and formulate the concepts of enrichment and enhancement regarding to the enclosure of the book. We defend the thesis of a digital object-book necessarily closed, enriched by the editor and the reader, enhanced by virtual extensions on the web or in applications. The experience of reading and transmitting the works are renewed by intermediate practices and a new sensoriality of digital media.
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