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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Semantic Study of Ecclesia before 100 A.D.

Cline, Harold Edwin 01 January 1959 (has links)
In studying the background and origin of meaning for this word [ecclesia], this paper will seek to investigate the pagan, the Jewish, and the Christian literature in this order. Of couse, as the preliminary discussion has so far indicated, the primary weight and burden of study will be upond the Septugintal influence. The three stages to be developed are reminiscent of the comment of R.C. Trench in his opening comments concerning ecclesia. He named them as heathen, Jewish, and Christian. The development of these stages will be united and brought together to make some pertinent conclusions in the final chapter of this thesis. At all points, this study will seek to limit itself to this one Greek word, [ecclesia], and words which have a direct relationship with it, rather than dealing with the many images used by the New Testament and theology to understand and to explain the church.

Bedeutung der Herrlichkeit des Herrn für Ekk-Lesiologie und Gemeindebau : eine biblisch-theologiesche Untersuchung anhand exemplarischer Ekklesiologien des 20.JH. / The meaning of the glory of the lord in ecclesiology and the churchplanting/Churchgrowth : a biblical-Theologiccal examination of selected ecclesiologies of the 20th century

Brassel, Marianne 06 1900 (has links)
Christ has entrusted mysteries to his church which are essential for its life, teaching and mission and are to be explored in their meaning. One of it is “the glory of the Lord”. In a variety of ways the biblical testimony speaks of “the glory of the Lord”, which has revealed itself diversely and at all times. It has played a central role in God’s encounter with man in the Old and New covenant. God in his glory took his abode in the temple in order to establish worship. For this reason he let his glory become man in Jesus and let his glory live in man and in his church by his spirit up to its completion. The church has been called to the glory of God revealed in Christ. In spite of the broad biblical basis this term has played only a marginal role in many ecclesiologies until today. In present churches the glory of the Lord still remains an abstract term for many. It is not differentiated in any way or recognized in its meaning for the church. For this reason some of the most important ecclesiologies of the 20th century in German language are examined regarding the meaning and importance of the glory of the Lord. They are checked regarding its impact for ecclesiology and church-development. Its role will be compared with that in the bible. The conclusions are meant to be inspirations and impulses for ecclesiology and for church growth, for church life and community and for its mission in the world. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Le Synode pour l'Afrique, émergence d'un projet d'évangélisation

Muhindo Matiri, Benoît 07 May 2021 (has links)
Tenue à Rome du 10 avril au 8 m ai 1994, l’Assem blée spéciale pour l’Afrique du synode des évêques a été un m om ent favorable qui a perm is aux Pères synodaux de faire le bilan de l’œuvre évangélisatrice en Afrique au seuil du troisièm e millénaire. D ans ce présent travail, nous som m es revenus sur l’histoire récente de Pévangêlisation en Afrique et sur la dynamique qui avait conduit à la convocation et à la célébration d’une telle rencontre. Nous avons essayé de faire ressortir les enjeux, de dégager les m éthodes d’évangélisation et les « théologies » qui ont été développées au cours de cette période d’avant et après Vatican II. En situant par la suite l’essentiel de notre travail dans les grands débats qui ont entouré le Synode pour l’Afrique, notre deuxièm e préoccupation a été d’analyser 1 Exhortation apostolique post-synodale E cdesia in Africa. Nous avons pu faire ressortir les avancées et les reculs d’un tel docum ent par rapport aux autres docum ents du Synode. Enfin, nous avons essayer de préciser le projet qui émerge de l’Exhortation : ÉgliseFamille de Dieu. L’enjeu a été de montrer la pertinence d’un tel projet avant de proposer les bases théologiques qui le fonde et les orientations pratiques qu’il suscite.

Text utan kontext : en granskning av kyrkobeskrivningar utifrån forskning om antijudiska motiv i svenska kyrkobyggnader

Norrby, Malin January 2020 (has links)
This study has a threefold aim:  to make a theological contextualisation of four medieval anti-Jewish motifs in Christian iconography represented in churches in Sweden and to study how these motifs has been described and contextualised in guidebooks and other material written for the interested public from post-war to recent years. The study also explores the role of heritagisation and musealisation of the church buildings in relation to how the motifs are described in the material. There is also an underlying, constructive aim: to suggest how The Church of Sweden can work with these motifs in theological reflection and historical presentations to the public concerning this part of the cultural heritage. The motifs analysed are The Judensau, Ecclesia and Synagoga, Cain and a motif illustrating a medieval legend about the funeral of the Virgin Mary. They were all painted in Swedish churches in a time when there were no Jewish settlements in the area. The study argues that the iconography can be interpreted as an expression of othering and that the four motifs can all be theologically contextualised by using Jesper Svartvik’s threefold typology of Christian anti-Jewish discourse. The study further shows that very few of the texts in the guidebooks and other books in the material describes the motifs and contextualises them theologically.  The study suggests that this can be related to the more than hundred years old heritagisation- and musealisation process in The Church of Sweden which has created a twofold and split role of the church as both manager of the religious mission and of the cultural heritage.   It has not been the primary aim of the church to theologically contextualise the cultural heritage. New questions concerning the motifs arise in today’s multicultural and multireligious society. The study suggests that the church can approach the part of the cultural heritage which today is seen as problematic from David Lowenthal’s concept of an informed acceptance and tolerance of the past in order to be able to take responsibility for the future in dialogue with others.

Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - institut církevního práva v kontextu konfesního práva a pastorace / Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - Canon Law Institute in Context of Ecclesiastical Law and Pastoral Ministry

Man, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
1 Anotace / Annotation Jméno a p íjmení autora: Zden k Man Název diplomové práce: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - institut církevního práva v kontextu konfesního práva a pastorace Název práce v angli tin : Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - Canon Law Institute in context of State Ecclesiastical Law and Pastoral Ministry Katedra: pastorálních obor a právních v d Vedoucí diplom. práce: prof. JUDr. Antonín Ignác Hrdina, DrSc., O.Praem. Rok obhajoby: 2011 Po et stran: 170 Anotace Diplomová práce se zabývá institutem tzv. formálního úkonu odpadnutí od katolické církve (actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica), který byl jako zvláštní kanonický institut vložen do Kodexu kanonického práva (CIC) 1983 (kánony 1086 §1, 1117, 1124). Institut je zkoumán v kontextu existence konfesn -právního institutu "vystoupení z církve" ve sledovaných zemích (SRN, Rakousko, Švýcarsko) a také v kontextu souvisejících pastora ních otázek. Problém odpovídající kanonicko-právní reakce na "vystoupení z církve" však institut actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica vy ešit nepomohl, proto práce hodnotí jako pochopitelné, že byl církevním zákonodárcem s právní ú inností v roce 2010 zrušen. Annotation This thesis considers the institution of the formal act of defection from the Catholic...

Liebe und sein: die Agape als fundamentalontologische Kategorie / Love and existence : the Agape as fundamental ontological category

Knauber, Bernt Erwin 31 December 2003 (has links)
Text in German / From a Christian perspective, complete wellness is available for man. This fact is based on God's unconditional Agape-love bestowed on man in Jesus Christ. It is by this love that being is offered a perfect vision of eternal existence. The Bible clearly shows that even creation was brought forth by the very word in which the love of the creator manifested itself in a mighty way. All being is being in the love of God, apart from which it will cease to exist. It would therefore seem advisable to examine Agape as a basic ontological category, which is our intention in this treatise. Following the course of salvation history we shall demonstrate how the love of God is responsible for being in all its complexity, where the separate parts work together constructively, thus glorifying their creator. In this way we behold the order of being in Agape. We move our attention beyond salvation of the individual but rather focus on the community aspect of salvation, and thus demonstrate from a biblical point of view, the significance of the New Testament ecclesia as the spearhead of God's Kingdom. We will show that it is the intention of Agape to give a specific Christian character to the community of believers as a witness to a world which is lacking in love and therefore also without proper orientation in its being. Where the ecclesia has lost its trait of love, we advise an uncompromising return to a corrective gospel as designed by the creator for true being, keeping in mind the limits, which the church has been given as an existing body in this world. What must never leave our focus, however, is that we extend to each other the forgiveness of Christ as the core of God's love, thus holding on to the distinct difference between Christian and non-Christian being. We therefore also recommend to examine the denominational structure of Christianity whether it is in conflict with a being that carries the mark of God's love. We remind that Agape wants to cause unity in a concrete way - unity that cannot be brought about by any secular strategy, but only by the power of God. By reorganizing our personal as well as our ecclesiastical being, the love of God will also verify the truth of God completely. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Mission als Mediation : Vermittlung und soziale Transformation als Aufgabe der Kirche / Mission as mediation : mediation and social transformation as a task of christian church

Sebastian, Horst 07 1900 (has links)
Text in German / This thesis takes as a starting point the societal change in Germany with its concomitant economic risks for substantial parts of the population. Evangelical churches in Germany have yet to react to this change. While the relationship between social work and mission has been a point of widespread discussion within the evangelical movement internationally, it fails to have any impact on local churches. The question is thus: how can a mission-oriented church benefit from Christian social reform movements? Transformative as well as holistic understandings of mission have already yielded an enlarged vision of mission as encompassing social justice. But how about a missiological paradigm which is practically translatable into cultural and social relevance as far as the local church’s vision for becoming an agent of societal change/reform is concerned? When interpreted missiologically, mediation can be such a useful paradigm, as its essence is conflict as a constant anthropological signifier of human/divine distance on the one side and God’s purpose of redemption as reflected in the church’s mission on the other. Thus mediation could be called a category of the missio dei. This practical implementation into the church’s work as being relevant for its community is reached by reverting to the sciences of social work, namely the concept of community development. As mediative community work, this approach will add to the profile of a mission-oriented church as determined to serve a holistic vision of the gospel. At the focus is thus the immediate social environment of a local church, in which it can trigger spiritual, personal, social, cultural and economic processes of transformation. In the social context of Germany this way of expressing the missiological drive of a local church seems to be a hopeful avenue, since the social and economic risks are likely to remain and are threatening a large percentage of the population with social marginalisation. It is here that the economy of community work will be furnishing useful aspects to help a mission-oriented church develop its mediative-communal thrust into its immediate social context in order to proclaim God’s redemptive purpose. / Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Beobachtung des gesellschaftlichen Wandels in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland samt seiner sozialen und ökonomischen Risiken für weite Teile der Bevölkerung. Eine Antwort auf diesen Transformationsprozess ist seitens der evangelikalen Kirchen in Deutschland ausgeblieben. Die Frage nach der Verhältnisbestimmung zwischen sozialer Arbeit und Mission ist in der evangelikalen Bewegung zwar international breit diskutiert worden, doch hat sie kaum Wirkung auf die Praxis der örtlichen Gemeinden in Deutschland gezeigt. Bearbeitet wird daher die Fragestellung, wie eine missionarisch orientierte Gemeinde in ihrem Sendungsauftrag Initiativen christlicher Sozialreformen umsetzen kann. Transformative und ganzheitliche Missionskonzepte haben bereits ein erweitertes Missionsverständnis hervorgebracht, welches die soziale Gerechtigkeit als missionarischen Auftrag mit einschließt. Die Frage stellt sich nun nach einem missionstheologischen Paradigma, welches praktisch in eine kultur- und gesellschaftsrelevante Tätigkeit einer missionalen Gemeinde umgesetzt werden kann, durch die sie zu einem Träger einer christlich geprägten Sozialreform wird. Das Paradigma, das hierfür erarbeitet und missionstheologisch gedeutet wird, ist das der Mediation. Sie offenbart in ihrem Wesen zum einen den Konflikt als anthropologische Konstante und somit die Distanz zu Gott und zum anderen die Heilsabsicht Gottes, die sich im Missionsauftrag an die Gemeinde widerspiegelt. So stellt sich die Mediation als Kategorie der missio dei dar. Die konkrete Umsetzung dieses Paradigmas in eine die Gesellschaft gestaltende Arbeit gelingt durch die Hinzuziehung des Arbeitsprinzips der Gemeinwesenarbeit aus der Sozialarbeitswissenschaft. In Form einer mediativ-gemeinwesenorientierten Arbeit gibt sie einer missional ausgerichteten Gemeinde die Möglichkeit ihren Sendungsauftrag mit einem umfassenden Heilsverständnis umzusetzen. Dabei steht der unmittelbare Sozialraum der lokalen Kirchengemeinde im Fokus des Interesses, in dem geistliche, persönliche, soziale kulturelle und ökonomische transformative Prozesse eingeleitet werden können. Bezugnehmend auf den Kontext der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erweist sich diese Art den Sendungsauftrag umzusetzen als hoffnungsträchtig, da die sozialen und ökonomischen Risiken in Zukunft weiter bestehen werden und ein nicht unerheblicher Teil der Bevölkerung bereits als sozial ausgegrenzt ist. Hier gibt insbesondere die Gemeinwesenökonomie Anhaltspunkte, wie eine mediativ-gemeinwesenorientierte missionale Gemeinde in ihrem Sozialraum den Heilswillen Gottes verkündigen kann. / Christian Spirituality,Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Liebe und sein: die Agape als fundamentalontologische Kategorie / Love and existence : the Agape as fundamental ontological category

Knauber, Bernt Erwin 31 December 2003 (has links)
Text in German / From a Christian perspective, complete wellness is available for man. This fact is based on God's unconditional Agape-love bestowed on man in Jesus Christ. It is by this love that being is offered a perfect vision of eternal existence. The Bible clearly shows that even creation was brought forth by the very word in which the love of the creator manifested itself in a mighty way. All being is being in the love of God, apart from which it will cease to exist. It would therefore seem advisable to examine Agape as a basic ontological category, which is our intention in this treatise. Following the course of salvation history we shall demonstrate how the love of God is responsible for being in all its complexity, where the separate parts work together constructively, thus glorifying their creator. In this way we behold the order of being in Agape. We move our attention beyond salvation of the individual but rather focus on the community aspect of salvation, and thus demonstrate from a biblical point of view, the significance of the New Testament ecclesia as the spearhead of God's Kingdom. We will show that it is the intention of Agape to give a specific Christian character to the community of believers as a witness to a world which is lacking in love and therefore also without proper orientation in its being. Where the ecclesia has lost its trait of love, we advise an uncompromising return to a corrective gospel as designed by the creator for true being, keeping in mind the limits, which the church has been given as an existing body in this world. What must never leave our focus, however, is that we extend to each other the forgiveness of Christ as the core of God's love, thus holding on to the distinct difference between Christian and non-Christian being. We therefore also recommend to examine the denominational structure of Christianity whether it is in conflict with a being that carries the mark of God's love. We remind that Agape wants to cause unity in a concrete way - unity that cannot be brought about by any secular strategy, but only by the power of God. By reorganizing our personal as well as our ecclesiastical being, the love of God will also verify the truth of God completely. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Mission als Mediation : Vermittlung und soziale Transformation als Aufgabe der Kirche / Mission as mediation : mediation and social transformation as a task of christian church

Sebastian, Horst 07 1900 (has links)
Text in German / This thesis takes as a starting point the societal change in Germany with its concomitant economic risks for substantial parts of the population. Evangelical churches in Germany have yet to react to this change. While the relationship between social work and mission has been a point of widespread discussion within the evangelical movement internationally, it fails to have any impact on local churches. The question is thus: how can a mission-oriented church benefit from Christian social reform movements? Transformative as well as holistic understandings of mission have already yielded an enlarged vision of mission as encompassing social justice. But how about a missiological paradigm which is practically translatable into cultural and social relevance as far as the local church’s vision for becoming an agent of societal change/reform is concerned? When interpreted missiologically, mediation can be such a useful paradigm, as its essence is conflict as a constant anthropological signifier of human/divine distance on the one side and God’s purpose of redemption as reflected in the church’s mission on the other. Thus mediation could be called a category of the missio dei. This practical implementation into the church’s work as being relevant for its community is reached by reverting to the sciences of social work, namely the concept of community development. As mediative community work, this approach will add to the profile of a mission-oriented church as determined to serve a holistic vision of the gospel. At the focus is thus the immediate social environment of a local church, in which it can trigger spiritual, personal, social, cultural and economic processes of transformation. In the social context of Germany this way of expressing the missiological drive of a local church seems to be a hopeful avenue, since the social and economic risks are likely to remain and are threatening a large percentage of the population with social marginalisation. It is here that the economy of community work will be furnishing useful aspects to help a mission-oriented church develop its mediative-communal thrust into its immediate social context in order to proclaim God’s redemptive purpose. / Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Beobachtung des gesellschaftlichen Wandels in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland samt seiner sozialen und ökonomischen Risiken für weite Teile der Bevölkerung. Eine Antwort auf diesen Transformationsprozess ist seitens der evangelikalen Kirchen in Deutschland ausgeblieben. Die Frage nach der Verhältnisbestimmung zwischen sozialer Arbeit und Mission ist in der evangelikalen Bewegung zwar international breit diskutiert worden, doch hat sie kaum Wirkung auf die Praxis der örtlichen Gemeinden in Deutschland gezeigt. Bearbeitet wird daher die Fragestellung, wie eine missionarisch orientierte Gemeinde in ihrem Sendungsauftrag Initiativen christlicher Sozialreformen umsetzen kann. Transformative und ganzheitliche Missionskonzepte haben bereits ein erweitertes Missionsverständnis hervorgebracht, welches die soziale Gerechtigkeit als missionarischen Auftrag mit einschließt. Die Frage stellt sich nun nach einem missionstheologischen Paradigma, welches praktisch in eine kultur- und gesellschaftsrelevante Tätigkeit einer missionalen Gemeinde umgesetzt werden kann, durch die sie zu einem Träger einer christlich geprägten Sozialreform wird. Das Paradigma, das hierfür erarbeitet und missionstheologisch gedeutet wird, ist das der Mediation. Sie offenbart in ihrem Wesen zum einen den Konflikt als anthropologische Konstante und somit die Distanz zu Gott und zum anderen die Heilsabsicht Gottes, die sich im Missionsauftrag an die Gemeinde widerspiegelt. So stellt sich die Mediation als Kategorie der missio dei dar. Die konkrete Umsetzung dieses Paradigmas in eine die Gesellschaft gestaltende Arbeit gelingt durch die Hinzuziehung des Arbeitsprinzips der Gemeinwesenarbeit aus der Sozialarbeitswissenschaft. In Form einer mediativ-gemeinwesenorientierten Arbeit gibt sie einer missional ausgerichteten Gemeinde die Möglichkeit ihren Sendungsauftrag mit einem umfassenden Heilsverständnis umzusetzen. Dabei steht der unmittelbare Sozialraum der lokalen Kirchengemeinde im Fokus des Interesses, in dem geistliche, persönliche, soziale kulturelle und ökonomische transformative Prozesse eingeleitet werden können. Bezugnehmend auf den Kontext der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erweist sich diese Art den Sendungsauftrag umzusetzen als hoffnungsträchtig, da die sozialen und ökonomischen Risiken in Zukunft weiter bestehen werden und ein nicht unerheblicher Teil der Bevölkerung bereits als sozial ausgegrenzt ist. Hier gibt insbesondere die Gemeinwesenökonomie Anhaltspunkte, wie eine mediativ-gemeinwesenorientierte missionale Gemeinde in ihrem Sozialraum den Heilswillen Gottes verkündigen kann. / Christian Spirituality,Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

The evaluation of Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa in relation to the three marks of the church : discipline in the Southern Synod

Pitikoe, Jurie Billy 02 1900 (has links)
Christian life today has been influenced by countless influences from the external world. Although these external factors have a significant bearing on the church of Christ, the greatest challenge however manifests itself from within the latter. Where the core doctrine of the church constitutes issues of theological and Christian importance, they seem to slowly dissipate and the practices of the secular world seem to take ownership of the church of Christ. The Reformed church has within its confines the three marks of the church whose sole purpose is to ensure that the church of God remains and continues to be the true church of Christ. These Three Marks are: (a) the proclamation of the Word; (b) the correct administration of the sacraments, and (c) the correct exercise of discipline. Among the three marks, discipline acts as a catalyst that enables the survival and proper continuance of the other two marks and thus the true church of Christ. These Three Marks prescribe the basic fundamentals of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA) as a Reformed Church and thereby serve as a primary tool for this church. Discipline, therefore, forms an intrinsic part of this church. However, as a controlling mechanism, its influence and/or instillation appears to be neglected. This quagmire may very well be attested to the overemphasis of democracy (of/or relating to majority rule doctrine) in preference to theocracy (God as the ultimate authority in our lives), where even matters of high religious stature are being compacted to human decision-making processes. These influences needless to say are key in the regression and/or progression of Christian life and life in general. However, their inclusion within the Christian doctrine should not be cumbersome to the latter. The Christian way of life and doctrines should be holistically adhered to without fear or favour. The main purpose behind the formation of these marks by the Reformed church was to sustain the true church of Christ and the only way to ensure this sustainability, was to be consistent in exercising these marks. The church therefore has an obligation towards God and its members to be consistent in carrying out its mandate from God through the scriptures as the creator and father of the church and the world at large. The premonition that forms the basis of this research is that within the three prevalent marks of the church, there appears to be certain discrepancies in that they are not all carried out in unison and are not consistent with each other. With the over-emphasis of one above the other, the church of God could be heading towards vanity, and all its efforts could be fruitless. It is also my conviction that the starting point for rolling out these three marks lie with the leadership of the church by the General Synod, Regional Synods, Presbyteries, Ministers and their church councils. If found that any of these key adherents are not protagonists of these marks, then they would have neglected their God-entrusted responsibilities and their accountability towards the entire community of believers. It is in this regard that this research seeks to implement a litmus test of where the URCSA stands in terms of executing its mandate with relation to the three marks of the church viz; proclaiming the word, administering the sacraments and more importantly, exercising exercising discipline as these marks form the sinew that binds the entire church together. The church of Christ as an entity is engaged in service, which is not to be haphazard in nature, but must be structured. This service begins with serving God, serving one another and finally serving the world at large. This will ensure that the church of God maintains its holiness. For this holiness to be ensured, the church of God has to be open to discernment and allow God take charge of His church. Such uncertainties can be verified only by looking into discipline as the sinew that brings these three marks together. The reason for this approach is that, the first two marks are prescriptive with more parameters than discipline has, whereas discipline can be easily influenced. It is to the benefit of this task that much attention be given to discipline as the last mark of the three, as it is prone to abuse, because it relies mainly on human behaviour, attitude and/or approach to the Christian life. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to outline the possible disintegration of discipline as the sinew that binds the three marks of the Reformed Church in general and URCSA in particular within the Southern Synod. important to note that discipline in the lower strata of the church is carried out religiously without question. The notion that prompted this topic is that contrarily, those who occupy the highest echelons of the church (leadership in the church, ministers and evangelists) do not appear to be enjoying the same reception regarding discipline. The challenge that faces the URCSA is how to maintain equal treatment of the three marks of the true church in a democratic society in the light of the service of God, one another and the world. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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